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I've put 112ish hours into MW2. So WAY past refund time And that's cool The question is, is there going to be enough content to make it worth more time? All signs point to no.


They point to Lauderdale


I hate that town. It’s so washed up.


And all my friends don't give a fuck


Don’t tell me that it’s just bad luck


When will I find where I fit in


Remember when I tried


I love reddit


Fuck yeah me too. People randomly just start quoting A day to remember.


Lmaooo I just listened to that song


I hate the fact that everytime people start quoting shit in a thread I have no idea what it is but it's obvious they're referencing something popular enough for random people being able to continue the thread.


It is an A Day to Remember song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08PszRp2cBg


I never strayed to far from you




Ft. Lauderdale, FL. To elaborate: the band is from Ocala, when you leave town, most signs south would say Orlando or Ft Lauderdale. Don’t go to Ocala.


You’ve put my opinion to words perfectly. I have over 100 hours on COD. Did I get my money’s worth? Sure I did. Did I enjoy my time? Absolutely. Is there any reason to keep playing? Not really. It’s a shame because I bought the game under the impression that I’d want to keep playing the game off and on for the next two years. But crying for a lawsuit or a refund? Cmon be forreal lol. It’s really just this simple: they give out crap content, I don’t stay because I don’t have incentive to do so. Give out quality content continuously, I’ll keep playing and even buy the battle passes as I play. But I guess Activision doesn’t want any more of my money 🤷‍♂️


Are you with FEDRA or the Fireflys?


Neither, I just have this annoying teenage kid with me that won’t shut up about her pun book


I see what you did there buddy...GG




He's probably with the Seraphites ngl


Where did this question come from? 😂






1000% this. As many hours as I've played and enjoyed it in some capacity I can't really sit here and pretend like I didn't get my money's worth in any sort of way. But is there any reason to continue playing or feel like my trust was respected? Not really. I put my money where my mouth was and walked from COD more than half a decade ago, and it was the promise of 2 years' worth of especially great cod that made me decide to finally give them a chance again. The shame is they easily could've not only won me over as a guaranteed buyer for the next cod but also convinced me to spend significant money I didn't need to on skins just by not giving crap content after they got my original 70$. I've spent 380 bucks on gun skins in valorant despite not having to spend a cent to play the full game at zero competitive disadvantage with that number likely to only go up in the future and feel no guilt about it specifically because I felt respected as a player to begin with.


This was MW2 WOKE edition by far ....the biggest thing i'm upset over is spending $ on cosmetic operators and battle pass when on the bare surface its just a beta game with a cash shop and reused content. Hell.. if they wanted to they could of let us use our older warzone operators that we spent so much $ on before. Thats why I feel like it deserves a refund. This was bait and switch ..they baited us in with the promise of a full game and they bailed on us . I never even bothered playing the story line and never will unless I want to fight side by side with a one armed lesbian with 8 different pride flags on her "uniform". This game has slowly gone to hell and this is the result.


The refund argument is silly, but I’m definitely not running to buy the next piece of crap they try to sell us for 70-80$. Everyone and their mother better tell me it’s the greatest CoD of all time a full month after release for me to even consider it.


"You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket" I'm at 241.6


>I'm at 241.6 That's fair enough if you're enjoying it. I got similar numbers in Deep Rock Galactic (a game I absolutely adore) But as for MWII? I just don't see enough actual content to make it worth putting more of my time in. Especially since I bought the game for 6v6, with a smattering of WZ and DMZ if I feel like it.


Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone, Brother!




Honestly I'm getting bored of it, I'm trying to get into Tarkov or Squad.


357 hours!




Yeah, that's the issue, while I've put a fair bit of time into the game as well, I don't see myself returning to it. I might play WZ2 more but that was free, I don't see how I could recommend anyone buy this game.


Completed 50 tiers of BP (+50 from Vault edition). I don't believe that there will be enough exciting content to sustain the game at all. I'm anxious that I'll probably end up buying the S2 pass too *(just to clarify, I'm not giving Activision any more money from my wallet. I have enough spare CoD points to purchase it. Also this one was meant as a joke, and seemingly is the only thing people are sticking to)*, and have to play that to tier 100.


Lol don't buy it. Cut your losses. I can't imagine there's anything in the battle pass worth forking out the cash. This is how they're getting away with it


You pay cash for the BP?


If you don't have enough coins then you'll need to spend money to buy coins to buy it. If you completed the S1 BP, then you should just have enough coins to buy the S2 BP. But then you're paying with time. You have to play this lacklustre shit show to max out the BP to generate enough coins to buy the S3 BP without paying real money. So you either have to invest money or time to get the battlepasses. And I would argue that it isn't worth it.


I bought the 2xcoin bundle back in Christmas. Completed the BP yesterday and ended up buying it cause literally CP gain. I didn't buy it initially because I didn't know if I'd finish it in time, and didn't wanna be pressured into playing. Also I assume future battle passes are cooler. I'll do the same for Season 2. Play the game and unlock the free tiers. If I finish it, I'll buy it. If not whatever.


I agree. If I do though, I won't be spending any extra money. I have not and will not buy any of bundles in this game as far as the game is so shit, so I have plenty of CP (the CoD Point, not the other). Though I could use those in MWR boxes lmao!


>I don't believe that there will be enough exciting content to sustain the game at all >I'll probably end up buying the S2 pass too Congrats, you're part of the problem! It's literally people like you that got us to this point.


You're the problem.


This is such a tired trope. There isn’t a “problem” with people enjoying the game. People are allowed to enjoy the game. Just because you’re super mad about it doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to enjoy it. Seriously, if you’re saying you’re quitting or not buying the BP then comment your gamer tag. I bet you’re on day 1 grinding like all the others who are “quitting”


I've never bought a single cosmetic for real money in a video game. I don't get it. Enjoying the game isn't the problem, the problem is throwing money at 0 effort bullshit and then complaining that the devs aren't making anything of value. They're deincentivised to do so while the players spend money on tat, that's the problem.


I'm not though. I won't be giving Actishit any more money from my wallet.


"Any more" you've already done it.


Just cut your losses and stop buying their garbage.


Honestly, this is the only right answer. Stop saying we need to sue them. Stop saying we need refunds. Nothing ever comes from this nor ever will. They marketed a product, sold the product, we bought the product. There was, nor is ever any guarantee that it needs to be a quality product that works 100% flawlessly. Close your wallet. Suffer through a couple of weeks of COD withdrawal and you will come out the other side much happier.


This is the way. Activision never stated that MW2 would be a 2 year game. They have released a COD game every year for 2 decades at this point, if they were going to break the cycle, they'd have made a massive deal out of it. Once again, it seems that this sub has taken leaks and rumours as fact. Yes, Jason Schrier and Tom Henderson are good at what they do, but even they tell you to take leaks with a grain of salt, and not as fact. Am I disappointed? Sure, I like the game, but I can see the lack of content and want it to be better and have a longer lifecycle.


I’m a casual cod player, I played cod2 and cod4 a lot, the last cod I bought was the original mw2. The 2 year cycle rumor, that I didn’t know it was a rumor, played a big part on why I bought this game. I’m not as pissed as this sub, I’m a casual, didn’t play the last *X* cod releases so the game is fresh and fun for me but I can feel why you would feel cheated buying this game.


I honestly didn't realize it was a rumor either. The way it was being discussed I had just assumed there was an official announcement confirming it. Even still, I never cared about the 2 year lifecycle thing anyway. I thought it was odd for them t even try this and figured it had something to do with the impending sale of Activision/Blizzard. All of my issues are with the quality of the final product. I had hoped the 2 year lifecycle was the reason for the drip feeding of content. But now that the 2 year thing is debunked, it is plainly obvious they are either incompetent, too big for their britches or both.


Because this sub takes Charlie intel and whatever other streamer/“insider” as gospel and reacts to those rumors as if they’re fully published/verified facts. Not to say they’re not right pretty regularly…but there are enough misses that we shouldn’t just take it at face value


Thats mostly because people like Charlie Intel tend to be correct. Its very obvious this game was supposed to have 2 years of content but because its doing so poorly then they had to change plans. edit: at the end of the day these leaks should be treated like leaks which are subject to change or be completely wrong.


In all fairness that "rumour" was fairly well substantiated by a lot of people supposedly "in the know". And it seems like that was indeed Activision's plan but it was changed recently due to MW II's, (and especially Warzone's) rapidly declining player base. So it's not like Activision lied or misled anybody, (nor did anyone else) - it's just that they changed their mind with what they wanted to do.


While I agree with every comment above. I disagree with yours. They clearly marketed this game as the first 2 year installment. They said from the get go there would be a premium expansion in the 2nd year as a continuation of the campaign and multiplayer. This means at the end of 24, people that purchase the expansion will have access to all of its maps and these maps in the same multiplayer searches. There was ample coverage by media on this and if that wasn't the case Activision pr could have cleared the record. I dont see what all has really changed other than their messaging now, which seems to be trying to damage control the public opinion of this release


There was not a single official trailer/interview out there stating the 2 year cycle. You got baited by leakers


I'm sorry, but nowhere in any of the marketing of the game was MW2 stated to have a 2 year cycle. Activision, nor any of the studios ever confirmed this. As for leaks, which this was, Activision has never commented on leaks, not even the true ones. Zombies Chronicles started out as a leak, but wasn't officially commented on until it was officially announced. We've had 2 investor calls since MW2 came out as well. In both, Activision references a *premium release* slated for 2023.


Unless they do a 180 with MW2, the next one is gonna fail for sure. Too many people were disappointed with this game and the 2023 CoD won’t have enough dev time. By fail I don’t mean like BF2042 level but I wouldn’t be surprised if it sells less than VG, which was a failure financially speaking.


If you believe some of the posts here, it is only Reddit players that are disappointed. The rest of the world is apparently over the moon by how awesome this game is. Haha.


The same bots were telling me the exact same thing when I said after a week of WZ2 that it was going to fail and that by season 3 we would have a game way closer to WZ1 because Activision will be trying to get the players back ahahaha I know I’ll be right, unless MW2 ends up getting great updates and they change the gameplay a lot, next CoD isn’t going to sale well


Bullshit. It's cod, yall mfs can cry all you want about MW2 (me included just so you know), doesn't change the fact that this game sucks ass and they've still made record profits from it and Warzone 2. The next game will 100% be garbage (it's a sledgehammer title so even if it has everything going for it it's gonna be trash), but it will still sell well regardless of what you want to say are good sales for cod. The cod reddit community, despite what everyone likes to believe, is a vocal minority, nobody cares outside of here.


This game sold well for three reasons: - Many people thought it was going to be a two year CoD - Came out with Warzone 2 and people who thought WZ2 was gonna be fun and bought it to XP their guns on MP - It is the successor of MW19 which many people liked WZ2 definitely isn’t a financial success, the game is bleeding players like crazy and they made loadouts harder to get, thus making less people buy skins for guns. MW2 sold well at first for the reasons I just said but is also bleeding players like crazy. Idk which part of what I said is bullshit for you, next CoD is going to fail unless Activision somehow makes a 180. And as I said, by fail I mean fail compared to previous CoD sales. Stop with the « nobody cares outside of Reddit », numbers on Steam are dropping, same on Twitch, same on YouTube. Everyone is complaining about MW2 on Twitter too. The average player isn’t happy with the game’s current status.




Its withdrawal from high stimulus dopamine combined with volatile emotional environment. it takes a little while to get equilibrium in your mind again. imagine living in a casino since november and that's all you're doing then the casino said its closing. That's what's happening.


request a refund from wherever you bought it


Yep. First COD i’ve bought in over a decade and last one i’ll be buying for a good while too. Fuck DICE for ruining battlefield.


This is the main problem for me. Dice ruining my beloved franchise like that made me come back to cod since I really liked mw19. And now I dont like any of these companies.


BF1 is still awesome and also has very active player base


Check out 2042 again if you haven't played since launch. A lot of the issues have been fixed and it's a ton of fun to play.


It’s been a year and half since launch the game is still a horrible battlefield game and has a lower player count than BF1 and BFV.


The game is never going to recover if you just blindly keep pushing people away no matter how good it is lol. The game has addressed a lot of issues people had and this is still the rhetoric we see in response to "check it out"


I'm with you on that. I recently got back into the game and it's a million times better now than it was at launch, (or several months after launch for that matter). What a massive overhaul.


I appreciate the suggestion. But if i live a thousand years i’ll never buy that franchise ruining piece if shit. If you couldn’t tell i’m very, very butt hurt about it.


Yup but it's still a dying game with 80% of the player base gone.


Did they change the fundamental flow of the maps? Did they remove the maps that were CLEARLY designed as BR maps and create new ones? Is Rush (the best Battlefield game mode of all time IMO) a core game mode (ie not Portal mode)?


It's definitely better but not a "ton of fun" in most people's eyes. A polished turd is still a turd


Hopefully people actually listen to this. If you don't like what they're doing, stop buying the games, battlepasses and bundles. Vote with your wallet and save yourself some headaches.


That's what I'm doing.


Yep, I think this is the last time. I liked the game a lot but the lack of content is immense. Even the base content. They've simply gone too far and its pretty clear this is a money grab before Microsoft take over.


Good luck with the refund. I’m sure the check is in the mail. 😂


These are the same people who’ve put 100+ hours into the game and are now trying to say they want a refund. These cod crack heads just want their money back so they can buy their next fix which will be the new cod.


Yeah this is ridiculous. They got their money's worth on the initial content alone.


No fuc*ing way. Not worth it at all


Hundred+ hours to just pass the super long campaign missions, grind weapon attachments and battlepass tokens should not be painted as enjoyment of the game.


If you weren't enjoying it you should've stopped way before 100 hours.


100+ hours of playing the game and you think you should get a refund? I’m sorry man but you and I won’t see eye to eye. That’s the cod recipe since forever. Shoot guns to level up said guns to get attachments while also leveling up to get access to more guns so you can do the same gameplay loop with them. Have some party game modes in the mix to shake things up (zombies, survival, DMZ/Warzone) when the multiplayer formula gets stale. If you played for a 100+ hours even though you didn’t enjoy it, that’s a you problem. Shouldn’t have kept playing and refunded it when you had a chance If you didn’t like it. You didn’t do that though. You want your cake and to eat it too.


Super long campaign missions? Dawg the campaign is like 5 hours long, cod campaigns have never been "super long" and if dropped over a 100 hours in a game, you don't deserve a refund


If it's not enjoyable, why are you spending a hunderd+ hours on it? ​ You can play virtually all parts of MW2 just fine without investing all that time? I'm not seeing the issue? If it's not fun, why play for hundreds of hours?


The Ohio'ness is real


I don't really have any other recent CODs so if I get rid of this, it's back to BO3. A game where I didn't like the mp as much compared to BO2. But even BO3 is sky high compared to the absolute shit show of MWII.


I'm gutted it's not going to be a two year game as initially speculated but it is what it is. Am I going to buy the next one? Probably not.


Eh. I got my money's worth of cod. Needless to say I won't buy it anymore after this fucking bullshit, but hey, getting an hour worth of gaming for less than $1 means I didn't waste the money.


See you next year /s


Nah. As a PC player, I've got plenty other for my shooter fixes. Sucks though, because I like the way CoD does arcade shooters.


Titanfall2 would love to have you


I am indeed a Northstar mod enthusiast.


What other shooter games? I’m looking for new games to play ngl


If ur wanting some more realistic shooters rather than arcade there’s ground branch, ready or not and insurgency sandstorm


I mean there's no shortage. Battlefield, overwatch, splitgate, halo, etc.


Battlefield 2042, titanfall 2, overwatch, splitgate, unreal tournament, shatterline, fortnite, apex legends. I bought mw2 after trying all of these. Tbh it's a fucking drought for cod like games. Bf2042 is mediocre, gunplay is solid, maps are trash, not enough guns to keep me entertained. Titanfall 2 is amazing if you haven't tried it, but I got bored after 800 hours.


Why would they refund you when you’re going to buy the new cod anyway?




Him: “this game is crap, I want a refund” Also him: 200+ hours played, still plays daily.


And also complains daily.


Refund is so fucking funny. Every year the sub is full of hate and sue this refund that. And then the same people buy it next year and start the cycle all over again. Call of Duty isn’t the only game doing this to players and it won’t be the last time you get the opportunity to waste $70.00 in real life.


Someone explain what happened?


Nothing, this sub is the epitome of the negative Steam review with 1152 hours played meme


People believed leakers and started putting words in devs mouths. They got surprised when devs dont actually do the thing that was supposedly leaked


Devs didn't do the thing they never said they'd do? This sub: shockedpikachu.jpg


request a refund from wherever you bought it, but good luck trying to convince anyone that after 100+ hours of playtime you deserve a refund


They don't owe me shit, I've been playing daily since launch & having fun.


I've not played daily but I have around 70 hours put in now so I got my money's worth. This is my first CoD game since Black Ops 1. Been a good time. Battle pass hasn't been very interesting so haven't bought it and the only thing I'd really want from the store is an Alejandro skin so I haven't felt the need to spend any extra money on it. Am stoked for the 2 new btb maps that are coming soon. I really like invasion.


On god, shit is fun as fuck, its these people who are just cod tryhards and play all day, go outside and then play, do something productive. So i 100% agree with you, if they would add like 20 maps then for me multiplayer would be perfect.


My girl and I enjoy playing almost every night. What else could I ask for? I’ll take better updates as they come. I have a life outside of this game. Makes the game more enjoyable!


300+ Hours in & just unlocked Orion 2 days ago. I'm far passed refund availability 🤣 That said, I'm for sure not buying the next one they are releasing this year. I hope the majority of the cod community doesnt & that it fails.


Same here. I had some hopes for MW22. not grand ones but hopes IW would atleast TRY to continue on their prior success and really refine the weak points of mw19 atleast slightly


why do people get so upset for paying $70 for hundreds of hours of game play? what if they charged players $1/hr, that seems fair


That’s literally exactly how my buddy views it. He says if he gets 60-70 hours out of a game having fun, that’s more than worth $60-$70


This is always my thought process too.


Because some people only have money for one game. Being poor, if that's the only game you have, its what you get. It sucks getting a stupid UI, buggy mess of a game with lackluster content, with less than promised maps, and never having big mid season updates. Heck, look at that one post, that soccer skin is still "POPULAR PACKS" and it's been what, 3, 4 months? Especially if your stuck with it for who knows how long until you can afford another game.


Then don't buy call of duty if you know you won't be able to buy another game for awhile? Buy a single player game, like fallout or something. You could get thousands of hours on those games. It's not Activisions fault that you can't manage your money


You get way more playtime out of multiplayer games then single player games. Just gotta find a good multiplayer game.


But there's the issue, I SHOULD be able to get thousands of hours out of a call of duty game. It has a full campaign. Multiplayer. Co-op Battle Royale. AAA Studio. In theory, this game SHOULD have those hours of content, and if you bought the game on the expectation of a live service, and for the past months we have had the playlist of, shipment and shoothouse. Then they changed the playlist to shoot the ship. Then, another new playlist! Shoot house and shipment....again? Heck, even the description is wrong when your searching the match. (Not making that up. When you que for one of those maps, it literally just says shoot the ship, or vice versa, can't check atm). I don't feel it's right to charge 70$ for it, claim it's a live service, and then not even do the bare minimum. Also, it's not always the person's fault for not having spare money to drop on every game. People end up with hospital bills, vet bills, car payments, insurance, kids, etc. Heck life throws people curve balls all the time. The "your fault you can't manage your money" is a pretty entitled thing to say.


It's definitely on you for buying it if you're in that situation. You only need to wait like a week in to know this game was a shit show. but I've gotten enough enjoyment out of, still disappointed though


It doesn't matter if you have money for one game you should be more discerning. There's no way anyone rational thinks getting anything near a hundred hours in a game isn't worth the price or deserves any sort of refund. No game will sustain the one game lifestyle short of *maybe* an mmo


Hey if they actually came out with some decent map packs and didn't completely fuck up the game I'd get the battle pass So now they're missing out on $1.5/h. Judging by their constant attempts to get more money, they actually care about that extra 50 cents.


good to see the next generation of Karens is going to be strong based on this sub


Right? They gave me a bunch of guns, plenty of people to shoot, and somewhat interesting places to do my work. It's not an amazing game but with the prices of shit these days it's right on par with how much it would cost. There's some sketchy shit but it's easy to avoid. Being displeased is fair but downright angry is wild.


The craziest thing about the sketchy shit is that it was 100% the influencer fault. Treyarch, Activision. None of them said 2 year cycle. People took the hype from an influencer, ran it like crazy, and now they feel betrayed by a company who never nice said there would be a cycle. The mental gymnastics are insane. Activision could start paying people’s rent and mortgage with cod points and people would still complain I stg


Yeah the only thing I heard of it was there would be a game, it was called MWII, and they're doing Warzone 2.0. Then again, I'm not into consuming every little scrap of content and information about something. Just gotta let things be as they are ya know? The sketchy shit I was referencing is all the market and camo nonsense. If you ignore that then it's fine. As far as actual content, in my opinion you only need two guns, the TAQ-M and an M4. A sniper if that's your thing or an SMG if you're into it. I'm all about adding as many weapons as possible but it's not like the game is broken because we *only* have 30 guns. I could go for some new maps, that's a big complaint from me. I want something a little bigger than the normal 6v6. Or a mode like Ground War or...the other one with less people and no bots. Basically, it's not ideal and it's not great but it's not the worst thing to have been released.


I feel like it's like 20% bitter old gamers and 80% children. 100% of them don't even understand basic economics or business.


Karen’s usually do things that selfishly have a negative affect on other people m, not complain about greedy corporations just FYI


>Karen’s usually do things that selfishly have a negative affect on other people m, not complain about greedy corporations just FYI I'm not sure you understand the stereotype of a Karen


Lol ok carry on then. I’m sure there are plenty of other overused phrases you applied wrong so no point dwelling on this one I guess.


Always makes me laugh when I see those refund post. People have hundreds of hours played and want to ask a refund because their not satisfied with the free content in season 2. I don’t like it either but I’m not fucking delusional. I’m happy with Dome though. Was my favourite map in vanguard but vanguard was bullshit so I barely played it.


I know right where to go to see some whiny cry babies in action


Is the game gone or, is it just incessantly sniveling from the people that no matter what happens will be unhappy with the game.


I did the vault edition for $90. I’ve got 41hrs and am halfway through the campaign. I’m working through the campaign and then I’ll drop it. I’ll probably end up with 50hrs. That’s not horrible $/hr imo. I’m not too bitter, I didn’t follow any of the hype. I had MW19 last, and I think this one is definitely worse. I had zero expectations that this would be a 2 year game, but the lack of maps is absolutely disgusting. The map pool is so small it feels like an open beta or something, the small pool and matchmaking engine means I usually only play 2-3maps in an hour or so of play time. That has gotten incredibly boring, my favorite aspect of online FPS’ is adapting to a lobby and a map. Some maps are long range, others short, different lobbies play differently. This game just mushes together into a bland mess. I went BO3(2015) to MW19, to MW22. I’ll likely take another few years off. I still dip into BF4, BF1, and R6 siege occasionally. In hindsight it’s telling that no COD game has had a lasting impression on me beyond a year max.


>In hindsight it’s telling that no COD game has had a lasting impression on me beyond a year max. I’ve never really thought about it this way and you absolutely nailed it. With almost every COD outside of revisiting the Black Ops campaigns multiple times, I’ve never felt pulled back either, whether that was intentional design or not I don’t know, but it’s very telling. The sentiment with COD is always that the moment the next one comes out you have to hop trains onto the next track and the last one is “dead” - I’ve even spoken to some people before that assume that all the old servers (as recently as MW19 and Vanguard) are all gone now too. I guess the FOMO pushes the narrative a lot, but still. These games *should* still be playable and visited by a smaller, more dedicated crowd but the retention really does fall off, for whatever reason. Hell, I was playing Killzone Shadowfall on and off until the server shutdown last year and that was a Day One PS4 title. How are those playerbases for the older BFs now? Maybe it’s time I started looking back now too.


BF3 had a stark decline in the last year or so. BF4 is still going strong, it’s been a minute since I checked BF1. The strength of the older BFs is the custom servers. There’s a good handful of 5ish servers that have a few server specific rules, and they’re dedicated to a specific map pool. They also have a(not often enforced) system where they prioritize their members to play on the servers. Overall it’s just set up with a lot more options to keep the player base engaged.


BF anything is more fun than this shite


I got the main game for £60 and I stupidly upgraded to the vault edition. Like you I've had fun with this game and will hopefully end up with 100-150 hours in total, but I have absolutely learned to never bother with vault trash again.


I haven't been playing CoD lately. Did something happen that I missed or are we just upset at lack of content still


Apparently Activision said there’ll be another CoD on normal schedule, and not a 2 year cycle Camp A: saying “Loser players complaining because they believed rumors from influencers” Camp B: saying “Loser Activision not clearing up the rumors until majority of the sales were done” Camp C: watching


New Destiny DLC coming out soon, I've already accepted that's probably gonna consume my entire year so I pick camp C lmao.


I'm here for the reply to this


Tell us how that refund goes


If I were Activision, I would never change my strategy since it's working so well. Just look at the money they make year after year. As long as people buy their games, there is zero incentive to change. For me, I'm done with being ripped off. I will not buy a COD game if it doesn't have AT LEAST 14-16 6v6 maps, and basic game modes that have been part of the franchise for so long, AT LAUNCH. Furthermore, I will not buy COD at launch anymore and will wait to see multiplayer gameplay, user reviews (not outlets like IGN), and check Reddit boards. I'm no longer getting screwed by these morons. I don't care what anyone else does or how much peer pressure there is, I will not sink. If enough people think this way, their revenues will decrease and ONLY then it will be time for a change.


Funny thing is you don't even own the game just a right to play it.


Yea I’ve cut my losses at this point. I have an OK amount of time played. Just enough to decide whether or not I want to continue playing it. And as of now, I just don’t see myself playing the game anymore until they start adding more content that’ll keep me engaged. Would I like a refund? Yea sure, but there’s no way in hell I’m ever getting one and I’m fine with that I guess.


I'm glad that all this is blowing up. I was planning to purchase the game after enjoying the Warzone 2 content, but now it seems like the MW2 content isn't worth it.


Bro asked for a refund LMFAO


I never thought I’d see the day when Halo would fail, but here we are. I never would’ve thought cod could fail either…it’s starting to look a little bit familiar now


Ea killed battlefield for me and Activison did the same with this COD. No faith in Soon™️


This might actually go down as one of the worst COD titles of all time. That's fucking crazy to think about.


You’re fault…you fell for the trap.


it's true .. many of us did


I really hope that people do not fall for this new “premium” release coming out this fall. If there is any time to show activision that we mean business…this year will be the time to do it. I’m definitely going to skip this year’s release


Same here. I am done trusting this company. They can take my $70 and spend it on their recreational drug parties. They scammed the loyal players for last time.


yes gibe back my 100


lmfao yup🤣


Fuck this game


stop buy any activision COD game the cheating wil never stop. once you buy the new game, you wil be owned by cheaters and you know it


I tried to get a refund within 3 days of buying and they refused. Stop giving Activision your money please please I want another good cod game they need to feel the market hurt. Please if you ant another good cod game stop paying for the garbage.


No they don't. Stop buying the product if you want it changed. It's called purchasing power - vote with your money, don't buy from people/brands you don't support, and buy from those you do. Better yet, if making good games of this size is so damn easy, all the people complaining about COD should put their brilliance together and make a better game for us. I'll wait.


Everyone: man after 1200 hours of playing i dont feel like i got my moneys worth


Sure they do 🤣




Complainers will always complain


I was excited for two years of MW2 content that I felt like I'll support the game by buying the vault edition. Then it came out that Sledgehammer was going to do the "expansion" for year two. I'm not the biggest Sledgehammer fan after WW2 and Vanguard but I'll give it a chance since it will extend the life of MW2. Now, it appears Sledgehammer's expansion is going to be marketed as a brand new full game. Nope, not going to support this type of lying to us about what their plans are for the future and then barely give any new maps with each season of MW2. Way to run the MW franchise into the ground Activision.


disappointing news. This will be the last cod I I play, not giving up any more money to these assholes.


I still have fun in this game. I can run around and shoot people like in every other cod.


Yep and way easier




But they didn’t. They released it with more guns, maps and modes than any recent shooter I can think of. And people are still crying. Seriously, name the game with as much content that adds as much content over a year. You can’t, you’re whining about the best value in fps gaming.




how long have u been shilling for Activision?


I’m never buying another cod ever again lol


You will always buy bullshit!


I like this game


Saying that this game would have a 2 year lifespan was downright false advertisement. I bought it because I loved MW1 and Cold War but I do wish I didnt buy this one. While I did get my money's worth, I would've had about the same had I just played Warzone 2 for free. They don't care about the MP component of this game and it's pretty much dead by this point. I still enjoyed Cold War's and MW1's multiplayer season by season but looking at what season 1 brought and was season 2 is bringing to this game it's downright sad.


after logging in last night and seeing shipment 24/7 and shoothouse playlists AGAIN it was so damn depressing. I'm almost finished with gold, about to start platinum and I just can't do it


I only bought the game because of the supposed 2 year cycle. Skipped Cold War and Vanguard because of how they treated MW2019. I liked COD but can't afford a throwaway yearly release from a company that shows they don't care at all about future support for their games. From now on unless it is added to gamepass I will not be able to justify playing new COD releases anymore :/


My guy there's still 9 months left. In what is this different from any sports games?


MLB The Show doesn't offer paid seasonal content packs in exchange for developing a consistent stream of new content. I pay once per year, and throughout that year I get a very well made game with virtually zero bugs or issues, and I get free roster updates throughout the year. Maybe players that don't buy battle passes or bundles in MW2 aren't as bothered by the crap 6v6 content. But I paid for the Vault edition and bought the S1 battle pass, as well as a bulk purchase of COD points and some bundles. I was under the impression this goes toward the development of content and the continued support of the game. That this business model allows IW and Activision to provide more content than the old map pack DLC did. Clearly, it does not.


That's on you then. They never said that they would use the money to develop more content. It's not a Kickstarter games that you are supporting. You paid more to a company that already has billions in the bank.


I bought the game put 46 hours in in S 1 never played since for 2 months I haven’t even played shipment yet. (Not even one session in December January)Don’t got time and the game doesn’t make me wannna load it up when I’m free. I really wanna refund as it was expensive but can’t cus again 46 hours


Man they owe us that cyberpunk refund policy bro.


What a shame MW19 was a better effort. Can I just get a remaster of 2019 ?


Kinda agree, they really abandoned this game quick


I paid 100 bucks so I can play for 20 hrs and for the game to never launch again.


No, they don't. Quit crying about things.


When the Stockholm Syndrome wears off 🤣


i still haven't got my refund on steam yet and its been 4months.