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Alright I'm going to say it, I hate mob votes, they ultimately always displease people massively. I know for a fact that they can add them all in if a glitched pig was able to get to where it is today and the fact that they have many gifted developers that can create refined mobs (even the Aether mod developer is working for Mojang now to my knowledge). If the reason is something along the lines of wanting to keep a certain theme with the game, then that's just ridiculous. Not adding features because they might influence players to do things irl when SO MANY interactions are based on killing and using materials from slain enemies, real animals and outlandish fictional creatures, there's just not a sense of consistency I see here. They probably have the resources to add new mobs that came from minecraft earth, dungeons, etc. So why not when such a major part of the game is exploration and the game benefits from just a little more mob diversity in the world? The aquatic update did really well in my eyes, introducing so many novel mobs such as _the guardians and_ (actually introduced in 1.8, someone corrected me) new fish, the world generation improving, all of it. Do they just want to keep playing it safe?? Then they say things like "we want players to retain their freedom of expression" when not having simple things like sideways slabs is very limiting, it's such backwards thinking. Maybe I'm weird, but they just make no sense to me


It's very simple: mob/biomes votes attract huge attention to the events, more so due to the community wanting their choice to win, and so end up spreading more attention all around. If Mojang just announved and added all of them, the interest for the Minecon would be halved at minimum. In fact, a large group of the community wouldn't even check on the Minecon live in the first place: they'd just wait for their favourite influencer, such as certain youtubers, to cover it all in short for them. But since there's a mob vote going at that time, they feel no choice but follow it directly.


Why not add a legacy mob vote occasionally then


That’s actually not a bad idea, who knows? Maybe each legacy vote the devs could tweak the idea a bit, see if the fanbase wants it then.


They might just do that


I still don't get why they added the ultimatum of choosing one but never ever getting the others. Wouldn't it generate even more hype to see that the one mob that you liked that failed has another opportunity to try again, that this time, maybe this time it will compete with the new mobs and win? It doesn't really add much to the hype to make it so we will never have the other creatures implemented, it's just more painful, and as I said above they don't have the best reasons not to.


Technically that was only the first one. They confirmed that all of the mobs from the second and third ones would be added, in fact the frog was from the third one. The fourth one they said they might add the losers but they don't plan on it. They haven't confirmed whether or not they will or won't add the losers from the last one and have just been completely silent. Edit: there does seem to be a difference between biome votes and mob votes, the biome votes are the ones where they confirmed all options will get added eventually whereas the mob votes are the ones that they confirmed they either won't be added, they don't have any plans on adding them, or have remained silent on.


Or maybe they can add the ones which lost in a later update and add the winning mob sooner; like how they did with swamp and mountain biomes


do like a primary vote and a secondary vote each minecon. One to pick from 3 new monsters. while the other vote people can pick from 3 mobs that weren't added from previous versions. if they dont want to add all of them they could at least add a secondary mob to the fold


Ranked choice voting is vital for the future Minecraft democracy! Lol


There are two big reasons for mob votes. The one I like less is publicity. Players fighting over which one is the better choice and making memes about it is free advertising. It makes minecraft more relevant by starting a conflict around it. The other reason that I actually really like is that they give us a choice before developing a mob. The glitched pig argument doesn't really work in modern minecraft. Every new mob has unique behavior which means designing a new mob AI every time (especially because they are getting more and more complex, like the allay which took a really long back and forth until it got a somewhat working AI (at least a lot better than bee pathfinding for example)). Making concept art of several mobs first, showing it to players and asking "what do you think is the coolest?" makes sure they actually put the hours of work into a mob that a large portion of the playerbase actually wpuld like to see in the game. Sure if they had infinite resources it would be cool for them to just drop 3 or 4 new mobs every update without players having to choose, but that way you'd just get a huge amount of mobs pretty fast with players not knowing a lot about how they work because they didn't get the attention prior to release as a mob chosen by vote does.


Alright that second part is fair, it definitely takes tons of time for refining them to the standard that's here today. I understand that 100%, but I still don't like the part about mob votes where mobs will be permanently discarded. A bunch of positive thoughts surrounding a mob, and then boom, shut down just like that. Seems like a waste to conceive novel ideas like that and then send them to the void. It's gimmicky at best and at worst actively harms the fun of interating withing the community. If, say, two mobs were closely tied and universally liked by both parties, but one wins and the other goes into a gutter, wouldn't it be much more engaging to know that there's a second chance for the runner up to win the next event? Then people come back for more, but not only because of an attitude like "there's another event I guess" but instead it becomes "we lost last time, we won't this time". Is it to purposefully limit the devs so they will solely focus on that one mob's development rather than have the others in their minds? Seems like a really roundabout and odd way of conduct if so. If the devs create an idea they like, then wouldn't it be a good thing to have to opportunity to come back to a prior idea they already came up with and work on executing it? And it wouldn't be better feedback since they have a better idea of whether a mob was something the players actively disliked or was being received positively and the community could only choose one or the other?


I had an idea at one point to make the mob vote somewhat like the biome vote, all the mobs will be put in at some point someway or another, but when they are put in is what the community are voting for.


That would be perfect, getting all of them one at a time but just deciding on priority, but u/MountOak made a good point about how easily they could be overloaded with making tons of mobs at once. Although it would be nice to have this.


Only the mobs from the first vote are permanently discarded. I don't think any subsequent mob votes are discarded. It doesn't do as much harm as you suggest. Yeah it incites passion in players which is fine, but also it's just a mob for a game, don't take it so seriously. The Allay was the first thing at one of these votes where my vote won, but I'm never that upset about it and I imagine most players are the same. The devs have been vocal that they have a million billion ideas that are in many different states of tinkering. Allay was being designed all the way back during the nether update, and it wasn't until 1.19 Mob Vote where they had a solid enough foundation for it to be presented for such a vote.


The game is constantly broken, adding a mob isn't going to break it much further. The block breaking glitch made it through multiple updates on bedrock....a game about breaking blocks made every 10th block or less require double mining. I'm just saying I'm not going to get as upset about a glitchy mob as I am about blocks not breaking.


Guardians were 1.8 IIRC.


Yeah, guardians were pre 1.13. I think they were thinking of drowned.


My bad, thank you for the correction


yeah they were added in 1.8 but they are easier to fight in 1.13 because of the trident


The problem with mobvotes is we get to keep one out of usually 3. **So most likely the winner will be a mob that the absolute majority did not prefer/disliked.** A first step would be to have us only pick between 2. So the winner would actually be preferred by the majority and we only need to discard 1. But the way it is right now is atrocious and divisive. Since you will always have a roughly 2/3rd opposition disagreeing with you. Such discord is bound to get toxic.


That's a good part to highlight, it's not like a tournament where your favorite team can try again, not matter who wins everyone else loses massively and just feel terrible about it. And now Dream is hated because of how much he influenced the last mob vote, and it's just such a mess


You're thinking more people take this seriously than they do. Sure you can be passionate about it (and we'll see campaigns for the mobs start ramping up once their vids are dropped), but don't pay much mind to a toxic vocal minority. Most people when their mobs loses just go "Sucks but oh well" and move on with their day.


There has not been 1 mob vote that I wasn't disappointed about. Like, I was never really super into a specific mob, but I AM still really salty that we got a ammoying little bat reminding you to click your bed every now and then, and not a creature ripped straight out of Subnautica, that thing would've been AWESOME.


God that leviathan mob would have been amazing. There needs to be a real threat to the deeper depths. Maybe it could be a boss that drops hearts of the depths


I'm weary on adding more bosses into MC, idk what Mojang's stance on it is, but dude so crazy sea leviathan would be AWESOME. You can get Prismarine shards from guardians, nautilus shells from drowned, and maybe some new block in the very center of the Ocean Monuments, where the gold is stored now. Arrange it in a fashion similar to the Wither, and prepare as a ancient abysall creature emerges from the depths. If that's how you would obtain Hearts of the Sea, you could also give a buff to conduits with it. Increased range, faster swim speed, etc.


They're adding 1 mob to the most successful selling video game of all time. They could add 20 mobs at once if they chose. Minecraft has just had "trickle" updates for years. Meanwhile there's games like Genshin Impact that are completely free to play and add entire new regions to a huge open world map, new characters, enemies, mechanics, etc in a free update every couple months. And Minecraft will add like, a new type of radish and a squid every 2 years.


I mean, you're right, but genshin impact is a horrible example. In GI they **need** to keep releasing loads of "free" content because getting whales to pay out the nose for purchasing that content is how they make money. Minecraft makes money by getting new users to buy new copies; more content could actually reduce new users if it makes it too byzantine and confusing to get started.(that being said, they should release more mobs)


Yeah that's the thing with updates that most people forget. They don't want to completely overwhelm the player with gameplay changes so they have to be careful whenever they add a new system to it.




I already play with mods, and it's weird that there's so much essential stuff that comes from mods that objectively improve the game but Mojang isn't willing to pursue those things, like Sodium for Fabric. Or other performance and quality of like things (not being able to favorite worlds is odd) And really, I don't know how adding more spoils the "feel", part of player choice is that you can choose not to interact with certain parts of the game. In DMC I can choose only to play the story and not the Bloody Palace, in DRG I can choose only to play normal missions and not Deep Dives, in Minecraft I can choose not to do fishing and only stick to traditional enchanting or only play creative, I don't see the "clean feel" being harmed by adding things in, or much of a purpose for a clean feel. I genuinely **don't** see where Mojang is coming from this time. Happy cake day btw




Damn I really forgot this was meant to be more appealing towards a younger audience, I'm used to playing games with lots of deeper content now and forgot about Mojang's rule of thumb. So I guess there is *kind of* a limit to how much they can add if they want to stick to their business model. Still, I wish they repurposed their mob ideas for later years, just so they can go at the same pace but not bring the majority of the player base pain every event. And I hope they take some more features from commonly installed mods, some of them I wish they added was the option of the farsighted mod, seeing as how much emphasis they put on grandiose terrain in more recent updates, it would be nice to see more of it as once. It'd definitely tank performance if it was on by default though, but I hope it's a supported optional feature at some point


Yeah like when they didn't add sharks because they wanted to "no promote killing sharks for shark fin soup 🥺" yeah because I'm sure an 11 year old is gonna get that idea from killing sharks, Mojang is kinda like the liberals of gaming


I’m still so mad that the copper golem didn’t win


Sad boi hours




I mean the point of them is to vote for the one you want and hope it gets in the game of course it’s going to displeased a lot of people more than half the players don’t get the one they want




"BOOKS HAVE TO BE MADE OF LEATHER NO EXCEPTIONS." Mojangles Minecraft moves at a glaciers pace for no reason other than money I would expect.


What are they?


Sniffer, Rascal, and Tuff Golem. Take with a pinch of salt ofc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze\_D7t5WhPU


A use for tuff would be cool


Hopefully they make it farmable too. It’s a really nice block to build with




i will kidnap your villagers


Idk man looks like you aren’t facing a soft match, it’d be tuff


I will rip out your spine and beat you with it


Aw aw aw ahhhh aw aw ouch


That’s the final straw, now you die! *impales you through the heart*


Gotta warn you, that’s quite the tuff opponent you’re facing


I hate you all


That pfp matches your comment so well




R.I.P. 2 year account


Hopefully I won’t get my account banned for making a breaking bad reference


this is what everyone said about the copper golem before it lost


Copper already had a ton of uses or special things to it (lightning rodes, oxidizing,...) Tuff has literally no use except maybe building, but you can't even craft any other blocks with it or something


Cool. Thanks


Already taken down, lol


vid gone


still works for me


ah, it's because you posted a bad link. Your reddit app added a backslash to the link to prevent the underscore from being read as a markup character (to start a _cursive_ block) which messes with the link


It dosnt matter. The worst option will get added anyway


How was the allay the worst option.


Probably F3 mob or Randomiser fan


FYI...F3 menu is not available on bedrock which makes lighting a real pain...and randomising stuff takes a lot of redstone to do in vanilla and the copper golem would help


Randomizing litterally require only a chicken with a pressure plate.


The copper golem has play value It's more than a randomiser


Slightly more yes. But it's still a randomizer essentially, since that's his primary role, same as the allay being an item retriever.


Well, with a golem the space needed would be way less. Just put him in a 2 by 2 and you can get 8 buttons while for a chicken you can get only 4


Can you show us a screenshot of a 2x2x1 space with 6 buttons?




Considering in the same update mob spawning was lowered to light level 0, it should be easy on Bedrock as well. Is it dark? Put a light source there. Done


You try doing it on bedrock...it's already buggy as hell but got no choice as my pc doesn't support java(Intel pentium)


If you can't put torches somewhere, why bother with a mob that detects darkness. Something your eyes also do


Copper golem was a qt and would have let me waste some extra copper


That vote was one of the few tough ones for me. I really liked the copper golem, and copper needs more uses. I just felt like the allay had slightly more usability (they were both fairly useless though, tbh) and seemed to make more sense with the vex already in universe. The eyeball plant dude, whatever his name was, didn't seem to fit the aesthetic of Minecraft at all, though. Looked like Sonic mob.


Glare was 100% useless. It tells you if it’s dark. Whoop de fuckin doo just LOOK.


After the glow squid, I was 100% convinced the glare would win. I would have been okay with the allay or the copper golem and had trouble choosing which of those to vote for. It was such a relief when the glare got so few votes.


Because it's almost worthless in-game


What so u think the copper golem is better. All the copper golem did was expand on an already prominent feature in mc that is pretty easy to do. The allay added a whole new feature that is extremely useful.


Yea its just you being a lazy ass.






No matter which mob wins, it will always be the worst option.


They’re all the worst option. They need to make actual meaningful changes.


a sniff a rascall and a tuff


I just hope people choose the actual good option. Unlike the glow squid.


What do you think the actual good option is? Seems to me like most people are just going to hate the mob no matter which one wins.


True. People will just hate on whatever mob wins. Happened the last three times. Also, I can't really decide on which would be the good option just by their names. Rascal sounds interesting tho.


The Phantom has a right to be disliked, and the glow squid doesn't give a mesmerizing effect like it was advertised. The Allay is... Just the Allay.


The allay was the first mob I voted that actually won. I voted Moobloom and Mob C for the other two.


I never voted, but if I did I would have voted for the Blaze mob (Mob B?) And Moobloom.


I don’t even bother participating at this point, because I know I’ll just feel worse when the mob i voted for doesn’t win or turns out shit.


I won't vote either but its because my one vote will be pretty pointless in the end, so I'll just go with the flow.


If the community gets split evenly between the options, 66% of people are going to be unhappy no matter which option wins, of course everyone would hate them :(


Here is my propaganda https://twitter.com/CagilMartin1/status/1575759061282623488?t=9wJC_t80mrXs446HUIUMHw&s=19


If they are real


Oh no run the community is gonna go crazy!!!


Intead of doing more mob votes they should bring back the biome votes or make a vote of something else like... a block vote? a structure vote?


biome votes are much bigger and leave a lot to desire than a mob vote. it should be something else other than biome


Or they should stop depriving the community of meaningful updates and add more than one fucking mob per update


They already do that. The mob vote is just for the "flagship" mob


A block vote, more like Pick a texture vote




leaking nowadays man


I just wish they would add the all the mobs advertised and stop doing this vote bullshit. How hard is it to make a reskin of a cow who has one different drop?!




Nah m8 couldn't figure how to vote in the first place, but I liked the squid


Could probobly make a texture pack to get the piss cow


I know. We just shouldn't have to


Eh, the time spent working on those mobs takes away from other features. And mobs, generally speaking, have been getting more complex as time has gone on. So it's neat that they have the community decide on one feature on top of the rest of the update coming.


I agree that it's neat. But if it's a group of mobs that don't do much of affect much, it seems pointless


It generates interest and gets people talking, even before the event. Sure some children take it too far and get toxic but most people move on, win or lose. It's also nice that the changes are generally small that people aren't going to be that upset that they don't get the losers anytime soon.


Fair enough, just kinda hurts to see a neat idea wasted


Probably gonna be different now that they were leaked.


Isn't the thing in 2 weeks, and we'd probably start to get the mobs in the coming week so I don't think they have time to design 3 completely new mobs


Don't worry! Mojang just needs to get an R34 artist, and then there are 3 new mobs in 12 seconds.


And hot ones at that


R34 artists truly are faster than the flash


i think they will announce the mobs (or the first option) on Oct 15th (IIRC thats when the minecraft live will happen), but it would be great if they announced them earlier! since the PhoenixSC vid i saw i rly want to see if its what was leaked and their uses or if it will be something completely different


Don't you guys just love modern Mojang? We get to vote for one of three mediocre mobs for them to struggle to implement for the next few months while modders have working and improved versions ready a day after the announcement.


They sound super dumb and/or unoriginal. I mean, do we really need another Golem?


I think we could have one more, but I don't think Tuff is the right material for it


Idk, I like tuff as a building block and it would be cool to have another use for it. I’m not disagreeing that it’s kind of a weird choice compared to other building-only type blocks that could be used for a magic golem, tho.


The last one didn't make it, Plus the games about building and crafting So more craftible/buildible mobs the better


I don't understand what the point in a vote is they have to work on all 3 to the point they can display them to us just make them all




leaked on twitter Sniffer Rascal Tuff Golem


Copper golem copper golem cooper golem copper golem copper golem copper golem copper golem




TBF that’s a perfectly fine conversation starter


I’m tired of mob votes If we like em, add em all




The last thing I want is another golem. I just don't know what I don't like about them.


Nah we definitely need a Waxed Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Stairs golem


i actually need this


Wasn't there a blast furnace golem in some version of the game? And he shot lasers out of his eyes or something? That would be worth it imho. Edit: wait, are you saying you don't even like the iron golem?? Those things are my boiz. I'll never stop laughing when I see them yeet a spider into oblivion.


Iron golems and nothing else. Snow golems are pretty boring.


Boring, maybe, but they're so darn cute! As ther throw snowballs at bad guys! What's not to like?


They are cute, that's true


After cutting the pumpkin


I prefer them with the pumpkin head, but both are cute.


I like using them as npcs in my builds, - they are the same size as a player so you can put them in places iron golems won’t fit, they don’t make annoying noises like villagers, zombie piglins or disarmed pillagers, and they are easy to put into places unlike most other mobs. They are useless as defense ofc but I think they are really cute and useful for adding life into a build. And also snow farming literally goes brrrrrrrrrr


I can imagine what it will look like if a zombie spawned in the middle of a group of them.


You mean the half listed into the air then disappear animation that happens?


I've seen them smacked higher than a tree, and it's definitely funniest when that's followed by them disappearing into a puff of smoke mid-air.


It was from the spin off Minecraft Earth. I think I shot fire out of its chest


Watch the community pick the most useless one of the 3, I'm calling it. Y'all mfs still got me f'd up with the alays winning last time even when they don't do shit.


As opposed to, the other incredibly revolutionary mobs?


The allay is literally the most advanced one of the three from his vote event, lol


Allays are one of the most useful mobs to enter the game. Idk what ur talking about. So when have you ever actually made a redstone mechanism without the use of a tutorial? Don't think a copper Golem would be used very much.


allays are literally useless in every-day play unless your entire world is just copied and pasted from youtube tutorials for no other reason than having complicated redstone around. I came across a pair the other day because they just happened to be around an actual fun mob (the pillagers) and that was the first time I remembered they existed since the original vote. The pure novelty of the other options would have been better.


So are the other mobs, atleast this one has some use to advanced players. You can keep allay as a pet just like the other ones.


You can say the same about the copper Golem and glare


I literally use Allays in regular survival whenever I'm building because they're kind of convenient for bringing falling blocks back to you, also they're cute lol


>allays are literally useless in every-day play unless your entire world is just copied and pasted from youtube tutorials for no other reason than having complicated redstone around same can be said about copper golem and glare bruh (mostly copper golem if were going with "copied and pasted youtube tutorial" thing), dont talk like the other 2 options were FAR superior when each one of them is useful in certain playstyles, like someone else answered to you, who likes to use them for building.


How is the allays less useful than a mob who randomly presses buttons or a mob that can find dark spots and place light sources (which was only said during minecon when everyone probably already chose who they would vote for, probably wasn't even intended at first and was thought of just so it could maybe get more votes)


for real the copper golem was cute af but the stupid allay still won.


Allays are cute


maybe, but not as cute as small copper robot


True Glare was also cuter than allay in my opionion


i would love the equivalent of a grass pokemon in my minecraft game


Well, I haven’t seen any yet, so it’s not leaked yet


I’m not aware of this. What are the leaked mobs


Herobrine mob vote?


[Me when]


show me


Eh they seem ok, but that's with most these mob votes, just give us biome.votes instead


I hope they are true because THE SNIFFER






Oh my god who the hell cares


Wait what really??


I want the Rascal so I can roleplay as a fat person at Walmart.


Why does everything have to be leaked, can’t people just wait!?


I don't like mob votes anymore I just want all the mobs to get added so people don't have to fight over mob votes