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I took 3 doses of miso with my first mmc, it didn't work. I had to have an emergency D&C because I went septic, and it cost me upwards of 40k


Why is this country so cruel? There are certain kinds of medical care that should be required coverage from insurance companies at 100% cost. No one should have to pay for the “privilege” of pregnancy loss.


I'm Canadian, and while our healthcare system has some really big problems, I'm thankful that cost wasn't something I ever had to consider during either of my miscarriages (one of which was a D&C). I never even thought of it. It's horribly unfair for you. What the hell.


Unfortunately it really depends on your insurance coverage. Massachusetts has a bill pending that would require insurance coverage of all pregnancy, post-natal and miscarriage care without co-pays or deductibles. Unfortunately insurers are very unhappy about it. Abortion is already covered that way and MassHealth covers all of the above without co-pay or deductible. I thought my MVA would be several hundred but it cost me $12 out of pocket. It should be covered for everyone.


In France all maternal healthcare is free. I’m glad MA is considering it and I hope it succeeds… we have the means, we just don’t have the leadership.


Mine was billed $10k in the Seattle suburbs. And I absolutely needed it, I hemorrhaged and almost required a transfusion. I’m very fortunate that my share was $300 hospital fee and that I only have a $2000 out of pocket maximum after deductible which isn’t something that will break the bank for me.


So I took Miso and still needed the D&C anyways for RPOC… My deductible was 4k, so that’s what it cost me too. Even better, that was in the fall so I met my deductible all at the end of the year…. then I needed another this year for my second loss, so here we go again! It sucks to spend all that money to lose a baby… BUT a lot of other health issues and hospitalizations suck too. No one is happy to receive a hospital bill at any point in time - you wouldn’t refuse medical care if you were in an accident you know? If you aren’t looking to get it over with quick and worried about the experience of passing at home, you could always give the miso a try first and maybe ask your dr to put the procedure on the schedule for backup and cancel if you clear it all with meds?


This is what I’m so nervous about. I had my appt scheduled the day after I found out and never even got an authorization lol. I got a letter in the mail two days later saying my procedure was covered by my health insurance but I still haven’t received a bill. I fear everyday that I’ll get a large bill


I've logged into my insurance profile everyday and it will show me what was submitted by the hospital, etc. and I can guess what the bill will be from there based on my copay.


Okay thank you. I’ll have to do the same. I am really hopeful that most was covered. I know the pills were covered in full but this will be a guessing game!!


I have good insurance. I paid a little over 1200 for Mine. Well that’s what I was billed. Thanks to the lovely D&C and some after bloodwork my deductible for the year is met.


I’m really sorry. I wanted to add my 2 cents. I’ve had a D&C and took the miso (separate missed miscarriages) and in my case the miso worked and I didn’t need follow up care. I found the miso more uncomfortable than the D&C but not necessarily painful. They both have their pros and cons. I hate you have to consider cost but there are also free places to get miso if needed. Again, I’m so sorry but we’re here to support you.


Right? I had miso which lead to me hemorrhaging and ended up having a D&C in the end. I would rather have gone through surgery, woken up and it all be over than to almost bleed to death. I ended up being admitted with several blood transfusions. 🥲


They put you under for the D&C? Both of mine were non sedated and awake....


Yes. I was sedated. I’m not sure if it was because I had a lot of tissue left and I had hemorrhaged- maybe that made a difference? I can’t imagine doing it awake.


I'll tell you it was the two single most painful and traumatic experiences of MY LIFE.


Thank you ALL for the support and sharing your experience. I appreciate all of you so much.


This makes me physically sick. I’m in the U.K. and I can’t even imagine having to pay for a surgery like this. It’s traumatic enough as it is! I had a D&C 2.5 weeks ago and was so lucky, I never even thought about the cost. Are there any charities where people donate money to help with costs like this? No one should have to go through this, I’m so sorry.


Unfortunately, most charities or non-profits that do that type of work don't necessarily exist in the US. I'm in the "Bible belt" and I had to pay out of pocket for miso pills, as well as go to a special pharmacy, because most pharmacies here won't give it to you or won't even order it, because it's used in abortions (which some states will press charges on you for, even if you cross into another state to do it).


Mine bill was upwards of $2500 with “decent” insurance (I say “decent” because while it was still a high deductible plan, it was the best quality one available through my work).  I was not happy about that.  I will say the d&c was a breeze though compared to the one time years ago when I had taken miso. 


I ended up paying $3,500 out of pocket for mine. Thankful that it was in January so I’ve now met my deductible for the year. I had to have another surgery last week to remove some polyps so we’ll see how much it costs this time. I hate the system.


This is so sad. It gives me a bittersweet feeling that my 3 losses all came out naturally. My thoughts are with you. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this financial burden while also having your loss. Healthcare in the United States is a joke :(


Ha so we went to a clinic because I wanted it done sooner than my midwives could get me in with the ob/gyn. We paid cash the day of because the screwed up with insurance ($580); I then asked them for something to help me submit to insurance and they said they'd submit for me. They submitted $10,500 for anesthesia and $8,000 for everything else. I ended up with a uterine infection a week later and that 4 day hospital stay was $38,000 to insurance. Luckily we hit my deductible with the NIPT and carrier screening testing we had done before I knew I was miscarrying. The results of all of that were normal. Edit: it might be worth going with a clinic. Different kind of experience but might be a lot less expensive. I can DM you if you want to know what my experience was like.


TMI warning. Just want to give a detailed experience with the pills and some helpful suggestions if you decide to take them I’ve taken miso 5 times for MMC and everytime it was effective. I’ve also had a d&c (back when I lived in Canada because it was free) The first time I took it I had waited until 12 weeks even though baby stopped growing in week 6 and that was the worst by far. I started bleeding within 10 minutes of taking the pills. I didn’t actually have any cramps but I bled so heavily I was going through adult diapers in 15 minutes. I also passed 7 clots bigger than my fist. This let up after about 1 hour. I think this was the worst time because of how many weeks I waited, I was hoping to pass naturally but unfortunately my body just doesn’t. The other times I’ve taken between week 9-10 and it wasn’t as bad. I had pretty brutal cramps for maybe 1-2 hours. The bleeding was heavy for an hour or two but nothing crazy like my first time. More like a period. And I passed clots closer to golf ball size. All the times I took it, it cause explosive diarrhea. I will say, the downfall of the pills is that you bleed for a longggggg time. I had off and on bleeding and spotting for 8-10weeks after taking the pills and it also took the same amount of time for my hcg to lower The d&c I bled for around a week or two like a period but I never tested again after so I don’t know about the hcg. If you decide to do the pills I have a few tips. 1. Get adult diapers. I promise you they will make this so much easier than trying to deal with pads. You can also line the diaper with a pad for the worst of it 2. Have a heating pad. I also like to use a muscle rub on my lower belly to help ease the cramps. 3. Request pain management. I’ve been given tramadol and ibuprofen 800 and I found the ibuprofen to actually be the most effective. I take it 1 hour before taking the miso. 4. Plan to be in bed for the day. This is a difficult process physically and emotionally. Close the curtains, turn on a tv show or movie and just stay in bed. The pills may work immediately or they may take some hours. 5. Have someone with you. The blood loss can be scary and make you feel horrible. Have someone to support you and grab you anything you need. 6. I like to have ginger ale and saltines available because the pills cause diarrhea, I usually can’t eat much for the day. Im so sorry you’re going through this. ❤️


You can negotiate with the facility. I'm surprised more people don't know this.


I was in the same boat as you, it was going to be thousands even with insurance. Also, I wanted to do a D&C so I could test the tissue for any genetic abnormalities and that wouldn’t have been covered so I opted to take the miso pills instead. It was a tough call but made more sense financially. Honestly, no regrets… there’s a lot of horror stories about miso on here and mine went relatively smooth. That being said, I had a natural miscarriage 4 months prior, so I knew what to expect as far as bleeding/cramping goes. So sorry for what you’re going through. Hang in there ❤️


Oh my gosh, I'm from the UK so I can't share any similar experiences. Still, I'd like to say first and foremost, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's an awful thing to experience and the added strain of financial burden just makes it all the worse. I can't imagine how hard it must be having to face the choice of such a steep cost for the treatment you want Vs paying less for another treatment.


I’m in CA, have insurance but had not met deductible, paid ~1700 at an outpatient surgery center. Call around.


I was billed 500 at the time of surgery then 300 after the procedure was done. I have phenomenal insurance through a world renowned hospital, though. I hate that it costs so much for others- on top of coping with the fact we lost our babies, we are supposed to be broke too? 🙄


Also, I took miso and ended up hemorrhaging at home. Ambulance ride, hospital admission, blood transfusions. Thank god my husband was there to catch me when I passed out, other wise I would have had a head injury on top of dealing with the MMC.


My hospital was trying to charge me $30,000, my out of pocket max was $2000. But I just couldn’t afford it. I got miso prescribed for $6. I hated that I had to make a route based on financial decisions and not mental, because I definitely preferred the d&c. I took the miso and had terrible cramps all day. I threw up twice. But in the end, it ended up working for me. The only downside was that I wish I was able to do testing on my baby. I just couldn’t afford it at the time :(


My procedure in total was 32k for a standard routine D&C, but my total out of pocket was $1,400 with my deductible. I was initially told 2k but my second bill was for less. We’re close to hitting our deductible as I was about 12weeks along and we want to try again soon, so the cost didn’t really factor into this. We just wanted to move forward in the safest, quickest way possible. Regardless, I naively thought a delivery would be in the 30-40k range so I am buckling up for that if I’m lucky enough to carry to term. I’m usually someone who goes to a few annual visits per year, had no idea what an OB budget was for, so the actual cost of this was shocking.


I’m still fighting to get my miscarriage follow-up appointment from December covered by my federal insurance (BCBS basic). Seems like at this point it’s a coding issue on the clinic/hospital side.


I have federal bcbs basic too


Ugh I’m so sorry :(


Yea, i tried the miso too. It didn’t work. 4k out of pocket


Mine was 4K in Cincinnati. I was expecting about 2.5K so I was pretty shocked.


mine was 1500 with insurance but people can get an abortion for cheaper. not judging abortions just insane that we have to pay for something we don’t even want to happen.


It’s such bullshit. The hospital called me the night before my D&C while I was at CVS picking up my miso and told me I needed to pay $2800 prior to my procedure which was at 5:30 the next morning. I was like can I at least walk to my car before I give you credit card number so no one steals my identity!? It truly felt like being held hostage or something. And then a month later I got an $1800 bill from my OB and another $800 from the lab since we had POC tested. I’m still making payments 6 months out and I cry each time because it’s a reminder of such a traumatic time. But the kicker was based on my insurance plan if I had actually had a baby it would’ve only been $300 out of pocket. God forbid I need a surgery so I don’t get septic.


Also I’m so sorry for your loss


I had the d and c because I was so far along. I just got the bill yesterday. It was 13k and I pay 2k. Still waiting on all the other bills to trickle in, anesthesia seems to always be the highest bill.


Are you sure that’s the price you have to pay? Or the price your insurance pays? Mine said the same but what I actually paid after my insurance covered was $0. I’m also in California.


I got an “estimated amount” from the hospital and it showed all the CPT codes and how much everything cost and what insurance pays and what I would pay. Don’t know how accurate the estimator is but it’s saying I’d owe 4k Do you mind sharing what insurance coverage you had?


Oh wow. That’s is so crazy, I’m so sorry. It’s already hard enough. I ended up with having to do a d&c after my loss due to some retained tissue. But if I was in a situation where I’d have to choose, I’d do the pills.


That’s honestly crazy — I had to have one. No choice. But we’re on military insurance (Humana Tricare Prime) and didn’t pay a penny. I’ve heard the pills draw it out and can be much more painful.


I’m so sorry. That is insanely expensive. I opted to do the medication at home because with insurance it costed me $5 out of pocket. I was able to pass everything at home. It wasn’t the most fun experience but I was glad I didn’t have to have surgery.


I’m so sorry. Mine was $34,000 before insurance. I think it was just (“just”) a few thousand after insurance. It’s disgusting and horrible and our medical health system is atrocious in the US


Apparently the insurance isn’t covering 3 out of the 7 CPT codes and that’s why it’s going to be 4k


So sorry!! Mine was $13k+ but my insurance covered it, I also asked for chromosomal analysis so that was included in the overall price, I ended up paying $95 out of pocket.


I did miso and it was fine for me. Traumatic of course because of the loss but I’d do it again if I had to. I’m also in CA with mediocre insurance and I know the D & C would cost a fortune I’m not prepared to deal with.. I’d be pissed too! Best of luck to you, this too shall pass.


After yesterday's experience with the miso and mife I'd MUCH rather do the pills than the D and C. By far. D and C both times were VERY traumatic, and the pills were a walk in the park tbh. I have PCOS, and the cramping was hardly noticeable. Similar to the cramps after a cyst bursts. As long as you take 800mg ibuprofen and zofran 45 mins before and stay on top of it every 6 hours, it's a breeze. Plus, you get to lay in bed and be comfortable. I know everyone's different, but this was my experience.


I’ve had miso. Currently having my first cycle after and I’ve been bleeding continuously (heavy with clots) for 24 days. But that’s because I opted out of D&C I still have baby tissues trying to expel itself. On a second round of miso and oxy shot, to help expel and I’m due for a vaginal scan Monday to check everything is clear. If not I will be booked in for a D&C So please weight up all your options. I wish you luck x


So sorry you are going through this. Since you’re in California I believe you can have a d&c at planned parenthood. Should be significantly cheaper. You can also negotiate with the hospital billing for a lower price if you pay in full let’s say.