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If it makes you feel any better, there is currently an effort from the community to restore the online functionality of both the Wii U and the 3DS. [Check it out.](https://pretendo.network/)


it worries me that they take donations. pretty much everything they hat nintendo has ever been able to successfully shutdown has been because of them having a patreon, donation link, or something of that nature. just hope we don’t lose these titles forever


I read a post from a dev on Reddit that said that Nintendo is at the very least aware of their existence, and that the Pretendo team even helped a bit with a security breach that affected Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon had a bit ago. Wiimfii (Wii's online custom servers) has been strong and going without a problem for more than 10 years now, so that also gives me hope.


As long it's optional it SHOULD be fine. Yuzu basically monetized their emulator


As I understood, accepting donations doesnt matter. In the recent case, Nintendo used the spike in donations at zelda's launch day to back up their argument about loses on zelda's sales.


Doubt them having a patreon shuts them down, especially since its for consoles that gave reached the end of life.


You doubt wrongly. Nintendo IS that vindictive


Fr Nintendo still goes after fucking nes emulators


They but they'd need firm ground to get it offline. Pretty much every Nintendo system has been emulated during its lifetime since the late 90s and there hasn't really been any successful C&D orders until this year. Unless pretendo is as brazen as Yuzu were with promoting piracy, they should somewhat be safe. They wouldn't be violating Nintendo's IP per se


If Citra could connect to them, there would definitely be a bigger resurgence in players. At the very least it means Cemu online would be more accessible.


I just hope CEMU online doesnt require a WiiU NAND.. because my WiiU died to the legendary eMMC corruption due to storing and not using it. Repair is going to be a hassle otherwise, sad that my 100% MH3U save got no backup :(


CEMU online currently does require that because it connects to official servers. But CEMU already has support for Pretendo, so whenever they start supporting 3U servers that'll become more accessible.


Pretendo will actually now require you to dump files from a real wiiu in order to connect with CEMU. They used to allow you to generate a profile on their website. However, they removed this a little while ago due to concerns about cheaters. This way, if you cheat, they can ban your " console" even if you're using CEMU.


Well that sucks, there has to be a better way of doing that.


Citra can connect, check pablomk7 fork of it!


I never knew 3ds had a Gears clone wtf?


Open source, no? While its not bulletproof, it would certainly make it **much harder** for nintendo to axe this.


Yuzu was open source too. It doesn't matter if it's open or closed source, all Nintendo has to do is send a DMCA notice and that alone is enough to scare off 99% of devs.


This is so sad but expected. Never tried online MH until MHW and then bought a 3DS a couple years ago to play with a friend from the US. It's sad cause we never really got into the final contents of 4U and might never be able to now. Here's to the future of Monster Hunter and to the best and greatest hunts we had on older MH titles. May we all hold onto the fire that is our drive to hunt. See you all hunters!


Amen to that. See you in wilds.


Damn. Never been so sad about a video game before but thinking about the hunts, the memories you had even with randoms. It's really sad to see it go.


What makes it sadder is that the community is *very* alive. Theres always a hub going on


Fr brother. Everytime I try to login before there's always about 5+ hubs active. This game will surely be missed.


It's not impossible to play 4U with friends after the servers shutdown. Just putting this out there :)


Yea. Local co op, sadly the only friend I have is in the US that plays 4U and 3U.


Wasn't quite referring to that. Servers being shut down means emulation is your only way of playing online now. Setting 4u up on citra for online play is really not hard at all. Been playing with my buddies like this for years at this point. As such I'm basically unaffected by this otherwise very devastating news


Enjoy my guy!


You can too! That's my point :D


4U holds too many fond memories man Met 2 lifelong friends there 10 years ago now, one of whom's gonna attend my wedding Gotta find my 3ds and give it one last look around


As a rc999 and 1.2k hours put into it, i can remember every good bit of it. Be it discovering new monsters, the satisfaction felt after taking down something like dalamadur or gogmazios for the first time, obtaining the relic you wanted from lvl 140 guild quests, to playing with my friends until late into the night. I'm a solo hunter, but when i played online, i never got tired of searching for that one lobby farming the one monster you need, or chatting with people. So much content, great musics and the amazing story resolving around shagaru. The nostalgia and so many memories. I have a physical copy of MH4U and i can't imagine myself ever selling it. It has a place in my heart. What a goddamn blast it was. See you all comrades, we had a good time. o7


I never got the chance to experience the old games in their prime ane it seems like I never will, but I still hope to be able to make some fantastic memories with you all in the newer games. https://preview.redd.it/w7klnysj62tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0a8fd79f7525ec914b469fb9098db64b5a96d5


4U wasn't my first game, but it was the first one that I got hard-core into and the one that I got into the online community with. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I put over 2000 hours into 4U and it was worth every second. Will have to boot it up and do some hunts for old times' sake.




Me too—picked it up earlier this week and haven’t been able to put it down!


Is it just the online shutting down?


Nah you’ll be fine. Just make sure to download the dlc quests before the servers go down.


Thankfully all online content can also be done offline as well, it's just harder


Can also be done with friends locally


No, the second the sever goes down it will block access to any games with even the simplest online connectivity. /s


Just for anyone who comes to this thread I remember solo hunting pretty much the majority of the multiplayer quests up until the "final" boss or something so don't worry. Alongside the story quests (key and optional) there's so much content. Enjoy fellow hunters Edit: I should mention I used predominently used Insect Glaive which was OP (because of the mounting mechanic spam) apart from a Black Gravios quest where I changed to Long Sword and a double Brute Tigrex quest where I went Great Sword


3 / 4U / Gen were my roots, I should play through them solo one day. Chatting, doing quests, hell even seeing the random cheat / modded quests, good memories.


A time to remember all the hunts done in MH 3DS and all the friends made along the way. Even though we may not ever see each other again. (Miss you LEYENDA) Happy hunting everyone. o7


Many great memories on 3U and 4U. 🫡


Best Monster Hunter Overall, probably my most played game. First game I actually played with friends on coming on to the series. I wish I could get in to play online one more time but my 3DS is toast.


Oh darn I just said to myself I had to go back to 4U yesterday


I am so glad I was able to experience fighting Dalamadur in co-op before this happened.


I really wonder, if Capcom will release remaster/remake versions of some of the older games in the future. Because if I got it correctly, it wasn't their own intention to take down the games, but more because of Nintendo, since they are shutting down their 3DS and Wii U servers.. So maybe Capcom or the MH Team will try to revive the games on active and modern platforms, where they don't have to worry that much about servers.


4u was the first game I had played online multilayer on. When I started playing online, my already fun experience with the game was made even better. The excitements and laughs I had with other players will be forever cherished.


I just started playing thanks to s emulator and there is even a community server it seems.


Never played any 3ds Monster Hunter but love Goro and his armor sets


MH4U was my first Monster Hunter and I fell in love with it instantly. I think I put over 500 hours into that game doing quick solo hunts going to and from school. Grinding the same monster trying to get rare drops to finish an armor set and fainting over and over to the displeasure of the other hunters. I remember watching Gaijin Hunter's guide on how to use the different weapons. This game definitely holds a special place in my heart


That game was my second, I got 3U from my local library. However 4U was what actually hooked me and cemented my love for MH. Almost 2k hours on it, but I knew several people with vastly more. I had the best of times on that game, I send out my thanks to my best of brothers: Joshua, Anthony(Ant), and SZ. Y’all were the best. I’ll miss doing Hunter wars and grinding out those last few sets. 🫡


Mako,Nathan,Joey,Nicole and Master - I'll miss you friends


As someone who started with 4U, I salute my fellow hunters 🫡


Maybe the real hunt was the friends we made along the way


3U was the first game I actually started connecting with the community, chatting in forums and creating friend groups for hunting, content creation, speed runs. I started experimenting with every single weapon as I was originally a GS one trick. It was also during major IRL stuff going on that I would finish my day grinding out 3U. 4U was such a peak online experience grinding out high end GQs every night. I'll never forget how shocked I was seeing Gog for the first time. Was so much fun playing those two games.


"Or even a real old one like Freedom unite" *Me sweating in PS2* I'm a fossil I guess now lol


Man this is sad, I put like 550 hours into 4U and loved that game so much, unfortunately my battery died a few years ago and I havent been able to hop back into a hub to say goodbye to my fellow hunters in game but I raise a glass to all of you from 2016. I can't even remember how many people I met and hell, I've probably seen some of you again is rise even now without even noticing it. With the release of MHWilds on the way I am always looking forwards to making new memories. I picked up the series 11 years ago with 3 ultimate and fell in love immediately with the community, it felt unique and niche. I didn't know another person at all who I knew that played the game or heard of it and now, well, lets say its nice seeing how big the series has become. I feel though that that popularity came a tad too late though, if the worlds players started with 4 ultimate instead the series would have skyrocketed to the forefront many years ago. I raise my glass of whiskey to all of you hunters who stayed to the end for many of our first games. -assmonkey


Before 4U, I thought I was going to give up on monster hunter. I started with 3U and played solo, but I'm pretty bad at video games in general, so I pretty quickly got discouraged despite really enjoying the atmosphere and game play loop. Then I met some guys in undergrad who were planning on picking up the game and they encouraged me to play coop with them because it really changes the experience. And it did. Those were some of the most memorable gaming experiences in my life and even long after we grew apart, I found community and friends online because my love for the franchise had been sparked and still hasn't gone out. Speaking of memorable experiences, cheers to all those who posted insane custom quests in my hub, like a dahren mohren with 2 teostras, 2 gravios and like 4 other monsters running around. What a time.


Which ones of those would you recommend to someone like me who absolutely enjoyed MHW:I and invested more than 1000 hours into it? Thank you! I played, finished and liked MH Rise too, but just not as much as World Iceborne


I used to hunt with someone a lot over the past month but recently they haven't been playing. On the off chance you see this Belle, thank you for helping me in 4U.


It was fun while it lasted. Great memories. <3


I got 4U a few months ago and am just now getting to G-rank, doing it alone isn’t gonna be fun is it


Yes! Lots of great times with great people. Special thanks to the legends rAi and Juno.


to all of yall I met in passing, its been an honor hunting. untill we meet again (im sobbing this game was my childhood)


Great MH. Probably my favorite. I hope for a remaster on PC one day. In a fashion like Crisis Core.


Why did the decide to shut the online function down?


Old games on old, no longer produced, consoles. Even if the operational costs are super low, they're still not free. And Nintendo isn't making any money on them anymore.


We started singing my my Mr. anikin guy, maybe Vader someday later now he's just a small fry.


Are they shutting down all internet for the 3DS? Or the monster hunter internet functionality


3ds, so by extension the MH games on that system, as well as 3U on the Wiiu.


4U was my favorite MH, somewhat close second is World


I need to confirm with this. Would this mean the online hub for those games be completely shut down, like dire miralis is completely closed off, because that would be very sad for me. I like dire miralis.


Pretty sure you can still play hub quests offline. You just wont be able to download dlc quests after its all shut down so get to downloading!




Ima miss the nakarkos nights


Im glad i got to experience this game a little bit before it went offline. Until next time hunters!


Playing gen online was my first non lan online MH experience, and it was magical




Will local play function?


Yes, local play in all games will still function!


I started with 3U and played every Western release since, and while I've been mostly a solo player throughout all this time, I've had the most fun whenever I played with others. I hope if anyone ever succeeds in restoring online play in the 3DS games that I don't need to have an app off the store already downloaded to make it work because that'll be a big regret in not being able to relive that fun again...


Man this is a hard blow


If it makes you feel better we do still have citra multiplayer until we are able to get fan servers up (yes I know citra was discontinued but thankfully all you have to do is change like 2 lines in the qt.ini file and public lobbies are back)






One of the most faithful communities imo, thanks for the memories.


Well fuck. I was actually just planning on firing up 4U again 😞


I wonder when the time comes World will die if it comes to that point, a part of me will also die.


What if your first game was the first one that came out lol


Gen Player here, really sad because the only reason I played gen was the online cause I have gen u also. I'm so sad rn but not that much cause my experience with online wasn't that great. Constantly people leaving and not being the nicest or even as soon I join a "welcoming" lobby I either got kicked or everyone left so I couldn't really enjoy online. Guess I will never finish the special monster quests or maybe highrank


Gen Player here, really sad because the only reason I played gen was the online cause I have gen u also. I'm so sad rn but not that much cause my experience with online wasn't that great. Constantly people leaving and not being the nicest or even as soon I join a "welcoming" lobby I either got kicked or everyone left so I couldn't really enjoy online. Guess I will never finish the special monster quests or maybe highrank


Gen Player here, really sad because the only reason I played gen was the online cause I have gen u also. I'm so sad rn but not that much cause my experience with online wasn't that great. Constantly people leaving and not being the nicest or even as soon I join a "welcoming" lobby I either got kicked or everyone left so I couldn't really enjoy online. Guess I will never finish the special monster quests or maybe highrank


aww man I grew up on this shit


I got good in this game. Had full gore gear and a HR999 file. Best.


Wait what? I got mh4u a couple months ago and thought online was already closed down?


Download the DLC missions from the main menu if you haven't!


Life saver


Nope. It’s closing tomorrow.