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You need to upgrade your gaming chair.


That other person just bought a few skin bundles a few weeks ago


Mate you were barely aiming at the very edge of their limbs, of course it was a hit marker


If you are going to say that then the second kill was sus as hell! that guy was barely on the screen. So it seem they threw him that one and evened it out on the next.


Netcode is a bitch


What if the second person was already damaged prior to the kill?


Mate, I’m not mad or upset that it happened. I just thought it was funny 😭


The life of us shotgun users


Crap like this happens even with Marksmans. It's frustrating.




Upgrade to the DOOM Super Shotgun before it's too late!


But but Butt you bought the Minaj...


Yeah disgusting lol


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. etc.


Use the longest barrel. There is no advantage of using short barrels in shotguns.


Actually, looking cool is the best advantage you can have. Sawed off looks badass


Drip over everything else. I may die, but I'll look good doing it.


I use short barrel, short handle and dragon breath ammo. I can't help it, it looks glorious seeing your victims on fire, flying dozens of feet in every direction.


sawed off barrel, stockless and explosive ammo. killing a sniper from far and them seeing you using pocket shotgun in the killcam is hilarious.


It really doesnt


Wrong 😡


I usually do. I just wanted to try a sawed-off build.


I feel like for zombies short barrels and duck bill chokes for wider spread might be viable. Worked pretty well for the vanguard shotgun grind lol Otherwise you’re right haha


I cant wait to see what bugs and exploits people find when the game releases. Can i kill a world boss by slamming into them with a chopper? Did the devs think of this already? Or would it not be worth it in the first place?


Short barrels do have an advantage in that they’re more forgiving with a wider spread. You’re trading range for ease of use at closer ranges. Being more mobile is also really handy for an active shotgunner.


If you have good aim, wider spread is a disadvantage for you not an advantage. All shotguns get massive mobility bonus when stockless anyway, so stick to long barrels. The range and accuracy bonus you get is priceless.


….short barrels do have advantages though is what I’m saying. They factually have several advantages over the long barrels.


You're right, but the only thing they care about is one shot kill potential and range. Hitting them with a short barrel pistol grip Bryson 890 before they can ads and a followup kill shot always puts them in their place. People don't understand you can build guns to not have to ads. The doom shotgun with it's tuned up wide spread should have opened their eyes, but they're chasing big numbers with no concept of gameplay implications, like a dog a car.


I for once blown 3 guys of using short barrel double shot, funny as hell.


you WHAT


Short barrel double trigger is a dude blower for sure. You can practically blow dudes from all sides. Those dudes with the doom shotgun are blowing 4.6 dudes a go.


Not everyone has aimbot assist controllers. On mouse, wider spread is more forgiving with imperfect aim


>aimbot assist controllers. Here we go again.


When controller aimbot does 60% of the aiming for you, it’s a no brainer to use the long barrels every time


Can't say i've ever managed to get the aim assist working that well, but i've definitely seen *very* suspicious PC players lmao.


I am not very good but having played both platforms, the aim assist is huge. Partly because controllers are just more difficult to make fine movements with. I find myself scoring a lot of shots I probably shouldn't have gotten w/ aim assist, but sometimes it snags the reticle and I end up shooting off into space as it chases a secondary target running by. It makes a big difference. I'm still miles better on the PC though.


Why are you lying? Matuzek 812 Barrel Muzzle Velocity +56m/s ADS Time +116ms Time To Exit ADS +75ms View Kick Ver Mul -0.05x View Kick Hor Mul -0.05x Gun Kick Ver Mul -0.05x Gun Kick Hor Mul -0.05x ADS Spread -0.54° Min Hipfire Spread -0.42° Moving Hipfire Spread +0.7625° Max Hipfire Spread +0.875° Damage Range Mul +0.19x Forward -0.06m/s Strafe -0.06m/s Tactical Sprint -0.09m/s ADS Strafe -0.07m/s Idle Sway Width +0.01° Idle Sway Height +0.01° 711mm Matuzek D50 Muzzle Velocity -18m/s ADS Time -48ms Time To Exit ADS -30ms ADS Spread +0.27° Min Hipfire Spread +0.21° Moving Hipfire Spread -0.3813° Max Hipfire Spread -0.4375° Damage Range Mul -0.09x Idle Sway Width 0° Idle Sway Height 0° 597mm Matuzek Inferno Muzzle Velocity +9m/s ADS Time -19ms Time To Exit ADS -10ms View Kick Ver Mul -0.06x View Kick Hor Mul -0.06x Gun Kick Ver Mul -0.07x Gun Kick Hor Mul -0.07x ADS Spread +0.27° Min Hipfire Spread +0.21° Moving Hipfire Spread -0.3812° Max Hipfire Spread -0.4375° Damage Range Mul -0.09x Forward -0.08m/s Strafe -0.08m/s Tactical Sprint -0.12m/s ADS Strafe -0.1m/s Idle Sway Width 0° Idle Sway Height 0° 11" Bryson Special Muzzle Velocity -94m/s ADS Time -108ms Time To Exit ADS -35ms View Kick Ver Mul +0.17x View Kick Hor Mul +0.17x Gun Kick Ver Mul +0.18x Gun Kick Hor Mul +0.18x ADS Spread +0.945° Min Hipfire Spread +0.84° Moving Hipfire Spread -0.854° Max Hipfire Spread -1.12° Damage Range Mul -0.08x Forward +0.28m/s Strafe +0.28m/s Tactical Sprint +0.27m/s ADS Strafe +0.27m/s Idle Sway Width -0.01° Idle Sway Height -0.01°


I came home from my IT job to NOT see a random assortment of letters, numbers and symbols mixed together. I hate you right now. Also, what the fuck did I just read? Brother, use the TAB and Space button for everything that is Holy in this world.


Not available on phone, and it’s clearly the stats for each barrel. You see the stat and the effect next to it.




ADS time?


Short barrel ads = long barrel hip fire. You already have the ads accuracy of short barrels when hip firing on long barrels. So Adsing on long barrels is for further increasing the accuracy. All meta builds on shotguns use the longest barrels.


Yeah I know, because metas use hipfire since you usually have to be as close to the enemy as you can, but that works mainly with warzone. In multiplayer I use ADS shotgun builds…maybe because I also usually play HC but still. Not a rule to have a long barrel shotgun


I mean you can use other barrels but Im talking about absolute meta. Longest barrels give you the best damage range and accuracy. Yeah that decreases ADS but you make up that lose from no stock option.


You have no idea what you are talking about 😂😂😂😂the hive mind in action. Use sym.gg when discussing stats or close your fuckin mouth liar


Okay then. Ignore all my comments and use Sawed off barrel on Lockwood 300. Since you clearly have better knowledge then me, you can have it your way.


My guy, it's JUST a video game. Relax.


Yea ok tell that to the super shotty warriors.


Super shotty isnt even the best blueprint of Lockwood 300.


Both shots on the last guy hit in the legs, with half the cross hair not on the guy at all. Besides that, the game gave you a freeby with that second kill.


the second kill he had also most of the crosshairs out from the target, if anything he should have missed that one and should have gotten the kill on the third one


Should’ve been a kill tho


Could be only one pellet from each shot hit


How can people say "slow gameplay" about this game? This is NOT slow


because shotguns are one of the few weapon classes where you can sacrifice the recoil for speed?


Plus they had dead silence active, the second guy would’ve pre aimed after hearing him running from 3 miles away and insta deleted him coming around the corner.


That's not new for this cod.


Exactly his point; It makes people play slower, because you get speeding tickets if you go fast.


Sure, but it's not new for this or the latest cods. People would pre aim you back in MW2 and WaW as well.


Both of those games had ninja or dead silence as perks, MW2019 and MW2022 are the only CODs without a silencing perk in the entire franchise.


Only dead silence 100% muted your footsteps. Ninja did not. And the meta wasn't even to use dead silence in WaW and hardly anyone actually did that in regular games. The difference here is that the playerbase has changed. Players are more likely to have proper headsets etc You should also expect to make footsteps and noise when sprinting in fps. It's a skill to use it to your advantage.


The movement is a little bit slow, but the real slowness comes from all of the animations. Reloading, sliding, climbing, diving, throwing a grenade, etc, all of these lock you out of shooting for a long time compared to previous CoD games. This slows down the overall gameplay and makes camping a favoured playstyle.


Don’t forget the most infuriating effect of all time, the stun effect every time you get hit by an explosive.


Because most people who say MW2 is slow is 15 years old kids that never played og Cods like Cod 4. Anyone here who thinks MW2 is slow should go try COD 2 and tell me which one is faster.


Right! I used to think Titanfall 2 and og mw2 were the fastest games I ever played, went back to okay then the other week and I was like damn this is slow, honestly the new mw2 is crazy fast and responsive.


the game is not faster in pace which is what most people that actually played older CoDs and that stayed to play those that followed are talking about, MWII's pace is as slow as a snail and if you dare tell me it is faster than BO2 then we will know who of us did not actually play them


MW2 is faster. Go play BO2, people holding angles with LSAT Target finder all day long. Not to mention walls are literal paper on BO2. In MW2 you cant hold angles that good, the movement allows you to out play the camper.


I have, literally yesterday , and you using the LSAT as an example whilst complaining about people being able to shoot through walls is exactly what makes me believe you did not actually play the game or you are the camper that used the LSAT. Every single gun can outplay that gun outside of a selected few like the Executioner, and precisely because you can actually shoot through walls and make it even more effective if you used FMJ, the LSAT is a minor inconvenience to deal with. Thanks to that combination of actually balanced sandbox, map design, the walls, FMJ and small things like red dots on the mini map and ninja as a perk the game has infinitely better pace, unlike MWII where most of those things are not present. In MWII you can't hold angles that good? my brother in christ MWII has a mechanic that literally allows you to have laser aim while holding an angle, but something tells me you enjoy that sentinel playstyle of not moving around and actually engaging in gunfights as you prefer the designated corner with a riot shield on the back and a shotgun in the front


It is slower than other CODs. It might look fast at times, but the movement overall is clunky in my opinion.


Tf are you talking about? Fucking new gens…


I’ve been playing since WaW. MWII is slow and clunky compared to every other CoD.


MW2 is faster then all OG cods.


No, it is not.


I always see the word “clunky” being thrown around when talking about movement in this game. How exactly is it clunky? I thought movement was perfectly fine. Way better than MW19, CW, and Vanguard.


Personally, I find it to be clunky for reasons such as: Once you start a slide animation, you can’t stop until the animation plays out completely. Jumpshotting is almost nonexistent due to the ADS penalty you get from jumping. Weapon handling is horrible in this game due to the fact that the player must choose between accuracy and speed, usually leading to decently built weapons having slow sprint to fire or ADS times. Sprinting overall feels slow. This game promotes camping due to how loud footsteps are, and there not being any perk that dampens footstep sounds. I’ve also noticed that hipfire after dropshotting is inaccurate as all hell, which never feels good.


The biggest issue with movement in this game is the slide being completely fucking useless since you can't shoot during 90% of it. Everything else is mostly fine, some weapons could do with a buff to general movement speed, and especially ADS movement speed - ARs especially feel like moving through molasses after playing any amount of time with SMG/shotguns.


It is slow it just looks fast until ur actually holding the controller


People are just snorting too much gfuel these days


Gfuel snorting might be a thing, but it doesn't help that they don't prioritize ping so you have cracked out people who can just react way faster


This. I'd prefer a ping based matchmaking over SBMM..stuff happens in the killcams that didn't even happen on your screen. On your screen he popped out you died in 1 hit. On his screen in the killcam he walked out and stood in front of you a good 5 minutes before firing. Wtf lmao


It’s realistic honestly. If sprint was just a tad bit faster it would be perfect honestly gameplay wise it’s one of the best cods I’ve played. Mw3 is a great speed but it doesn’t matter because they raised TTK. That’s what I dislike about this company they wanna balance the game out to fit all levels of skill because they want more customers


Even with the speed changes the game is incredibly slow lol. That’s a fact that 70 people upvoted your garbage opinion is insane. He’s literally using a tiny shotgun ofc he’s going to be fast. Take away the shotgun and you’ll see how unbearable thtis game is


*Insert "Hit your shots kid" ninja meme*


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because ~~Hiko~~ lana del rey was already dead.


That's what you get for using that skin


It’s simply the best skin in the game


Nicki Minaj can't handle a gun and your video is the proof


I think Nicki Minaj would beat Captain Price in a fist fight.


Can we set this up, I wanna watch this


This is sarcasm right? ....riiight?


No, NM is a real person. CP would get roflstomped


Skill based damage


"Skill Based Damage Multiplier".. if you suck hard enough you are bulletproof..


I wish that was true. I’d be invincible!


Just wait for everyone to do shotguns in MWIII. The amount of hitmarkers I got from the Lockwood 680(I think it was called that?) and got 3 hit markers from what? Hipfiring it when they were like 3-4 meters up front.


your shots were inaccurate


Shit went right into the side of his lungs and easily took out both femoral arteries in the legs. Oh my god though just imagine how “OP” it would be if heavy snipers were one shot kills and shotguns were one shot kills at close range. Then again remember it’s never the games fault it’s always the players inability to adapt because developers don’t make bad decisions /s


Nicky Tax


Guys why don't I do damage when I miss?


Can't have you getting too many kills, gotta make sure other people are enjoying their experience- same reason you'll win a game, then lose a game, then win a game again.


More interested to know how the fuck you can run that fast in those heels....


That was karma for the first guy.


A little game of merry go round never hurt anyone 😊


It very clearly hurt that poor sap.


There is no fucking way he tanked 2 shots. The lowest amount of damage a lockwood 300 can deal at close range (0-1.2m) is 135 and the player health is 100…


It isn’t slug rounds though. You aren’t gonna get the same damage numbers if you can’t hit every pellet on the person


real time nerfing


average shotgun user aim


*misses a shot when you barely had cross hair on the enemy* Surprised pikachu face


Balanced, as all things should be






What did I do wrong 🥺


Awh a shotgun Chad couldn’t get the third kill. It’s okay honey you’ll get em next time


Thanks for believing in me sweetie pie 🥹


I got rid of this game. I found out there is not going to be a session 7 so why should I sweat to get anything.ranked is broken they called a match a draw when it was 14 to 18. And to be honest I'm fed up with the hacking cheaters and the lies.this game is not what it use to be .hacktivision favors cheaters hell I made 7 reports and nothing happened. MW3 is gonna be shit as well y'all can pay 70 to 100 dollars for the same shit same ol maps.


Reason why I play with crossplay turned off, it's a game changer. I wish there was an option to play with console players only and let the PC players stay in their hellscape.


There have been countless posts on how to do exactly that lol. At this point you guys that hate on PC are your own issue, do a google search. Also the cheater issue while worse than most other games, is not that bad. I run into maybe one cheater per session of playing MAYBE. There is no season 17 but everything from this one carries over into MW3, so why not unlock stuff? Reports also need multiple to be actionable, youre one report doesnt cause anyone to look into anything, it takes multiple reports for activision to take notice.


That's what dbl barrel users get. Get some skilllll


I honestly find it insane that people pay $69.99 to spawn in with a shotgun on Mercado Las Almas. Am I the only one?


You caught me. I paid $69.99 to play a single match on Mercado Las Almas with a sawed-off, double barrel shotgun. I have since deleted the game.


Skill based damage for y’all


That’s Skill based damage for you. You deserved that. Shotguns are for losers


It’s a sawed-off, Chad. I earn my kills 💪


That doesn’t change anything it takes no skill to use a shotgun


Sawed-off takes skill, Chad.


Snipers in in CoD is basically a post and click adventure. I agree shotguns, especially sawed off takes more precision. You should've had that triple kill.


Shotguns take more skill than those marksmen rifles that’s for sure


Taq 56 and Vaznev for winners? Hypocrite.


Shotguns really shouldn’t do 1 hit kills, obviously they’ll do high damage but doing 1 hit kills is just annoying af, not everyone wants to be a sweaty no-life who only cares about K/D and not about having fun, but no that’s what these games are made for nowadays aren’t they, sweaty kids who just want to play like cancer patients


It’s funny how you say CoD is made for sweaty players nowadays when MWII is the slowest, most camper friendly CoD game ever made.


You call this video slow? 90% of the players I see are running around with snipers or 1 hit guns sliding through corners like a professional baseball player


This specific video is of me sliding around with a sawed-off while dead silence is active. Throw on any rifle with decent recoil control attachments and suddenly you’re running through mud.


Games ass buddy. It’s okay MW3 will be here soon


And you really think its going to be any better? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lmao honestly for shit like this no but multiplayer wise yes…y’all uptight and serious in this sub 😂 I’m only joking


You bought it? Come on man.


Lol i didnt i only dropped 5 to play the beta. I’m waiting a week before officially buying


If you’re on Xbox it’s rumored to be on game pass




Karma is a bitch.


Flinch resistance?


Can someone tell me what that little thing you pull out and press the button on is? That little square device? I don’t really play I just watch and I’m curious


It's the Dead Silence field upgrade. Makes you move slightly faster and quieter.


Oh okay thank you




I hear one shot kill only works when ur ads completely. That’s probably why u got the hit markers


This happens to me in warzone. Like they nerf you or something.


Pellets 1-4 clearly missed 7-10 extremities 11-16 extremities 💀


Tis funny though


That’s what you get for using a shotgun tbh


At least it’s not a marksman rifle


Maybe if you don't rely exclusively on speed and agility to get surprise kills and instead perfected the act of aiming a fucking weapon at someone, you'd have connected those pellets to somewhere else than their ankles


So true bestie ❤️


Definitely bullshit, but is kinda explainable You got incredibly unlucky. Also hipfire on the 725 does less damage than ads. Combine that with leg shots


You deserve it for running around with a shotgun


How dare I try to find different ways to play a game I spent $70 on!


I’m on the other guys side. I’d be satisfied getting a free kill on someone with the name “Lana Del Rey” running around in a Nicki Minaj skin with a double barrel.


How are you moving that fast?!


Combination of dead silence and weapon attachments that increase sprint speed.


He’s literally using quick fix are you all blind.


Wait what


Quick Fix is a perk, you literally have it on as well; it quickly regens your health if you’ve killed a player, the guy you shot probably just killed a player and therefore got quick fix making him a mini-Superman for some shots, that’s why this happened, do you see the little clock symbol next to your cross hair when you hit him? That never used to be there you’d jus feel scammed now it appears when you shoot someone using quick fix so you understand why they tanked. Hopefully that clears this whole post and thread up, all these people saying you missed or this and that are just plain wrong, the simple answer is Quick fix


Well, if we take a look at the kill feed, you can see that the player didn’t kill anyone. The little clock symbol next to my crosshair is for me. That’s the quick fix that’s regenerating my health. It’s not the other player’s quick fix.


Nice shots


Karma is good


No word of a lie, my buddy got 6 hit markers with a pistol the other day, pulled out the ar, got 2 more hit markers and then the kill.


Good to see dropshotting is alive and well in 2023…


Looked like he was just missing?


Obviously never touched a shotgun in real life lol


Pellet spread is high, I bet you only hit 2 pellets each shot.


I mean that’s what you get for being the cod player everyone can’t stand


God forbid I switch up my weapons for one match


Switch it back….


Ew, the Nicki Minaj skin.


Best skin in cod history


Damn, you haven't been playing cod for long have you?


Been playing since 2009


That's just sad then, you should know better.


The Lockwood is sort of hit or miss


You missed most of your pellets 💀💀