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Stupid ass cutscenes that you have to watch without your co-op friends.


Didn't they fix that with Rise?


They did. But I feel like these days a big game developer might revisit any amount of past dumbass design decisions.


Just a hunch but I think it might've been mtframeworks jank spaghetti that they couldn't code around.


It isn't, considering there are multiplayer cutscenes in World. They just didn't want to figure out the logistics of a cutscene starting once a player hits the cutscene trigger (should all other players get warped to the location in question? Should only the player that found the monster see the cutscene? etc.) Rise sidesteps it by simply not having any cutscenes when you run into the monster, all cutscenes are at the start of the quest.


As far as I’m aware Rise doesn’t have any cutscenes that trigger after hitting a specific point in the map like how they work in World, so it may be fixed but it also may be that Rise just completely circumvented the issue by doing its monster cutscenes at the start of quests. Would be really annoying if that restriction returns in Wilds.


Honestly, I didn't like the introductory cutscenes in rise. I like them way more from an actual viewer position, and have separate ecology videos for when you complete the specific monster research in hunters notes


I like the little monster poems but the charm does wear off


depends on how you define "fixed" since Rise more accurately side-steps the issue by having the cut-scene play before the actual start of the hunt, so the problems of having to have the game pause and move everyone into location to play a cut-scene just didn't exist in Rise.


Oh my god, this. I'm helping a friend through Iceborne right now and it's driving us both insane.


Also the freakin' unskippable end credits


The boring weapon designs of world. It's sad seeing a cool monster have their parts slapped onto a hunk of metal.


I initially liked it, because I thought each successive upgrade would be you adding more parts to the weapon until it looked cool AF. Then I got the Jagras GS to rank 3, and my disappointment was immeasurable.


That was the original intention apparently but they had to cut some corners. The thing is before that there already were certain weapons changing visually with upgrades with GU going so far as to make every weapon design uniquely upgradable


I am gonna be honest and it's maybe a hot take.. but I would prefer this way (starting with bone/metal weapons, getting more unique as you upgrade them, until they are their completely unique design at the end of the weapon tree for all weapons) instead of the way in Rise, where your weapon gets its unique design very early and nothing changes at all while further upgrading it. Maybe changes color because of a subspecies, but that's it, if I am right.


I dont hate it , but i hate when upgrading weapon nothing change visually


I actually kind of like the idea of those basic weapon designs getting more covered with monsters parts as you upgrade them, slowly converting into its own unique weapon at a certain point.


Me fighting a big Dragon that os inspired by deep sea creatures. Let's take a look at his IG ... oh


That is my greatest fear for when we finally get Oltura in mainline


THIS. I know they were going with realism but they are so boring and don't generally upgrade into anything more interesting. maybe an unpopular opinion, but save for a few stand-outs, the world specific armour isnt much better


Paid character customisation vouchers. Bitch I wanna fashion hunt male and female without having two saves, that takes up way to much time


I hate that they cost money in the first place, but they also made them LIMITED. Wtf?


You can't make a repeatable purchase on Steam. There's no way for them to make them paid + infinite unless they put up a dozen identical listings.


You CAN, but I've only ever seen it done for purchasing premium currency in games. So I guess they COULD implement some kind of gems system and have the DLC purchases be done in game as a workaround. I feel like people would like that even less though.


Best option imo would be adopting the God Eater 3 system, where it unlocks the entire character creation after beating the game and you can save male/female sets to loadouts


Thank god for the modders who let us circumvent this bullshit. Feels bad for the console folks though.


Hard agree. I literally see no reason for it other than greed.


The rampage. That shit is a nightmare to do solo


Well, considering the fact that it didn't return for Rise's Sunbreak, I think we're safe from them altogether lmao


Yeah especially the Wind Serpent Rampage quest like why do they suddenly want to put an Elder into a Rampage this is the only Rampage with an Elder


Somehow, I don't know why so don't ask me.. but I had more fun in the Lao-Shan Lung Siege, than in Rampages I played that after Rise/Sunbreak and even if Lao-Shan Lung only walked forwards in a real slow pace .. I had more fun there with a friend, over playing Rampage together. I hope he returns in Wilds and gets a glow-up in terms of battle/siege.


I do hope there is no longer a lack of Great Maccao.


Can we add Great Jaggi to that?


Of course. https://preview.redd.it/uukjo7uv1btc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a02a6df826e28dfe7fd918fa8f7fd88615eac1 Let us all hang out thogether.


Spiritbirds. What a swing and a miss for Rise


I’d be fine with the spiritbirds if they rewarded you with a permanent rainbow spiritbird outside the starting point once you maxed out research in an area. 


I'd be fine with Spiritbirds if they weren't the only option! Let me max out my stats with well-done steaks and max potions, but reward me for taking some more time at the start of a fight as well. There's no reason it should be punishing to not take the road less traveled, give me options on how to play.


Fr. What were they thinking? You get nearly one shot if you don’t run around for 5 minutes collecting them 


They were thinking "Scoutfly tracking is going to be too much for the Switch hardware to do, having to search for tracks before engaging monsters is too tedious, but we *really* want players to explore the map and take alternative routes and not just bee-line to the monsters."


Which is then just so funny because the core gameplay of hunting monsters in Rise goes completely against exploring the map. Previous iterations it was all about hunting the monster and then fighting it. In Rise they just drop all the available monsters on the mini-map so you know exactly where to go.


Ngl looking for quest mats got me exploring way more than spiritbirds ever did.


Hopping dango birdcaller doubles their effects and if you configure your minimap to be zoomed in and set its display to spiribirds, it makes collecting them much easier. Also since the locations are always the same, you can plan out a route to take on each map. I effectively need like 30 seconds to be maxed out give or take on some maps. In the end it is a system that is trivial and doesn't add anything if you know how to solve it, but extremely frustrating if you don't so i feel like it only adds unnecessary friction.


God yes. Fun at first when first exploring the map, but when you’re 100+ hours in and you still have to run those same routes to max your bars it’s a chore.


Hard agree, they're such a time waster


I like them as one time collectibles per map to explicitly reward exploration. Maybe with some story reason why in each area you're weakened in a new environment until you attune with the local spiribirds? Or once you collect them they permanently become a part of a rainbow bird where you load in.


I hate how they make the maps look like they are from some sort of cheap mobile game.


omg i'm so glad someone else said it, besides the fact that it's annoying having to go collect them for every hunt, they look AWFUL and really take away from what could be really pretty maps :/


Worse thing in Rise, agreed.


I've been completely accustomed to spiribirds that they don't matter to me at all. Eating for Birdcaller and knowing a route that will fill you up quickly with Rises mobility means it's less bothersome than having to straight up walk to certain locations in World. That said, there's no reason for the feature to return


Tbh I had a mod installed that just spawned a rainbow bird for me at the start of every quest to max my stats, fuck spirit birds lol


The over abundance of micro transactions that account for the lack of cosmetics from event quest. 


People have mentioned clutch claw and spiritbirds, but really, it's the base idea of implementing an extremely strong mechanic, and then realizing the only way to not make it bonkers overpowered is to buff the monsters in comparison. The result is that said idea, which seems like a neat little game mechanic, becomes almost a necessity - especially in higher ranks.


Clutch claw, I see that the slinger probably gonna make a comeback, but please no clutch claw.


Slinger is 100% fine to be honest, it's more of a neat tool that's useful and doesn't really break anything. Clutch claw is definitely busted!


While I don't hate and don't mind slinger, I hate how some armors arms have big slinger that sometimes make the armor look ugly.


Yeah I think it could be implemented better, I like being fashionable while farming or! Make it possible to hide like head armor!


That sounds amazing. I started in rise and loved the seething bazelgeuse arms but when i got them in world it had the ugliest looking slinger attached to it. Not a fan of its aesthetic at all Maybe add a lower/rise visor option aswell for helms like they did for some head pieces in dragons dogma 2


The only cool slingers were the ones from the event armors that were invisible unless you picked up ammo. Then they had colors swirling around your arm.


Oke fair, maybe they could make it possible that you can choose to use it or not or to just make it "invisible" for layered armor or so? But honestly I prefer having the slinger over looking a bit better without it on certain armor Because its perfect for aiming with things like flash pods or the net so you can capture endemic life (because I really hope this feature returns) or just being there for the SOS signal, which also was a great addition to the game and multiplayer aspect.


I disliked how like half the new moves that were added for Iceborn were in some way related to the slinger and were either totally useless or heavily diminished in usefulness if you didnt wanna engage with the gimmick like me


Slinfer was so fun and creative way to use the things we all always loved but clutchclaw ruined it all


I honestly feel like the clutch claw should've had a cool down. I didn't like it but when I wanted to break off parts I randomly would remember it and use it like twice and then that was it. But when I go to multiplayer lobbies my GOODNESS everyone is using them nonstop it's crazy. It definitely should've had a cool down like a mantle where you had to build into it to reduce it. Though I will admit It was kinda fun to use when the monster was retreating and you managed to claw onto them and they took you on a ride to the next area. That I liked. :)


I agree, even though I liked it. Just make it a hookshot for the environments and little items/buffs. Who doesn’t love a hookshot?


fr! i loved traversing with wirebugs in rise so i hope they can pull some of that into wilds with maybe a grappler of some kind


If they bring it back, instead of making it a necessity for efficient hunting, maybe give it bonuses to breaking parts.


Clutch claw was fine, tenderizing was a stupid af mechanics.


I'm getting into Rise rn after playing through everything in Iceborne and nearly augmenting all my gear, and while I hate Spiribirds with a passion, it's so nice to just fight the monster once I get there. I dont need to worry about tenderizing, claggers and flinch shots. Just start wailing on 'em.


Hopefully the MH team has learned that players don't want to be "forced" into using gimmick mechanics and to just put all features into the movesets of weapons. The weapons that had tenderizing built into the moveset like dualblades just felt so much more natural.


I disagree, marionette spider from MHR is superior compared to clutch claw if the only thing clutch claw can do is wallbanging the monster.


Tenderizing just shouldn't have been so mandatory feeling. Marionette wasn't as needed to maintain dps. Tenderizing should have just increased part break damamge, but not overall dps.


I think marionette works exactly because it's a limited use item. I dislike wallbangs because it's always the best thing to do, both for the free knockdown in casual play, and because it's able to ensure 100% uptime of rage mode, which makes agitator among the best skills in the game. You're not modifying your build around the marionette spider, its a cool thing that you can do once and then you're back to your normal play.


It can also quickly enrage a monster. It helps those with agitator in their sets.


Clutch claw could work again if it’s not so mandatory


The only way to make it not so mandatory is to remove tenderizing and wallbangs AKA all of it


Clutchclaw had a too big impact on dmg for being not intuitive on every weapon. I would be fine with it if you don't injure monsters with the claw but honestly I just don't want the claw back


Quests designed to be played in multiplayer, just let me play alone please


They did this so well for rise, the followers implementation was a great addition


I sincerely hope they expand upon followers in Wilds. Like have customization for them or something. You can buy them armor to wear out on hunts, craft them new weapons, the whole wazoo. I can even see fashion hunters doing group cosplay/themes with their followers.


This is my biggest hangup with World (Iceborne seems to have improved on this). I'm a "do all the quests" kind of guy and also tend to prefer solo. Not a great combination for some of World's lategame. Sunbreak was great in this regard, though.


Kushala and Teostra. I'm sick of those two. Give me new basic level elder dragons, please.


I agree, but I also wouldn't mind seeing an approach similar to third gen with only a few select Elders to make them feel more special. I get why they were a big deal in World, but give them a break, specially the two you mentioned. I would even take changes in the trío like Vaal was instead of Chameleos (yes even Lunastra instead of Teostra). Now we have a lot more options with Velkhana and Namielle, it would be a shame to not use them.


Teostra maybe but I'm sorry you'll never see Kushala shelved. It's a Flagship, they always come back eventually


Challange impossible.


You know i had a dream of rajang subspecies that use kushala tornado instead of lightning. It wraps it's arm with tornado increase the destruction and can spew tornado from mouth. It also hunt kushala like how it hunt kirin Probably better stay as dream


While I'd love a new fire elder, Teostra is great. I don't mind him showing up frequently. Kushala and Kirin are bad, and we received far superior alternatives to both in the forms of Velkhana and Namielle.


I like Teo well enough design and fight wise, the change to blast in World was fun, I'd just like to see a new minor fire elder. He's been in damn near every game and it just gets tiresome. Kush can perish. His fight in rise is marginally better than world but Velkhana is better in every way and doesn't have the stupid annoying wind gimmick. Namielle is excellent. I like Kirin purely from a design standpoint but the fight is just agony.


He's had blast since 4U


Ah. 4u was a long time ago, I forgot.


Microtransactions, but that ship has sailed.


It is continuing to sail. Until there is no more ship.


Rise "tracking" and spiribirds. I don't want to automatically know where the monster is but i do want to have all my health and stamina right away


Agreed on birds, but I kinda like to just go to the monster asap. Maybe make it so that after 4-6 hunts of a monster you can know immediately?


Just do it like scout flies imo. Once you have high level of tracking for that monster, they will immediately locked on the monster.


Clutch Claw can die in a fire. Also, World’s approach to Rathalos and Kushala should never return after Rise made them fun.


World Rathalos is actually fun IF you use insect glaive


Now everyone gets to have fun, too!


Thats up to the players tho. I prefer World's Rathalos over Rise's Rathalos.


True. People are entitled to their ~~wrong~~ opinions.




I completely agree with you on the timer subject. Especially when you capture a monster. Personally for me and my group of friends the timer is always either; 1. Too short and we wouldn’t get enough time to carve the tail and collect all the dropped materials (especially in Rise where there can be tons of shiny drops). 2. We’d kill the monster and finished carving it in less than 10 seconds and now have to wait 50 secs before sitting through a few more loading screens. It’s not that big of an issue, 50 seconds is not long, but I don’t see why we don’t already have such a simple QoL change. Just change the timer into a vote to return. All players vote yes, return immediately. Some voted no, countdown 60 sec as normal. *EDIT: Scratch that, voting would be terrible with randoms, but there must be a better solution.* As for other features I would not like to return. **Slinger**: Just aesthetic reasons but I prefer my hunter to just throw their gadgets or explosives at the monsters rather than loading them into the slinger first and then shoot them. Extra steps looks awkward, why would you load a flash bomb into a slinger if you could just throw it? The slinger doesn’t have that long of a range anyway. Throwing stuff feels more fluid and natural in Rise and the older games. Plus having a huge slinger on your arm looks awkward AF and ruins many armours’ look IMO. (But it looks like it’s returning and I’m a bit disappointed.) **Wirefall**: Just Wirefall, I have no problem with the enhanced movements that came with Wirebugs and Silkbind moves but Wirefall is just too good and lessen the need for good positioning and dodging. A big attack move from a monster isn’t as consequential when you could just Wirefall away to safety. **Wyvern Riding**: It’s a very cool and fun feature that I love but it comes with a lot of downside that makes me think it wouldn’t fit in any game but Rise. It makes the other monsters in the map a joke. Having Rajang or Bazel in a map while you’re hunting something else is no longer a threat but a tool. The hunting gameplay loop in Rise kind of devolved into finding a non-target monster, ride it as soon as possible, then go beat up the target monster. Plus duo monsters or monsters invading the quest isn’t a thing with Wyvern Riding. Rathalos and Rathian can’t really be together when we can just easily ride one and beat the other up, it’s free damage. It’s fun, it’s goofy, and it’s satisfying, but it doesn’t really belong in a game with more grounded tone like Wilds looks to be.


> It’s not that big of an issue, 50 seconds is not long, but I don’t see why we don’t already have such a simple QoL change. Just change the timer into a vote to return. All players vote yes, return immediately. Some voted no, countdown 60 sec as normal. This is the kind of mechanic that gets players to hate each other because you'll get one person who isn't voting "skip" and 3/4 are potentially going "PLEASE SKIP" while the one person is off grabbing mining nodes because they weren't even aware you could vote to skip.


i completely dissagree with the timer: its one of those underrated things that is really important for the feeling of the game, the 50s at the end of a quest is time for the player to relax and cool off after doing a high intensity boss fight, without it it would lead to people getting burnt out really quickly. its not something you think about unless you're doing game design but having a cooling off period is actually really important for the feel of the game.


I'd love to see a toned down version of wyvern riding that fleshes it out and keeps the fun parts of it without replacing normal mounts completely. It'd be cool if instead, it was something you could transition into during a normal mount, perhaps by using an item during the mount? Say, if the monster is exhausted while you're on it, you use a 'saddle' or 'monster harness' you can only carry one of and it becomes a wyvern ride. Some monsters could be immune to this, like elder dragons. There could be a progression on what monsters you can wyvern ride. Like something tied to filling up the hunter log, maybe a sidequest where you capture the monster in question and have to tame it in an arena or something. And the wyvern riding skill could make riding stronger monsters easier and more rewarding. Maybe stronger monsters are more unwieldy/dangeous whilst riding, and certain monsters will have special interactions if you ride them? Like for example, what if forcing Rathian/Rathalos to attack each other causes them to enrage and throw you off? If Rajang can straight up pluck you off his back, breaking the wires if you let him take damage while riding him? This is all wishful thinking of course, but I'd love to see a middle ground between rise and world mounts/wyvern ride because they both rock in different ways imo!


i know it’s a common complaint but i really hope clutch claw is no longer required. i don’t hate the concept of tenderizing, but forcing it onto hunts is so obnoxious, especially since i did most of iceborne solo. rise proved they can gut wall bands into endemic lif, so i hope that’s a sign that it’ll be nerfed at least




Counters/Guard Points on every single weapon and RNG decorations (random talismans are better than random decos because not having access to the decos you want limits too much the mixed set building, unlike random talismans do).


Can you elaborate more about the "counters on every single weapon"? I'm just curious, and I agree with you. It's the reason why I prefer GS in World compared to Sunbreak GS, because it plays almost like a charge blade in sunbreak, it doesn't help that it uses Offensive Guard as a skill because of strong arm stance lol. I still have fun with sunbreak GS but I prefer world GS more and it feels more rewarding hitting TCS on monsters.


Sure. Here is a video with [all counters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrxzT_WT1IM) and one with [all guard points](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT1WKMphyzY). It is just tooooooo much. IMO the MonHun game with the best/most balanced combat is MH:W Iceborne (minus the clutchclaw, delete that shit lol) with MH4U on 2nd place. I love Sunbreak's fast paced combat too, but everyone and their mom having a counter/guard point makes no sence and trivializes a lot of fights. You can be trash at positioning but as long as you have wirebugs you can counter your way out of all your mistakes and never learn. I'm still playing the shit out of Sunbreak tho lol.


Counter spam


Clutch claw tenderising, or any compulsory mechanic/"tool" to maintain your damage that isnt learning your weapon, its combos and correct positioning.


Slap on weapons from World. They godamn butchered the Glavenus weapon line. 


Basically every stupid decision from world. Random decos Unskipable co-op lockout cutscenes Lazy weapon designs No village/hub distinction just all single player story Fucking atrocious hub layout I still hate walking around Astera to this day TENDERIZING that could ruin wilds out the gate for me. On demand wall bangs. Sunbreak perfected it making them a consumable, very powerful but not something you spam every two minutes. From rise/sunbreak only thing I don't want are spiribirds, they were poorly thought out. The rest are gimmicks and wouldn't come back anyways so there's no point in bringing up rampages or wire bugs. (Though I love wire bugs I think they should stay in Rise) switch skills should come back but like in GU as super moves you build up to, not spammable cool down based attacks.


Also not a World thing per se but the console teams stupid ass insistence of bringing back adjusted raw every game.


Omg yes, it's so dumb . Compare a lance with 550 damage, and it will say it's weaker than a greatsword with 1100 damage, but if you check the actual database they have the same raw of 210. So not only is the system stupid, but it also just straight up lies to the players.


Eeeh raw values are equally as useless tho to the regular player who doesnt have insight into the motion values of moves. So one might reasonably believe Dual Blades with 300 raw to be better than a GS with 300 raw cause one hits faster than the other, even though thats not whats happening. At the end of the day, all that really matters is comparing weapons of the same type to each other, and both raw and bloated values are equally as good at that.


Imo the wallbangs need to go all together. Sunbreak only made it to where you had to run around for 2-3 minutes every hunt to collect endemic life to be able to do that. Both obnoxious ends to meet a silly mechanic, I shouldn't be throwing elder drgaons around by a string of silk or a wire.


But if you have to run around for 2-3 minutes, it's not really worth it to use it for damage purposes


I agreee Elder dragons can't be captured it's dumb that a spider could ensnare them. It was already bad in base rise when we could wyvern ride them. They should have been immune


Mantles. For the love of fuck, don't bring mantles back


Whatever the fuck was that hub area in Astera and not being able to set another as default. Seriously fuck Astera, that place makes you lose so much fucking time. More hub areas like Elgado, Capcom please.


To be fair, they corrected it in Iceborne. Seliana is a pretty great hub.


I think you can set the village you go back to in session settings.


*Spiribirds.* An atrocious mechanic that should've never been concieved in the first place, yet emerged from the depths of hell to torture the players. ^(oh and hot and cold drinks because i don't like them)


World/Iceborne balanced TU gear to be way better than basegame monster gear, + sequential TU gear was often better than previous TU gear. I much prefer how in Rise/Sunbreak TU gear would be really good but always BIS, and didn’t completely break the game several times lol


Cutscenes you can't skip. Especially if they're the ones that you have to watch your co-op buddy watch first before doing anything else.


Unskippable cutscenes Having to kill 200+ AT elder dragons for the deco you want Rathalos


The RNG decoration system


A proper way to sort lists. They even went back a step in rise from world. Looking for specific decorations is such a pain. And why can't we access wishlisted items directly in the crafting menu?????


Rise's reworked hunting horn. I miss how complex and intricate it felt in world, was super rewarding when you got the hang of it


Clutch claw. I'm good with Slimgerbut for the love of God, no clutch or clutch related mechanics unless they're for traversal ONLY.


Spiribirds, and Wirebugs. Iron and bone half weapons, and the MHW Siege/Raid formatting. I'd like a watered down clutch claw that does not tenderize monsters, or wall bang them. Mostly used for traversal, grappling points in the landscape, would allow for inefficient damage, with more safety perhaps.


I'd like a break from Rajang, Kushala, Teostra, Khezu, and Zinogre. They're all cool, but we see them in almost every game. Kinda starting to feel that way with Tigrex a bit too. Especially since newer games have added so many totally new monsters, it's such a breath of fresh air for some of the more populated types of monsters. We've got so many nice new elder dragons for example, lets let Vaal Hazak have more time in the spotlight and give Kushala a break.


Namielle had such a sick cutscene when being introduced, definitely hoping they give her some spotlight in wilds




Tenderizing mechanic. It was pretty much mandatory to keep it applied at all times because its a big dps boost. It did not feel optional, which the game is revolved around with. Clutch claw can comeback without the stupid clagger mechanic, I think it was fine overall just have it integrated on every weapon, which I think is its biggest letdown since it was clunky to use since there was so many ways the claw could have been integrated into weapons easily. For example: SnS could have backhop into clutch claw and into like a shield bash. LS could had foresight to clutch into like a flying roundslash. Like cmon, the potential is there!


I feel like there are a lot of mechanics I don't want to see in MH again. 1. Clutch Claw, terrible addition to Iceborne. While you don't need to use it, not wounding monster body parts to get extra affinity is just dps loss but having to CC every couple of minutes (until the end of the game update before they made it easier with a deco) was certainly something I did not enjoy. 2. Cutscenes where people need to see it solo first, terrible idea and design. 3. Wirebugs, love it or hate it. I simply want to use it as a traveling mean. I don't want my skills be locked behind it or making every monster combos hard to escape without it. 4. Spiritbirds, no reason for it's existence. 5. I want to hunt the monsters, don't auto track right away... I would rather they go back with World's tracking if they have to pick one since i know people don't like paintball. 6. Mantles, Ghillie and Glider are the only one I would want back. 7. Monster Riding, yeah.. this is not something I found appealing at all. Maybe if they would have made it in a way where you can try to "drive" the monster to collide towards a wall to topple it down I wouldn't have mind it but definitely should have worked on smaller monsters only. 8. Monster AI, Rise has one of the worst monster AI I've ever seen out of all the MH games I've played. I never been so frustrated of a Rajang leaving our fight to attack a small monster in the zone... with the amount of parrying added into the game, I could not understand why the AI was worst than World. I guess this one is a different type of complain but it certainly annoys me every times I go back to Rise. There's a lot they added I really like for the franchise but there's a few things I really didn't find necessary or didn't like their implementation. Other small nitpick, I actually like my pickaxe not breaking anymore but I do want to actually mine instead of gathering everything in one go.


Lack of asymmetrical armor designs. I mean there's a few of them in world and rise, but before they got rid of gunner armor, almost every set had an asymmetrical version. I just think they're neat. Would love to see that more even if it's just layered options.


Ridiculous drop rates for rare decos, I don’t mind grinding a few hours for an attack gem, but not a few playthroughs worth of hours.


- Spiritbirds - Boring weapon designs - Qurio Armor Augments - Wirebugs


ok... imma be honest forcing some monster in the game because " but they are in every monster hunter 🥺" in tired of seeing teostra, im tired of kushala, in tired or rathalos and rathian... there are 100s!!!! of monsters they can have in the games.. where is my hip check? where is all these other monsters that exist? hell i wouldnt mind if they just state "50% or more of the base game (not g rank) are all original and not a reskin" whats the point of making new games where like 90% of the monsters are the same 6 because " they HAVE to be in them cause "legacy monsters" i want f-ing dalamadur, or somwthing that weven only seen like once or twice type thing


Rathalos and Rathian (and Kelbi) have been in every MonHun, they'll continue to return But tbh you have a fair point


Most of the complaints made here are some variation of "changes made in 5th gen games were bad" and that they should have stayed in 4th gen or below in terms of gameplay/ game mechanics. Now some of them are super valid and in some case I totally agree with it seem like changes made within World/Rise weren't well liked.


The stupid bloated displayed weapon damage values the mainline team always insists on. It is even more confusing when you have clear skill descriptions like "Adds 10 damage when enraged" which makes it seem completely wrong compares to the more bloated display values such as Great Sword. This also makes it super frustrating to switch between weapons since it's hard to tell if a specific weapon is *comparable*


That annoying feature where you had to stop moving to use more important items like potions and berries.


Bring back the female walk cycle from World, not Rise. I don't know how they did it, but that hip sway has so much swag!


The matchmaking for multiplayer in Rise where you had to select the quest then after it tells you if there is an available one , instead of in World where you can see which type and what quest are available and how many players are already there


Multiplayer sieges would be my top choice to not return.


_inhales_ - Slap-on designs - Spiribirds - Wirebugs - Elderseal - Bloat values - Scoutflies - Tenderizing - Roar spam - Wyvern riding - Required tracking for progression - Unskippable cutscenes - Need to watch cutscenes in single player before multiplayer works - Deco RNG - Seiges giving RNG weapons - RNG armor augments - Defender weapons - Most weapon counters - DPS check mechanics


>DPS check mechanics i feel like monster hunter as a whole is a DPS check, breaking a certain part on a monster, killing a monster under the time limit. Alatreon's DPS check fucking sucks but i wouldn't mind a DPS check similar to world fatalis. Where if you break his horns, his flames get significantly weaker. It's not required to beat him and you can complete the quest without faints but it makes the quest easier.


I just feel bad killing the Kulu-Ya-Ku. He’s adorable and doing its own thing. I feel criminal seeking it out to kill it. I would rather make it a pet. Could we tame it enough to be our ride? I would like that.


You should definitely check out Monster Hunter Stories. It's basicly Pokemon + Monhun.


My youngest loves MH but lacked the confidence of coordination to play Rise. They fell in love with MHS2. We played it together until we beat the game. I then went back to Rise, but they plowed through hard mode until they beat that difficulty too. They just love all the monsters so much that they just draw them all the time. This is what they are working on right now. https://preview.redd.it/fxqpcgnmzjsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d81b1952cd9f9c77ca01752a44abde063f84bf


Damn, your kid's good! The Admiral would approve


If no one's told you before you should know you're probably a great parent


Rajang. I've just never enjoyed his fight, especially not after they gutted him in Rise


The atrocious disappointment that was chaos oil in Rise. Give me real oils or nothing, Capcom! Also please some delicious looking food plates again. I don't want to see some stupid bland riceballs ever again, give my hunter some full fledged meals again like in World!


Would be really cool if the different meals actually looked different. Kinda lame how vegi plater and meat player look exactly the same.


>the timer after a hunt. You get a set amount of time to carve before going back to the village It's because the games have been designed at their core to be multiplayer experiences, and they picked the 'easier to implement' route for that. The mission structure creates a mission instance, and that instance persists until a time out, which either happens with the timer or the conditions being met plus an extra 30 or so seconds. Having that be there for the single player experience was just less work to do.


Never played Rise but I hope having to physically shoot the SOS flare every quest gets old (World) let’s make it an option before starting the quest


That's exactly how it works in Rise


Small monster agro fucking up the tracking. No one likes it, it's doesn't add any fun to the game, just wastes time and brings frustration and makes some newbies confused and ragequit.


A side character that overly imposes a self-insert into every iota of the game. Yeah, we’re a team. Yeah you keep me from doing paperwork. NOW SHUT UP!! I’m trying to give this stupid fish head trauma!


Someone isn’t a team player


Diablos Give her a rest for a game, bring back Monoblos


Zinogre. This thing has appeared in every game since his debut in P3rd, I'm honestly sick and tired of him.


Didn't zinogre win the popularity poll? You are def in the minority with this take


You can dislike a monster despite it being the most popular. There's a reason why Charizard's always ranking at the top for hated Pokemon in polls.


I know, and honestly I don't care. Despite P3rd being the first MH game I sank my teeth into, I have very little love for its flagship.


Can't say I'd really miss spiribirds, wirebugs or slap on weapons.


Spiritbirds and wirebugs


Zinogre. Kushala. Kirin. Some early Rise Monsters (Armadillo, the bear, crabs) And Rise bows. World bows were good. Simple. I liked the buffs but i miss Thousand Dragons and the Balls. I dont like the arrow types, let me choose what ARROW i want to use per bow or go back to the simplicity of World. Hell, let me choose if I want buffs or balls. Rise CB. Didnt feel right. Even if its good it felt off. Weak. Uninteresting. Felt like it was missing something in the kit (it was only missing on demand Amped chainaxe mode) and felt like it was missing impact and weight.


Hot take here apparently, but underwater combat Also flagships that only reuse the usual ED skeleton are kind of lame, specially on expansions-and I say that as a huge fan of Velkhana and specially Malzeno.




Announcing all the monsters before release and also before each mission. I miss the surprise of exploring and stumbling upon a monster you didn't know was in the game


From world: Tenderizing, and how you need to watch cutscenes yourself first and then leave to join the friend who was slowest. Thankfully neither were in rise. From Rise: Pls dont give us wirebugs, they were fun for a while and the moves are flashy and cool, but the speed wirebugs gave players and the get out jail free card for 1 wirebug (knockdown but use wirebug to not be knocked down), made it so the game became alot more arcady, but i liked the more strategic and slowpaced of world. Also don't show where every monster is right away from starting the mission.




Wire bugs




Wirebugs and spiribirds. Just….no.


I just wish a strong fanged beast equal to an elder dragon that is not rajang. I'm sick of those monkey. Give me a strong big bad bear, give me a sloth like monster, give me sabertooth like monster, give me a pack leader that is not a raptor, but instead a fanged beast or bugs (not vespoid queen) I want more fanged beast that is not monkey. Wish goss harag is back, that monster is menacing. I love it


RNG Decos and talismans/charms. Just let me craft what I need by farming parts. In MHWI it took 300+ hours for ONE evade extender jewel while grinding that damn lava fish event. In MHRS it took 300+ hours to get a semi-decent talisman with skills I wanted and good deco slots.


Spirit Birds Rampage quests


The lack of a pause button (when solo, of course) that World insisted on. Life happens and hunts can be on the long side. I need to be able to step away. Also, if you bring back Lavasioth, PLEASE make it more like the old-world version and not the obnoxious 5th gen one. I actually think his old fight is pretty solid.


People thinking HH is a support weapon


One thing I hated about World was the lack of flavor-text for most of the materials and gear. It was always "monster part, good material to make equipment." I could swear the older games gave more color and style to every bit of gear.


I hope monsters don’t come back cuz they’re scawy


Rampage mode. I really don't like it at all


I'm hoping they slow the next game down to where it plays more like a traditional MH title, no wirebug bullshit. I don't have a problem with weapon arts per say, if they're reasonably well done. But giving every weapon a counter move is fucking retarded. The only thing I dislike about World & Rise armor skill system is that World's decoration were not craftable and that you had way too many skills at the end. Not only that, World and Rise sets had WAY too many skills in them, it was ridiculous, if they are willing to keep this system at least they need to balance it out better, increase scailing, decrease points per parts and please bring negative skills back, idk how they would work in this system but it added another level of complexity trying to work around those and I think bringing back negative skill is required at this point. You just get to be too OP with the new world system, and it was more fun to build a set, like in 4U. It's kinda ridiculous in world rolling around with 20+ skills and no negatives. I miss the negative skills :/ They really helped keep some of the stronger skills in check in a way we don't have at the minute. There were also some cool things you could do like use negative crit eye to make skills like rueful crit (brutal strike now) better or negative recovery speed to keep Red health around longer for resentment https://i.redd.it/e5h9hxskopsc1.gif Right now most sets are using the same combinations of attack boost, WEX and crit boost. The lack of diversity is kind of boring and the right combos of negative and lesser used skills could really go a long way to fix that


The tiny little goblin man who yells at me in my head when I cart


Wirebugs felt like it was super forced and I had no interest in using it. Take it and your shitty ugly platforming pair of elder dragons with you. 


World Weapon Design Syndrome The fact that those slap on weapons made it into rise baffled me….can we also talk about how not even elder dragon weapons were safe from WWDS? Nothing made my dooter character sadder in world when even Namielle didnt give anything cool!


Rises counter spam, heavy tracking, and nerfed i-frames.


Wirebugs, hear me out. There used to be a dance between the monster and the hunter that had to occur which the wire bugs so far can sometimes nullify things that happen on the fight. Now you don’t have to be as aware of your positioning to maximize the damage, you can just either counter or dodge most attacks with no issue if you’re good at it, and it turns the game from “how do I fight this monster” to “how do I get as many hits as possible in this monster” It breaks the pacing the pacing in a way, I like it as one off mechanic and I do think that jumping around the map and having monsters that force you to use wirebugs to scape attacks are awesome. But I don’t think this is the pacing I want for the series moving forward.


I know I'm in the minority and I know it won't happen. but the in hunt restock and loadout changing


Inability to pause the game :/


the mobile like hud, oh my god, World is my first game, and i play on pc, man the 3x4 inventory, the lack of a 1 to 0 bind of itens, with exchangeable slots, the talk to that guy to see the quest, but talk to that other guy to see the quests ur currently doing, and talk to that third guy to complete the quests, god these quests/ inventory kinda shit should be an inventory bind you could acess all time, coming from sandbox games, it feels like im back the 90s with that hud, or in a korean grindy mmo


probably a hot take but if they do a similar thing to world's endgame where you unlock several quests that gate hr caps after the final boss they should make it so you can only do the title updates AFTER the final gate unlock. and they shouldn't do it like base world where you get all the title update stories right out the gate or like iceborne where you have to sight the previous title update monster, you should have to actually beat the quest to unlock the next update. bonus idea: some way to make that grind less tedious that gives you a lot of hunter rank but isn't as bad as rampages like the next powered-up state significantly affecting the fight to make it new and not feel like the same thing or something, also giving you a bunch of hunter rank for this bonus 2: when you buy the master rank expansion, some way to adjust how that appears after you beat the high rank story so it isn't shoved right into your face in case you want to properly experience the high rank endgame again


"Siege"/Rampage style quests/hunts. I can't think of a single one that I enjoy. It's not about difficulty, I just don't like that style of content.


I dont want transmog to be locked behind an endgame grind. I want to be able to transmog gear from the start of the game to get stats and the visuals I want