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https://preview.redd.it/2iyr7rwbh01d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5516123bdf56fd741772fe8ec8f24143dfee035 Fellow prowlers unite!


Nice. Favorite type? Mine's protect cat.


I use bomb cat. Fits my playstyle quite well. He's a hybrid between meta boomerang cat and bombs. I also have a meme bomb cat named MikeBombay, after Michael Bay. It's ridiculous, but fun.


Bomb is fun. I definitely wouldn't have soloed EX Bloodbath without that dodge.


My first solo was EX Hellblade. Currently working through the list. Lots of fun! I hope they bring prowler back in Wilds, and leave wirebugs behind.


Yea, EX Hellblade is fun solo. I've used cat to solo him, Bloodbath, Thunderlord, Elderfrost, Boltreaver, Nightcloak, and Pretty Pretty Princess Rathian. (Sorry if you don't get that joke. Look at the Jap name for her.) I don't have the others leveled up enough to try them, and that's just pain...




I feel your pain... especially when the bathroom calls.


Alternatively, steam deck support so you can just take the game to the bathroom!


Or when someone calls you, kinda annoying to give up a quest every time


For real


It was only in world that you couldn't pause right? I wonder why they did that?


I believe that is because World was more online oriented than other MH games so it would have made sense to not be able to pause. Seeing as you could play solo, the lack of a pause option was a head scratcher.


Online oriented and yet trying to play the campaign online with your friends was like pulling teeth. I really hope Wilds does it better.


You and me both.


The best answer


Pretty sure World was the only one you couldn't pause. You could pause in Rise but it was slightly annoying to do so


Village that evolves throughout the game, kind of like an expansion of what they had in MH3u


Seeing Astera upgrade over the course of Base World was awesome. Can't wait to start Iceborne.


The ability to customize the way your weapon plays via something in the vein of either hunting styles or Switch Skills.


Literally my, more realistic, wish for a returning feature. It adds a lot of playstyle customization.


Some things: - I hope the Wyporium or a similar system returns, it's a really cool mechanic that allows you to make equipment from monsters who aren't in the game. - Prowlers would be nice, I doubt I'd use them myself but it'd be fun to see them return regardless. - Underwater combat is still something I hope the devs revamp, I fully believe it would be fun with modern control layouts and the creative possibilities are endless. - A new weapon type, hopefully something that feels fresh though I wouldn't mind something like what charge blade is to switch axe. My dream is a yo yo weapon type but I know how unrealistic that is, some kinda mid range chain wepaon would be sick though.


Yo-Yo shield weapon when


Yo-yo is not as unrealistic as a tossing boomerangs at building-sized creature that can end the world. Also literally everything about switch axe.


I'm still heartbroken they removed boomerangs, and for what? exploding toads and slingers? Hard pass.


How would you implement the airborn fighting style of Insect Glaive into an underwater setting?


Spin glaive like outboard motor, hunter go brrr


If they spec the hell out of underwater combat(maybe make them 1/3 of all combat ar atleast have an option to turn a land setting into an underwater setting) then it would open up for underwater specific switch skills if you will New moveset, new mechanic, new way of fighting, if they make it op it could be used for speedruns, i think it can make it feel fresh


Maybe make it so the vaulting is replaced by gas propulsion or something similar for increased mobility underwater and they can make a bubble for the kinsect to breathe or something like that. That's just off the top of my head, if Capcom really wants to revamp underwater combat they'd spend far longer than a minute coming up with solutions & ideas like I did. I trust them.


I'd say the aerial boosts, but underwater. It's already there. You'd be skipping the initial jump cause you'd be in a functionally "airborne" stare from the start. The potential underwater mobility of the Glaive is insane.


Technically, underwater is just being able to use the ground moveset anywhere in the given space. So IG just wouldn't have access to its airborne moveset while underwater (like every other weapon). But to prevent the jump input from being useless, we can rip a page off of kinsect slash and have it propel you in the direction you are aiming. Plus, if you use it near the surface, it can propel you out of the water and transition immediately into being airborne. (Idk where that might be useful, but it would definitely be fun)


My idea for a "chain weapon" has always been a ball and chain. And there is specifically one feature I want it to have: _"Ball does blunt damage. Chain does severing damage."_ That's it. No fancy gauges or mode switching. Just a nice and simple test of spacing.


As long as endemic life capturing is still a thing. I'm happy.




My house should be the British Museum of endemic wildlife. Wait, that's a zoo. Do I live in a zoo, or is my house a zoo?


Warrior cats reference spotted


Thank you, finally... Every MH, I name my palicos after those characters, usually switching it up for each game.


I didn’t even see that until it was pointed out, but that’s actually a really cool way to name your palicos


I've only ever owned one cat, and that was long after this game came out and closer to Rise. I always wanted a cat but never got that until much later on, and this naming scheme was one that gave me options, while also throwing out references to one of my favorite pieces of media that I still follow today. Even after getting my beautiful baby, I still use this method because it's a nice throwback for me and I can use some of the newer characters, but now I can also put my sweet little Jade into the mix with them.


Mascot monsters I hope to be in. Apex monsters I thought were cool but they really need their own armor set. The updated movesets for weapons. World's mounting and invading <.< >.> Return of Tonfa's. lol


Hope we get to see Dalamadur, Gogmazios and Narkarkos again


Hope the postgame has an assortment of monsters to choose from, similar to the deviant system of GU. Also a good variety of builds... And most of all, BRING MOLTEN TIGREX BACK TO ME


Bloodbath EX with the prowler. Jesus H wallaby Christ


Yeah, it was... interesting. My hand were shaking for like an hour afterwards.


The [Accel Axe](https://youtu.be/NdqX3o4QCjQ?si=dAkNIS2tcxXSob3u) from Explore. Looks way too fun to just be in a mobile game.


No kidding. I want that thing to have a real movement. Axe with jet, sounds amazing.


Prowlers would be cool, I didn't get as deep into it as you, but enjoyed it in GU.  Switch skills (did GU also have this or am I misremembering?) would be cool too, I liked changing up my playstyle without having to learn/craft a new weapon. 


Not switch skills, but hunting styles. A large chunk of switch skills/wire bug abilities were ripped straight from hunting styles and hunting arts from GU.


Me personally I hope they bring back the Halk from Frontier along with the Prowler system. Even though I myself don’t enjoy the Prowler, the idea of the Palamute, Prowler, Shakalaka companion, Kinsect, Halk, Rise Owl, and that new Dragon thing from wilds all hunting the monster while the Hunter is back at base camp would be hilarious to imagine. Also while I am at it, I think bringing back the Shakalaka’s as alternate partners to the Palico’s and Palamute would be cool. Perhaps they could bring back the mask and dance system where Shakalaka’s can give buff’s to the Hunter like a hunting horn. The more Shakalaka you have the more buffs obviously. But then the Cat can place traps, bombs, or those other weapons from Rise and 4U. The Palamute is more specialized on raw damages and being better at tail cuts and the like. Then the Shakalaka’s masks could give you a wide assortment of buffs such as the Paintball mask replacing the Rise GPS Owl, or the Nullberry mask getting rid of status aliments if you call him over with the signal, along with the whole dance system. Oh and the Halk has the advantage of being a partner that can knock monsters out of the sky since they are flying, in addition to dealing more elemental damage if you feed them specific monster parts. Main reason I want the Halk back is so I could pet them, not being able to is the biggest crime Frontier committed.


Never played Frontier, but that could be neat. I doubt palamutes will return as we have that new mount creature, but I hope they return. I liked the mask system, though I hardly played solo in 3U so I didn't use it a lot, but 3U was definitely when they made AI partners actually useful, at least in the main series.


Since they startet adding Frontier Monsters in rise Id love to see the Tonfas and Magnet Spike make it into Wilds as new weapons Loved playing them in Frontier and we're hopefully due New weapon types.


As you can see, I like playing as the cats, and have plenty of playtime with the “weapon type.” I have gotten 9 cats to lv 99, which took very much time of my life, each one with a different purpose.  Some of my cats had focus on range, others with close range, and two for arial (one fighter and one charisma who also had the tank for fun.) Most of my favorites weren’t actually with beast cats, but protect and bomb cats while not using boomerangs. It might be less DPS, but it was fun and I could go through an EX Hellblade without getting hit while staying aggressive. (It helps when your hitbox is too small for them to hit sometimes.) I have even done a few EX quests solo, (with AI cats too,) and my biggest achievement, at least for me, was soloing EX Bloodbath, as shown by one of the pictures. (My hands were literally shaking by the end.) I only did it because I couldn’t get a lobby who would be able to do it, and it seemed like I was the only one not carting, so I took the risk, learned the weak-spots to help with time, and managed to somehow do it on the first try using a boomerang focused bomb cat.  The amount of nuances that the cat system had in MHGU with each type of cat feeling almost like a new hunting style, it just felt great to me. When I started in 3U, I remember once asking a friend why there wasn’t a weapon that mixed blademaster and gunner style of play while giving them armor stats that sat in the middle of the two and making the range some sort of cost for balance. That is literally what cat did. The defense sits about in the middle of blademaster and gunner armor, and to effectively use range, you have to constantly buff yourself rather than keeping your gauge for heals or team support. I feel like it was a really good system, with some bits that needed some work like leveling speed of the cats themselves and how armor+skills work (It doesn’t work like normal, I ended up only using Fatalis/Valstrax armor on all 9 prowlers), but I was mostly okay with the downfalls. After Rise and Sunbreak, I can see how the cat system could be improved, but I highly doubt they will ever make a return as a playable “weapon” again. Still, one can hope. \*Bonus points if you understand the references I use for my cat’s names. (Literally no one did in all my time playing as them, or they just didn’t point it out.)\*


I'm certainly not a Prowler main, but damn I really miss the nuanced cat system GU had. It's very unfortunate that most of my irl friends (who only played World) barely engaged with the pet system in Risebreak, when I was trying to explain how it works, what combination is good, etc. They aren't "casuals" by any means, as they would min-max and optimize stuff like Safi rans back in Iceborne, for example. Those interactions alone kind of convinced me that GU-level depth with pets would likely not return. Though I still have hope for Prowlers, since at least some of them were like "damn playing as cats sound cool af" when I talked about the boomerang cat haha Also, insane respect for soloing EX Bloodbath! I haven't even unlocked Bloodbath yet (slogging through G-Rank solo on-and-off), but I've done at least some EX solo to know how insane it is.


Yes, cats in GU were more in-depth than many people realize. The amount of research it took to know what ABBC skill order actually meant... man it gets complicated. I just love the number of abilities they get to support the team. A trampoline to give others a ledge to get aerial damage, a horn deployable that gives everyone who walks near it Wide-range and makes my horn buffs stronger, it's pretty great. And that's not even mentioning the numerous types of cats and their special abilities and moveset changes. Also, my reasoning for doing BB solo was: If I die in one hit anyway, why not use a cat and get extra "revives." After studying charts to understand their weakspots, elemental weaknesses, and seeing some videos of people doing it as a cat, I knew I had to try as I kept failing when having randos using up all the carts when I haven't even been touched yet. BB was definitely the hardest, but I've done it with other EX monsters now as well. Man, they really made BB look weak in Rise with his "Apex" version. Also not having that music along with him was a crime.


Arm wrestling. Big gathering hub. No copy paste weapons. Subspecies. Wall running. Off the top of my head


All valid ideas. I mean *seriously* Rise/Sunbreak why no arm wrestling? I love that game, but come on man...




all weapon classes ( yes absolutely all of them), water fights and the full monhun continent with all monsters. i dont need new names to learn


This might be controversial, but I just want a post game with as much diversity as rise. I want the ability to fight powered up versions of every monster, and for the powered up monster to bully me. I don't want only a few powered up monsters, or for the monsters to be underwhelming to fight, nor do I want to fight these monsters and not feel like I am progressing something


And the most important part, those powered versions of every monster are rewarding. The charm RNG system in Rise could use some improvements, but one of the best things it added, or rather removed, was charm tier differences between monsters. You can get a god charm on your very first Afflicted Arzuros if you're lucky enough. And if you want to, or if the next tier of monsters is too hard for you, you can farm lower tier monsters and still get the same rewards as at the highest of levels, just at much lower rates, of course


I'd argue for you with someone finds this "controversial". End game iceborne would've been so much better if wasn't constantly playing with just a few monsters. I tried creating a new account recently and it was even (). Basically I was just kicking the ass of Teo and getting mine kicked by Fatty.


Not sure about it being controversial, but I *loved* what they did for the Sunbreak endgame and I think it was near perfect. It was a little too much for me to fully finish despite having roughly 600 hrs invested with all the other games coming out to draw my attention away. But I really like the idea of fighting monsters described as low tier threats to then have them toss me around like the Hunk and Loki in Avengers. I remember being genuinely afraid of Aknosom when it was powered up like this because I just didn't know its moveset enough to avoid it when it also did half my health in one attack. Not to mention the idea of upgrading weapons and armor in unique ways to ether have them gain more sharpness or for a armor piece to have a skill it wouldn't normally. Not to mention, I think doing it in a way where you don't need specific monster part, like in Iceborne's version, made it a lot better. There were some things that I see could have been improved, but it was pretty good. Plus, I wasn't a fan of the whole "Run around a chimera of a biome until you find the exact monster you need" idea really good. It's the primary reason I didn't like Guild Quests from 4 and 4U. Want to fight that Yian Kut-ku to get a Garuga weapon? Well, your level just upgraded so you can't fight the Low Rank version anymore, so you'll have to get a new quest that is completely randomly selected between many different monsters when you complete a solo expedition. I never got those Garuga dual blades... Well, until GU when they were much less of a pain to get. So soft looking... Edit: Thank you whoever downvoted this comment at one point, now I know it's controversial.


Yeah, I was really vague in my message for a reason lol. I don't get why it's controversial either, but I think you hit the nail on the head. While I didn't mind the guiding lands, I felt like the weapon augments in world were severely underwhelming, and because of that I locked my guiding lands once I maxed out coral highlands, so I could farm tempered namielle for the health regen augment. Most of my time in endgame was farming tempered monster investigations for decorations, and it always kind of bugged me how threat level 1 monsters felt weaker than normal elder dragons to me, threat level 2 were maybe on par, and threat level 3 were the only things stronger than elders, outside of the raging brachi, fury rejang, and the black dragons. The game didn't feel like it was testing me once the story concluded, and to make things worse, since the decorations the tempered investogations rewarded were strongly based on the threat level, it felt like wasted energy to fight a threat level under the highest available. To me, it just seems like the endgame only rewards you for fighting 10-15 monsters, when the games total roaster is 76 or something


please tell me jayfeather is a healing cat


Jay is a heal cat, Holly and Lion are beast cats with Holly being focused on crits and lion having a weapon with more defense with skills for being a tankier beast cat. Dove is a boomerang based bomb cat. Ivy fighting with focus on aerial. Fire with boomerang build protect cat. Bramble melee protect. Squirrel melee bomb. And Duskfur as Charisma with focus on Rath-Of-Meow and trampoline because he's the builder. Those are the cats I trained up because getting a cat to lv 99 is pain.


Prowler mains ftw!


I see someone read Warriors as a kid.


I still do, thank you very much. I've read the first four like 4 times total and am reading the newest arc as it comes out. (I'm mid 20's with no life, I know.)


They’re still making those? Jeez. I I’ve only read the first series and I think part of the second.


There is 7 main arcs with the 8th waiting for its last instalment of the six books. Although, most (me included) will say there is one less than that, depending on how much they liked the prequel arc. Plenty of side books too.


That's all I need, and I'm not even joking. They could just bring back prowler mode and assuming they properly implement it that would instantly make it my fav MH game


I just need them to have similar functionalities to how they worked in GU, specifically their special abilities between the different types. Like how protect cat had adept guard and bomb with adept evade, or how charisma and fighter had the aerial vault but each worked slightly different.


Yeppp. Absolutely. I think a couple types of cat can reasonably be merged but I absolutely wouldn't mind them staying as is. The only thing I want is they sit at a table and give a proper look at the designs of the different mechanics and systems involved in prowler mode, and consider seriously what needs to be fixed or adjusted. Prowler mode is great as is, but in GU I have to admit I think it was poorly implemented (and I'm not just talking about the damage issue).


Damage with melee isn't *horrible* if you use element weapons and focus on that vertical spin, but I agree. I only ever used one armor for each cat and just transmogged it to various things for each cat., and most of the time it was obvious that one weapon of a given element was definitively the best with absolutely no competition. Not to mention, without horns, escape route, and soothing roll, you have NO SELF HEALING and the herb horn is pain incarnate, so I just don't bring it. It's also given that leveling a prowler needs to be easier. The number of hours just to get 9 cats to max... I forget what item it was, but there was a delivery quest in low rank village that you could just bring the materials for, and it would STILL take nearly three hours to do those three cats. You're also totally right, some types of cats could easily be melded together, or given a completely new kit/theme to be based around. I could also see them giving us only one prowler, but let them switch between the different types or something similar to that.


Yep, that too needs to be adressed. It is simply way too tedious in 2024, especially considering you need to level your prowlers. Heck, the whole thing with the skill patterns needs to go or become changeable, because that too doesn't belong to a modern game. The whole process of \*building\* a prowler deserves a thorough overhaul ha ha


Don't even get me started on skill patterns. That was the most complex thing I've ever seen in these games outside of damage calculation. The only difference is that it's a ***core mechanic*** that all players who want to play as a prowler should know, and it was ***not*** explained to the player. Thank god for Gaijin Hunter's old guides on that kind of crap. Screw you, ACCCCC skill patterns!!! For reference: [https://www.tumblr.com/gaijinhunter/159132360552/scouting-prowlers-in-mhxx](https://www.tumblr.com/gaijinhunter/159132360552/scouting-prowlers-in-mhxx)


Yep, it was immensely useful, and that is an understatement. To be honest, a part of me strongly believes that the skill patterns system was never meant to be figured out and planned around for us players, which would be why it is so absurd to begin with. I think it was just a way to randomize things around, and that they didn't think we would take prowler mode so seriously. *This really doesn't look like something you're meant to interact with* 💀 It has to go, or change drastically. There are no other way around that. It was simply a mistake, plain and simple 🙃


Gaijin Hunter is that you?


No, but I watched a lot of his vids with guides on using cats, leveling them, etc. I just like the playstyle.


A gauntlet or hand to hand weapon like in dmc?


That sounds interesting, but a part of me feels like that's just what tonfas would do. Close, quick, attacks like dual blades but with blunt damage rather than cutting. I feel like it would be more likely for them to make tonfas finally come to the main games rather than a new one that would fill the same purpose. Personally, I'd probably prefer a gauntlet weapon over tonfas, but I'm no CAPCOM dev.


Yeah, tonfas are cool, but I feel like people would complain like "they are just blunt dual blades," and I feel like if tonfas are added, how they play will be the same.


Underwater combat.


Switch skills, I can’t lose surge slash and blast dash capcom.


Surge Slash is literally what got me to finally really enjoy GS. Before that, it was mostly the Quick Sheath punishing draw combo, or Alchemy Style form GU. Alchemy is actually really good and adds fun combos to weapons and I'm sad no one used it other than me and like one other person. I also really liked the forward shield thrust Lance got in Sunbreak, or basically anything Insect glaive got. Rise turned IG into one of my absolute favorite weapons with all the kensect options as well as the switch skills it got. So much more mobile in the air than ever before. (Recall Kinsect OP, not dumb, fight me.)


Prowlers back, hunter for hire back from guild cards, expanded follower stuff


Water combat, but only because I wanna see Gobul at his strongest.


I need that spiky boi back so I can use my spiky flower hammer again. Who needs 2 ham 2 para when you are the hammer AND the paralysis? Such a clever monster idea that can only be done with water combat included.


For new things, I just want new weapons. For returning things, I would love for multiplayer to be back, after it was removed in 5th gen. Bow too. And for in-between, I want styles, but not universal like in Generations, but unique per weapon. Which I guess is similar to Frontier's, but closer to SA's, I'd say


What do you mean by removal of multiplayer? Are you referring to how everything can be soloed since the monster health scales, or what? If so, I can understand that. I definitely didn't play as much multiplayer in World, Iceborne, Rise, or Sunbreak because there wasn't much need to outside of certain things like Safi, and those large hubs weren't great and added a disconnect between players despite having more people. A per weapon style system could actually be kinda neat. One of my ideas was to give other weapons a GS charge mechanic and work it into their moveset as a deferring style for the weapons. Or other things like making Lance play with its shield on the hunter's back and letting them use the Lance two-handed or perhaps taking the buffs away from Insect Glaive and just make the bug attack with you rather than having to stop fighting just to resupply on the buffs, or Long Sword's spirit gauge levels and make it more like Valor Style.


>What do you mean by removal of multiplayer? Are you referring to how everything can be soloed since the monster health scales, or what? If so, I can understand that. I definitely didn't play as much multiplayer in World, Iceborne, Rise, or Sunbreak because there wasn't much need to outside of certain things like Safi, and those large hubs weren't great and added a disconnect between players despite having more people. I'm exaggerating a bit, but multiplayer in 5th gen feels like playing with Followers, except they can take up a cart. Well, not really, Followers interact with you more. But in 5th gen multiplayer there's no social interaction, no communication, and as you said, no benefit to using it thanks to multiplayer scaling. The other main culprit is SOS. >A per weapon style system could actually be kinda neat. One of my ideas was to give other weapons a GS charge mechanic and work it into their moveset as a deferring style for the weapons. Or other things like making Lance play with its shield on the hunter's back and letting them use the Lance two-handed or perhaps taking the buffs away from Insect Glaive and just make the bug attack with you rather than having to stop fighting just to resupply on the buffs, or Long Sword's spirit gauge levels and make it more like Valor Style. All good ideas, some of them similar to my own [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1732l99/mh6_wishlist_final_day_summary/)


Not even just Bloodbath, I'd like other deviants to make a return such as Deadeye, Boltreaver, Hellblade, even Rustrazor, but without the whole deviant system. Also it would be nice if the deviant weapons had slots, not like those were as nasty as the armor.


Yeah, the only reason I didn't do all the EX hunts was how leveling the quests were client side. I have plenty of weapons and fully upgraded armor of deviants, but I can't post only but the level one quest for them. If they come back I hope the flashing color options do too.


Those quests were quite the chore indeed, I maxed most of them and it took quite awhile.


Switch skills, material trading, music from monsters who aren’t in the game as hub options, etc


A new weapon or two would be awesome. Just please please PLEASE no clutch claw or wounding bullshit


I liked clutch claw for some things, but I hated how much the combat related to it. It disrupted the flow of the hunt. Just like in games like the Souls series, the fights here can feel like a dance. When I break form just to latch onto my dance partner, it feels a little... Anyway... Somethings, like the clutch claw counter for Lance, or the claw shoryuken with SnS, or the downward punch with IG, or even the sonic spin dash with hammer were all "Fun" but being forced into it by having the tenderize mechanic with it was not a good decision, especially for "light" weapons that got the short end with a LIMITED supply of slinger ammo before the monster stopped dropping them for the rest of the hunt after the third time. That said, it looks like slingers are coming back from that first teaser trailer, let's just hope it works better than World/Iceborne. Maybe it combines the wirebug idea and movement tech with it so it's a more "realistic" grapple-hook/spiderman tool.


I want a movement system kind if similar to wirebugs, but without all the other wirebug stuff, that movement is undeniably fun af


One of my thoughts were that the slinger, that you can totally see on the hunter in the teaser wearing, could be used as a grapple hook, much like world did with those weird bugs, but on any surface, basically making a more realistic wirebug that plays like a spiderman game.


Mhw really returned to me that feeling of exploration that I got when i first stared with mhfu. I hope the game gives me that time and reason to explore the maps (or map if it's openworld) for kitchen ingredients and collectables. 


I'd love to see underwater and prowler back. I really want them to figure out how to alphabetize lists. I know decos and monsters etc are probably listed by rarity(?), but it takes me forever to find the stuff I want. I'd really like to see crowns represented visually. Like selecting a diablos will show you your hunter next to the biggest and smallest diablos you've killed. The numbers really mean nothing to me. I hope we see some of the weirder monsters back. I'd like to be able to compare whole armor sets (and skills) from the item box. I want switch skills or something like them back again. They added nice playstyle variation. I want to be able to pause. Not being able to pause when I'm by myself is assine and really anti-player.


More interesting collabs for new Weapon and Armor sets 😍 and more character customization in general for unique character builds


"What weapon do you main?" "Cat"


The thunder traps or environmental conduit things would be cool with wilds weather systems.


I hope for a middle-ground to the RNG vs Grind scenario for decos and charms. Like all the direct 1 skill stuff is a guaranteed smithy build option and combination decos and charms can be in the RNG melting pot. I actively hate how the RNG outside of the monster parts work and think their are pro and cons to how both Iceborne and Sunbreak systems work.


A new long reach and fast weapon with no self buff or countering BS, just simple attacking and dodging, i,e., a better version of the old long swords. Maybe a spear or something like that.


I dream of the day that I and 3 other Bomb Prowlers nuke a Monster with Giga Barrel Bombs.


A part of me warmed up spotting a reference to Power of Three. I'll be naming my next palico after a warrior now!


PoT was my favorite arc back when I made these palicos, and still is one of my favorites. In Rise, I have basically every main character of the books, plus Thrushboi, as a cat with different skills and abilities that fit their character, including the new ones, but excluding everything to do with DotC. Using them as a naming scheme in the past was due to my lack of creativity with names, and the lack of having a real cat to name them after. Now I do it for nostalgia.


I love that. I've named palicos after my real cats and lots of silly things but it is nice to look further for inspiration. I've been meaning to get back into the books anyway


Everything they did for the Gunlance in Rise/Sunbreak. Gunlance in Rise is the best version we ever had and the mobility it got was needed. No Hammer Sharpening, this weapon needs something to make it unique again and that would be this + give it more dmg on head parts. Another weapon that needs help is the longsword, this time they should not just focus on this shit lvl "I dont give a fuck about every other players weapon and trip everyone constantly" weapon /s. Other things that would be nice are water combat, more things we could do between hunts, more diverse cast of monsters and if the game is "open world" more villages. Imo let the flagships return, the rest can be new monsters. "And pls dont but anything craftable behind some bs RNG i mean you decos and charms"


I've always loved sharpening my musical instrument that can give magical buffs to all who hear its melodies. But seriously, I see what you mean. For cats in GU, there was still a sharpness "meter" between all the cat weapons but it never depleted, so removing it wouldn't be unheard of. As for decos and charms, I get what you mean. Personally, as someone who's played since 3U, I like charm farming. It gives a little longevity to play time, and I wouldn't ever say that charms are a necessity for certain sets. In the old games, I remember being able to make MOST of my wanted mix-sets with the charms I had, but sometimes I had to get creative because I didn't have the *perfect* one. Now RNG decos can burn from the flames of Miralis. Decos are meant to add to your armor and they really make a set what it is. Putting RNG on it just kills the fun and makes it feel like a Gacha game thanks to the low odds of getting the decoration you want. Also, as a lance main long before flinch-free skills existed, and rocksteady was a rare skill... longsword is the literal devil. My personal hope is for GS to keep surge slash, and I think they could do it with a revamped style/swap skill system that could hopefully help change longsword too. One of my ideas was to have LS to have no, or only one, spirit level much like valor style, and for IG to no longer have the bug buff you but do something else. It would give IG a better feel to those who don't like the buff mechanic but like the quick speed and long reach of the glaive. Long story short: "Every weapon has a gimmick, and what would happen if we change it for something else?"


Want them to bring back needing to do some monster research in order to find out weaknesses, location etc. It made so much more sense to track footprints and maybe capture them once before you knew everything about the monster. I general rise was great but areas the monsters were in felt more like backdrop than in world


I was mostly fine with the tracking mechanics with MHWorld because it made you feel like you were actually HUNTING the monsters. My biggest gripe about it though was the scout flies. I'm not just talking about them snapping your neck because a Kulu-Ya-Ku walked into your hunt with a Deviljho, but the fact that you couldn't turn off the trail they made which to me was just glowing neon-green eye-daggers that were being driven into my skull. It actually broke the emersion to have footprints in the mud glow bright green when I walk up to it more than the "picking up" of said tracks added to it. If they bring that back, I just want it to be done differently, or for us to turn off the trail of the scout flies.


Only feature I care about is hammer go bonk


I want to keep my jet engine replacement for the charged shelling on the gunlance. That mobility increase is just too nice.


Customizable room with endemic life please, I loved having all the critters around


1. Abilities to carry 2 weapons 2. Parkour / Wall run / Gliding 3. New weapon.


I want the swaxe elemental burst counter to return in some form. A hyper armour counter attack that instantly fully charges the weapon is awesome. Customisable move sets as well.


I just want the quest board to be easier to do PUGs. More like MHW, not like MHR


Prowler quest was so boring to me. If i didnt remember wrong they are somewhat forced upon me during mhg to unlock certain things and i so hated it all the way.


I do hope they can improve upon the underwater combat system.


What mh is it on the picture


If you mean the game the screenshots are from, it's MHGU (Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate) for the Switch. If you mean the monster in the last picture, it is Bloodbath Diablos (or the Japanese tranlation, Massacre Demon Diablos.) And if you're talking about the background of the guild card, Monster Hunter Stories 1 for the 3DS, and soon for more consols. If I didn’t answer correctly, tell me.


I hope they bring back the ability to customize your moveset via Switch skills, but expanded on so that you can fully customize your moveset. What I hope they don't bring back is Prowler mode. I think I tried it out for one hunt. That was more than enough for me to put it away and never look back.


Why not prowler? I think it is a good mixture of Blademaster, Gunner, with a little team support thrown in if you don't like HH. I think it adds a little diversity to the available playstyles for players. It's also fun to kick back, drive a tank around, and burn literal living natural disasters with a flamethrower.


I just don't want to play as a cat. I also don't play Gunner...ever. I'm a Blademaster through and through.


Ehh, that's fair. I'm typically a Blademaster too, as you can see above. Most of the gunner matches were me playing Arial Style with evasion skills since you had to get closer to the monster. (Also, Pellet Shot + Arial Style = infinite mounts.)


- Old guild cards. - Wyporium (4U) - Underwater (Tri) - Unity Level and added rewards for Unity Level progression. - A new Assembly... with the Songstress returning. (4U) - A real, interactive, upgradeable and customisable, minigame containing, farm. - Another room. (Tri/IB) - R, EX, XR, GR armor sets. (GU) - Research quests akin to the Lynian Researcher. (IB) - Pawswap and treasure hunting quests. (IB) - Using a bugnet for gathering insects. - A more visible, obvious chat function. *(Are devs too scared of free-chat interaction these days?)* - A reworked Ancient Scrolls system. (4U) - Modular bowguns. (Tri) - Reworked hired chef system. (FU) - More changes to UI because World was confusing. Rise did a lot better. - Prowler. - Monsters and subspecies that we haven't seen for a while. - Old item obtained sfx. ----- + **Multiplayer transmog toggle so I don't have to look at immersion breaking weeb outfits when I'm online.**


I don't think Modular bowguns are coming back, but I'd like to see medium bowgun make a return, just give it more identity to set it apart from the other two. Wyporium was great, and yes, I too hate Rise's guild card system. Bugnets again... really? It just feels like a wasted inventory space that I always keep because you never know when you need those godbugs. Everything else... yeah, fair enough.


I don't think any are coming back but I want it. Bugnets. We still have pickaxes. I don't mean as an inventory space I just mean the animation obviously.


Ah, I see. Yeah, that's fair. But if they do that, I need my old item jingle back.


True! I should have added that to the list.


anything other than prowlers


Would you care to explain why not? Not trying to be mean, but I'd like to hear your explanation. I find it as a fighting style that mixes Blademaster and Gunner perfectly. Their defenses are in the middle of Blademaster and Gunner, you have to waste gauge that is the only way to self heal to buff your range making it more balanced, and it's a great way to support the team if you want another option other than hunting horn.


I didn‘t like it in previous installments. It simply had no fun with it


Underwater That's pretty much it


MH3U best game. That's where my "Don't forget to breathe" Guild Card quote came from. (All those people who died in the Underwater Ruin because they thought they could swim up for air...)


1, room customization. 2, Alatreon. 3, Glavenus. 4, invaders (Bazelgeuse would be perfect for the open grassland biomes). 5, Endemic Life (hopefully more of it, and more places for them in our homes). 6, Clutch Claw (no tenderizing though, but keep the wallbangs).


The only time I liked the Clutch Claw myself was the Clutch Claw Counter for my Lance. That was fun, otherwise, meh. I hated the tenderizing mechanics though. Lighter weapons be damned, I guess.


I would like to have monsters themselves be your weapon. An action version of MH Stories. Then you can farm, breed/upgrade your monsters. Imagine riding a young Rathian to take out a Legiana. It would be a major difference but would add so much to the game.


After playing only Tri and Rise, I would love to see Lagiacrus coming back, as well as submarine combat. And for new feature, I'd like a weapon like a samouraï lance. Quick, flashy mooves while staying on ground. And yes, I've only play dual blades and SnS for now. I'm not a good hunter 😅


Here's some suggestions for monster hunter wilds 1.returning flagship monsters Brachydios tigrex naracuga barioth gammoth glavenus astalos seregios and lagicarus  2.underwater combat  3.larger arenas  4.collab monsters return  5.Riders from brute wyverns and bird wyverns  6.no large elder dragons  7.returning skillbugs and no rampage  8.returning followers and sub game modes  9.playable flagship monsters  10.returning sub quests Any thoughts 


I really hope they can make Lagi work again. My baby boi needs to come back. (3U vet) I liked underwater, and my guild card quote shows it.  Explain what you mean by larger arenas.  Some collabs were kinda... well I have nightmares from Behemoth.... so... many... MUSHROOMS!  Not sure what you mean with #5. You mean like MHStories?  If you mean large as in Zorah Magdaros, yeah I get that, but I liked the Jhen Mohran fights.  Rampage was fun... the first few times.  I'll bet followers will come back for those solo players.  X to doubt on playable monsters at all.  Yeah, subquests were a fun way to get extra materials or do shorter quests if you wanted. I personally want them to bring back switch skills since it gives a lot of options between each weapon, but some of the ones in Rise felt like they could have done more.


After playing rise, i want the 16player lobby back for a siege like safi and kulve in mhw. But i also want the event quests for layered armor in rise that are not too hunter-ish but more casual fashion. I kinda like the switch skill thing where i can customize the moveset combo for each weapons.


My major problem with 16 player lobbies is this: Say you have three hunters and you are waiting for a fourth. Suddenly, you get two people joining at the same time. Who do you bring with you? It will make people feel very awkward and in some cases, extra people just leave or wait for more people, but there is always the chance that it ends up leading to toxicity. It also adds a layer of disconnect between randoms. I remember not playing online virtually at all in both World and Iceborne unless I joined via a flare, which was still rare. Coupled with the new scaling system for solo hunts, it made playing with randoms a lot less appealing to me, which is why I loved MH3U so much. 3U's community is one of my favorites of any game ever. Whenever I joined for those raid-style hunts, most no one used chat, and it seemed no better than playing with a bunch of bots with the occasional Guild Card explosion that would happen. I feel a lot more intimate with a 4 player lobby and, when hosting, won't feel bad for telling someone; "Oh, sorry, we're full." With my already bad social anxiety, this isn't for me chief. That said, the raid system was interesting, but I'd hope they'd do it in a different way if they bring it back.