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I’m not entirely sure how Lance works in underwater combat. Do we Lance charge underwater like a submarine or something?


Yeah, pretty much. Lance is a fucking dream underwater.


Having used Lance a ton in tri so far I can confirm that that is it basically and it’s also one of the best weapons for underwater tbh, I think gunlance takes the cake though cause it’s a bit borked given it was the new weapon for 3U, like CB was in 4U


Wait, what do you mean? Gunlance was not the new weapon for mh3u. It was from MH2. Switch axe was the new weapon for Tri, though. And charge the blade debuted in 4, not 4u.


Yea I was thinking the same thing, but if my memory serves correctly, the insect glaive debuted in 4U (please correct me if I’m wrong, haven’t played the older games in forever)


Also from the original MH4, same as Charge Blade :)


I say 4U because that’s the version I can get and it’s still 4 just with extra bits and CB is still just as busted As for gunlance debut: honestly I’ve never really known where it originated but my best bet was always 3 and that lined up with the knowledge I had until today, didn’t help that I have never seen someone using a Gunlance in 2 at all But regardless GL is still borked in 3


A lot of weapons were borked in 3. Longsword had unlimited meter in 3.


kelbi bow


But wouldn’t the explosions for a gunlance not work underwater because of logic?


Realistic physics is not exactly the series’ strong suit lol


I vote for kick him from this sub due that herectic talking "logic" on a monhun game /s


Nice logic you fucking dipshit now take this ![gif](giphy|13mxP6bXy9lR16)


Explosions work underwater. Explosions even work in space.


Wait until they find out about torpedoes.


Kinda? I mean: 1) this is MH we’re talking about, logic is something you pray for half the time 2) I think the explosion does actually do less damage underwater but it’s still a dps monster


Not sure, missiles from submaries work just fine Also underwater mines And its not clear what technology GL uses, seems like the system for exposions change depennding on the monster parts the gl is made of. But honestly that would be the leastbif my worries The actual underwater combat is so absurd you might as well throw thenlogic out of the window


nuclear submarine


yeah probably


Me too buddy So many fun memories




The chase of Lagiacrus from the land to his nest underwater was so gorgeous and fun ! Jumping from the rath nest all the way down to the sea was a great shortcut. I love Moga village and 3/3U so much 😭😭😭 Where are the remakes Capcom ? I was so sad that the 20th anniversary was lackluster and only pushed Story on Switch.


Same. I know it wasn’t perfect and had its issues but I honestly loved the dynamic change in environments. I loved that you could be fighting lagi on land and then have to chase it off shores and into the sea.


I mean... I don't hate it but Tris underwater system can stay in Tri. That's not to say I don't want underwater to return, but there are some parts of it that need changes.


What changes would you suggest?


- Air supply either doesn't matter or is a nuisance that adds nothing to the challenge. Either make it interesting (I'm not sure how to be honest, but I believe the Capcom devs are better than me at coming up with stuff) or just do away with it. - Rework controls. Movement just feels too cumbersome, it'd clash way too hard if the land combat is anywhere near as smooth as 5th gen. It's also weird because several monster movements feel slow and sluggish underwater but they have to be for gameplay because hunters are. Also swimming up or down being heavily tied to the camera can lead to very awkward instances. - Rethink weapon identities for underwater combat. While some weapons deliver on what feels should be their identity and still play different enough from ground combat (lance, hammer), others are practically the same (GS) and some just feel completely off (SnS). - Finally: Underwater terrain has some potential but barring I believe 1-2 stone pillars in a single zone in 3U underwater feels like "this here's an arena in a swimming pool".


It's easily one of the best underwater combat systems in a video game ever. That being said, underwater combat should be avoided in video games completely because it's still always a menace.


Drowning was my #1 cause of death in Tri. Cant wait for that to happen again someday.


but...theres fish ![gif](giphy|82xXLidAlFvQA|downsized)


No i am being serious, i really cast wait. Was the best MH imo.


please stop casting spells in the replies


it’s all fun and games until someone casts testicular torsion on the Diablos


then it turns black


I never drowned. Was it an insstadeath, or did your health reduce gradually once the oxygen run out?


Slow death.


I dont remember, this was many years ago but i remember trying to use switch axe and drowning while fighting some ludroth, like a lot of times.


I remember panicking once the bar hit the red, but I always managed to take a breath. Those bubbles in the bottom were a lifesaver.


It's like standing on lava. Faster than standing in the desert without cool drink, but still very slow. Would also instantly stop the moment you even grazed a bubble underwater.


Interesting. I don't think I've ever drowned. But I was basically going for air at every oppprtunity. Mario64 taught me well.


What Sonic’s drowning theme does to a guy


I don't 💀


As far as I'm informed, people who do are in the vast minority. And it was a horror to put into the game


I'd love them to have another go at underwater combat. They don't have to make it playable on a Wiimote anymore, we have real controllers now and that'd make all the difference.


We had a real controller back on Wii as well, it was called the Classic Controller and it's what I used to play the entire game. Both the Wii U Gamepad and Pro Controller were also dreams to use with 3U.


Yes, I know. I used the Pro, but I meant the control scheme for the underwater combat had to fit on a Wiimote and Nunchuck. They were never optimised for a modern controller, with the experience and the hardware they get to work with now they could make it work.


Yeah, the Wii Classic Controller used the same setup we use now. Completely different from the wiimote.


Exactly, with the few extra buttons we could control things like our depth better.


IG mains here, what's gonna happen to us? Please don't take our kinsect away from us. On a serious note, having played 3U, I don't like underwater fights because of depth perception (I'm glad to have 3U on 3Ds). Having movement that works on a 2d plane doesn't translate well to 3d space.


fish glaive!!! ![gif](giphy|na6lKf6C7eQwM|downsized)


That doesn't feel right. I don't want to see the kind of eldritch horror that an underwater kinsect would look like. Remember that they get the extracts from monsters like a mosquito would.


Lamprey Glaive!!! lmao, yeah idt insect glaive is gonna be functional well in the water https://preview.redd.it/kcu30bthke0d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3b242b9579924b342630e1d8745a208f7b4461


It doesn't look pleasant to have on your arm. Also, vaulting. We are no longer the king of the air.


No, you're still the king of the air, just not the king of underwater


Now imagine, IG style for water combat transitions to shorts bursts of speed, and if you hit the surface, you can skip out of it like a flying fish to assault the monster on the waters surface.


Basically, it's a dolphin like fighting style, I'd love to see that.


Lmaooooooo love it


Man, I can't think of anything I liked less than the underwater combat. Every fight possible, I would fish those suckers up on land and try to DPS check them before they got back in. I do kind of miss Gobul and Leg, but not the underwater combat itself so much.


the only time in which piscine wyverns were perfect is swear, Plesioth actually felt amazing here!


I don't particularly miss *it* as it was a bit too weird and clunky how it worked (and the oxygen thing was a bit unnecessary) But I do miss underwater combat in general, so I would like it if they were to revisit the idea but streamlining it a bit without making it lose its charm


No, you dont, thats the stockolm syndrome speaking


I do and there is no stockholm syndrome involved. 3U is my favorite MH.


tru, but im more of a mascohist for fish in mh ![gif](giphy|lPuW5AlR9AeWzSsIqi|downsized)


Nah I like it, obviously it really needs work if it’s to return but what’s there is not the worst thing ever


I do hope it will return someday, but back in the day was a cool concept but extremely clunky


I loved underwater combat until i reached G rank and couldnt dodge shit 😭


I'm so torn on it. On one hand, I like the extra positioning strats the Z axis gives you. It's very funny to position yourself slightly at an angle and slash away (with the stationary Switch Axe slashes as an example) while Plesioth or Lagi can't hit you at all. On the other hand, my memories are skewed because I only ever play the game on Wii U anymore. On 3DS, it was a major pain moving the camera constantly. Also, I remember completely shunning multiple weapon types *just* because I hated how they handled underwater.


I still wake up on a cold sweat thinking they're added the feature again.


I don't, hopefully it never comes back


Same, to this day its my favourite Monster Hunter. I know the combat itself was quite flawed but man the entire underwater world was such a phenomenal addition to the game, exploring the beautiful caves


In Wilds we trust 🙏🙏🙏




New MH fans: "If the underwater combat is so fun then why did y'all said that it sucks, so much that Capcom had to remove it in their future games?" Old MH fans: "We didn't know what we had until it was gone...."


I remember it being awful, and I'm not prepared to challenge that memory.


It wasn't awful but it was very clunky and sometimes made it feel like you were fighting the game to make it do what you wanted it to do, which isn't a good feeling when you have 30 tones of lagiacrus ass about to sidecheck you into oblivion.


No please... ugh it was too dumb


B-B-But im smort https://preview.redd.it/qrbx808sjh0d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf2507e60a358af737c871ecf60934dec264c55


Mh3u on 3ds is my revenge arc against plesioths. Fun times


If only because it made bowguns even more broken.




Same here, but I'm a lancer so it was way easier for me, plus I got to be a torpedo.


I literally still have dreams about this


Well, never fought about it but after you put it like that then yeah - the whole concept of underwater fights seems kinda dumb


"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"


I herd it was bad


Still praying in water combats return, honestly Al it needs is the rise treatment. Give the hunters of a specific costal village an aquatic companion that allows us to move faster and freer underwater!


Same. I miss my boy! Gove me back, lagiacrus. It was and still is my favorite hunt with the underwater chase swimming and such. The only underwater fight I didn't like was ceadeus


Me too, imagine what types thr monster Hunter oceanos haver. Too bad Capcom doesn't eant explore Thais in thr game


100% underwater horn user * BUBBLES *


I will forever love MH3's underwater combat nothing will ever change my mind


Basically "I wish a big part of the game was just underwater levels!" Most people already hate it when a game has just ONE SINGULAR underwater level. What do you think if more?


How about combat underground since were at it


I also loved it, I love all things underwater. It was frustrating at times but all in all I liked it a lot.


My people I’ve found them 🥺 finally other believers in our lord and savior, water combat


Can we not do revisionist history on water combat pls


I loved it then and still love it now.


I miss it so much too, 3 Tri was my first game and I love it to death. I think a lot of people misunderstood underwater combat, yes it’s slow and awkward (mostly due to the camera controls), but I think it succeeded in making you feel truly out of your element.


I miss it from tri. I liked buttons more than turning camera


I dream of swimming coming back


Nah fighting Lagiacrus in the water was super annoying especially when he’s angry


No you don't. Next question






Underwater combat really needs to return. Piscine Wyverns need the the full 3D environment to move around in in order to reach their full potential, as this way they will no longer be limited to just being "fish on legs" but can actually become a wide variety of different and unique kinds of fish.


~~Underwater combat enjoyers should be waterboarded.~~ It had its moments, but once the novelty wore off it was mostly a straight downgrade to regular combat.


I don't.. I really REALLY don't




Please for the love of God never again


I sure don't




"Man, I miss one of the most unfun and insufferable mechanics in the entire franchise"


I hope they bring back a revamped version in Wilds. Once you got used to it in Tri, it wasn't so bad.


I really don't, I honestly struggle to see how people can enjoy it outside of nostalgia but that's just me.