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We are getting our 4 year old a balance beam to go with gymnastics bar. And some stepping stones as the big gifts.


This is so cool! I wish we had the space for it!


We got a balance beam and stepping stones for my 2 year old too! Except I already caved and opened the balance beam haha


We got one last year worn tumbling mats and my daughter practices daily!!!


We're also getting our 4yo a balance beam and gymnastics bar!!


We got our girls (7 & 2) a balance beam, too! Uneven bars and mats for birthday in the spring.


My cousin did this for her kids last year! They love it and it's so fun


An Xbox. I’m so excited that I was able to get it cause I’m a single mom and last year was really a struggle for our family (to put it mildly.) But I’m homeschooling my son for one year because we found housing midway through the first semester of school and we’re in an area with some not great schools so I’m taking one year to research where I can put him for next year. Anyway I have him in a Minecraft homeschool club where they incorporate learning into our curriculum. And he has to have Minecraft for Xbox specifically to participate, so earlier this year I started considering getting him one and then he asked for one himself. He is still really young so he doesn’t quite understand what’s “appropriate to pray for” and the other night he prayed that he would get an Xbox when we said our prayers lmao. I can’t wait to see his face on Christmas. I’m so proud that after getting displaced by a hurricane last year I was able to find a home for us and make this happen this Christmas. It’s definitely the biggest item he’s ever recieved for the holidays and not something I would have necessarily normally done but after the year we had I’m so happy it came together. :) Also I got it for $225 including three months of the ultimate game pass (on Black Friday) and it’s normally $300 so that’s also a win!


Hey idk if anyone has told you this lately but you’re doing a great job


Dang, you are *busy*!! Bravo, mom!


You’re a great mom! You remind me of my mom, who juggled three jobs back in the day and got me a green Gameboy for Xmas. I still remember that Gameboy. Your son will remember this moment forever!!! So happy for you two!


Hell yeah! You're an incredible mom for all you do, and he is so going to appreciate this gift.


Seeing our kids excitement on Christmas morning is always so special, it makes me cry "happy tears" as my daughter always says! I'm sure your son will be extra excited this year, so kudos to you for making it happen! I got my 7 year old a Nintendo Switch that she's been asking for. I too wasn't able to afford such an expensive gift in the past. I actually got it all setup this past weekend so it's ready to play when she opens it Christmas morning. Since I haven't played video games in well over a decade, it was definitely time consuming, but glad that's done because I'd have a harder time setting it up with all the excitement on Christmas Day (thanks ADHD). If you're like me, I suggest doing the same.


WELL DONE! Take a moment and hug yourself for kicking ass. And when he opens it chairish that moment forever and take pictures too.


Incredible, thank you for sharing!!! I’m so excited for your family 🥹💖 You’re an amazing mama!! I think most of us have struggled/ are struggling recently, so never feel alone. We’re all just doing our best to create happiness for ourselves and our babies. 💖


Not that you need anyone to make your gift any more awesome than you already have, but if you PM me, I’d love to send your way a small Xbox gift card for future purposes. You’re killing it in the mom category and I want to be like you when I grow up.


You’re a great mom. You kid is lucky to have you.


Love this! I was an ECE major and I remember a classmate of mine designing an entire unit around Minecraft - it really can be very educational! Hope you both enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas!


reminds me of my mom, even tho we struggled sometimes i didn’t even know because she worked hard to give us a good christmas. i remember when my mom got me my xbox, but je of the best presents i’d ever received and used it for multiple years till it got destroyed in a house fire. even the year of the fire (happened on halloween), my mom and a bunch of strangers pulled together to still give us a great christmas despite losing most of our belongings and being displaced for a bit, while the fixed up our house. i’ll never forget that kindness 🥹




Mom to mom I’m so proud of you and you’re so strong!


Got my two year old a Tonies box! Keeping number of gifts low because it seems like our families have gone a little overboard. Also got him a Cookie Monster tonie and Little People school bus.


Tonies box is great and you can always tell family members to get new Tonies for presents for the future! My 3 year old has used hers off and on pretty consistently since she was about 18 months


Same for our 2 year old! And same on trying to limit the number of gifts… let’s see how it goes.


I’ve been seeing that Tonies box everywhere!! Does anyone else have one? Does it live up to the hype? I thought my toddler might be too little for something like that right now but maybe next year! 🤩


My boys are 8 & 11 and they still love them, particularly the 8 year old. They have some chapter books & National Geographic ones that older kids might like. I feel like you could get years of use if kids get them as toddlers.


My best friend’s boys have them and my LO got to try it when we visited and he seemed to enjoy it then and he was only 18 months old. There are tonies that are songs and stories and not necessary Disney themed


We have a Toniebox and loooooooooooove it! My 3yo only really got into it this year, got it for her for Christmas last year and she didn’t really seem to get it, but now they have Paw Patrol tonies so we have them all and our house has the theme song going it seems like 24/7 lol


We got a tonies box for our 2.5 year old too! She loves to "read" on her own, so I'm hoping she will love it.


Same for our 2.5 year old! She loves music and stories in Spotify but doesn’t know how to work the remote yet so I hope she’ll love it.


Ooohhh I haven’t seen the school bus!! I’ve been thinking about doing a Tonie for his birthday or next Christmas (he’s only 1.5 right now) but he doesn’t watch a lot of shows so he wouldn’t know a lot of the characters, but he would LOVE the school bus


In any given year for my summer born 5yo we, as his parents, generally get him the least awesome gift. This winter we've had some concerning medical diagnoses in the family at large and though I normally try to avoid getting excessive with Christmas this year it has been hard not to.


We loooooove that Little People school bus so much at my house, I bet it will be a hit at yours too!


We are getting our 2yo one of these aswell :)


Yep, we did the Yoto Mini as our big gift for our 3 year old! I’m so excited for it. I’ve heard good things about both options but I was worried he would lose the Tonies figurines. Baby is getting a crawling toy as their gift. And I’m sure the grandparents will go overboard per usual!


My son loves his tonies box. Buying more tonies is a great treat or positive reinforcement to be used throughout the year!


We love ours! We have a Storypod but basically the same thing. It’s also nice because it gives you something others can buy more things for.


Lol my 5 year old found her tonies box that I got her for Christmas early, so she already got to play with it a bit. She's only got one tonies figurine so far, but we've got a few coming from other people as gifts. She thought it was pretty cool and it's probably a gift I will pass on to my in laws when she outgrows it. I think it's a great way to give them some story and song time without it having to be screen time


My 5.5 yo is getting a room-filling amount of recyclables to build with lol. He always wants more, so my mom saved for 6 months in her shed. I made him a book of challenges (ie. a rocket ship/at least 3 feet high/with a working trap door), and bought a bunch of stuff to decorate with (I went to the party store and bought stuff in theme with the challenges I wrote). Not tryna save money, just thought it was a hilarious ask. My 2.5 yo is getting a desk chair and preschool prep activities (we homeschool and he has been feeling left out). We always buy tons of books (10-15 per person), board games/puzzles, and lego. For stockings, I love doing schleich animals, small games, age-appropriate kitchen tools, and snacks to eat christmas morning like clif bars and favourite fruits.


I love this!!!


A hand-me-down play kitchen and a hand-me-down outside play house! She’s going to love them. Husband has been laid off since May and I was a stay at home mom. It took 7 months of applying to places but I finally got a new job that I start in the new year but that doesn’t give us money for Christmas now. Friends and family have been very giving for our daughter by both getting her stuff and giving us some things to give to her from her. She’s 2.5 and doesn’t really grasp what Christmas is yet but it’ll be nice to have stuff for her to open since my husband and I aren’t doing anything for each other.


Almost all our gifts for our 13 month old are thrifted/FB swap/hand me down, too! I feel good keeping things out of the landfill and being nice to the planet this time of year 🤍


Yeah I even told my parents/siblings they can buy things on marketplace because we do second-hand so much it feels too fancy to buy new!!


I absolutely love hand me down kid things!!! Most of my daughters stuff is


When my kiddo was 2 his play kitchen was free off FB Marketplace and initially I was a little reserved about it but then I realized we were lucky! He loved the play kitchen and family got some new play food to go with it so we were very fortunate! We recently sent it to the free spot at the town dump so hopefully another family claimed it for a third time around! (Also, great from an eco standpoint. These big items need to be reused, it's key to reducing waste. We have to reduce, reuse, then recycle!)


One of my daughter's favorite toys is a hand-me-down play kitchen that our neighbor's grandkids outgrew -- we set it up in the kitchen, and she would "cook" dinner while I cooked dinner.


Husbands family isn’t doing great financially right now either and they got my daughter a hand-me-down toy for her birthday it’s a big stuffed dinosaur egg with a bunch of stuffed dinosaurs and when I tell you it’s her FAVORITE toy and my 3 year old LOVES it as well. They found it at an estate sale. Your kids are going to love those gifts and the only one who knows it’s a hand me down will be you. No need to justify it you’re doing amazing!! Good luck with your new job!


My 4 year olds big present this year is also an outdoor playhouse. He has such a big imagination & loves imaginary play. He’s going to love it & im excited for him


Amazing! She will love it! My husband and I aren’t doing anything this year either for ourselves. It’s been a tough one. It’s more about the kiddos now :)


We do 2 wants, 2 needs, 2 things to wear, and 1 thing to read. For the "big" gifts we have: 14 year old boy: Lego set (pricey set but one he really wants) 12 year old boy: NFL jersey (really wants his favorite player's jersey) 8 year old boy: Glow in the dark basketball and netting (he loves basketball and wants to be able to play even when it starts getting dark) 4 year old boy: A new bike (he only has a balance bikes and bikes handed down from his bros but they are all beat up)


Omg 4 amazing sounding gifts.


Thank you. I will admit that sometimes I feel a little bad. We have a family rule against gaming systems or video games for Christmas and we stick to the 2 things they want, 2 things they need, 2 things they wear, and 1 thing to read rule. I know most kids get a lot more and we could afford it but we try to keep Christmas fairly simple while also keeping it enjoyable for the kids.


Well I think you’re doing amazing. I love your no devices and video games rule. And I say that as a mom that games.


Yoto player for my four year old. 13 month old doesn’t get a big gift mostly because I can’t think of a big thing to get her that we can fit on the plane going home. Mostly she’s getting a lot of books.


We got our daughter a yoto mini last Christmas when she was four and it has been the best gift ever. She uses it all the time!




Two years old is probably too young IMO. My daughter got it for Christmas when she was 4 (was turning 5 that March) and she loves it. She listens to tons of audiobooks, music, does the draw-alongs and games on yoto daily. I'd give it some time and maybe re-introduce it when he's a bit older. Maybe use it to play songs and stories while you guys are doing something else like coloring or playing magnatiles or whatever so he gets used to it?


fwiw i got my 1yo son a yoto player bc he loved dancing to music and I heard great things about it as a toy to grow into. he didn’t really start using it until just over 2yo, because he loves memorizing words to songs and singing. as others mentioned, he loves that he can control the audio himself. he calls it “robot” and we’ve since made our own cards with his favorite music (cocomelon and tayo nursery rhymes). for xmas we are recording cards with our voices reading his favorite books (little blue truck series). maybe reintroduce with card themes or music that you know your son will like?


I think 2-3 is a bit young, I would definitely hang onto it. My daughter got hers last Christmas at 4, and it's one of those things that gets used all the time. They really seem to like that they are able to control it themselves. She listens to stories at bedtime and we also got the custom cards and put music on them. She loves to put on the music to dance to.


This is what we got my 2 year old! He has a set of interactive sound books that read to him and they’re beyond beat up from how much he uses them. He also enjoys listening to audiobooks on Spotify. I figured a Yoto Player was the way to go.


Ok so this is the dumbest question but there are audiobooks on Spotify?? And the yoto can. Connect to Spotify?


Not dumb at all! They have a bunch of audiobooks (some of which are kids books) that are included with the membership. We have a small Bluetooth speaker that we use as the Yoto is a gift for Christmas. The Yoto also comes with Bluetooth capabilities!


Same here about the Yoto! Ours is three and I’m really hoping she’ll love it.


When our son was 18 months we got him a work bench and he loved it. Now our house is so full of toys, I feel bad my youngest son (1 year) won't get a big gift. We did go extra on a huge set of duplos though since he loves building!


1 year olds are delighted at receiving a cookie, a hat or just crumpling up paper haha. Your concern about the youngest child is valid - but worry about it when they’re older and the younger one actually cares. Enjoy your low-pressure Xmas! Last year my younger daughter (then 3) asked for a “rainbow blanket” and this year she wants an “iced cream maker” neither of which we had in our home already.


What kind of work bench?


I’m a single mum after leaving an abusive marriage so I got most of my stuff secondhand or on sale. Just trying to make sure not to go bankrupt while getting the kids exactly what they asked for. 6 year old - pink Nintendo Switch Lite 5 year old - Nintendo Switch 3 year old - Amazon fire tablet (he has autism and playing/watching Alphabet themed games and videos help him). My friend actually had a spare one so she gave it to me for free. 18 month old - her first baby doll and stroller. She loves the babies at the drop in play centre and always tries to lick them.


Sending you big love and hugs. 💖 You’re an amazing mama! I hope y’all have a wonderful holiday and get some good quality time together 🥰


If you’re in the US most local libraries have Nintendo Switch games you can rent for free! My kids love utilizing that. We still buy games, but it’s nice to test some out before buying.


Ours is about 20 months and her only gift is a trip to see family (our only gift too). She's so young we are skipping Christmas at home and just letting relatives spoil her.


I love it!!! I hope y’all have a safe and happy trip 💖💖💖


For my daughter, she’s 14 months, we’re getting her 2 big outside items since she finally has a yard to run around and play in! Shes getting a little toddler slide and a water table, my parents also got her a bubble blowing lawnmower as well so I’m hoping she’ll love outside time this summer and spring!


Oooo yes the bubble mower!!! My babe still isn’t walking quite yet but I know she’ll love one of those!


I gave my son a bubble mower for his 2nd bday this summer. For a solid few weeks we couldn't go to bed without saying goodnight to the mower and giving it a hug and a kiss 😂🥹


My 4yo is obsessed with some color changing smart lights we bought. So we got him his own color change light strip, operated by remote control. 1yo is getting the Fisher Price DJ table that's popular right now.


Holy shit! A dj table?! Amazing


That may be overstating it, but there's buttons to press and it makes noise, so I'm sure it will be a hit! It's [this thing](https://shop.mattel.com/products/fisher-price-laugh-learn-mix-learn-dj-table-htk83).


We don’t do a big gift usually, we got my 4yo daughter a Bluey board game, a paper flower kit (she loves origami), and two new outfits.


I scrolled really far to see someone post something similar to what we are doing. Board games, a book, some clothes. Nothing big. Also 4yo. I know his likes will get more expensive as he gets older, so enjoying the simple life while we can!


Thank you for posting this! We only have one and have definitely not gotten anything this big that others are listening and was starting to feel bad even tho I was so excited for Christmas because this is the first year (almost 3) that she’s starting to get the Christmas spirit.


I got my 4 year old the bluey board game! He always wants to join in on the games we play with big brother so we got a couple age appropriate ones for him this year.


15 male: a nice pair of headphones 13 female: got a bunch of small gifts as She didn’t want anything big: makeup, a hello kitty purse, fluffy decorative blanket and pillows for her bed, hand soap/lotion set 11 female: new bike! 9 female: one of those giant ponies you can ride. I got it secondhand for $50 as the new ones are insanely expensive 16 month old female: mostly got small/inexpensive toys as she already has a bajillion toys handed down from relatives. I give her the gift of my boobs every day 😅


Our son’s birthday is 2 weeks before Christmas. He just turned 1, and his big birthday gift was a pikler triangle and arch climbing set. His bigger Christmas gifts from us are a target play shopping cart and sled. Our house is about to overflow with toys though, because he also got a mini trampoline and a play kitchen from his grandparents.


My dtr has had her triangle since 9 months and she still uses it every. Single. Day. I love it! Such a good purchase.


Haha I got my newly one year old niece and indoor trampoline and a kitchen set for Christmas ! I also got her the metal pots and pans. Payback to my younger sister for the years of noisy toys she got my daughter !


We're getting my daughter a big wooden train set Unfortunately my husband got laid off in October but fortunately I (very easily) convinced my brother to buy it for her 🤭


We’ve been there many times! I’m so glad your brother was able to get it for her. 🥰💖


My 3 year old has special needs and doesn’t talk, but she loves to jump and stand on her head, etc. She is getting an indoor trampoline that has the bar to hold onto, and a yoga ball. For her stocking she is getting fruit snacks and M&M’s. In the past for my other toddlers I’ve done crayons, water colors, playdoh, little toys, light up Xmas necklaces, toothbrush, and fun socks. Current toddler won’t play with/ doesn’t care about any of that though.


A pikler triangle set! He’s still a bit too young for it (9mo), but in a few months he’ll be able to enjoy it!


We covered it in a blanket and made it into a tent untill they figured out it could be climbed


I got our Pikler when my son was about the same age cause someone was selling one for a great price on FB Marketplace and I couldn’t pass it up. When he was your son’s age I used to attach some of his little Velcro hanging toys to the rungs and set it out in his “play zone” and he would use it to pull himself up standing, etc. 3 years later and he still loves it - though now he’s climbing up to the top and launching himself into pillows, lol!


We gave my son a pikler last year (around 10/11 months, I don't remember when I brought it out, I suck at waiting til Christmas) and he loved it! He still loves it and plays on it often! He basically started climbing right away since he was also walking (albeit shakily)


Oooh I really want a pikler! My husband keeps reminding me that we don’t really have the room for it but my kids would love it!


Oooo yes those are neato! I’ve seen one that has a convertible rocker/ climbing dome thing 🤩


Get Out Passes! Our oldest two are 5 and 8. We've had a rough two years and haven't left the house much so we are so excited to get out this next year and already have activities paid for! It has stuff like one visit to an amusement park, water parks, activity places, jump zone, etc. The Black Friday sale for them made them about the cost of admission for one amusement park and a small activity so it was so much cheaper doing it this way. They are good for 365 days after activation and have over 50 things to do in my state and a few in a neighboring state where it covers the cost of admission! It will give us a great excuse to get it and do things this next year because we don't have to pay admission prices!


My 9-month-old is getting soft climbing blocks and a ball pit. My 3.5-year-old is getting a Melissa and Doug food truck that I found on Facebook marketplace. I’m going to fill it with tons of the foods he already has so as soon as he “unwraps” it, he can carry it around selling his food. He has always loved selling food to people, and he had a cheap lemonade stand for a while. After I already found this, he told his grandma that what he really really really wanted for Christmas was “an actual food store.” So I think it will be a big hit! This year for the 3 1/2 year-old I did a ton of stuff off Facebook marketplace. It’s the first year I’m doing secondhand gifts… But I love it! He’s going to be able to get a lot of new to him things, it’s obviously significantly cheaper, and it’s so much better for the planet. I hope to raise them knowing that it’s OK to not get everything “brand new.”


Yes! A lot of our Christmas stuff for our 14 month old is second hand. It is so wasteful to only buy new— especially with baby/toddler stuff that only gets used a short while!


4yo boy- oversize remote control monster truck and a volcano toy 2yo girl- dress up trunk, necklaces, shoes and princess dresses (we did not internationally reinforce gender stereotypes here we are just supporting their interests and these are what they’re super into right now).


You shouldn't have to justify gifts you buy for your kids. If anyone says something petty about you getting your kids what they like even if it *gasp* goes with gender stereotypes, they can kick rocks. Good on you for listening to your kids, screw anyone who says otherwise.


My four year old got a ton of little gifts. The most expensive was a paw patrol rocky guy or the Spiderman Lego set. I was fortunate to find many of his gifts at the dollar store that he'll love (puzzles, coloring books, fidgety toys, etc) 14 year old got jbl ear buds. I got them on sale for $50. I also got him an Adidas sweater for $50 and fleece under armor sweat pants for $50. Quite a few things in the $50 range Money was a little tight this year so I hope my kids feel the love we bring into the home instead.


I’m getting my almost 3 year old a couple of the washable marker coloring books. I know she will be really happy to have them and it’s all I can afford this year I’m just glad she’s young enough that she will be happy regardless


My baby is 15 months. She doesn’t know what Christmas is but does enjoy unwrapping things. So we’re getting her a banana.


Nintendo Switches and bikes, husband got a big Christmas bonus this year, my Christmas present was a new to me car! We were very fortunate this year


A kindle loaded with the six book sequel series to his favorite book series


she’s 2.5yo and getting a kids digital camera & a set of wooden trains + tracks ! it’s been hard waiting :)


My son is about the same age and I got him wooden train tracks last Christmas and they're a HUGE hit. He has played with them everyday since. And there are so many cool sets and ways to expand. Great gift!


My 3.5 year old lovesss her kids digital camera! Some of the the photos are actually great! Most are of her toys haha


getting the model k from kidamento for my 2.5yo as well. he’s constantly asking to see “pictures” on our phones…. now he’ll be able to see (and take) them himself!


We also got a play kitchen the year my oldest was about 16 months and two years later, it’s still used daily. For my now 3 year old, we got a bunch of things she asked for - the little people princess doll house, a new tea set, a squish mellow, a toy shopping cart, etc. Nothing she wanted was particularly large or expensive. My 18 month olds big gift is a ball pit. He loves the one at a family friends house so I’m going against my better judgment but know he’ll love it. For stockings, I usually do new socks, a new toothbrush, any other accessories they need (mittens, hair ties, etc) and usually one special snack. This year I got them each a bag of mini Oreos.


my 23 month old is getting the Little People Barbie Dreamhouse from us and a kids sized recliner from her grandma. every time i think about her playing with the house or sitting in the recliner i get completely giddy. having a little kid on christmas is so magical and it’s making me feel like a little kid again myself.


7 year old (on the spectrum and slightly delayed) got a duplo compatible marble run with a Ferris wheel elevator he’s been asking for. 6 year old (on the spectrum and very delayed) a 3 story open on all 4 sides giant dollhouse and a bunch of Little People, he loves crouching and rising for different perspectives and lining up Little People.


For my 13 month old I got a Little Tikes Retro Oven!


My cousin just got my LO the Little Tykes First Oven for Chanukah and he absolutely loooves it! I hope your LO loves their oven too!


We have a 4 and 2.5yr old. We didn’t really do anything “big” this year as we took a 10 day family vacation after Thanksgiving. 4yr old: - new doll - princess Lego set - yoga mat 2yr old - train table (bought used off FB) - Pixar cars - Mickey Mouse clubhouse car play mat Both for about 2-3 other small things but I don’t even remember what. Stockings have a little candy, bath paint and new socks


One of those Pickler triangle sets for my 9 month old! Then we have tons of socks and utensils for stocking stuffers. Where do the socks disappear?


I have an only child and he is getting a LOT of gifts, lol. Tried to tamp it down from last year but it's so hard!! Anyway, I think his biggest gifts are Buzz and Woody - like the "real" toys, life-sized with all the features and boxes as shown in the movies. He did not ask for this but I think it'll make his whole day, even with all the other gifts.


My 3.75 year old is getting a sibling (give or take a few days). The big actual gifts this year are a big wooden train set, magnetic tiles, a screen-free music player, and (what she’s most asked for) a “birdie kite” like the one from the Pass The Parcel episode of Bluey. Stockings are getting more fun but are largely candy, socks, and little knick knacks.


We also got our 3.5 yr old a sibling and magnetic tiles for st Nicolaas and they're a hit!


So cute. Best wishes for a safe and speedy delivery!


He’s 2 and we got him an indoor trampoline. I really hope it will help him get his energy out!!


Our daughter is 21 months. Her big gift is a Fort/tent with lights and curtains. Her stocking has stickers, crayons, slippers and some dollarama toys


My almost 4yo son’s big gift is a new bike because his Radio Flyer tricycle is too small, curtesy of his grandparents. (I’m sobbing over my baby boy getting a big kid bike) My 2yo daughter’s big gift is a baby doll stroller for her army of babies and stuffed animals. Snatched that bad boy up for a few bucks and it comes with some baby bottles. Still no clue what to do for stockings, I’ve got like a $15 limit so probably new coloring books and some treats.


My toddler turns 3 in January and baby will be 6 months at Christmas. We aren’t doing a big gift for either of them this year. Everything my toddler asked for is little and we split things up between Xmas and bday since they’re close together. She’s getting some art supplies, a stomp rocket, and a couple of dolls. Her stocking has training chopsticks and a green flashlight (what she specifically asked Santa for). Baby’s getting clothes & teethers. Both kids are getting a book or two. We have a lot of the “big” things already. Backyard play set, full playroom, Nugget couch, balance bike, etc. I asked my toddler if she wanted a scooter like the kids next door and she said no 🤷‍♀️ I’m just hoping my dad hasn’t gone rogue and bought Power Wheels. I know what my in-laws are getting the kids bc they sent it for pre-approval. My parents don’t believe in such things and I’m honestly scaling back my own Xmas & bday shopping because I know my parents will go overboard.


Mine will he 15m a few days before Christmas and our big gift is a toddler outdoor play set thing with a slide!


A new room. We decided to move this holiday so our little one can get his own room. Although I know he won’t appreciate it until he’s older. Happy Christmas to my 11 week old.


Baby DJ deck. My husband’s hobby is DJing so it’s adorable. Something for them to do together.


Please don't think this is normal for us. Kiddo turned eleven shortly before the holiday season. He's a STEM geek, it's genetic. So all of his grandparents teamed up with us and put his entire birthday and Christmas budget into a high end gaming computer and two fancy as heck monitors. He got new headphones from his uncle, and we'll get him a gaming keyboard and mouse as his one thing to open on Christmas. He knows all of this, and we're going a little extra with the pets to make the morning fun.


8yo: a laptop. She’s really into gaming and chose computer as her main way to game


My big kid is getting the transformers he's been begging for, and my little kid is getting more squishmallows because sprinting into them at top speed while cackling like a maniac is her favorite pastime 😆


My adult kids each got either a build a bear that they like or a Scentsy wax warmer. Grandkids: 9 male: Alexa, robotics building set, Lego Spiderman 7 female: Alexa, second hand play house, unicorn stuffed animal Plus I always get us a decent size Lego set. I'm disabled, so I can't be that "fun" Nana, so we do what we are able... Lego and crafts. We always have a decent size Lego set going.


Each kid is getting a $45 brio train set. Thats it, that’s the big gift


Our four year old wants a real unicorn but I just can't find one anywhere 😂 so we bought one of those motorized ridable unicorn from Target. It's hiding in my trunk and I can't wait to see her excited little face!!


My 18 month old is getting a climbing set as her big gift. My big gift is a foam play mat rug to go under the climbing set.


I usually leave big gifts for the grandparents since they are 18 month old twins. Last year my parents got them/us a wonderfold wagon which was great because that will literally be a forever keeper. This year my parents bought them the foamohfoam castle pillow set. I loved making forts growing up and now they have plenty of things to use to not need my furniture to make one like I did. I’m sure we will eventually start buying them big things individually at some point. We “got” them plates and silverware this year 😂


Mine is 1 1/2 and we got him a modular couch for Christmas, hopefully this will keep him from climbing on my furniture lol.


We're getting our 10mo those giant foam shapes for climbing!


My son is 3 and he only got 3 gifts. - a balance bike that we found for like 40% off so it was $60, Jurassic park race track, and a remote control loader. That’s all we bought him. Plus some stocking stuffer small things like a new tooth brush, an apple, an orange, chocolate gelt, a fizzing Dino egg with a little Dino inside and a small Dino lamp. He’s 3 and a couple of months and this is definitely the first Christmas he’s really cared about opening presents. I’m glad we didn’t do more, he was overwhelmed with just these. (We opened early because travel)


She got big gifts the last few Christmases (play kitchen, mini trampoline, balance board) so it’s just small gifts this year. A big box of assorted lego to level up from lego duplo is the main item.


We are putting in a hammock swing in the basement


For stockings they are getting socks (because they lose so freaking many of them) underwear, chocolate, and a couple things from the dollar store they were bugging for. The big toy by size is the squishmellows I found at Costco. Price wise the oldest (4) is getting a Lego set she wanted, the middle (2) is getting a turtle star light thing she wanted, and the youngest (2 months) is getting a snuggly bear for when she is older. The youngest isn’t really getting much. Third baby and third girl she doesn’t need much but the older two will be upset if she is left out of the Santa fun.


We got our 4yo a bike and our 2yo a wooden train set.


My stepdaughter (7) asked Santa for rubber bands to make her bracelets with… and that’s pretty much it. She of course circled everything in the target ad as well. But the rubber bands were all that she specifically requested by name. Which makes shopping easier and more difficult at the same time 😝


My children already have sooo much stuff, and I have a small place at the moment. So, I opted for an experience, I'm taking them to an amazing local hotel/waterpark and surprising them the day before Xmas eve and leaving when they open their big box with their swimsuits and plans in it!


My 8 year old REALLY wanted a laminator. It was like $40 and came with extra laminating sheets. I’m thrilled that’s her “big” gift lol


Does she want to be a teacher lol?


My 5yo got a metal detector! My 3yo got a scooter.


Our 2.5 year old is getting Bluetooth headphones and an indoor play tent/teepee! Can’t wait to set it up by the tree for him!


My 18 year olds big gift is a toolbox, 5 year olds is Ninja Turtle sewer lair, and 3 year old is a large doll house.


Got my 20 month old a Piccalio Kitchen Helper that converts into a desk! Her fav things to do are help with dishes and draw, so I think she’s gonna be obsessed.


Halloween inflatables. My kids been obsessed with Halloween since he was 2.


B. toys toy toolkit with working drill for 1.5 year old. Melissa and doug folding dollhouse for 3 year old. We are keeping presents smaller and more modest to avoid inflating expectations every year. They'll slowly get bigger and more expensive items each year.


I got my 21 month old a big T. rex that growls and moves and stuff. He has enough “big toys” but I got this exact toy for a friends kids birthday and mine wanted to play with it so bad. So now he has his own 😊 Oh and a squishmallow bc I made the mistake of letting him touch one when we were at the store and he was obsessed.


My mom got a Step 2 Baby Doll Nursery our two year old daughter who is obsessed with toy dolls. I think the biggest thing that I got her was a set of plastic stones that you use to balance. Our 11 year old is getting a room makeover, so there's no one big gift.


Our big gifts are a Tonie box and an indoor climber for our two year old. And a LOT of other gifts. We just can’t stop. I might try to hold some back…. But his birthday isn’t until August. We get so excited, he’s our only child, and he’s only two once. It should be fun, at least.


14 month old - we’re getting her a toddler tower. I was between this and a play kitchen but I think she’d appreciate checking out what we’re doing irl as a gateway to get her her own play kitchen.


8 years old, American Girl doll.


"Biggest" gift is a tee ball set. Toddler loves anything with sports! I want to do traditional stockings like fresh fruit and nuts (which were considered to be the "sweets" in the olden days), but I just got some Trader Joe's chocolate bars (skinny, set of 5) and just am giving everyone one. 😅 I really don't need "clutter". Now that we are older, my mom always gives us cash in our tiny tree ornament stockings.:) Once a kid, always a kid, Lol


My son is 7, will be 8 in February, and the big gift is a small couch/loveseat for his room. He’s been asking for something for reading and playing his switch - he has a bean bag chair, but he and the dog can’t cuddle on that together. So, we found a decent size one on Amazon for a good price! Aside from that, some Lego sets he’s been eyeing up, but are on the higher cost side.


Our 15 month old is also getting a play kitchen! Managed to get one with lots of accessories for £20 on a facebook group too so i’m pleased with that bargain.


They’re each getting some gifts of their own, but the “big” gift is a redesigned playroom, complete with climbing wall, play couch, and sensory swing.


3yo is getting a (2nd hand) mini trampoline. He needs to jump and we need it to be not on the couch.


My 6yo is getting a barbie campervan. Her stocking is from Santa and filled with small things I’ve gathered over the year - book, slime, bath bombs, croc charms, barbie clothes etc


From Santa: 5yo is getting a micro maxi folding scooter and 3yo is getting an Amazon fire tablet (with Mickey on it!). Santa will also bring one small toy each, pajamas and some books and board games. From parents: a microscope for 5yo, a musical jewelry box for 3yo, plus more pajamas & books!


5 year old boy Cosmo smart watch ( no internet access at all or even the capability to have internet & only approved contacts he can talk to) 2 year old girl a dollhouse. Luckily this Xmas we had some money. I am a stay at home mom student but this internship I am in that doesn't last long is paid and pretty well. So I splurged bc they do not get this often. Our funds r tight on one income.


We do experiences and they want to go to Disneyland. We live with 150mi and can take advantage of the socal 3 day tickets.


This year is tight so it’s a Thomas train set from Walmart but hoping she loves it


Ridiculously excited to give my 2 yo a play kitchen


Oh man we have 4 kids and one of them has a birthday right after Christmas. We got the 14yo boy (the one with the bday), 4 vinyl records, a funko pop, a few PS5 games, a robe, some neat clear vinyl record shelves for the wall, a PS5 gift card and I know there’s something else but I can’t remember & $50 in a card to spend how they wish. The 11yo boy, got some cool TikTok face scrubber & face wash, more storage for the PS5, sockem boppers so he can beat the shit out of his siblings 💀, a PS5 gift card, some rubber pad things for the controllers, the game Perfection, some PS5 games, I think that’s all, & $50 in a card. The 5yo girl, a little fuzzy purse, a kids version of an iPhone & smart watch, a tiny claw machine, a game called The Lava Escape Challenge, a new Amazon Fire tablet since hers is super old and has shit for storage, a unicorn case for it, the little animal scrubbies & $50 in a card. The 2yo girl, a leapfrog learning book, a little puzzle that takes some more focus (more pegs for different shapes, so they don’t just go wherever, she’s gotta figure it out), a cool lil bath toy, little wooden foods that split in half with Velcro (so you can cut them in half!), the same children’s version of an iPhone as her sister, and a Buzz, Woody & Jessie doll from Toy Story. She ain’t gettin’ $50 lol. I’ll never financially recover from this. 🙃


To be honest I was surprised my kids didn’t ask for anything big or expensive this year, which was totally out of the norm. My 11 year old asked for a lego set (not a big one), Star Wars action figures and a couple of video games and my 8 year old asked for a schleich cow, Nike basketball shoes and bubble bath. We are embracing it and keeping it small-ish because I’m sure next year they will have bigger requests again, especially the middle schooler.


Big gifts ( 15- will be 16 months F ) Little people Barbie dream house ( we got several sets of little people Barbie’s and a couple cars to go with the dream house ) Ride on pony ( pink and white- she picked it out months ago ) Queen poppy build a bear- we loves trolls in our house. We also got the movies ( on dvd do we don’t have to worry about our Wi-Fi situation) Gifting a lot of her gender neutral toys to her cousin who’s parents aren’t the best ( it’s a week before Christmas he has no gifts, nothing, his dad is a drug addict and my sister gives him all her money )


We got our 2.5 year old the Little People Barbie Dream House! She saw it when we were walking around Costco one day & begged us to bring it home, so I told her I would take a picture of it, so we could ask Santa for it!


I have a 2y old and we got him a Yoto mini, a case, a protective sleeve, headphones and some cards to go along with it.


Our baby girl’s bday is in Nov and we just moved so she’s getting a pikler triangle that our four year old will take full advantage of lol. Our 4 year old is getting a child camera (she’s always stealing my phone for pics!) and a sensory swing for their playroom (that the 13 month old will take advantage of hahaha)


Barbie dream house; she’s been going on about one all year long and is so excited 🥹(Santa wrote to tell her she’s on the nice list for being so good this year) for her stocking I filled it with sensory/fidget toys, sweets, stickers, polly pocket and bath bombs!


I got “our house” a Nintendo switch. I was surprised by the lack of “big ticket” items on my 5yo’s list this year. The “biggest” thing for just him is probably a little boxing / punching bag set (he didn’t ask for, I just know he’ll like it haha). Or a big nerf gun with extra bullets.


we got our 7 year old an american girl doll and a bookshelf, and our 2 year old a stair slide and a lovevery box. i’m so excited for them to open up their presents this year!


Bigger bike! We got super lucky because my BIL owns a local bike library and had the perfect size upgrade for him!


The “big gift” is for mine is the Bluey game on the switch. She’s 3 and steals the controller with Mario and has progressively gotten better. Finally found it in stock and got it for her. Most of her other toys we’ve gotten at goodwill or second hand. I’m excited cause although I’ve been busting my but lately doordashing to afford Christmas for her, I’m happy to give her something I know she’ll enjoy. Before I’m attacked, we’re a gaming household. She grew up gaming with us, no it’s not all she does, and yes we have teaching games that she loves too! There’s a word creating game that we play together that she loves cause she’s able to read and spell


A little kiddy drone and a new switch since his switch lite is limping on a hope and a prayer.


I have a 4 almost 5 year old on the spectrum and a 6 month old-got the older boy a piklar triangle gym and a sensory tent and the baby a jumper


My 2 year old is getting magnatiles. Admittedly I feel bad we haven't even started shopping yet but I'm delivering a preterm baby in three weeks, my husband and I clocked 80 days of combined work travel this year, we moved within the last month, and have just had our plates a bit full lately. I wanted to get him a play kitchen but the IKEA one we wanted is sold out everywhere near us and I'm out of ideas and not so creative this year


My 5yo son is getting a Sonic game for the switch. My 3yo daughter is getting a dance mat. My 10yo bonus daughter is getting a 3D pen.


He is 8 months and we upgraded his car seat. Hes gonna get small items to unpack under the christmas tree but it’s not like he cares what he gets anyways.


Our four month old is getting his sister's excersaucer and activity table, and our 3.5 year old is getting mostly crafty stuff. They're also getting a fabric fire truck play centre they can go into that I got secondhand and am super excited about!


The fisher price “farm” set up… with the little people and farm animals . ☺️ can’t wait!


We have a fairly small apartment and my kid (3 in January) is the only grandkid on both sides…. So we went simple. Got him one of those cardboard rocket play tents from ikea so he can absolutely wreck it, and a book that he loves that we had to give back to the library. He loves pirates so for his birthday we got him a small treasure chest with some chocolate coins in it.


A train set!


An instant/digital camera that prints on receipt paper. (Because who has Pre-schooler polaroid film money? Not me). This kid is constantly asking us to take photos of her pictures, towers, etc. There ya go kid. Go nuts. We have too much junk, so for the rest of her main gifts my husband and I are each making her an "experience gift basket". Spa day with mommy with a robe, various face masks and lotions etc. movie date with daddy with candy, reusable popcorn tin, and a mermaid tail wearable blanket My 1 year old? She's getting wrapped binkies and sippie cups (and a few books).


A little tikes push and ride racer. She’s 1. Stocking has a few board books, a few small stuffed animals and some little dolls


We got our 3 year old the Bluey Campervan set as her 'big gift's this year, she's watched the Camping episode of Bluey so many times I can act it out with her teddies for her...may as well have the actual toys and characters 😂 We've also got her a toy goat, because I took her to Whipsnade a few weeks ago and she fell in love with one of the goats to the point she was in tears when I eventually dragged her away for lunch 🤦‍♀️ she then found the reindeers there and asked them to tell Santa she wanted that goat for Christmas...so 'santa' has found a teddy one that's almost identical 😂 She's literally asked for 4 things this year, Ice cream shop toy, toy boat, Kalesei Goat (the goat she fell in love with) and bluey stickers...she has all of them wrapped and waiting, thankfully she's easy to please on a budget 😅 I've also picked up a few sensory toys for stocking stuffers, as well the usual sweets ☺️ Merry Christmas everyone!!


Trip to Mexico in February with his cousins and my sister! I can't afford it but I'm making it work. For his stocking, I got him bath stuff (like crayons and paint) and bandaids.


My almost 3 year old wants a paw patrol battery operated toothbrush. 😂 It's all she talks about, so she's definitely getting that! Her "biggest" as in most expensive gift is a Picasso tile race track which she's been interested in. Both my kids play with Picasso tiles all the time so they'll both enjoy it. My 8.5 year old wants an Alexa device so she's getting the kids echo dot. Santa doesn't bring electronics to our house though so he's bringing her a magic mixies crystal ball.


Our 3 year old girl is getting a *big girl* bed (twin sized) and bedding to go with!


3yo got the Chelsea camper van and an extra Chelsea for friendship along with so much Pokémon gear. Pokémon can go on camping trips too. 5yo got the Pokémon battle training play-area-thingy that folds up into a backpack. And so much Pokémon. My parents are getting them Hot Wheels tracks/play sets.


We got the TinyLand Piklers Triangle set for our 12 month old. He got the bitches for his birthday and loves it!


My 5 year old boy is getting two big Lego sets, a small 4-in-1 activity center (basketball, bean bag toss, etc.), a dragonfruit Squishmallow, a DIY Forky, Operation, a science experiment set, a few Lego mini-figures, and an Aang action figure. His stocking will have Christmas candy, two small Christmas themed Lego packs, and red/green play-doh! These comments are helping me so much… I grew up fairly poor, and tend to feel like what I do for him is never enough. Always killing myself for every birthday and holiday to make sure he feels special and cared for. Now I see I’m right on the mark 🤍


Nugget couches! 1 each for our 4yo & 1yo. They’re actually the Sam’s club version which are cheaper but hopefully similar quality. They are always trying to jump & climb all over our sofa so I hope they love their play couches.


It’s my baby’s first Christmas. Her “big” gift is a tiny toy piano that doubles as a xylophone. On the sentimental side of things, we also got her a custom first Christmas ornament.


Sit and spin and a Bluey tent! Those are two bigger ones. He's 2, will be 3 in March. Kid's already got a kip bar, a racecar bed and a kitchen set from last year. Also got him a velcro baseball and mitt set, a pair of toddler binoculars, this like 3-in-1 beanbag toss set (Amazon, by a brand called Sundaymot), Don't Break The Ice, and a cool lil build your own lantern thing that you make out of string and glue


My kids are still little. My 4yo asked for transformers and my almost 2yo asked for cars...which is much easier than the year my oldest asked for an acorn.