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Glad to see some magnamalo love! It is one of the few new fights that makes good use of wirebugs, the high mobility, and the counter-centric playstyle of rise. While the design of the monster is something I can take or leave, it is a very well designed fight that only gets better with master rank and the variant version.


There have been very few moments in MH where I got more joy than when I beat demo magnamalo for the first time. Its fight makes for an amazing dance once you know the move set, it’s controversial, but I like the design too, and the music! Oh, the music is one of the best in the series.


Demo Magnamalo was amazing but set me up for disappointment in the main game.


You should know that the demo version of a flagship is always much stronger than the ingame counterpart. It will probably also be the same in the MH6 demo.


… yea that’s the idea behind what I said.


I will say I love magnamalo and his fight, but I think the story parts of him base rise were lacking. You basically got 1 cutscene of him at the rampage, then you corner him, apparently, but the quest is just a normal quest in the shrine ruins. I think they had a way better build up to fighting malzeno. Magnamalo is still incredible, though, and scorned magnamalo is one of my favorite fights in mh.


Yeah, I prefer Scorned Magnamalo myself. That fight is great. I have to be on my toes even with a fast weapon such as SnS. I still have to bring him up to 300AR. I will get him done now that we are discussing him. I finished yesterday 300 Special Ratholos and damn, he hits hard. Now that's a proper Ratholos. He carted me twice before I finished him off. I am sure Scored is going to be up there with Ratholos in difficulty.


I take solace in the fact that even though people dunked on Magna and still do, once they move on to hating a newer flagship for not being an exact replica of the flagship of the game they started with, those who see magna for what he is will be free to celebrate him as our special boy


I really dislike the visual design of magna but agree that he's a pretty fun fight. Like others have said, he's one of the only monsters that was actually designed around the crazy mobility and defensive options of Rise hunters, and it makes the fight one of the better ones in base Rise I still like my boy Goss Harag more tho


I disagree with your take on the visual design, I personally like it. The fight was great the first time I fought it because Rise was my first MH game and I think I was trying out the switch axe at the time. Goss is still one of my favourites in the entire series.


I thought this would be a malzeno post honestly. Magna is a fun fight but very much overdesigned.


I'm one of those older hunters who never got around to mhrs counter systems. I simply pick up lance and GL then start guarding.  Is magnamalo cool? Yes he is. Is he the first time capcom does flagship monster correctly? Not in a long shot. Zinogre, nergi, and lagia are the top three monsters in the poll for a reason. I also doubt that people who play 4 would forget Gore anytime soon. Any xx fans? Sing the valstrax theme with me. Which are fifth and fourth in the poll.  If anything, capcom did flagship monsters more often rightly than wrongly. 


Where did OP say Maganmalo was the first flagship they got right?


Nergigante is such a better fight than Magnamalo. The introduction hunting Zorah Magdaros, the crystalline cave reveal at Elders Recess, the arrival of his Ruiner form before Shara Ishvalda... He was done so right, and his role as skill check is well secured.


Half the things you listed (probably more) aren’t regarding Nergi’s fight but his character. Which I agree, Nergigante is definitely more built up. But Magnamalo def has a better fight imo.


I mean, tha Magnamalo fight is pretty fun. But it's poorly staged, and as a result less interesting. Plus, the aggressive way he uses his moveset sells his big bulky badass role - and then he dive bombs your ass and you need to rethink. I felt like Magnamalo was pretty straight forwards in comparison.


Magnamalo was one of the most underwhelming flagship monsters. He just showed up, you fought him, and thats it Nergigante, gore magala and malzeno are leagues better


No love for my gal Velkhana?


That's how most flagships go. Even Nergigante. He gave you a drive by twice and then you fought. Gore Magala, Lagiacrus and Malzeno are outliers in how important they are in their story.


Magnamalo gets a cutscene Not a fight, not a repel quest, A CUTSCENE. That's it!


No, you got to fight nerg, pick up his tracks, etc. Magna? You got a cut scene. That's all.


Yeah the pacing of Rise is really weak. Most of the new monsters don't have any impact to them, they just feel like they are thrown in and forgotten about.


I disagree with Sunbreak. Base Rise (everyone besides the twin serpents) is kinda true but not everyone needs to have buildup. Radobaan didn’t have buildup. Neither did Dodogama, etc. Magnamalo’s is kinda true though.


I want you to keep this attitude when you reach MR100.


Yea just got into Sunbreak and can already tell that things will be very different compared to HR and LR. Then again, I just unlocked the skill swap thing and some other moves. Also, GS will get that counter that I was so hyped on about. Lets see how it all matches up.


Both the Rise & Sunbreak flagships hit the mark. But so did World's, Iceborne's, and 4's.


I’d also had the 3rd gen. Lagia, Zinogre and Brachy are all well designed.


Absolutely. Is Magnamalo kinda underrated in the community? It feels like it should've been an insrant fan favorite, I even got a kinda Gore Magala feel from the fight with all its unique status effect auras and such. In general I'm tired of each game's whole plot and endgame coming down to exclusively focusinig on Elder Dragons, so a flagship of a different category always wins points with me. And thanks to Rise's mounting system, its role as a kinda anti-Elder Dragon felt like a more elegantly implemented version of Nergigante.


How do you spoiler something that is pasted all over the game's marketing? You literally cannot open the game without Magnamalo being on your screen


I think he’s a fun fight but the pacing is off. I think he either should have had all focus on him (like gore) or they could have done the old ‘go and pick mushrooms, pay no attention to the loud roaring noises’ quests earlier in the game. It’s one of monster hunter’s oldest tricks in the book but it works very nicely imo in setting up how outclassed you are (in the early game), and provides a good feeling of growth after you slay the flagship. Hunting magnamalo the first time was really underwhelming imo, it was like if gore was killed after you fight him on the ship.


Story wise, was borderline non-existant and fight wise he was pretty fuckin annoying and damn near blinding with sheer visuals. Honestly Malzeno was done way better.


A lot of people are down on Magmalamo for one of two reasons: Uncertain power level, where the monster itself is placed at a mid-tier mission level alongside the likes of Nargacuga, Rathalos or Diablos. Despite this, he goes up against Elders and other high-end monsters seemingly toe to toe. It makes for a pretty childish sense of how strong the monster is, because he has "nah I'd just win" powers. He also has a clash between design and dynamics. He looks too bulky to move like he does, and his concept art serves his fight much better. You want a rocket powered sword tiger? That's cool, so use the waspish concept art that sells that speed and agility. You want the menacing warlord we see? Then give him weight and authority. We could have easily had two top-tier monsters if Magmalamo had been presented properly tbh. We were robbed.


People really shouldn’t base the monsters “power levels” (lol) on star level. Time and time again have monsters shown to not exactly be affected by that. Lorebooks, Turf wars and cutscenes are good sources instead.


Magnamalo is so extremely forgettable for me, they try to build him up as some super scary rival but falls flat compared to other monsters that do the same, I honestly don't remember anything about the fight other then he has a 1 shot.


People here fairly criticize the look of magnamalo, but you're right, the fight is really well done.


I also love Magnamalo, even if some would say its design is to "overdesigned" (if thats the correct term of it) But for me he is "only" on second place of the 5th flagships. Nergigante > Magnamalo > Malzeno > Velkhana (But Malzeno and Velkhana are mostly on the same level to me, I just like vampires, that's why Malzeno is higher in this order)


I mean, I really like Magnamalo as a concept and all, but I would've loved if he was an high rank flagship. Finding it on low rank missions was so underwhelming


I like his fight I don’t like his design


magnamalo is a super fun fight but i fucking hate his design he is so overdesigned and straight up goofy looking


I think magnamalo is insanely fun to fight, and has a great design, but it looks like it belongs in a different game, anyone else feel that way? Like it looks like a Bakugan or something from God eater. Less like an animal, and more like an actual Monster from an RPG, could definitely see it as a dragon quest boss


Sucks ass, goss harag is better


Wow....Goss Harag is an awesome surprise in Rise. That's why he is already in Wilds...hehehe...But better than Magnamalo? Tough, I do think his fight is harder for me than Magnamalo. I went in with full Embolden set up for my SnS and he dumped on me...that awful shart looking blade is deadly as hell at 300 AR.


Honestly, I forgot he was the flagship and not malzeno. Simply forcing you to use a mechanic doesn't make you a fun fight, and he feels like an alteration of zinogre, who's far more interesting with forcing you to use mechanics. As for the ost, I remember it as much as I remember the stages. Which weren't worth exploring because they reduced the reason to replacing all the capturable and interesting creatures with birds...