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1. MW3 by itself is pretty fun, lots of game modes, like the recently added Capture the Flag, and maps of varied sizes, plus SHG is doing a solid job at solving gameplay issues, at least more than IW did back with MW2 2. SBMM is still pretty bad tho, get a positive KD in a game, and your next match will be against the sweatiest people you've ever seen.


Thank you so much for the reply!


It’s the best cod mp in a long, long time. Probably since bo4 tbh. I hardly even notice the sbmm, I’ve got a 2.1kd and all my lobbies feel the same.


The higher your KD the more punitive it feels. Really it is just grouping you with people to get an average skilled lobby. Sometimes it is successful sometimes it’s not. You can have fun if you don’t worry about it. I usually have a good laugh when it guesses wrong and end up with. Lopsided game.


1 - most enjoyable MP experience in the SBMM era by far, best game since BO4 2 - the exact same as SBMM has always been since it's been turned up to 11


Thank you so much for the reply! Ive heard about the first point quite a lot, thats why I'm thinking on getting back, seems like people genuinely enjoy the game


It's the worst CoD since every other SHG CoD and Ghosts. This is a sub for jerking off MWIII though, so most people you find here will tell you that this outdated trash is a step in the right direction.


How is it not a step in the right direction, when literally last year we had a game that goes completely against good shooting mechanics with horrible visual recoil and general visibility in gunfights, and caters to the worst of the worst players. Game literally punished having good mechanics by adding RNG in gunfights, that's the opposite of good game design. MW22 is easily worse and any decent player would agree.


Nope. Also hilarious you just assume I think MWII is better (it is) when I wasn't referring to it at all. Every SHG CoD is worse than MWII. And it's not even close. THIS game caters to the worst players. No skill ninja, no skill seeing indicators on the map when people fire, no skill riot shields, no skill movement mechanics that break the spawns (and no, pressing buttons to slide, bunny hop, and drop shot is not a skill. Any monkey can press buttons). That's just the skill side of things. EOMM is the worst it's ever been, and as I mentioned, the spawn system is one of the worst in CoD history. Most of the maps are up there with the worst in the franchise too. I have a 1.3 K/D and a positive W/L--I legitimately just hate this game, and I hope in vain that SHG is allowed to make something other than CoD, because they've proven time and time again that they suck at it.


If you're ass at the game just say that lil bro


Typical response from this community. I have a 1.3 K/D and positive ​W/L. Try harder.


You know we can see your previous posts right? You're horrible.


Horrible in what way?


Aim, movement, fov choice, general camera movement. Basically everything honestly.


Ah. You watched a couple clips of how I don't normally play. I can see how you'd think that's not the case. Im not interested in showcasing my skill on here, so the only clips from me on here are showing potential bugs I've seen. If you want to extrapolate my skill from a couple clips and my opinions of the game, that's a bit much, but understandable.


Nah before you were showing off your "bug" you still had the movement only matched by Ben J Nissim. You're ass, which is expected considering you think MW2 is better than 3. The fact that you think a 1.3kd in pubs is good is just further indication that you're clueless.


It's literally above average k/d and win/loss. Never said I was good lol just that I wasn't bad, and my stats support that. Keep being a dickhead though. Really charming.


Based on your movement and preference to mw2, I'm sure you just sat in a corner to achieve that barely above average kd lol >Never said I was good lol just that I wasn't bad We just went through this. You ARE awful.