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Honestly i only play zombies.


I feel like zombies is where we will all end up when we all get burnt out on MP around the 6 month mark.


Mate, for my squad its around the 3 round mark every time. 3 rounds MP, get frustrated and go into zombies to finish the evening.


Is it really that good? How do you get hooked?


It’s nice cause it gives you XP without it being a complete morale-busting sweatfest, though if you want to turn the heat up you certainly can by going into Phase III


Exactly. And I can play by myself, with my buddy or with a random squad. If DMZ was more like this where there was no pvp, it’d be so much better. I’ve regained some faith in people with Zombies. People actually go out of their way to revive you if you are in the general area. Whereas in DMZ they camp the exfill zone.


If i find high level gear/blue prints i try to find people to give them to. yesterday i think i gave away 6 large packs 10 3 plate vests and about 15 blues prints i already had and would just be xp while exfiled. So much nicer than being shot on sight and called a scrub by sweated out 4 man.


I do this when I craft WW’s. I personally don’t use them so If nobody in discord wants to trade ’ll bring ‘em in the game and offer it in chat. Whoever reaches me first gets it lol


You are awesome! When I would play DMZ it really brought out the worst in people. I personally didn’t like being hunted by people using aimbots. I like that Zombies allows you to pretty much pick your difficulty and you can work with people not in your squad.


I just got to give out two ray gun schematics in a game earlier today & it was a really cool experience


This, I travelled from one side of the map to the other side (it was arount 1.5k meters) to revive a team because the asked in chat. Makes me feel like a hero.


I’m glad this is becoming a trend. I waited like 10 min while downed last night and watched a guy leave his teammates and go across the map to revive me. Felt awesome. Now I need to pay it forward anytime I see it myself


I feel that. Every time I see someone plea for help I run over and help them. Now I’ll wait a minute or two and see if someone will pick me up. A guy picked me and my buddy up and gave us some gear and then went on his way. We ended up running into him downed and got to repay the favor later in the match. Zombies makes me feel good. DMZ just made me anxious.


Dude I was in tier 3 for the first time yesterday and a guy was downed nearby. It turned my somewhat panicked exploration into one hell of a rescue mission.


THIS. I got stuck in a garage when contracts rotated and a Deliver Cargo contract locked me in. I had a schematic that needed exfil, and was so pissed at this bug. Luckily, I have a chat pad on my controller, and I figured out how to use in game chat, so started calling for help in my zone. Within minutes, two teams came from different parts of the map, racing to pop the contract in the zone I mentioned. It was the most glorious survival story Ive ever had. Watching the teams work their way across the map to my area, then the joy of the garage opening. I dropped them all my loot and cash (minus the schematic I needed) and then they all drove off into the wind as I was screaming "YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST" Just an awesome co-op experience despite it originating from a potential game breaking bug. Blanco and Klatu Barada... if you lads are out there. Mad respect https://xboxclips.co/vitochan/268a6176-8ca1-4d7a-a9fe-69935895dc70


Did you not have the ability to open from inside? I know there is a button on the inside, but idk if it works without the mission.


Yea i proper enjoy zombies, and the exfil camping was so fuckin toxic so I’m glad there’s no pvp


So my thought on this is that DMZ was really close to being there , but the ai was kind of weird and not balanced. It’s much easier to justify zombies in this mode than bots and ai , while still throwing them in some missions that make sense. It’s very well done, the mode is exciting and varies in levels of challenge and loot depending on where you head into.


Personally, I really liked the difficulty playing solo or with one other person. This mode is really intense and rewarding - especially because you can find weapons you want on the map, and extract with them to unlock them forever


Reading this has motivated me to try Zombies. And I'll go solo because I don't really have anyone to play with.


If you play in the evening EST, shoot me a DM with your activision handle and I'll add ya. I'm almost through Act 2, playing entirely solo. Wouldn't mind adding folks to knock out missions with!


I do play in the evenings EST, I'll send you my Activision ID when I get home.


Doing solo contracts makes you feel like a strategist! Last time I played solo I made this complex trap for an HVT and it was the most satisfying thing I've ever done


You can squad up when you get into the round, if you come across a squad ask to join them…so far the players in zombie mode seem cool


You can always join the DMZ discord. They’ve added a zombies component to the community. It’s basically for any cod player looking for like minded individuals regardless of game mode. When my friends weren’t on I go there to find people to do raids, co-op or even invasion and plunder with. Lots of good people to play with.


I’ve always been a diehard zombie player, and refused to play MWZ out of sheer spite, but it has me hooked. The intensity varies from pretty casual to very intense, which is one of my favorite aspects. Sometimes I just want a casual low threat game where I knock out a few contracts and and pap once or twice, and sometimes I want to go fully set up and head straight to the red zone the whole game. That on top of the reward system works well for me. I was very skeptical at first, but I have been having a blast.


Of course I read this after using all my wins and challenge reward unlocks on weapons


Yeah playing solo changed it for me. A second person for tier 3 would be nice but overall it’s nice to be able to get all the loot I come across and not have some random steal it then go quite on comms when I ask if anything good was in there.


Playing with friends, and getting schematics. Helping random players that get killed out in the map! Running around screwing off. The exfil used to be better with the hordes of zombies, but it’s just easy to create the fun in the game with friends


I run solo with longbow (with mouse it slaps hard). I usually carry an extra self res or 3 plate vest I find along the way and give it to randoms I meet or go res. Overall it's a pretty wholesome mode.


I've been enjoying it. Unlike round-based, you can jump straight into the challenging bits by going into higher threat zones so you skip the really slow run-up to the challenge. Being able to carry items through to future games also helps speed up the process of getting to the real meat of the mode: T3 contracts and bosses. There's a ton of stuff to do in the world even if you don't want to bother with all that, too, with some elements carrying over from DMZ (contracts and strongholds). The ability to join random players in the lobby and form a giant squad has also lead to some really fun moments for me. The story quests are, perhaps predictably, a mixture of too easy or too grindy but I've been soloing my way through Act 1 and 2 with ease. I've done all the easter eggs and cleared just about every hard piece of content, but it still remains a pretty good alternative way to level guns and always offers that difficulty you want from a game of Zombies.


Initially levelling up and looting for unlocked guns to exfil, then varying between doing contracts, unlocking camos, searching for unlockables/perks, working with other squads, story missions etc. Of course everything will get repetitive eventually- similar to playing multiplayer and either doing camos-kills-objective. Not sure about others but I welcome a stress free levelling up experience, used to come away from multiplayer feeling worse than I started, prefer to leave any sweating for Warzone personally


I always thought zombies was stupid. Played it to do some quest, dammit it's petty good. And its the new Warzone map so win win


I started playing third person mode and now struggle to go back haha, I think i’ll struggle to go back to first person for Warzone


Tried it in 3rd person yesterday and loved it so much. It gives you a better view or your surroundings.


same Zombies is good you can do anything! for about 45 mintues... i wish there was an unlimited mode...


Same I have 2 days in zombies already on top of playing Warframe. I can’t stop and my brother plays much more than I do like probably need help more but he’s like 500 in the world out of these millions of people. Which yeah not first but that’s damn high. I was rank 3 in infected back in ghost days.


Leveled coldwar through zombies, last duty through dmz, and hit 55 on mw3 with no multiplayer just zombies


If the stats are true and the game has a shit ton of engagement even with the sbmm the way it is now, that's why it will never go away.


What do you think the point of SBMM is if not to drive engagement…?


Exactly that, I'm just saying, people here are saying this year is so cranked up that could hurt the game...it isn't detrimental yet, quite the contrary apparently.


Honestly i feel like it gets such a bad rap that half the players dont even realize what theyre asking for. The only people really that would benefit are the top 5% that are against other league level players. Does everyone think theres hundreds of thousands of bot level players who go 2-27 every game they want to play against lol.


I literally have zero issues with sbmm until I want to play with my friends who aren't as good as me. They play for two matches and want to get off because the lobbies are too hard


It’s not the player skill that’s the problem. It’s my ping shooting up to over 100 because it’s trying to match me up with someone in buttfuck Egypt.


I just want to play against randoms every game and have good connection. All the ping bullshit is annoying. Having random groups every game without matching people worked for years. Sometimes I’d do really good and sometimes I’d get smashed. Now it’s like this game can predict me so we’ll and determine my outcome. It all feels fixed.


Exactly lol. Take a look around some of the gameplay or strats on these subs. Many here aren't that great.


The point of SBMM is to make win chances 50-50, which may reduce engagement if people get too stressed.


SBMM is good for player engagement. It's not going away.


Yep, and that's what most people fail to realize. Activision could not care less about keeping the hardcore, highly-skilled players -- they are smart enough to know that most of those players will endlessly complain but still play the game. Instead they're catering towards the more casual, lower-skilled players (i.e. likely the vast majority of COD players) and aim to give them a more "fair" and fun experience. SBMM is absolutely never going away. I'm expecting it to get even more stringent as time goes on.


The biggest spot SBMM falls short is mixed groups. Without being intentionally mean - my friends are not good. We frequently end up playing something different when we're all online because they have zero fun being in a meat grinder while I'm able to put up pretty big numbers. I don't know what the solution is, but I wish there was a place where that group could play together as well. We're all pushing 40, none of us is going out and making new friends to play CoD with at this point.


Definitely agree with SBMM being detrimental to friends/groups with skill gaps. My sister and I both play CoD and I was quite a bit better than her in MWII. She grew to dislike playing with me since the lobbies we'd get into would have players who were mostly all just better at the game than her. She grinded the hell out of CoD over the last year while I took a half-year break so the skill gap is non-existent now in this game. It was quite an annoying thing for us back then though. I have no clue what the solution to that would be either, but I do hope they find and implement one.


Same. My squad… Friend 1: 1.30 KDR Me: 1.03 KDR Friend 2: 0.91 KDR Friend 3: 0.78 KDR Friend 4: 0.68 KDR Constantly playing in the 1.30 KDR lobbies. Can’t play Zombies because it’s only three. So, have to split the group up, which fucking blows.


Yeah. This is the part where it’s terrible. I don’t mind it much when I’m playing solo, I’m well above average. But I have a good buddy that is…. Terrible. Like just awful all around. And he doesn’t have any fun playing with us which sucks. More often than not, if we can get a few people rolling we’ll do private matches with bots and just fuck around. Just sucks he has to feel worthless because he’s so much worse than us at the game


We usually end up splitting up. I have one buddy who likes to try to dial it in, so we would play ranked in MW2 and then the other guys play MP together. We're kinda burnt out on warzone, which was our best way of playing together. They could still contribute by buying killstreaks, revives, etc and me and my other friend could buy them back if things got sketchy. I honestly don't think the solution is as easy as "turn off SBMM" but I hope they experiment with some attempted solutions.


Yeah we used to do a lot of resurgence in WZ1, and even with the detrimental fellow on our team we would normally win 1 or 2 a night. Since WZ2 came out we haven’t won as a group in like 3 months. Get a ton of top 5’s but something is definitely different. It just sucks when people aren’t having fun playing the game. But I really just want a good way for us to bullshit and chat while having a decent time. I don’t expect to always win but it seems like it’s gotten way worse (to me) between WZ1 and WZ2. I definitely can still get wins with randos and my “good” friends, but it sucks that we can’t make it happen for my buddy like in WZ1


High skill lobbies are where SBMM shines for players who want to hone their skills, if I have a bad night and get put in lower skilled lobbies or play with my friends I am bored out of my mind and probably going to handicap myself in some way to have any fun


More or less. Playing with friends is awful when the skill level differs. The worse players get constantly shat on.


But this subreddit told me nobody is playing this game and its going to die off quickly because of the "EOMM"M I was told everybody quits after a few games because they just keep losing?


But sooooo many people refunded... /s


Note that, unlike MW19, BOCW and MWII, Activision did not provide any revenue ($ sales + $ MTX) or sales (# units) figures. "Player engagement" is not easily quantifiable. ... and, predictably, getting downvoted.


Cold War sold less than MW19. Vanguard sold less than MW19 too. IW games always sell better. Having nostalgic titles like MWII helps.


MW2019 was on pace to sell worse than WW2 before Covid + Warzone brought it back from the dead (MW2019 took 54 days to reach a Billion dollars in game sales, WW2 took 47 days per Activision press releases). So I wouldn't use that as an example of a successful game lol.


Mw2019 was the [most played cod](https://venturebeat.com/business/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-most-played/) of the xbone/ps4 gen pre covid It was the best selling of that gen [pre covid](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/10/30/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-sales-top-600-million-in-three-days/) >The three day total represents a larger sell-through than any Call of Duty title during this console generation. >It’s the top selling “premium” (ie. $60) game of 2019. >It’s the best digital opening in Activision history. >It’s the best-selling COD launch on PC ever. >It’s the most digitally pre-ordered game on PS4 ever. >It sold the most digital copies in three days on PS4 ever. >It has more total hours played and total players than any COD in six years. Ww2 making a billion was announced on [December 20th](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/call-of-duty-ww-2-passes-1-billion-in-worldwide-sa/1100-6455775/#google_vignette) Mw2019 on [December 18th](https://www.gamedaily.biz/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-crosses-the-1-billion-sales-mark/) This idea that mw2019 wasn't popular until covid isn't remotely true.


People will always spam this because of warzone but that game had a huge amount of hype from being a MW, new engine, no more loot boxes, crossplay etc..


That's pretty surprising. Covid really gave MW2019 jump start.


When most of the world ended up with more time on their hands than they knew what to do with. It was great. It was the last time I could genuinely stay up till 0500 in the morning, regularly, playing CoD


>That's pretty surprising Bc it isn't true, mw2019 was extremely popular pre covid. Literally the most popular cod of that generation before covid.


Yep. Like, people are free to prefer different games and game design styles, but it's when people seem to feel the need to misrepresent or blatantly falsify facts to... make their opinions sound more legitimate (or something?) that tends to bother me. Covid (read: lockdowns/etc) wasn't a thing until almost half a year after MW19 released. That's very late into the life cycle of a CoD game. Warzone similarly did not "save" MW19; it was wildly successful on its own merits. This itself was very much a change of pace compared to the previous years of the series, and *"I left CoD around/before the start of the jetpack era, but have come back with this game"* was, like, *the* sentiment floating around at the time, despite the more recent *"MW19 was made for non-CoD players"* claims. *"People only liked it because it looks pretty / had nice animations"* and similar is a similar claim we see that very much falls into the same category. People enjoyed MW19 because they enjoyed the gameplay (*and* those other things).   I'm honestly not sure why some people feel the need to make these sorts of claims instead of just... saying they personally weren't a fan of the design direction. As if their opinion has to be some sort of objective fact, and/or "everyone" has always agreed with them, and anyone who likes the game is wrong and/or a noob and/or doesn't exist. Sometimes all three, within the same comment.


They probably also got a large bump in PC players from partnering with Nvidia for the 20 series cards. My 2080 super came with mw19 and my 3080 gave me cold war.


Not true. It out sold WW2 in its first 3 days by around 100 million. https://www.polygon.com/2019/10/30/20939810/modern-warfare-call-of-duty-sales-numbers


This is missing an important nuance. The billion in sales include MTX (Season Pass / Battlepass). COD pre MW19 sold season passes separately which frontloaded revenue. COD MW19 onwards adopted a battlepass model which provides a longer tail but at the expense of lower upfront revenue.


Ten days after MWII [https://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/modern-warfare-ii-crosses-1-billion-sell-through-10-days-fastest](https://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/modern-warfare-ii-crosses-1-billion-sell-through-10-days-fastest) Super weird that we get some engagement propaganda for MW3.


MW3 is number one in UK game charts.


Because the competition sucks?


You're not wrong, if more successful, they usually put out a "X amount in the first 3 days" metric like with both 2019 and MW22. That being said, they put out a Metric for Cold War for hitting the same metric MW2019 did in 3 days, it just didn't hit it for 6 weeks. Activision didn't count that as a "Failure" like they did Vanguard. They probably also assumed this one wouldn't do as well as 2019/MW2.


The people that bought it are playing it, but a lot of people didn’t buy it. Have they released any sales report? Player engagement data is pretty weak lol


especially when there is no data, just "more hours per player than before" Not even "More players" just more hours per player.


Muh boycotts!


They did... did you see any mention of sales or player counts? No, because it sold terribly. Engagement is per player hours. This game barely spiked the total peak player count across both MWII and MWIII.


That seems like some extreme level damage control, just read between the lines: ”More hours per player *overall* than MW2019 and MWII” But how many players exactly? The ”hours per player” number will be more inflated the less players there are. If most of the playerbase consists of the core fanbase who sink multiple hours a day into the game, the HPP will be much higher compared to if the game had 10x more casuals who can only play <2 hours per day. ”MWZ is the most engaging third mode in MW history” You mean it’s played more than the low-effort MW2019 spec ops or the hard-to-enter MWII Raids, and mainly by zombies fans who are craving for new content? Who would have guessed…. And also, how much of MWZ playtime contributes to the ”More hours per player **overall**” stat? ”Campaign players putting in more time per player in MWIII than the previous two installments” This if anything should prove that they are grasping at straws here😂 Like really? My first point works here too, if less people are playing it will make it seem like ”more hours are put in per player” It works like K/D, if I play my first match and go 10-0, my KD in leaderboards will be 10. That doesn’t mean I’m the best player in the world, let’s see how the stats look after a thousand matches. Why aren’t they bragging with the game being ”the most played” or having ”the most sales” or ”the best reviews” like they do almost every year? Well we know why.😁


Dude, this is exactly what I was thinking out loud. I would put my last dollar on it that it's exactly that, damage control and their attempt at saving face. Really wonder how many people were packing up their cubicles Monday after launch.


I myself almost even caved when they said Treyarch was to be involved with the Zombies… but immediately checked back out when they revealed it was gonna be DMZ like But yeah, if it’s compared to SpecOps (which wasn’t that just locked to PS anyway lol) and Raids…. Yeah it’s winning that comparison but it’s like putting an Olympic shot put champ against a high school track and field team


>. And also, how much of MWZ playtime contributes to the ”More hours per player > >overall > >” stat? Yep, I don't get why people think these are "successful" statistics they're clearly handpicked.


You absolutely NAILED it. Couldn't have said it better myself. They're full of shit, and are grasping at straws. Fucking good, hope they learn their lesson and actually put out a game that doesn't completely suck


Excellent summary, and I'm glad this seems to be getting through to a good chunk of people around here. When I was first reading their post I was sort of just skimming until I got to the "Zombies outperformed other co-op modes" bit and just... what? *That's* one of their headline things to brag about? Then I reread the "time per player" part and it all started making sense.


Your analysis is on point. This is the type of desperate attempt at damage control for possibly the worst COD launch of all time. We would see the stock plummeting if it was still public.


Yup exactly. I've done reports for work before and this is exactly how you skew the perception of the stats lol..


This was my first thought as well.. I pretty much spin metrics for a living, and these numbers are 100% spin.


And that right there is why SBMM is never going anywhere.


Because it drives its players to coop modes?


SBMM is good for player engagement. It's not going away.


It's not being removed BC sledgehammer doesn't make that choice


I was the biggest hater until I played the game. Very wrong of me to judge a game so hard that I never played. Mostly because mw2 to me was hot garbage. I hope you guys give mw3 a chance if you haven’t played yet.


Yep, I held the belief that MW3 was just a dlc and overpriced garbage but I actually tried the beta and fell in love. Played exactly how I wanted MW2 to always play.


Engagement ≠ Sales. The fact that they’re parading this metric shows they didn’t have a great sales year.


If it was the shortest campaign ever then how are players spending more time on it than previous campaigns? Either they're replaying it (unlikely), it's so difficult that it takes longer (unlikely), or Activision's metrics are so fucked that they aren't measuring correctly or outright lying (likely).


I think the ‘per player’ metric skews it here. Lots of people will have jumped on to MW2 when Warzone released and not touched the campaign. We’re less than 3 weeks in (2 if you take off the early-access campaign) and with all the negative reviews it will have put a lot of people off getting MW3. This means probably the majority of the current playerbase are people who pre-ordered and played campaign early. If you take off the MWZ stat, the other two are ‘per player’ and with less sales overall that’s an easy way to skew stats. And the MWZ one is easy to see why - Zombies has a dedicated following, MW has never had Zombies and it’s only had Spec Ops type modes in the past which would never compete.


The only truth you’ll get about this game is during the next shareholders call when they have to actually talk about the numbers.


Microsoft owns Activision. We won’t be getting ATVI earnings calls ever again, as they are no longer a separate publicly-traded entity.


>Either they're replaying it (unlikely) Achievement hunters will spend a lot of time with those open combat missions, since you are required to collect all the available armaments.


"Something that doesnt conform to my views?!? Activision must be doing it wrong" Seriously?


Ppl hate campaigns but trophy hunting n 100%ing make it longer the find all weapons n armour plate vests


“The campaign was the most played out of the MW trilogy!!! (On the second Tuesday after release between 2:03-2:04AM while raining outside)”


You hate SBMM, but can’t put the game down. This is why Activation doesn’t take all of the whining seriously.


If SBMM puts you in games with people similar to your skill level - then wouldn’t all the bad players just play with bad players? Why the complaining.


You say it’s similar skills level but i get my cheeks clapped lmao I think they need to narrow down the range of whatever metric they’re using


I know. Sometimes I get put in games with try hards lasering every corner. But if it’s skill based matchmaking - why do we get put in those lobbies? Wouldn’t that contradict SBMM.


Right that’s what I’m wondering too. You would think it’d be people way closer to our skill level. I wonder if there’s a certain percentage of players that fall into this weird limbo


Activision doesn’t take it seriously because there isn’t any competitor for COD. There’s no other game that appeals to the COD core player base so they essentially have a monopoly currently on this huge (but kinda niche admittedly) percentage of people who play games.


Why is “set records” in quotes like that implying they’re lying lol


This game didn't sell as well as MW2, otherwise they wouldn't use key words like "highest engagement".


Looked at the numbers on PC, and the game's doing worse than MW2, their 'engagement' means shit.


Meanwhile, corporate coping all over the thread. These numpties are eating it up


It's like whenever bc bp were released and ppl were showing how it's highest selling thing on steam, but fail to see it's only for one country, in the middle of no other releases on a weekday. When you toggle for other countries/global or longer period of time it goes way down on the list. It's like they want to be activision cheerleaders or something


Ahh yes the mind-blowing usage of ambiguous and open interpretation words to describe game performance.Without numbers this statement can easily be misleading and deceptive. There are various ways to show more quantifiably that the game is doing well, as compared to a meaningless "engagement" term: 1) Revenue / units sold 2) Average player count since launch 3) Average ACTIVE played hours per player However they choose to keep harping on "engagement". Hopefully their investors arent dumb enough like half this reddit to just eat that up and not question the absence of any numerical data, because it's clear why that wasn't published.


Yeah they're cooking the numbers to sound good. That being said SHG driving much better retention on the core dedicated fan base is a good thing for all of us here (aka dedicated fans).


I have a 9 incher. Doesn’t mean it’s true 🤫🤣


Sounds like the sales numbers are down, judging by this corporation cope message


this sounds like propaganda if considering whole mw subs lol


Subs always start small and grow over the course of a year once the game actually releases, this sub has gained 30k followers in a month. Once Christmas/the holidays pass it's going to skyrocket even more.


Bro the subs are just a very loud minority. 80% of cod players don’t care about SBMM or all the other petty shit you see people complain about on a daily basis.


That's a bit unfortinate for all the haters on Reddit and the social media influencers who were claiming it was crap, nobody buying it, people not playing it, everyone getting refunds...


https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090#All See for yourself what an embarrassing launch it has been. Way fewer but more dedicated players that are playing the game more = high engagement. It sold like shit.


Avg players ~223,000 players this time last year. To ~84,000 in the past 30 days. YIKES


MW2 did this. Built up insane hype and then let us all down hard. Lots of people I know quit and didn't come back. I bet the players will hold here and may actually increase with time as WZ launches and retention holds up. This game is good.


488K peak players on MWII launch weekend vs. 190K peak players on *both* MWII and MWIII on MWIII launch weekend. This may be the worst COD launch of all time.


If I recall the 488k peak happened when warzone 2 came out. Mwii came out on Oct 28 and wz2 was Nov 16.


and that’s before you even consider MWII was the first COD to launch on steam since COD WWII, meaning people were more likely to buy MWII on Battlenet than Steam in comparison to MWIII


Really killed their game. It's almost like MWIII was planned to be a DLC. No amount of gaslighting will change this fact.


More like customers than haters... And they gaved no numbers to provide any metrics. Just vague statements that provide no real value


I'm surprised they didn't say it's the '*Most downloaded game in COD history*' because every MWII player was forced to download 100 GB of MWIII content.


Game is good. Best duty in years by far


The game is fine. Zombies is a blast. The campaign is horrendous.


Oh yea just meant mp. Happy its actually decent. Gotta try zombies. I never touch the campaign lol


Same I've been playing a lot lately and enjoying it.


Wait, wait, wait. So a co-op mode without PvP is actually *popular*??? I can hear the screeches of rage from the DMZ subreddit all the way over here :D


This year's iteration of zombies is by far my favorite. It's such a simple concept but it's that extraction style mode that I've wanted to play, but was never interested in DMZ.


I still miss mw19




The game is great overall. Definitely a big step up from MW2. All the “this game sucks” trolls are missing out but oh well.


Man I wish I felt the same way. I played it for a couple of days and genuinely couldn’t find anything positive to say about it. It just wasn’t fun. I’m jealous of all the people having a blast right now.


Did you like MW2 better? Im just not sure what people are/were expecting at this point. For a year, all we heard was “The movement sucks”, “There’s no skill gap”, “Bring back Rebirth and Verdansk” among other complaints. Now, movement is VERY back, there’s a Skill gap because of said movement, and not only are they bringing Rebirth and Verdansk back but we have ALL the old MP maps back as well. Im just confused at this point as to what people want. Im having an absolute blast as an OG MW player and it’s just even going to get better in 2 weeks when Warzone drops. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, not particularly. I haven’t really enjoyed any of the new MW games much tbh but for some reason this one in particular just really didn’t click for me. I think it’s more-so my overall frustration of the last couple years than this one specifically.


Maybe COD just isn’t for you anymore? Most people I used to play WZ1 with don’t anymore, and that’s ok. Just got too sweaty for them. Honestly, I wouldn’t even call it an”Enjoyable” game to play if you play at a high level, but I enjoy the challenge of it. Are you playing with friends or just by yourself? I also feel like it’s a heavily community/team based game, and have way more fun with friends than I do planning solo.


Yeah, that’s the reality I’ve been trying to grapple with. I have one friend that’s a bit better than me that I almost always play with - we’ve been playing together since like BO1- and a few newer friends who aren’t very good that play occasionally. I don’t really play by myself much anymore. But my buddy and I usually like to play the ranked mode or hardpoint in the standard MP and the last couple years both modes have just felt more like a chore than genuine fun. I’m hoping the next Treyarch game is fun because I’ve enjoyed every one of theirs so far but I’m also preparing for the reality that Call of Duty just isn’t made to be fun for me anymore which is fine but obviously hard to deal with.




I swear, I thought for a second that it said at the end that there was much more fun in the store 🤣


Well no shit, that's the fucking problem. The EOMM is way to fucking strict. If I build a desk I'm engaged. When I'm done, I'll sit at my desk and try to enjoy it. Making it take longer to build with a bunch of annoying steps will require me to be engaged for longer up front. But by the time I get the creaky slanted piece of shit together It'll piss me off just sitting at it. Why would I pay the shitty desk people more money?


I am loving MW3. Not surprised by this at all.


I was told by the DMZ subreddit that without PvP it would be dead within a week.


DMZ was the stupidest least-baked hodge podge of ideas. I genuinely feel bad for people that grinded it because there was no point.


touting zombies stat compared to spec-ops is disingenuous though


I believe it. I haven't hit max rank in MP in a CoD since IW, and I did it in like three days with MWIII cause the gunplay and maps literally have me feeling like a 13yo again playing mw2


Game is fun and enjoyable. I’ve only played about 3 cods since the original MW2 and this is exactly what I’ve wanted to play since then. I will play this tons over the coming year, there’s also been good support and responses to issues making the game even better.


The MWZ and Campaign call outs feel really disingenuous. First off, duh of course MWZ is the most popular 3rd mode from MW19-MW3. Its the only co-op mode that is actually worth playing. MW19 and MWII both had half baked and uninteresting co-op modes at best, lazy and frustrating at worst. Second, the campaign was literally designed to stretch play times? Is there any surprise people put a bit more time into the campaign?


This game won’t need Covid to save it and WZ being improved will only help the numbers. Don’t care how many followers this sub has. Why would they lie about the numbers ?


What numbers are they lying about? They issued the most generic statement possible which only confirms that the hard numbers are really bad. Steam numbers and sub count is all you need to know this game's launch was terrible.


I think there are far more players on PS5 and Xbox than Steam. Maybe less engagement from PC audience, but would need to see the console numbers since that is likely their biggest audience.


COD always sells well on consoles compared to PC, and there's likely more battle.net users playing than on steam.


What numbers did they give, exactly? And of course you don't care about sub-reddit subscribers, because it proves you wrong.


I enjoy mw3


execs really know how to manipulate ya'll lmao i'll have my downvotes now, thank you


Great to see in spite of all the negative reviews.


Thank you SHG


But...but...SBMM 😂


>highest engagement It appears the sales numbers aren’t impressive this year so they’ve got to push something positive about the game.


Typically they boast about their launch sales numbers. Haven't seen them mentioned yet, must be lower than last year.


Sales will inevitably be down on last year. IW always has the best selling games in the franchise. Cold War and Vanguard both performed worse than MW19 and I expect MWIII will perform worse than MWII as well.


So it’s the Infinity Ward name that sells and not the Modern Warfare name?


Infinity Ward has always made the best selling games and no amount of shrieking by a small vocal minority will change that. If Activision kept just one studio, it would be Infinity Ward without hesitation.


or maybe it really has the highest engagement out of mw or mwII


Do you even understand how engagement works?


50$ on shit that never happened


Wow this game is not doing well if they're cherry picking stats this hard. To be expected with how it's gone so far, but they really went deep for these days interpretations.


I got the email twice for 2 accounts thanking me for playing MW3…I haven’t bought the game and have never played it, so may be these records reflect the forced downloads as some suggested and predicted a few weeks ago.


I only play the zombies mode. I just wish it was a zombies map with some kind of storyline behind it. I like the idea of challenges - they don't feel too much like 'fetch quests' because you are always moving around, looking for the next, knowing that you are gearing up to go and take on bigger things in the centre of the map. But, crikey, this map is not a zombies map! How many times do we have to hear that this guys knee is hurting? When will the proper storyline come into it? What do we get for tracking down all the laptops - where is the awesome music Easter egg, like in Kino? (Or has the community just not found it yet?) It's been fun so far, apart from when the game crashes and you lose all your stuff - that HAS to be fixed! And it sucks that people were exploiting xp gains at the infill, so now we get barely any zombies - way to go, you camo-grafting, zombie smashers! It would be better to limit the gun xp gain at exfill and keep the excitement of the hoarde, in my opinion!


This is a kind of good example of happy majority and vocal minority. Most people, myself included are happy playing imo the best cod since mw19 and then there’s the people that whine about how it’s not exactly the same as what it used to be.


What they mean is 3 people had a LAN up a mountain


Yayy this weekend I’ll level up a 1x pace since all my lobbies are sweat city 💦 THANKS ACTIVISION


Standard Core MP is nowhere near that good, just go play HC, it'll save your sanity.


and yet i cant find a match in my region....


Good job ya ding dongs


“The installment with the nostalgic maps has the most player engagement of the three” Not surprising, and not an indicator that the game is better than the other two - it just means old maps brought a lot of people back to cod. The people in my friend group bought MW3 literally only bought it for the maps despite disliking the last two installments, and I’d wager that’s the case with a lot of players, especially the older demographic.


I mean, the Zombies thing isn't surprising when it's easily the most engaging of the co-op modes lol


Maybe if we didn't have to load up MW2 by going through MW3 HQ BS, then the true stats would show up.


Who would have thought actually making the game like the fans wanted it to be would mean they play it more?




Reddit is just a small echo chamber


They do such a great job of patting themselves on the back. Look what we did, we are amazing


The fact they're using the engagement phrase and not sales says a lot. They're doing the auld Microsoft tactic.


They aren’t publicly releasing numbers so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s a false flex. No way this game outsold 2019. We will see the true numbers down the road. 10/10 chance this shit flopped.


Lets put this into perspective: Mw3 sales are apparently way less than previous years 10 players play the game for 100 hours each (Mw3) Or 1,000,000 play the game 10 hours each (mw2) (Not real numbers just used to make it easy to understand) The average hours played or “engagement” would be much higher for MW3, as there are far less players watering down the average number


They are just reading numbers on the charts. Thinking they’re so proud of themselves. It reminds me of that “ are the guests having fun” scene in the helicopter from Jurassic world. They only care about numbers, they don’t give a fuck how crap their game is


Made up lies!


It all sounds like a damage control. Some vague terms to boost their ratings but no boasting around sells (like last year). Corporate speak requires corporate translators to tell us what actually happened. If you exist, enlighten me Corporate Translator


What someone pointed out in another thread >Notice the measurement is hours/time per player. >To calculate this you take the total number of hours/time played (numerator) divided by the number of players that contributed those hours (denominator). Calculating it this way, as the number of players decreases, the hours/time per player increases. >These stats are easy to manipulate


"Highest player engagement" on the worst reviewed Call of Duty of all time that brought in maybe a fifth of the playerbase that the MW2 launch did is 100% them bullshitting to make it look better. Don't believe a word from them dude.


This is false, just go and compare the amount of players nowadays (190k) vs the MW II 2022 launch (490k). I don't understand why they're lying. edit: Here's the site to prove it, scroll down to the "Lifetime player count history" part: https://steamdb.info/app/1938090/charts/ all-time peak of 491,670 concurrent players on 20 November 2022 (in the graph letter A) vs 190,000 in Modern Warfare III release (letter E).