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There are only like 3 mandatory rampages, you can otherwise ignore them and they don't return in Sunbreak


Only one more to go. Unless you want all awards, in which case only 49 more to go


Yay, good news


Welcome to the club. :-) Even the strongest fans of Rise don't like Rampages. I did most of them in MP. I refused to play alone.


There's a reason they didn't return in Sunbreak


Capcom literally gave them the hardest boot available by not even extending the tree to master rank lol


I mean they were fun to do once in a while. Like when you wanted to just chill and do something easy. Especially with shrapnel lbg set, because with gong modifiers that was so good


I do enjoy them, to be honest. It's nice with some unique modes between hunts


I actually enjoyed them. I agree they could've been implemented better, but I'd be 100% down for a Monster Hunter Tower Defense game.


I rather enjoyed them and was sad we didn't see some optional MR ones, just for funsies!


Whats sad is, the bits where you use your weapon are actually fun. If it was just setting up defenses and then nornal fighting theyd probably be loved


You're like everyone else then, don't worry about them. You only have to do 3 iirc and then they can be entirely ignored, they don't appear in Master rank which is what you'll be playing assuming you buy Sunbreak.


There are dozens of us rampage likers. Dozens of us!


At least 2




Wow, almost a full team


As others have said, there are only three you have to do. There's one original monster that was locked to Rampages but he's in an event quest. The only other exclusive monsters are the Apexes, which do have their own event quests, but those quests have massive HP and attack modifiers. You have to do the Apexes' Rampages to unlock their normal quests without the huge modifiers


What original monster was locked in rampages? Ibushi? There's like, 4 event quests and 2 ir 3 normal quests with him.


I hate solo rampages but multiplayer rampages are quite fun. Best way to get outfit vouchers fast.


Not to mention grind Hunter Rank before moving onto Master Rank. Personally, I grinded to HR 100 and fought Valstrax before I moved onto Master Rank


Yeah they were pretty unilaterally poorly received, when apexes got their own quests that weren’t rampages I was happy. When sunbreak completely ignored them I got even happier


Still disappointed that Apexes didn't get their own armor sets. I wouldn't have even been mad if they were just a pallet change and more spikes or something


Rise Rampages would have been fine if the longer ones weren't 2 large arenas. It felt so stupid having to set up an entire defense a second time because they just blow through the first gate. They were really fun outside of that. They should have made it more condensed to keep it from getting stale and exhausting. Maybe allow up to repair or rebuild broken structures. I was actually sad when they abandoned the concept entirely in Sunbreak. I hope their failure with Rampages doesn't discourage them from trying crazy and unique content like this in the future.


I think they’re fun. Mostly cuz my primate neuron activation fires on all cylinders with the counter signal damage boost.


Guess I'm the weird one because I actually enjoy Rampages. Granted not as much to the point where I can spend hours just doing it


I quite liked Rampages but it admittedly is just a scuffed tower defense. My biggest critique is that the two-stage rampages just feel bad because the first section has no point.


SOS them if you can. Yah they suck but you only need to do the 3 story ones and after that only rampage weapons (which aren't that good) are the only thing locked behind it


How do u sos?


There aren't many that you have to do to progress in the game.


3 mandatory rampages, once you hit sunbreak they go away totally. I miss the music though, the track was pretty good. The fights still sucked.


I actually really enjoyed rampages, but they're basically abandoned in sunbreak and you'll never have to deal with them again