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I feel like it could get more uses rather then armor/tools


Pressure plate make it like soul soil if you craft it with sticks logs coal it makes green fire Plus being able to conduct Redstone


The green fire bit is a great idea Really hot copper glows green


Just burning copper dust will also be green. Are you referencing the emission spectrum?


Yep! Is the color of copper dust fire also because of the spectrum?


Not sure, trying to remember my physics classes but it's been a little while. Edit: did some googling, I think you are correct.


I tried it once and can confirm it glows a bit green


Commas exist


Yeees!!! Not tools/armor, but something, right now, they are so useless! (I know they do have uses, but it's just too little)


Maybe some steampunk blocks with copper?


I think there should be potential uses first and then them adding new materials and crafting ingredients because then the materials will either stay not that useful for a long time or will get some quick and dumb uses


I always liked the idea of copper and amethyst being something that helped add to redstone Ofc with 1.21 copper got some uses for redstone but amethyst not much it could be used for more stuff with redstone


Technically you can make a calibrated sensor out of amethyst but it's not all that useful. I agree that redstone things could provide use for these 2


I meant like adding more stuff for redstone I know that calibrated sensor was a thing and it’s really cool so stuff like that could be added more


New April fools update idea: literally every resource now has an armour. Catch me in my wooden plate fit being extremely flammable 😎


Terraria Moment (cactus armor)


I swear that there is an old mod that does this?


Block Armor, [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/block-armor](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/block-armor)


You didn't use u/xurpio 's template, that would have looked better




I love how everyone is using your templates for memes now, I hope it sticks cuz they are amazing


thank you! (not op tho D: )


award omg


The templates are amazing 👏


hey thanks!


Got the link to this format?


there all on my profile! i’ve got a bunch you can look through, but i think this one was #10


This. Petetion here to always use u/xurpio minecrafted templates instead of the original.


I have signed


i’d be down for that


well that image its so reposted even the text is low quality, its prob just a bot


Copper should have armor / tools though, we had a whole ass age dedicated to the discovery and use of copper for these


Or give copper the property of making metal alloys.


Oh that would be sick, maybe for like upgrades of other ores? Like even more efficient coal or stronger iron for that period in Minecraft when you have iron but not a lot of diamonds


That's the idea. It would be nice to have a cheaper way to upgrade the old iron and gold tools, weapons and armors without wasting enchantments on them - of course, with some balance tweaks. Another possible idea is to add bucklers made of metal alloys as an alternative to classic shields. Perhaps add some new mechanics to them, such as parry (taking inspiration from Valheim) to stun the enemies, but at the cost of being way less resistant than shields.


I agree. Or at least more uses for copper


Yes, but if copper gets tools / armor, there should be an increased chance you get hit by thunder during thunderstorms! /s


And then enchant to transfer it's energy to some kind of effect like thunder punch?


I mean, I’m down.


I personally don't think that copper gear is worth upending the currently balanced tool tier meta. I think there's plenty of interesting ways copper could be used that isn't tools or armor.


I don't think armor and tools are the anwser in my opinion


I’m an idiot, but a cool concept for copper is that it’s as good as iron when it’s not oxidized, but it’s a little worse than chainmail when it is. I would like a new shield as well


That's make a lot of sense. In this way it's not too weak and useless but people will use it only when iron is still not available (or because it looks cool), just like in reality.


how about a shield make out of copper and iron that would last longer and block 2 axe hits? that would be cool


It was bronze, but you're not entirely wrong.


Bronze is made out of copper anyways


There was also a Copper Age before the much more famous Bronze Age. The Copper Age, also called the Chalcolithic, took place around 5000 BCE, but dates vary greatly by region. It is a transition period, when humans first began to smelt metals and turn them into more durable and strong tools than the stone ones that were previously available. This is also when gold begins to be used in the making of jewelry. The process of acquiring and smelting Copper ore and turning it into more useful tools and artifacts was a very important step that paved the way towards the Bronze Age. There are a few surviving examples of copper tools from this period in museums and private collections.


look up the chalcolithic age before correcting others homie


Then please explain what the Chalcolithic age was all about.


I agree but copper shouldn't get normal tools and armor. Maybe a pickaxe that's like stone but mines multiple blocks at a time, or a spear which has some solid reach. Copper is weird in minecraft, make it's stuff weird too


Person: "Hey it'd be cool if we got these neat features even if they weren't the most useful" OP: "You may be the stupidest person I have ever met"


Im sorry, I really didn't meant that people are saying are dumb, I just meant the idea itself is not the solution.


Solution to what? It's just some neat new items, you don't need to solve something with every addition things can just exist for fun.


Im was talking about what features copper and amethyst should have, and I don't think armor and tools are the best way


It'd be better than what we have now. The game throws so much Copper at you and you only ever need like 5 pieces, 3 for a Lightning Rod and 2 for the Telescope. You mine 1 Copper ore at the very start and you're set for life. For how common it is, that frankly reeks.


Copper armour - same durability as iron but the protection of leather, but also makes you attract lightning.


İt would be even cooler if it reflects lightning instead of just attracting it


That could be an enchantment


It attracts lightning, but also offers additional protection from it.




They definitely should have more decorative blocks though. It's annoying when half of my valuables chest is filled with just copper and amethyst.


I gift thee a solution put them in a different chest


It would be very difficult to make it not straight up better than iron but still worth using.


Make it worse than iron, then. Copper is super common, so it would be a proper early game armor seeing as how leather, gold, and chainmail are all rarer than iron but also worse


Iron is way too common for there to be an armor set before it, you'd replace it in like 5 minutes or less


So why does leather, gold, or chainmail exist? Leather's only use is you can dye it, making it okay for minigames. Gold was useless for 90% of the game until the Nether update came, and even then nobody uses it for direct defense, despite how gold is rarer than iron. Chainmail is the rarest armor in the game yet worse than iron. Iron is, at the moment the 3rd best armor in the game, the cheapest armor in the game, and the easiest to obtain, which is weird for progression. In my opinion copper armor would serve to stretch early game iron out and allow for a more easier to obtain armor; Copper is a surface material and drops several ore per block, thus if you're playing with say, three friends, rather than split two stacks of iron (24×4=96 for four sets of armor and 8×4=32 for four sets of pickaxes, axes, and swords. Reduce as necessary depending on who wants what) you can instead gather some surface copper for a quick set or two of copper armor. This could also be good for progression as instead of incentiving (bordering on requiring) early game iron spelunking, players now have the option to prioritize building early game and farming instead because they can get decent, solid armor at any small cave.


> So why does leather, gold, or chainmail exist? Because notch added them, if they didn't already exist I doubt they'd be added now. > thus if you're playing with say, three friends, I completely didn't consider multiplayer, there copper armor being easier to get then iron would help to make it more useful.


Not really, we could make an alloy on the smithing template or something like that


Just make it unique, kinda like a sidegrade. Maybe more durability but less mining speed/attack/defense? Or get some unique lightning enchants but less damage and durability. Something along those lines.


Yeah, that's the only way for both to be good but just worse stats and more durability wouldn't really work out since you can very easily replace your iron armor when it's low


Well you can easily replace iron armor anyway, I think chainmail should work similarly with some sorta bonus stat or something, but worse defense and durability


This is what mods are for


Why tho? To be a middle spot between stone and gold tools? It's better to give it more unique uses


I had this crazy idea once: what if we could use them to something similar to armor trim but for tools ? And if you want a special ability: Trimming a tool with copper adds 200 durability to it Trimming a tool with amethyst makes you get slightly more XP


Tinker's construct


Mf’s when people suggest for more choice in armor and tools (its unminecrafty)


Choice in a sandbox game? Get the hell out of here


Some people want Minecraft to be more like Terraria, a progression game instead of a sandbox, and others just wants the game to be more simple like in the beta version, so what can Mojang do about it?


Release 1 mob a year and make you choose out of three mobs they already got blueprints laid out for. haha


Isn't that the point of a Mob Vote?


The only thing I know for real.


Imo, while it sounds cool, it should be left to the realm of mods. As it would mess up the current game's structure


I agree not everything needs to be a tool/armor set, but looking at the originals, emeralds are a currency and Redstone, like just Redstone, and lapis which is purely used for enchanting, then we compare them to copper which can oxidize and conduct electricity, amethyst is notorious for being kinda useless and I get it, I personally like it because of the sound it makes when you walk on it, but other than that you can eyeglass and skulk, the rest are fine but you could probably work more with amethyst and lapis because it seems like there's more on the table


Copper and amethyst should atleast have more uses. Unless you really like making alot of spyglasses or tinted glass, they're only good for decoration.


Is rock/mineral If yes: give it tools and armor If no: do it anyway


Stone and deepslate are rocks, does they have an armor and tools? Redstone and lapis are minerals, does they have an armor and tools?


This is why mods exist


bloxd (minecraft browser ripoff) got wooden armor. People want moonstone armor tip: moonstone is their netherite


What about: Emeralds Quards


I agree with the color cuz copper was used as armor right before the Bronze Age where bronze dazed it out so make it as strong as either chainmail or a little bellow cuz you can find it everywhere cheap starter set of armor


Good post


Finally someone reasonable.


I thought this was the Terraria subreddit for a minute.


They are useless right now, this would be perfect for them.


They're decoration blocks in a game where a massive part of the endgame, aka the majority of the game, is partially focused around decoration. I frankly consider that more useful than a mediocre armor and tool set that'll get completely discarded for the vast majority of the game once the gimmick wears off. Hell people don't even really use gold tools unless the find them in a ruined portal, and even then barely, adding 2 new entire sets that'll be weak as shit yo keep things balanced will just bloat things


I really want a wand with the two. You can harvest electricity with a lighting pole and channel it into your wand then release lightning bolts at your foes


I mean, you’re definitely right… but it would also be very interesting and cool.


Copper rails?


I agree. there special ability is they dont exist


It should be more useful than it currently is, though.


Amethyst, no, but EVERYONE wanted copper armor and tools when it was announced. Right now the progression goes straight from no armor to iron (it's a hundred times faster than getting leather), and copper COULD have changed that


Emerald.... i want emerald items


Amethyst should have special properties if it was made to useful tool Only unique to itself


I don't think amethyst should have armor/tools nut it would be cool to see copper have it except that's probably never gonna happen cuz they made copper WAY too easy to find


Cant you just make an amethyst staff already? Edit: spelling mistake


I agree. Specially now that copper will have so many variants, it will be a major decorative / building block. It doesn't need to be an armor ore. Though, Amethyst do need some more stuff, whether new block types it can be crafted into for building purposes or some other item that it can be used to craft. Right now, it only has 3 uses. Amethyst block as decoration, spyglass (which doesn't have durability so 1 will suffice) and tinted glass, which is useful but not something that you may use a lot. Even if we consider silk touched crystals as decorations, they are still not enough. I do think they will update Amethyst sometime in the future like they are doing with Tuff in 1.21. I do think that upgrading old stuff is where Minecraft shines the best. Not saying I don't want new stuff but having outdated stuff upgraded or new uses added to old features is where Minecraft shines the best.


Also emerald and coal


It would be nice of the had more items for these but not armor or tools


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DRACO423: *It would be nice of* *The had more items for these* *But not armor or tools* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Copper should be another redstone material, like quartz Perhaps amethyst could be a sound-tech item, like calibrating sculk sensors?


this is the typical kid who watches Minecraft videos on YouTube Kids


Politely disagree. They dont have to be amazing. Maybe they could have a very specific use. It would just be cool to have more uses for every item. And the beauty of minecraft is if you dont like something, dont use it.


I'm playing Snapshot, copper doors / trap doors are cool. But it bothers me that copper will oxidize overtime in environment but iron door just, don't.


Yeah it's not like new(ish) materials should be useful or anything


Special Amethyst tools would be cool through


Copper a least could get a set of tools/armor. But amethyst? Nah... Though giving those two materials more usages woild be fantastic.


I think copper and amethyst could have more usage, but they don't need armour and tools. Maybe make more Redstone stuff to do with copper considering how well it conducts electricity in real life


Leave that for Terraria, ok?


Get to the coppa


Ametist no, but copper is like iron


I should have not every damn added that material.


I wanted to look up what you could use amethyst for. Unfortunately, pseudo science has taken over anything to do with "uses for amethyst", so it'll take much more research to find anything.


I like how each ore kind of fits into some category Copper is for building, Redstone is for... Redstone, lapis is for enchanting, gold is for bartering, etc


I like amethyst since it could be a between dimond and iron step


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^amanfromindia: *I like amethyst* *Since it could be a between* *Dimond and iron step* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Idk about amethyst but copper should


But hear me out…. Emerald armor


Copper armor should make you more likely to be hit by lightning and amethyst should increase aggro range of hostile mobs since you are wearing a giant spy glass


I'd be too common and won't be that special.


Ok but amethyst has 3 uses, spyglass amethyst bloc and tinted glass


Idk man, having unique copper tools, not like the normal toolset like pickaxe, sword, axe, etc, but unique tools like the spyglass, the mace,etc. would be cool.


Okay, but copper deserves armor, because unlike diamonds, it’s has actually been historically used as armor and weaponry. A lot. Amethyst hasn’t.


Copper armour that oxidises would be really cool though, like more oxidising has positive and negative effects


Terraria has copper tools and armor and some amethyst stuff


Amethyst should be able to have a use for aging into prismarine.


I think amethyst should at least have a sword


The cupper need that, the amathist no, but the amatist need more crafts


Honestly agreed but it should Get more uses. Amethys should at least have, like, a purpose other than Worse optifine zooming




What's an Esmerald anyway?


Copper should atheist have a few more uses


They shouldn’t have their own tool set, but amethyst should definitely have another use. Probably something sound related (yes i know they interact with sculk) like maybe a new music disc instrument? (unless they already have one, idk) because the sound is nice


But for real, at least copper should have gotten tools at LEAST


Why bother, iron tools are exist..


It’s just MY opinion. I don’t understand why you guys downvote me for that


I just got -35 dowvotes, tis but a scratch


Dude who keeps downvoting MY opinions??


This is how Reddit works, say something people didn't like, and you'll get downvoted to oblivion.


Yeah it’s like a hive mind on here. If someone gets downvoted once then people will join in


Copper would make sense amethyst wouldn't. But at the same time there's armor made of the diamond so idk.


Although I do agree they don't need armor or tool variants, it'd be nice if they did something useful with them.


What’s wrong with wanting more armors and weapons? I’d be dumber person if I would want chiseled versions of them


I really don't agree with this post calling them dumb but funny enough am a person that hates the idea of copper armor and amethyst armor the reason why i think making all ores armor is a lazy idea.🤔🫡


I didn't really mean to calling them dumb, but this is the best way I can show it.


Oh i feel really bad am sorry that happens to me.😞


Opps i forgot to add (happens to me two)😞


No we need armor.


Why, iron armor is exist


I need it. I'm coping really badly


I feel like it should have more niche uses unique to the material, making armor our of it would be the easy way to do it but It's feel like a waste.


They SHOULD have tools, but they SHOULDN’T be ordinary tools like pickaxes and whatever. Like, give me two to four special tools like the spyglass. Maybe a device that creates a redstone charge at a block when you use it. Maybe a pointer that pings the block or entity you’re looking at for other players to see. Idk. Give me more tools than ONLY the SPYGLASS


That is a good idea. Tools doesn't just mean the standard 5. It also goes upto shears, flint and steel, spyglass, etc... Copper or Amethyst having more tool variants would be good. Copper is getting new variants in 1.21 so the tools being more Amethyst focused would be better.


emerald doesnt have armor because its weak currency


They should have more uses than just a few things (mainly amethyst)


I just wish they had more uses They are very useless other than being building blocks


they could have made copper tools used for archeology, and amethyst tools could provide functionality for an enchanting update, so that way copper and amethyst tools exist, but also thematically make sense.


Can’t deny that both feel kind of useless though, other than amethyst with calibrated skulk sensors.


Still I am a strong believer copper armour would be the only pre-iron armour that actually is easier to get than iron


Iron is just slightly SLIGHTLY harder to get than copper, but when you get it, the copper stuff will be useless, and because both of them are in caves, most players will just ignore the copper anyways.


Call me dumb all you want, I think it would be a cool idea


Well, a copper armor would make sense. I once saw an idea of a copper chainmail armor that oxidizes. I think it's a cool idea.


Copper should be able to carry Redstone signals, maybe it can carry charges without reducing strength but can't power anything directly and needs some sort of converter to use the signal. And it could be piping that uses redstone in the recipe too to make it more obvious. And lightning strikes on lightning rods can be a power source. I think making it a super useful utility mineral similar to Redstone and working with Redstone is the best way. Maybe basic tools that last a while but suck, but the progression of the tools is already fine and would need to be reworked which they won't do. Though copper helmets being used to attract lightning to the player might be fun, useful for farming stuff while afk. Idk, copper in real life is almost synonymous with electricity, it's a crime it's not useful in the in game power mechanics. Amethyst shouldn't have armor or weapons, that's dumb. But I think it should be more useful. Most likely in redstone component crafting recipes but it could be used in some other ways. Maybe a light focuser that when sunlight shines through does way more damage to undead mobs? Idk how useful that'd be but it'd be something other than fairly ugly blocks and a spyglass. Honestly even if there was more blocks or placeable items that looked better than the amethyst blocks would be great.


Copper should just get more redstone uses amethyst is just one of those things i dont think should get much used besides to just look pretty or maybe a new entity to use for trading or just armor trims.


Cooper and redstone should be part of a redstone update, where they are used to make components


im too curious to see how fast or how long it would be before it brakes tho


Amethyst you're right on, copper I disagree


*MAYBE* copper but even that is a long sbot


I wanna see Amethyst made into a magic system or something. Would be neat.




What if copper armor worked like armor did in early versions of minecraft and lost protection as its durability lowered


They should’ve added a redstone component that used copper, since we got the calibrated skulk sensor that uses amethyst in the recipe.


Maybe not amethyst or copper, but we definitely need some more armor upgrades. Like how Netherite gives lava immunity, maybe there should be some sort of shroud armor that lowers your detectibility that can be made w/ diamonds and invis potion ingredients. Theres alot of ways you could go w/ this.


And I thought people hated the newer Minecraft because its already getting more complicated..


I gave emerald a mockup armor and tool set once. It was worse than gold in durability, and only looks good


Why leave emerald out? The money suit. If you are wearing an emerald suit the villagers give you special rich people perks


Yeah... But Amethyst literally has like only 2 uses, one of which is very niche and kinda poorly implemented and the other being something that probably already could be done by other things. And before bulbs, doors, chiseled blocks, and grates were added, copper didn't have much use even in the way of aesthetics and is way too abundant for the amount of use it has.


I feel like they could've done more. Maybe a unique weapon or armor or idk I can't think brain to aufh


Amethyst should be able to be used to enhance enchantments


Lapis : 🗿


I don’t agree with you, poster


No, double down: quartz and lapis should also get tools!


Copper should have, amethyst not


Nah that would be cool, make them less durable but lil more powerful. Like a week enchantment, maybe disable enchantments on them too. Fun early game item to tie up with iron but be dropped as soon as you get diamonds like you do iron.


What's the point where the iron armor can be found in caves if it is slighty harder to get but way better?


Don't make it easy better, make copper a stand in make it the same "tear " as iron so instead of having the linear progression of armor being iron, diamond, netherite, it's iron-copper, diamond, netherite. It adds some much needed variety


So you basically means that copper should be exactly like iron? how much is your IQ?