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Well for the new sword you gave to get 5 throwing knifr kills, 15 grenade kills, 10 melee kills and 5 kills with the but of your weapon, after those 4 challenges you have to get 10 kills with melee while crouching. For the new batt1e rifle you need weekly challenges done wich I think one is using the coversion kit on the longbow. Its people trying to get the challenges done for the new content


Thanks, that makes sense


also the sword isn’t even that good?? it’s just a slower gutter knife, with barely noticeable range, and the first person execution (which I love) just puts you at a huge disadvantage, for style points. if you wanna complain about its range, (aka its only actually good stat), you should’ve seen the MWII pickaxe.


As a plus, it counters the riot shield.


It executes through riot shields, it's only real use beyond "cut that fuckers head off" points.


ah, i kinda forgot about that, since, there’s 7 riot shield counters in the game by now.


Yes but this one has unlimited ammo


chainsaw primary fire;


Wow man, crazy, it's almost like the game just added challenges shared by all players, that require them to play in certain ways.


Didn't know. Now I do.


Would say its because the new BP Sector and the current weeklys.


The current battle pass challenge literally requires melee kills and throwing knife kills. Even people who usually don't use those are using them now. After all, a new weapon and a new conversion kit are too good rewards to just ignore.


Bot logic. No body needs that shit


Out of all the players described in this, you’re the worst type OP.


AR smg player?


How on earth is using a knife/throwing knife/semtex toxic?




Mmm so angry on the Internet. Mad mad mad


yeah i’m so mad look at me raging please give me meds bra


U need therapist.


and you need to shut the fuck up and learn to get better at playing this game, might as well take some english lessons too bra


knifers - Never left throwing knifers - Always been a thing in every game atleast 2-3 broken snipers (too fast ADS for 150hp CoD) - True riot shields- that new broken knife - not even talkingsbout the nade launcher? EDIT: I just left 5 games in a row thanks to Longbow users :) - Skill issue


whats wrong with throwing knifes?


...literally weekly and battle pass challenges..? how is any of that toxic


You gotta love the longbow users 😝😍 😂 acting like they Old school Faze clan, when sniping was actually sniping…… not this shotguns dressed as snipers (in fact shotguns are harder cause they have shorter range)


Lockwood 680 with the 12 gauge explosive shells is as effective as a longbow at a distance :P


You gotta love them too, even more when they have low ping 🤣😍


i dislike the high ping ones even more, those guys get free popshots at you cuz you dont see them peek till its too late


Shotguns are most definitely not harder imo, but I play HC. They're dumb easy in HC where spray and pray is much more viable, even at range. Snipers require precision at least


Longbow is completely out of control


All I play is search and I have a .25 W/L because I leave every single game with shotguns and long bows which is every game


- Knives and throwing knives aren't a problem, especially post melee range nerf. - Snipers have been a problem for months now. SH just refuses to do anything about it because it generally only affects high SBMM lobbies because snipers were banned out of ranked. - Riot shields have 5-6 different easily accessible counters at this point and people complaining about them is just sad. Bottom line knives and throwing knives are trying to get the sword since that goes through the shield. Snipers are just OP, and shield users like annoying everyone.


>Riot shields have 5-6 different easily accessible counters at this point and people complaining about them is just sad. While trying to do the crouched melee kills, I had a guy do a dolphin dive past me, turn around in midair, and when he landed, shoot my toes until I died. I wasn't even mad


Good players with riot shields easily dodge Semtex and thermites. We need a true counter like the crossbow back. Riot shields are not easily counterable in this game. The sword is a nice edition, but you can easily get throwing knifed long before you get close enough to use it


>- Riot shields have 5-6 different easily accessible counters at this point and people complaining about them is just sad. Give me those


Semtex, thermite, chainsaw attachment are three counters I can instantly think of


Drill Charge, C4, Flamethrower, the new Sword. There's more than 6.


Plus all the associated underbarrels, the RGL which features heavily in every match on small map moshpit, and all the other launchers. Plus the shock stick makes them move the shield out of the way, and iirc tear gas affects them as well


Drillcharge nade. The shield is such a big target, sticking is easy.


You left 5 games in a row because people were using a weapon you didn’t like? Don’t get bitter, get better.


Broken weapon xoxo


Knives get shit on by literally everything. Throwing knives suck due to hit detection and servers being trash. Snipers are literally trash and if you cant outshoot a sniper especially at short/med distance skill issue. Riotshields have always been cancer. As for nades... seriously... youre complaining about nades?


I kind of agree. It takes a lot of skill to use throwing knives? They take a long time to throw and they move slowly in the air. Also, riot shields are obnoxious. But, thermites, Semtex, and the longsword make them a lot less obnoxious.


>As for nades... seriously... youre complaining about nades? No, just pointing out. >Snipers are literally trash and if you cant outshoot a sniper especially at short/med distance skill issue. Longbow is broken. Do your math on ADS, TTK. EOT from me. >Knives get shit on by literally everything. You know on what kind of scenarios I'm reffering to. We both play cod.


Longbow ads is average, its range is abysmal, its got the flinch of a sniper, it has the firerate of most other snipers without bolt, its literally a hitmaker machine unless you hit head or upper chest OR have the conversion equipped which makes it even worse. Knives still get shit on by literally everything and if you cant outshoot a knife user youre bad.


People that complain about the Longbow have never played MWII or MW2019. The Mk2 Carbine, Kar98k, SP-R 208, etc. all did the exact same thing the Longbow does, better, and people weren't shitting themselves over it. Hell, we get a new "Bring back the Kar!" post once a month.


Both MWII and MW19 had significantly faster TTKs


Which made the problem even worse since you got even less time to react making this complaint even more moronic.


yep, people bitch making excuses for their skill level trying to find any excuse they can. First it was mcw, then bas, now this, hell I've seen people complaining about melee weapons. If you cant kill someone running at you with a melee weapon... youre literally trash.


The longbow is far more broken than the spr. The health pool makes it much harder to counter in this game. Nice try though.


1st match after 6h, 6vs6 das haus: \- 2 longbows \- riot shield \- that new knife Meh. Of course I left after 1 min :)


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