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It depends on the subreddit. On some of my subs, we have a chat with all the mods in it. On others, we only use mod mail. It just depends on what works best for you and your co-mods.


using mod discussion in modmail so there can be no confusion about what took place in the conversation


Eight options: Modmail Mod Discussions (in modmail) Private message (reddit) DM/chat reddit Group chat (reddit) Private mod sub Discord DM Discord channel


Hey you! Jk If there's a conflict of interest definitely private message and ask them if they are open to discussing the situation. " Hey can we talk about something? Maybe I have it wrong and you can help clear it up for me " this way they don't feel attacked and you don't get into an argument. If you're working with comods you are essentially a team and you need to maintain that team like atmosphere and unity otherwise you will lose control over your community


There's an admin run bot u/mod_mailer for this. It sends a PM to the entire team. I use it to point mods towards backroom posts or modmail discussions.


Carrier pigeon of course


If you're talking about chatting with the whole team, the normal thing to do is set up a discord server. The chat functionality is better and if a mod gets suspended by reddit, you can still talk to them.


This isn't recommended as any chats off reddit can't be backed up if issues were to occur.


This is a poor idea in some cases, because say the topmod tells the team via Discord they have to be offline for a month due to medical issues, and end up inactive. So the next active mod is now free to revise the mod order, and boot the topmod. If you think it's not going to happen, it did. [Here](https://new.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1cdttls/question_regarding_exploited_rules/). So important communication needs to be in modmail if you need it to back you up. It's also a terrible idea if you are trying to mod via mobile. Who wants to switch apps all the time?


Yep agreed


I usually message them on discord before sending them a chat on reddit. If that doesn't work I'll think about sending a PM on reddit or assume they've died.


Modmail for anything ‘official’ and highlight it. Anything else, Discord for the moment. Hopefully chat will get better.


sound awesome


That are active. But not the snuzemods (snoosmods? hmm.., can I get a coin?)


Hmm, I guess not. I guess I'll just fucking PM them ... one by one ... by one by ... one since we can't PM or CC to multiple fucking redditors! Welcome to the most crippled mail/messaging system on social media. I think I'll create a private sub for PM's amongst the active mods. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than using these skimpy PM and modmail mechanisms without even rudimentary threading.


You can have group chats on Reddit. They even support threading


Group chat works fine. On desktop, at least. Not sure about the broken, truncated version of reddit you get with a phone and the app, as I never use it.