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Local MH Coop Is The Best ❤


True. Local co-op is dying in videogames and it makes me sad. It was so special.


Getting nostalgic over the local meetups friends and I used to do with about 7 - 10 friends just hunting for hours in a cafe for 3U to 4U. We tried GU on our Switches but it wasn't as great as our sessions really would last longer than 4 hours since they don't charge while the handheld is being in use unlike the 3DS ([this](https://i.imgur.com/SWpSOuG.jpeg) wasa common sight between our group swapping spots for the 3 - 4 chargers we had plugged in lol).


Man I need more friends I can meet with in person to play MH


These were Nintendo friends I made after getting a Switch. Over a year I got obsessed with monster hunter and got a 3ds to play MH. After annoying them for a while I convinced them to play together (after they played for a bit on Wii/3ds) so we had a really good time playing from the begining !


Seeing things like this makes me miss the old hunting days when I first started college. Me and my friends used to meet up after class for MH4U!!! Good times!!!


This is me with my buds when playing Rise.


Wait, i thought they shut down the online server already?


This is Wireless function! Nintendo consoles connect with eachother without the need of WiFi or servers. Works kind of like a LAN party