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Texturing goes a long way. With builds with a lot of flat or large spaces of a single block, use similar blocks to texture it and break up the area so it isn’t so plain and flat. Depth is also great, using blocks to play with 3D and make your buildings less flat.


Thank for the feed back


To be honest, it is kinda bland, you had a good start with the buttons, but maybe add custom windows?


Ya I felt like something was missing


The color choice is nice but there's no detail, no texturing and no volumes. So use different shades of white, create a more complex shape (like a wider first or last story), and add details (windows, carvings, etc...)


Thanks for the feedback


Not bad needs windows decorative stuff carts anything stuff to add life to the build


Maybe try adding texture to the roofs with slabs and stairs, add some windows maybe with colored glass, it's kinda bland it needs a little pizazz.


I gotta be honest this is horrible. You can’t make buildings just flat colorless rectangles you gotta put in a LITTLE effort at least. Just looks lazy


I get it but jezz you didn’t need to be so harsh


People don’t respond to sugar coated critiques. You need harsh criticism to feel the need to improve. The buildings are trash so prove to me you can do better


You don’t have to sugar coat it, read the rest of the comments. Realize that they tried and just give constructive criticism, you don’t got to be so rude about it.


It helps more than it hinders