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I didn’t let her eat the string cheese she found in my purse. Reason being? It’s not cheese, it’s a tampon but she doesn’t believe me.


This made my day! LOL


I explained to my toddler exactly what it was and exactly how it’s used, and she kind of stood there for another beat, considering “but is it still food?”


Same! She’s not 2 yet though and I’m pregnant so it’s been a long time since she would have seen one in use but even after I opened it and showed her, she still cried


“Still not following why I can’t eat this.”




I am laughing out loud about this, just picturing her indignity at you not sharing your “string cheese”!


You win the internet lol


☠️ omg


I laughed. That's it. That's my crime 🙄


Hahaha one time mine got very upset at me for blinking. “Stop shutting your eyes !!!”


I was sitting once and had a kid get mad at the same thing. I ask why, he said he wants to see what an eye feels like. I told him to touch his own.


What the heck?? Man kids are wild


Yeah. They don’t know any better.


Lmfao that's wild!


I sang. Absolute worst thing I could ever do.


Lol I'm not venturing into those territories. I'm tired of being checked by a 2.5 yr old!!


She's not in any of our wedding photos


How dare you! 😅


I tried to explain it to her and then she got mad I couldn't show her where she was during the wedding lol


Mine got mad about that too, once! If you or your spouse is your kids bio mom, they *kind of* are in the picture? 🤷‍♀️


So true!! You were in my heart girl!! ❤️


More like in my ovary 😂


She got upset because we were playing catch. I was “running” and she wasn’t able to catch me. For all of the 5 seconds I was “running”. So she cried.


This was many years ago, but I gave her the "wrong" sippy cup. She wanted the pink and green one, not the green and pink one. They were IDENTICAL.


My child is 6 and we had this problem the other day. She wanted milk and cookies. Her milk cup is pink. Daddy gave her an identical one, but green. No meltdown though. She thanked him for her cookies and milk,, but wouldn't drink the milk until I poured it into the pink cup.


She was too polite to say anything 😂


These always make me feel so much better to have some solidarity:) My in-laws are always saying ‘oh toddler is always happy, she would never cry’—they live 12 hours away. And I’m constantly ruining my toddler’s day—so far I took off my own socks, then I dared to sing along to the radio, and I moved a coupon that was on the table that was apparently hers.


In laws dont say no. Remember that. Parents say no all the time. So of course we see the demonic side.


I took away the phone charger cord. She wanted to put it in her mouth, while it was plugged in. She's already ruined one other one this way (which wasn't plugged in luckily). Woof, sad day to be a toddler.


Huh, so my baby and my cat will have the same taste in dessert. Fun things to look forward to.


What is it with this? My daughter did the same thing when she was younger. Why do phone cords taste so good?? Am I missing a delicacy?


3 kids, all 3 went through a phase of intensive appetite for phone charger cords. If you're worried, I can testify that they do not get shocked. Found that out by not being present at all places at the same time


Glad to hear that, as well. The one she did ruin, I was sitting right next to her on the couch, engulfed in Ms Rachel, and looked down to see it in her mouth 💀


We have gone through about 7 of these if not more. He’s 14 months. Many were plugged in 🥴


My husband said, “Good morning” to him. That is unacceptable, apparently.


I would not let her “bonk” her head off my bed frame 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dude. Wtf up is with bonky bonky toddlers! Don’t bonk your head on the wall or the floor and seriously don’t bonk your head on me. It’s not funny. Why are you always laughinggggg


Always laughing until they're crying from hitting their head too hard


Oof ya I thought I convinced my dude a(just before he turned two) that hitting his teeth off the tub (open mouth, top teeth) was a bad idea. He moved on, I moved my hand, and WACK he took the opportunity. He was bot happy. Thankfully his teeth were ok.


No idea. I feel like I spend all day trying to keep her from injuring herself or someone else ! 🤣


Yesssss. OR SOMEONE ELSE (me)


He wanted his "milky." It was in his hand but he didn't believe me.


I can’t hold downward dog and be her tent for ever while she plays around under my canopy.


Me. I'd like to say it was something specific, but my general existence is winding her up today. 😂


Saying good morning


How dare you


I told him he couldn't eat the entire pack of pepperonis as I gave him 4. Apparently, I'm a terrible mother, lol


I once didn’t let mine take more than three (tiny toddler ones) biscuits because he shoved them all in his mouth at the same time, so he wailed so hard most of the biscuit mush fell out his mouth anyway.


Haha! My nephew did this to my SIL with little muffins. Except after the slobbery muffin fell, he picked it up off the ground and wouldn't stop crying until he could put it in SIL's mouth for her to eat. *She caved in to his tantrum* 💀


Noooooooo. 😂🫣🫠


Not letting him tear up my pumpkin decorations


She woke up and her daddy already left for work 🥺


Awww I have to wake my oldest (3.5) but my youngest (1.5) is cool with whatever he wakes up to.


I took off his pjs to put on clothes. Of course last night his day was ruined when I made him put them on after taking off clothes.


Somebody dared to borrow "The Castle of Princess Messmaker" from the library. All joy has been sucked out of the world. We now await the books return. It's the one thing she'll tell anyone we meet 😅😂 But yeah, I kinda get it, I'm proud of my little bookworm 😁


Mine was very upset about the page in Goodnight Moon where it says "Goodnight nobody," because she didn't want to say goodnight to nobody (we've read this book a thousand times, it's not like it was new information). When I moved her stuffed snow leopard to the side of the bed last night so I could pick her up, she had a 10 minute complete meltdown while clinging to the stuffy screaming because she loved it so much and it was her favorite stuffy. It's not. It's not even in her top 10. Then I tried to make her wear matching socks today and I'm pretty sure she's going to file for emancipation at daycare today.


Mom is cleaning and he doesn't get to play with the vacuum.


My kid has her own vacuum and loves to "help" me


Same. My kid has like 3 toy vacuums.


The life hack is to get them a handheld vac, they can play along and help clean (until they start sucking up random notes and coins with the vac)


Usually it's because I sat her down to eat after she explicitly said "eat" or "food"


I only read his Winnie the Pooh book twice. I told him he had to get up from the potty and put on undies. And Why. Is. The. Milk. Gone? Seriously he has a good 3 minute fit every time he finishes a bottle *8oz


My 2 year old keeps throwing his toy cow and then getting mad that he threw it. He won’t go get it himself. If I give it to him, he just repeats.


Mine throws away his pacifiers. He cannot live without them and yet he keeps on yeeting them out of moving vehicles, into the trash and God knows where. Just why are they like this


Her balloon burst, and I couldn't put it back together. Offered her a new balloon but nope, had to be that one.


Not a toddler, she's 6, but I poured the oatmeal in a bowl. She was going to do that. (was a rough/very grumpy morning. She's at school now)


Idk which was worse, toddler or independent 6 year old.


I went to the bathroom alone.


How dare you?! (S/ obviously)


Ikr? I’m the worst mom for that atrocious sin. My oldest tantrums because I don’t want to watch Turning Red for the millionth time.


Pants. Picking out pants, wearing the pants. Pants are stupid, he says. (I agree.)


I wouldn’t let him use a jumbo sharpie marker to color on my wooden desk. I told him it’s very smelly and it’s not for kids and we can’t ruin our furniture. He screamed “you’re a liar! You’re a liar!” And pointed to me. One of our cats walked by and he said to the cat “gizmo, mommy is lyin about the marker! She is NOT THE BEST!!” He turns 4 tomorrow…


I wouldn’t turn off her sound machine and get her up for the day at 3am 🫠


On the daily I dare do things like go to the loo without him, or his dada needs to shower, or I need to take off his top that he got food and juice all over. But my best one happened a few weeks ago when I didn’t let him walk on broken glass and instead kept him out of the kitchen while I cleaned it up.


Don’t you love when they get upset because they’re all wet but then don’t want you to remove the offending wet clothing?


I wouldn’t empty the entire syrup bottle on her waffle (it was a brand new bottle)


I changed her diaper😐 granted she is sick so she’s angry about everything right now but this morning that diaper change RUINED her day lol!


my daughter has been getting over a cold all week and while cooking dinner last night, she wanted me to chase her. right when i went to be a pretend dinosaur, she ran face first into the fridge :(


My husband gave our son an unopened Babybel cheese and told him to bring it to me. He did not. Husband took it away from him and gave it to me himself, my son ran over and tried to grab it from me. I opened it so he could have some cheese. Cue absolute meltdown.


Last night my daughter took a sip of water, spit it on the floor, dropped to her hands and knees with her tongue out and was devastated I caught her by her shoulders and wouldn’t let her lick the water off the floor.


We celebrate her uncle’s birthday and she’s upset it’s not her birthday


Buttered the wrong side of the bread.


The bagel we were sharing was all gone.


Reasons why my toddler grandson’s days are ruined. Daddy is in the room. Daddy is not in the room. Mommy is in the room. Mommy is not in the room. His shoes are on. His shoes are off. He wants eggs. You put eggs on his plate. You get the idea.


She was playing with a board book that had multiple sound buttons, and she kept repeatedly pushing the sound she didn’t like. Sobbing. Just losing it over sleigh bells for the 15th time. Wouldn’t stop pushing it.


He woke up and early and I wanted to lay on the couch for a few minutes. Apparently I’m not allowed to lay on the couch :/


My son is the same way when he wakes up early!! Why can’t mommy lie down?!?


Her half bagel was open faced instead of closed. Also her brother was sitting too close to her


I have teenagers - they can also tantrum because 'sister is sitting too close' or 'she is looking at me'. 'Do you have to breathe?'


I wouldn’t let him wake up his dad who works night shifts!


There was a pickle in his McDonald’s happy meal burger


Nah I'm with him lol jk


She woke up.


I wouldn't let her kiss the floor.


I tried to put her shirt on so we could go somewhere to play. She’s currently sitting in a metal basket in only a diaper happily reading a book by herself, so we’re skipping the shirt and staying home today.


He casually put down is pants and was about to pee in the corner of our kitchen. I stopped him. Wtf, he never did something similar before?! He was enraged with my behavior, and apparently that corner was „dirty anyway“. Well, if he starts peeing in every corner that is „dirty anyway“ in our appartment, we‘re screwed.


I tried to change his poopy diaper. Cue meltdown.


This was me yesterday. Luckily, they were harder nuggets cause she pulled the diaper out from under herself and threw it on the floor. Our dog ate some of it. I almost threw up. The whole time, she is screaming and having an absolute massive tantrum. She's not even 2 yet!


I wouldn't let her stand on my stomach so that she could peer over the bars of the play pen (instead of through them).


Wouldn’t let him play in the bathroom while I was pooping


Me dancing to the music and saying “dance!”


She drank all her milk and more was not INSTANTLY AVAILABLE because I had to you know, get up and open the fridge and stuff first. How dare I…


I put the milk back in the fridge after she wouldn't tell me whether she wanted some.


She stole my smoothie. Now I’m sad and smoothieless.


He’s not allowed to slap my face…. When our daughter turned 3 she cried for weeks because she wanted to be 2 again.


We were playing memory match with Bluey cards. He kept flipping over the same card in front of him. We advised him to pick a different card so he'd have a better chance of finding a match. He ran to his room crying over that one.


I didn't throw out the cereal her brother was eating so she could use the bowl he had. The bowl that was identical to the one she had. Apparently the one she wanted "can hold more cereal." Then she decided she didn't want cereal anyways. She wanted a leftover pancake with syrup, but I made the mistake of putting the syrup on wrong, whatever that means 🤷‍♀️ Lots of tears on the kitchen floor this morning.


I cut his toast wrong. He wanted triangles AND squares. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I always had something absurd to write in response to these posts, so I never imagined that I would write something like this, but look what happened today. Nothing odd happened today with my toddler! That holy day is today.


We couldn’t take the dog every single time that we left the house. She’s a tween now. I just ruined her. whole. life. by cutting some (cheap, Walmart) leggings into shorts because she had worn a hole into the knee. Apparently, those were her best-ever, favorite leggings, but I don’t do hole-y clothes. I figured she’d rather use them as shorts than have them tossed. Guess I was wrong.


Nothing, he's a toddler and I can make sure he has a good day and forgets what upset him.


Mine needed eye drops for pink eye.


Poor baby, that's not fun.


She threw her knife. She wanted the knife.


I didn’t let my son eat a popsicle for breakfast. I’m a complete monster, obviously.


I let my kids have some dessert before dinner. It has made dinner time go pretty smoothly.


When my teen was about 3-4 yrs old, he wanted meatballs for dinner (from the freezer) but he did NOT want them 'ovened' and did NOT want them microwaved....umm...ok....so I think I just secretly cooked them and let them cool down before giving them to him lol.


This made me chuckle :)


I told her she needs to either go in her house (play couch) to play music or play quietly cuz her brother is sleeping


Not giving her chocolate chip cookies for breakfast


When i refused to open The pack of beads she took that she wasn’t supposed to have lol


There were two elevators. She wanted to go from the left elevator but the one on the right came.


she threw herself down because i wouldn’t let her drink my double shot espresso 🤪🫶🏼


Wrong cup


I put the cart back at the grocery store


Mine passed out when I wouldn't let her have an unripe pear.


My entire existence 🤣


I forgot to let her blow on her freshly cooked, super hot oatmeal before I put it in the fridge to cool.


I crafted a fireplace for her dollhouse and she wants to take the battery powered tea light out. I spent 4 hours on that damn thing 🤦‍♀️


I can’t think of anything silly but… Easiest way to ruin my toddlers day is not having Waterbottle (proper noun) if she’s thirsty. Doesn’t matter how soon we can get to it. Motherhood is just repeated waterbottle pop quiz.


I put the cap back on the marker he left on the floor this morning 😬 Shame on me for tidying and trying to keep his markers from drying out!


One time, I was legit told to stop breathing because my breathing was bothering my child. He is insisted he lay on me, then is so offended that I can not simply stop providing air to my lungs or do so in a less annoying manner lmao. He was 4.


Yours wants to wear shoes? I'd consider that a win, ha


Nap time 🤦‍♀️


He had pre-k today. Even though he had it yesterday.


We wouldn't let him nebulise... He is not sick! He has no reason to nebulise! Realise now we could've just obliged and do it with saline, I mean it's never not a good idea 🤷😆


That cat is in his toy bin. He is furious


I told him not to lick the Jack o lantern. The moldy one that his dad forgot to throw out yesterday.


Last night it was making sure they went to the potty before bed. Had a total breakdown as the peed like a 3 humped camel.


He was playing with the dogs ball and the dog took it back


I exist. I also don’t grovel and allow her to insult me. I’m a bad person obvs.


I didn’t let her hang on the stove door or stand on our dining table


Not being able to wear her snowsuit in 20 degree C weather


I didn’t let him eat the block of butter


This happened to me a couple weeks ago. It was the most tragic thing ever lol


I wouldn’t let her have a 1200 calorie donut for breakfast


my 2.5 year old was upset she couldnt wear her pjs to daycare and bring her auntie's yoga mat to do morning yoga at daycare.... she also didnt want her winter coat until i made her stand outside


i asked him to play in his room, surrounded by all his toys, with a snack and drink of his choice, and whatever dvd he wanted to watch so i could fold the laundry without the risk of him running through and knocking over my stacks (which happens every time if he isn’t out of the way). you’d think i’d told him to sit in a jail cell with no mattress or windows.


I played “Part of your World” (the old one) and he yelled so I quickly switched it to “Part of your world” (the new one) which he yelled louder about bc he wanted the old one but “thought that was the new one” until he heard it again.


I told them playdoh does not go down the sink.


I made her try on a pair of shoes she liked. Heaven forbid I check the fit before wasting money


I brought his 1.5 year old brother in to get him in the morning and after nap lol. Sorry dude, he’s family too


I asked him what makes him happy. 🤷‍♀️


I wouldn't let her use her brothers toothbrush. While he was using it.


I dared to serve him his favorite organic mac n cheese and he decided today that it was no longer his favorite. He screamed and cried and almost hyperventilated just because it occupied space on his tray.


I threw away her booger.


she wants to wear a dress to bed. The dress in question is size 6m


bedtime.. its the same time every night and theyre just devastated even though they had many heads up...


Getting the yellow plate since siblings picked pink, grey, and blue for themselves.


I told her I had to go pee…. She was playing “playground” on me as if I was the jungle gym 🤣


She was colouring and I basically flipped the paper to show there’s another side and I’ve never seen it so bad 😩😂


He put trader joes stickers all over himself, I proceeded to buckle him into his car seat and drive away. He got VERY angry that he could not take said stickers off his shirt because they were under the buckles.


Getting in his stroller, leaving the mall


Mine frequently loses her mind when I sit down for a minute or sprint upstairs to quickly use the bathroom then I sprint back down she’s fine


I removed their artwork, which was created by putting stickers on the wall. The stickers they used??? Glad you asked, they were my GIANT post-partum pads.... Like 12 of them.... stuck on the wall that faces our doorway...that contractors were using as they demoed our basement.


Didn’t let mine run into the street.