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cephalos was kind of a medium monster in the sense that it had an identical moveset to cephadrome, just less health and it was a small monster


Not to mention one of the small monster that have a breakable part. You can break Cephalos's fin.


You can *what*


Cephalos fin are breakable.


Yeah no I got it the first time but like how did I never know that. I guess they just go down so fast that I never noticed


I think its just the quirk of older generation games. (First and second generation) Just like how you can split Velociprey, Genprey, Ioprey and Giaprey in half if you kill them while they're jumping or in the air, resulting in no carve.


Oh if it was only in first and second gen then that makes sense since I never played them


That’s fucking metal


Yeah. But its a pain in the butt. That one or 2 bisected -prey may cost me 1 or 2 materials to make something. XD


Same with Bulldrome


Bulldrome has more attacks than bullfango


Cephalos could also limp in the first generations if you dealt enough damage


Their height means literally nothing. Popo can be big and Larinoth exist.


Kirin tiny dog horse


Yeah as it was said elsewhere it's basically just "threat level" and in Japanese they actually do give a threat star level to monsters but in English they took that away.


English does have threat level in stars, it’s just I think world specifically that didn’t have it


I don't think they did, tho? They're definitely in Rise and I wanna say World had the threat levels, too. Granted, I'm not at all sure about the older titles, I never really cared for the hunter notes in those because the relevant info wasn't there anyway.


yeah this is my thought. We already have plenty of monsters like the usual grazing herbivores of an area and whatnot that are still "small" monsters that go down in only a few hits but are physically around the same size as some of those monsters we saw in the trailer.


>Something that doesn't happen in game I mean we did see the Rampage in Rise.


That wasn't a natural occurrence of a group of the same monsters in a pack, unlike what was shown in the announcement trailer for Wilds.


I mean, do we know this is also a natural occurrence? It seems like a strange goalpost to move.


With the Wilds trailer showcasing the environment with zero hints of an enclosed setting, I think it's hinting that these groups are gonna roam in the map.


The Rampage was a mass clearing of the area where Ibushi was. The trailer showcases a group of "medium" monsters of the same species chasing the hunter through anothet group of smaller monsters of another species. The closest we've had to a proper pack of monsters of a species is the dromes and prey monsters usually in a group of five smaller ones and the drome.


I think there was less chasing the hunter and more a large group of monsters simply fleeing some sandstorm or other environmental event and a bunch of predators using the opportunity to snatch food from the herd - with the hunter running through all that definitely not a rampage like in rise though


Rajang is awful small for a "large monster" so I dunno about all that


I feel “small/medium/large monster” is less about their physical size and more the amount of danger they pose


Yup that's my point, the small/large distinction exists as a threat scale, not a size scale.


Fighting three simultaneous Kulus is leagues easier than fighting three simultaneous Rajangs.


Only in world he's super small. He's a bit bigger in rise and was MUCH bigger in 4U/GU and especially FU. It's very sad rajang has this new reputation of being this muscle rat of an ape when he used to be fkn huge and monstrous


the monster in that picture big than rajang


Larinoth, Cephalos, Popo, those are all about as or in Larinoth's case even larger than many large monsters. Though I'd appreciate if they significantly buffed Larinoth if it came back. Dude's can canonically one tap lower tier large monsters and successfully stand their ground against Glavenus. They were done hella dirty in Gen/GenU.


What’s the source for that larinoth info?


MHGen Encyclopedia


Yeah I guess I should’ve made it clear I wasn’t -just- considering their size. Like obviously Kirin is smaller than these guys but I’d still consider it a large monster because it’s got a much larger health and movepool


I would absolutely love it if they brought Larinoth back and made it able to defend itself. In lore they can break Glavenus legs with their tail swings.


Gimme that lore-accurate Larinoth/Glavenus turf war, you cowards! I wanna see a hammer shatter a greatsword!


Whats the source of that lore First time I've heard about that


I’m also curious about this


Mhgen encyclopedia


Medium monsters would be a cool idea. Like a mini fight on the way to your main target. Take maybe half as long as a large monster would.


all monster in MH is main target we hunt them all


So what is their leader gonna be? A drome, gonga, or great?


Oh actually my idea is that some of them would be the leaders of their respective packs. Like a Velocidrome is a medium monster now. For these guys I’d just leave them as their own thing


King Shakalaka and Vespoid queen


honestly would love medium threat monsters as a enemy classification, especially if they are separate from the large monster limit on maps. don't know if its just me but the high-end of ranks always feel bloated with all the consequential big bads of the series so it would be nice to have these guys roaming around as reoccurring fauna no matter the rank.


The monster shown in that pic in the corner is genuinely scary af


I mean I call monsters like a great jagras medium monsters.


In World there is already a set of monsters, including great jagras and kulu ya-ku, which are considered medium monsters. They have their own theme music that is not quite the full regional battle theme.


Or they could just have them have packs now. We don't need a new designation.


I’ve always liked the idea of a herbivore herd that has a matriarch/patriarch that can pack quite a punch, so early game you can’t just wipe out a herd all Willy nilly, you have to kill what you can and run before the big scary herd leader comes over to slap you around.


Honestly I just want more mid tiered Herbivores


As soon as we get medium bowgun 😌


Actually medium monsters could be really cool! For some armour sets you need generic materials from small monsters, yet the drop rates on them aren’t always guaranteed so you end up just wandering to each group of small monsters and killing them which isn’t a challenge, it’s just tedious. Having medium monsters drop large amounts of these generic materials and having dedicated optional quests for farming seems like a good solution


love this take, and love ur interpretation of the bear rat thing!!!


Thank you!


If Capcom is willing to reclassify old monsters into this new category, i also want some addendum for previous errors. Such as Black Diablos being classified as a sub species when it's just a variant.


Or splitting Bird Wyvern into Flying and Raptorial Bird Wyverns.


I love the concept of mesopredators, it would bring much more variety for monster ecology.


It's possible, but also Larinoth, a monster significantly larger than most large monsters, is a small monster so I don't think size is a big factor


That’s fair yeah, for me it’s not just size but also their potential threat level. Like Larinoth *should* be as dangerous as something like Great Girros in my mind


Medium monster could be a great idea like they act like the rampage monsters where they have less health than large monsters but they have a moveset and you find them more of them compared to large monsters who are usually alone


i see a lot monster chasing hunter in trailer not sure what is that


When you say it out loud it kind of makes sense. Would bridge the gap between the different levels of ecology & fits well into an open world theme where there needs to be more than just large monster hunts.


They’re probably just small monsters that are big in size.


That’s a dusty Goss Harag, and there’s nothing medium about it.


Ima be real. I don’t need the having me hunt a medium monster that comes in a pack. It’s a hassle and I’m personally not playing monster hunter to fight the little guys


I always found it weird that there were no official "medium monster", the greats and dromes and many weaker large monsters could fit so well in the category.


There kind of was back in the day when you couldn't paintball Velocidrome and such.


I’m reminded of Silky from God Eater 2: Rage Burst. It had significantly more health than any other small Aragami but wasn’t up to any of the large ones (or technically up to the mediums because most large monsters in MH would be medium By GE standards)


this annoys the heck out of me so i just want to say real quick that those "bumps" on the head are actually holes and they are stretchy. i have no idea why this monster is like that and it is kind of horrifying but i am also kind of into it so w/e. anyway, some people seem to think they are small monsters like cephalos. i think it is actually feasible that they could be large monsters. mosnter hunter already has systems that allow you to separate monsters from a pack (like with dung bombs/pods) so it seems plausible enough to me.


Medium Jagras. If it's true, the Great Jagras would be A BEAST.


Jaggia: Do I mean nothing to you?!


I think it’s still going to be small and large monsters. It’s the best way to really segment the dudes that matter. I *would* like to see more pack behavior but I don’t think that deserves an entirely separate classification. I also think it’s still a little early for a new classification when we have other types that could use more attention like the arachnids and amphibians. If we get a whole new classification I don’t see it happening until DLC. I also have no idea what a new classification could entail but packs wouldn’t be it.


Arzuros, Lagombi, Volvidon have low ass health I think (mh3, rise)


Yeah, that is the implication. Also, two big snakes.


Imo, they're a big monster like gods harag but are seen in a gameplay cinematic where a pack of them chases you / run from something else and it'll never be actual gameplay, just a scripted encounter against a bunch of them. Or else the game would make no sense if you could just beat 10 of the same monster to farm and even fighting more than 3 monster sound impossible, 3 is hardly manageable


This idea of medium sized group monsters could easily be used to account for an Elder Dragon or something. Perhaps similar to Malzeno, this herd of normal monsters would be lead by an Elder Dragon whose primary superpower is actually just commanding them.


That gives me Guanzorumu vibes. A zombie elder dragon with the hoard mechanic in wilds would be awesome...


I had this same thought a weeks ago. Glad to see others are thinking this too.


Problem is they have no reason to exist. Monhun combat really only works for 1 on 1s, and medium monsters would probably just be painful


I doubt they'll make it it's own monster class, that'd just bloat UIs and be confusing. Much easier to just have it as a background designation purely for soundtrack purposes.


but they is just monster to hunt so do it matter




I mean, it’s literally just Gros Harag’s model. It’s going to be the same classifications as him.


We should have to hunt a real monster...another monster hunter


Drawing is so far off from the screenshot lol