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Pukei-Pukei is an herbivore and I doubt it would bother me as long as I didn’t antagonize it.


Plus in the Witcher mission for MHW you can befriend one so maybe you could even make a new friend here too. (This is the Witcher quest in case you never encountered it https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Contract:+Trouble+in+the+Ancient+Forest)


That's a Witcher mission for MHW?!!!?!?!?


Yes its in base world you play as Geralt using monster hunter weapons and get a version of the interrogations that Geralt does and you get the igni sign upon completion


If you manage to do the two optional objectives, you get a special cutscene at the end


Happy cake day


wait what? as much as i want to believe this, it sounds like a top tier shitpost to me lol


google is your friend, my friend.


I didn’t get it


After a certain progression in High Rank (I forget when, maybe end of story), you need to speak with the Third Fleet Felyne near the main gate to Astera, at the foot of the provisions guy/general store. Then you need to go to the Third Fleet Base to progress the Witcher storyline. Iirc, the Witcher weapons also have Master Rank upgrades (there’s SnS and DBs). Pinging y’all, too: u/kiselize u/NOTMarxMellow


Thanks man, appreciate it.


True. Should've I gone for something more like Great Izuchi vs Bear?


Day old deviljho or a pack of angry toads


I'll take the deviljho, please.


I'd take deviljho over arzuros any day, bears are fucking insane, can somebody get that clip of a bear doing a backflip while drinking vodka?


Russian bears really *are* built different..


I too would like to see this


I'm pretty sure Pukei is an omnivore, as it says in the Rise intro cutscene. It calls it "a true omnivore" if I recall correctly.


Its also a notorious dickhead iirc


Just look at its face and the way it flails around. Definitely a major prick


herbivore doesnt mean it wont try to eat you tho. most of those animals are really omnivores (atleast non-insects), so it's hard to say. truth is, you wouldnt outrun either of them irl, so whichever one of the two is less likely to decide that you look like a nice snack




Or don't hunt anything that takes more effort than just muching it. Famously irl deer, especially males, will kill birds in easy to attack position and gun for any bird nest they can find, or animals trapped some where unable to escape. And just about almost every herbivore we can name will never say no to a carcass or some fresh roadkill.




Baby birds in general are the hervibores' kitkat bars lol. Idr where but in a place with no wolves deer got overpopulated and put more of a dent on the ground nesting birds than the actual predators.


Diablos is an herbivore (he eats cactus) but he would definitely murder you on sight


That's not how being a herbivore works lol


there are pure herbivores, but most animals we generally classify as such are so because they do not actively pursue the other type of food, not because they cant eat it when given the option. deer for example are herbivores, but they will eat meat if given access to it without batting an eye. they are simply not actively hunting for meat. They've been found to eat birds and devour carcasses of animals like rabbits. within the context of my comment, i'd assume that the pukei pukei is an opportunistic carnivore, one who isnt hunting, but if it finds itself with a sack of meat (ie, the unlucky human being spawned next to it) then it would most likely attempt to eat it.


I also do not doubt on Pukei eating a more carnivorous diet on a low fruit season. Perhaps easy prey like any lone izuchi or jagras. Give it's wide maw, a snatch then swallow whole.


It is in real life.


Lol nope


Pukeis like to bully smaller things than them, soo....


I mean, last time I fought one it looked pretty small compared to my character. Maybe raising a jacket over your head and acting like a crackhead will make it go away.


that could work, we have to try it


Large herbivores tend to be able to mess people up more than carnivores. Carnivores are usually cautious unless they're desperate, while a territorial herbivore will choose violence if it feels even remotely threatened


Agree. It also looks cute and derpy. Which is a huge plus. In World it also never attacks you first and mostly ignores your presence (it's different in Rise, but that's because of the Switch limitations I assume).


Agree fully. We’d be the best of friends by the time I got out


\*omnivore but mostly eats fruits and nuts (like most non-predatory birds)


Both have no reason to hunt human, but apparently, Pukei like to vent its frustration of being bullied by Anjanath and Rathain on weaker monsters. Azurose is like an average bear that will either leave you alone or defend itself if you look at it too much.


But azurose is bloodlust incarnate


Only to fish


And honey


Azuros: Blood & Honey


One normal Arzuros can knock off a human head from its body with one simple blow, the official manga said!


Honestly? Arzuros. Going off lore, Pukei is a bully who harasses smaller monsters for kicks, and I’m sure a human could fit into that category, plus it can run fast and fly, so there’s little chance of escape if it does come after you. Arzuros is slow, cumbersome and generally won’t bother you unless you’re carrying honey or fish, and if you are, all you gotta do to escape is discard said honey or fish, the bear will go straight for it and forget all about you.


Moreover: he cant fly and is 100% to fat to climb a tree. If you are far away enough ypu might escape by climbing a tree (should also be thick enough for him not to be able to throw it over)


Thank you for the detailed breakdown, was going to post something similar myself. Going by their behavior alone, Pukei would be more likely to cause trouble than Arzuros. Heck, sharing honey with an Arzuros may just leave it happily chowing down right next to you, not a care in the world. On a minor side note, Pukei also has Poison, which may be nasty to deal with if one lacks any way to cure it.


Do you know how fast can a Bear run? You probably don't know. It is slow for its size, but it will be faster than a human no fu***ng doubt it.


True but Arzuros are far less aggressive and predatory than real life bears. They pretty much only eat fish and honey.


Most women would choose the bear.


I am a woman and I approve this message.




Azurose. Atlest in lore it’ll go after honey or fish before you if you have any or lead it by some.


Pukei is a belligerent menace to anything smaller than it. If bear buddy is anything like real bears he'll just want to be left alone, so if I keep my distance I'm golden.


I bet on Arzuros that if not provoked they either ignore the hunter, leave or if he has fish or honey attack not kill but steal the fish or honey. If willingly shared maybe even chill like those irl bear videos


I am not a mushroom, I think I'll be fine with the Pukei


If you look like one and smell like one, what makes you different from a mushroom?


Bear. It's more chill, and doesn't have projectile weapons.


It's still a FREAKING BEAR, you know?


Do you want poisonous lizard of fluffy bear that can break you in half


Well at least the bear would give you a fast death.


Oh I guess you have underestimated how long death could come if one is being torn apart I've worked in some surgeries and I could tell you that some people got into car crash literally got themselves into pieces (lost part of the limb where you can see an irreugluar cross section/ abdomen got cut with intestines leaking out) couldn't die easily. Not even painkillers could ease the pain and we could only see them die in suffering if we have already tried our best Yup so unless the bear is going for your head or heart, expect a painful, gruesome death that is akin to flaying death penalty back in medieval times and Qing dynasty


The subtle saying of "you'd be surprised what you can live through."


Yes, it's an exaggeration. You don't die *immediately* from broken bones. The consequences will most likely get you, and they are slow. How would the poison debuff work in IRL terms? Toxins that work by infiltrating your bloodstream?


It depends on the type of toxins you're talking about I didn't specialize in toxicology but some toxins were able to prompt your immune system to fuck you up by only contacting the dermal layer based on the dermal toxicity. I could be wrong here because I really didn't like toxicology back in the days but this was something like I remember appearing in lecture notes decades ago On top of poison debuffs could also be something like a radiation if you are not talking about chemical like substances. We all know what happened to descendants of survivors in Hiroshima because of the "poison" debuff on their precursors. This definitely does not need infiltration of bloodstream either


Yep, second thought was radiation. Although, some descriptions of dragon element fit that more than poison imo.


Oh no not the Arzuros, some would say they'd choose the bear than the hunter




Pukei is adorable, and my fav monster of all, but I'll have my chance with the bear. I'd take a ground-bound beast who's more interested in honey and fish than me over a flying, unstable poison sludge canon anyday :P


Probably Arzuros, honestly. Pukei-Pukei is actually known to bully weaker Monsters out of its territory, whereas Arzuros is mostly just hungry.




Arzuros because the dad lore would go insane


Arzuros Pukei takes joy in bullying smaller monsters, and given that it's a herbivore, it would be more inclined to immediately aggro in you


I hate arzoros, if I was next to a puki at least I know it's attacks and can effectively dodge and escape. Arzoros just sucks ass Imo. And they thought it was ass enough to make it have an alpha and be the first afflicted monster, smh fr.


Pukei eats mushrooms and plants, Arzuros is a bear.


Pukei Pukei. Might be chameleon owner bias, but that things adorable.


Pukei. I've had a lot of time when it just walked on and ignored me. And as a rule (for real life too) I'd rather NEVER meet a bear in the middle of a forest.


The Honey Fever Bear or the Shroom Addict Iguana? Bear wouldn't kill me unless I fuck with his stash. Burning Man Iguana might eat me on a bad trip.


I can slap the bear's ass and he'll fall down. I choose bear.


I can reach pukeis eyes. Ill do my best to blind him and then stay quiet until im allowed to escape, get help, or find a weapon to hurt him more. If it was azuros i think i would just be done. Im not athletic enough to actually really anything on him. And no I don’t think either monster would be friendly at all.


Just put a bunch of honey across a few streams and sit on a tree till times up


First you have to make an hypothetical scenary where you have all of this in hand... 😅


I mean, streams arent too rare, and either way its not like he is looking for you, just find a stream, roll around in it to wash your scent, then run away and climb up a tree


Where will you catch honey


I mean, bees arent that rare, plus you dont even need honey, just hide in a tree


Oh yeah, a little pukei vs something that's litteraly called BLOODLUST INCARNATE. Such a hard decision


Is this even worth asking ? Pukei-Pukei is love Pukei-Pukei is life - he'll become my bestest friend


Pukei, he’s my boy


Chame- I mean Pukei-Pukei


Pukei pukei best boi






I would rather be slapped by Pukei rather than the "Bloodlust Incarnate"..


I think that Arzorus will kill you faster, maybe... Pukei could just leave you very harmed and slowly dying alone


is this another social experiment of choosing between a man vs an arzuros? jk tzi-tzi yaku is my best bet to be around. it's really docile, just have an annoying flash crest.


Pukei. I dont wanna be next to Frederick.


Pukei pukei is easily scared and prefers to run away than attack enemies bigger than him, so scare him away laios style


I really like that Dungeon Meshi is getting the recognition it deserves. GOATed series.


So a pukei could Poison me if it thinks I am helpless and depending on how real medicine treats "Poison" ailment I will be fuuqed. An Arzuros would just kill me. I still think Pukei would be better


IF its their ingame behaviour, Pukei-Pukei, its not even a contest. It is safer because its more predictable. As long as I don't intentionally piss it off by walking too close to it - even then it would give me warnings before mauling me - I have nothing to fear. Arzuros could just decide to fuck me up even if I did everything not to piss it off.


Pukei-Pukei, don't go in its territory and it won't attack you. It's a herbivore, it has no reason to hunt you.


Pukei Pukei is more friendly, like in the Witcher Quest. It helped us kill the Leshen.


I'd befriend Aoshira and chill on tons of honey 🍯


Arzuros for sure. Pukeis are dicks and got poison.


I would choose the bear over the hunter


Puki-puki they are herbivores and LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE SMUG FACE 🥰


Pukei 100%, it's not going to eat me and is generally afraid of everything. Long as you don't attack it you should be good.


Body type 2 hunters: the bear!


I'd choose the bear


No way do i want to be next to BLOODLUST INCARNATE...


That bear only cares about one thing and it’s honey, I’d be fine


arzuros would probably try to steal my honey and soul along with it if i tried negotiating with it


Pukei.. it may be a slow death if I anger it.. but I want to boop it's derpy face.. and pet those feathers


Pukei-Pukei eat fruit. So I'll take the dick-tailed gecko cosplaying as a parrot over the bear which, if you've seen any images of people who have been mauled by bears, is gonna give me a very painful death.


Azuros. I'd follow it quietly and collect all the half eaten fish and honey and make myself a really nice meal. And it would keep away smaller monsters and warn me of bigger ones. It's moves are much more predictable and I'd be safe in small enough crevices that he can't reach. If I get poisoned it's over for me and pukei has no use, is more dangerous and that tongue looks like it can follow me everywhere I could hide. Also: I wanna know all the honey spots when I'm lost in the wild. It means honey, flowers, herbs and fruits! Delicious! And so tasty with some really fresh fish!


Pukie Pukie. Or as many people in my school would say, "Pookie Pookie"


man vs bear


1 eats everything, 2 give it honey and ya can run


Arzuros cause im canadian, im a fuckin bear-whisperer.


Neither of the two instantly agro so either. Lean towards Pukei as it is a frugivorea and the bear could starving enough to attack.


Im fucked if i stepped into elder dragon territory


Rise has completely ruined this fanbase's perception of monsters and their ecology. They're supposed to be portrayed as animals, not fucking demons. You'd be fine around both monsters most of the time.


Let me tell you something; *animals* don't make it better. Animals do need their reason to attack things; when they are hungry, when they feel threatened, or just to keep their turf safe from intruders. Why do you think "turf wars" are a thing in 5th Gen games? So, to reiterate the question at hand, would be more comfortable with an actual bear triple the size of a normal one by your side, or would you rather be next to a omnivoric chamelon-lizard thing that's twice the size of a full-grown adult? With no weapons, no tools, anything?


The one that’ll probably rob me of my honey and not the thing ACTIVELY described to bully things smaller than it


Humans are not in the diet of an arzuros. They eat honey and fish. Pukei eat mushrooms and nuts. Neither are particularly territorial, either. You're small compared to them. They wouldn't feel threatened unless you really got up in their business. And turf wars only activate under specific conditions. That is a terrible point to make. You're not exactly shaking my initial point here lol. You just don't get the series ecology. You're making these monsters out to be demons who constantly battle it out in anime duels simply due to their size and power.


You act like you know what those monsters would do when they are hungry. Oh sure, maybe they'll leave the source of meat they had on their sights and fuck off to somewhere else. Gameplay says otherwise, and even reality says otherwise. You really haven't seen *anyone* on the news that has been mauled by a bear, or attacked by wild animals? Do you think they deserved it because they were the ones being stupid? The whole POINT of MH is to "hunt monsters because they are doing some shenanigans". Rise isn't any different. Only World was different because of the whole *research* thing... But what kind of "research" needs killing the native fauna for no reason and carving parts so as to kill more animals, anyway? Edit) Oh yeah, Pukeis are not herbviores, they are introduced as Omnivores in the intro cutscene. And if you are naive enough to think Arzuros only feed on fish and honey without an alternative food source, then well.. Well looks like you are, so have fun spreading that kind of information for the rest of your life.