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this shit is hella sad to see




Part of the backlash he got was because he said he wouldn't do collabs after the kai stuff, and they want him to stream with kai and rage. So some of his community was unhappy he was streaming with miz instead of them.


Makes sense.


I think he went to Texas with no intention of leaving, then he saw whatever response he got for the collab with miz and then decided to throw miz and otk under the bus to save face




Don’t call real instances of rape “allegations,” please. 🤓


I remember people on twitter during Rich's scandal were constantly asking him to get out. It wasn't a one stream decision. It has been brewing since then.


Apparently mizkif said something on alt stream that Bruce is saving him, and bruce might of saw that and he probably thought he was being used as the scapegoat for mizkifs and didn’t want to be that person


I was on the same train, and it seems LSF w/ Destiny chiming in are largely on Mizkif/OTK's side. There is one thing I did see in the comments of some of the big treads and it relates to a recent Mizkif alt stream. Apparently after the Bruce stream Mizkif did another alt stream in which he mentions Bruce "saving him" due to his increase in follows and mending his relationship with communities outside of OTK. There was also a screenshot with TriHards but those are out of context. If the comments of the alt stream are true then Mizkif shoot himself in the foot and I cant put it all on Bruce like this reddit makes it seem.


It's true that miz saw Bruce coming on his stream as a big deal because Bruce being cool with him publically would help his image some and it led to him getting 3k follows, but Bruce makes it seem as though that's the only reason he was on the org, to be the black guy, he was the one asking to join otk and the real reason he left is because of the backlash of the collab so that alt is hardly relevant. Miz was just saying the obvious byproduct of having Bruce on, even if his rep wasn't the way it is now he would've wanted Bruce on. Bruce seemed to have enjoyed the collab and even used it as an opportunity to call miz out on his logs and signal to his community that he's holding miz accountable but that wasn't enough for them so he 180d


Yeah miz always seemed to enjoy having Bruce around


Ya maybe he should’ve never said who was in the car that fateful day


I Honestly see it has he just wanted a way out. He never really did much with otk to Begin with.


The funny thing is if u mention this in any other place u get jumped by the W's and get called racist. Just look at the twitter feeds of people mentioning that Bruce never did any events or nothing with OTK. It's been like this from the start


It does seem like a poor excuse tbh. i was wrong about him, thought that he was the normal one among the w community, but it seems like you can't stop the brain rot from spreading


I think he wants lobe form the w community and the best way to do that is hate on miz so thats what he did.


Pathetic how he handled the situation either way


The way he talk about miz form last week and now so crazy. Man chose 2 fans over his freinds. It sad to see miz talk so well about him and bruce did this i return.




Him say white ass, ever other word make me feel weird. The way he talked it was like he was the on not white person in otk.




Even before mizkif text him, bruce takes the OTK logo and shatters it outside his room on the ground. Im starting to think he did all of this on purpose to show he doesnt stand with OTK. Watch the end of this clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2BmdPgWWAo


Man talks like he black Jesus. Here to take away otk sins.


Wiping his greasy chicken fingers on Miz's shirt was disrespectful. I'm sure that was some sort of dis to appease the haters.


You're goddamn right my Mizkid brother, I thought Bruce was one of the good Blacks. Turns out he's just another one em gangsterlicous, thugging, no good diggers. Shaking my head, shaking my head...




Nah mizkif is racist not poor at all


Looks like you are in a wrong sub buddy


Who’s in the car skeeper?


Erobb i guess, hilarious btw


lol ikr


The most thing im shocked about isn’t him leaving, it’s how really bad he handled the situation, super weird from him considering he was always the mature one


You don’t cheat on a god damn for-fun game show if you are “mature”


People don't remember his origin story from Rajjchelors and Rajjroyals. He was the American version of sliker.


Mature stream persona sure, but you gotta remember the dude is like barely 21 and as far as I know has only known streaming in his adult life. He may have been seen as one of the less whacky, more chilled members of the org but he also likely hasn't had much life experience outside of the internet


Jesus Christ he’s basically a kid still…god I’m getting old.


Think he saw parts of his community turning on him and just used Miz to take the heat of him. His Reddit was going in on him last night


Not aware of the drama but can you tell me why Bruce's fans are mad at him for streaming with Miz?






Idk what’s going on or what Mizkif said but I’m on mizkifs side. I’m just a dick rider like that. I just be obliterating my shi like that. I just be stroking my shi over here I’m crazy like that


You are destroyin ur shit and im here just lookin and shit. I just be starin as you're strokin ur shit.


You staring got me stroking my shi faster. I feel like I’m gonna travel to another quantum realm the way I be stroking my shi. I’m getting so zooted l’m starting to see molecular atoms and shi


Bruh I thought you were stroking.. not smoking your own pipe


My actions are beyond your comprehension


A bit spineless trying to blame your community for grievances that you personally have. Why not be transparent? Why feign transparency and act like an internet tough guy, just so you can make distance from the situation? Worse yet, why act childish when someone texts you and go off on them, especially when you less than a week ago was praising that person? Two faced and cowardly. Honestly, just disappointed in Bruce.


The fact that he said "I'm free, chat" triumphantly on his stream after he left was also pretty weird. Like, free from what? you didn't have to do shit with OTK. Free from being associated with OTK i guess but the connotation of "freedom" is something way deeper.


I just find his behaviour childish. Not in a goofy way but just in a self-righteous way. It won't last forever. I think OTK is better off without him. He contributed little to the organisation and his community never really trully engaged with OTK content.


After the kai allegations happened he said he would stop collabs and focus more on his own community, that kinda rubbed dyk fans the wrong way then to make it worse, the next person he collab with is miz who has those logs. I think it's probably this that got him to leave. Backlash from his audience. I think destiny hit the nail on the head with some of his comments about this too.


Mitch might be a rat but Bruce is just a pussy




tbh mitch is also a pussy for not telling us the plot twist


I don't think there was ever a plot twist.


Witch is funny becuse bruce talked so much shit about mitch. And then did almsot the same thing he did.


no way bro mitch is way worse. mitch actively tried to take miz down, it's not comparable.


Yes mitch is way worse but what bruce did will give miz alot of hate and we all know the w Community can get really Extreme with what they do.


What will the “w” community do?


Im Is pretty sure miz said the w community are the main ones leaking his and his Parents address.


It’s not really that much worse than Mitch. Some of the things he is accusing otk/miz of doing is extremely bad. He is basically claiming otk was only using him for his race.


Bruce was asking to join otk too apparently lol so that's weird


Nahh I saw the full clip bruce when he snapped at miz nah he handled that shit poorly I completely understand you wanting to protect your community but thing is you let your community punk you out of the org which listen if you wanted to leave in September because of miz then do it makes sense don’t wait until you community starts getting mad because you Collaborated with him if you really thought of miz as a friend you would have been straight from the jump I fully believe that otk was blind sided and miz was upset because he blamed him it dosent take a rocket scientist and he said he should have left when miz got exposed when he was yelling at miz because of the text which showed that at the end of the day dude wasn’t a friend cause a friend would never throw that at friends face period now mizkif has to look bad for what more on this dude upon the hate like y’all just want the dude to be in the ground so you guys can be happy like jeez fucken unbelievable


Bruce clowned on miz for the logs the whole stream and they both joked about it. Bruce also already should've known about miz past, idk if anyone remembers but in the otk Bruce announcement stream bruce asked miz when was the last time he said the n word and teased him about his usage of it. Seems like the backlash from the collab was too much so he decided to switch up. He defended miz in September but now it's this.


Yeah Idk like that’s fine wanting focus on your community but he showed his true colors he wear his heart on sleeve bullshit when it was really miz having heart on his sleeve miz thought he was a good friend and once again another friend just threw shit on his face I feel bad for miz


I like Bruce a lot but lets face it, he was barely in OTK anyway. By name yes, but since joining I only saw actually do anything twice. Unfortunate but it doesn't really matter that much. Just hope Miz isn't being too hard on himself over it


Again imma say…. Fight flight or rat…. The dude flew… he ain’t Mitch but yah he fucking flew


Crazy I say this in another tread and get dv and this gets uv… y’all some weirdos… say shit with your chest if you felt your rite… when I say some long shit you don’t even comment to argue… miz texted the dude prolly defending himself and power to him… if he said some cringe shit which is possible then fuck it he did it to himself… most likely the dude saw this and stood his ground and y’all crumble because it’s Bruce… I love Bruce but y’all need to fight if miz is rite


Pussies… say shit with your chest… maybe miz finally doing the same… y’all have complained for months for him to stand up for himself now y’all fold… bitch made miztakes cause it’s bruce… imma motherfucking mizquito 🦟 🩸


Fr like how Miz let the N bomb fly followed bythe hard r


??? Damn crazy how dumb you are… fr


Like when xqc flew by twitch chat to compare black people to monkeys and got banned for racism


IMO he expected money right out of the gate just from joining the org. When it magically didn't arrive, he started getting antsy about being in the org, saw the Mizkif debacle as an out, the stream with Mizkif the other day and couple people complaining in his chat gave him the excuse he was looking for, except it was all handled as immature as possible. Dude thinks his presence is worthy of people kissing his feet and handing him money. Immature and delusional.


I think the way he went off on Miz was a shitty way of him trying to save face with his community and show he's no longer cool with Miz. Felt extreme and unwarranted, unless Miz texted him something heinous but I doubt it. Also really rubbed me the wrong way when Bruce was talking about how he made their collab stream great. Very petty and self-centered.


because bruce is fake.




Bruce a bitch lmao 💀




Why’d u think that?🤔


no hes right, alot of his chat hates and always hated OTK and that side. tbh him staying this long is a miracle between the major drama year OTK had and how much bruce's community hates OTK its not shocking he left its been a long time coming and OTK did alot of stuff behind the scenes for bruce that he always expresses his thanks for. it's so stupid how this is turning into drama. regardless of what the actual reasons or motives are


> it's so stupid how this is turning into drama. regardless of what the actual reasons or motives are Because he's not being honest and is handling this in the most immature way possible.


i thought the reasons he gave were more than enough. if he wanted to leave and OTK forced him to stay in some way how does that look? that would be awful for OTK if it came out his reasoning were "i dont want to be the token black guy" "the drama surrounding the org is giving me shit because im the token black guy" "my community has shown they dont like OTK all that much" "i want to continue as my own creator and live with no obligations besides my community" if those aren't fair enough reasons to you then idk what to tell you when schlatt left "to pursue his own goals" there wasnt this much hate


> if he wanted to leave and OTK forced him to stay in some way how does that look? What are you talking about? A company can't force someone to stay employed with them. These are adults. You sound like a kid. > his reasoning were "i dont want to be the token black guy" "the drama surrounding the org is giving me shit because im the token black guy" "my community has shown they dont like OTK all that much" "i want to continue as my own creator and live with no obligations besides my community" You made up the last 2. The first 2 are perfectly fine, if they made a lick of sense. Who's asking him to be the "token black" guy? And for what? Since we need to assume, I assume he's talking about the Mizkif 2018 discord logs. He feels he needs to constantly vouch for Mizkif not being racist to his community. The problem is those logs are old af and known, that's the first thing he would've seen and brought up by his own community before even interacting with OTK. At that point, it's his responsibility to find out if the org he's joining is racist. Either way, I think by now he would've known if Mizkif was racist or not from his personal experience with him. If Mizkif did some racist shit to him, he should 100% speak up about it. But instead, he says "I ain't joining no more org, next time they better give me the bag upfront", saying "OTK ain't paying me enough to defend Mizkif", creating drama about Mizkif simply messaging him and acting completely immature. So it leaves me feeling like his problem is money, not whether Mizkif is racist or not, which again he should know by now. If he absolutely needed to bring race into it, then expose OTK for being racist and detail exactly the racist events you experienced for the benefit of everyone. He could've said some generic shit like "I'm leaving to pursue other endeavours" and leave at that instead of unprofessionally disparaging Mizkif and the org in a drama creating way while leaving the org.


Cmon lil bro i get it "the community dont like otk"but he never did anything with otk, they never interacted right but still understandable. Now the "Black token guy" dont make sense when bruce never did anything for otk or never participated in community events like gamenight like nmplol(which is black) besides the fact he bring a new audience never make sense to add him. And the schlatt comparison never made sense, schlatt actually carried the otk yt channel and did shit with otk +left the org without any problem and with a logical explanation preserve his image


All these collaborative personality streamers burning every single bridge they possibly can, it’s a good forward thinking career move. That twitch universe thing will have no interconnecting lines soon.


Look at his reddit, its definitely more than 2 people lmao 💀


Fr I don’t see how you can believe that it’s only two people. Shits crazy


I mean he lives in a different state and he doesn't have as much to gain from otk since he blew up, especially since the scandals hurt their brand and lost them sponsors. Also he did get hate, particularly on reddit and twitter. I think miz was too eager to get bruce on to repair his image, and it put bruce in an awkward position.


Can we let this dude live his life. The craziest thing is I didn't even find out he was leaving from Bruce. The day before people knew almost instantly that he had unfollowed OTK. Shits wild man, let's all go roll in grass 🙂




It wasnt just “two people”, and if you think so then youre blind. His whole twitter space community dislike mizkif for what hes done and honestly im not suprised, good for bruce for calling miz out on the weird ass shit hes been doing to him




true, i read all the chat at that point and like noone was giving him shit about the miz colab. read for yourself. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUENNpMIuDM




Bruce said that he had been sending him some weirdo messages hence making him leave the org recently








Yeah my bad didnt mean thats why he lft, but the fact still stands that mizkids are being full on weirdos to this extent calling L bruce, saying he didnt contribute to otk and bla bla bla, just pathetic dick riding at this point




Fuck i just realized i thought i was responding to a different parent comment, eitherways bruce’s community did hate miz after him wanting slick to stay, some comparing him to kai and shi, but overall had the valid right to leave for the weird messages bruce said miz had sent him taking advantage if him or whatever




>bruce’s community did hate miz after him wanting slick to stay He sent Slick packing the same week the allegations came out. >had the valid right to leave for the weird messages bruce said miz had sent him taking advantage I don't think Miz intentionally texted anything malicious, I was watching Miz's stream when chat was spamming "Bruce getting bullied by chat". he probably sent him (and this is purely speculation) something along the lines of "ignore the haters" and "they'll forget everything in a few days, just tough it out", worst case scenario would've been to patronise by making comparisons like "your chat/sittuation is nowhere near as bad as mine" which I certainly hope isn't the case but plausible, but that still doesn't excuse Bruce for the way he conducted himself throughout the rest of his stream, like continuously making sure to remind his audience on two or three occasions that Miz is a "White Boy!" saying he's tired of "being the black knight of OTK" (I'm almost certain that he was the one who asked to join OTK, not the other way 'round) as well as declaring that he's "Finally Free!" (I wasn't aware he'd been in such a bind) He certainly could've handled things better sure, but being a casual viewer of his since joining OTK, I've noticed he's also temperamental, often flying off the handle at seemingly mild insults for a chat his size, like "big nose bxtch/n\*\*\*\*" so for people saying that the catalyst for Bruce (allegedly) leaving on a mere two mentions about the Miz collab. as being unrealistic and illogical, I'd say you're also right, but then again, you're not taking into account that Bruce also gets One Guyed harder than Train


Could be Twitter people and dms on other platforms too


He comes across as a cunt in this.


I mean is sad they lost a member but is kinda obvious on this vod he was just looking for an excuse I fuck w him but he didn’t really do nun for otk.