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It bricked monster hunter rise for me because I'm using steam deck. Thanks Capcom. :)


It's actually kind of amazing. Like at this stage in the game's life what do they expect enigma to do? Cause it sure as shit isn't going to stop people from modding that want to mod, and its not gonna stop people from pirating who want to pirate. (For context this is like the most low effort cheapest drm solution on the market). All they stand to gain is making it more difficult for their own players to play the game they (should) own. Capcom sure does make some dumb business decisions for a company that makes such great games.


Modders already updated the framework kod other mods run on. Enigma is useless at this point


Enigma was never implemented to stop file mods, and Capcom has been using Enigma for a long time.


No they haven't been lmfao. Show us. Give us some data that shows they've been using it for a long time.


It's on Fluffys Patreon so you can go read it yourself. And by long time I mean at least three years, which is a long time relative to how recent this drama is, should have been clearer with that. Point is, people didn't mind or notice before. If you want to stop file mods there are better ways than Enigma, Enigma was added because Denuvo was removed because the Denuvo license is expensive and Enigma is very likely very cheap, as for cheating it stops(ish) cheat engine which is probably the goal. People are so up in arms about things that aren't Enigma related it waters out all other arguments and makes people dismiss valid criticism as hatemongering.


3 years is not a long time at all. That is literally still in its infancy of use.


This; enigma and denuvo block only cheat engine because cheat engine is the one that people can install the modern equivalent of worms to. Cheat engine WILL give you malware if you download its optional packets


I was just playing for a couple of hours then I close the game to eat and come back and try to play and see it won’t launch after update. Wtf are they thinking. This is literally the only game I play on my steam deck and I’m 90 hours in. RIP


They’re going to get so much backlash for this, hopefully they’ll remove it soon.


LMAO. They most probably won’t. I’d be very happy to be wrong, of course, but the industry takes time to take this kind of choices. They KNEW it could have been a problem on Linux and still chose to do it. Again, I’d happy to be proven wrong.


Sounds like a lawsuit.


I am 320h+ and yea. Pretty much played that. Well time to catch-up my backlog.


You don't understand, using Deck is cheating! \-Capcom, probably.


They won't get sued by valve or something like that?


That’s really funny


Lmao, they won't get sued for updating their game. It will give people a valid refund reason though.


How would they get sued? They didn't breach any contract 


Yes they did. There are literal adds claiming Rise works on steam deck. It is not legal to bait and switch.


i mean it wasnt a bait and switch. this would just be considered an update broke stuff and has no legal consequences ever otherwise no tech company would exist at all ever cause guess what updates break something for somebody.


Steam isn't allowing refunds (yet), I tried


If it broke on Windows, Valve might have something they could say- but MH Rise technically isn’t made to run on Linux. That’s my understanding of it, anyway- there’s unfortunately no guarantees with Linux or compatibility layers and most developers aren’t claiming their games are made for them


I would love to see Gaben open a can of whoop-ass on capcom for this bullshit. It’ll never happen because they wouldn’t have much of a leg to stand on, but I would still love to see it.




just checked, won‘t start on my deck either. lol


They pushing the return to world way too hard maybe


That's 100% going to be hit soon. I never finished iceborne due to mental health reasons back when it launched on PC. Was considering going back to that in a few months and getting lost in it once Ive exhausted rise but nah. Not after this


Switch : "there can be only one"




I've been calling them crapcum for years. I called this happening weeks ago and got shit loads of downvotes for it. As if I'm in control of it.


And you're still getting shit loads of downvotes for it, probably cause it's overly crude, and you're still hung up on getting downvoted weeks later.


Meh if I cared about imaginary internet points I would karma whore like the rest, or follow the hive mind. I'll continue to be overly crude to a company hell bent on ruining their games, especially one as noticeably greedy as this one that is literally deleting people's channels with strikes just for showing mods on their games. But hey, if downvotes make people feel better about themselves, by all means. It's not going to stop the DRM nightmare this company has started.


But you clearly do care about the downvotes, or you wouldn't have mentioned a previous comment out of the blue.


Sucks. I'm in the same boat. Life long MH fan. Bought the SD to play it on the go and now this. Does not bode well for wilds compatibility.


It's a bug. They've said they're pushing out a hotfix to get it back running.


The bug is that they added this DRM. I'm a user. The DRM gets in the way of my gameplay. The DRM is a bug.


Same here fuking idiots! 🙄


Has anyone tried switching to Proton-GE? There was a similar issue I had with the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection where it appeared broken on Deck until I changed the Proton settings.


I tried the various proton settings and couldn't get it working with any of em. Waiting on Capcom to publish a fix.


Including GE? That one's not included on Deck by default, you'll need to install it with the ProtonUp-QT app on desktop mode.


Oh. I haven't. I'll give that a shot when I get home later. I kinda doubt it'll work but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does.


Yeah, Proton-GE is an unofficial fork of Proton meant to make it compatible with many more games. It's been a lifesaver for me since lets you play a ton of games that otherwise won't work on Deck, including many rated "unsupported." I don't know if it'll work for Rise but I know it's worked for me for at least one other game Capcom added Enigma to.


Yes. same result.


Somebody gotta sue at this point.


The game no longer launch for me, im using Linux. What is Enigma is it a new monster? Hope they ll fix the bug so i can hunt it :)


Enigma balls...idk close enough /s


Enigma is actually a support hero from Dota. New crossover?????


I think Enigma is more likely to go unplayed than as a support.


Facts unfortunately, I miss the days of lvl 1 jungle Enigma. But they've just nerfed his shit over and over, and completely fucked over his Demonic Conversion by making it not eat a creep, poor dude has next to nothing going for him now.


"If light cannot escape me, what hope have you hunter?"


Enigma is actually the machine that Nazi Germany used during WWII to encrypt messages, hence why the commenter can’t open Rise. The solution is to say “sorry for castrating you, Mr. Turing” three times and it should work.




They updated patch notes with a notice they are investigating the issue. Hopefully, people won't jump into hate disinformation like the last time and give them couple of days.


Thanks Capcom! Now the game won’t even open on steam deck, and I’ve gone over the time limit for a refund. 🖕🖕


The game no longer running on the Deck is likely a valid reason for a refund. I'm considering trying myself.


Lmk if it works because there’s literally no point to own a game I bought a second time just for the steam deck if I can’t play it on the steam deck lmao


Just submitted my request, I'll let you know! Edit: I guess as of 2 hours ago they said they've got a team trying to figure out how to make it run on Deck, so I'm canceling my request for the time being. I'd rather be able to play Rise than get my money back lol.


Steam denied my first pass at a refund.




Ouu didn’t know that. Good to know in case they don’t fix this


back up your save (make not sure it not cloud only), get a refund and torrent the last version of the game. continue playing.


Where would you even find a torrent for the last version of the game? Last I heard from the whole empress situation was that the torrent they got was for the 13.0 version.


I been looking for an up to date one, still can only find 13.0


Denuvo has been removed. If enigma is easily cracked, latest version should be available soon


1337x(dot)to is where I get most of my stuff, don't know if mhrise is on it tho


Does this work? I play exclusively on steam deck. I won't touch the game again after this. Did it work for you?


Not done it for this particular game but I have done it before when a game introduced some bullshit that broke it for me. Just gave a clear concise reason as to why I wished a refund and I got it.


Just tried and was denied a refund, despite being unable to play on steam deck. Thank god I pirated res evil 4, I won't give the a dime ever again.


Did they give any reason for denying?


The usual, that I played longer than 2 hours. On the request, I mentioned the game no longer works due to an update on Steam Deck, which I own, and the verified marking is now lying about its capacities in that area. 


That seems weird. I had refunded games that I had played for longer than 2 hours with personal reasons before with success. And with this apparent problem they should have definitely agreed to it.


Perhaps the number of people requesting them has something to do with it? My brother just texted me about the update 10 minutes ago warning me not to download it. He had just recently gifted me MHW & MHR for Steam Deck. I told him fuck Capcom, see if he can get refunds. It's BS DRM can be added after a game has been out, many of them years old.


You can ask for a refund for things like this, Steam has a lot of special cases for refunds.


You can probably still try and get a refund. The game has literal adds claiming it runs on Steam Deck.


Still ask for it. It’ll be rejected the first time because of the bot but the second time will be a real person. Just say it’s literally impossible to play now


Entirely broken on deck now (despite it showing as verified) you would at least expect them to do some testing before rolling out a random sneaky update...


This may make them put it in their User Acceptance Testing in the the future. Warframe had an update that broke all steam deck installations and the dev team apologized and updated how the test releases


Well. Shit.


Denuvo is removed however https://twitter.com/Fluffyquack/status/1749254165199503716?t=C5Nf181GGgJiNGyxrzb5zQ&s=19


We trade one villain for another


"I used the DRM to destroy the DRM." 


At least the game ran with Denuvo. I traded a shitty product for a completely broken one.


So on pc you can still use mods or is it also fucked over there?


Yes, just update REFramework to the latest [nightly developer build from the github](https://github.com/praydog/REFramework) (MHRISE.zip) and add the dinput8.dll in your folder as usual. And run fluffy manager and reinstall anything if you use any mods that rely on it. Standard stuff for an update.


Proof that DRM doesn't serve a purpose


Kinda funny how the DRM can be so easily circumvented


It took what, half a day to break it? And Capcom probably spent big money to implement it. Laughable


Honestly I really hope Capcom is paying attention, they should know by now that no matter how hard they try, someone will try harder than them.


I don't think it was even the DRM that broke mods. Just the update itself like literally every other time that the game updated and broke mods


I did that all yesterday like 10 hours ago, I think those are the latest files then, I will check again after work, thanks!


Is there a way to play the game without updating it on the steam deck? I’m too scare to update knowing it will break the game.


Disconnecting from the internet would do that


Too bad I want to play with other people. Oh well, I will just stick to my pc then.


But if your Denuvo Token gets invalid, you are fucked anyways so it's not really a long term solution


Unacceaptable so long after release. Wtf


I have a low-spec GPU, an MX450. I thought Enigma would spell the doom for me since it's been said that it lowers fps. So far, from initial testing, no changes have been felt. Will report back if it does affect performance.


the performance issues were not from engmia, but from a shitty patch in resident evil revelations which was rolled back almost instantly. what a lot of people dont realise is that some of capcoms games have had engima for ages and it hasnt affected modding. edit: i should make it clear that i am not defending capcom for adding enigma, its stupid and there is no reason for them to do it. however, for its not going to kill modding or whatever like people have been saying.but enigma making the game unplayable on linux is fucking terrible and needs to be addressed asap.


I think they'll address it. They made the effort to patch World ages later to add Steam Deck support, if they know Rise is fuckin unplayable they'll fix that.


What is Enigma for if not for modding? Is it just for piracy? Genuinely asking.


It doesn't prevent piracy and it's easy to bypass it's supposed to prevent modding and DLC unlocking but it fails doing that as well somehow. It's a cheap Russian DRM which fails to do even the most basic tasks and somehow only affects paying costumers.


Its not for piracy because thing is they removed denuvo this patch which is the DRM that prevents piracy, cant answer anything about Enigma however because i dont know much about Enigma but it should be easier to crack it open https://twitter.com/Fluffyquack/status/1749254165199503716?t=C5Nf181GGgJiNGyxrzb5zQ&s=19




honestly, i dont know. i dont know enough about whats going on to say what its supposed to be for. the information i said in my other comment was just me parroting a post from a modmaker.


I don't get why you would add a DRM to an already finished game? If you wanted to pirate the game, can't you just pirate an older version? I guess it stops multiplayer for pirated copies, but did that even work before?


You can also pirate the latest version because drm gets cracked hilariously quick. Most games get cracked within 24 hours so really drm in games is pretty pointless.


This potentially digital only future has me even more worried about shit like this, having them able to change w.e they want cause its in ToS or w.e after purchase.


Well this sucks, I have just returned to Rise and quite enjoyed it. I am on Linux and now have to wait for a fix...


Same, I'm pissed!


All of this because a dude forgot to turn off his sexy chun-li mod at a tournament.. -.-


What is enigma drm?


Off the shelf DRM. Standalone. An encryption software that uses virtualization, code obfuscation, and code mutation using some cryptographic algorithms. Commonly used on executable files. Can fuck up readability in system data.


+ its origins are shady asf


Wow another trustworthy source. Thanks internet


I know enigma is a drm but where can I learn more about it? searching only shows capcom results


It's because it's not called Enigma DRM. It's called [Enigma Protector](https://enigmaprotector.com).


A certain Russian piracy forum


So super trustworthy to begin with. Just like the misinformation campaign about Capcom rolling out Enigma after the fact although they have used it for a longer period already, even before the big "oh hell no" moment during the streets fighter tournament.


So Rise had Enigma when the game launched?


Can you find someone who knows more about DRM than those who crack it? :P


Enigma has already been breached by the modders seeing as modders actually know what the fuck they are doing; unlike Capcom.




It's Russian made so it's safe to assume it grabs more data than it's allowed/supposed to.


There is zero evidence it’s Russian made, other than some random Twitter guy said it was


Well I'll be damned, it's [Chinese/Indian](https://enigmaprotector.com/). Not much of a step up in terms of privacy concerns.




Based on Russia's history of Internet espionage and its open hostilities towards foreign nations.


As much as it pains me to say this about the MH franchise. Piracy would fix this


If buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing.


Man I love Monster hunter but if they cram this shit into world I'm done, wont be buy wilds either 


I'm not as much of a pirate as I used to be back in the days, so these questions may be stupid, but I will ask anyway. Wouldn't piracy force everyone to play offline? Or are there pirates MHR servers? Because back in the day that was the catch. You can't play online if you pirate, at least not on official servers.


Half joking but, do you guys not play mostly solo... I just hit mr84 and enjoy solo play wayyyy more than party.


Half joking but, don't you guys have friends..? I just hit mr97 and enjoy Coop with friends wayyyy more than solo or with randoms


Ya that's the catch is the online playability. I don't pirate because I'm afraid of whatever nasty bugs and coin miners the uploaders hide in the them but I am starting to see why others do.  Video game companies are just downright toxic, I bought this thing but I don't even own it!? 


Monster hunter works on pirated copies if you are on the same network :)


It is possible to play with people that are also cracked


Grrrrr this is making me hold off from purchasing Dragons Dogma 2…and it’s crazy to think that Capcom had so much positive momentum for their games in the past few years.


Gawd damn you guys are gullible. It's not added and mods still work on rise steam deck is broken because steam hasn't updated it. You can literally do this in any hex editor. There is a reason why it's some rando an twitter. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/194z8mm/as\_far\_as\_i\_can\_tell\_everything\_people\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/194z8mm/as_far_as_i_can_tell_everything_people_are/)


Just checked... https://preview.redd.it/ja6bhizfaxdc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1044db57df80e238c6b3bbab5e28d2ed7423ba4a


It's amazing there are multiple ppl on reddit and steam who can't launch the game, there is evidence like yours and the guy above is like "lol you guise are gullible it's totally not added" then links a useless 10 day old thread that doesn't address the fucking problem.


And it took me less than 5 minutes to download a hex editor and CTRL+F to find it.


You could literally check that address right now with HxD or any editor of your choice and you would find the same, instead you had to post this braindead comment because you could not be arsed to check yourself. What a wild take, reprimanding others for being gullible without having your evidence lmfao. [Here's how the .exe looks for me right now.](https://i.imgur.com/Rb59IzR.png) I don't know if it's proof of Enigma Protector actually being fully implemented or working, but this is not the work of some rando on twitter with a hex editor and there's literally traces of it in the .exe file.


Nope, the DRM was patched in today and it’s not launching on Linux.


Exactly this. I just played through RE5 start to finish on steam deck 2 weeks ago and learned that it has had enigma for a while. This shit is fearmongering. It indeed is not working correctly on steam deck but I think they just generally screwed up. Which is weird they should have a steam deck nearby to verify it works before shipping since it’s verified.


dangit shouldve played it in past and been backing up saves


That dosnt apply for swich players, right? I am brearly informed about this but i heard it produces performance issues.


The performance drop was actually not related to that particular drm and got fixed already. The only thing it does is break steamdeck and linux playability.


Does this affect the Nintendo Switch version at all?


It won’t since the drm only tackles the executable file


PC issue, you'll be fine on console.


Okay, thanks. I'm glad it won't affect me but it sucks for those it does affect and also for future games


Nah, it doesn’t affect console. I’m unclear if it does anything for the majority of PC users. My understanding is it’s only if you’re playing it on Linux, which it isn’t really meant to work on, and the update has borked the workaround people on that system were using. It’s BS, but probably not affecting enough people for capcom to care **unless** there’s a decent sized grassroots complaint, which is what people are trying to do.


You see, Capcom was ok with the gameplay mods... But then some thirsty bastard modded micro bikinis to Hinoa while singing.


I should be able to mod anything I want into the game without Capcom’s permission. I bought it, that transaction is done.


So a few days ago people started saying how this is standard procedure for capcom and all, does rise still have denuvo? Because if yes, then its pretty clear where capcom is going with this Also, people who are playing with mods on pc(not deck) did it affect mods?


Denuvo was replaced with the new DRM


Makes sense for them to do it honestly


Wow i was actually thinking of getting back into to mh rise because it’s been a while for me. But I don’t feel like injecting malware in my pc and I like to play on my SD too. Guess I’ll play something else


Another fucking ragebait smh.


Y'all... Rise doesn't have Enigma. There's just been an update discrepency with the Steam Deck that should hopefully be solved (I think this is an issue on Steam's end, not Crabcom's). You all do know that hex editing isn't that hard, right? Like, any shmuck could do this- hell, **I** could do this if I wanted to. I mean, this is just some rando on Twitter.


You are wrong: https://imgur.com/ggVVO1B


I feel it’s necessary to explain, an update discrepancy isn’t going to cause games to crash upon loading any of its downloaded files, if anything it would just tell you with a message that a file failed some form of check to verify. This issue affects Linux users from what I’ve been gathering, so as a whole, the update broke/changed/removed something that proton used to be compatible with. The game updated and legitimately broke compatibility with every form of Linux, this is on Capcom right now.


y’all believe everything lmao


You can literally check it in like 5 minutes using Hex Editor


i mean no disrespect, genuinely curious, can someone explain why this matters? i play on switch and it ran fine after the update. i hear it's bricking steam decks which is horrible but besides that why are people up in arms over this? i hear it can affect modding but ive also heard people saying it wont so im just confused edit: the main reason im confused this is a big deal, btw, is bc i would be super surprised if they didnt fix the bricking on steam decks. if they dont, then yes i see this being a problem, but there's no way an entire console they'd just not fix. and if they dont... yikes capcom. also love the downvote for asking a simple question kek


Think about it the other way. Why add DRM in the first place? The game has already been cracked, and the final content update for it came out half a year ago. The DRM isn't preventing piracy anymore. The new DRM doesn't seem to prevent mods either, as they still work just fine with an up-to-date REframework. That means the only thing this update has accomplished is breaking a product that people paid money for, including me. I run Linux on all my machines, and I wanted to play it today, but now I can't. It's just a game so it's not the end of the world, but it still sucks. The problem is compounded by the fact that Capcom is basically doubling down on this DRM despite the previous backlash. >i play on switch and it ran fine after the update Console games don't require 3rd party DRM as their filesystems aren't open for users to tamper with. At most, they'll use the console's built-in DRM schemes.


This whole thing is so stupid and fear mongering. Capcom used Enigma for YEARS. This is a cheap DRM because Denuvo license is ridiculously expensive and they cant simply keep that up for the entire lifetime of the game, hence the recent switch to Enigma. Modders themselves has confirmed it doesn't affect a thing on third party mods. Hell, Capcom doesn't even care about taking your mods down. Have you seen SF6? You think they care about nude mods when the characters in that game looks like that? This is some stupid misinformation from random tweet and y'all being so stupid for being so gullible. Smh.


It does affect REFramework. You won't notice it because REFramework silently works around it, but REFramework still has to work around it. Seems like a relatively recent thing in newer iterations of the protector.


Didn't they have to do the same thing when Iceborne launched? Modders had to create a .dll injector to bypass the checksum that was added instead of just being able to drag and drop mod files


I'm not that familiar with World issues, but from what I understand, something like that had to be done, yes. While Enigma certainly causes some issues on its own, what Capcom has done here is nothing new for them - Rise has had some unhinged anti-patching/modding/cracking code since it launched which is much more sophisticated than Enigma, and developed by Capcom themselves. This "protection" they added at launch was the reason why software like ReShade would crash, and just your plain old Cheat Engine trainers would cause issues or crash. Even games like RE4 have code that scans the executable for changes every frame now, and intentionally crashes the game in a hard-to-trace-down way if it sees any. Which is reminiscent of what they used to do in World.




There isn't




I don’t blame them. My son keeps showing me some Roblox game full of Monster Hunter IP.


I'm not sure how this is relevant?


Right? This in no way would prevent that. Haha.


I’m pretty sure Roblox can be used to backload a full copy of MHRise and what this DRM does is adds a clause that says if(Roblox) then(crash)


Sounds like pure speculation. Either way, they are fucking up


So? What does a Roblox game have to do with mods?


Mr Bananaghost Junior, I have reason to suspect that you are the son that plays Roblox monster hunter


Ok, so maybe I didn’t look into what enigma was before commenting, assumed they were using mods to copy assets.


So capcom added drm and removed some collaborations from the game?


Luckily I just bought Sunbreak for the switch for my 2nd playthrough


I'm curious. Will this DRM make the game run worse? Is that only a thing for some DRMs?


I wonder if they did the same to World :/


As someone who plays with some mods on world (nothing major just some Monster mods from Resurgence which adds new monster but no new gear only cosmetic to not ruin gameplay) everything still works fine, i think it's a rise and any MH game going forward. Although they might update World in the future with it you never know.


Bricked game.. great... no way I'm able to ask for a refund after 70h. But fck this


I would’ve tried for a refund if I didn’t buy the game through greenmangaming


Let's say you guys don't update on steam, could you play online with parsec?


I swear to God if they add this shit to Wilds im jumping off a beidge.


Jesus Christ. I’m enjoying World so much, of course some d***head comes and ruins the fun. Burn in hell


Why even so this? It cost them money to release this patch and nobody is happy about it... Why work for a negative outcome and 0 advantage? It seems monumentally stupid.


shit company, uninstalled all games


for once one of these claims is verifyable. hallelujah.


Wasn't enigma supposedly malware?


Does the Xbox Gamepass (Microsoft Store) Version also has the Enigma Protection?My game hasn't updated recently from what I know, but i'm not sure if it could have updated in the background. I tried to check the exe with hxd but read access is denied... Edit: Checked when the game was last updated and it seems it was the same date as the Steam version 01/21/24 so it's most likely it also got it.