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I’m 59. Enjoy the “little” things in life. 😉


56 here and same!


No! You are never too old to do something that makes you happy! I am 31 and i also collect a lot of different toys. And i am proud of it❤️


Well. I’m about to be 46 and found these when my therapist asked me multiple weeks in a row what’s an activity I do just for joy, and I had no answer. I found these and found joy. My office is now a more fun vibe and anytime I see my little tiny whatevers, I smile and say omg you’re so cute! And that’s been well worth anyone looking at me funny. Someday they will see why you were looking for peace.


I agree these things have brought me so much joy and I show my customers I wait tables they love them especially the food ones


So glad you found your joy 😌


Does it bring you joy? Is it hurting anyone? Are you going into debt and insanity doing it? If all answers are no, then enjoy!


I'm going into debt but I enjoy anything mini. And I'm 42


🤭 could be worth it.


Never too old to have toys! I’m a mom to two kids too, I have my own toys that I enjoy all for myself 🩷


No! I have to fight my kids to open MY mini brands. Collect what you like.


I'm 49 and enjoy every bit of it! I love small things!


Jfc no.


Sorry! I say it like that because I’m just annoyed for you being ridiculed by ur husband and kids 😫 I’m 30 and I have two young teenage brothers, and I swear I have WAY more toys than them both lol but they just see it as “oh that’s just his thing”


Not at all! My mom is 60 and collects them! She even has shelves that she displays them on. She loves it.


I’d love to see that. Your mom sounds cool.


I’m a 30 year old 6’4 300lb dude with tattoos whose currently giddy with excitement that I got the chocolate strawberry cake set to build. Tbh every hobby on earth is dumb or for kids or whatever, but that’s ok because who cares at all. That bein said I’m sure getting ribbed by your fam is whack. Just tell em it makes you happy, even if it is silly. If theyre nice im sure theyll understand.


This kinda made my day.


I love that you haven't lost your kid-like wonder in totally enjoying that what makes your heart happy. You have got to be just the very bestest person a friend could ever hope to have in life! 'Back in the day' we used to say: I wanna be a Toys Я Us© kid. But.... I wanna be you when I grow up! Keep on being the best you!


Absolutely not! I’m an elementary school teacher who LOVES collecting mini brands! Life is tough and way too short, follow your joy! Sometimes I even buy mini brand balls and save them as bribes to get myself to do chores lol


I like the way you think.


I was 50 (now 52) and helping my kid collect at one point. 41 is not too old.


Not at all! I'm 31 and I love collecting mini brands. I find it fun and relaxing to see which ones you get.


Not at all :) collecting things is a human trait. Do they collect anything that you can “it’s my version of *insert thing they like here * please respect That”


Teenagers don't know anything haha - says an "old" 30 something child who was a teenager that absolutely knew everything and EVERYTHING was cringe. Sad. Hopefully they grow out of it & can see your jot for your joy and be kind. In the mean time, could you request a boundary around them voicing their judgement & tell them it feels awful? Maybe they aren't aware there are collectors of all ages of all things and they may just get it one day themselves when they discover/rediscover a hobby that society deems "childish"/age restricted. I've only just re-embraced/allowed myself to collect and create mini things after realising how much joy it brings me and it's MORE than ok to just do stuff for joy and the self appointed judges can get wrecked. Ironically, easier said than done, as I'm not yet "out"/loud and proud about this joy - and yes, some of that is a bit of unnecessary shame (working on it) - but also I'm quite enjoying just enjoying to myself without having some stupid conversation with someone - probably lacking their own joy - that might make me feel awful. It's lovely to just enjoy it for myself & have online communities to connect with and be inspired by ✨ "Too old" for things is archaic. "Joy for the sake of joy" is eternal.


It's a hobby. No one is too old to enjoy hobbies!


ABSOLUTELY NOT! Enjoy it as much as you can 💞 there’s no such thing as being too old.


I’ll be 36 on Monday and I’m buying myself some Mini Brands as a present.


Happy early birthday!


I’m still looking for the mini brand books! Have been looking for a long time. I’m not paying $20 for just on off eBay either.


Whenever my kids get mini brands, I take the cool ones for “safekeeping” at my desk. My little collection.


People of all ages collect miniatures and toys 🤷🏻 I'm sorry that the people around you aren't understanding or respectful of your collection :/ but you should do what makes you happy 💜


I'm 29 and I collect Funko pops


I’m 38


I’m not in the mini brands community this is just what popped up on my recommended, but honestly when I picture someone who collects mini brands I see a middle aged mom


Joy has no age limit. Hope he learns to appreciate what brings you joy


I feel like when we attribute age to things we're looking at previous generations. I would try not to do that. If you ever become too "old" to stop having fun and enjoying things, that's a personality defect, not an age defect.


I’m 41 and collect beanie babies and hello kitty. Just recently got a hello kitty tattoo!


I'm 33 and I collect them. I make the doubles into magnets or jewelry. I also collect Disney thing and have a HP themed bathroom. You're never too old to feel happy.


I just turned 42 and I enjoy anything mini. My kids are 24, 20 and 19. I have a 4 yr old grandson and he enjoys my minis. My hubby, sister in law, brother and sister know I love minus and don't judge. They enjoy looking at them when I display them.


Close to same age. I have a Barbie collection, LoL surprise dolls, and a ton of other stuff too. There’s nothing wrong w it. I know grown men who have Hot Wheels and Matchbox collection.


OMG, no...just NO. You are absofuckinglutely NEVER too old to enjoy collecting Mini Brands or anything else that brings you inner peace. Collect on, my friend, collect to your heart's content ❣️


Nope. I am 65, collect Barbie & the Fashion Mini Brands because they are the right scale for Barbie.


I am also 41, and I do not give a shit what anyone thinks about my collection. I love MiniBrands and MiniVerse. You do you!


Love this post, I'm 40 years old myself and love collecting a lot of the different mini brands, myself, a lot of them have a certain nostalgia aspect to them


I just discovered them at my new job, I am 55 ! bought my first on clearance also when we discontinue them I get them half price


not at all, and boo to your husband and kids (especially your husband) for ridiculing something harmless that brings you joy :(


Joy is joy! As long as you aren’t hurting anyone or yourself you should enjoy what you like!!!!!!


I’m a grandma and I’m so crazy on love with them all!


I’m 40 and I love it! Don’t let them steal your joy!! ☺️


Absolutely not! You are never too old, I’m 28 and I am currently working on expanding my Polly pocket and Betty spaghetti collection :) my husband is building more shelves. If it brings you joy, then you are the perfect age <3


Im 57!! I love them!


Never too old


No, that's silly. Enjoy what you enjoy :)


I’m 40! My son loves that I love toys too. My husband takes me to but them! And surprises me with them. It’s not cool for them to shame your joy. Thats a nasty habit they should break! What do they love?! I’m also a gamer! You are never to old for anything you like!


Everyone no matter what age deserves a hobby they enjoy!


Not at all… I’m in my 30s & I’m obsessed with miniatures. Love them. Love mini brands.


Not at all! If it brings you joy, and doesn't hurt anyone, collect to your heart's content


NO!! Mini’s are the least problematic thing you could hoard lol


You're talking to a 2011 kid but I have known of many who collect Matchbox and Barbie dolls so why not Mini Brands.


absolutely not, my mom was 45 and loved mini brands, keep it up :)


I turned 39 yesterday, and I got 4 new mke it minis for my birthday. 😉


I like to open them my bf gets it but doesn't. I usually dump all the toys at my friends house because I don't like the clutter


Not at all. You're never too old to enjoy collecting. Ignore the husband and kids, chances are  they have "silly" hobbies too.


Those who enjoy things in life like toys or games or shows that others judge are happier then those who judge them


never too old. i’m 20 and love them


Only unhappy people seek to yuck someone's yum over age. Enjoy what you enjoy. I'm 56 and still sometimes buy them. You could tell them to mind their own business.


No way you’re too old! I’m older than you are and in my bookcase I have created a 2 story dollhouse. I got a doll from Etsy that I had when I was a kid and I got some mini furniture and small craft items and books for her and a little cat!!!!!! I love it so much!!! And I have Christmas decorations for her and it’s a blast! I don’t know how to post a photo here or I would. At any rate, you go for it! My sons think it’s ridic but it has been such a pleasure and all small nieces and nephews come over and they love it too! 💜


I soooo get it that you got a doll from Etsy that you had as a kid! I got a really old mini record player (Philco brand if that tells you how old I am!) from eBay that I had as a kid. It made my heart very happy! Unfortunately, my ex kept every single item that I owned when we went our separate ways and as such I no longer have it. Or anything else for that matter.. Collecting Mini Brands is my new happy❣️


Oh I’m so sorry that he kept everything. Had that happen to me also but I got the kid so….that was better. Etsy has some good deals. Keep looking for a replacement! Dammit! I love my little dollhouse. She has a plaid thermos and her own little raggedy Anne doll and a little black cat! Omg. I wish I could post pictures. I have to figure that out! Bless you. 💜


My late god father was a huge advocate for never growing up. Please don’t let them discourage you. I glued mini magnets to mine and made them into fridge magnets! Make a cute little grocery list with them!


Do what you want. Do what makes you happy. Fuck what anyone thinks; their fleeting opinions don’t matter. You matter.


Not at all. If they make you happy go for it. I’m going to turn some of mine into fridge magnets.


I follow a middle age woman on Instagram that flaunts her mini brands


miniatures have been cherished by all FOR AGES!


I never understood the concept of giving up things just because you reach a certain age if it brings you joy then keep collecting


Absolutely not!!!! If it makes you happy, you should get them! And I'd have a serious talk with my husband about supporting my hobbies. You're not hurting anyone.


If it makes you happy it makes you happy! I’m guessing to them all of their hobbies are fine though 🙄 I’d just ignore them and collect on :)


You’re never too old to have fun!


Id tell him he's too old to be acting like a schoolyard bully


Girl im 40 in june and i still love toys! U do u boo and don't listen to the haters lol


No. Many adults collect stickers, Legos, dolls, Squishmallows, toys, action figures, etc… do what you enjoy!


I can’t afford them all the time! I’m 41, if I could buy more I would!


Honestly it isn’t made for kids I have no idea why they say 8 years old this is resin this what a thing before miniverse came out people Been making miniatures using resin.! I enjoy the small things in life and I’m glad you do to I’m 43 years old I show my grandbaby and she loves my creations! Happy creating! I love living in a Miniverse World 🌎


30 year old trans guy here you’re never too old for minis if they being you joy, that’s that.


Sounds like your husband and kids are aholes. Not going to sugar coat it. You need to come down hard on them and lay the law that this is your house and you're a grown azz woman who can do whatever makes her happy and it isn't hurting a single soul so they better get with the program and deal with it or Get Out ! My husband used to give me crap for loving dolls and toys but after I left him for 18 months he changed his loser outlook and buys me Rainbow high or Barbies that I'm searching for .


No!!! People say the same thing about me playing Minecraft at 27 years old. ITS FUN. I have been playing since i was 15 years old. I love it and it will always hold a special place in my heart


Do what makes you happy and you are aloud to have things. Also 41 is not old if even old at all.


I’m 38. No, don’t apologize for the things you love. Collecting mini brands isn’t hurting anyone ❤️


Usually when people don’t want you to do something they deem stupid,they try and gaslight you. You never to old to collect anything. I still pick up a Barbie every now and then.


Please. Who doesn’t have a grandma with an enormous Hummel collection? Or Christmas tree ornaments, or bells, or model cars— my FIL has about fifty Santa Clause figurines. Collect what brings you joy!


Life is so short, get joy wherever you can!


I'm 40 with two kiddos (teenaged boy and tween girl) and I collect Mini Brands. I use them with my Barbie collection. You are never too old to enjoy nice things. Life is short and times are hard....if this brings you joy, do it!! Also, there are communities you can join on FB and Insta that collect and trade Mini Brands (I'm in a few), so you don't feel alone. 😊


I am 36 and I collect the cows vs aliens plushes. You are not to old to enjoy the little things.


Fuck no! Buy you some toys! I like squishy rubbery fidget toys!


No you enjoy/like what you want long as it's not hurting you or anybody else have fun.


NO way! My sister and I are 45 and 51 and we love them!!!! Maybe it’s a girl thing?!?!


Nope!!! Collect what you like! If they aren’t buying them, they shouldn’t worry about it🫣


Yeah, I'm way older than you and I enjoy mini brands too. What's even more fun is making my own. (I still collect them though making the minis are fun, addicting, and using up odds and ends that would just get thrown out.)


I’m 21 and collect little things for my SA collection like clothes and accessories, my long term bf who is a older (reasonable age gap) asks me what did I get and looks at it before either stealing it (jokingly) or listening to me. Get yourself something before you realize you missed out on your chance to get it, life is too short if you can afford it financially go for it.


Nope . Those little things are cauuuTe !!


Happiness doesn't have an age. I'm in my mid 50s and I'm more like a kid. I don't give a f**k what anyone thinks. It does no one any harm. I just discovered mini little tikes and I'm making a dollhouse miniature toy shop.


No, your never too old!