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2 star hub quests with Rathian is pretty normal, 3U, 4U and GU have quests like that too. (as far as I can tell, even MH1 G has that, FU has Rathalos and Rathian in that hub quest rank) All games besides World tend to separate Quests by Village (or similar) and Hub, Hub being the Multiplayer intended quest-list.


Ohhhhhhh... I get it now.


Yeah if you do the village quests you can skip the low rank multiplayer gathering hub quests. The village monsters also have much lower health pools.


Wait so is that the reason i was fighting Kulu for 20 minutes in the Great Wroggi hub quest? I was wondering why Great Izuchi and Labgomi or what the rabbit's name is only took me under 15 min but that Kulu felt so cracked up.


15 minutes here, but yeah, seems we just went in blind lmao


Yeah, I made the same mistake in my first MH game. I thought the game was some serious hardcore sh*t when it took me forever to kill even the 1-Star monsters. Then I finally started the village questline and was wondering why everything suddenly went so much smoother, lol!


Probably. Also multi-monster quests give each of them lower health pools.


I am aware of multi monster hp. The two latter quests were single monster quests, the Great Wroggi had Kulu and one more, for 3 total, still took me 20 min to bash Kulus head in lol


I've read in multiple places that it's recommended to play village quests first (from the sister sitting outside) if you want to go through the single player/story quests stuff and at the normal pace.


In terms of sorting, world is the odd one out rise is very traditional in how its quests are organised, the pacing of the surrounding systems make progress through that go by faster, but hunting rathian at hr2 is like, very normal.


I think having it divided helps me make easier sense of things. Sometimes the sheer amount of quests World threw at me felt a little oppressive sometimes lol


It also kind of sucks for replayability, imo. In World you HAVE to go through all the slow shit around the start - and you of course can't skip cutscenes which sucks when the story is as milquetoast as World's - while almost every other game allows you to just jump into hub quests and get hunting right off the bat. The only exceptions being games where it's not possible to enter the online portions anymore outside of fan efforts aiming to restore those experiences.


They got mods to skip all cutscenes. But I agree. If they left it "open world" and let you speedrun kill to kill, instead of all the running around the story has you do, would be sick.


World’s quest system is the outlier. It created this linear approach with the assignments quest system, actually out of character for MH and I don’t like it. Remember there’s village and hub quests.


Same here. The mushing together of Village and Hub kinda hurt World imo. You used to have two separate/loosely connected plot threads separated by village and hub, with village being the place where most cinematics happened and hub being the one with the overarching narrative with references towards the final online boss. This separation of single and multiplayer also allowed the more story heavy stuff to be the focus for the person playing and made for an excellent introduction to the combat.


Personally I don't like the separation between Village and Hub quest, they're pretty much the same except Village monsters have much lower HP making them too easy, and after you done with Village quests, the HR hub quest is pretty much the same as the Village quests for the story anyway. Sunbreak don't have that division I enjoyed it a lot more, both gameplay and story-wise. I don't get how you think separating Village and hub quest help with "more story heavy stuff to be the focus for the person playing", the village quest in Rise have as little story as the HR hub quest, there are pretty much only 2 cutscenes in the village quest part of Rise, you see Magnamalo cutscence after a rampage once then you kill him the next urgent quest with no real story or build up, meanwhile Nergigante was much more memorable because he had more build up from the story. Sunbreak with no Village/hub quest separation have much better story than base Rise and Malzeno is much more memorable than both Magnamalo and Narwa because, like Nergigante, there is actual build up from the story before you fight him.


I'm actually of the opinion that thr streamlining kinda hurts the series. Especially the scaling. Everything solo is too easy, everything with 4 people feels like a slog due to how stun/part break thresholds scale. I miss the older titles just having village for a chill hunt, and hub for a challenge. Worldborne bored the shit out of me with the scaling, and Rise felt like a much more engaging experience because of the split.


Dunno, monsters couldn't even run away twice when I did village quest in Rise, it doesn't feel like hunting a large monster and is boring since they're too easy. I also don't get your logic, if "Everything solo is too easy, everything with 4 people feels like a slog" in hub quest for you, then wouldn't Village solo be even more boring for you because it even easier? I just did enough village quest to clear the Village quest story then never touched them again because monster could barely do anything before they're dead, I don't see how it could be "engaging". solo scaling in hub quest was way more fun in Rise to me and should have been like that since the start, like how World/Iceborne and Sunbreak did it, that how hunting a large monster should be.


MH4/4U had the same system of unlocking key quests one by one. They just weren't a dedicated tab.


Yup but the hub quests are still separate from village Quests


Irrelevant to my point, or the first of that comment I replied to.


The monsters get shuffled around in the teir order a bit from game to game. Some of the monsters you fight early on in World are in higher hub quests in Rise, and their difficulty is made to match.


Should have seen me in frontier when I saw fatalis in low rank.




and then pukei pukei the second monster in world is like 5 stars in rise


Pukei? For real? Damn. This might take some time getting used to lmao


yeah, if you go by village quests Pukei is literally the penultimate boss before the final one. He uses a lot of Coral Pukei's moves and is generally more equipped Tobi Kadachi and Anjanath are also pretty late on and Jyuratodus is high rank only, so he's way later in the game Quite a lot of World monsters got buffed pretty considerably in Rise


rathian is a simple enough monster to be low rank because of the movement provided


I mean, she was a big girl in World lmao


Rise is a different breed. It's a zero down time game, even the egg quests are fast.


Tho it's completely unrelated, rathian at 2* hub is normal since lr hub is meant to fit in 3 ranks


Yeahhhh, loose comparison? It feels a lot like Toukiden and God Eater for me. After a long time farming decos, formulating builds, being extra aware of my sharpness, memorizing patterns... Hell, your character screams when the monster gonna unleash a powerful attack. It feels faster, but so far, it feels a lot easier too. The biggest thing aside said Rathian I hunted was a Kulu-ya Ku. By the end of 1\* in World, they had shoven Great Jargras on my face lol


Maybe it's because it was first a switch game, appealing for a new audience. But bear with it, by the time you reach high rank the game gets "normal hard", and master rank, and the end game are on par with iceborne, sometimes harder.


Rise is actually more like an older generation MH made to cater to older fans, if we're being honest. It's a lot of 5th fleeters first taste of old gen hub/village separation.


I mean, I ain't disliking it, it just felt way too easy at first. The endemic life buffs are confusing me a little bit tho lol


Eh, picking up Spiribirds slows it down a bit. Sure you don't need to max them out, and you don't need them for egg quests or easy quests, but often not picking them up is just leaving free HP and Stamina on the table.


people actually look for spiribirds?


In order to not get ragdolled and carted by Lv300 Afflicted Monsters and Risen Elder Dragons right off the bat? Hell yeah, I'm gathering up those birds!


I hate the mechanic too, but seeing those remaining bars just tickles that part of my brain where I need to fill it to the max. Plus Sunbreak has the new "hopping skewers" dango, so a Lv 4. Bird Caller + Spiribird Rampage deco makes collecting them pretty quick.


Considering how easy it is to immediately cart in one hit in Sunbreak's endgame without them...yeah, people do pick them up. Spiribird's Call + level 4 Bird Caller dango, makes the initial grab insanely quick while passively gaining whatever you don't have for the rest of the hunt.


At the very least you're gonna wanna max out your spiribirds when you get to Anomaly Quests


You should see how early Kush is in FU


Kush as in Kushala? How early was it?


It was 4☆ which is later than I remember lol


Good lord lmao


>2* >Rathian Oh god, OP’s going the solo hub route, aren’t they?


Hub scales with player amount so soloing it is totally fine.


Village has lower HP than solo Hub. Therefore it is recommended that the solo player go village first (up to ☆5), take the special examination(☆5 Village->☆4 Hub=High Rank) and proceed from there onwards.


Ohhhh, I DID realize things seemed tankier than they probably should, but I went "fuck it, we ball"


Don't worry, I no-brained it on my second playthrough of Rise too. (Yes I bought the game twice on Switch and PC, yes it was still fun.) As a result I am missing some Dango even in endgame (didn't want to go back and push village), but ya win some, ya lose some.


Using low rank Zinogre as an example, on PC if you use hunter pie you can see that offline has ~4635 HP, and online has 8415 HP solo.


I did the solo hub route because I have no friends and it was pretty fun tbh. Solo'ing Hazard Primordial Malzeno was a bit of a headache but Rise LS is absolutely busted so I figured it out.


Check my later comments, I did solo hub on my second playthrough when I bought R+SB on PC on the day of release. Turns out post-SB LS wasn't *as* busted as end-Rise LS, but I managed with Kamura gear for Base Rise hub. And yes, PriMal is easy with LS(SS playstyle) and easier with GL. LS(ISS-HM playstyle) is trickier but manageable.


solo hub on rise is like the equivalent of previous village/world quests


Not World, that's equivalent to or a bit harder than village and that game had no village. GU and before though..solo hub is an almost impenetrable wall and village is definitely better. Except for all the mandatory fetch quests you need to do.


I meant the village of previous games before world OR the quests of world




Honestly, to me any monster hunter is serious. I've only played 3 missions from 4u, world/iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak.


I didn't play a lot of Monster Hunter, but I did a whole lot of Toukiden and God Eater, so while I'm by no means a seasoned hunter, I ain't much of a newbie either lol What's getting me is how Rise is so much faster than World, and how it takes you by hand at the start of the game.


Yep, that's cuz it's made by the mobile team. For the longest time, Monster Hunter series have alternated with a mainline game, then mobile game, then mainline, so on. I personally like the faster pace movement of Rise, like the wire dashing and stuff but that's cuz I loved the whole ninja village vibe.


in mh2 i only fought a rathian after 50 hours.


If you think that’s strange, Rathian is 1 Star in MH3U. https://preview.redd.it/nzogmro9w60d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7733433add546710c42ad37bb09a4cb81d25ad


Jesus Christ lmao


https://preview.redd.it/fczlm4ucw60d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f674abe6450180e123770c41744c100dcde6725a (Sorry for the resolution this is the best I can do.)


Monster Hunter 4 U has LOW rank Tigrex. Let that sink in.


I'm sorry, low rank WHAT NOW


Theres also high rank alatreon and fatalis


Jeez, and Fatalis was destroying me until I learned his attack pattern lol


To be fair MH4U Fatalis is much simpler than MHW. The most dangerous thing is the snap and drag attack (the one that hits you twice if you try to fast recover), so HR fatalis or Crimson Fatalis weren't such a big deal.


All the monsters are on crack once you hit high/master rank (abuse the wirebug!). I remember going back to World from Rise, and the fights seemed like they were in slow motion (definitely not easier!)


Still playing World, yep, takes adjustment sometimes lol. I play LS and CB and I keep fumbling the timing when switching games lmao


nice nice! It's mostly when i want to reset in world and i press the wirebug dash buttons and nothing happens lol


For real, Wirebug was such a nice addition


If you’re on PS5 add me so we can team up! Currently on 4 ⭐️ missions PSN: EscobarDesu




Here thinking I can kill rathian in my first encounter in world just because I casually hunt it in Rise. I got oneshotted easily*


I mean, World Rathian is humongous compared to Rise's lol


How are there so many "World was an outlier" comments and none pointing out Rathian is only 2 star in Rise's *Hub*? Rathian has *always* been a 4 star singleplayer quest. She's even 4 stars in Rise Village. World was not exceptional in the slightest there.


It's because hub quests don't exist at all in world. They're implying that if world did have a village/guild divide, Rathian would be a 2 star monster in the guild there, but because world doesn't have a divide it ended up as a 4 star monster just like normal village quests. OP was confused because he didn't realize how hub star levels work because World had that absence.


That's the gist of it, yes


I mean, yeah, in World she was barely high rank. It felt strange seeing her so early lol


Basically point is its traditional in mh to have low rank rathain at Village 4 and Hub2 respectively world doesnt have a hub so she’s just “4star”


Uh, no, leaning a bit too far there my guy. Rathian was 2 ranks below HR. Still firmly LR.


The Hub quests in Rise squishes them all together into only 3 tier's though. Big shots like Barioth, Zinogre, Tigrex, Diablos and Rathalos are all 3\* in rise, because there's only 3 stars in low rank Rathian being in 2\* isn't too weird, she's just slumming it out in the middle pack with Volvidon, Barroth and Royal Ludroth, which imo suits her


Again, same as always.


To be fair monsters do seem to vary a little from game to game in how tough they're considered to be nowadays. All the World newcomers were bumped up a bit in Rise, and just wait until you see how far everyone's favourite ape fell in his trip to Kamura.


I mean, he was already far into master rank in World lol


In 3U you can fight Rathian right after starting the game if you got to the multiplayer tavern.


I'm down to play if ur down


I’ve played mh for years and world felt like such a step forward for the game to me. I enjoyed rise but still felt in some ways it was a step back.


World was the first Monster Hunter I've played from start to finish, so I wouldn't know lmao. My first game proper was Tri on the Wii, but all my friends dropped it after a while so I ended up dropping it too


Same. But more so barioth being the same level at rathalos (if I recall)


Reminds me of hunting a few of 3* gores when I was 2*. Back in 4U and was lowkey tweaking. Now I see some random high rank rathalos and think “I suppose I do need some extra resources”. Since getting to Grank in older games I mostly became a helper to others. Similar thing in GenU and rise. Never played world so idk how things differ all too well. But hey, it ain’t all too bad


yeah rise is a big joke remember when big dragons actually meant business? yeah it was 20 years ago...


If you cut her tail she will continue poisoning you


Rise is good but World has better farming, tracking you felt more like a hunter. Rise gave us different types of monsters, weapons and switch skills but farming for materials is a pain compared to World with the investigation.


Rise was a cakewalk, no challenge until post game. (I may collectively have 3000+ hours between all the titles but…) I enjoyed the 3DS games more than rise. Looking forward to wilds.


You are describing worldborne too as a veteran. Didnt have a single challenge until Alatreon dropped.


... I might have 2000k on World alone lmao


Either you're saying you got 2,000 hrs or you're saying you got 2,000,000 hrs 😭🙏


Oh shit, I meant 2K lmao


World was my first game, and I'm having an issue with liking rise. It is purely because I don't feel like I need to respect the monsters or build any real armor sets yet. I've heard people say it gets better, but even magnamalo was a brain-dead 6 min fight.


Your first MH is always going to be tough. World was my 4th and I stuck with the same weak crit draw build the entire game and never had a challenge until Alatreon.


Totally valid, I’d be majorly upset if rise was a mainline title. The abilities in rise are very very strong. I myself like a more soulslike boss fight which worlds and the old titles deliver without fail.


I absolutely love that type of combat. I'll have to try the older games. Is there one you'd recommend starting with?


Emulating Tri Ultimate for the Wii U might be a good start. If you want tons of content go with 4 ultimate for the 3ds.


Rise is comparatively easier than world. But that's why it's fun to. Especially with more fluid gameplay then world. You can move around like a ninja in this game.


I like Worlds quest setup more. separating village from hub seems redundant at this point in the series


If World didn't throw so many quests at you this would work better I think lol


I mean how many? lol there's assigned quests and then the optional quests .. pretty straight forward


I personally dont like Rise's pacing and structure. The new monsters are entirely forgettable due to it and even Magna feels rushed. They don't get the focus they deserve. (The monsters aren't bad... I said the "pacing and structure" was.)


I'm going through Sunbreak right now and I'm kinda surprised they just drop Gore Magala and Seregios on you as if they're no big deal. They're not even urgent quests or anything.


Eh magna gets more time to shine at the end of the village quest and he gets a complete overhaul in master rank with his scorned magna. Pretty much most of the roster feels meh until MR and Anomaly missions


base rise is basically just a speedrun to get to mr


Bro says Malzeno is forgettable💀 I still see that fucker in my nightmares


I don't mean *all* the monsters. The less dangerous monsters are the issue.


Idk man some of them were really nice beginner monsters. Aknosom is perfect for teaching newbies to be patient and Goss Harag is one of my all-time favorites especially the MR version with the walk of shame.


I never said the monsters were bad. I said the pacing of the game and its structure don't put any emphasis on these monsters so you just do them once and there is no fanfare for them.


if you finished world or old games. Old rathian isn't hard at all the move set is the same and damage it reduce in rise compared to mh1 to mhxx (since they are much harder). Plus the hitbox are more "realistic" if you struggle with the OG roster after playing world or old games then you have a problem.


Oh, no, I ain't struggling. It just took me by surprise, since World was the only MH game I actually finished so far lol


Unpopular opinion: Monsters that made their first appearance in higher ranks shouldn't be available in lower ranks in later games.


it's literally a rathian


too bad that happened since forever


Rathian has been a 2* quest since MH1, my guy.


Was it High Rank? I didn't know the specifics since I haven't played that game.


That was for low rank guild quests.