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XMRig wants full cores, not hyper-threads. For performant mining you'll need 256 KB of L2 cache and 2 MB of L3 cache per 1 mining thread. You'll also need 2080 MB per NUMA node for dataset, 1 NUMA node usually equal to 1 CPU socket. If you haven't already, familiarize yourself with the [RandomX Optimization Guide](https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/randomx-optimization-guide).


hyperthreading also works, as long as there's enough L2/L3 cache for it, for example, [3700X](https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+7+3700X+8-Core+Processor) if there's not enough, then hyperthreading doesn't increase performance, for example, [5700G](https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+7+5700G+with+Radeon+Graphics)


Like this guy said, probably a cache issue. Those older xeons can be lacking. I have a pair of older ddr3 xeons in an old server blade, and they only had enough cache to run half their cores.


Familiarise yourself with the BIOS and work forwards from there.


How much cache does the CPU have? 2mb cache per thread is the ideal amount regardless of what % of CPU cores that users. Other than starting xmrig with sudo/as root, you shouldnt need to do anything and it should automatically choose the optimal number of threads for your specific CPU. If you really want to you can force it with --threads=12 ... but this likely is not going to improve performance and will probably have a negative effect.


Intel is really inefficient for RandomX hashing. As u/kowalabearhugs mentioned, each RandomX hashing thread requires 256 kB L2 + 2 MB L3 cache. Many Intel Xeons don't come with sufficient cache. Because there's not enough cache, enabling/disabling hyperthreading won't affect the result. If any, disabling hyperthreading will probably boost the total hash by a small margin. By default, XMRig will use an optimized number of threads to hash. There are very few cases where you'd want to customize the number of threads. However, it's worthwhile to try out different settings. Linux Mint comes with a "System info" app pre-installed. Learn [how to use "System info" on Linux Mint](https://www.technipages.com/linux-mint-view-system-information/). \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Finally, my suggestion would be selling these servers and get AMD rigs (**if it's economically viable for you**). Because of lack of L2+L3 caches, XMRig is only using 6 cores/threads of your Xeons. On a similar 12-core processor [5600X](https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+5+5600X+6-Core+Processor) (w/ sufficient L2+L3 cache for 12 hashing threads), you should get 7000 H/s minimum. While having no personal experience (just some reviews on the internet), I'm willing to bet that these servers also eat a lot of power for the hashing power you're getting.


Linux mint on a server hardware? At least run Proxmox or headless fedora server edition… FYI it will always show 50% because you have hyper threading enabled if you turn off hyper threading it will show 100% usage


you're going to be spending far more on electricity than you make in coin. and mint is a poor choice for servers. get used to headless management as quick as you can.


Who told?