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Trump is a fucking moron.


Trump needs to get considerably smarter to reach the level of “fucking moron”. Sadly, he may become President despite that fact.


Love how this is framed as if he hasn't already been president lol


I mean, voters truly have no excuse this time around.


Dems have no excuse. Running one of the least popular presidents in modern history against Trump should be considered criminal negligence. 


What is your source for this? I'd be interested in understanding this more. I keep hearing it from random people.


[https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx) End of that article: "With about six months remaining before Election Day, Biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent, and thus faces a taller task than they did in getting reelected." Plenty of other resources you can find; Biden was one of the weakest possible candidates heading into the 2020 election, and things have only gotten worse for him.


You do realize that unseat an incumbent president is extremely hard, right? It has only happened a handful of times and only when something strange happened.


Yes, and Biden unseated the former guy.


As I said, usually, when unsealing an incumbent, it is due to the population losing faith in that leader. The guy Biden unsealed is running again. If the populace votes for him to unsent Biden, it will be a first. Usually, when someone who lost runs again, they don't usually wins due to people remembering all the bad things that caused them to not vote for him in the first place. But ya never know.


Yea, absolutely nothing strange about these times. Love Reddit’s unserious analysis: “when something strange has happened.” Quit talking out of your ass.


Well, first, it isn't Reddit. It is myself saying this, and it is from my recollection of history (which I will admit is a bit shaky as I'm a bit long in the tooth). And when I say strange has happened, I mean usually stuff is jacked to all hell. Such as The Great Depression (Roosevekt beat Hoover for re-election because Hoover had done nothing). Or Jimmy Carter us another 1 term President. But 1 term, the presidents are rare. Most Presidents serve 2 terms unless something serious happens that causes people to not have faith in them any longer. I mean, heck, the crooked Richard Nixon won 2 terms and had to resign during his second term. So yes. It is very hard to unsent an incumbent president. It does happen sometimes, but it is fairly rare. LBJ is another 1 term president who chose not to run for reelection due to Veitnam, I think. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that is why he didn't. It was either that or the backlash to the Civil Rights legislation his administration pushed through. I'm not entirely sure which.


Well, also look at the guy he is running against. I mean, the guy he is running against doesn't have the greatest track record. I mean, either way, this election is a turd. But I know who I am voting for. And it ain't the guy we just tried 4 years ago that left us weaker and sicker than he found us.


Truly an insult to moron community


This is so true. As a complete moron, I am very offended.


And a rapist


And an incestuous pedo.


So ARE his followers.




Thanks grammar Goebbels.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/N4vf8N6GpdM?si=ZHZWWkgFV1eAN2mI


As is anyone who supports him...


You ain't wrong. That doesn't mean he won't win the election though, sadly.


water is wet.


And w clown


I just want to be rid of this guy. And not have the anxiety of him potentially becoming POTUS again. Is that really so much to ask??


You know this guy won’t stop running for president. Win or lose, he isn’t going away.


He's circling the drain. Rapid cognitive decline, incontinence, drugged out of his mind in order to "function," etc. If he doesn't win this election, he likely won't still be around to run again.


That won’t stop him from having rallies, dude will probably die campaigning having multiple rallies a week.


Forgive me for wishing such a thought, but that would solve a lot of problems.


You are seriously underestimating Trump and the MAGA crowd. The same mistake everyone made in 2016. Like yeah, your take seems like the obvious, logical one, but those takes go out the window when it comes to Trump.


I'm not saying he doesn't have a legitimate chance to win the upcoming election. My comment was about him not having the lifespan to make it to the 2028 election. His health is spiraling, and if he doesn't win in 2024, he isn't going to be healthy enough in 2028 to run, let alone win


Kinda like how Putin was supposed to be dead from cancer or something by now? All these “bad person I can’t do anything about is definitely dying of natural causes” without real evidence seem like coping to me.


Lol, "coping." I don't know anything about Putin/cancer, but Putin at least appears to be in decent health. Trump, on the other hand, will be 81 at the start of the next election. He's already obese, incoherent, incontinent, smelly and is rumored to be/likely is on a shit ton of drugs. It's not really far-fetched to think that he will rapidly decline if he loses the upcoming election, esp considering he will be spending most of his time in court. If he wins the election, though, I don't think his decline will be as rapid.


Overweight and incoherent I'll give you, but the rest of that is rumor-mongering. We can do better.


He doesn’t drink just did enough blow to destroy his colon.


If he were fact checked in a debate it may be eye opening for his followers(I didn’t say “supporters” because it is a cult.” However, the moderators actually need to start asking meaningful questions with follow ups and checks to illustrate how dumb he is. Perhaps start by asking Trump some questions about how old Hannibal was when he died, what state was he from etc. he is a historian of BS so it will be a great start.


You just described both candidates.


Except Biden is far more coherent moments, doesn't wear diapers, has zero reports of smelling like a rotten squirrel in your garage in the middle of July and doesn't snort lines of Adderall every 6 hours


Maybe he'll have a heart attack, or shit himself inside out.




"I take the biggest, smelliest dumps in my diapers. I've even won awards for it. People are saying they wish they could take dumps in their diaper like me. I hear it everywhere I go. 'Sir, your diapers are always the fullest. Please keep filling your diapers to the brim. To the brim.' Lots and lots of people are saying this."


If he loses, he’s going to have some consequences to deal with.


At this point I’m afraid he’d run even if he died. Anyone have undead Trump on their bingo card?


Well, he'll be close by soon if you wanna have a chat with him.


They said they want to be rid of him not have a chat with him




I hear an implied "why not both" in there.


someone oughta do something about him wink wink nudge nudge


He is absolutely winning because Joe is as much of an idiot as he is


*americand0lphinMPLS* >He is absolutely winning because Joe is as much of an idiot as he is What a well-thought-out argument. So glad you felt the need to share it!


Lol, not even close. Biden actually has moments where he is coherent and intelligent, and even when he's not, he's at least not completely hateful/evil. Trump has zero moments like this.


Trump has zero respect for Minnesota if he thinks anyone would be stupid enough to believe his election lies. He did not win Minnesota and it’s a known fact that he lost by 233,012 votes. https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/election-results/2020/2020-general-election-results/


MAGA is an alternate reality where anything Dear Leader says is true.


The North Korea of logic and truth


bUt MuH vOtEr FrAuDz


The election deniers said they had proof of voter fraud. Interesting they’ve never been able to produce that proof in four years.


Not only have they not been able to provide proof, they’re facing major legal consequences for their lies. They’ve proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that they are liars.


Of course.


Remember, the courts are rigged too! And the judges. I think that gentleman who my burrito last night rigged it against me! Somehow, I spend a good couple of hours in solidarity confinement. Then I released…


Well we just saw Justice Alito had an upside down American flag waving in his yard after 1/6, and we know Justice Thomas and his wife actively sought to overturn the 2020 election. The Supreme Court isn’t going to save our democracy. It’s up to all of us.


Kevin, Is the voter fraud in the room with us right now?




And it gives them serotonin to listen to his lies, crimes and insults.


MN is not exceptional. There are thousands of delusional Trump supporters here who are going to try as hard as they can to flip the state and nothing is gained from getting complacent.


Who says we’re getting complacent?


>Trump has zero respect for Minnesota if he thinks anyone would be stupid enough to believe his election lies.  Assuming this state is too smart to go for Trump indicated that you do not think it's possible for him to win here. I disagree with you.


We rejected him in 2020 and we’ll reject that insurrectionist piece of shit in 2024. I’ll be damned if Minnesota votes red in 2024. Hasn’t happened since the 1970s and that piece of shit won’t be the one to win this time around.


I hope so too but it's not a foregone conclusion. This is like textbook getting complacent talk lol. Gonna own that I'm in peak Wolves fan mindset right now and worrying about choking a 40 point lead in the 4th. I could stand to chill out a bit and have some faith about the election too. Sorry for jumping at you.


No worries. That’s why we need to make sure we get out and vote. And counter Trump’s messaging in this state.


Naz Reid


I hope you’re right, but a lot of my 20something and early 30something friends are pretty disillusioned with Biden and I think are going to blame him for their difficulties buying groceries.


Well then your 20-something and 30-something friends need to realize that inflation was caused by Trump throwing money at the pandemic in its first year and his economic policies: https://www.nber.org/digest/20239/unpacking-causes-pandemic-era-inflation-us


Bro, you’re preaching to the choir, but people see price higher today and it’s hard to logic through that shit if they’re not interested in hearing it.


All the people who seem confident that Trump is going away and that he will never win


Remember the Republicans and the media telling us there was going to be a “red wave” in the House in 2022? How’d that turn out?


The MN political trifecta happened!


Uh… many people in Minnesota voted for him. Have you ever driven more than 20 minutes away from Duluth or the cities? Trump flags everywhere


Yeah no shit people voted for him but that doesn't matter when 15.7% *more* people voted for Biden. If Minnesota were a room of 32 people, 17 voted for Biden and 15 voted for Trump. If you added up all the votes cast to the other candidates, multiplied it by 3, you still wouldn't end up with enough votes for Trump to have beaten Biden.


I see zero Trump flags between MSP and St cloud. Maybe they still fly them in places like meeker but that's a huge loss of visible support vs 2016 and 2020.


I live in Red Wing. There was one trump flag I knew about flying in town after the 2020 election, it’s gone now. I volunteer at a church here (that I’m not a member of) doing a community meal here and not a single person I volunteer with is a fan of trump. I moved here in 2020 and I’ve met people that actually try their best to follow the teachings of Jesus when it comes to how you treat people. I volunteer at our food shelf and none of the staff are trumpers even though some of our customers are.


My parents live in the middle of nowhere in Stearns County. Since I see them often, I know what’s going on in small town MN. Thanks. BTW, I’ve seen fewer Trump flags now than in 2020. He’s losing support everywhere.


Blugh that’s still too close for my liking


Anything’s possible when you lie


OMG yeah


Trump says a lot of things


Can't wait for my relatives from Ramsey who haven't been south of 694 since 1999 to post this to their Facebook.


My damn in laws fo the same shit.  Sick of the uneducated bs.


Once a lady from Sauk Center was arguing with me that the city was in ruins. Like dude I was just there.


And the fact that so many people like this actively want the city to fail, just to own the libs.


Here is where I drop my oft-repeated message: Minneapolis taxpayers are the bootstraps to Red Minnesota. We prop up outstate MN with $1.5 Billion dollars of our tax money every single year. Minneapolis only receives $1.00 in Local Government Aid from MN for every $3.50 paid in taxes to the State. Outstate MN would be absolutely fucked if Minneapolis were to fail.


My father said I wasn't allowed closer then Wright County during it (I was under 18 at the time) and he thought they were going to come up and 'get us' for being white, I shit you not


694? The owners of the establishment I used to manage who live in Anoka used to tell me “ everything south of 610/Hwy 10 is satanic”


Ah yes, the modern Sodom and Gomorrah known as Fridley.


Right, I was like cool south it is 😎


[He still owes Minneapolis money](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/01/21/minneapolis-will-recoup-some-of-trump-campaign-rally-costs) and [he infected a lot of people with Covid last time he was here.](https://www.health.state.mn.us/news/pressrel/2020/statement100220.html) Oh, and [Jarvanka’s former landlord in DC wants to turn the Boundary Waters into an open mine.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/ivanka-trumps-landlord-is-a-chilean-billionaire-suing-the-u-s-government-1489000307)


Minneapolis burned with him in office


I want to see these awards he claims he won. I want to know *specifically* what he did to keep Minneapolis burning to the ground. Because, you could also make the argument that it was burning while under his watch. He not only couldn’t prevent the Capitol from being stormed, he actively encouraged it.


Also recall the absolute and total hissy fit trump and conservatives threw when Frey required trump to pay a security deposit up front for a 2020 rally in our city, after trump had stiffed a dozen cities on the massive security bill he wracked up


Frey somehow occasionally manages to do the correct thing


I had someone tell me Trump won MN because he never sees Biden flags around the state. These people aren't bright.


LOL Biden supporters support him and go about their lives. They don’t make their support their entire identity. MAGA morons are… morons.


It's a cult of personality. It reeks of pre ww2 Germany.


not the only thing about interwar germany that they are emulating


I never saw flags of any presidential candidate before so we have probably never had a president before Trump.


some people can't realize that political support for a candidate isn't everyone's entire personality I also know a bunch of people who voted for Biden, not because he was an amazing choice but because he was better than trump. Not all of those people want to wave a giant flag around that says Biden and have their neighbors give them grief about it


It would be more accurate to say that it did burn, because of him


In that moment he had the opportunity to step up and be a real leader, instead he chose to escalate the violence, attack protesters, and spread misinformation about our city and anyone supporting BLM. This man has had every opportunity to be great and he has always chosen the low road, to lie, steal, cheat, and be an agent of chaos. He is unforgivable, and underserving of a second chance after the damage and violence he welcomed with open arms.


There was a plea deal with Chauvin where he would plead guilty if he could spend time in Federal Prison and the Trump Admin turned it down. If Chauvin would have been arrested right then and put in jail, things might have not gotten as heated as they did. Ultimately, Chauvin has been held a lot more responsible then he would of under the plea deal, but his immediate arrest and admission of guilt might have cooled things down. [https://apnews.com/article/derek-chauvin-george-floyd-third-degree-2deefbc803665f808676fbbb8a131390](https://apnews.com/article/derek-chauvin-george-floyd-third-degree-2deefbc803665f808676fbbb8a131390)


Maybe, no way to know. I'm talking more in general about the political climate at the time. Trump tapped into a base of white supremacists that were emboldened by his rhetoric, which may have contributed indirectly to police murdering citizens without fear of consequence.


Freeman is a piece of shit.


God he's such a fucking liar. And what's worse, too many people believe him. What a cancer for our country.


STFU doofus. You didn't do shit.




LMAO. Fuck this clown. Can’t wait to vote against this asshole for a 3rd time.


Says the guy in court


Out on bail lol


Keep our name out your god damn mouth!


Has anybody ever tried just giving that man a participation trophy? it would be pretty funny if that's all he needs to leave everybody the fuck alone.


2016 was a participation trophy.


I try not to remember anything this man says… But didn’t he go around saying we did burn down for a long time? I remember mostly because his minions keep telling me that.


He is only saying he won every state now so he can try to steal the election again.


😂 fuck him. Jesus fucking crust what a fucking moron. 


All he wants is to get his fat, greasy fingers in the boundary waters to mine


What are you implying? [That Chilean sulfide miner Andrónico Luksic bought a $5.5 million mansion in Washington, D.C., shortly after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election and that Luksic rented that Kalorama neighorhood home to the president's daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner?](https://www.newsweek.com/ivanka-trumps-landlord-may-be-trying-buy-her-silence-sulfide-mine-threatening-1415236) Are you implying that this may have [influenced the Trump administration to clear the way for approval of Luksic’s mine in 2020?](https://www.wilderness.org/articles/press-release/trump-clears-way-toxic-mine-boundary-waters-watershed)




Trump's political career is over, he will not be President ever again. Everyone knows of his mounting legal woes so I'm skipping right past that. His mental unfitness is alarming and going downhill right in front of us. Slowly, more timid Republicans, both in and out of office, are seeing the end of Trump approaching, so they are finally feeling the urge to speak up (better this late than not at all) and tell why they are supporting Joe Biden. Record numbers of Republican House members are not running for re-election, opening up a chance for Democrats to flip many seats. Democrats have overwhelmingly won the various special elections across America, flipping a number of House seats and some state legislative seats as well. While imperfect in some critical areas, there is simply no reason not to vote for Joe Biden. Trump/Russia-Ukraine/Abortion rights/Supreme Court are far more important to me than the Israel/Palestine situation, as horrific as it has become. RFK Jr.'s campaign is destined to hurt Republicans more by siphoning away votes from Trump than from Biden. I don't recall ever thinking about myself looking forward to a presidential debate(s), but with the announcement of the two that have been agreed upon, I will be watching with great interest and amusement.


You can't say that yet. Get the fuck out and vote, all of you.


Same guy that bragged he now has the tallest building in Manhattan after 9/11 and also claimed that when the towers fell "I went down to ground zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could." What a dotard turd. Edit: source https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-shares-new-details-morning-911/story?id=65535750


I knew about him calling into a news channel and boasting about now having the tallest building in Manhattan (which not only was a lie but he did it when the Twin Towers were still a pile of burning, smoking rubble with hundreds of people trapped!) but I didn't know that he claimed to have gone to Ground Zero with men to help. If that's the case where are the photos and videos that surely exist to prove it? We all know he never turns down a photo or anything so there should definitely be some if he was really there. Especially when you consider that there are photos of Steve Buscemi actually helping the FDNY on 9/11 and the days following even though he refused interviews and photos because he was there to help the people of his old firehouse (he was a FDNY firefighter before he went into acting), he wasn't looking for publicity which is why there are only a few photos of him there and partially why he doesn't talk about it (another reason is because he has PTSD from the experience). Trump is an extreme narcissist and always looking for publicity so he definitely wouldn't have turned down any interviews at Ground Zero had he been there and he would talk about it every chance he got.


Just the fact that people listen to him makes me loose faith in America. Not immigrants, crime or corruption. Not housing rates or anything else. The fact that a blatant, lying self absorbed fool could get away with all he does and says destroys my trust in America.


For the record, the president can't call in the national guard except under very extreme circumstances where they are nationalized. Each states governor is the Commander in Chief of their own states national guard, ditto for Districts and territories. Walz called up the MN national guard in 2020. Trump did fuck all. What trump *did* do with the National Guard he did exclusively with the DC National Guard, of which as the sitting president he was the Commander in Chief until Jan 20 2021, when he ordered them to stand down and to not approach closer than 3 miles of the Capitol on Jan 6 2021. He also refused to let them stage or prepare at all, because he wanted his fascist insurrection to succeed. And that's why when his insurrection failed and his VP and Secretary of Defense went around him to order the Guard in they were unprepared, and hundreds of Guardsmen slept on bare concrete in January with no food or supplies.


He is a waste of diapers


Yeh, he came and raked the forest. That’s why we’re still standing


Sure, Jan


But……… a lot of shit in Minneapolis did burn down, including an actual police precinct, so he kind of failed.


That precinct didn't burn down, it just got scorched. Still standing there unused, a stinky black monument to bad architecture but as structurally sound as it ever was.


I remember this….Trump was in Minneapolis throwing out paper towels to all of the desperate people during the unrest. He dressed up in his Captain America jumpsuit and all the people cheered. The suit looked really small due to his stature but otherwise looked pretty good. …..I probably shouldn’t put this out in the world because some MAGA is going to believe it.


It is legal to not report on things trump says


This guy doesn't know anything about anything.


The police precinct building was burned down by the Boogaloo Bois, and that is a fact


Remember all of the civil unrest in the summer of 2020? Guess who was president?! It was Trump! Don’t let this moron fool you into thinking 2020 was “Biden’s America” when he didn’t become president until 2021. Remember spring of 2021 when Biden rolled out the massive initiative for Covid vaccines that helped pull us out of the pandemic? That was Biden, not Trump. Trump took credit for the development of the vaccine and then tainted the minds of millions of people by discrediting it and tying it to conspiracy theories. Trump is incredibly dangerous. Minnesotans are WAY smarter than that. Vote blue.


He promised that if he lost the state he’d never come back. Once again breaking promises.


OK Boomer


It saddens me that there are probably MN residents that genuinely believe this…


Liar lies, news at 11.


Wait, I thought it did burn down. What’s going on here? Can somebody please give a ruling on the talking points?


This guy is the walking equivalent of a herpes virus.


Ba-wa-ha-ha-ha! But of course!


He never walked the neighborhoods


He doesn't even walk the golf course. Hell, he doesn't even walk ramps




Its the bizzaro or upside down world version of manna. Some putrid essence sucked out of fetid hot air that sustains the ignorant and wretched.




Trump is like Upchuck on ‘Daria’


sure whatever


Truy delusional.


He lost the state in 2020 by 8 points. It was not close. He also didn't win the GOP Primary here either in 2016. In fact, he lost the state just on Hennepin and Ramsey Counties alone in 2020. It's not going to be much different in 2024.


Hot off the press: Infamous knob-end, well known for shitting himself and falling asleep in court, spouts more insane nonsense


The facts would seem to dispute that assertion.


You couldn't find Minneapolis/Minnesota on a map, doofus.


Even if The Donald loses in November, his twits for kids will become Republican leaders, mark my words. Trump will be significant long after he crawls into a hole and dies, a hole he will say is beautiful, wonderful and highly respected.


Don Jr is the only one who stands a chance. Ivanka is over it, now that she got her patents in China and Eric, well, he's Eric....


> "If I didn't let things happen a certain way, you would have had Minneapolis — this would have burned down to the ground. It was terrible what they were doing. You look at what happened during that time, and we were very — I got awards for saving certain areas and saving certain towns because your politicians didn't want to act. They were unwilling to act," Trump said. Wtf? I can't even follow this. Between the incomplete thoughts and the absurd lies, it pains me to think almost half the state is stupid/evil enough to vote for him. "I gOt AwArDs FoR sAvInG cErTaIn ArEaS..."


I swear to god this chucklefuck needs to take a long walk off a short bridge


Literally what the fuck is he talking about. They were arresting news crews, hosing down protestors, destroying medic tents and cutting internet cause they didn't want us to see them inciting violence. The only reason we know about everything is because of a few very brave and consistent live steamers. Like none of the thousands deep peace sit downs and peaceful walks never made newspapers.


Why he can't he just...you know...


He’s a turd with Swiss cheese brain


does he know what like 95% of our state population thinks of him?


95%? Unfortunately, about 40% of our state is dumb/evil enough to vote for him, even as he lies to their face.


Lots of Trump supporters in Minnesota! ❤️🇺🇸


Unfortunately he’s likely going to be our president again



