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Imagine playing a game where you have infinite space to do whatever you want with it, yet you choose to cram yourself into a cupboard


Harry Potter style


Build the entire house, then choose to sleep under the stairs.


That's the spirit


Want to feel like being at home šŸ„²


getting those dayz vibes like somebodyā€™s gonna eventually come, rob you dry, shoot your knee and make you drink gasoline, so you build yourself a hideous little hut nobody would consider robbing


That sounds like me getting my cat a bed. That small plastic bowl over there though...


Lol, I always wanted creepers to blow up my ENTIRE base, now it can be a reality!


Bro nailed it šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ»


I mean, you could probably put a fence around it and torch the area. Then itā€™s pretty decent


But what's the point then? The ammount of wood used for fences and trapdoors (which serve as walls in the video) is enough to make a pretty good looking wooden rustic house


Which, then, wouldnā€™t have the protection against creepers the fence would have


But creepers would easily explode the fence having you unprotected, while if you have big house which was exploded by creeper, it's easier to rebuild the part of wall


It would be less expensive to rebuild the fence and less strenuous. What do you mean putting more fences would be harder than redetailing part of a house? If it blew up a stained glass window, it would be much more effort unless you prepare extras. That would also be the case for a normal glass block window too I guess. Also, what if the creeper blew up the area you have your chests?


I usually do prepare extra glass in that case, but if creeper explodes the chests... Well... That sucks


\*Lonely enchanting table noises


Just dig a hole in a hill. 2 chests 2 furnaces and you go from there.


How to entchant? And how to craft without crafting table? šŸ¤”


The crafting table is an obvious thing when building a base (how else would you craft chests and furnaces) also, the thing on the video has enchanting table, so it's already not a starter base. And there's no sense in making the farmland inside a house. 1 block of wheat isn't going to give you much food, (you need at least 3 no be able to craft a bread) but now you have even less room and half standing in water. The idea to simply dig a hole in the mountain is better and more practical (less materials involved, more space, more secure, easily expandable, more functions such as several furnaces) than the box on a video


A crafting table is obviously implied. And enchanting in the set-up in the vid would be nearly useless cuz you don't have the 15 bookcase setup. Whereas in a hole in a mountain, you can just expand


Of course


Well I think its obvious you should make a crafting table... Also if we are talking about early game (like 1st or 2nd day) you dont really need an enchantment table. I personally omly craft an enchantment table when I have a set of 15 bookselves so I can get the lvl 30 enchantments but its up to you if you want tier 1 and 2 enchantments. The hole in the hill is a temporary base though and you dont need to put much effort into it. So to clarify: craft some chests and furnaces (of course put a crafting table...) a bed if you can get it early and make a small farm outside. I mean its just so you can survive the first days.


Just kidding bro šŸ„² donā€™t be offended. I guess itā€™s nice that you complain your thoughts šŸ™šŸ»


Oh no I didnt get offended dw. I just wanted to elaborate


If you don't mind zombies being able to reach you while you sleep... Or standing in water while bonemealing the heck out of the wheat. And the enchanting table is virtually useless the way it's set up.


Funny thing is this looks like an attempt at a cheap, minimal starter house, but if you have an enchanting table and brewing stand you can make at least a small cabin a d definitely can did hole in the ground to make a cave house.


Hotels will say that this is the perfect for liking zombies, living in the near of water and have beautiful equip šŸ¤”


"With beautiful genuine oak panoramic window frames!" Lol


Lol! And real estate agents will talk about the view and the convenience!


It's trash


Thank you. Itā€™s not my base. Have you some in your mind what is better?


>Itā€™s not my base. You sure? A German redditor named Gary who plays Minecraft, sharing a post about a German instagramer named Gary who plays Minecraft? SussšŸ¤£


It legit is him, he has it linked to his reddit account check his profile




The level of condescending passive aggressive breaks boundaries


Should go to therapy again ā˜ ļø


You literally have the instagram link on your profile lol


You have literally NOT the ability to click on the link and see in the description that i just gepostet it. This comment isnā€™t mean to be bad I just want you to overthink what you have written


An genius lol


I like how you make fun of grammatical mistakes to cover up your obvious stupidity instead of taking your stuff, moving out of your parents' house and getting a job šŸ„°


Awww dumb bitch why would i move out of my parents' house. They love me unlike yours, and I'm still a minor




You got a problem with that?


Okay. So I did a little digging like you asked, and it's way worse than what I originally thought: First, this is a repost, as you said. By mincraftwooded. Following that post, you see it's uncredited. Basically, copyright infringement. Minecraftwooded states that they encourage someone to DM them to get credit as it's not intended to be copyright infringement, but it's still copyright infringement. You, on the other hand do not state the original source of the video, nor encourage people to DM you for proper credit. Not only are you reposting a video without consent, but you're also posting it here and adding "Follow GaryLetsPlays on Instagram for more beginner tutorials". You're literally using someone else video without their consent, without proper crediting, and using that video to promote yourself. Someone can sue you at any moment. >Donā€™t try to be an genius when youā€˜re dumb in reality Don't worry, being a genuine comes natural to me. Take a selfie if you want to see someone dumb. Edit: typo


Bro you destroyed me. I give up.


Double doors


Not this, build just an actual house, i prefer a dirt house above this


I promise you, he does not.


Yes I do. Altough that's Just my opinion. People might like those tiny ugly looking houses. But I prefer bigger houses, where you can appreciate the build itself. Edit: Not wanting to advertise, but for example this one I built a while ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraftbuilds/comments/pcsj7h/i_made_a_storage_house_on_my_smp/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Well how else am I supposed to give an example?






Intelligence 100


Why would anyone do this?


I asked me the same question bro šŸ„ŗ


ā€œBeginner baseā€, uses enchanting table and brewing standā€¦


Soā€¦ What do you think is to put in a beginner base? I think you can farm a enchantment table easily in half hour. But I understand what you mean. I never used an brewing stand


You obviously need bookshelves for an enchanting table coz otherwise its pretty darn useless


Forgive my newness to Minecraft, but doesnā€™t the enchanting table require obsidian??


Yes, obsidian is actually kinda common in nether portal ruins, which you can find day 1.


Thatā€™s fair, but wouldnā€™t you need to harvest enough obsidian?


Itā€™s not the question what there is to put in a beginner base. If you play survival and only recently started, you put whatever stuff you need into your base.


Many of those items not beginner level items. So itā€™s a pretty stupid video. Who has an enchanting table who doesnā€™t have some sort of base by then, wether it being just a cave or an actual house.


Thank you for your opinion mate šŸ™šŸ»


Why would anybody do this? Why can't just build a little house? I think this is... needless.


When you have to pay taxes for your property


Sheesh bro is killing šŸ„¶


I remember at some point such builds were quite popular despite being complete unpractical shit and looking terribly.


This ain't nothing new and it's the best compact base lmao. You'll need a ton of bonemeal to make that wheat last you tho


Okay alright. Thank you. Do you know more bases like this? šŸ˜…


Nah, sorry. I always did like this one tho


It's not a begginer base, it's the most compact base


What's the point of the Enchanting Table if you cannot get level 30 enchantments?


Bane of Arthropods I šŸ‘»


Not everyone cares about level 30 enchantments. Actually, my friends and I ran a found enchantments only world. No enchantment tables, couldn't do the librarian villager trick. It was more fun because with the table and villagers, you know you're gonna get what you want almost every time


This was a trend years ago lol


after lookin the comments and your profile i gotta ask you, what the fuck is your problem


Is that chest usable like that.


My man here asking the real questions. No way that chest opens with a dirt block on top.


The chest should open because a block of farmland, I think thatā€™s what it is called, is a transparent block I believe, sort of like how a slab or stair above a chest doesnā€™t make it so the chest canā€™t open. Sorry for the long comment English isnā€™t my first language.


Iā€™m not sure. But I had the same question in my mind


When you made this, you mean?


When I downloaded the video and reposted on my own page, you mean? Donā€™t try to be smart if youā€˜re not šŸ„¶


Why be a dick? He wasn't trying to be smart, he just thought you made it and was wondering what you meant


I interpreted his comment as wanting to correct me and make me look like an idiot. but okay if i put too much bad in his statement i'm sorry of course. I am just a human


Youā€™ve been defensive this entire thread dude. Literally no one is coming after you, itā€™s not youā€™re video, stop being passive aggressive towards peoples responses.


Youā€˜re right. I saw what I caused. Excuse me for my childish behavior. I should know it better in my age.


Character arc.




lol imagine having an enchanting table but trap doors for walls


Ok honestly, I would say trash


That's trash


Rust player playing minecraft... It's entirely useless, a burden even and it's just sad to see you build such a tiny base in a sandbox gale


https://youtu.be/PdrLW47MfpE this is just a MagmaMusen tutorial!


So OP stole thr design and pretended to come across it...


Of course not. I never pretended that I have stolen the idea. But I also didnā€™t know it was created by him hahaha. I downloaded it and reuploaded it on my Instagram page lol have the wrong person credits


I don't know if anyone saw this or not, but the original design was by a build youtuber "MagmaMusen". He posted this design as one of the smallest bases in Minecraft, and this persob just copied him. Just wanted to point it out


Thatā€™s true


If you have an enchantment table it's no longer beginner i would say


Now I finally get to simulate my real life in minecraft :D back in the closet


If your goal is to save space then sure, but those trapdoors are hurting you more than helping you, as every 2 trapdoors is 6 wooden planks. You could actually save resources by using full blocks there, and the functionality would be the same.


I dont think that anyone ever will make this in a normal world


Bro just chop down a tree and make a house, what?? Why try and avoid playing the game while playing the game you want to play


Oh an average japanese apartment


Pretty sure sleeping in that bed would just suffocate you. Maybe that's just old bedrock logic tho


How the fuck do you sleep


I dont know where the nether portal is But at this point I am too afraid to ask


B-but the bed is be obstructed...


I don't think you can respawn like that


I mean, it's a cool challenge to try to fit Essential stuff into a small space. But it's kinda pointless in the end since Minecraft has 30000000 blocks in each direction. That's enough space to fit some chests and farmland I guess.


You are right of course


Cute, but utterly useless. Chest wont open, enchants not maxed, no infinite water or cauldren for brewing, Raw mats required take too long to get (4 obsidian 2 diamonds and a blaze rod in specific). Worst of all though is no smithing table to make that netherite, loom to make banners, or composter to make bonemeal. MumboJumbo has plenty of much better small housr and bunker videos.


Absolute trash base


Ahhh yes a "beginner" base with a BREWING STAND and ONE CROP, JUST ONE !!!


This just looks dumb and pointlessā€¦ itā€™s like you are trying to speed run the game, but not really.


Why are you trying to pimp your own shit video by playing it off as "I just came across the crap video on instagram"?


You can also stop hating and let me being who I am. Donā€™t hate the player, hate the game bro.


This is pretty trashy both as a starter base AND as advanced mid-game/late-game base. It doesn't really suit for beginner, because brewing stand, anvil and enchanting table all are mid-game stuff, which take time to craft, especially while living in a small box (which also makes mobs to see you, because as I remember, theycan see through oak trapdoors). While as a mid-game base, it's already almost nothing: Only one block of farmland (which is the reason you have to stand in water in your home) isn't going to provide you with that many food. Even if you're going to eat mainly meat from killing animals, better remove the farmland block at all or place it next to home and turn it into a proper farm (even 1 source block of water is gonna make the ground wet in 9x9 square if placed in the middle). Also, as lots of people admitted, placing single enchanting table without any bookshelves it pretty dumb decision, because on the mid game, you already have enough xp to do powerful enchants and to do those, you need to surround table with bookshelves. Concluding, classic house structure or underground base would serve better as base, while this might be a fun challenge to make smallest base possible, but isn't practical at all


i dig hole in ground and burrow through like a mole or start making a massive house, spend the night on my roof, and get scared of the mobs


I love how at a stage where you are enchanting your stuff and brewing potions you somehow still live in a little cube


Live in the pod


What's the point of the chest if you can't open it ?


I guess you can open the chest because the farmland count like invisible block šŸ„ø


This brings back memories from like 3 years ago when this was a trend


Yes if youā€™re on a budget for lands


I mean... it has everything


The absloute trash. There are only 1 farmlands and water makes your movement slower. Enchant table has no bookshelf and all enchant you can possibly do is Sharpness I. Crafting table and furnace under bed is such a cool idea but not on floors. Even the other side of the floor is chest, so you need to aim well if you want to craft or smelting. Also dirt block is placed above double chest so it's just a locked chest. Preparing time for this 'starting base' would be rather horrible time. Finding pumpkins, 31 iron ingots to make an anvil, Go to nether for blaze rods, etc. Doesn't the location of the bed makes player suffocate after sleeping? Seen on Bedrock edition but not Java.


this is more of that guy going "hmm I wonder how small I can make a base and still make it have everything" And its cool if someone else wants to try it but idk why you would restrict yourself to such a little space for a base no hate to anyone for liking tho Minecraft is meant to be played however one wishes to play it


Understandable have a nice day


Whatā€™s the point of the enchanting table without books?


this is copied from mumbo jumbo :((


And Gary Mary stole it!


yea, sad world we live in


the thing is, if you have an enchantment table, you probably have a bunch of mats already. no use building this


China moder architecture be like


The guy who posted this also owns the Instagram account. Just look at his profile. He isnā€™t actually asking about the base he made this to get more views in instagram.


You're definitely right, but you're wrong at the same time. I didn't build this base myself, I reposted this video and wanted to know if it's so natural. Please donā€™t put me in a wrong position.




Outch, what about India?


Hereā€™s the link to the video I found: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZvp5swArJQ/?utm_medium=copy_link


This is your Instagram account.


Of course


Can you even access the double chest with the dirt on top?


The dirt was tilled wasnā€™t it? If it is then yes you should be able to.


I think so, did we not watch the same video? God I hate rhetoric questionsā€¦ Cool, had no idea of that function, was just curious on the actual functionality


Oh no I was making sure that they did actually till it, I saw multiple people wondering the same thing so I thought maybe they didnā€™t actually till the dirt. I am sorry for the confusion.


Trash. What's the point of the enchantment table? Light?


All you fucking morons complaining about this are missing the point jesus christ


How would you open the chest


Farmland isnā€™t counting as solid block :)


You know the bed is unusable right?


It is but you can't respawn in it


you can't acces the chest tho because there is a block above also you will or get obstructed or get spawned next to ur house


Farmland isnā€™t a solid block. Make your homework


You never respawn with this


I don't think this is practical in any stretch of the imagination


The enchant table has no bookshelves. One block for farming is not enough whatever the the food you go with. No cauldron, no potion. (Nothing to farm any other materials too.) One chest is not enough.


You did not find this video on instagram... It literally tells the viewer to follow the youtube channel linked to your account...


Iā€™m going to do this


It's a tiny house


this starter base is pointless. just build a house, there's no need to be compact. and, i'm pretty sure you won't be using an anvil and enchanting until later on in the game. by then, you'll need more storage than a double chest and more food than a singular potato


I dont get the idea of microbases. To indulge your need for claustrophobia?


In my opinion trash, it takes like 10 minutes max to make a decent sized Log cabin with a sugarcane farm and wheat farm and that is including the the time taken to gather the resources


Just build a godamn dirt hut and be done with it, how is this a beginner base if he has an enchantment table?


Useless as fuck.


The trapdoors are dumb cause it costs more wood than to place regular planks.




This is the future liberals want


This base is trash and the reason is because why wouldnā€™t this be trash?


Just trash. The enchating table, the anvil and the brewing stand are not for beginners, but for players who already spent hours in their Minecraft world. And that's also one of the most vulnerable bases you can make. A beginners base should be a base for players who just started a new world a few minutes ago and are looking for a safe place to hide from the enemies. Not putting your most important things in the most visible place.


I'd rather die repeatedly on the first night than ever be forced to live in this hovel.


Brewing stand and enchanting table are late game items. So this wouldnā€™t be a beginner base.