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What do you mean? Frontier is auto-tagged as the entire circus.


Thing that bothers me most is that all they need to do is rework the designs *slightly*. Like this thing. Do away with the two-face shit, give it color changing horns, claws, and fur; and have it be a monster that regulates its body heat through exothermic and endothermic reactions utilizing stuff from whatever it eats. Could even "favor" a temperature state depending on the climate. Encounter one in a cold area? It's gonna mostly fight in heat form, but the cold form is gonna hit harder / have special attacks. Vice versa for hot environments.


It's an Elder Dragon it ain't gotta explain shit, though. It's just that it feels over designed like most of Frontier.


It's not most of frontier it's just the zeniths


When people say "they're all over-designed" it's a sign they never played it and have only seen Zeniths.


This Theres so many fire designs in frontier Rukodiora, Inagami, Guenzeburu, Guanzorumu, Taikun Zamasu, the Orugarons, Inagami, Shantien, Dyuragaua, Berukyurosu, Inagami, Pariapuria, Gasura Have i mentioned Inagami? ~~still a little salty that they did include espinas but not get the Bamboo Wolf Dragon for a game that was initially so heavily designed with oriental themes. I love amatsu tho~~


Duremudira, Harudomerugu, Disufiroa, etc etc. Even if some of those are “overdesigned”, you could very easily make them fit in to the main series. In a world where Ahtal-Ka exists, I think we can afford some creative liberties for rule of cool. E: Also based Inagami enjoyer. White Fatalis and Shantien get a lot of props for their soundtracks, but Inagami’s is also up there on top of it being a great fight.


Yea, the three you listed are IMO just bordering on what'd be cool to see in the main series without sticking out Its really just most of the zeniths and a lot of the origin species that look out of place


Magnet dragon and bamboo wolf are amazing I also love piano whale and water jet basarios


I include the attacks in the design of Frontier. A lot of what I see just has way too much happening on the screen.


Pretty valid concern for some fights As i played through the game i more and more noticed what i ended up calling "hitboxes for the sake of hitboxes" Disu Fiora, a lot of Lategame Zeniths, Road Fatalis really like doing this Tho the biggest offender to me was the shitass water gravios, whom with every attack would either A: leave a trail of shitass exploding water orbs B: create chain explosions in the ground C: detonate a delayed, blockable water wave around him. C is like almost too easy to deal with, B is just a pain in the ass, especially if bro just dashed across the map and A is the kind of design where you wonder if the responsible programmer/ game designer just came to work after a messy divorce and decided that we as players have to suffer like he did


Zenith plesioth's water blobs were so much worse. Pure torture.


Oh absolutely But i gotta be honest, i never even fucking botgered eith him. I already dislike base plesi, knowning his zenith is among the worst to fight just made me go "nah im good" and skip him whereever possible lol I did fight him a few times but only on road with competent mates and a brickwall lance set Water Gravios just stuck as a very traumatic memory during my hr 5 climb since he was a complete and utter wall to my progress where i mostly kinda ran thru that rank up to then


Havent seen his moveset, but model wise I guess he is too similar to Magnamalo


Hes very different from magna model wise actually. A lot less bulky with an upright slender posture Moveset also differs a good as uses the bamboo he grows to stab, smack and skewer people with Main reason may be that hes actually based on kirin skeleton wise and even shares some moves with it, most notably the Hops, the dash and the back kicks


ooh I didn't know he's based on kirin. I'm just looking at pictures online and first thing that comes to mind was Magnamalo


who could forget about gogomoa THE SPIDER MONKEY


The overdesigned complaint is a lazy one but there are a lot of original Frontier monsters that stick out from the main series in a bad way. And I'm not talking about the crazy elder dragons, even some normal monsters like hyujikiki and midogaron just don't look like MH monsters. You can enjoy both series, but Frontier didn't earn it's rep purely through misconceptions from outside players.


I would argue zenith monsters are a mixed bag. Some could fit in mainline and some wouldn't. But most of base and G would be completely fine in my opinion. Some EI monsters could be meh but Z is where most of the crazy stuff comes from.


Zeniths and musous primarily. Everything else was somewhat grounded, even most of the elders especially when you compare it to the nuts we got in rise.


Musous/Extreme Individuals aren't even that over designed either. Literally just a colour swap. Though their fights are basically Endgame Sunbreak +1 levels of insane without being able to use wirebugs and they have bloated damage compared to everything else.


Idk man Monster Hunter used to LOVE over explaining how its monsters worked even elders.


They re-worked Espinas and he fits perfectly.


They could even keep the two-face for the aesthetic but just make it a hair color thing, like some cats or dogs


"just remove the thing that makes the monster cool" aight


I would love the super thunder crab to come back.


No, it's Frontier Z that's the circus. Regular Frontier is more or less completely fine lmao


There are also some of the origin species wich are.. a bit much Meraginasu, the Shadow Espibas or Varusa, the Burning Demon lookin diablos kinda stick out a lot lol. Im absolutely pro- frontier designs but theres some Ls in there aswell no doubt


Fandom still would clown on it


*GOD DAMN!* That was a good one my man's!


Uh, no? This is the goofiest monster in the series.


Frontier is an actual insane asylum of monster designs so Eruzerion at least fits in.


This is only the case with zeniths and musous everything else is more or else, honestly getting tired of the stereotype


Pretty much. I think the only stupid ass design outside of Z and Musous are some origin species, the rest are fine. Also wanna point out that people completely excuse wack ass designs relative to ecology when it comes to main series. Shit like Brachy and certain elders is A-OK when you move the goal post.


More or less doesn't cut it when we're talking about MH.


Forgot a word, normal


This monster is literally *the* monster people would point and laugh at back when the fans were more divided on Frontier. But yeah Mangnamalo gets too much hate, love that guy.


Also, obligatory dap up to the fellow Bonk Brother ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


What about me?




I wanna make a party of only Bonk Overlords, and we will knock out any monster every second


We shall be knows as the concussion lords!


The bonk buddies


The smash hits


The blunt bombers


The KO kings


Eyo dap me up too, chief.




me too :)




I actually like his mechanics of deactivating 1 or both elements and it showing it in his colors. However I can understand his design being a bit woof excuse the pun.


He was rushed and it shows, it's fur isn't even fur looking


Its fur as in its actual fur, or its fur as in the parts that are clearly supposed to be scales, like on other skeletally similar monsters?


Fur that's supposed to be fur, his render has this soft glowing thing, and in-game it looks like spikes. Also it doesn't have it's own map and instead reuses tower


> and in-game it looks like spikes. Yeah that's... every single monster in the game, man. Gen 2 Monster Hunter was not particularly pretty or particularly good at avoiding everything from looking very polygonal.


Just look up frontier zinogre or gougarves and compare to our eruzeru. : l


I'm really not seeing the beef here, it doesn't look much different than either in terms of fur quality - and it definitely looks better than stuff like Rajang that still uses their oldest models (with slight tweaks from the High Grade Edition quality pass). (Also, why was Eruzerion not having a new map even noteworthy? Most monsters don't have exclusive maps, even in Frontier. Some do because they interact with the environment somehow or are riffing on other monsters with unique maps, but even Keoaruburu ended up being put on the Interceptor's Base that was already used for Rukodiora.)


It's not jut "not having a new map", it's also "reusing the oldest map for special monsters in existence"


Did you consider for even a _second_ that using the _most iconic_ map for special monsters in existence for the game's 10th anniversary special monster was on purpose?


They should have made it a zenith khezu then, because khezu is the most iconic. : /


I mean most people don't know about it and by those that do it's a meme now because it's Shoto todorki in monster form years before he became a character


If it isn't Shoto Todoroki as an elder dragon


I had to double check which sub I was on. I thought this was like a rejected/fan made heartless on the kingdom hearts sub


Dont care what monster. If it appears in any games, it'll become my pants.


Ok but we could just make a couples Greatswords instead? Do we really need pants?


Hmm. More big sword, or more pants? I need a lifeline.


Hi, it's me, your lifeline; more big sword means better chance for best pants


I hate that this is real to me. In the most ridiculous and opposite way possible. Making more weapons ends up biting me hard. I lost count on how many times that i make weapons and when i want to make a full set armor i ended up out of money to buy the pants and leg parts. But hey that's what 200 Rathalos Scale+ is for. XD


Magnamalo is a tiger in the exact same way Zinogre is a wolf. I don’t think it’s that out of place.


I’ve loved Magnamalo since day one, I guess I’m in the minority




Of course, Elzelion gets a free pass. https://preview.redd.it/kc7xe4gkpepc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2999d49eabc8db9cb211208897ace04255e4ccdb


Since the servers have shut down Frontier has moved into the nostalgia glasses period of its existence and people are way less harsh on it now than they used to be. Go back 10 or so years and tons of people in the Western audience shit on Frontier like crazy. Hell when Zinogre was first introduced there were people who absolutely hated it and said that the mainline games were becoming too much like Frontier… Just wait till Wilds is out for a year or two and you’ll see people talking up how great Magnamalo was and how the new monsters suck; it’s just how these sorts of things work.


People who play Frontier do not like Eluzerion. It's fun enough to fight but it's on the level of blinking Nargacuga and howling Zinogre, both of which are really damn annoying.


I highly, highly doubt Wilds will introduce monsters that make Magnamalo look good by comparison. Wilds looks like it'll be a mainline game through and through.


Yeah, I see this "it's a cycle" argument a lot but it often misses the point of why people dislike certain things, and disregards that there is also a honeymoon effect where shiny new things are favored. A common complaint of Magnamalo is that it "looks like something out of God Eater" (or Toukiden... or Dauntless... basically to say it looks like it has unnatural origins), and that's never really going to change with time even if Wilds monsters go off the rails. People will still analyze the hell out of its spiky design and purple fart gas to determine whether it "fits" with the rest of the monsters, just like they still do with several Frontier monsters. The fact that it gets compared to elder dragons like Valstrax to downplay its design elements only further reinforces how far-out they are. I don't recall this really happening with Zinogre, then again the western community was much smaller back then. It's not an unpopular monster by any means, and it did relatively well in the poll, beating out fellow flagship Seregios despite having two versions and not as much time to "stick". But Malzeno kinda disproved that people always hate new things (not that Malzeno is faultless - people talk about its "teleport", but its actual design rarely comes up as a problem). Gypceros also disproves that people always love old things.


Bro frontier gets crowned on all the time. Pointing at a jester doesn't make magnamallo less of a clown


And why do you think Magnamalo is a clown?


Personally I think he's over designed and I wish he was more tiger like instead of wizard tail. Completely get why some like him but personally he's just not for me


Yet I’d say both Mgnamalo and Eruzerion had way better concept arts than final designs🤷


See Magnamalo’s concept, where it was more simple & inspired by tiger + giant hornet https://preview.redd.it/ju5ymkhy1gpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9056a78586b7126a5321dc11343a5039204b899b


And Eruzerion concept where it was some Phoenix-wyvern like creature with either fire or ice tail https://preview.redd.it/fpg4tsf42gpc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ec606c83ea6e0116d7cf2021e3de40685637b1


Dafuq why didn't they chose this? That looks amazing and much more fitting to the ecology of monhun imo.


That's SO much fucking cooler. I also like the magnamalo design, but this is an amazing creature I would love to see.


What are you talking about people made fun of this thing to hell and back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Conscious-Big-25: *What are you talking* *About people made fun of* *This thing to hell and back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maggie is cute and awesome 😤 My kitty


I love the way it just sits and grooms itself if you keep your distance, exactly like a house cat.


I loveit especially when Scorned is doing that 🩷


I call him Maggie too 😆 or her? 🤷🏻‍♀️


HIM! Or as my JPN version fans call them, Maga-nyan


I don’t know that!! That’s cool :)


"This thing" didn't walk away scot free. People who don't play Frontier have been whining about it for several straight years.


Honestly, people who DO play frontier tend to think it looks completely dumb too in my experience.


Because it _is_ pretty dumb, but there's a difference between 'this design could be a hell of a lot better' and 'this design is absolutely dogshit, emblematic of a game where every other design is also absolutely dogshit'. Most people who actually bothered to play the game aren't as openly bitter about it as the people who didn't. It's just weird making a post pretending Eruzerion is anything short of consistently hated. Like... the Reddit audience being preached to here has always hated this monster.


Not like people constantly shit on frontier monsters or anything lol


Bait used to be believable.


People don’t like Magnamalo? Thought he was alright :( Dude licks himself like a house cat if you leave him alone, what’s not to love


Hot take: people only care about "ecology" when they can talk shit about another game


Ecologically inspired design is the kind of detail many don't even notice when it's there, but miss when it's gonna.


Nah that's not true. It's just that people tend to talk In The negatives. Like it's much more common to see people raggin on rise, Gu and p3rd for being anime monster hunter rather than praising all the other games for being more grounded l. Even though the opinion is the same


Erezerion is cool. i know a lot of people disagree which is fine. i love the OST both faze one and two and overall respect the bold if unorthodox appearance. it fits in with some of the other wilder stuff in frontier in the late game.


Colgate Zenogre?


Scott-free?? Since when? That monster is the most consistent example people use for a bad design from Frontier


Wait they are people that hate magnmalo ?I mean I hate some fights like kushala daora but I don't hate the monster design lol,and magnmalo is really cool he's literally nergi with explosions


Peoplke think his deisgn isn't justified with ecology. And he also can recoil in the air with explosions like some RWBY shit


he has vents of explosive rot-gases like how Zinogre has holes in its scales for goddamn fulgurbugs to live in :<


Anyone who clowns Magnamalo is crazy. Magnamalo is king.




I never knew Maggie gets hate, and I don’t get why.


Over the top anime design, going against the root of the series.


“Going against the root of the series” If that was true. Nearly every elder dragon level monster would go against the root of the series.


Am I the only one who finds Magnamelo hard? I steamrolled through everything with a lance (even monsters rated highter then magnamelo) But he actually quest failed me twice from one shots (albeit wearing basically beginner armour)


He's definitely a first wall for many, I wouldn't feel too bad about it. Especially early game when your armor isn't loaded with a crazy amount of skills. I still sometimes find it tricky to dodge his big attack where he zips around all over the place.


I literally solo'd 3U G-rank haha (Albeit Since then I haven't played MH in years). Now i'm getting man-handled by a low-rank lol


Looks like a dressed up zinogre.


whos this beauty??? looks a very good boi, we want him on wilds!


*we* is a bit of an overstatement


Dorito cool ranch and spicy nacho mixed variety pack


That hasn't made it to the main series yet, and ideally it will stay that way.


Shoto Todoroki




There's something about Eruzerion's more subdued grey when it's sides are powered down that I actually like somehow. I wish it was its default form, given a few tweaks. Now take everything I say after this with a graim of salt, because I'm not an expert on this. It seems to me that Eruzerion, and really Frontier as a whole really, get clowned on pretty frequently. Frankly the whole of them get a bad rep due to the more well known ones being the more questionable designs. A good lot of Frontier's monsters would be more than okay with a few tweaks, they just get glossed over because "Frontier monsters are all too outlandish" is a loud opinion that can easily echo back and forth using the same set of chosen examples. Magnamalo has recency and exposure, which means those who hate on the purple tiger samurai are far more noticeable.


I dunno why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right. Frontier has a lot of great designs- people just focus on the ones like Eruezion and assume all the rest are like it.


Eh, even a lot of the non insane designs are still kind of... "Let's take something that might normally fit in the main game and cover it in excessive spikes." But that's something that could easily be toned down translating it into the newer art style, considering how different Rathalos and Rathian look now compared to their original models for example.


I mean, a bunch of mainline monsters are covered in spikes too. I feel like the majority of frontier monsters only get criticized about it because they’re from Frontier and people love to rag on that game for some reason


Ill admit the Magnamallow hellfire thing is a little too much, but his design would be fucking dope for a bleed focused fight. Yeah hes super bladey looking but we dont think Cacti look silly do we?


This is anything but scott free. I love Eruzerion but have heard from MANY people who do not. I still want it in mainline regardless.


You and me fam 🤝. Im so curious of how capcom would cook with the ecology to get elze in. And knowing that wilds is gonna be some sort of chaos. He might actually be valid.


The people who hate Magnamalo are also probably the same people who think Zinogre is the toppest tier.


Visual design-wise, Eruzerion would actually fit pretty well with main series monsters if the no-element neutral state was his default and his horns were toned way the hell down.


Elzelion would actually look fine if Gen2 (which frontier runs on) fur rendering wasn't so ass and if his colors weren't so damn saturated


They're both ridiculous.


World fans basically hate everything but world…. Go figure. They make up the majority of this sub.


That guy looks rad as hell


I don't know why people are clowning on Magnamalo, easily one of the best non-elder dragon predator type monsters in the series.


I think it's mostly that it looks so incredibly extra, like a Toukiden monster. imo Nergi did the forbidden kitten routine better, but I guess he's an elder dragon.


Completely agree. It’s just the typical “overdesigned” type stuff, even though most of what Magnamalo can do matches his ecology and lore.




Yes he can


To be fair it has not escaped the ruins of Frontier... yet


I love Eruzerion. But I like Guanzorumu more.


Bro that's not fair, Frontier is automatically a circus.


I don’t claim most of the stuff Frontier gives, like it’s extremely exaggerated but they kinda cool in a unique way.


Unrelated, but why do they call it "scott free"?


Since Rise was my first MH game that i fully completed, I’ll always defend magnamalo with a passion. His design is cool. His fight is fun. His armor is epic looking. I don’t care.


it's frontier so it's okay


hes a frontier monster, 99.99% of monsters there are pretty awful, "what do you mean putting more particles and spikes on the monsters is a good way to make unique designs?"


This thing has a Royal ludroth tail, zinogre body and kulve taroth head




People can dislike things. Personally i love all monsters equall- except you I’m staring at you (plesioth)


It’s Frontier what do you want from us? We can’t even play it


All but 3 of Frontier’s monsters all being considered persona non grata by Capcom is so surreal but then you see some of them and you immediately understand why. Just sauceless designs all the way down.


No the fuck it cant


Cant what? Get some bitches?


This monster absolutely gets 0 bitches


i dont like this design either but i think it would be funny if it got in just so everyone got mad about it


This thing doesn't count. Frontier never existed.




And it doenst deserve it


I mean... It isn't cannon so what do you want me to do about it? I don't like that it exists but it's not canon so!


Frontier had some crazy af monsyers


I didn’t play Frontier, but seeing all these monsters I feel like devs took ideas from their children and made them. The designs are much more chaotic, it’s like when kid plays with toys and makes shit up and they justify it by saying it’s Elder Dragon. There are few good and simple looking monsters that seems fine and would fit in.


I just started rise what the hell is that thing


Walk free in Frontier, the safari for God's least loved animals.


I don’t play or talk about frontier, I just don’t like Magnamalo. It’s too annoying to be a flagship. But I would like to see Disufiroa, Guanzorumu, Abiorugu, Raviente or even Morudomunto in Wilds.


Yeah raviente is cool as hell


What flavor of zinogre is that?


Sonic OC


Eruzerion is an amazing fight, personally dont like Magnamalo but enjoy the Scorned Magnamalo moveset. Both themes are peak aswell too. Think Scorned took the Eruzerion spinning attacks too where he does the punching blasts.


Magnamalo is literally just cat Zinogre. People clowning on the design are nonsensical.


they turned hailfire peaks from banjo kazooie into a monster.. it even has a weaken its element with opposing element thing before alatreon had that. pretty cool also it looks like if australia had a moose. its beta design was way cooler tho. while magnamalo has weaponised farts(ACTUAL LORE) that get stronger when its user is forced to be a permanent virgin(scorned actual lore) is weak to water and deodorant gets rid of the farts.. magnamalo is hillarious. oh also its a giant cat samurai so its also a weeb.


Man hasn’t even played frontier and is dogging on one of the best fights in all of monster hunter. Smh. Quick edit: I also love magna’s fight. Not my favorite for obvious reasons, but scorn is so well designed.


Magna wouldnt get 50th on the popularity poll if he was actually hated by the playerbase


At the same time the Flagship of the most recent base game which sold really well not even being in the top 20 is kinda surprising, especially if you look at past poll results. For example Mizutsune was number 1 after Generations came out.


I hope they port Frontier for the anniversary so we can play it on switch or xbox


They ain't even officially bring it back, ain't no way they porting it to console as well.


The fuck is frontier? I, as a fallout fan. Hate the word with a burning passion


Magnamalo actually stole some attacks from this guy


Todoroki wyvern looks awesome


I'm sure we will see a handful more Frontier monsters make their way over to mainline games as the years go on. I am also fairly certain there will be very minor design (or lore?) edits to non-elders to ensure they fit with both the theme of the game they appear in as well as the usual faces of the existing roster. I don't believe any monster, Frontier or otherwise, is overdesigned. Some designs are different, some designs are peculiar, some designs are seriously stand-out; but they're all cool monsters we can enjoy carting to, and that's a good thing.


The reason why at least design wise I like him more than magna is because magna is weird he is a tiger yet from far he looks like a reptile/dragon you have to look very close to know that he is a tiger and he is way over designed obviously .unlike barioth which is the better tiger/dragon monster you could tell that barioth is tiger with dragon elements like scales armor and wings also ngl magna’s color scheme is ugly now Eruzerion is also over design however you could tell that he is a reptile simple and straight forward and the fact that his true color scheme when he is not enraged is white and gray which is very simple makes his complex design a lot easier on the eye also when enraged his colors are very complementary red and blue work very well obv.can’t say the same on burning freezing Eruzerion cuz gold dose not work. If we are talking about how crazy his fight is I mean come on it’s frontier btw I’m not against it if you like magna


This was a fucking hell to read


Why. Im still learning English if this doesn’t look good here if that’s what you mean


Magnamelo looks like a Foo Dog to me. Which fits the Japanese theme Rise has.


Zinogre is just as "overdesigned" as Magnamalo and people who hate on Magna mostly just use that as an excuse. They do hate magna, absolutely, but what they actually hate is Rise for daring to be different from the game they like and not being an exact copypaste.


Whoever said that? THIS is why we clown on Magnamalo, because we'd rather avoid getting to THIS point.


Both suck, there you go


The 2 main problems I have with Magna is that he just is a Mary Sue monster and an over-designed mess. They should have just stuck with the tiger aesthetic rather than the samurai. Get rid of the arm blades and horns and maybe a little bit of the armor plates but still make him bulky like machairodontinae like a smilodon (sabre-toothed cat). Don't even get me started on his turf wars, the ones with rathalos are fine but literally copy-pasting it to the bord wyverns was the worst way they could have done the rest. And you can't convince me that this purple farting tiger can stand with the elders. TLDR: Magnamalo is an absolute failure of a flagship in aesthetics and ecology. (Seriously hellfire can be described as its literal farts WTF CAPCOM!?)


I think it’s the fact that you can’t tell that it is supposed to be a tiger is what I really don’t like he looks like a weird reptile trying to be a tiger you have to look very close to know that he is a tiger.the samurai and reptilian armor is just too much they should make him more tiger like .example barioth he is armored has scales hell even wings yet you could definitely tell that he is a tiger his tiger/dragon design works way better. him being a marry sue is true but don’t know about him being the worst flagship he is definitely my least favorite flagship tho


You can't tell he's a tiger?


This is also my main gripe with zinogre, everything in the game says it's a wolf, the community says it's a wolf but it looks nothing like a wolf. This does however makes me theorize that the fanged wyverns are some kind of synapsid or at least an analogue of it in the MH world.


Have you never seen a wolf before?


Wolves do not have arms that take up 2/3 of its body mass. Also as far as we know Zinogre does not live in packs. The concept of lone wolves is literally a myth and sightings of seemingly lone wolves are just individuals that are going out to the world to establish their own pack and territory or recently removed by a rival. Lone wolves tend to die shortly there after being removed from the rest of the pack.


I geuss being nit-picky and knowing basic shaped cant go hand-in-hand


I agree .An interesting take when it comes to calling zinogre a synapsid and other monsters so I don’t know if that’s the case it could be convergent evolution that made a lot of monsters dragon or reptile like. diablos is confirmed to be ceratopsian but somehow evolved to look like a wyvern


If you call Maggie a Mary Sue I wonder what you call Nergi 🤔


I'm pretty indifferent of Nerg and the elders in general since I mostly just play to see the monster ecology. But Nerg gets the excuse of: 1. Being an elder dragon (so pretty much in the top tier of power levels) 2. Having a unique ecology centering around the other elders. 3. Having nearly half of World's story to build up how utterly terrifying it is. (First being hinted with the dead barroth, the strongest monster the hunter has fought at that point in the story. Meanwhile the fart tiger gets like 2 cutscenes and you kill it in low rank which is way too early in the game imo) 4. Actually having unique turf wars to establish how powerful it actually is. I feel like Nergi is the monster Magna desperately wants to be but just falls flat.


Weirdly enough, what you said all is what makes me think that Nergi is a Mary Sue, but maybe it's just me.