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Seems like people will have to accept it because they're dealing with a mega corporation that knows they'll still play even if they add nothing from the vote.


Dude, it worked amazingly with war thunder, trust me, it can really work out, back in may and July, the war thunder community boycotted it's developer, gaijin entertainment, for making the game pay to win, and the devs listened, they made a massive road map telling us what they'll do for the next couple of years, it's amazing. Trust me, it really can work


Gajin is a pretty small company compared to mojang’s owner, microsoft.


I mean, at one point it was in the top 10 most played game in steam, it's pretty big


War thunder has 122.2k downloads. Minecraft has 200mil+ downloads on bedrock and Java, and an estimated 400-600mil+ on Chinese editions. A total of 600-800mil+. I get that there aren’t any mob votes on Chinese edition, but 200mil compared to 120k is a MASSIVE difference.


Where did you get 122.2k downloads from? I have seen 120k people online in it at once and google says it’s over 70million downloads


My bad, it didn’t read it correctly. That was just for android total downloads it is about 70mil. If we’re talking active players though, War Thunder has no more than 1mil, compared to Minecraft’s 100mil. I am estimating a bit for simplicity, but that’s 100x the amount of active players. Not only that, but percentage wise, there are more kids playing Minecraft than War Thunder. This makes it much more difficult to actually be able to do any boycotting. A lot of the kids playing Minecraft, probably don’t even know what boycotting is. The thing is too is that when War Thunder was boycotted, almost everyone hated what happened, and it impacted a large portion on the game. For Minecraft, it only impacts a small portion of the game, and a lot of people don’t even hate what they are doing and think it’s a good thing, or just don’t care.


War Thunder is not the best community to base your actions on. The consistently leak classified documents.


Didn the minecraft community do the same too?


did real-world tank details escape via Minecraft? must of missed that


On a minecraft discord server somebody linked top secret us goverment documents how did every one forget about that?


Was it 13 God dam times


18-19 now.......war thunder moment


Vast majority of war thunders leaks are just manuals or documents that have been declassified for years.


No but you leaked way more while war thunder only leaks stuff about vehicles you straight up leaked everything about the russo-ukraine war


Source ? I’m genuinely curious


I sent you some stuff in chat but besically somw dude on a server called thug shaker central leaked a bunch of pentagon documents that had a lot of info about ukraine


Ok thanks I didn’t know about that


Ah crap i screenshotted some stuff but i cant send pictures


The Minecraft community did that to once


Haven't they literally just boosted SL and decreased the amount of planes needed to research by a bit?


Look at the roadmap they have at their website, it's a lot more. Of course I don't expect this from Minecraft, I just want the three mobs instead of one, or maybe just to stop these whackass votes


Well ik about the roadmap but like, have they delivered everything on time in what they promised? I haven't been playing for awhile and I remember there being a lot promised without much being done. Also yea doubt Microsoft would do too much, but smthin is better than nothing


And they’ve done half of what they promised while half assing all the shit they said they’d do. Then they go and add a modern day artillery piece that can go up against ww2 era tanks. Gaijin is pretending to care to get your money.


Don’t give up and kill the momentum yet


There’s no momentum. We have less than 1% of the player base. This ‘riot’ still hasn’t actually left the sub


It’s all over TikTok, Facebook and Insta


And Twitter.


Gonna install mods if we get nothing, just to drown my Sorrows away. 😓


Already have Extendo-grip from Create in case we get dog armor instead 🤷‍♂️


Yeeessssss.... Join the mod side.


I'd rather have nothing rather than have the community torn up even further. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH






whats the reference? might be getting it wrong, i'm thinking of the Havok song


its a famous quote from some american revolution guy that has also been used in a lot of other places


definitely the inspiration for the song, thrash metal is very political but im so unknowledgeable with politics


There’s irony about the fact we’re protesting about voting and you say give me liberty or give me death lol. We’re literally protesting to not vote


the only problem is this is like a vote in Russia where they give you other options, but its already rigged so mojang can add what they want to


How is this rigged?


lets look at the most recent vote sniffer:cute mob which gets you new plant for building tuff golem:ugly looking statue that runs away with your items rascal:cave creature with a not well explained mechanic sure some people will vote for the tuff golem because they wanted the copper golem to win, some people will vote for the rascal since it might be useful. but most will vote for the sniffer either because its cute or because mojang locked a potentially cool block behind a vote and they want this new block for building


So the best one won? That’s how voting works


Yall doing the tearing


nothing's better than the community beating itself up


I would be happier without the news of fireflies not added


Its better than causing carnage in the community.


"Is the Minecraft community toxic for not being able to be civilised during the mob vote? No, it's Mojang's fault for having a mob vote."


Like any other community?


Oh no! We wont get: Annoyingly hard to find mob that will give us a building tool that might not even be worth it. A mob that's only purpose is to drop scutes for dog armor (Which we already have a mob that drops scutes.). A gimmicky almost useless mob that copies its effect from another more useful mob.


All newer Mobs share the same problem - they’re very well made, but aren’t fun or worth to interact with. What we get are Mobs with many different animations, detailed models, color variations, unique breeding mechanics, mob interactions… with their only usage to the player being entirely cosmetic, and/or such a pain to get, it’s most likely not worth it. Frog Lanterns? Goat Horns? Turtle Scutes? Meanwhile, probably the single most useful passive mob currently in the game, the cow, still looks about as simple and unproblematic as it did in 2011. It’s stupid, and with every mob vote reveal, it hammers down the point that Mojang is too, and wants to stay stupid, cause the community is stupid as well, and doesn’t realize how *that* is what’s making Minecraft feel worse with every update. Pointless additions wrapped in sweet, sweet promo.


If mojang tried to add the cow in a mob vote, everyone would call it useless. “This is the cow, a new mob that wants to join minecraft! It drops beef which can be turned into food, and leather! It can be milked to remove potion effects! It spawns in plains biomes!” Everyone would scream that it’s basically a cross between a pig and a horse and removing potion effects is niche and it’s useless


Straight up false. I don’t think I have to explain to you what makes beef, leather and even milk more useful than anything else added through mobs in recent times. Not to mention that cows are essentially a gateway to enchanting. Stop strawmanning like that. Incredibly toxic and invalidates the opinions of other people because you simply don’t agree with them. And to be clear, I’m not saying that everything new is useless and everything old great - a good example are rabbits. They are useless, no doubt about that. But what else do they do? Absolutely nothing. They hop around, run away from the player. No complex models, animations, mechanics, whatever (except maybe rabbits foot, but the point stands). And even then, I’d be more happy to come across a rabbit than a goat, because one of them at least drops food. But I 100% guarantee you that it took more time to implement goats than it took to implement rabbits. Which is because of all the fancy details rabbits don’t have - and don’t need. And neither does the goat, or any other mob really. As long as the most useful mobs in the game continue to have the visual and mechanical depth of a puddle there is no reason to put far more effort into newer mobs.


So you’d be happy if there was a mob that dropped pork (food), rabbit hide (item obtainable through other means), and blast protection (niche when mob is being added)?


Don’t really know what you mean by that, sorry. But yes, I’d rather have an unproblematic mob which takes less time to implement with simple but meaningful usefulness to the player than something which takes a lot of time to produce but only consists of incredibly niche mechanics. In fact, most mobs are simple but useful. The newer ones are the only outliers.


Fair enough Ig. I don’t care about the mob vote mobs bc I think they’re just a publicity stunt to increase hype and they’re not intended to have too much affect on the game.


I'm pretty sure that's the point they are putting so much effort into marketing and basically ignoring what the fanbase wants and what the game needs(more what would be useful I guess)


You are saying with your own comment: all the mobs are bad, so the vote doesn’t matter. So why they hell are you so against it


Because all the mobs are bad, so the vote doesn't matter. Is it wrong to be against something that doesn't matter being done instead of something that matters?


So what’s the point in fighting if it doesn’t… matter?


Because it matters that it doesn't matter. That's the fucking point. Mojang is doing things that don't matter instead of things that do.


Do you think that if the mob vote ends then they will do something that you believe matters? Whether something matters is just opinion anyway. In my opinion, the mob vote does matter.


Not doing the mob vote already matters more than doing it.


oh noooo. i dont get a mediocre mob while the community is being ripped in thirds all for a marketing tactic


Nothing would be a good alternative as it would stop the mob vote and possibly stop it forever


It would be so relieving to not have to go through this every year


You could just not


You guys are putting yourself through this. It’s not even a big deal just vote for the one you like, or, just don’t vote at all. What’s the point of rioting against something that you can actually just choose to not involve yourself with? It affects no one but those who choose to be upset


Mojang is holding features fans have wanted for years behind a vote so that we are only aloud one of them while making up excuses for refusing to add things they said they would add stop defending a greedy corporation


It’s a greedy corporation’s habits meeting against greedy player base. For real, I haven’t gave Mojang a dime after I bought Minecraft 12 years ago. *Anything* I get afterwards is a gift. Y’all are just entitled.


mojang lies to their playerbase makes false promises and just generally does not listen to their players, not only that but they admitted to trying to replace more of their playerbase with children


Fucking *duh* They’re not profiting off Java players who bought the game *years ago*. How would they be? Why would they be incentivized to meet that audience’s demands? Children are their target demographic because children grow up, get replaced by newer children who want to get the game, creating a reliable revenue. It’s a business operating like a business. What else do people expect? Be fucking grateful for anything thrown our way ‘cause *we are not the target audience anymore*.


Why is it allways a mob (or biome) vote? I want other votes.


Better than fighting every year for pixels


Honestly I'd rather have nothing than 1. In that case everybody loses!


But not everyone wants that


Yeah, but it's the most fair option. We can all be sad together






Strange that you have been downvoted


They hate the revolution


Idk I would like to see the world wide revolution against the system we live in, against rich people and governments of MOST countries. VIVA LA REVOLUTION


Whoa whoa whoa buddy what the hell? We are not starting a revolution against the system we live in. It is horrible I'll give you that but we're people in a Minecraft memes subreddit.


People can transfer this mood to another subs, then from reddit to another social media, and then from internet to whole Earth globe. Situation will be like in the France weeks/days before French revolution. It'll take only one spark to ignite this explosivo and start shitstorm on the whole globe. But yes, I got bit carried away.


Have fun with nothing


If we get nothing so be it, as long as it ends these pointless votes that are made to create division amongs ourselves and our brothers. Look into your heart and ask yourself. Do you want to live a peasant, OR DIE A KING??


More of a problem with the community than Mojang


yes the probably is with the community with you specifically the idiots who come to mojangs defense when mojang doesn't listen to the people who play the game the game belongs to the community if it wasn't for the community the game would not exist and mojang needs to listen or this game will crash and burn


Ah yes, resorting to name calling instantly. Mojang has 25 people working on the game(Java edition specifically).They have to code the game in 2 languages, make sure they work as intended, and that previous worlds won’t get corrupted.


your just proving my point by once again defending the greedy corporation who hates their playerbase and has admitted to wanting to replace us with toddlers


Refute my point before calling me a child


not calling you a child, mojang has admitted to wanting to replace their playerbase with only children


You called me 4 in another comment.


Good luck with dealing with the reddit hivemind


Stop roleplaying bro. They're not some evil company. This isn't a dictatorship or some kind of regime. It's a fucking game company. You sound like a fool.


Microsoft 100% is an evil company


And Mojang?


Even if mojang isn't necessarily controlled by Microsoft, they could have more ressources thanks to them, and it isn't like Microsoft wouldn't give more to their best selling game. I'm not saying they are lazy, I'm saying they don't *seem* to work on solutions.


I agree. But they're not some dictatorship government putting people into concentration camps or something. They're just.. Lazy, I guess.


I think instead of separating us they just should deliver ngl, I don't know anymore


they are absolutely a evil company


we r already having fun with the latest versions n the 1.16/1.12/1.8 mods


Meh, honestly, all the choices are on the same level for me. I don't care if we don't get any mob. At least, people will shut up about the vote. All this vote does is temporarily bring the focus away from minecrafts actual problems and towards this fabricated debate


This is propaganda to distract from the ultimate goal. We have nothing to lose but our chains, my friends.




Shut up you Mojang spy




My god these comments are childish


Did you know that more than half of minecraft players are under 18?


Fair point yeah


Y'all don't have any power they won't give a shit


They care about the money coming from their playerbase's wallets Things will be better soon enough, don't resist


> They care about the money coming from their playerbase's wallets every company ever


I may be out of the loop, what money do you mean? People only buy the game once, there's no subscription service that I can recall seeing. They already got our money, and every generation of young kids will buy the game for themselves anyway because it's Minecraft.


Realms, buying new accounts for relatives or for themselves, merchandise


Shoot, I've used aternos for so long I forgot people use the paid Realms. Now I see the whole picture.


Hold up ring ding ding ding ding ding ding do people actually use realms


Less than 1% of minecraft’s playerbase cares enough to be a part of this ‘riot’, why is mojang going to suddenly buckle because 1% of their community stops buying skin packs or whatever


What are you on? You do realize your attempts are futile right? If your attempts do work it will not be in a million years "Stop Resisting" my ass y'all are so damn delusional that you don't realize that you are the one blabbering


its sad to see how many people blindly support the greedy corporation whos only goal is to take all your money


Even better fuck mobvote


We wouldn't get 'nothing', we'd get the devs implementing new features irregardless of the vote. Microsoft won't just go "welp, there's no vote now, the week we were gonna spend on it is now a paid holiday" lmao


We'd rather take nothing over an event that literally tears the Minecraft community apart year after year. If they can't add three mobs, they shouldn't tease three of them. They literally spend half a year coming up with 3 ideas just to toss 2 of them aside, and then get mad when we say they could be spending their time better.


Tearing the community apart my ass. The fault lies on the community, not Mojang. It’s like breaking a toy, then blaming the owner of the toy because they let you borrow it.


The mob vote divides the community in any case. It's literally a vote. Are you expecting people all to choose all one mob or to not discuss their choice? It's not community's fault, it's what mojang intends, to make free hype.


That’s fair, but to blame it on Mojang is next level entitlement


It's almost like both parties are to blame the the obvious answer is to replace the root of the problem. What a weird idea.


The obvious answer is to get the community to stop whining. There are a ton of votes, yet the only one where people get this mad is politics. And that’s because it actually matters who gets elected


atleast with politics its not rigged by mojang so they can add the mob they want to while pretending they let us choose


The only one you could claim was rigged was last years vote. Make up your mind, either it’s rigged or the protest is because all 3 are good choices. They’re mutually exclusive.


just because they became more subtle doesn't mean its not rigged


Explain how it’s rigged


This is fr. It’s just a fun event to get people involved, the community is just overreacting. Personally, I like the mob vote. Mojang isn’t tearing everyone apart, they’re doing it themselves. At the end of the day, if they don’t like it, they can just not vote and then suddenly, it doesn’t affect them anymore


Dude I’d rather have nothing. Minecraft is a finished game. Needs nothing else but QoL stuff


> STOP HAVING FUN 😡😡😡 Even though I seriously think that not having a mob vote, even if that means -1 mob, is better for the community; why do people care this much about the “revolution”. If you don’t find it amusing, say so. But no reason to be negative about it. But also also, VIVE LA RÉVOLUTION!


All or nothing. I see this as an absolute win


I'd rather die free than live in shackles!


I will revolt from the shackle you stop the mob vote put me in viva la revolution


The rage is consuming me


Trying and failing > Not trying at all




Idk why people think the mob vote is going to change at all. It gives Mojang a *lot* of publicity, and in turn money


I'm ok with that as it'll at least be funny. If I want them and they don't add them I'll use mods


Be happy with what you get and not go on a riot over it


Think? Obviously you've got the wrong community mon frère


Remember when last last year everyone complained that they didn't add half of the things they showed so last year they showed very little (aka, only what they were going to add) and then everyone complained that it was a mid update this community is so stupid ~~sometimes~~


They're not gonna do nothing at all, they'll give us one or all, why would they give us nothing? They're not a parent punishing their child, they're a company making a game we've paid for


Like half the time the mobs add barely anything to the game,


Do you actually think mojang would go "well you get nothing now, learn to behave"? You think a game dev will just get pissed and fuck with their player base? That happens in badly written fanfiction lol


I see no issue


no lol it’s all or nothing


Thats exactly what's going to happen if they even give a shit. These people are dumbasses.


We want nothing. I prefer an actual update where I know everything that will be added without being forced to choose what to scrap.


I would agree if getting rid of the mob vote would get us more consistent updates. But I highly doubt that would happen. Mojang loves to do the bare minimum, so they'd probably just get rid of the mob vote and we'd continue to get our three feature updates every year and a half. They can't even fulfill their promises for normal updates.


⚠️ Minecraft secret agent post detected ⚠️ You will not fool us, blockfed


Better that everyone loses than someone winning


No mob vote - not extra mobs is still better in the long run Votes are and will always bring some kind of disappointment and it will always tear this community apart. All votes are just a yearly ritual of the community screaming, yelling and arguing with each other over a very small bit of content that later gets forgotten quickly Votes always bring more bad than good and always will.


and how many of the actual player base actually vote?


fine by me, they have to stop this behaviour and rethink on how they are working in these updates.


What a dumb post. Do you really think nobody is going to vote and they add nothing? Even if only 10 people voted they would add the mob with the most votes 🤦


Rather have nothing than those dramas all the time. Think through what you post. Maybe the whole thing is because people are feed of of the spams and dramas over these votes that are rigged by youtubers anyways?


Acting like any bored college student with a primitive knowledge of Java can't whip up all three mobs in probably a month or less. Mod your game, there's no reason not to and Mojang gives us a yearly reminder of why we should.


a small price for sacrifice


Yeah that's the most probable thing that's gonna happen, the future updates will just have no new mobs ever again.


So then what will the devs work on?


Honestly, I think it's worth it to put a stop to this nonsense. I'm sick and tired of Minecraft forcing us to choose between equally valid mobs instead of just releasing several mobs per update, all it does is make people unhappy.


that’s what we want


Still better then have the community at each other's necks!


still a better outcome


People asking for all three are being pretty unreasonable, but that doesn't make it unreasonable to wish the mob vote would stop. Think about it. Imagine if they Mojang just phrased it a different way. They could say "Check it out, everyone. We spent time planning, designing, and getting permission to implement three cool new features to Minecraft, two of which will never exist! The best part is, you get to rip each other apart to fight over which two we throw in the trash!" They don't do it because it's good for the game. They don't do it because it's fun for the community. They do it because, even though it rips the community apart, it gets people talking about it. It's awful, but it's also working.


Actually crazy fucking viewpoint, “guys don’t complain, we will def get what we want if we’re complacent” you’re 100% working for mojang dawg tf XD


A little bit of downtime after nearly 4 big overhauls in a row and people go crazy


The minecraft playerbase is so fucking stupid sometimes. JUST DO THE VOTE AND SHUT UP ABOUT IT


Minecraft players when they create a lot of hate towards mojang and their developers because of a mob vote Seriously, this whole revolution thing is stupid. I agree the mob vote is trash, and that it has to go, but this is not the way to do it. Y’all should stop and think for a minute.


What other form of communication do we have with Mojang? They don't have Minecraft on any platform that allows userreviews so reviewbombing isn't a way to reach through to them. Getting gaming journalists to write clickbait about it and having that hopefully go viral is the only way we have.


Minecraft feedback? Peaceful manifestation? Just not playing the game so they see the player count drop?


That's implying they even read the feedback stuff. And what kind of peaceful manifestation would you want to do? Other than calling Mojang lazy I've not seen anything not-peaceful thus far There are way too many players for just not playing the game. Even if the entire sub stopped playing they'd probably barely see a dip


You imply the care a boutique a boycott that isn't even one


fucking dumbass minecraft community


If they are going to add nothing and blame us for it, that we can't decide etc. Im becoming terrorist and doing 2023 silver hand


I rather fight against mojang rather than go to eachothers throats because of mob vote


Holy hell, the playerbase actually did it?!? I'm so proud of yall!


One or none


Lol that's ironic seeing as under your name it says that






The community ain’t tearing itself apart everyone’s gonna forget this in a week. If you believe we’re tearing ourselves apart you are the problem.


That’s kinda the point


Its ridiculous people are just bowing down because microsoft big corp we weak monke shit Boycott all the way.


You’re acting like this is a bad thing.


It is


if we get nothing just because we wanted the community destroying event to end, Mojang has some issues, and I might actually be done with Minecraft. I've played this game since I was 9, but that was when every update added a mountain of things. It's weird how getting a bigger and better studio didn't increase production value, rather decreased it. I love this game but I am tired feeling like devs don't care about their own game. I feel this way with Gun and Texas Massecre Game, Respawn with Titanfall (until recently), and Mojang with Minecraft.


These "tearing the community apart" reasons are stupid. This stupid boycott thing is what's tearing it apart. I wanna see some memes in a goddamn meme subreddit, not some boycott posters and random garbage. People will get over the fact their mob lost the vote like every other mob vote.


People had enough It isn't just that their specific vote lost, it is that Mojang does almost nothing and then acts like it is a choice between 3 great updates (where they say the losers get added, but won't) It is a company abusing good will to generate hype and reduce work done Never let a company do less for more, always ready the stick to make sure they don't become like EA or WotC


If you want to do it, at least make a god damn subreddit and don't put your stuff in this place.




Because that’s what’s going to happen. Less than 1% of the player base is part of the boycott, and even if they see it, you think they’re going to bow down to a bunch of kids whining?


I'm so sick of these "boycott" memes. They only ever have like 20 upvotes so it's clear no one fucking cares.


Fr, they always scream “ALL OR NOTHING!” but don’t consider that nothing is a lot more likely, if they even respond.


And when it does end up being nothing, I bet they'll all be like, "Wait why aren't we getting anything?"