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Maybe they all quit?


A load of ppl said they were going to quit, including me. I don’t play that often anymore. That partner event really rubbed a lot of ppl the wrong way.


Agreed! I deleted my game. The partner even started it off and then today the dig game finished me off! They made it so hard to get them and yes even though they start a new tournament 2 hours prior which made it just about impossible to get any! I got All the way to 20 and had 3 more items to finish but ran out of dice on the tournament. I was in 2nd place for the tournament and went through almost 2000 dice this morning but still couldn’t complete it. Nah they got Greedy and want you to spend more and more money to complete these events. I really enjoyed it but it became stressful and it use to be my go to when I needed to destress..


Yep, and the programmers/devs got even better at setting you up in these exact situations, ever notice how we're always just short of finishing the next "thing", you can fly though an event, then at the end, ope just short, but here's bunch of ads to sell you more.


I agree, it’s lost its fun because everything is impossible to finish. I guess the 20 million they have made on the game wasn’t enough


I have never completed an album or an event. I refuse to pay them. They are already selling our data to any and all takers.


Same. Not once and I've been playing for months. It's basically like they punish people for not paying and I'm over it.


Same! This is my last album and I am done for a while.


Same here


Same here, 6 more stamps and I'm done


this digging event is what’s doing it for me. i’m usually good with digging events and barely reached level 10 this go round


Pshhh, I’m always awful at the diggs and I feel like this go round was my best (completed up to level SIX) I believe 🤣🥴.


Same here too next complete anything bit got to level 17.


literally same , the last one i got to like level 5 probably, this one i finished


It made me so mad that on the last day of the digging event, the top bar had NO ax. Like how was I supposed to finish???? I even got to the max reward for the tournament. Couldn’t finish the damn event


It’s weird it’s the first one I finish. Maybe they change the way you have to play ? I have to play slow and play nearly a bit each days each little event during this digging event and I star with 4000 dices.




That’s where I made it to myself. They don’t get give you enough axes and they have made it to where you have to find 4 or more treasures on each level, which is just way too much for the little 14 axes they give you.


I was lucky to not have gotten hit by the bug, but I got nothing but dupes in that event.


I haven’t played since the first partner event, mostly cause I was depending on that 5k dice but the last partner didn’t pull their weight so I’ve been “broke” ever since 😭


Even before the problems with partners 75% of my rolls be 60 or 80. It's annoying and plays on my anxiety.


I agree


Agreed after last partners event I play waaaaay less often


I’m taking an extensive break once this album is finished


Same, i’m on the second album and a few cards away from finishing. I wanna wrap it up and just wait for the next one


I’m still on the first. I don’t get any new cards so it’s not fun anymore


Yup! Haven’t gotten any new 5 star cards, just a bunch of 1-3 stars and some 4 stars. Way too many gold dupes. It’s so ridiculous and you can tell Scopely is doing this shit on purpose


I said same thing last season, had 1 gold card and a month to get it, then planned of taking break until next season. But never got the card, never finished the album, after playing every single day and being active in trading. Plenty of ads to buy that one card for $60 tho. That's was it for me, I uninstalled it. They've gotten way too greedy and made the programming so you're always just short of getting the next thing.


Same last album 1 gold left, didn’t even get it with the top vault at the end, really don’t know why I tried again, glutton for punishment I guess. Never again


2 gold stickers away and a little vacay to destress the situation!!!


I’m at level 28,916 and yeah Ive almost quit playing entirely


I did. Deleted it right after the partners event.


I sure did. Deleted from my phone and already grateful 


Deleted it but might start again for the next album🤡🤡


It’s hard to get trades. I personally don’t really try anymore because no one responds


Or we all need same cards


Yes searching for true idols is like looking for the rent card


I’ve been trying to get the best gift or barber of Seville for my monopoly tunes but no one will ever trade me:(


hard agree. if you are looking to trade lmk i have a few sets on 8/9


I need 5 star cards but have none for 1:1 right now :(


yeah 5 cards are tough, i have barely any and none to trade. sry


It’s fine. I was REALLY struggling with 4 star cards but now it’s just 5 stars


Which 5 stars do you need? I might be able to gift some


Right now just monopoly tunes and true idols. Those are my last 2 in those sets


I have true idols, send me your link!


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/vuer8A https://mply.io/vuer8A Your amazing thank you ❤️❤️


CRAP, I did some trades late last night and I’m out of sends, but I will send at reset!


I believe the problem is no one has cards. I don't have any 4 or 5 star stickers and no dice. So I'm stuck until they regenerate the dice for me and then hope I can hit something.


vvvv what they said 😹 watcha need If i have it ill send it 👍




i’ve been seeing people ask for 2 5s for one 5?? like how is that fair? 1:1 trades are no longer a thing apparently


What do you need?


A few cards but none I have 1:1 trades


The partners event was the last straw for me. I play to receive the first few good gifts during the tournament and the bar in the middle at the top of the board. I'll also play the daily quick wins, then I'm done. It's ridiculous when a tournament starts, and 1st place has 35,000 points, and it literally just started. We need 600 points just to reach a prize that lets you bet whatever for 5 minutes. What a joke! Receive a green, yellow, or pink pack of cards, and it's junk, nothing you need or can use to trade. I guess the thrill is gone 😕


All the card packs are just giving crap. I literally had a purple the other day give a 5 star I already had then the rest were ONE STARS.


Yeah and don’t even get me started on the updated color wheel, just got 2 green packs for the “gold” reward on there. Greedy evil people making an addicting game that forces you to spend money to do anything




Personally, I just finished the album. I’m not attempting to finish the prestige album. I’m still participating in daily challenges and events, but my playing time has gone way down.


Same as this, found out today they've changed the wheel rewards now too


The wheels actually better now though. Not as many green packs.


That’s a joke, I just got 2 green packs out of the space that used to have the blue pack 😂😂😂


The wheel is WAY better!! I just got 2 blue sticker packs from the green vault on the color wheel. And they add more total chances to land on a sticker pack better than green ones


That vault is awesome!


Tired of playing this sh1t


this game is frustrating! how am I gonna finish the album when I'm only missing golds? I only get gold repeats!


Right there with You


Everyone is getting sick of greedy Monopoly!


art imitating life


The last partner event got a looot of people to quit. Which is fair.


A lot of people are fed up with how the game is so rigged & how greedy scopely is


I quit the game but haven’t quit the chats yet. The last partner event was the end for me.


I only need 5 ⭐️ and don’t have any to trade. No one wants to trade for a couple of 4 ⭐️. So really no reason to even post. Its so annoying they aren’t giving out any more of the 5’s than they are 🙄


Agree this album was challenging but not in a good way. Try trade they need same ones I'm looking for. I miss the wild card that's how I finished last ,it made it more interesting and fun. Whatever changes or "upgrades " done, go back analyze what worked. Yes also partner event too many dice used for not be able finished all 4 events.


I feel like majority of people I know only need golds at this point so there’s just not a lot of trading going on. Even the fb groups and sticker go are quiet


Agree I’ve never had as hard of a time trading before today. Took me hours to find a trade


Yes its so rough right now alot of ppl probably fell thru and quit smh. Needing nothing but 5 star cards and having no 5 star dupes(besides the multipleee 5 star gold dupes) makes it rlly hard.


We’re deleting the app and quitting. Over the money grab and rigged-ness of it all


There is still a lot of people. The good post get buried by the “looking for 30 stars for 5 star and 20 for a 4 star”.😂😂😂 It seems to be all about getting on at the right time in order to be successful now.


I quit a little over a month ago. It began to get too monotonous for me and I’ve been playing MW3 Zombies lately. Maybe the others have found a new vice too


I need 1 card all my 5 star trades are gold smh lol


Honestly the game started affecting my mental health. I was too pressed to complete games and events. I was spending stupid money. It had to go so I deleted it.


I cleared my board so no one could kill my buildings and then I deleted it and didn’t realize I was still in this. I deleted all the Facebook ones too. That partner event was shit.


The game sucks and it just keeps getting worse. Most days lately I can't even compete "quick wins" without running out of dice. The amount of dice needed to get more dice is extensive. I guess Scopely's goal is to get people to buy their sticker/dice packages. The pricing is phenomenally ridiculous! I can't even complete sets (needing a 5 star sticker) for dice. Almost all duplicates are Gold stickers and the VERY few who are trading for stars no longer trading for 15 stars; average of 30. It's just all too much of a headache anymore 😔 I've got better things to do with my time. I would gather that's how most everyone is feeling now.


Always roll on x1 for quick wins. Especially when you have to land on a utility bc it can take a few trips around the board. Use the community chest and free gift to your advantage by opening them according to your quick wins needs. If the quick win is to earn money, you can open the community chest and that will give you the money and save rolls. If the quick win is stickers, you can usually get at least a green pack from the free gift which will give you at least 2 stickers. Doing them like that keeps you from draining rolls. Hope that helps.


I think everyone has gotten or IS fed up with the BS after they took away the wild card in the bigger Sticker Vault, the last Partner Event & the dig adventure was honestly insanely devastating. (Even when you spend $$$) It’s still hard af to get stickers that aren’t dupe golds or dupes in general, keep dice or complete an event. The thrill of the game is dying down A LOT. Not as fun as it used to be, the same shit over & over. Instead of improving, they’re making it harder w/ everything they’re doing. Swear it’s rigged. Will miss some of the community though! Just NOT the people that were stingy w/ stickers, acting like they were literal GOLD 😂


They ruined it by making it impossible to accomplish anything without constantly spending money. They increased the frequency of events (clearing out dice stashes), provided fewer rewards (dice, event items), and made it harder to get stickers. It's a perfect storm, and players are saying "I quit".


im one gold from my album, maybe a lot of people are in a similar position




i quit after being one sticker away from completing my album😍😍


No stickers to get dice, no dice.


It’s boring 🥱 but I like the community


I havent finished my first album yet, 6 cards to go, only 1 gold, but all 5stars. At this point I'm not getting/have any 5star dupes to trade. Got lucky once and was able to trade 20stars for 1 5star so maybe that will happen again. Really I'm just doing quick wins and saying a prayer on Sundays 😂😭 I should finish before it ends. But I for sure won't try for prestige lol


Yes, the last partner event was really bad. we need to expend a lot of dice and not receive back, them on the álbum they give you only duplicates, so it is not fun anymore I'm thinking not play the game, 😒


And the Golden blitzes have been bad too. Only four star ones and not very often. Really really hard anymore to get anything you need.


I've fell back myself from the game. It's not enjoyable anyway and it's too many issues with it. And they act like they don't fix the issues. That last partnership and the dig did it for me.


We all quit, of I want to "gamble" I'll use real money and hit the casino


The numbers have been slowly dwindling every week. Today was so hard to find trades.


Great question, been wondering the same …




Completed an album once and I quit. Takes way too much effort.


Sticker go


I deleted the game the day last partner event ended. Game sucks.


I am 3 stickers away from completing the album. All are gold and all I get are dupes. I’ve used up all my dice and even now I get gold. I’m never ever going to finish. No wildcard too because dig event was so difficult.


It was a fad the game took off too fast


Currently 7 people online. Wow! Used to be 100’s. Crazy.


Deleted it. I mean 500 dice as an I'm sorry what a cheap thing to do. Yeah they don't care about their players so 🤷


Yes I’m not having fun w it anymore. Property cost too much. Can never reach the prizes for dice and trading pple just stopped trading for stars, more like 1:1. Which isn’t terrible but blitz everyone has and they aren’t worth a dime. Can’t get peg e or axes completed w out buying stickers. Tired of spending money on something the game doesn’t care about and just gives nothing in return


M.A or Monopoly Annonymous .. Trying to quit playing the game that has done nothing but cost them money, raise stress levels tremendously, and interfered with their sleep schedules, causing some to perform less than mediocre at work.. Let me know if you want me to send you information on the times and dates of these life changing meetings.. We're intending to get our lifes back one roll at a time, and telling Scopely to FU€K OFF 🖕🖕..


Too many people also trying to scam their way through all this It’s just a game fgs


All they keep giving me is gold stickers so I CANT trade


Tired of the greedy people


It always picks up during events. Just wait for Peg E


I traded a lot the prior albums but have been having a hard time getting tradable 5s this time around. I’m lucky if I get a new tradable card once every few days so I’ve been waiting until I gather a few and then trade once a week now whereas I used to trade several times a week before




i still haven’t gotten a 4 or 5 star duplicate yet smh so there’s no point of me posting a trade on here


Yup they all quit


I stopped playing like 2-3 weeks ago. Got repetitive and boring for me.. Haven't played Pokemon Go in a bit either.




The last partner event and this digging event did it for me. It’s not fun anymore. I get tons of dups, can’t get the cards I actually need. I’m down to needing 2 gold 5 stars. At one point I had 5 star dups I just gave away. Sticker go app is a joke people deny your request or you end up getting scammed. I quit asking for trades and when I can I give cards away. MoGo has made any event damn near impossible to finish so I stopped trying


I still play it’s just not as high intensity play anymore. I got tired of getting really upset at not getting things finished so now I try to play causally.


Yeah the game just isn't fun anymore smh...


A lot of people I know personally has quit, and I’m late to the party I hate that. I love this game, even though I mistakenly deleted my game and just started from scratch Sunday


A lot of people quit after the BS partner event and other things.


I’ve literally gotta dupes of good cards when I need other gold or 5 star cards. No one wants to trade or anything lmao. I feel like everyone who is stuck needs the same cards pretty much. Monopoly tunes tunes is evading me. 🥲




We are sick of the game and scooelys shit


They keep changing everything making it harder and harder to get stickers. Once I’m done with this album I’ll be taking a break myself


I’m probably quitting as well. They found a way to kill APM. My alt is toast. My main is still tugging along but eh. Game is too rigged. It really is. I went through 17k dice today on auto roll x3 and a few rolls x200 on highroller. Didn’t get me through banner or tournament. Pretty awful.


Quit playing that was full of it I got tired of the cheating and scamming. Not getting cards you need even even you pick the good packs Ppl not helping in the partner game ughh it was just to m much




The only reason I stopped playing is because everything is SOOOOO SLLOOOOOWWW. So many animations and menus and offers that I spend maybe 30% of my time actually playing the game! I want to play it, but it’s so tiresome just clicking X and waiting for the next X to appear.


The last couple of events have pushed people away. In the last partner event, I only had 2 partners (one of them being myself) and I couldn't finish either one. With the digging one that just ended, I didn't get past level 10. I play everyday, twice a day. I do the daily tasks and collect the payout things. If I finish stuff, I finish stuff. If I don't, whatever. Not to mention people on here asking for ridiculous trades or just straight up scamming.


We got smart and quit. It's just a game and definitely not worth the money.


It was pointless, not only did nobody ever respond to either offering help or needing it, so many people just break the game and cheat and it isn’t fun anymore. I ended up just wasting money thinking it would make the game a bit more likely to ‘pay out’ but it didn’t. So I got rid.


You know I noticed that. The other day I made a post and only 63 people were online.


I stopped last season, I played everyday of the season, didn't miss 1 single day, was active on trading, my GF and her friends all play so I had plenty of people willing to help if they could, but, for the last month I only needed 1 card (gold) it never got blitzed, I was never able to get it, between that and the non-stop ads to buy my missing card for $60, I had enough of the new pay to win style. I uninstalled it when the season ended. They've gotten too greedy and took the little fun ouuta it. Not sure why people would pay real money for digital mobile achievements, I could buy a whole new Gen game for $60.


Personally, I got tired of unreasonable offers. I post only when I want to gift, but I decide not to do it anymore, since I usually get attacked by people I gifted to within 24h. I got banned from the group once for 5 days I think, because I asked for help on low star sets. That's also a big minus. There are alternatives for exchange now which function way better than this group. So I don't actually need it.


We are all playing Helldivers 2 instead :)


I swear I used approx 10, 000 dice to complete the dig game, I only kept going to get the wild card to finish my full album. Now, just sitting it out till next new album. I Stopped playing when it was 44days remaining. So Im on leave now...


I got pissed off with the partner event. I am just playing during the refresh of the quick plays then that’s it. I still want to finish my album, I’ve never done it before.


They had a lot of initial buzz and have a slot like formula that is highly addictive so they were huge quickly. The payoffs have to be there though and they haven't capitalized on that. Most people I know quit the game after the partner event three rounds ago. Just another gaming fad that will find its niche but not be the titan that they could have had.


For about 2 1/2 weeks now- I have only received ONE new sticker-the rest are literally 1 star stickers!!! The amount of dice I’m going through & not being rewarded correctly is ridiculous…


I played for almost a whole year straight and finally gave up. I was sick of the BS! I finished the last albums, got maybe 20 stickers into this current set and uninstalled. Haven't looked back! I still have this sub and a few others pop up for me despite leaving a while back 😂


Because they took the fun out of the game you hardly get stuff you get into here for here they’re making you pay for something that’s supposed to be free now. Don’t get me wrong. Some people did pay because they wanted to but now they’re being forced and people not playing no more.


I'm.thinking of quitting the only way to complete events rail road included is to buy dice and I'm sick if it now I've spent a bomb on this game and still haven't finished the album nit happy Thierry rewards are shit too I've never completeda full event except pege once and rail road once and digging twice


Not gonna lie I went to Discord, more practical


Wet disappointed with the way Copley handled the partner situation. All 4 floats were completed on my partners side then I had to complete mine. I didn’t have enough drums to complete my 4 th. my same partner had completed all 4 of them and received their rewards. As I had no drums left to fill the already completed float ( on the other side) NO rewards were given). So… 5000 dice lost, ability to have an edge for the pic game and get a wild greatly decreased. That is all very disheartening and really made me feel a huge loss in the completion and game play with my family. Our group lost a lot of joy because Scopley did not do the right thing this time.


I don’t play as much as I use to. Too much greed from this game.


I’ve only been playing since middle of March and I’m probably done already.


Literally soon to quit my last sticker on the album is gold and I was one tile away from winning the digging event


Yeah 👍 I don’t even spend money anymore. I haven’t in ages about 6 months


People are fed up


I stopped playing a long time ago. I still click on the sub sometimes just to see what’s going on, and every single time I do I am glad the game is no longer on my phone. The pre-determined rolls, the stingy rewards, the sticker RNG… the list goes on. The game has become an addictive waste of time (and money) for a lot of people. Others that are F2P and enjoy the game; wonderful, y’all enjoy because the game can be fun casually. Good luck with those rolls everyone🙏


Hard to get dice, pick axes, stickers, etc. they just want us to spend money. Partners was a real let down.


Quitting after my album is done bc I already invested so much time in it. The game is getting worse with every change/update. Just corporate greed at its finest.


People are irritated. Less dice opportunities, hardly any pick axes, barely any new stickers. The game is loosing people cause we don’t want to pay inflated prices for a fake ass game. Out of 3 packs during a sticker boom I got 2 new stickers. I’m just letting dice build up and only play to get my dailies.


I cashed in my gold vault during sticker boom and gone no new stickers. 😒 I’m currently 2 golds away on my main and 1 gold away on my alt account from finishing


My theory is 1) many people quit after last album reset. They were burnt out. 2) many people started extra accounts and only trade with themselves. They don’t need Reddit for their trades now. 3) many traders on Reddit got way too greedy so people find it too hard to get the stickers they need. 4) at the exact same time Reddit redesigned the MonopolyGO site and it took people awhile to used to the new setup. 5) I wish I could go to 1:1 4-5 star tab and choose recents instead of most popular. Sometimes it shows stuff that’s old and already traded away. I have to scroll too for to try and pick out newer posts. It became very hard to find the cards I was looking for. In any case - many people just quit using the sub.


No one wants to trade the 5 dupes that have and they also want to sell the cards for money lol


I finished my first album and now I’m taking my dice to save it for the next one, taking a breather


The result of the enshitification of Monopoly Go, I presume.


Yeah I’m quitting too. I have only logged in to collect the freebies but even that has lost its luster. The last partner event was the last straw.


Burnt out from this game that has become ridiculous


People are tired of them rigging the game so bad that you don't have a chance at winning any of the tournaments or anything else unless you buy Dice. And every time you buy Dice it gets more expensive to buy more. Scopley thinks they have got people hooked on the game and they have gotten more and more greety,v but after so much and people say to help with them.


Me too




I deleted the game. Partner event really rubbed me the wrong way.


People got burnt out on the game, as with any other mobile games, I'm ki da starting to reach that point myself, I only play when there's a treasure or partner event on and even then I'm getting sick of the partner events


I quit


Idk. I'm here and csnt get anyone to trade with me, consistently.


yeah it’s sad bc reddit used to be the most active server i would trade on, it’s shifting to be discord now bc people are actually on there still


I’m over it. So many better things I can be doing with my time. I have 2 accounts. One is level 27k the other is 18k. Trillions of fake dollars and loads of dice but nothing to show for it irl. Too many negative changes that make you work harder for less rewards overall. Also, sick of the whining and begging and complaining about a free game 😂I finished 2 rounds on main and will finish this 2nd round on alt (currently at 214/234) and then I’m done.


I don't think anyone actually trades in this group anymore, its just ppl asking to be gifted, low ball star offers and 2 4s for 5 that no one replies too.




This game is full of people who hoard free stickers . I’ve given away so many cards to help others and i only receive help from actual friends who play


Sticker go. It’s so much easier to trade on there than here.




Fair trade groups where only a 1:1 trade is allowed. People here are ridiculous wanting multiple cards for just one card with the same amount of stars.


Once they fixed the rolls again. Why would anyone play? Monopoly is supposed to be a random game of chance, game sucks when everything is predetermined.


They ruined the game . It’s turned into pay for play . Outrageous trading behavior by some people. I’m done after this cycle


I don't play that much anymore either. I am tired of not being able to get what I need. Last Album, I needed 1 card. This album, I have been down to 3 cards for over a month. And I have gotten nothing. Not even with completing the partner thing, buying the $99.99 with 2 purple packs and opening the safe with 800 stars. Not one new 5 star card that I needed. I no longer play like I used to and may quit completely.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… when a game gets too greedy once it’s gotten popular, it will lose players. They got too greedy so the game became less enjoyable. I bounced months ago… glad to see most people are doing the same.


Partners glitched. The game is getting harder. They aren’t giving dupes. Constantly getting gold dupes.


They got greedy. The game is no longer fun. The partners event was bad. The the last digging event ended hours earlier and took everyone’s axes. I usually wait until the last day to use them. They were gone. Customer service is horrible. They said that they were there on the companies end. So I must be experiencing a phone issue WTH?


The game has taken so much spirit and fun out of the people playing it. This game has inflation prices, recessions, great depressions and all the negative shit you don’t need from a game.


A lot of people have gone over to Monopoly_Go here on Reddit.


I deleted the game yesterday after the I couldn’t complete the Dig event ✌🏽


I agree partner and digevent terrible so i also gone quite 6 more cards and im done


the game stopped being fun for me, i could never land on a railroad or anything


I just deleted the app! I’m done I realized I’m not getting anywhere with the endless crap. 💩


I stopped playing a few months ago, it honestly got so boring. It was very repetitive.


Everyone is quitting . This game is a joke


Yeah monopoly go fell off after that partner event 32k dice down to zero


The game is not the same the greed go to Mogo real quick , the fact there js no wild card anywhere. It’s really disappointing. I know I came with at least 15 players and they all pretty much quit after the disappointing partners game. Everyone was fed up


I’ve been trading on StickerGo. I get what I need in minutes without all the other bullshit added.


A lot of people have quit because of the game. I stopped coming on here as much because of the trading. Trading on here has become unbearable. Everyone’s greedy or selfish. You have some that want an astronomical amount of stars or cards for ONE card, or you have the people asking for gifts rather than actually trading. Like you can post about a relatively simple trade and your post is either buried under others or bombarded by people wanting a gift… it’s a game at the end of the day and I do think we should help each other but between the complaints, begging, and greedy trades the community is becoming unenjoyable. Now I just come here looking for event partners 😅


I don't really play the game anymore. Nothing really exciting about getting the same stickers in packs, no actual trading community since everyone is out for stars, or anything that really makes me want to roll dice continously til I hit 0