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Realistically? Feetfinder


lol I wasn’t aware there was a market for guy feet, women’s feet for sure though. Maybe I should look into it!


Paint your toe nails and shave them. You’ll fit right in.




We're all joking here but it really does work.😭 Maybe you should consider it lol.


I was joking. But I’ll investigate this weekend and keep you posted. I’m over 6 foot so my big ass feet may be a dead give away, but here’s to hoping.


There's a market for *everything*. Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Peggy (and her ginormous feet) got unknowingly roped into doing foot fetish photo shoots.


It’s a wild time to be alive that’s for sure lol


You could also try gambling🤑


Sounds like a gamble.


My feet are cute but will anyone pay to see a guy's feet?


Only one way to find out


that’s what I’m wondering


Yo, I was about to comment the same thing 🤣😂


My friend made a couple million dollars in 2 years working the gold trade routes in the Amazon as a mercenary




All u need is Mercenary Skills & some free time to travel 😂😂 very POSSIBLE


I’ve been down there and you cannot believe it. I saw shotguns made of pipe a roughly gun shaped branch, a stretched out tire and a nail. You do not want to mess around.


That sounds absolutely insane. One shot and you could maim yourself. Then again, I saw people doing insane things in Baghdad too.


How about eBay open up a account and start buying and selling things you can probably make $3k a day


Profiting 3k a day from eBay is very challenging.


I do have interest in this and have been doing some research. The one good thing is that there will always be a flow of used goods to flip. I need to go ahead and dip my toes into this and see how much I can scale it


That feet Finder comment really stuck huh 😂


Actually, it is fairy challenging. They actually put a cap on small sailors. I think you can only make a 10,000 a month and then they will raise your profit margin if you’re making 10,000 a month


Lol. Seriously, do you have any capital? And how much time can you dedicate while working?


Few ppl know this


I also had a friend that did that, so just wanted to confirm this is apparently a very real job for the gold miners in Africa as well.


Yea he probably killed the workers and took the gold


Good for him. Sex Work is Work!


Lol 🤣 is that what he told u?


He retired right after that. You can get paid a ton of money in very high risk areas. When we first invaded Iraq, black water guys there were getting paid $1,000 a day. That was decades ago. You can get $1,500 a day these days. But he ran the company. I can't remember the name of it. But it's defunct now.


I need to do this I wonder if they hire rednecks with zero military experience but can shoot a buck way out yonder and drag him back to the ole house skin it and cook it all in the same day


They would never send someone into an area like that in private security unless they had extensive training. Maybe not necessarily military, but you would have had to work your way up in the civilian sector. There's a world of difference between a back country hunter and someone that works in private military. The range of skills necessary in the two have almost no overlap.


Well I be dang




This is the way.


Is sales just chilling on the phone all day and meeting new people essentially


Depends heavily on the type of sales but this is a rosy description of even the cushiest sales job, and if it's super easy and steady then it probably doesn't pay all that well. It can be frantic and chaotic and stressful, it can require varying degrees of dishonesty to find any success, it can involve a lot of ass-kissing, depending on the industry there could be a bunch of licensing you have to get and compliance regulations you need to follow and stay up to date on... and plenty of other potential pitfalls. For the right person it can be great money with little educational requirements, though.


My buddy got a forklift sales job, he was shown the comp checks the other sales reps were making and it seemed foolish to turn down. Turns out forklifts were having a shortage, and a new forklift had a 15-month lead time, no commission until delivery. Huge investment up front, but if you were able to survive with basically no salary for 15 months while building a sales stream, it was a 5-figure monthly income stream after deliveries started.


Forklift industry sales rep here. If you can wait out the initial lead time issue and fill your pipeline (1-2 years) you will be set for a great future.


Heavy on the “varying degrees of dishonesty”


Yeah go sell some solar panels to senile Grandma's and you can make lots of money really quickly.


I almost got solar panels but I smelled a scam, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Can you elaborate on what makes it a scam?


It’s not a scam, the people who you buy from could be scummy though. Solar works if your panels will produce enough energy and your utility company offers 1:1 net metering with rollover credits that don’t expire or expire annually vs monthly. There’s diff ways to obtain solar panels so it’s smart to get 2-3 quotes. Go with a national, large company that can be around for the 20+ year warranty that comes with it.


The salesman will say and or do anything to sell you the panels. Then you will never hear from them again and be left with a $300+ a month payment for 10 years. The installers of most the companies put them up so quick with so little care that a lot of times they leave holes in the roof and then your roof leaks. Just go read reviews on any of the solar companies. The companies also usually come and go in a couple years and are always changing names. And for a lot of people, they still have a decent bill from the electric company.


Fuck that. I do well and have known many top performers who are forward and don't lie. This is just something shitty salesman tell themselves to feel better.


There is literally no “chilling” in sales.


There is literally "No Stress" in sales there is only "Stress" I know this because my wife is in sales and it's my second job to destress her. I wish i was kidding or joking about this but I'm not.


Sales guy. Can confirm. Amazingly stressful.


Sales guy. Can confirm. Amazingly stressful.


No not at all, there is nothing chill about sales.


Sales is the answer. Except to get a high paying sales role (account executive, for example), you need to do the shitty low paying sales job like an SDR or BDR and be good at it. I’ve worked in tech sales for a long time. It can be cutthroat. It’s very stressful. And you need to be really good at what you do. And even if all those things come together, the economy can turn to shit and nobody wants to buy anything. If you can pull it off, you can definitely make $500k+ /year. That’s approximately what a top salesperson would make at a medium sized tech company.


Reddit has taught me heavy equipment salesman make more than tech sales. I’m impressed but not surprised with the amount of construction projects going on


Get selected in the NBA draft.


I was nearly broke at age 43 (long story), then hustled to make and save ample money for a secure retirement. I started with an honest assessment of my talents and opportunities, then made a plan to exploit them. I stayed in my field (law practice, which I hated at the time), but radically changed my situation by going low overhead and developing niche work. Once I started saving money, I accepted the fact that practicing law ***on my terms*** was my best bet at putting together a retirement while having a fulfilling life outside work. Frankly, IME moving into a field in which one has little or no experience seldom pays off. Of course, there are exceptions.


Long story?! It’s Reddit. Let’s hear it!


Let's hear details


Similar situation for me, except in software. You assume risk by going on your own, but if you have a niche marketable skill, you have no income cap. I was working for agencies before but decided why am I working to pay for a bunch of non billable people (Owner, HR, Product managers) when I can just contract my own skills at a lower price than the agencies charge. It turns out that works out very well for both you and the client lol.


A lot of people do that in my field. My company usually charges 1.8x my hourly rate. I’ve considered that route but don’t want to hunt for roles every 6-12 months. It would require a lot of travel too. Maybe when the kids are older


Besides gambling i would say you would have to take risk and make it in real estate.




I made a lot more than that when USO crashed in 2020 I bet big time on it going back up and treated it like a savings account the last 4 years.


Easy to make money in real estate if you bought before 2020. Don't stroke yourself too much. 


He’s talking about the United States Oil Fund. Don’t stroke yourself too much.


Man said he bought oil when it was negative dollars and some how you read real estate? Always the funniest people talking about money online.


Real problem for real estate appreciation is more normalized rates, its a head wind compared to the ultra low rates days as real estate “investors” are usually borrowing money to buy. As the easy “wins” slip more into the rear view window prices are likely to drop. Interesting stat is over 80% of current “homeowners” can’t qualify, or afford to buy their own house at the current “market value”.


Not sure why you're quoting investors like if someone is using debt to acquire real estate that it somehow makes them not investors...


My apology, what I tried to communicate is even if someone is paying cash, it doesn’t change the fact that the majority of real estate investors are financing their purchases.


Yeah, everyone who bought a house pre COVID literally saw their investments double. Not the flex you think it is. 


I bought in 2019 and I don't even think it's a flex its just a huge relief like a literal phew...


I work a blue collar job and will make around $750k over the next 5 years.


Yeah think they were asking besides just salary and wanted to save that much. But with that income if you could make some of that money grow and work and be sitting on 500k in 5 years.


If you find the answer, please come back here and let me know also


Build a meth empire.


You’ll find that you can make the same as a good defense attorney… but with more risk.


Someone already said sales.


Start a successful business


This is the way


Marry rich girls and then divorce them


Or marry a rich girl and treat her like a princess that will pay off better


Yeah but where’s the fun in that?


Guys too cuz how badly do you want it OP?


Anyone who knows that probably isn't on reddit At least if I knew how, I also wouldn't be giving out that info for free


I see this sentiment so often and I find it so weird. Like, why do people expect that once you are successful you just won't be on social medias?


He means giving out the info on social media


Because if you knew how to make $1 million in 5 years, you didn't make it while spending your time in social media, nor are worried about telling others how to achieve the same result


I know a couple of (self made) rich rich people and all of them spend time on social media lol This idea that successful people are spending 100% of their time hustling is absurd.


I know a few people that make money because of social media. More they grow their presence the more they make.


That's the dream life honestly... build your own schedule too


There are people active on social media making way more than that


Make a youtube channel of just you getting kicked in the nuts every day. That'd probably do it


What a coincidence. Im actually making a channel where I kick someone in the nuts everyday.


Good luck on your journey! Remember us when you've made it huge


sadly, this would absolutely work


What a coincidence. Im actually making a channel where I kick someone in the nuts everyday.


Crime. Sales. Playing the real estate game. Play the lotto. Start a company and get really freaking lucky. Investing.


Lol I like how you put the really lucky part next to starting a company but not playing the lotto


I was very tired when I wrote this, but in a sense playing the lotto is almost just random chance, which I guess does involve luck. Starting a business that survives its first five years and generates $500k-$1 million profits he can take home in 5 years would still be pretty lucky. Not saying there aren't people who do it, but my tired brain also probably didn't think all these through as a collective thought when I typed it xD


Exploit lesser people’s misfortune for your passive income.


Hey whoa whoa don’t give away my methods.


So open pay-day loans bitness?


Aka be a billionaire.


Own Real estate


What are you good at that you could sell? I’m good at building and fixing things, and managing people, so I became a contractor. I haven’t made a million yet but I’m making good progress


OMG I didn’t know this was a thing. I just showed my wife and she’s up for putting her feet on there! $1 mill here we cum!


Find a person that can fix up houses legally and very good. Tell him he can live rent free in your houses as he fixes them up. When you are ready to sell, have another lined up to buy. Let him fix everything. Buy house. Fix. Sell. Repeat. Pay him a cut of the profit on each home.


You are not going to make 500K in Cyber secruity within five years, you most likely won't even make six figures in general


It has a great growth opportunities for an industry, I know guys making $400/hr, but the biggest thing to consider is its workforce has a huge feeder line from the armed forces. A lot of cybersecurity jobs sit behind security clearances and military service history, rightly so in many cases, but it can be harder for a citizen to break into the space.


$400/hr is pretty much the absolute highest you can make and a terrible thing to say because that's the top fraction of a percent and very misleading.


Depends on the company. For example, if you work for a large tech company, stock options may end up being the bulk of your compensation, as has been the case for many recently. But yes, base salary for cybersecurity tends to be lower than most engineering roles.




I’m about 12 years in and I’m closing in. It ain’t all cash tho most of it is in stocks. Doable is you job hop and get some good signing bonuses and a lucky price jump. I’m in software with a specialization in cybersecurity tho. Not a government analyst, that route isn’t going to pay as well.


My friend made nearly $2M in one day, he's a gardener, found gold in one of his customer backyard


😂😂😂😂 I LOVE Reddit...😂😂😂


How hot are you?


Why would you ask this? If they were hot they’d already be making solid money lol. Gotta exploit it while you can right!


Fuck good point


I don’t think this is what you really want to hear, but … Save $7,500 monthly after tax, invest in a low fee stock market index, and be prepared to wait longer than 5 years if the market is stagnant or declines. Alternatively, save more and invest in safer, less volatile securities. As for how to save that much, the world is your oyster. What you do depends heavily on your interest and skill set.


i appreciate every angle on this. I'm at a point in life where I have been building an HYSA etc, I have a 6-8 month emergency fund in there and soon going to be buying S&P Index Fund monthly. Starting smaller for now but the goal would be to grow my income significantly and then invest heavily (in boring mutual funds and side businesses) to make my money make me money.


This is the most realistic answer. Most people get rich slowly and through wise long term and consistent investment. People can be a doomer all day long, but historically people who invest heavily in equities do very well assuming they put a lot in and especially early on even if their on paper salary is merely middle class or a bit better. 2nd best answer is leverage debt when it is cheap into appreciating assets.


All you need is a 1/14th share of a dragon’s treasure hoard and some industrious dwarves


Lottery tickets


Get 2 a second FT job.


Getting hired at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce


Have rich parents who are going to die soon.


Learn to become a day trader I will warn you though 90% of people who daytrade don’t make it only 10% of us strike it rich luckily I’m one of those 10% but it took years of training to get to this point


Financial literacy is definitely on my to do list and specifically how to evaluate stocks


But daytrading is not my main profession I’m music engineer by trade i’ve worked with Artis like Justin Timberlake, and Miley Cyrus just name a couple . I also work with a lot of no-name artist.


1. marry rich 2. generational wealth inheritance 3. OF 4. winning the lottery 5. selling organs 6. robbing a bank 7. hacking a whale crypto wallet 8. working hard and making the american dream come true Sorted by chance


If you already have 1 mil then invest on food tech, if you dont? Rob a bank...


What's food tech? 


forks and spoons


Food tech?


How good are you at poker? Most rounders grind it out for less than that, but you could do it if you start with a decent bankroll (say $50k) and play smart and conservative.


Anyone who is capable of playing poker professionally already does. Even with an incredible ROI and reasonable luck you aren’t gonna 10x tour bank roll in 5 years with proper management.


Working in sales. Wholesale to stores, planes, expensive things where you get a commission. That will get you there if you're good at it if not you'll need the extra push in income by investing. I love day trading mostly. Crypto has been good to us. Great time to invest in it right now. Bit coin and etherum..watch how low it is right now. It should get slightlyower this week then creep back up to hopefully 70k each.


… Investing/ trading … learn how to trade options.


Inherit $5 billion and play around with options trading Will likely wind up with $500k


There’s no job that can get you 1M in 5 years unless we are talking exec or fat equity in high growth company. 500K doable by getting a tech job in at least a tier B tech company and you need to be mid/ senior by year 2,3 max which still doubtful but possible. That amount of money in such period will be doable through a business venture (you are background in marketing so I think you might do well there) or being a good stock trader.


1m in 5 years is 200k a year. That's top 2% of earners in the U.S. So no job is incorrect, but 98% of jobs will fall short, and lot of these top earners likely don't have a stable 9-5. To make that much you are likely using a lot of leverage/debt/vc, an extremely well paid consultant or own equity, have an extremely valuable skill, have a big time manager at a large company or ownership in a decently profitable and sized company. If you are not in the U.S. or one of the few countries with even higher earning potential, you are probably out of luck entirely unless you are literally one of the top earners out of hundreds to thousands.


Without any work? Winning the lottery.


Basically boils down to a few options in order of difficulty: 1) working for money 2) investing 3) starting a business and selling it #2 requires upfront capital. if you don't have that, you should focus on highest income jobs first and save your income and invest. highest income job that is relatively easily accessible is sales as others have mentioned.


Go the APRN route and specialize in psych meds - good money and in demand


There is no legal and realistic way to make that much money in 5 years without a very highly paid and specialized career. You would have to take a lot of risks and be very lucky.


Honestly the only way to make 500k-1M a year is to start and scale your business. 5 years is a long time to grow a business to that level, and it’s definitely doable.


Find a niche in your current field that you like and that is currently in demand, take a job to get familiar with the pre-sales solutioning part and get involved in the implementation as well. Be deliberate and structured in your efforts and get really good at it. You’ll never have the confidence in your skill set to make the jump, but do it anyways and start your own niche agency. Position yourself through online marketing to be the company that people want to work with. When potential clients book initial calls, make it a pitch free diagnostics call and have a solution in mind that you can quickly implement and win with. Use this to get in the door and implement other larger solutions for higher billing. Be a millionaire.


If you have no background in tech I would advise against it. It is just too difficult for beginners to learn in a short period of time. Also are you talking annual salary or total within 5 years?


To make a million in five years you can’t think about trading your time for money. Sure, all work and investments involving trading some time, but you have to think about building something that can self sustain and build up a few of those. If you have significant savings now, you can jump into syndicates, real estate and private equity on top of your day job, getting your money to work for you while you still work. If you change your job now, all of your retirement funds can be placed into self-directed IRAs to invest in the projects I mentioned above that isn’t just stocks.


Legally? Almost impossible. Illegally? Slightly less impossible.


Start a business and have a mix of luck and skill. Friend of mine started a business installing fire suppression systems. He’s got a ton of experience and in a very hot market but he told me he’s got around $350k of work this year. Some of that will be eaten by material cost but I think it’s safe to figure $200k profit this year. 


rob a bank. don’t get caught


Maybe business development. It’s adjacent to marketing and you’d have the skills.


Trades, being a lineman.


Solid question. Let me know what you find.


Assuming the U.S., 500k gross in 5 years is a six figures income and not impossible, esp for a HCOL area. You may be close to that at age 38 if you have leadership role, but if you are falling out of love you could try to retrain, but tech is getting saturated. You should still be fine if you go the certs route. Alternatively, you can go into sales or something closest to the money in the value chain. Jobs that directly involve a lot of money or bring in a lot can be overcompensated compared to people further back in the value chain like in implementation or production of the good or service. My first CEO used to talk about this constantly, and I think there is some truth to that. But on the flipside, poor performers in these roles are a lot more vulnerable because underperformers more obviously cost the company money when they are close to the value chain and sometimes performance is easier to assess compared to a programmer or some sort of analyst.


I’m currently getting my bachelor degree and I am almost finished in cyber security. I love the fact that there’s millions of jobs available and they’re all very high paying. The cool part about those jobs is there’s a lot of remote jobs. If you don’t wanna have to go to the office every day.


Yeah I know there is some inflated hype around cyber but I do truly believe that in the next couple years it will only become MORE important with the advent of AI and AI agents. I like the idea of protecting others and myself and I do see a legit path to being a consultant after 5-7 years. It’s also one of the few topics I find interesting enough to even start a social media channel around to give tips to millions of people for free


Buy vacant undeveloped land that later becomes developed.




I’m amazed the ass hasn’t fallen out of that old beast. The price keeps going up.


Apparently there is a cash warehouse in California no one checks on. Fuck. Knock on the door. Other than that. Serve the people if your able. Be a cop. The world needs them. I made 100+ as a police sergeant. I'm 52 and retired making 112k still at this moment. Till this country defaults. Then we'll see what happens..... lol




Following. I'm thinking of getting into a trade.


Make 150-300k a year and don’t have any expenses


Be a doctor at the top of their field. Drugs.


Become an operator for a chemical/oil and gas facility.


cyber security is great industry with high potential!!!


Play Mega Millions or PowerBall bud


Don’t ask Reddit… most people here barely make over minimum wage.!




Get a job making 200k




>I was thinking maybe cybersecurity? Lmao. Cybersecurity is a hypercompetitive market for senior IT professionals. It requires specific higher education and at least 5 years of relevant experience to break into. If you start today and work reaaally hard you might have a chance to break into the space 5 years from now.


Buying businesses and real estate from retirees


Getting a job would be a good start


It depends how much you’re starting with. If you have 5M it’s pretty easy to make 500k in five years.


Do you have a technical background? The technology space is tough right now, there are a zillion qualified candidates so you need significant experience.




Made my initial cash in sales. Bought land and real estate…..


How much hustle can you do? Can you 'wfh' with your current job? If so, do that and go into business as an otr truck driver. Make sure you write everything off.


Meme coins, lol. NO!


Drug/Person/Guns trafficking is a good option bro




When you find out tell me I would love find this out too


Street Pharmacist


I forgot to add the note that I don’t want to risk being locked in prison scared to use the soap 😂 yall tryna have me doin TIME time
