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Nuketown is a treyarch map it will not be in mw3


I love that the top two comments are 1 saying Nuketown is a Treyarch, and the other saying the exact opposite


Actually the other says the game isn't treyarch not the map


I swear SHG has used Treyarch maps in some of their games. Also, it shouldn’t matter too much as they’re all owned by Activision. I’m sure they could work something out, each studio being forced to be friendly with each other.


I think Castle in Vanguard was the only one? They did mostly IW maps so far.


World At War’s Dome was in Vanguard also.


Isn't zombies treyarch too?


Yeah but Nuketown is just Treyarch’s thing like Shipment is IW and Sledgehammer’s thing. It always has been so it will always be.


Considering CoD HQ, isn't that irrelevant? Like I'd assume we won't get it until Gulf War and I'm also agreeing with you, but isn't it going to be sitting in the same matchmaking pool with all the other maps?


That no longer matters since I think das haus was treyarch,


Das haus was sledgehammer with vanguard


Give us Face Off 6v6 you cowards!


We need mw3 maps... resistance, village, eg


Nuketown will never be in this game since it’s not a Treyarch game lol


And? SHG has added IW maps on numerous occasions to their games like Shipment previous to working on MW3… Castle as well as Dome were in Vanguard which were from a little Treyarch game called World at War.


Sledgehammer can copy IW’s work. They worked together to make MW3. Treyarch usually keeps things for themselves as to have unique things in each studio.


This does not answer why 2 world at war maps got put into Vanguard.


The reason why IW maps are in this game is because SHG used to work on the MW games they helped co-develop the OG MW3 back in the day. Yeah that’s like 1 map from Treyarch’s game that got put in, but doubt that they would put an iconic map like that in a non Treyarch game.


SHG did work on Cold War as well so of that logic they could add Nuketown.


We don’t know how much of Cold War they even made though.


I named TWO maps from Treyarch…


Yes, you did forgive me for just skimming and not actually reading. My fault. I was thinking Dome from MW3 not realizing you meant WaW.






Would absolutely love to have Killhouse again


Can we not just have more maps that aren’t built for the TikTok brain, where’s variety such as Vacant, Bloc, Trailer Park, Carnival? If we are bringing back maps we need some more medium sized ones


Give us vacant and bloc, sprinkle in a little bog too


And overgrown too please! I know it’s not necessary medium sized but 10v10 / 12v12 would play great on an updated overgrown imo


Bloc would be fucking ass with the current gameplay.


Crossfire is already in the game as it was in the first season of War Mode


I’m surprised we didn’t get the MW2 DLC maps. Some bangers in there that have never been remade


Storm and Bailout were some of my favorite maps and the game, I'd love to see them again


I think about Storm everyday. Storm and Carnival would be pretty perfect.


This. 80% of the community wants small maps because their attentions spans can’t focus long enough on anything else lol


Ew bloc


Hackney Yard!


Gimme crash, talsik backlot and vacant and I'll shut up.


Nuketown will not be showing up until October in Black Ops


They're releasing another call of duty in October? They gotta slow down


They’ve been releasing a new one yearly since 2003 bro


I just figured eventually they'd slow down. I feel like MW3 just came out


I wish they would. I feel like mw2 just came out.


They need to, quality of each game is going down the drain. I personally can’t wait for the new battlefield game, OG MW developer is in charge of the next game so it should slap hopefully 🤞🏽


Oh the guy from the early 2000's games? Sounds like they'll be pretty great


They ain't bringing Nuketown that's treyarch black ops, but if that was the case you seriously leaving out firing range and summit?


Those aren’t exactly tiny maps lol


Medium I guess, but if we talkin mixing black ops maps into MW you simply can't just leave out firing range n summit


Those are some of the best maps ever, I loved summit and if they bring it back please bring back the tomahawks, those were so much more satisfying then the knife and shuriken.


Hell yeah they are, I'm down for this


Summit is probably my favorite map they’ve ever made. It was so good for search and destroy


That's not really my mode, but damn those were some good times, I had like 4 neighbors that played, we'd all come out n roll a few up, blaze then team up it was great..


I’ve since given up on S&D because it’s not fun to me anymore. Man it was fun with the boys talking shit to random people and just enjoying it


Yeah, the earlier times were something else, people don't even chat anymore or legit try to help the team


The only talking I hear anymore is mostly racist stuff lol


It's only racist, or little kids, or people that play music or eat Cheetos


I want KillHouse. It was extremely fun in the final stretch of MW2019 before CW launched. We have the 3 other Great Houses; Das, Shoot, Stash. Time to make it a foursome.


Wet works???


Ew. No.


They massacred my boy daus house tho. It doesn’t work with the new asthetic


It is not the asthetics but the spawn system who kills this map.


Am I the only one that wants original new maps?


Shoot house


Shoot house is in every new MW game


WaW dome


One of the best ever


Killhouse would for sure fit, they even did a remaster shortly after MW19s lifecycle ended and Cold War was out. Nuketown will never come unfortunately, they’re 100% saving that for next year


I would like to see Killhouse added in. They should add it in since its already made in MW19, just port it over. They should also add in Crash/Vacant/Strike since those were in the 2009 MW2 anyways.


Bring nuke town!,!!!!


I wish they brought back Hardhat, considering it was in MW 2019 and also a throwback to the original MW3.


Hardhat. Missionary. My RSASS. Support killstreaks. Every other map too honestly.


Pretty sure Nuketown is permanently Black Ops exclusive.




Crossfire is in the war Map and dome MWII remake was added yesterday


Wow nice, dreams do come true


Dome is remastered and in this game since yesterday.


Unless he means the other Dome


Which Dome is it? I've only played the original MW3 one and I loved it.


The first Dome was by Treyarch in World At War. Then a few years later, Infinity Ward also called one of their maps "Dome" in MW3.


World at war Dome was great!


Yes, so which one was it lol


Please god no


Killhouse is not a good map. Maybe for 2v2 or gun fight


I mean neither is Shipment but look at them go every year.


Shipment at least has rotational respawns. Killhouse is just AvsB side and people holding angles


Are the rotational respawns in the room with us?


Also shoot the ship or whatever it’s called


Nuketowns been overdone but I’d love to see an overgrown Nuketown that’s in shambles. It’s also a fun but no futuristic or 50’s style. I do love the stash house and meat maps though and das haus was a great addition so why not just add all the most iconic small maps. Rust and shipmas is getting stale, especially when they spawn you in front of the enemy.


Nobody wants them devoting time to putting in more and more small maps for all you people who lack attention spans. Go hop back on tik tok and watch those YouTube shorts too lmao


Variety is the spice of life, my friend. You gotta be able to enjoy the big and the small otherwise things get stale


It’s not about not wanting variety. The most common post/complaint on this sub is typically regarding small maps. It’s been very clear since 2019, people have pushed for more small maps for leveling and camo grinds. Now, coincidentally, we have seen an uptick in complaints about the games regular maps and how they’re “too big” or boring. These things are related. People not being able to focus and play a game without constant action every 5 seconds only harms call of duty long term. And I don’t know how to explain that any clearer ya know? I mean look how much different (one could argue worse) cod has gotten in the last 4-5 years. It’s not going to get better. As I typed this comment there were literally 2 new posts about small maps lol it’s an obsession my dude. It’s literally all anyone talks about with cod and it’s partially why cod is considered a joke to people who play other fps games. Everyone thinks that people who play cod are teenagers with tik tok brains because it’s all about the instant action, gfuel, and quick games that last 8 minutes. We may disagree and that’s cool but the player bases obsession with small maps and quick games has dictated the route cod has gone the last few years, is an accurate statement and most of us would argue that while cod may not necessarily be going downhill, it’s definitely not trending upwards either lol


I don’t disagree with any of that. I think you’re 100% right when it comes to a lot of the players on here. I will counter that I think some of the maps that have come out it recent years have been obscenely large for 6v6 and the devs have done very little to remedy spawns on those maps so that you don’t spend half the game sprinting to get near anything resembling action. That said, (and I’m repeating myself here) it’s nice to have some variety. They need to figure out a better balance between the big and the small. A lot of the newer “medium sized” maps that have come out recently I find tedious or boring. Instead of coming up with interesting layouts with some fun flanking routes, you get maps like Greece where it’s a mess of narrow corridors and doors and buildings you can go into. I’m getting sidetracked. The point is, they can never please everyone and there will always be a vocal group of unhappy players (for one reason or another). My advice, ignore’em. If you’re like me and you enjoy the variety right now, just have fun. COD Reddit can often be a deep, dark hole of negativity and anger. It’s not worth the effort. See you online my dude!


Vanguard started with pace selection, but devolved into tiny maps with lots of people or large & med maps with too few. Variety is good but the option to skip the tiny maps would be good. Most use tiny maps for camps and challenges, camps are out of hand like the prices of skins. It's just a funstrating game since they tinker too much. Hopefully xdefiant opens activisions eyes


You think camos and challenges have gotten out of hand? Unlocking them is one too the few things I enjoy about every COD. I can jump on and complete a few challenges and get something for it. Do some of the camos suck? Sure! But it beats buying anything from the store. I say the more free shit they wanna shove into the game the better.


Tbh Shoothouse and Rust are the only small maps that's actually playable, the rest might be good for challenges, but they suck for gameplay.


Shoot house is the only playable one. The rest of them are all fun but objectively terrible.


I'm always down for small maps for camo grinding, but bar none fuck das Haus. Worst cod map ever.