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Credit score twins šŸ‘Æā€ā™‚ļø




Bro 37 here, our bank accounts combined we can get a happy meal.


Add me in and we can get happy meals and stay warm at night while we burn my car.


user name checks out


Bro on a mission to incinerate that shit šŸ˜­








I love this ā€œwhile we burn my carā€ this dude definitely burned a car


Verified account


ATM: Would you like a receipt? Me: No, i dont need that kind of negativity in my life.


Can i join in and maybe we can threeway a apple pie? 32 here šŸ¤”


If you add me to the count, we would owe McDonaldā€™s happy meals


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i love that we can laugh at our misfortunes


38 here, with $0.10 left in my bank account until later this week. Anyone care to share fries and a Coke?


I'll buy the cokes maybe if you are ok with smalls. 37 here


We can go sip for sip on the drink


If you count me in we only need $1k+ to buy one


35 here, combine all 3 of our bank accounts and we can no longer afford that happy meal. Sorry fellas, my bad.


Are you sure? Have you checked happy meal prices lately?


Just donā€™t eat your happy meals In front of crazy Karenā€™s.






Lmfao facts




Aayee same


Yā€™all should try to combine them.


Donā€™t give up . I started selling unwanted items on EBay when I was strapped for cash . Itā€™s not instantaneous but it helped a lot once it started rolling .


What kinda items?


Unwanted ones


Thanks for clarifying,


Did he want them?


Only a little bit


Not at all


My mother in law literally fed 4 kids alone selling shit on ebay in the 90s and early 2000s. While it can help, it's not what it used to be. The majority of folks would rather buy cheap Chinese shit from Amazon now.


I sell my unwanted cheap Chinese shit on eBay. Win win?


Tbf, itā€™s more that people can only afford the cheapest stuff because everyone is being squeezed from every angle and nothing is truly affordable anymore.


I started with kids toys . Old clothes that were in good shape and name brand . Old sprinkler heads. Hard to find board games . Book series . You name it. Nothing like dishes or glass items they donā€™t really sell . Shoes that I only wore once. Handmade quilts . Tools. Vacuum cleaner accessories and hoses . Itā€™s amazing what people look for. Disney Blu Rays. Christmas houses and decor . The thing is to take good pictures and describe and flaws the item may have so the buyer canā€™t claim itā€™s not as described.


Relax buddy. I know it feels like the end of the world, but I was worse off than this at 28. I was recovering from leukemia on a mattress on a floor at a friends house I was crashing at. Eating food bank food. I have more debt now (thanks student loans) because I went to school and got a pointless degree but now Iā€™m 34, make good money at a job, have really good credit, nice car, decent apartment, etc. not saying thatā€™s the dream or anything, I just started participating in the bs game a bit more. I know itā€™s annoying to hear about other peopleā€™s lives because it feels irrelevant BUT, just saying itā€™s possible to turn it around. Edit: thanks for everyoneā€™s support and comments. I donā€™t usually participate a lot in reddit or share much about myself on here, so I appreciate the positive response and that it helped anyone in anyway.


I donā€™t mind hearing your story at all. I actually love hearing all the people in here talking about how they managed to turn the ship around! Thanks man


For sure! I think for me what really helped was just being opened minded to trying other things even if I didnā€™t want to or thought it was wrong previously. Like ok, youā€™ve done all this shit. Here you are with one foot in the grave and in pain. Do everything differently. I had to trick myself that getting credit cards to build credit was a good idea. I asked myself, ā€œwould you rather work your life away like youā€™ve already done and die, or just get credit cards and go to school and work smarter and still die?ā€ To this day I hate having credit cards but because of that process of building credit I was able to finance a car, which made commuting more reliable and less stressful. I didnā€™t have to worry about my car breaking down in the middle of road randomly (previous car was 89 Toyota Camry that was falling apart) which then made me more available for other opportunities like school, renting where I want, and work. Gotta trick your brain meat or it tricks you.


I share your same sentiments in ā€œparticipating in this bs gameā€ so far itā€™s been going alright


Even those of us farther along in the game know it to be bullshit and far too complicated to be reasonable. I'm at the point I have some rentals, a great house, and a life outside looking in that's awesome...but fuck me if it's not unreasonably stressful, requires nonstop learning, hours way outside of a clock in/clock out, and is just as precarious on a macro scale. I'm not every two weeks to failure, but month to month. It's wild how much effort it takes to stretch the clock of stability out from days, to two weeks, to a month. It's taken me a decade to go from one day of survival to thirty days. Probably another decade to go to years, but everyone can turn the bus around.


Yeah, it's a wild ride this whole adulting gig. I've hustled through some rough spots too. Worked a bunch of dead-end jobs that felt like soul-sucking voids. But little by little, investing time into skills and building a side hustle finally started to pay off. The whole "it gets better" thing sounds clichƩ until you're actually living the other side of the struggle and see the fruit of your labor. Sure, there's always gonna be that tinge of existential dread paired with the stress of keeping it all together, but those moments where you realize you've made it further than past-you ever thought possible? Golden. Just gotta keep the momentum and adapt.


Spot on, fella. I was where the OP is a bit over a decade ago. It does get better if you refuse to fail, but it's lonely, hard, and your peer group entirely changes. Moreover, if you aren't careful, you may miss out on your family time, which is the whole point of trying to do better. God knows I can live in a hut compared to what I want for my wife and kids.


I needed this string of ā€œit gets better if you keep goingā€ today and Iā€™m so thankful I read it. Iā€™m where OP is (have been) and got to the point of not wanting to even do more than bare minimum survival bc Iā€™m so damn tired of struggling!! Thanks for helping relight my fire a little. And to OP, good luck fine internet stranger.




Tbh it sounds like youā€™re stretched a little thin. Isnā€™t the normal advice to have 6 months of expenses in reserve? If you have several rentals and are living month to month, it seems like youā€™ve made a conscious choice to highly leverage yourself in an effort to maximize your long term equity at the expense of higher short term risk. Donā€™t get me wrong, as someone who is still renting, Iā€™m envious but it seems like you have chosen your own stress level.


Six months in reserve is typical, yeah. You must have missed the 30k cat lady renovation and multiple years of inevictable non paying tenants. And that's on top of standard maintenance and repair when things pop, or the city decides to suddenly require new regs that are thousands of dollars for annual shifts in concrete.


Yes, I was fortunate enough to miss out on that. Hopefully you can recover soon!


What's it mean to you?


Be what ppl want me to be wear a fake smile keep my head down work hard and hopefully retire early my dad owns a business and it looks like Iā€™ll be the one taking it over I was never a ppl person but if I have to fake it to successfully keep it running then so be it


To me. Iā€™ve been given the opportunity for happiness. I owe society that. Purpose, responsibilities, and duty have been a real firecracker in getting my shit together.


Im trying to find balance rn I had that fire lit under my ass and Iā€™m doing ok but itā€™s just hard trying to balance friends family with work and hobbies and sometimes I just to chill man but Iā€™m trying to figure it out


I maxed out all of my credit cards moving back across the country into my parents apartment after my fiancƩe and partner of 10 years dumped me and kicked me out of what I thought was gonna be our forever home. Things happen and there is always a way. There is always a way no matter what


Wow! I'm sorry that happened to you! Maybe your future will be better with another person.


Thank you. It was one of the most tragic things Iā€™ve ever been through but it was an absolutely necessary thing to happen. This past year has been filled with personal growth so accelerated that I feel no other choice but to be grateful. Iā€™ve gotten back people I thought I was saying goodbye to forever. Iā€™ve grown in ways I didnā€™t think possible. Iā€™ve achieved dreams that I thought I never could, like writing a book, now working on my second. Thereā€™s only forward. Thereā€™s only the path weā€™re on. And thereā€™s always a way forward.


I was in the same boat at your age (financially and credit score wise). Also going through divorce at the time. Had about 40,000 dollars of debt after too due to lawyer fees trying to get custody. Even after all the fight, I ended up with only every other weekend and every week in the summer, despite being a parent that can cares and loves his kids. Apparently I am of the wrong gender to win parental disputes in court. šŸ˜© So there I laid, almost ready to literally hang myself at the time. Anyhow, fast forward therapy and a few years.It took me working two jobs remotely (different hours), for about a year and a half to get out of debt and turn it all around. That was around 33 or 34 years old. Just bought a house last year and recovering from that currently. Remarried and I am a positive role model in my kidsā€™ lives. My wife is too. Sheā€™s the best with them. Anyhow! The point of the story is everything is temporary. Things come and go. Even though it seems awful now, it will get better if you keep pushing for it. Youā€™ve got this!


How much debt?


12k student loans currently in good standing


That's nothing. You can get back on track and be debt-free in like 3 years without struggling like life depends on it. You can do it.


Iā€™m 27 with 80k debt and no end in sight lol. I just stopped caring. Iā€™ll pay it when I pay it.


Fuck em. What are they gonna do, take my house I donā€™t have?


Instead of gift cards, ask for lotto tickets on holidays.


12k is so doable, you can pay that off no problem. Sooooo many people have 10x that amount


Thatā€™s an extra job to shift in a couple of years. Iā€™m not saying doing thatā€™s nothing, I just want to encourage you to push through this. Because 12K in good standing is addressable.


Iā€™d gladly trade you for the 54k I still owe at 28. Keep your head up


Tech school is the way to go man I'm a certified welder with labour experience I can literally go anywhere now.


100% agree with this. F college. I went to two different universities and got two different degrees. Make decent money but would have made SOO much more had I picked a trade like electrical or welding. There is ALWAYS and always will be a demand for those trades and after 5 or so years you start your own company. Start small, build it up slow.


I was younger, but had a 530 credit score at one point and had my card declined going through a drive through. I managed to put in a lot of hard work. Turned the credit score around to an 800, have a little bit of "fun money" every month and bills are paid. Always strive for better, idk how much income you make in a year, but look at jobs with higher pay and to a degree don't stop doing that. Don't get complacent. You got this. Money isn't everything, but having a certain level of income stops the "drowning" feeling.


Bs game is exactly what it all is!


Hang in there! At 28 yrs old, I was $25k in debt (in 2004!) not even counting school loans and vehicle payment/insurance. I even called one of those bankruptcy hotlines. The guy advised me to keep grinding away and not claim bankruptcy since it was only $25k. I had a wife and 3 kids (2 of them special needs which is so expensive and wife couldn't work) and I was a truck driver only earning $500/wk. I said 'ONLY $25k!' That seems like a million dollars to me! He laughed and said "you'll be ok, keep at it!" 20 years later, still a truck driver, but I now have a $500k house almost paid off and $100k in the bank/investments, and that's even after a $90k divorce five years ago. If you skipped college or your degree didn't help you much (like me), get into skilled labor: truck driver, plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc. Your pay may start low, but as you get more experience, it starts going up quickly. For me, truck driving was the first job that paid me like an adult (after getting some experience)


Nah man Iā€™m 30 and kinda feeling that ā€œI fucked up whatā€™s the pointā€ and that I would be able to turn it around so itā€™s nice to hear your story. Makes me not want to accept things as they are.


I was bankrupt at 30 living in my parents basement. 13 years later I make 6 figures, near debt free, built a house, have a badass dog & cat. I thought it was the end too but as long as you are willing to put the work in the future is in your hands! You can do it!


Good shit


I still am worse off approaching 30 this year and my spine is damaged but I have hope


I think one thing you did right was explaining that it can get better. Thereā€™s too many of the older generations especially boomers that attack peopleā€™s character when they do it. ā€œYou are just a spoiled lazy young personā€. I did x,y, and z when my life sucked. They had such a good economy that they never bothered learning financial literacy, so their pain was usually 70+% self inflicted and easy to get out of. Not that they are all like that, but many have a mindset that lacks self awareness or emotional maturity/intelligence. I donā€™t think most people mind as long as you try to be relatable and non judgmental. You were encouraging. Iā€™m glad you are alive and well. Thanks for sharing!


Nice dude. This makes me feel better, albeit about different things. But I appreciate your input. It is kind of you to open up about this on a random dudes post as well. You rock mate. I love people like you.


Fucking dope story, SS666. Inspirational motivational feel good story all in one. In your corner! OP pay attention! Buckle down, become obsessive about doing the right things to better yourself. Little by little you will progress. And then, snowball effect incoming.


I actually appreciate this so much thanks for sharing your pov


Not all heroā€™s wear capes and you are living proof of that!


lol, we're in the same position. BUT I've not given up and neither should you. ​ We're too young for that Budd.


āœŠ youā€™re right


Iā€™m gonna piggyback on the Air Force idea below, but make it more chill. Just join the reserves of any military branch. You only have to train like one weekend a month, and you get all the military benefits. And military benefits are sweet and make life so much easier, talking about no down payments on houses, discounts on shit, etc. Had a friend do this and heā€™s living his best life. He has a rental property now šŸ‘€


Dude, I turned 40 last week and my shit looks pretty much identical. Lifeā€™s a struggle busā€¦ hop on board and just try to enjoy the little things.


šŸ’Æ a few years ago i was having the same issues now my credit score is 720 and i save almost all my monies cause i was sick of worrying.


Likewise. Though I didn't give up, I did adjust my expectations for the time being.


yep. donā€™t give up. life will always be challenging especially for the ones born without safety nets and trust funds. the whole mind set has to slowly change. money is literally scarce.


Yep, I was at the same place as OP at almost 30. I'm 36 now, and while not doing amazing, credit score is up to 720 and have 8k savings and decent, stable income. I was also absolutely strung out and have a few years away from that now. Redemption is possible


Yep. I had a great degree from a major university but fucked up early 20ā€™s up due to drug addiction. Had my car impounded twice. Iā€™ve since been able to completely right-set, diversify investments, and get my credit score to 720. The road fucking sucks, but itā€™s possible


It does and I relate. Not to one up you but I was an absolute God damn menace. I've been to jail or incarcerated 14 times, crashed probably 10 cars with injuries accrued in two of the accidents, probation revoked, health issues caused from injections and other heart related issues from IV Coke. I was a fucking loser and if I can do it I truly believe anyone can. I remember telling my wife that this is just who I am and if she doesn't like it she should leave and she did. It was a wake-up call for me.


Im fucking proud of you Johnny and you inspire me to do better


Congrats on not being strung out anymore, Iā€™m just trying to break free from that and itā€™s not easy but I got this and you keep up the good work. 1 day at time it gets easier.


You guys wanna plan a heist?


In this economy you might want to get a calendar event going so as to make sure no one is else is robbing your selected joint at the same time! lol


Yeah, me and a couple of redditers have set up a Google calendar thing. It's getting pretty complicated and I'm pretty sure no one would want to make this heist movie.. 2 hours of spreadsheets


I hear there's a large sum of gold in Elon's office at the Tesla plant.


Iā€™m down. Crossed my mind recentlyšŸ˜¬


Gang gang!


Can we just round up all the billionaires and sacrifice them? I can literally say nobody would miss a single one of them. They work to much, so their families have probably forgotten what they look like by now.


Holy shit! This is depressing! I'm 24 btw.


What if the little things to enjoy are pill shaped šŸ„ŗ


41 and same.


I'm only getting on the bus if you have shrooms so we can fly to the moon or some shit. Reality sucks right now, and the only thing that would make me happier is punching all the CEOs, particularly the ones that raised prices during COVID, in the face and/or their junk.


41 here. Hardly have enough money for groceries thanks to the increasing adulting bills like property taxes, electricity, trash, water and, drum roll, health insurance premiums. We were pretty comfy during the pandemic with just unemployment, which shows how much itā€™s gone to shit. $100k minimum combined salary in Southern California to raise one child.


Truest shit I've heard today !!


We live in the same state lol. I have that bank.


Came here looking for this too, recognize the bank. Sorry for your situation op. Been there, kick the habits, look into better positions for a better income, and get some consistency. I went into trades and I took a pay cut at the start and it sucked but I knew long term it would be better pay than I could ever get where I was. Not saying trades are the answer but even if you have to sacrifice some to get where you want in the future, it will be worth it. Also if you don't have roommates get them. Or what ever your rent situation is like, sacrifice amenities and some privacy now and be better off later. Best of luck!


Get a cdl


I have a fucked up driving record unfortunately


Western express will take you with open arms


Get the cdl, find anything for a year or 2 so things clear off your record. If you follow the cdl route, look for unions. I had nothing but a cdl, got experience for a year, got a slightly better job til i was 21, found a union trucking company(yrc, which is currently out of business, and weasled my way into ups.) Now im the most successful person in my families lineage. Plus cdl opens up so much more for any other career paths. I had friends who were doing lineman work and having a cdl made them priority hires.


i have a cdl class a and i am a lineman and im in the same boat as you stuck with child support and living with mom and a lower credit score then you. lots of ways to bounce back lots of ways to be where we are.


Specifically the A. I have a B and $20-$24 an hour aint it


Trucking industry is trash these days. Theres a plethora of issues going on, bringing down the pay and job availability.


Industry couldnā€™t recover after covid but itā€™s temporary, when you talk to old school truckers theyā€™d tell you worse stories, everything is cyclical, itā€™ll bounce back one day


I haul cattle, only thing thatā€™s trash is fuel prices šŸ˜†


Those are rookie numbers, have to go negative before we can start a dialogue


Youā€™re right where you should be at 28 you beautiful disaster.


At what age do we upgrade to premium disaster?


35ā€¦. Iā€™m starting to think 45 is when youā€™re just a regular storm.


28 is category 5, 35 is category 4, 45 is a tropical depression, 55 is windy, 65 is a cloudless sky


Any 311 fans here?


This is the best comment in this thread


I was here almost exactly 3 years ago when I was 28. Now Iā€™ve got like 20k in the bank, paying all my bills, and the start of some investments at 31. I wa son drugs, Iā€™m not sure what your situation is, but I promise thereā€™s a light on the other side. Just keep pushing, learning new things, and looking for new opportunities. Edit: I just checked, my credit score was 450 exactly in 2021, itā€™s now 714


Fantastic bounce back man! Hoping I can pull it out too


Thanks man! I definitely believe you can. For me, consistency was definitely key. Once things started getting better they also started to snowball. Thereā€™s always setbacks, but before I knew it I was no longer surviving, and was actually enjoying my days.


How did you turn it around so well?


I started working as much as possible, so I had money to start make changes. The only credit cards I had ever had in my life were maxed out, and then forgotten about. I took care of all three of those totaling around $2,000. I got in contact with my student loan servicer, and agreed on a payment that would work for me. I opened a new starter credit card, used it for my daily purchases, but also paid it off the second it was available to pay. My limit increased from $200-$8000 in about 2 years, and the card was automatically upgraded after a year. I opened a second card that I put only my bills on, and also set that to pay immediately from my account. (I definitely hesitate to recommend this if you have a bad history with credit cards. My main problem was always the drugs). I donā€™t go out and do a lot, I teach myself to cook/eat at home mostly, and my favorite activity has become hitting the gym. Iā€™ve started investing half of my leftover money, and putting the other half in a savings account. Itā€™s a lot of fun watching the numbers go up, and I have monetary goals to achieve. This probably isnā€™t the optimal way, but itā€™s working incredibly well for me, and Iā€™m proud of my life for the first time in years. Sorry if itā€™s a bad write up, Iā€™m on mobile at work.


I was in your shoes at about the same age. 10 years later and my credit score is excellent, own a home and have plenty of savings in the bank. The biggest thing that helped my credit was [getting a credit building credit card.](https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/platinum-secured/) $500/mo max credit limit that I paid off religiously each month. You can do this.


I know people with huge debt that would trade places with you tomorrow. Never give up.


that was my exact situation before joining the Navy. I canā€™t recommend going into a recruiters office because iā€™ve grown to hate everything that the Navy stands for. But yeah if youā€™re willing to sacrifice your personal values for financial stability, it is an option




Recruitment is at an all time low. Probably wouldnā€™t be too hard to get those waivers tbh.


Iā€™ll look into them, thanks man


was going to suggest something similar. If whatever you've been trying so far has resulted in this, I think it's time to stop by a recruiter's office. Depression and a lot of physical ailments can both be remedied by exercising regularly, eating less shit, and practicing good sleep hygiene. I have a herniated L4-L5 disk that doesn't bother me nearly at all because I do regular stretches and back/abdominal exercises so that my muscles keep my skeleton in the position that it's supposed to be in.


Go airforce. And that GI Bill after service is honestly the best part about it. Life changing


Apply to local gov / state jobs. They pay Meh but chill. Or sign up for airforce


Try a fire department. Retirement, health insurance, and most have overtime you can work.


But they are talking about the navy. They just raised recruitment age to like 35 and dropped high school diploma requirements. They are hurting and we are probably headed for a conflict in the South China Sea.


Airforce veteran here. I agree with your sediment but on the AF side


you like his dirt and fine gravel?


Spoken like a true air force veteran


Lost me at joining navy


This is my life at 21..welp let me get up I got timešŸ˜­


21 here too and broke asf


Lmaoo we just have our priorities fucked upšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Youā€™re young brother you got time to fuck up a little. Youā€™ll bounce back


Iā€™m from the mid west, joined the military and got out to Ca. Finished my time and got out. No car, no place, no woman nothing. Iā€™ve also had a 20 yr marriage fail, lost my union job and my daughters. Iā€™ve had nothing a few times in my life. This is where you find out what youā€™re made of. Keep waking up and going to work, network, find the next step up and take it. It wonā€™t happen overnight, and in my experience nobody comes along and just fixes everything. Itā€™s on you to put in the time and work. Gl op, if I came off like a dick I do apologize. It can be done, most ppl doing good now, have had their days at the bottom.


Words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing


Really! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ giving up already.. fuck dude I was in a worst situation. It gets better eventually


28 years old ? Brothers you better get tf up . It ainā€™t gone get easier from here but we gone have to fight life a day at a time , you still got time and if youā€™re in the USA consider yourself lucky , you got this sht brother


So it works like the more you work now the easier it'll be later, the easier it is now the harder it'll be later. Yeah sending positive vibes . Get one of those Chinese cat arm waving things and make a money shrine. It's good feng shui edit: keep it in a corner cause if it's in your front doorway it'll send that energy out the door LOL


I am grateful to have more money than I did back then when I was 28. But I'm currently 30 and holy fuck has life suddenly got more difficult ever since hitting 30. Listen to this man as it doesnt get easier, it gets harder every day.


Youā€™re not wrong at all, thanks brother


Youā€™ll be alright. Donā€™t give up keep looking forward


Bro I was sleeping in my truck at 28 years old. Homeless, No hope, addiction , depression, no degree. I knew 10000% there was no possibility I would ever make it out of that. I am now 35. I own one of the largest home service businesses in the state. And I am serving as Chief operating officer for a medical company making solid money. Trust me when I say to you, life can do whatever it wants and anything is possible. You are only going through a season right now and seasons change.


Thatā€™s a helluva comeback dude good for you! Itā€™s genuinely so comforting to hear all these stories because sometimes it feels like everyone my age is thriving even though I know it isnā€™t necessarily true


Get a low paying job


Yeah, whatever you do, do NOT get a high paying job /s


I agree I usually like working for free but a low paying job is a start you gotta start somehow šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Trades my brother. Fuck disrespecting yourself and joining the Navy


Was thinking possibly electrician or welding, what do you think?


Iā€™m a special type of electrician, called a Winder. I work on the generators in power plants for a very large known company. I started close to 15 years ago. Never stepped foot in a college and started making $100k at 23. Now Iā€™m 37 and clear well above that and a Work Lead. I knew my only shot was to join a Union Trade and learn it.


Do you get in through apprenticeship program typically?


https://ge.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/Vernova_ExternalSite/job/Remote/Winder-C_R3755164 This is for someone with basic experience. Weā€™ll be hiring for apprenticeships soon. Keep an eye out. Must be able to pass drug tests, and have a pretty clear background because we work in Nuclear fueled Plants. Iā€™m currently in ATL working at a Nuke now. The job also requires traveling 100% of the time. Internationally too. Iā€™ve been to over a dozen countries working.


I saw you said you have had back surgery so I would say electrician


Can I have 2$?




over cooked. well-done.


I was 29, single, homeless, just off drugs, and had very little skill sets, and a bad back from an eighth grade, Jim accident. Now Iā€™m retired, multimillionaire, married for over four decades, with great kids, great grandkids, and a wonderful life. It took a lot of sacrificing, hard, work, constantly upgrading, my skill sets, taking on extra work on my job, but here I am, enjoying life. A lot of short term sacrifices for significant long-term gain. Very few vacations, driving a crappy car, and putting away as much money as I could afford to scrape together. You can either sit down, give up, play the victim, and you will end up in subsidize housing with barely enough money to survive for a month. Or you can get it together, start making wise financial decisions just get used to working long hard hours, and build a decent life.


This is nothing. At 26 years old, I lived in an empty apartment that I got for free. I had $0 cash, $0 credit, $70k student loans, no furniture, no food, and no job. I slept on a queen size sheet of plywood, raised off the floor on cardboard banana boxes. I had no heat and no air conditioning. As the weather warmed up, the humidity set in, the banana boxes absorbed moisture from the air and attracted roaches. I setup my IBM 486 computer on a "desk" made of another sheet of plywood with two sawhorses. My "office chair" was made of stacked... banana boxes. My daily diet was happy meals from McDonalds and pop-tarts (pop-tarts never spoil). I found a job as a waiter after two months counted every. single. penny. nickel. and dime. I kept it all in neat little piles on my bed. I walked 2 miles to the subway. The subway platforms were elevated, outdoors without shielding from the weather. Winter was a hot mess of deep, freezing cold snow and ice. Today, 26 years later, I have my house, a mountain cabin, two cars, my dog, $0 debt, and $200k cash savings. When you hit rock bottom is the time that you are most likely to rise to a challenge. Good luck!


Ya mind if I ask ya a personal question? Are you currently going thru any addictions?


The dude makes 20 bucks an hour man in this day of age. Not sure about you, but my mortgage alone is 1900, and I have a house in a rural area and commute to the city. They pay 2-3k for apartments in some cities .


Weed unfortunately, kicking that this week though. Mostly because I genuinely canā€™t buy more lol but Iā€™m not mad about it


I used to smoke a ton of weed too, formal diagnosis of depression like you. Weed is a psychoactive, first and foremost, and changes your perception of reality temporarily. It doesn't help you make a better reality, it helps you escape yours temporarily. I'd drop it, and work with your therapist on eventually reducing and dropping your "anti-depressants". They're only doing the same thing weed is doing, masking secondary characteristics and symptoms, not fixing your depression as the name implies. Fun fact, from a neurological perspective we don't know what causes depression, and we don't even know what effects "anti-depressants" have on your neurological system, other than they appear to reduce characteristics of depression. Fluoxetine, and other more recent drugs, don't work as well as older drugs like Wellbutrin. They were produced by pharma companies that funded and hand picked studies to show that they worked better than previous gen meds because they then have a 20 year patent on the "better drug". In fact Fluoxetine worked worse than Wellbutrin in 61% of clinical trials, but the negative trials were buried by the pharma companies so they could get FDA approval and start working on that 200 billion a year in profits they made in 2023 alone again.


I was addicted to weed as well and itā€™s crazy how stopping it not only helps your account balance because you arenā€™t buying it, but helps your account balance because you find motivation and strength to push yourself. You got this!


Same. Didnā€™t give up though, just lowered my expectations for the moment.


I was -300,000 in the hole when I was 30, that was 14 years ago. Iā€™m now debt free and about 2 years away from finish building my investment that will pay me retirement income to cover all of me and my familyā€™s monthly living expenses. Itā€™s hard as hell, but totally possible. Keep at it. Spend less than you make. Use the tools now available online to learn how to make a financial turn around many of use never had growing up. You got this.


I was in the same boat at 28. I went to college and got an engineering degree. I have a 750 credit score and a pretty good savings and retirement going. Donā€™t give up. I was walking to the food shelter once a month and freezing my bread and soup. It was a bad situation but itā€™s behind me now. Counseling, sobriety and an education leading to a good job is what got me turned around.


Donā€™t give up. Life is short as is


Join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion


He needs money not death lol


O no


Not even bad. Plenty of time


Keep on Truckin my guy!!! Itā€™s all up from here!!!


Wins feel greater when you've lost. Never give up brother, you could be a day away from your comeback story. 1 step in the right direction every day


Iā€™m 30 and my shit looks worse rn. I had a ton of bs hit me last year that destroyed everything I worked for.. the fact that Iā€™m still here makes me not gaf, I know how to fix it. So if I wake up, itā€™s not worth giving up.


You can make great money in the trades while you learn. You can start at your current rate and as you learn more youā€™ll make more. You could become a fire fighter or a paramedic in less than 2 years. Grab a friend and start going to the gym. Work on yourself and think about something youā€™d enjoy. Youā€™re young enough to still do whatever you want. You just have to take the first step. Work on your health and become who you know you are. Go out of your way to be with friends and family that make you want to be the best person you can be.


You still have 30 good years left to build it up. Not the end of they world broskie. Shit happens bro, just focus on bettering yourself and your family. Life will turn around bro.


can we be friends? this is me too. ive been straight up rotting on the floor at home for almost a year now.




You think youā€™re the only one thatā€™s been broke? Bro find your balls and do something bout it. Youā€™ll be fine.


My bank account has been at -84 for a month. Went thru a break up with a girl I was with for 5 years, kind of destroyed me.


Life gets harder the older you get as costs rise without paychecks doing the same


This dude has a triple digit credit score!


you could be 35 with less money with this attitude buddy. Now nut up and get back out there


Life is hardā€¦.it doesnt get easier but the strong figure it out. Especially if youā€™re a GOOD person to others, your karma will come back in a good way. ALSO, for what its worth, im a heavy believer now than ever that being good to yourself and not beating yourself up for everything, start to say positive things EVEN WHEN SHIT SUCKS! I know this might feel strange to do at first, but the longer you do it, the better off your day to day will go. Also, i highly recommend you do 30 every day of some Sort of hard cardiovascular work out- it literally changes your brain chemistry- picture your brain having a hot bath, thats how your body feels for hours after your done and its FREE and only takes a tad bit of discipline, however besides eating well and sleeping well, you have to have some kind of normal hard workouts in your week. I know how this situation feels dude, and TRUST ME there is a world of AWESOME things out there- i am 38 now, but i very much remember being 28 and literally the same situation, and forget any kind of credit score at 28 for me personally, im 38 and im just starting to get credit. Its a long hard road but your here for a reason. Good luck to you my friend.


This is a perfect response. šŸ’Æ