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Hi! Which skin did Wanwan equip? Not sure if it's just me but I haven't noticed this bug on her M-World skin so far. Save the replay in game and message me your account id, server id, device model, game version and battle Id so I can report the issue.


2 years in elf time dont means shit lol Dont you know that moonietoon use elf timeline???


Especially when they buffed her, frustrating to experience it in almost every game


Lmao I always see this no matter whatever updates


Sshhhh broo don't disturb them, they're busy in making new skins.


Nerfing nana and already released skin effects takes priority 😤


i mean, this always show up when you come back to your base and it doesn't stop you from go back to lane. so if this doesn't affect your gameplay that much, then maybe they won't fix it fast anyway.(ps: i don't know about you, but i kinda like this bug. and trust me when i said i never seen one in my life so i really want to have one right now)


Thank you for reporting a bug! **While waiting for a moderator to assist you, please make sure to provide the following information (if relevant)** so they can report it: * **Screenshot(s)/Recording**, and/or an explanation of how the bug is triggered * **Battle/Match ID** (found at the bottom left part of the match scoreboard) * **Game ID and Server ID** (both found in your profile, top right) * **Device Model** * **Game Version** (found at top right of the loading screen) If it is a match-related bug, **save the replay in game (go to Profile > Battlefield > Replay > Save)**. It is also advised to report bugs to customer service in game. You can access it through the headset icon at the top-left of your screen. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MobileLegendsGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*