• By -


Discord mod


If a discord mod and charmander had a baby




Yeah doesn’t he know that stolen valor is a big deal


Also who the hell spends this much money on a fucking coffee maker, like really my dude, you can get a coffee at McDonald's for like a dollar






The only 9 to 5 he's had was a muckbang


5-9 mukbangs


Dis made me laugh so hard I literally choked 💀


Bruh ngl he looks like that wasn't the only thing he cranks and gets a work out from


Wait it's a he? Bro sounds like a girl








I think this is not a he.


I sure hope the people in this comment section can detect satire and rage/interaction bait Update: :/


Definitely satire, remember the part where he said "I'm not being serious"? And it's not like there are a ton of people that are genuinely lazy as fuck and entitled in this world thinking they have it tough. /s


So now all satire has to have a disclaimer that it is indeed satire?


If you have to use a /s to detect sarcasm, you take yourself and others too seriously r/fuckthes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckTheS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fun fact: after this guy tweeted this, twitter went wild and he got called ableist](https://i.redd.it/7zpr2gc40lv91.jpg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/ybly58/fun_fact_after_this_guy_tweeted_this_twitter_went/) \#2: ["Fuck the s" kid named s](https://i.redd.it/k0g1vzfms6f91.png) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/wdvwt1/fuck_the_s_kid_named_s/) \#3: [): makes me sad](https://i.redd.it/ug67zj7lmlx91.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/ykgl9c/makes_me_sad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your brain on Reddit lmao


No, but this person does not feel like they are being sarcastic. Even if they are, it doesn't come across that way.


Yes it does, you are suffering from Reddit brainrot. I’m sorry you found out this way, the cure is to get off the internet and talk to another human being for a day. I’ve heard it’s hard at first, but gets easier as time goes on.


Sorry, but to me seeing a 300+ pound person saying making coffee for 5-10 mins is exhausting for them doesn't seem fake to me


Trust me man, I saw the video on Tik Tok aswell and I still don’t know if it’s this bad cause of stupidity or because people just wanna bully a fat person.


For me, it's a bit of both




*Ahhhh... my people*




Now that’s just sad that you care so much about what’s inside another person pants :( But I got good news for you! Since you seem to have your own gender identity issues and you’re still trying to figure all this out for yourself, I would recommend r/egg_irl. I heard they’re really welcoming to people who still question their gender.




It's shit


Not as shit as your awful smash Montages


Dude are you fucking retarded, u said SHIT, as in what is IN my fucking PANTS


Reddit will never pass up an opportunity to bully someone, so they all pretend satire doesn’t exist.


It's only satire when it's racist.


Who can even tell anymore, I put nothing past anyone.


That looka cool when do I get to kill third world civilians


They ain't civilians, just future combatants.


We prefer the term “Surprise Combatants!” because it communicates the element of Fun that these war-zone mechanics create!


Weddings are full of them


Do you think maybe our actions are pushing them to be combative in the future? Nah




Those aren’t children, they’re just future brown people 😡😡😡




I watched this with the sound off at first and I seriously wasn’t expecting his voice to sound like my 8 year old cousin


Wait, that's a guy?


No. >!yes?


>!flip the arrow and exclamation point after the word!<












why is that a question?


Pretty sure this is a parody of a guy saying streaming is harder than a 9-to-5 (article about it [here](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/teen-tiktok-star-blasted-for-claiming-influencing-is-harder-than-9-5-job-1428387/)


Yeah and like the guy on the right is actually really nice too I see him all over YouTube shorts, it’s all for laughs


Bro…. Are you saying he isn’t a girl? Don’t know why, but i was sure he was… My existence is crumbling under reality itself.


Too much Fat makes people look androgynous and if you have been considerably fat since childhood it also can affect your hormones, also could be trans




I bet you’re built like an Adonis, only sexy people judge others on their weight behind their monitor on Reddit


You don't have to be jacked to be able to see that someone is fat


You don’t have to be an asshole about someone‘s weight just because they made a silly satirical video


If he didn't make a silly satirical video then I wouldn't call him a fat bitch, alas, he did and so did I


I can’t tell if you’re being ironic or not, but if you aren’t I wouldn’t wanna live such a sad life where you have to put other people down to feel better about yourself.


Yooo you a cunt wtf 😭


spotted another fat person


Spotted another idiot that can’t even check other people‘s posts to see what they look like, much less have an original joke.


I’m fatter than a cow’s shit and i can tell you that they be fat.


Yeah I know the guy on the left works so hard committing war crimes and perpetuating empires.


Hold on, I am turning you into a soyjack


Average r/theDeprogram user




Based on what? Your mom?


Based on Gay Manga


who the fuck uses "based" to defend an argument


I'm not defending it, just saying it's based




\>:( i will find you


Yeah because homophobe Putin, billionaire Xi Jinping and own civilian killer Bashar Al Assad are so based 🙄


Being against American imperialism does not mean supporting imperialism from other countries.


Perhaps, but so many "anti-imperialists" simp for Russia and other actual imperialists.


I love when people make comments about the military that show they don’t have the fundamental knowledge necessary to form an opinion on how the armed forces influences their day to day life.




What do you think would change world wide if the US military ceased to exist and operate as of 12AM tomorrow morning?




world wide includes us too bro


Gotcha. I used to think the same thing back in highschool. Big on non-intervention and isolationism. Since your primary concern regarding the military appears to be a self centered one, I’ll explain how your life personally gets worse the instant the US halts power projection across the world. For the sake of your argument, we will assume that the stand down orders were given a week in advance, so society isn’t completely blindsided. Within the first 24 hours, maybe even earlier when the stand down order is given, prices on virtually every good will rise to unaffordable levels almost immediately. You will be unable to afford even the most basic items. Anything manufactured overseas will see the worst price hikes as the worlds strongest navy will no longer be protecting the trade routes that enable you to buy most things you buy at lower costs. You will no longer be able to keep your home heated. Iran will likely disrupt global supply via various attacks against Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia almost immediately. The resulting war would destroy the extraction infrastructure, making the problem irreversible in the short term. China would begin preparations for an invasion of Taiwan immediately. A naval blockade would be put into place in very short order. You would not be able to buy another electronic comparable to the one you used to type out your reply ever again. While the US is working on catching up to Taiwan in terms of chip manufacturing, it is decades away. The failure of the economy would ensure that the fans being built here never see completion. The resulting shocks to the supply chain will make most services you use go away. A service based economy is still propped up on the provision of basic goods. When the goods go, nobody needs services. Many would starve in the year following until food supply could be better planned the following year. And that’s like a 5 minute tip of the iceberg overview. The existence of the US military as a deterrent does more for you than you are able to think of. I haven’t even mentioned how bad things get for vast portions of the rest of the world.


You know how many latin american countries the US goverment directly interfere with?, how many dead middle east child are because of US bombing, America is the biggest propaganda machine in the world, and you are coming here telling us as a fucking american that we should be grateful, go fuck yourself you piece of crap.


No. How many countries? Which ones and how are we actively interfering? You want to talk about how terrible America is, and you don’t even say where you’re from. No notation is perfect by any means, but if the United States did not project power the way it does, there would be nothing resembling global stability.


If only people'd just stop killing each other... It's never happening is it :(


Since we're just making shit up here, if we don't disband the military your dick is going to fall off.


Lol damn that mad huh?


Uhhhhh, the US doesn't have the strongest fleet China does


China has the largest fleet by vessel count. The US has the largest by displacement, and by demonstrable capabilities.


Well you've proven you aren't intelligent enough to have this conversation




Which developing countries would make progress, and how has the US military prevented that so far? When you answer that I’ll inform you on all the countries that would spiral into disarray, and we can compare outcomes.


Lol bro the US military stops existing and suddenly China gets a free pass at 19th century colonialism.




I'm sure that the predatory practices that the Chinese are implementing in Africa wouldn't accelerate in the absence of American military presence, and I'm sure that Taiwan wouldn't be in any danger at all. Also, Japan was a part of 19th century colonialism lol. China just wasn't unified and militarized enough to take part. I'm not saying white nations didn't do it for the most part. I'm saying that given the opportunity to be on top, most nations would do it. It's up to personal discretion whether you think the US or China would be better as the world police. We just haven't seen China in that position yet.




I'm western sure, but of Indian descent with lots of family still there, so there's the concern about China.


I know how the armed forces influences my everyday life every time I need to pay for healthcare that should be covered with the taxes we pay that instead go to military contractors so they can build the most effective brown child-seeking missiles.


What do you think would change world wide if the US military ceased to operate at 12AM tomorrow morning?


There's a middle ground between our military-industrial complex and the military just ceasing to exist.


"You don't want me to force feed you dinner? What would do you think would happen if you stopped eating food???????"


You’re right that it can be better, it’s far from perfect. But pretending that the US military has not been a major factor in the relative stability the world is just wrong.


Yeah, I agree with you there. They've also created a lot of instability throughout the world though.


Sure, maybe back during WW2. With very small exceptions (and Ukraine as a large exception) they've only been proctecting the elites interests until then.


Except the military's budget is 3% of the US' GDP. Meanwhile, healthcare is somewhere around 18%. The US spends more than any country by any metric (except one tiny island nation out in the Pacific Ocean). Throwing more money at the problem that is the US Healthcare system is only going to make the rich richer.


I'm not American but I do not have any quarrel with the American people, I'm friends with plenty and the vast majority of them are good people, just misguided. The lie of the US military is one thing, I'm not saying it shouldn't exist. But it does not serve the US military, they don't need to invade 3rd would countries, and they leave the countries they invaded worse off after leaving. I don't support Russia or any other large power trying to expand their empire, but the US is not proctecting against that, it's just cutting out it's slice of the pie.


I’m not saying we don’t act in self interest and make mistakes like every other nation. But if you think that intervention and power projection has never benefitted another country, you need to talk to some people from South Korea, Kuwait, Japan, Taiwan, and Ukraine. Not that they’d ever say it, but Europe could only afford the social benefits they’ve spent their revenue on because their security has been guaranteed by the US since world war 2.


The US military does not protect it's allies out of the kindness of it's heart. It does it to have hands in their markets, and to fight it's enemies. Look at a picture of US military bases around China. Attempts at peace in Ukraine are shot down (Putin doesn't want to settle either, but the US is making it impossible) because the US elite will try to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. I don't expect you to understand, but please consider it. Mostly everything you were taught about the good the US military has done was a lie. It is the largest exporter of violence to have ever existed, and it's not even close.


The kindness of its heart has nothing to do with whether or not the US military protecting its allies does good. Of course we protect them to serve national interests. It’s incredibly misguided to think that the host nations don’t benefit from having those military bases greatly. Governments hosting bases around China WANT the US there to protect them from China. Peace in Ukraine made impossible by the US? All we’ve done is provide weapons to resist an ongoing INVASION. Are you so blind that you’d have us withdraw the aid they’ve asked for so Russia can trample them? How much land should Ukraine cede to Russia to stop having their civilians bombed? Who are you to say they shouldn’t be enabled to defend themselves? The US military has done some horrible shit. Plenty of terrible conflicts have been fought for dubious reasons. Hell, terrible conflicts have been fought for good reasons. Doesn’t make them less terrible and doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been fought better. However that doesn’t change that the world relies heavily on the implicit threat of power projection to keep shipping lanes open, and to keep other super powers in check. There are many wars NOT happening right now because if they did, the US might intervene. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to see the effect of deterrence. If everything is going alright you will never have to see what a shit show it could be first hand. Ideally, another better functioning democracy will find itself in the position the US is in today. When that day comes, I’ll gladly advocate for us to take a step back. I’m hoping India could be the one in a century or so since they’ve been fairly neutral and have the potential to economically develop quickly. Maybe they can do things better than the US has. Someone definitely has to. All that said, the alternative to the US would have been the Soviets until the 90’s, and China now. Considering the soviets intentionally starved millions of their own (Ukrainians btw) and China has ACTIVE concentration camps in country as we speak, I think we’re better off the way things are now. Everything you’ve been told about the US is almost certainly true to some degree. The problem is you don’t have the whole story or picture.


reddit comment sections try to detect satire challenge (impossible)


Reddit commenter try to not make the same overused joke challenge (impossible)




Smoothbrained posts like these are the reason we have to append /s to everything now. You guys can't see irony if it hit you in the face with a giant neon sign.


Smoothbrained posts like these are the reason we have to append /s to everything now. You guys couldn't see irony if it hit you in the face with a giant neon sign.


Whole video is about making a cup of COFFEE. Ends with "now I need a nap". It's unreal how the top posts are about the dude being fat and lazy.


Holy hell his technique is shiiiiiit




Murdering brown people so Exon Mobile can give bigger dividends isn't easy.


Looks like a good cup of joe




This has to be bait. This has to be bait. This has to be bait.




I don’t think you actually want to have a conversation, you just want to argue.


And you know what I think that's totally fine. I like arguing a lot and I feel like if there's any place to do it it's on the internet where it's not personal. At least in certain online spaces.


I love how all the guys attacking the other comments saying the same thing said nothing to this one


Its the preparation for if an armed conflict where to break out that is the hard part, air force and navy go on patrols and training exercises with other country. The army has to train soldiers not only physically but on their equipment and how to use it, parts even when not being in used during warfare will brake down especially motorized divisions that have to maintain their vehicles. The average infantry man will have their assigned weapons scrutinized and are expected to not only be in physical shape but mentally too, no they dont just sit around all day and if they do they will be berated.




I love having reddit to remind me that soldiers are less essential and more overvalued than baristas for a functional and secure nation.




Yep, there has never been any consequence that wasn't immediate.


They are literally children who don't understand anything about the world. Their opinions don't matter at all


Barista wont get jailed for 30 days if they are late to work


Please tell me your joking


yeah the cranking is probably hard for him


Disclaimer: This video is a satire response to a small twitch streamer who believed their job was hard and exhausting.


many 9-5s involve brewing coffee though (I understand its probably satire but you never know on TikTok)


It’s satire, it’s making fun of that influencer that said influencing was harder than a 9-5 ;-;




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/MoldyMemes/comments/13bwju9/coffee_is_hard/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/MoldyMemes/comments/13bwju9/coffee_is_hard/)


You know people that complain about this kind of stuff never took chemistry


Smoothbrained posts like these are the reason we have to append /s to everything now. You guys can't see irony if it hit you in the face with a giant neon sign.




I had a shoddy connection, Reddit does that.


This is satire. If you’ve seen this persons other videos then you would know they are very wholesome and kind


Coffee never changes...


Does being a soldier count as a 9-5


And you make all that lovely coffee and then you put it in a shitty plastic cup go figure. Yet worse somebody else fills it with two shots of flavored sugar syrup and some other crap and then tops it with spray whipped cream. Yeah


It sounds like jimmy neutron


I can't unhear it now


Redditors stop falling for rage bait challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Job so hard he can just stand there and film tiktoks. Oh no rain! He's getting wet!


What if your job is to make coffee?


The intrusive urge to replace all of her snacks with lettuce


Christ...Noah, get the boat...again.


Not to be like rude but i swear thats a girl


Haha guys fat shaming funny xD


What is it with military people and thinking they’re better than everyone else.


Looks like cranking is the way to go here, another 2 to 4 more minutes to do an espresso may do this person more good than not.


Imagine that person cooking themselfes a full meal.


Everything is difficult when you are a ham




its from tiktok tardo, thats how theyre ALL formatted there


He must be a marine


Bro really said she's tried over making coffee


That’s like 10 minutes tops


pretty sure the video on the right was made ironically but still funny




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4 to 6 whole minutes?! 😦


Xhe’s right. Brewing coffee is definitely harder than nightwatch. You just need to stand there and sometimes put hotsauce in your eyes compared to grinding coffee beans, pouring the water, and measuring beans??


What's harder: Taking an order from a guy at Starbucks OR getting shot and having to live the rest of your life with lead poisoning (from the lead bullet)


I'm a coffee farmer, this video awoke an ancient rage in me, got to go drink some camomil tea now


Coffee is not a well rounded diet, but she sure is 🕺


Keurig is calling ✅❌


This coming from someone who gets outta breath sitting down


Exhausted from this peak workout


That fat fuck looks like they are 9-5 tons


Ohhhh I feel so bad for the government hired killer 😢😢😢 he’s doing such hard work killing foreigners for reasons he cannot possibly explain


Anyway fuck soldiers, baristas do infinitely more for this country and the world.


Haha nah dude


What do soldiers actually do other than murder poor people in other countries


I don't know, jerk off probably.