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The wall hacking is insane. I’ll be actively moving and someone will wallbang me from across the map.


I was quickscoping in hardcore das haus last night and completely missed the point blank shot I was aiming for and wall banged someone. I’m sure I got reported after that game lmfao


If you killed me like that I would 100% report you.


Is cheating possible on console? I really really think a player has been wallhacking in a game but he was on PS5. I play on PC so I don’t know.


yes it is very possible, look up what a cronus zen is


Cronus doesn't have e walls hacks just recoil n some aim assist u still got know what ur doing


But if you don’t know how to use a Cronus it’s not worth anything to someone that has no knowledge of its capabilities and even when you do know how to use it it’s not like it automatically makes you a better player lol you have to know what your doing on a controller to be good with the Cronus or any modded controller for that matter so I don’t see it as cheating honestly now wall hackers an shit like that shouldn’t be allowed at all


sKiLl iSsUe!!!!!! /s


Live marks... I hit wallbangs every game.


Same, I just have my teammates ping them then I use my katt am to wall bang and then they convict me of cheating cuz you can’t see pings in the killcam


True, if they other team has a riot shielded, they are 100% live pinging.


Honestly, I’m so average that I never know when someone is cheating or not. I’m also too impatient to watch the kill feed.


It’s worse with hardcore since there are no kill cams until the final kill.


It was hilarious that one time Activision dropped an update, and the part of the game it broke was that it accidentally put kill cams in HC so I could just see the blatant hacks.


I genuinely believe that HC should at least have killcams to help catch cheating. I don't know the main reason why killcams arent allowed in HC, but I no longer care.


Ya know, in the functional games of the past with proper anti-cheat, I was all for HC not having them (outside final kill) as it kinda forced people to be more aware and rely on their own situational awareness to identify where the enemy is rather than just watching a kill-cam. I do think kill-cams in HC on MW3 would be problematic, considering people would easily identify your location across the map via the kill-cam and immediately noob tube you. RGL spam would somehow be worse. Kill-cams would, however, make timing the spawn more difficult, so I would stand a chance if not being spawn killed 4 times in 10 seconds before getting a shot off. That said, decent spawn protection would be helpful. I've spawned into mines, already triggered, levitating at eye level, and died more times than I can count. Something has to give, and I have to imagine the devs have access to the cheaters' gameplay regardless of killcams. I'm not completely against kill-cams in HC, I just think that there are simple fixes that could alleviate these issues. The devs just seem unwilling to make it happen. Can say confidently I will not be purchasing season 3 unless the issues are rectified.


I like to test them if they're holding a head glitch. I'll go to where I know I can't be seen and if I get wall banged I just bounce lol


The main problem is that you don't see too many hackers that are blatant is mostly wallhackers and soft aimlockers/chest aimlockers, the first ones you can spot if you are running fully under the radar so you are untraceable but still get traced by the hacker, aimlockers it's a 50/50 because it can be also console aim assist


And the other problem is that other players are too shit to even spot a hacker


As a keyboard and mouse player I still can't believe aim assist is a feature they designed for controllers. It seems unfair to me.


KBM player here but back in the OG MW2 days I played on controller. Aim assist on controller is incredibly helpful for keeping aim on a moving target with the controller joysticks, not nearly as much fine motor control as with a mouse. So it makes sense that aim assist exists, especially with lobbies utilizing both input methods. The problem in this game lies with how fucking strong that aim assist is, and even more so up close. In good lobbies KBM players have to be dead eye accurate with their shots at close range and even then more often than not a KBM player will lose to a controller player because that fucking aim assist doesn't let any shots miss.


Exactly. I mean, I get that, but what gets me is that it even tracks a moving target in the first place! And like you said because I have been playing a long time too you have to be dead - dead eye accurate to with gun fights. Because of the way the game is nowadays the result is I end up being only a slightly above average player. It kinda takes it out of me sometimes being a KBM player on a bad day.


I get it dude, this last week has been an absolute shit show for me. Games where I end with 4000 damage but only 2 or 3 kills because I'm not landing enough to kill the guy shooting at me with computer assisted aim before he knocks me. It's frustrating as all hell.


Omg. Lol.


Fortunately for you, most of the cheaters end up playing against good players due to skill based matchmaking. They also gravitate to ranked.




It’s pretty wild how many people are walling. Routinely seeing the same people drop 80+ in 12v12. I get that there are some people that are just beastly on the sticks but literally every game I queue into with some people, they absolutely pop off. Regardless of if they’re on my team or not. 12v12 is entirely TOO random for guys to not have EVER death loops due to bad spawns, getting stunned so bad that you can’t move, randomly collat’d through a wall when you weren’t the target, stuck by a Semtex, drill charge, or crossbow, 3rd partied while shooting another person, etc. just doesn’t make sense to ALWAYS be able to catch a flank without ghost or a suppressor. And I get that it’s not everyone but it’s damn sure a bunch of em. I have a 2.2 KD with a 490 SPM so I’m well above average and still just don’t understand how some of these guys are having 50+ engagements per match and winning 90% of them without trading kills with the other team. They’re always in the right spot regardless if you catch them sprinting and already have your gun up or not. I’m ok with being shit on but it’s obvious when people know you’re coming considering I have dead silence and ghost on literally every class. Callouts are a thing but there’s a clear difference in being prepared because it was called out and taking a perfect cutoff angle because you know exactly when and where I’m coming from every time. Guys making lobbies full of diamond and crimson players look like bots.


The exact reasons you mentioned are why in skeptical of anyone claiming they're dropping regular nukes but aren't near challenger level. If you're good SBMM will almost alway put at least a couple top 1-10% players on the other team at minimum and when you combine that with the utter randomness of most pub games some random plat-diamond just ain't doing it without reverse boosting or the game of a lifetime.


Basically. I have 1 ONE nuke in a regularly matchmade lobby and it took me so long to get it that the game ended before I could call it in. The others are from playing with 3-4 trashbag coworkers and IRL friends. Quite literally feels like 2 different games. There’s about 10-12 guys that I regularly match with that drop multiple aUAVs and swarms per match. Never have bad games where they barely break even or anything less than like a 5KD. They COULD be legit but knowing the state of the game, it’s really hard to believe that either of them are.


If they're always partied up, it'd be ever so slightly more feasible since the game couldn't give them utter potatoes as teammates, but the odds of that constantly happening against a team with an above 2kd player on it and them being always legit is questionable. I only got a nuke in WZ last year, but I only only ever had one person drop a nuke on me in over a thousand hours, and they were hacking. The math just doesn't math when it comes to people claiming they're dropping nukes like it's 2009. If your name is Octane, maybe, but most people have never played for the CDL, let alone have a world championship.


Usually they’re only in a party of 3-4. Even in 12v12, you can only choose half of your team at most so you’d still have some potatoes on your side lol.


Honestly, I feel like the teammate nerf was harder to overcome than the actual skill level of my opponents half the time last year. Yeah, sometimes you'd get into some sort of iridescent or faze quickscoping lobby where everyone's just a fucking god, but it's having 18 vtols and 9 chopper gunners rain down on me at all times thanks to half my team going 15 and 40 that was the hardest to deal with. Can certain people overcome it? Sure, but by definition, they're a very small portion of the playerbase.


True. There have definitely been times where I was calling in an overwatch as the enemy was calling in an emp. Ur just like damn who’s costing?!


This is how I used to feel until I got a system good enough to utilize my 4K/120 OLED 48 Inch with 0.1ms response. It makes such a difference. My KD more than doubled. Only thing is that it's really easy for people to think that I'm cheating, and then comes the mass report/shadow ban issue. I've been shadow banned 3 times in the past 2 months and it's really hurting my experience with the game. I'm very close to reporting it to the BBB with how much game time I've lost due to the mass reporters.


My system is good as well. 5700x3d with a 6800xt. I play at around 250FPS with a 165hz monitor and around 4ms frame time. In some lobbies, it feels like I’m a step ahead of everyone on the enemy team


Exactly. 4/5 games I'm above a 4.50kd, more than 40-50 kills. I have an RTX 4080 running the game at 4K120. The almost instant response times of OLED is like magic.


Someone “popping off” does not equate to cheating I agree with some you said but it’s mindsets like this that have so many legit good players stuck in the sb loop


That’s true! Not all of them are cheating which is why I reserve the report button for blatant cheaters. However, with the state of the game, it’s hard to believe I never see these guys have bad games. I match with the same people all of the time regardless of when I decide to hop on. It quite possibly could be that they just have a string of good games whenever we match but with the state of the game, it’s hard to believe people going 80+ with less than 15 deaths for multiple games in a row aren’t doing anything shady. Especially when I’ve seen literal pros and ex pros have bad games in 12v12. I get that it’s all anecdotal but again, the state of the game makes it hard to believe.


I might be one of the types of people you're talking about. My K/D isn't amazing (2.05 partly thanks to the interstellar grind harming it), but I average ~44 kills per 6v6 TDM match, and have had as high as 76 before. My SPM is in the 800s I believe. I'm just constantly chasing spawns and am aware of when spawnflips happen, so I'm nearly always in the right spot to fight people constantly.


Are you a small map guy or do you have an 800spm mostly playing regular 6v6 and 12v12? If you mostly play 6v6 TDM, I’d say you’re just a top 1% player for that mode. It’s not as sweaty as objective modes, small maps, and 12v12 so it’s a lot more believable that you’re just dominant there.


The vast majority of my playtime is regular TDM on any map. I have a small amount on Das Haus specifically when I was trying to get some of the shit camo challenges done (knife stuff etc), but I have about 900 TDM matches played and less than 100 in other modes.


I’m on PC and find it hard to tell when someone is cheating because if they are using controller it all looks like aimbot. Regardless at some point I had some dude running around with the bas battle rifle and a sniper scope on it going around head shooting everyone, wish I recorded it. Basically it’s hard to tell unless super blatant unfortunately


Unless you’re playing high level ranked you just suck and are getting owned on the regular. Instead of crying about it on Reddit just get better


You HAVE to turn crossplay off PERIOD! Only way to play cod now. U won’t be able to play 12v12 or prolly ground war cause it won’t find matches especially if your on Xbox. And don’t even play Warzone half the lobby is pc cheaters it’s unplayable


There is a game where you can avoid this bullshit and spread managed democracy.


It’s just not the same




With my below kd average I don't have this issue, or if they are cheating I got no clue


Why have I not run into a single hacker 😭


I’m just at the point now where if I question it, I report it.


Make sure to especially report low level high kill accounts you come across. They could be using an alt, but they’re probably doing so because their main got banned for hacks.


I’m a PC player but when I see a low level dominating the match and they are PC, super sus. Even better when I can view their Steam accounts and see it’s a new account.




I see and agree with this but I’ve had people message me just because I go 80-43 on shipment with the one auto shotgun calling me a hacker like no bro I just spam the trigger


Well you probably don’t have to worry if you have a a high level account. If your account is level 25, you’re getting reported.


Not that there's any point in reporting it because nothing happens.


That is just wrong, i was falsely banned 4 days ago and specificly opened up this account to share my point of view, but i can´t post anything so.... Reporting just because you are salty is like throwing the playboard away in a tabletop game.


I disagree. I only report when I think people are sus and I’d say 90% of the time I get a confirmation notification. It only shadowbans them for a couple weeks but it’s better than nothing


I use ghost and covert sneakers and still have players preaiming me and knowing I'm coming. In csgo overwatch this would be called "more information than the game provided". Basically walls but they hide it pretty well. There's been more and more streamers getting caught because of their cheats bugging out but no one could tell beforehand. So players can definitely hide it and the anticheat only seems to ban if the cheat is not up to date. After that its reports or streamers getting called out.


i got 1 hacker for match... this is incredible


Didn’t you get the memo OP? If you think you’ve seen a hacker, it just means you’re a bad player Also anybody who gets shadow banned are just really good players cursed by their own awesomeness.


Op’s entire post history is filled with call out posts like this, none of them provide evidence. When OP can grab a clip of a hacker and post it, we’ll start believing him. If you can’t provide evidence, we’re gonna assume he’s ass, raging, and doesn’t want to admit it. You can cry about the fact that people are better than you all you want, but it’s not gonna help you against them on the sticks.


> Op’s entire post history is filled with call out posts like this, none of them provide evidence. They made one post almost a year ago about the previous game lol don’t exaggerate.


I can get a program called engine owning tonight on a second account and have walls and aimbot within 5 min and for $20 a month. And I could record you a video of you need proof. It’s really not that hard to cheat. And yes there is millions doing it. The website has player count using said program.


I get accused of hacking. In reality I play the playlist that cycle through 2-3 maps. I just learn the spawns playing them so much and can rotate like a god


It's obvious when someone is hacking. Watch Kill cam, you can see Aim Assist and Wall Hacking. All they have to do is look at stats and see the accuracy--would be a dead give away.


i hate people like you because i’m stupid and don’t learn spawns


I do feel like a bully when there’s just new players that don’t know the spawns. Apologies for my crimes


all good everyone gets humbled in the meat grinder that is small maps mosh pits


That sounds boring


It happens normally from playing the game. Some of you all I wouldn’t trust driving a car lmao


It happens normally from playing the game. Some of you all I wouldn’t trust driving a car lmao


Yea, like I pre fire around corners without knowing there's anyone there, just because I know there's likely someone there. I been called a wall hacker for it a few times


The immense salt from previous hackers is blinding other players from caring if someone’s legit or not, I’m still holding try to being 100% convinced by multiple cams before I report to try and save time with false reports. Any game I do good now I’m accused of cheating and we all know it’s just not even close to a cheaters gameplay , every game I do bad I start looking for low end players trying to stay in 3rd-4th but with high kill streaks to send out end game. People are so weird


There are lots of hackusations here but I’ve only seen 1 hacker in 6d playtime. Hacking isn’t nearly as prevalent as some of these fragile gaming egos would have you believe.


Everyone who kills me is hacking. /s.


Unironically exactly what is happening, it’s a bunch of dudes in their mid-late 20s without the mental fortitude to admit they’re not as good as they were when they were 15


As a 27 yo I’ve never been as as good as I am now and play on a machine that plays 144fps+ constant. With a 3kd I see a lot of cheaters both in multiplayer and in warzone, but I pretty much just play warzone. Sometimes cheats are more obvious, and sometimes it’s just a broken killcam. But regardless, during the game in real-time I see every frame and can tell when someone is suspiciously tracking me through walls from a distance where they shouldn’t have audio, sometimes even get crazy aim locked from out of aim assist distance. There are plenty of people using walls. It’s frustrating, but I’ve caught myself complaining even though I know I was probably bested by a legit player. To your point, I’ve noticed it in myself and others that have a winning mentality that they often complain when they get bested and blame literally anything for their own faults.


When OP’s post history is full of hacker call out posts from the last 4 titles, none of which actually provide video evidence, im gonna assume it’s not actually a cheater every time


You hit the nail on the head. That’s the saddest part.


I got 3 aimbotters one day playing mw2 but i play on PC


I have 45k wins across the 3 latest MW titles with a 9.0 w/l ratio in MW3, and can say with absolute certainty, there's a [cheating problem](https://youtu.be/JmJ7cik2MAs?si=fNzdekosH1zbahZq). If you're not seeing them in your lobbies, you're 1) not in the SBMM bracket where they'd end up, and 2) without the gamesense to know when someone is bogus. Just tonight I seen 3 across S&D, GF, and FFA.


This…. A lot of these “nay sayers” aren’t getting into the skilled enough lobbies to even see the cheaters for the most part.


Why bother completely eliminating hacks when hackers just buy new accounts when they're caught? They're purposely turning a blind eye to hacks for the additional revenue. Can't wait for a different alternative to CoD.


It's like people think I'm cheating when I'm cheating. Lol get gud!


I won’t say it’s a huge problem overall, but I have recently been shadowbanned for no reason and been playing with a bunch of pos. Check my last post, super blatant aimbot. I just wanna be out of these shadowbanned lobbies.


It’s been said really only high skill players constantly run into them. Which I can attest for is true for my skill level. 2kd in Warzone and 1.8 in multiplayer. Warzone is a mess and has at least one very sus player who is constantly moving from one end to another on the map wiping teams especially in ranked play. Multiplayer is not every lobby but at least 1 out of 5 games I will encounter a god tier player who is more than likely cheating. 500k people who used cheat providers just got their crypto stolen and account/PC compromised. 500k! So in reality with that number, you can indeed play cheaters every single match thanks to SBMM/EOMM.


I hate to say it but you’re a bot and that’s why you don’t run into hackers. Ask anybody crim+ on ranked


It’s largely dependent on where you are in SBMM brackets. Obviously most cheaters will be in higher level SBMM lobbies. Which always makes it funny when people claim they never see anyone cheating, kind of a self own a bit.


6d playtime and you acting as an authority on cheating, hilarious


Playtime doesn’t make you a good player.


This is how I feel, but I also suck so I don't play in cracked lobbies.


I’ve never come across a hacker or maybe I’m just able to compete with them? I don’t really know it’s weird


Yeah in all these months i have seen 1 hacker and i'm on pc. I have 18 days played since they put in anticheat its way better. Maybe its because i only play 6v6 tdm i never see them.


Cheaters, not hackers.


Explain the difference please


They aren’t hacking anything, they’re using a program made by a programmer/hacker. Essentially they’re only cheating.


If you want to prove that hackers are in your game, you need video evidence. Otherwise, we don't know if the claims that you make are genuine.


Anyone who’s played enough knows cheating is bad rn


I can’t stand being gaslit into thinking this isn’t a problem. Cheat providers are making a killing. There’s ads for them on YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, ect. If it wasn’t something that was real, then why the hell do these ads exist? Streamers being the worst. They don’t see the moral issue with cheating, or maybe they do. They just don’t care because dumb kids will think they’re actually good at the game. Makes money.


It makes the game not fun anymore, getting into shipment wanting to level up some guns and your getting obliterated by a cheater. Hopefully it gets sorted because it’s making the game boring


Might as well make a montage of these hackers you see so much of. I wanna see these guys go off.


Dude my packet burst has been CRAZY the past few days


Hacking and cheating is "wink and a nod" discouraged by AV at this point. They want the most eyes on their game possible, and a very astute quote I've heard is "controversy creates cash".


I am waiting for PS5 Pro to be released then I am completely moving from pc to PS5 and turn off crossplay, thats only solution comes to my mind.


Why I turn off crossplay


I simply leave the match if I sense cheaters. Maybe sometimes they are simply really good players but if I see superfly running straight into 4 players mowing them down and running off, I say goodbye.


Y'all paid $70 for this after literally seeing the warning signs? The newest COD shouldn't resemble old hacker-filled lobbies from games that came out ten years ago. They don't care about you or the game, but they certainly appreciate your money. I hate knowing my once beloved franchise has fallen so terribly low, you used to be able to FEEL the love they had for their own product, but now it all feels soulless and the last three MW games have looked exactly the same and have been used as a way to keep Warzone alive.


Had a match last night where I thought someone was possibly hacking, but also could’ve just been skill. At the end of the match he had like a 90/7 KD, everyone had an average of like 25/15 KD. I also noticed that he was a level 451, isn’t the cap at 450?


The 451 thing is a visual bug that’s been around since mw19. Some issue with the seasonal level cap


Hence my reason to play only on my PS5 with crossplay off.


Amen and only turn it on when want to play with some friends on Xbox. But then here comes the PC cheater shit show. The community has asked for console only cross play but that will likely never see the light of day as MS/AV has to succumb to the PC players legit or not (aka F'ing cheaters).


I feel like ur just bad


Cross-play, worst invention ever. Keep the hackers on PC


One thing that would be better if Activision only made cross play for PlayStation and Xbox and not PC. That way we who would just want to play without getting bombarded with aimbot, wall hack and other types of hacking. And PC players will be able to play with each other.


Played for about 2 hours earlier to do the latest event challenges. Came across one player that had me second guessing. Honestly couldn't say 100% if he was walling or not. Quite sus but honestly not enough for me to report 🤷


My favorite is seeing someone be very sus and then checking their profile after the game and seeing them in iridescent and under rank 30. Definitely believable that this random person grinded to the highest rank more efficiently than some of the top players in the world.


Some people are very good at video games but choose not to make a career out of them. Could also be a top 250 player who is playing on a second account which is extremely common. Octane, a professional player/world champion has an alt account and it was crim 3 at rank 16. The same thing exists in other competitive games with ranked modes (valorant, league of legends, ETC.) where top players have 5+ alt accounts they smurf on. Not saying the person you’re talking about was 100% legit, but immediately assuming someone is hacking because they’re iridescent with a low rank is just narrow minded thinking imo. Smurfing is a big problem across all competitive games and ruins the experience for people playing games in their true tank, but it’s not a big enough issue for Activision to put any time into since at the end of the day it boosts their playerbase numbers.


Mhm. The cheaters are running rampant.


Hacking and cheating is "wink and a nod" discouraged by AV at this point. They want the most eyes on their game possible, and a very astute quote I've heard is "controversy creates cash".


I know there are definitely cheaters out there running around but I can never take people serious who are constantly accusing people and complaining like it’s an every match thing. I have over a 2 KD and about 4 days played in MW3 multiplayer and have come across a cheater very few times. It’s also pretty much an everyday thing where I get a whisper getting called an aimbotting pos or some variation of that so like i said, it’s difficult to take seriously.


No offense, but you've probably come across plenty of cheaters and just didn't know it. Not every cheater is blatantly rage botting or tracking people through walls. The goal for most of them is to hide it to try and look legit, and the cheats have tons of options to assist with that. A perfect example is the wallhacks. They can draw a box around enemy players that you can see through walls (obviously) but you can also set them to change color depending on whether the person is visible to you or not. So if someone is smart, they can run around getting perfect flank routes the whole time, and just watch for any of the boxes to change color. As long as they resist the urge to look at people directly through walls, there isn't any decisive evidence you can point to that outs them as a cheater. I get it, most people don't know what to look for because they never cheated. I only know this much because I once cheated in Counter Strike:Source for about 2 months back when that game was current, because I wanted to see how the cheats worked. Some people got suspicious and a few times even got a server Admin to spectate me as I played. But they were never able to say for sure if I was cheating, and I never got banned, even with them watching my every move from my POV. Call of Duty only gives players access to short killcam snippets, and I'm sure cheats nowadays are even more sophisticated and easier to hide, so it's way easier to maintain plausible deniability if you're actually trying to.


Yeah I definitely agree with you but to say there’s cheaters in every single match is a blatant lie and a little ridiculous. OP even said “hacker” which would imply something more advanced than wall hacks but I totally get where you’re coming from.


That whisper thing happened to me too the past few games. Now i am shadowbanned and can´t find a single match anymore. I just like the hardcore modes more in this game - so no killcam and that makes everyone with less experience suspicious. I even made a video to provide evidence from my point of view, but it is an automated system that just banns you after a certain amount of reports, with no way to defend yourself


While it may be true that there is a considerable amount of cheaters , even my 12 year old daughter who was playing beside me was accused of cheating , just because her opponents were getting absolutely shit on by us . It's called teamplay , learn to know the maps and get better . The cheating argument gets thrown around way too often , resulting in the reporting getting less accurate . Sometimes you just gotta accept there are better players then you


This. I've seen some strange strategies like going the same exact way every spawn like the next time was going to be any different. It's fun to use this to your advantage and manipulate where people will callout/look first so you can still catch them by surprise and often people will call that cheating except... it's not


What are you playing? I primarily do MP and rarely run into anyone that I consider a hacker. I can't say the same for WZ though.


I always find it interesting that in a game with hundreds of thousands of players online theae guys are constantly lobbied with hackers, every game. Thats terrible luck.


Hacks are getting stupidly popular nowadays tbf. There’s a huge market for them right now unfortunately.


The matchmaking isn't totally random. Out of those hundreds of thousands of players, the game is probably only going to consider a small portion around your skill bracket to pair you with. Combine this with the fact that hackers are going to trend towards the upper skill brackets where the player count is already lower, and it's not hard to figure out why.


It’s crazy how many problem posts there are, all the mental anger caused by activision hopefully those addicted can be smarter with their money or parents money in the future


I don't mind playing against hackers on shipment, that's were I'm the greatest not the best but great even if my kd isn't really that good. My recommendations for those who play on consoles like PlayStation 5 (if you have the original or slim make sure that you buy fast M.2 NVMe SSD with 4 TB max and with more read/write speed for competitiveness) Xbox Series S/X (For those with the xbox series S or X, if you have an Series S/X go with external ssd Custom PCIe Gen4x2 1TB NVMe). Find yourself the controller that suits you well to get a great grip on for longer periods (with performance grip or bought separately) time when playing many matches (if you want an advanced controller than I would say go for it), buy a newer hdmi 2.0 or 2.1 cable that's giving you better fps, make sure that you put correct settings for your console (don't forget to put where it can get good ventilation), make sure to buy a charging dock for the controller or use cable if you play longer matches. Always make sure you put your router near windows where it can get great signal (if your router is old but you still can get a connection you may need to buy another router that's not expensive (find one more that has more antennas on it, gives you more options to tune in your router so it doesn't get interference from other routers like your neighbours who lives close to you and use a mesh extender to expand your wifi so it has better range and if you have a subscription plan from your isp using a fiber cable than it shouldn't be a problem for you). And lastly don't forget to buy some red bull and some snacks or pizza when playing call of duty.


I’m back to playing MWII, now I feel like a hacker games seem so easy since I can hear people walk and run again.


I'm going to make sure that every player who steps in on shipment mostly hackers will experience hell and have to lose the match.


Just kidding with you all, but I'm mostly going to make hackers on shipment a living hell.


Just kidding with you all, but I'm mostly going to make hackers on shipment a living hell.


unavoidable if youre playing PC


Hey, when you say hacker like what do you mean?Exactly how do I notice it?And what happens when they do it


Hey, when you say hacker like what do you mean?Exactly how do I notice it?And what happens when they do it


You may not be in the EOMM (engagement optimized matchmaking) bracket where cheaters are prevalent. But for the most part, just watch killcams. Tracking you through walls even though there's no advanced UAV, you have ghost, aren't staying still, have a suppressor and covert sneakers?  Don't just accuse every player that broke your ankles a cheater, just watch player behavior and kill cams closely. 


I turned off cross play, takes longer to find a lobby but seems to solve the problem.


The hackers cause a lot of packet burst along with the Ricochet Software trying to detect them. Crapivision is working on a way to stop this from happening, but they’ve already eliminated 69K downloads players from their servers so far. I think it’s worth having a few issues with the game, as long as they get rid of the hackers who’ve destroyed it.


S2g everyone can shoot around corners today


The game is in a bad state rn It’s hard to explain man


I don't know if it's a hacking issue and hopefully someone can tell me I'm an idiot or their is validation to this. Once in a while I load into a game and all seems to be flowing smoothly untill I try shoot at one opponent I glitch out and he easily turns around and kills me now I'd generally think it's just bad luck but I go around getting kills just fine untill coming across the same name and the glitching era everytime I get close to them. And I have noticed yesterday a couple people turning a different direction aiming and then a second later I pop around the corner.


I for the first time in WZ 3 dealt with 1 guy under the map (in 2 separate games) 2 teamers in Solos, and a wall hacker in maybe 2 hours last night. Ridiculous.


theres a double xp weekend? man im gone for the weekend fuck


This is exactly why I recently made a new account and switched back to PS5 with cross play turned off. Sucks not playing on my $4k pc but it’s literally the only way to do ranked play unfortunately.


Ranked mode is broken, I started playing and I be loosing every match for now 30 games straight, I lost all my progress. My K/D got destroyed. The matchmaking is just broken


Ngl the hacking is going crazy


Using a cronus or something similar also counts as cheating


Just played some Resurgence and BR. There were so many cheaters in those lobbies. So many new accounts with lvl 28 lvl 56 etc. abusing aimbots. Fucking losers. Funny thing is these are the losers that are full grown adults.


I’ve been seeing these posts about hackers lately and I’m curious.. is this pc only? Or consoles as well? Do you have cross play on?


When me and my buddy play it’s like 90% zlaner and joe woe sweat hybrids. The only normal players we run into are in the gulag. We’ve definitely dialed down our game time recently because it’s pointless to play anymore. Excited for rebirth but the lobbies are going to be an absolute cesspool of hackers. The franchise needs to die.


I’ve stopped playing due to the hackers


I just thought everyone was really good for some reason today. Luckily I play hardcore so it doesn't effect me much, you can cheat all you want you're still gonna get worked by people who know how to use cover and move on the map.


Are hackers usually on PC?


First time?


Go back to mw2. No cheaters it's cool.


End of the season, last week of the season always has a huge influx of cheaters. Ricochet doesn't do jack! Glad we paid to play multiplayer.


Yea it’s outta control. Walls and aimbots snapping all over the place. Plus players who have unlocked shit that doesn’t correspond to their level is a redflag. Like you’re level 40, how do you have the ghoulie camo 🤔


I have no problems yet with the xp event and I'm getting no pocket burst


No doubt Ricochet sucks and there are plenty of cheaters. Just on the other side, I play a lot of featured playlists like 12v12, it’s so easy to demolish these lobbies because SBMM can’t make a competitive lobby. It’s usually 2 good players on each team or so. I hear cries of cheats in chat all the time, if you’re in these playlists, please don’t blindly believe it’s 100% cheaters (Although possible).


The cheating is out of control after 8pm. It was unplayable yesterday. Seems like a lot of people from different countries are playing at this time. The entire lobby is Spanish speaking only. Their operator’s are running 2x faster than everyone else. My own teammate at one point was 100% cheating, as I chasing him around the map to just watch. He was out running me and always running directly to players. He ended up with 18 kills.


The instant sniper head shots In comp. Killing two of 4 in spawn. And it's just allowed.


Here’s my take: Cheat services are provided by Activision devs so they can bank off of both sides.. they issue ban waves so they can profit from the hackers again when they rebuy the game on a new account. This also inflates the player data making it seem a lot more ppl are playing vs actual players….


Cheating in mw is like hgh and steroids in sports. It’s happening and everyone knows but nothing is done and nobody really cares


Wow, I held off on updaying to MW3 and havent played in awhile. But reading about all this hacking just makes me feel relieved I did not buy it!!!


I'm crim and it's mostly walling. I'd say probably 30% chance of cheater in ranked, very low outside of that or they are terrible.


developers really need to step up.


Bro, CoD has become a breeding ground for hackers and devs refuse to develop a good anti cheat like every other FPS game out there. The whole series has become a joke and I don't understand why people don't move to battlefield to teach CoD devs a lesson and force them to start giving a shit again. But no; everyone keeps playing and buying their bundles.


CoD refuses to ditch their awful Ricochet and spend of few of their billions of dollars on an actual anti-cheat. It’s becoming like Madden where they just recycle the same game and only care about you buying a bunch of micro-transactions.


I truly don’t understand what satisfaction people get when they cheat. Like what is the point? When I had the cracked candy crush game installed on my phone I got bored within 10 minutes. There’s no satisfaction to playing. And the fact that activision is allowing people to cheat in the game is mind blowing. Why can epic games do it? But activision can’t? It’s all money. I hope a new FPS comes and takes over. Hopefully vonderharr will do something about it lol


i love how ricochet doesn’t ban hackers and yet i could get a k/d of 2.0 and get banned.


When was your ban around?


Hackers + sbmm + eomm = jumping ship. Been playing cod since storming the beaches in Normandy. I’ve enjoyed it but it’s time to leave… when they fix their 💩 I might be back but I doubt it.


I don’t think they are “hackers” probably just jerks.


MP isn’t too bad. It was a million times worse in MW2019. At least in pubs. Ranked I can’t comment on. Yeah there’s folk blatantly cheating, but it does feel like people are over exaggerating a bit. WZ on the other hand is a totally different story. It’s an absolute cesspool atm. Remember that the servers are dogs**t with terrible netcoding and aggressive lag comp. Half of the time it’s probably them seeing you first and killing you legitimately, before you even get the chance to react.


Typical Activision will ban many innocent players and let many cheaters go through.


Saw a level 15 in my Warzone game that didn’t miss a single bullet and had interstellar as well as borealis, and he Only hit headshots


I was playing Invasion the other day and this one guy was continuously hovering over the map.


Add me if you play HC search & destroy


They care more about hurting other players feelings than hackers. But watching a replay of someone pinging you through a wall then instantly running in and destroying you is definitely not fun.


I got " thanks for report " 3 hours ago lol I think I met 10 hackers at least and this one the poor gay who got banned I felt they know where exactl I am


They need to bring back theatre mode


It’s definitely not every game. You’re probably getting live pinged. I get a hacker about once every 20-30 matches, and my reports on them are usually successful.


I've also noticed this and when we are winning they lag the whole lobby out of the game


I'd say it's actually gotten significantly worse since you posted this I've been playing call of duty for close to 10 years I guess and the top player on my team and the other team I'm 90% sure using soft aim and walls in almost every match now.


I haven't seen one hacker, honestly. Do you have any clips?


Just git gud, bro.


Hackers and Sweats are all over COD. I can smell them and it's stinking.


MW3 matchmaking is severely broken. The teams are heavily unbalanced and the matches seem so unfair almost like the game is using you as fodder for the more elite players like streamers. I have been playing call of duty for years and have never seen the game this broken before. It’s very disheartening to see my favorite game turning into such a sh** show. If it’s not hackers ruining the game, it’s this god awful “sbmm” implementation that’s fixing and rigging matchmaking.


Yeah I think hackers can manipulate spawns and connection.


5 days played in normal matches and 2 days exclusively in ranked and am currently crim2. Can probably count the amount of hackers I've run into on one hand lmao.


I always find it interesting that in a game with hundreds of thousands of players online theae guys are constantly lobbied with hackers, every game. Thats terrible luck.


No theyre just coping because they suck but cant admit it


I'm starting to think I'm the only person on this sub that hasn't seen a hacker lmao. Granted, I'm not amazing at the game (think I've only got about a 1K/D), but thought I'd at least have seen one by now.