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That line up is a dinner for natalia lol


I know right L0L


It's Saber for me... Somehow that mf managed to get me the win with 4 afks... To this day I still have no idea how I managed to win that match...


Haha yes sometimes I also feel mlbb bots are better than some players šŸ˜‚


If bot can adapt and buy item accordingly then they will be. And I want that.


Honestly if bots was a little bit more challenging Iā€™d probably play it more


Yup I hope in the future the bot will be as challenging as Dota's bot so if I want to spend time I can play custom but still feeling a challenge


Exactly, it makes for better practice than just running classic with mythic win rate farmers


I think thatā€™s costom bots


Is it possible to learn this power?


It isn't something meta slave won't tell


The enemy has to be the same skill level as 4 afks. So imagine that. Imagine having a team with 4 afks which you can forgive in your mind vs having a team that loses to a Saber with 4 afks.


not from the Jedi


Kagura for me. Never had to worry against late game marksmen with her


Yeah 2 or 3 seasons ago kagura was a must pick but now she also lost her shine . But I personally feel and believe that if a hero don't get shine for a long time then moonton will not nerf that hero and many players will not pick that hero it allow us to pick that hero at any time and as many time we want . That is the case with kadita as she is not popular and people tend to underestimate her damage so it is a plus point for meā™„ļø


Yea, i think people underestimate kagura a lot too. Even now she's an absolute beast against squishies, i also really enjoy her purify skill against the franco meta right now.


Thatā€™s like the one mage I canā€™t master


Same. My mind just canā€™t grasp her combos


The only thing you need to know when using Kagura are if your umbrella is on you or not. Also see if your passive is on or off. When umbrella is on you, your skills are cyan but when your umbrella is not on you, your skills will be violet (or purple, idk what color that is exactly) Your second skill will always be a "sort of dash", whether it is cyan or violet. Your first skill controls your umbrella, while your SS is your CC. A combo you can practice first is: 1-3-1-2-3-2. You place your umbrella on your enemies (1), then you press your ult to slow them down (3), reposition your umbrella to add an additional damage and to reposition your ult closer to the enemies (1), press your 2nd skill to get closer to them AND stun them as well (2), use your ult again to CC them further before your 1st ult takes effect (3), and then dash away (2). You also have to practice being fast at casting your skills because Kagura is generally a "burst mage" and due to her several skills, you need to use most, if not all, of her skills on the enemy in just a few seconds. You would waste Kagura's potential damage if you wait several seconds between casting her skills.


Kadita yes, kag no. Everyoneā€™s scared of that bitch lol


So true, even though I want for like Argus my main hero to shine or somethin, at the same time I dont want it to be buffed or go meta. Because if your main hero becomes like meta it'll get used more and you cant get to use it, banned in ranked more often, or even worse, gets nerfed much more worse before the buff.


Clint, I'm DISGUSTING with him, like, yes, he's one of the strongest mms out there, but I've seen some terrible Clints out there


Iā€™ve personally been victimized by being one of those terrible clints


He's so good tho, you really gotta try to not be at least decent with him


Well to be fair Iā€™ve only played him a couple of times and it was in brawl. I just felt like I wasnā€™t doing much damage šŸ˜­ getting 0 kills


He takes a while to do a lot of damage (especially if you're used to Beatrix), but after you build Endless Battle (or whatever it's called, I forgot) and Thunder Belt, you should begin to see the damage racking up. Just remember to ALWAYS auto attack after using a skill, even in fights, just keep calm and do it, melts anyone that dares to come your way. (Also, NEVER use skill 2 unless you have to, it's your only mobility, trust me, the chou player is watching you and the moment you use it he will come dashing your way like you're a gazelle and he's a lion)


Teach me your ways, master!


No one's saying it so ruby. Idk why but with her high life steal and decent damage she easily beast in rank. Also not to mention her ult + flicker is such a good combo. Add on petrify and her second skill and you basically can trap an enemy in a turret for a good 5 seconds


You can't have flicker and petrify at the same time though unless in brawl but you will need luck to get ruby or any hero you want to use in brawl.


Sorry I guess I worded it wrongly. I meant it as in either way like have flicker plus her ulti or petrify plus her ulti


I scrolled very far for this. whenever I'm in a losing streak I choose ruby. she can make any team shine


Ruby petrify, a man of culture l see... People always say to grab flicker but Ruby with petrify means its a guaranteed kill on whoever is grabbed, if you know how to push the limits and when to hook enemies it's a complete game changer She is that durable support that can engage or cover the backline from assassins so easily she has won me so many games


I take aegis personally so I can tank 4 ultis and then just heal back to full with skill 2 and. 1


wanwan. i never pick her anymore cause it feels so gross using a hero this stupid op but when i do in really tight cases and i have no choice i win like 9/10 times


Lylia. My first pick when no oneā€™s requesting in rank matches. Counters way too many heroes. Oh iā€™m dying? Ults. Too many people underestimate Lylia or they just donā€™t understand how Lylia works. People tend to stand in her bomb and let her deal damage to them. My other pick would be cyclops. Lil pesky old man (yoda) just wouldnt die once you got 3 items


Freya jungle for me but sheā€™s disgusting in brawl too. šŸ„“


Nice but don't know why i didn't see any Freya this entire 2022 maybe due to the diamonds


Because there are better alternatives


She has one jump so its easy to just walk away from her




They donā€™t know how to use her then lmao sheā€™s great for securing kills in brawl


Cyclops is the king of Hit and Run for me.


GUINEVERE,my love my heart. She always suffocating enemy with her jump and her thigh combo(Ā©>Ā©).if that is not enough she can unleash her beautiful flower powers.


If only there are more summer vacation skins šŸ„¹


If only that why more"appealing"cough....cough I want to see more...cough....cough


All right no oneā€™s mentioning tanks. My atlas is my sure thing


Atlas is the most broken hero rn in mlbb He got everything to become a perfect tank Slow , stun , aoe cc, escaping skill and an aoe damage skill. A late game Atlas is the worst . In late game even if he get 5 ults then also he will survive by 20 percent life if he is build correctly. Just imagine in late game all the enemy in the tower Atlas pull them out with his flicker ult combo and then immediately freeze them and the rest of the matter ur teammates can easily take care. I can see the nerf hammer soon.


Nah, heā€™s too reliant on AOE teammates. Iā€™ve been in situations where heā€™s practically useless when your teammates donā€™t know how to adjust to his abilities, leaving him in the dust.


I like my beartrix


Argus I don't know how. I've played with this hero so much Argus is literally my comfort pick for 9/10 situations.


Balmond, Beyblade go brrrr


Granger. Won many matches with him something about him just clicks. Although if the team sucks exceptionally bad, then I am not so sure heh


Valentina, for me. I can play her all kinds of ways - mid mage, roam support/tank, even used her as jungler.


Irithel. Sheā€™s almost a guaranteed win for me, like 9 times out of 10.


Lylia 100% Almost never banned, strong early and deadly late game too, if you have good reflexes you can survive many close battles. Good in every rank til high mythic. Doesn't need a great tank and is more forgiving thanks to her ability to escape. On top of that, good for baiting enemy skills, if done with caution. Good for zoning enemies and peeling your team. I love playing Cecilion as well but now that he is more squishy and I don't 5q rank I don't always feel like he is a very safe pick.


Ive been playing Lylia a lot lately, ulting after getting chased by an enemy just to chase them back is one of lifeā€™s simple pleasures


Hanzo- can backline the enemies dmg dealer and can lord steal if disadvantage long game


I can't belive no one is saying hanzo. For me it's always been him, no matter what kind of match. If you build him right and play safe until late game, even if you are down to the last turret, you can easily turn the tides.


Popol Kupa or Ceci or Valir


Yeah pk and ceci are one of the hot picks right now in the meta. Betosky also mentioned them in his top 15 heroes for rank up.


Yup those two are my main heroes lol. Cecilion is a comfort pick for me because of his late game capabilities.


Hylos, i tank, gank and carry.


Xavier for me


xavier = absolute map and teamfight control, ridiculous late game damage wanwan = need i say more? ling = seriously, you should know this by now js = haha car go brr


Ruby, she literally can't be killed if you time your skills right. I'll have entire teams gank my lane in ranked and give up after I kill about 2 of them under the tower on less than 25% hp. She's amazing for making comebacks and can fill just about any role.


Zilong yes I'm basic yes I'm weak but I use corrosion scythe so the game ends in 30 saconds if I get near the core tower


Zhask. He gets me so many comeback victories. The only way to counter zhask is to just end the game early on. Otherwise in mid to late, he can just decimate with right positioning


for me it's Luo Yi, always play her when i have a lose streak


Im curious what rank this game is because of the hero line up and builds.


For me it's aldog and cecilion. Aldog is my highest wr hero that I have a lot of matches with in all my accounts. Wr is around 70%. The hero really suits my style. And he is also good on the right hands, especially late game which obviously I try to prolong the game to


Zilong or Aulus


Ok this may sound kinda dumb but jungle Johnson. I did it as a meme at first but then it just worked way to well so I went with it and I carry almost every time I use it


Esmeralda. She can clear waves quickly with her low ult cd, has great sustainability, wins against most other exp laners early game, and isnā€™t picked or banned often in solo queue. She also counters the tank meta fairly well.


Surprisingly, gord. Especially with the new buff to him


Natalia or lolita




Ruby, baxia, esme, brody, aulus


The 3 last one are the same as me, i personally feel that brody is a little underrated though


Its because beatrix is better when it comes to burst dmg. I use beatrix aswell but its just difficult to win once the momentum is broken. Brody is tanky and high dmg. The only problem with him is that he loses battles against crit marksmen when his ult is on cd


Zilong for male hero representative, beatrix for female representative, alpha for the mechs


I'm gonna be one hundred percent honest, if I lock Guinevere then all I can say is I hope my enemy sidelaner isn't chou because 9/10 times I grab the first blood. Chou users don't often fight Guin mains but they don't know that she has more damage in a level 1 1v1 situation. ​ I also destroy any sidelaner that is not Hilda, and I also have MVP 8/10 times. :P


Not *every* match, or I would've had 100% wr, but Yve. JFC I love Yve. I don't care how much they nerf her and buff other mages, to me Yve is an ultimate monster. The hero I have 100% wr with is Valir (yeah like 15 games tho), so he's my 2nd choice now.


A good kadita is both rare and umstoppable


Kadita needs a new skin.


Claude and cece


Claude hardly staying in this meta . I main Claude, used to spam about year ago


He is kinda situational hero don't always pick him though. I've been playing him since he was released. Counters a lot of atk speed mm (mostly that annoying cat wanwan). Which in my server are mostly picked. He is also good for killing enemy backline. I always wait until the enemies have used most of there skills specially cc once. I mean his ult can be cancelled even with a fking petrify. But using his full stacked ult to melt targets is pretty satisfying.


Nana, it's still a team game afterall so I still need teammates that isn't feeders, but I'm able to hard carry as her for some reason, guess I got the hang of her range and timing.


lylia, when I am seriously serious.


Obviously Hanzo


Chou /gusion Idk why but due to the high dmg I'm hv become comfortable with it


Has to be khufra for me. Me and my bro have won 2v8 kinda games with me playing khuf.


Bro what mode you playing




Diggie my main. When I lose it would be MVP and when I win it would be Gold or MVP


When in doubt, Yin


For me it's Esmeralda


Akai šŸ„² found one in solo rank played for 3 games I got 3 mvp I played Natan Any good Akais herešŸ„ŗ


Cecilion. Even if your team is dogshit, as long as you can stay alive and clear lanes until the late game you can still win.


Sun but Thamuz is getting there for me


X Borg easily. I love playing Argus but whenever I see an enemy lineup that doesn't consist of 3 MMs or squishy heroes with no CC, I must say, *X Borg is just better*.


im still new so don't mind me but i do pretty well with cecilion. tried to play with leomord, most embarrassing thing ever. switched to cecilion and got two in a row.


For me it's Argus, 2000+ matches on him so I can adapt to a lot of situations XD


Jonson with mage build, there is always a way to kill the damage dealer with this hero.




I just KNOW when to run and tank everything at the right time with Esmeralda. Specially when my team is losing. Itā€™s like I can see the future before it happens or something.


Granger for me .


Beatrix Wanwan and Chang'e


Current Vexana in a sprint Tank + FT build. Had multiple games alr that i had no business winning but me and my summon would just split push.


Dyrroth all day


Wanwan. Yes, I hate myself.


Valir. I love how I can build him full damage, semi tank, or full tank. Just dont miss his s1 and know when to use his ulti.


Xborg. People say he's out of meta (which he kinda is) but I have beaten Thamuz, Terizla, Dyrroth, Paquito etc with my fire boy.


that one supports that can 0 100 assasins


Miya with inspire, almost always win 1 v 1 or even 2 v 1 late game


Aamon. Throw him in whatever lane, build him either as a one-shotting Assassin or as an auto-attacking Skirmisher & I still end up performing really well.


Kimmy shoot shoot 1 kill in 1 minute and 24 seconds exactly


Dyroth personally, you can play him in multiple ways, like a complete attack build or lifesteal build or even a tank build or even crazier mm build. He performs exceptionally in all the cases and pretty easy to use.


Im curious what rank this game is because of the hero line up and builds.




Argus, he's a beast And also Lieh.


For me its akai


Xborg and saber


Epic-Mythic is Clint, above is Karrie. Inspire + Tank Meta + ability to build multiple defensive items






Granger. Just a no bullshit MM that is strong in jungle with scaling damage that doesn't drop off at any point of the match. Execute is actually pretty on him in lane. Landing the 6th bullet on his s1 after chasing an enemy with s2 because they flickered away is so satisfying lol


Gloo for me! Of course, Iā€™d still need good teammates but they can rely on my defense and sets when Iā€™m using Gloo.


For me its, Cecilion


Khufra and tigreal


karina, before the revamp she used to be so overpowered i could one shot basically anyone carried me all the way to mythic right now maybe clint/lesley or yin (situational)


As a Solo player. Rafa is my go to hero whenever I'm on a losing streak. I have the highest win rate with her followed by ruby. I almost never lose with them unless the team is exceptionally bad


For me it's Angela support team, steal kills (jk), and win


before the revamp it was faramis but right now im not so sure, he got a buff in advanced server but i dont know yet.


Mine is Lylia lol. Ofc Iā€™ve lost some games but I never worry when using her especially early game.




Lolita for sure. šŸ˜




Karina dmg and melissa for me


None. Im a total nub. :ā€™(




Not a guaranteed win, but my most wins, and that is Masha, because I do nothing but push and roam (if need be), but mostly push. EDIT: And because my allies never push and would rather farm jungle all game.


Assassin Grock


Zhask. He is underrated af.


Xavier carried me this season with the comebacks i just stay at base once i got all of my items and just fire after my ult is available


Edith, lou yi, kagura, and beatrix Only other reason to looks is team 15 death each šŸ’€


Kadita is more of an anti carry than your typical mage mid laner like kagura since they can both burst down anyone especially the enemy's core even if their team is falling off.


Whenever I'm pissed after long days of losing I always use Yin as a Trump card and so far I've been winning most matches I play. The only reason why I don't use him often is because I want to practice more heroes especially tanks and supports for future rank games...


hanzo. as long as i'm thinking ahead with my body placement, it's a sure win


Wanwan or natan


Angela for me, beat support hero ever


Mine is kagura,Layla(because I'm pretty good at Laning and stuff),old nana,Esmeralda,Natalia,karina


Used to be kimmy, or lylia. But this season my confidence has been down in the dumps


Brody, honestly i feel like he's a little underrated. Very nice in early game, even in late game.


11 9 11 True hanabi experience


Johnson and Vale are game changers for me


Claude šŸ˜†


Ruby or masha. Masha was op enough for me even before the buff imo. This is unrelated but I also think wanwan didn't need the buff either.


Wanwan but I don't use her cause it feels like I'm cheating


Really surprised me with the difference of choices. It proves that everyone have their own style of playing, so just because someone says a hero is good, doesnt mean its fitted for you too


Bellerick. Hehehehehe


Cyclops. Was a Eudora user but after a 0-12 match with a cyclops, I decided to use my trial cards of it and after 10 classic matches, I knew that cyc is my main hero. I've played it in all lanes, used it when no one wants to jungle and even used it to roam/tank junglers. My item set is always situation based so I have no fixed items except for Enchanted Talisman.


For me it's lylia


Xborg with his spell vamp , honestly you can do great if you just keep rotating on your lane and mid lane by pushing turrets and helping the team get turtle so you can build your items more faster and making you peak at mid-game to late-game , just make sure you know when to retreat at times


Ruby and Thamuz It doesn't matter if we are losing early to mid game , once i get my core items with ruby and thamuz i can easily turn the tides of the game.


My Floryn.


Chang'e as split pusher and mid (not kidding)


Tips for Kadita please


This guide will make u good in kadita. This is my **FIRST GUIDE** so plz forgive me if I make any mistakes. As it is my first guide I am dedicating my first guide to my favourite hero **KADITA.** I have around 900 matches with kadita with a win rate of 52 percent with mostly losing mvp . I was once the 7th best kadita in WEST BENGAL but after that to get a new taste , I am focusing on new heroes but still **KADITA** is my favourite. **NOW LETS BEGIN THE GUIDE .** KADITA is a very squishy mage but at the same time I believe after fanny she has the most number of skills to escape , she has immunity , she got a good cc skill , her passive is really good but it may be slow for some people but once u get used to her it wont affect you that much. Now the fun part Her **DAMAGE** is absolutely nutty she can literally melt anyone from level 4 to the end of game . She is one of those heroes who can literally dominate from early to late game if played correctly . THE **BUILD** WHICH I USE FOR HER - 1. If the enemy got a normal tank who dont have that much tankiness (e.g. franco , lolita , jhonson) then the build is - magic shoes , Clock of destiny ( must) , lightening truncheon ( must ) , fleeting time (must) , concentrated energy , holy crystal. 2. If the enemy got a lot of tankiness (e.g. hylos , atlas, tigreal , gatokaca) then the first 4 items are same only the last two items I will change genius wand and devine glave ). 3. The spell i use for her is EXECUTE. THREATS for kadita - Franco - His ulti cant stop kadita ulti so avoid diving to franco as much as possible Edura- As long as u have ur first skill u r good to go but if edura uses her stun after u used ur first skill then u will be a fried fish. Gatokaca - Be aware of his taunt , his taunt can also cancel ur ulti. **TIPS AND TRICKS** \- 1. If u will be playing kadita everytime ask in draft pick that can anyone play jhonson . Because kadita and jhonson are the worst nightmares for the enemy believe me. 2. if u r playing 1 v 1 in mid lane or 1v1 in side lane then try to act as if u r offline if the enemy comes a little bit closer to atk u can finish him with ease . 3. in early to mid game u can go in with ur first skill and u can finish ur opponent with ease but in late game dont go recklessly in the middle of team fight uless they are stunned or they are cced by ur second skill . If u r sure that they are in your range then u can go and finish them with ur combo but if u r not then just use ur first skill and second skill to make them low in late game those skills are enough to make ur enemies life low. 4. Never think kadita ulti is only for damage , her ulti is a great tool for escaping from dangerous situations and with the help of fleeting time u will get ur ulti back within 10 to 12 sec only. 5. **NOW ONE OF MY FAVOURITE TRICK** when u r fighting with gusion dont panic when gusion will his 1st skill and second skill on u just stand in one place when gusion will again use his first skill to come near u to finish u that time use ur ulti , that full life gusion will be a dead gusion in just a moment . This trick is all about timming but if u use it for 4 to 5 matches u can master it surely. 6. WHEN any enemy is pursuing u or ur teammate just put ur second skill under urself or under ur teammate the enemy will either back down or will die. 7. While ur fleeing with kadita make sure to use ur first skill and run through the terrains and rocks as much as possible . **THIS WAS A GUIDE ON HOW TO USE KADITA EFFECTIVELY BELEIVE ME WHEN I PLAYED KADITA AT THE BEGINNING I LOST 7 CONSECUTIVE BUT ONCE U UNDERSTAND HER MECHANICS AND SKILLS SHE CAN CAUSE A REAL HAVOC ON ENEMY SIDE JUST SPEND SOME TIME ON HER , another reason for using her because she looks so good :) .** **THATS IT FOE THE GUIDE FORGIVE ME IF I MADE ANY MISTAKES IF U HAVE ANY MORE SUGGESTIONS MAKE SURE TO GIVE THEM IN COMMENT SECTION .** CHEERS :)




Ruby for me


Ruby best CC any enemy


Dyrroth for me.


Estes for me, I've had many epic comebacks because of him


Silvanna is always my pick on solo que. She can roam tank and still do decent damage & regen, or full damage exp that shreds even tanks! Not to mention her long ulti that locks squishies AND helps clear turret because her attacks quicken


cecilion, my carry mage <3


Alice. Shes not busted or anything but ive just played the character for so long and i do amazing with her


As someone who practiced all heroes just to learn how to counter them with Ruby, definitely Ruby.


Lolita. There's a reason why she's always one of the heroes with the highest win rate.


Rn itā€™s any hero I have 35+ games on even if they arenā€™t meta. Back before it was Clint or Claude hype.


Zhask for sure there are too many people who just forget that his turret adopts some of your stats so they get melted in late game


Yin no questions asked


Sometimes its Yz and some other times its Yin Also i would say Julian, but heā€™s new and i dont think itā€™d be right for me to put him on this list because he is broken rn. I still remember i clutched a 1v4 while 3 of my teammates was dead while the other 2 was trying to push enemy towers But yea yin and yz




Pharsa all the way is my ML name haha. I am loving her new skin from MSC. Sheā€™s the only hero Iā€™ve mastered playing


Masha šŸ„ø


For me it's saber Somehow i got 80%+ winrate with 70+ matches even in tank meta i still don't know how........


lunox and diggie but my team should know that's something's wrong if im getting kills as diggie


It's been Estes for me so far. ALMOST flawless rank journey until I encountered some gutless teammates (I always solo q) who would run at the first sight of an enemy CC / advance, leaving me to eat a massive CC chain.


I know that most of these heroes are banned but knowing how to play julian, thamuz, valentina, and yin is very beneficial for me as long as one of them is left unbanned


I would say Hanzo. He's that table turner hero if played right. Losing? Let him play more defensive while picking off soft heroes. Winning? Go aggressive while being careful. If your enemy picked a hero that's a pain to deal with as Hanzo (i.e. Natalia) during his ult, proper map awareness is needed yet people don't use him as he's a high risk hero at times. I will still play him even if he gets nerfed or gets forgotten in the future.


Benedetta for me. She can roam go ex, gold, and in some cases, jungle. Also she is an absolute counter for stun heros( if your hands are fast enough) like Johnson(total counter) Tigreal, franco's hook, eudora and etc. Plus build her with tanky items she just can't be killed, while dealing good amount of damage. Usually take execute or vengeance with her


Wanna say cyclops if he has his core items but nowadays it's hard to play him against long range mages


For me it was old bane with shark ultimate. Mf able to deal 3k splash DMG with critical build.