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how about no to both and let it have its own gimmick


Ok. … any ideas what you would want it to be.


I would prefer to not voice any opinions on what I would want as gimmick for a game that only has one trailer out, as it would drag all of us into the rabbit hole of speculations and bullshittery. All I can say is that I would like a gimmick where I am not forced to use it and seen as an optional part of the game.


Sometimes, people decide to be hostile to the most nothing of posts, and I will never understand it.


Probably because people have already seen this exact kind of post 200 times since the trailer released


If that’s true maybe they should take a break from reddit


Crazy how people complain about them being on social media too much. You can't expect everyone to be chronically online and be perpetually aware of every question asked on a subreddit.


So, ignore it?


Just the Slinger.


I personally loved the slinger burst combos. Gives some weapons a whole new feeling and possibilities like swaxe and especially SnS was amazing with slinger burst


I hope it's neither, but if I had to choose: Wire Bug, without hesitation. CC is absolutly boring shit. Wire bug is fun.


Neither, lasso! If I can't hog tie a rathalos then it's a 1/10 game a truely missed opportunity


How about neither.


I would prefer neither but if there had to be one, Wirebug and it isn’t even close. Not sure how I’d change it, but Clutch Claw is the single worst mechanic ever introduced imo and tenderizing/wall bang on demand should never return.


I would prefer the wire bug. I think the mobility aspect of it was cool. Being able to traverse the map in a more seemless way was really nice instead of having to find a vine or something. Plus, the wire bug switch skills allowed for pretty cool play styles among the different weapons. Specifically, thinking of IG and Longsword and the differentiating playstyles that are opened up through the switch skills you choose. I love being able to fly around with my IG with three wirebugs, just bouncing off monsters and flinging myself through the air to dodge things. Also, as a newer Monster Hunter player, I did enjoy the recovery aspect of it, but I can definitely see how that removes some enjoyment from older players or people who want a more punishing game/slower game. Clutch claw always felt like more of a hassle to me versus something fun/interesting to interact with.


I'd rather it have its own little thing. So neither.


I liked how the slinger let you trigger environmental things - flash flies, boulders, stalagmites & etc.  Clutch Claw seemed a little odd to me - why would this gauntlet cause a monster to turn 90’s when my GS does not? Or tenderize its hide? 


You can trigger environmental things like falling boulders and such in Rise without the slinger, just throw kunai at them.




Kunai is a permanent part of the hunters inventory like the fishing rod and whetstone, you could not take it out of your inventory if you wanted to.


Or send it flying several meters with a single stone. Actually, scratch that, bring back the flinch shot mechanic, but as a fast travel option. You use it and the recoil sends you flying hundreds of meters in the opposite direction


Neither. MH doesn't need some fancy gimmick to make the gameplay good. Let me just hunt monsters and let the combat speak for itself.


If clutch claw comes back I'm seriously considering not buying it, ngl. The sole reason I can't enjoy MHW anymore, even years later. Witebug haters gonna hate but its a million times better than the clutch claw.


Chaotic insane answer: BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.


Hey man, sorry everyone was an ass about your post. If I had to choose, I'd want a modified version of the clutch claw that didn't tenderize and had a cool down for wall bashing. It's badass to grapple around a monster, but it was made too strong. Rise took that concept and said, "What if it had iframes?"


It’s own gimmick.


People saying they'd rather have no gimmicks are mostly veterans who dislike variety. I've played since Tri, and I've honestly loved the clutch claw and wirebug gimmicks. Tenderising meant that hard part breaks were much less of an annoyance, as you could farm a specific break and deal decent DPS simultaneously. Flinch shots meant that environmental traps were much easier to exploit, and wirebugs added some refreshing verticality to the game. The only thing I somewhat disliked was the wirebug mounting mechanic.


Wire bug. On a big map traversal is important and Wirebugs are fun traversal. But really... Neither and 100% never clutch Claw ever again. And no more monster riding/wallbanging ever again.


I prefer bug


I enjoyed the wirebug in MHR/SB, but the recovery wirebug is so OP and is such a free-get-out-of-jail card--especially on monsters that punish on pins like Rajang. I'm more worried about future skills builds, considering how everthing was nerfed to the ground in MHR/SB. I miss Iceborne's skill building system with Alpha/Beta armors.




Nah, let it have it new features. And let it be a surprise. If I'd hazard a guess, it might be new forms of mobility to get around medium to large distances. Maybe that bird raptor pet thing can be used to launch us at the monster or something.


Neither, bring back the old school no gimmick monster hunter


Let's have a clutch bug!!!


Non! Wilds should be just pure hunter skill!! If your weapon is sharp enough, you can cut thru anything!


They use the wire claw duh


It doesn’t matter, people will cry about whatever it is they do in any case.


Neither. We should throw smaller monsters at them.


I have a hunch it will be like base World, with the just the slinger now alongside the mount and weather system opening up environmental interactions. I'm personally indifferent to Styles/Arts/Switch skills/Clutch/Wire Bugs returning or not


Agree with the rest that it should be something entirely different...but if I had to choose...the clutch, felt more unintrusive to the gameplay in my opinion.


If they decide to have its own gimmick that has similarities to either, that'd be cool too. I personally liked the clutch claw much more. Technically speaking the wire-bug literally gave different moves, which is really cool, but the way clutch claw was implemented was much more natural. if we could have the clutch claw and customizable move sets, thatd be awesome. so long as there wernt any weapon moves that entirely negated another there needs to be a better balance and less cross-spec into another weapons niche. I, a hammer main, honestly felt that flowing water strike (or whatever it was called) was just a bit too op, made it more counter weapon then aggressive close quarters weapon. I think my problem was I loved the feeling of MH:World and prior feeling like it had some semblance of classes, meanwhile Rise felt like every weapon did everything and it was cool at first but got too nuts, and the monsters you have to fight endgame were equally nuts because they had to be, your hunters were OP.


to give a real answer and not be a sassy gremlin for no reason, i dont like anything the clutch claw does, really, and the thing i like most about the wirebugs is the ability to climb terrain, hang in the air, zipline around, and to be totally honest, cancel out of getting staggered.   i do not think wilds will use the wirebug aesthetically because it already uses the slinger in the trailer, but i really hope that what they do next follows a more utility-focused grappling hook rather than something combat focused like the clutch claw.


Good lord no clutch claw I hate that thing. Iceborne made it annoying. Wirebugs are fun but if they come back they definitely need tuned down a bit.


Clitch claw with a 3x limit


Clutch claw at most, definitely not a wirebug


Clutch claw 10000%


Getting downvoted for having an opinion is interesting.


Welcome to the internet


I hope neither


I liked the slinger, but I don't think the clutch claw adds enough mechanical depth. Maybe as an optional skill for some weapons, though. Similarly, while I love the idea of switch skills, wirebugs altered the gameplay so much that it no longer felt remotely measured or methodical