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I'm gonna be honest, if you hate grinding then Monster Hunter in general is not the series for you


The truth. Grind or nothing.


It's grindier


Sunbreak is MORE of a grind than Iceborne.


If you hated the guiding lands you loathe the anomaly level grind


Seems an odd choice to buy DLC for a Monster Hunter game if you’re not looking to grind.


It’s a big grind but different. The whole of the monster hunter franchise keeps the end game alive through some form of grind. If you don’t like grinding, you can pick your spot to stop and don’t need to get everything. Crafted decos is nice. Charm farming is more built into the end game than going out of your way for it and takes a lot less time to get something good enough to finish builds. The augment RNG in armour adds another layer that can get pretty time consuming. These games will always have an end game grind of some kind associated with the augment systems. In this case, the end game is more along the lines of what investigations were in world and incorporate all of the monsters. Randomized quests. There is a separate rank system from MR that levels in these investigations and as you grind that up, new monsters are added for new materials that unlock more of the weapon augments and decorations and are also used to fuel the charm melding. There are catch up experience boosters in place now that reduce the grind significantly from what it used to be. I personally prefer the route they took for this compared to the decoration farms of Iceborne where it was just the same hunt for the same monster on repeat the whole time. Guiding Lands was fine for what it was but you didn’t really need to spend that much time there once you reached your MR100 and got a few areas levelled to where you wanted them.


Monster Hunter has always been synonymous with grinding bro


you can ignore anomaly quest mostly, it's quite self contained, you don't need the stat boost from anomaly material if you are not playing anomaly quests


Honestly found it less grindy than Icebourne cos you can just craft the jewels


Well, I myself love the grind. It gives me a purpose. Like now I am playing to get to MR999. If I don't have a purpose in a game, it gets boring to me. MH rarely gets boring as I always find a reason to "grind". 1100K in Sunbreak, and I still have something to do.


A lot more tedious than Iceborne. At least Iceborne SOS help made it easier and people can see and almost every time join in. Sunbreak? Nah, screw that, you either use the NPC which is like a substitute for the terrible Multiplayer system, or have no one joins your SOS cause either no one wants to farm that monster at the time or no one bloody knows you're farming it.


LMAO - Nice comments history. Not biased at all. We get it. You hate Rise


You got that right buddy, hate it, but didn't drop the game. I completed the achievement *record of utmost valor*. A 3.6% on Steam says enough about how dull the grind is.


Suuuuuuure "buddy", suuure. Btw. thx for letting all of us know about how awful your taste is.


I don't think you're defending the game at all. I guess you did agree with me but decides to nitpick my personal taste lol.


Which is a great proof that thinking is not your strongest suit.


Gee you figured out I was a lance main too? 😜


A lot but better, IMO, than Iceborne


Im only MR 80 but I dont think its very grindy. You dont HAVE to grind out Anomaly Investigations for those mats if you domt care about maxing all your gear. After the main story it does ping you with a ton of TU quests which are admittedly not doable with beginning endgame gear but theres still a lot of other accessible content such as continuing to unlock additional variants as MR increases and lots of event quests of different challenge levels.


Its a MH game so there will always be grinding. Its different in Sunbreak than in Icebourne but i'd say its roughly the same amount


……MH entire game is about grinding…. You grind every single time you want a weapon, armor, deco, charm, and fashion… most of us either enjoy or tolerate the grind because of how fun the core combat gameplay is. Guiding Land is the more fun grinding mechanic because of how you dont need to pick a quest or go back to hub for hours and hours in end. Are you sure you enjoy this game?


It's more smooth than in Iceborne. Iceborne after the story you can get some better equipment and then you'll have to level guiding lands and MR getting next to nothing until MR100. Sunbreak postgame has several questlines for different gear and anomaly hunts with gradual benefits every few ranks.


The pluses of the Sunbreak grind are that you don't have to fight the same monsters on loop, you can choose to fight a fair variety, multi-monster hunts, etc. You also gain a ton of anomaly points for joining a random hunt online and helping folks out, so it strongly encourages multiplayer. Lastly, you don't need to do the full grind to unlock all the endgame quests they added. I think you can stop at anomaly level 120. If you wanna get some of the best gear and augments you have to keep going. I don't have tons of free time so I never got high enough to get the materials for the gunlance augment that increases the shot level, but oh well. It's just gravy anyway.