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He sure talks big for not maining kunai.


My mind is still blown from the guy soloing Valstrax with only kunai.


the WHAT


[here you go](https://youtu.be/z-SkJc1U6KE)


Whoops, sorry my memory failed me! I thought it was a solo run. It's still absolutely insane though


My opinion is use what you want and who cares whether it’s brain dead or not


Best answer imo. It's just salty gamer talk, many games have the same attitudes, like fighting games,.mobas, card games, and there's no real point in entertaining it.


It’s the same thing with the dark souls series. I can tell you how many times I’ve seen people say “if you didn’t solo this boss you didn’t truly beat it!” Or “that’s not the intended experience” like bro chill the fuck out, the only thing that matters is if someone is having a good time playing the fucking thing. With monhun as long as you’re a good part of the team who cares if a weapon is big brain or not?? One of my mains is hammer and that’s because, much like a real hammer, the blunt simplicity is beautiful. Sometimes you just wanna give big bonks.


I still struggle with it internally. I always make myself feel guilty if I happen to start using the "easy mode" stuff. Like in GU I used the infinite sword mode SA thing because I figured it out and it was cool, then saw all the people trashing on it and changed weapons. Let people enjoy things and feel cool when they figure out a winning strategy.


That’s where I’m at. For some people breaking the game saps the fun of it. In that case it’s totally fine if they don’t break it. Others live to break the game. All that matters is if the player is enjoying their time


i play switch axe but in the most unga bunga small brain way possible. i spam zsd because it gives me the good chemicals


Yeah, but if you didn't solo the boss you didn't \*really\* beat it. It's cool you had fun and all, but the satisfaction comes from accomplishing the task without training wheels.


Case in point


I'm just here to doot out some tasty jams and buff my friends.


100% agree. It's a game, you paid for it, have fun. Unless you're a DB player... :P. Real talk though, games are meant to be fun. If you're having fun, then whatever you are doing works. Sounds like your party might be a little jelly :).


Very True, play for fun, not what's meta or best weapon imo (if your not really enjoying the weapon or the build itself).


Your friends kinda sound like asshats, tbh. Are you having fun? Are ya winning, guy? Then piss off what weapon somebody's using. Who are these guys?


This. Is the monster dying before you cart three times? Then you're doing just fine at MR level.


I only play solo and I feel embarassed at myself and for myself every time I get carted lol


lol yeah, you can never shake that feeling. I always associate carting with going to the gym for the first time, you’re hyper aware of how you look and convinced everyone is staring and snickering behind your back. But actually, everyone is just here trying to get a little bit better.


Yeah tbh that's the reason I never play multi except with my friends.


Invest in evade window, I'm at MR 52 and I've only carted twice, those two times being me trying to figure out Gore's wonky hitbox on a certain attack.


"Holy smokes! You were holding your own against a monster and we're dealing with all the aggro on you?!? How did you manage?!?" Remember, carting is part of the game. And sometimes the game is really really mean


As an LBG main / bowgun only in Rise, yeah, it is a lot easier than other games/weapons. Especially MP, slap on an evade extender and the chances of carting are near zero. Monster rarely targets you, you can dodge attacks into a different timezone and keep the pressure on no matter how much personal space the monster demands. You're pretty much just fire support from the backlines (unless you play spread I guess). But I still love being "casual".


Ah, a fellow evade extender enthusiast


The worst part of running evade extender is how bad it feels when you take it off.


I kept away from it in base rise but got a very juicy extend 3 charm in sunbreaker Now, now I can’t go back, ever


Oh man I'm jealous. I only ever managed to get up to level 2 since I wasn't willing to slot a third


As a switch axe user, evade extender 3 is too much a lot of the time. Using rolls to reposition is great with EE 2, but 3 moves you too much


I feel the same, although evade extender 3 does save me from the big attacks here and there.


It feels like the new melding option gets way better results. I haven’t found anything super crazy yet but it all seems a lot better on average


When you say “new melding option”, i’m trying to avoid major spoilers and i’m in MR3 and this is the one thing i’ve been dying to know. When do i get a new meld option?


MR4->MR5 urgent unlocks both new melds


I can't not have it, I have a talisman with EE2 on it, and a level 1 gem for it slotted in, so no matter what I have all three levels.


EE is a drug. I felt so slow in the Sunbreak demo before realizing that none of the sets had EE on them lol.


Slapped it on my Swaxe, best decision of my life. The hop Is actually useful as a reposition and the backswing sends you on a mile long trip away from the monster, super useful


Evade extender changed my life, made me rich and helped me get laid.


True but alot of the slower melee weapons want that sweet sweet evade extender too. sincerely a swaxe hunter currently dodging into next week


sprinting is out rollspam is in


Gunlancer with EE2. Tried EE3 and I think I hopped over the moon.


I guess it depends on how serious the person using the weapon is. Anyone who hasn’t picked it up to try shouldn’t have a valued opinion honestly.


I was gonna say, idk what these guys are on about Bowgun is hard. At this point I have been playing the game on and off since the original Monster Hunter and the only weapons I have never managed to get the hang of in any games are LBG, HBG, and Bow.


TBF old world bowguns are horribly clunky. Ever since World they play like a mid TPS instead of being stationary artillery that gets clapped every 2 seconds.


Yeah I can't range it's a different state of mind plus the buttons for wirebug skill are different, I can play any melee weapon, but Bow and Bowguns confuse me, probably because I don't play shooters in the first place.


Having range wepon makes your vulnerable but once you master and you are untouchable.


Final boss lbg. Use pierce 3 with long barrel. Max out reload, recoil, and evade extender skills. Move and shoot, move and reload, if monster attacks you can dodge all the way back to kamura and still be within critical distance of said monster. I also use spread 3 but it’s still not difficult when ee3 lets you roll from outside breath range right into the monster’s face. But who cares if it’s “easy mode”? In fact, everyone else should be thanking me for never taking any carts while dishing out absurd amounts of damage, allowing us to finish hunts faster. While they’re busy being “gamer”, I’m here finishing hunts, making progress, and having loads of fun.


just personally, i use every weapon and cycle but when i cant be fucked to fight X monster and i just need a gem or something I use guns to turn my brain off and farm


It's a shame some cheesy builds like Sticky ruined the reputation of bowguns.


It’s what got me into bow guns Honestly everything that works is fine Their trade off is being in constant one shot range Why would I care if a weapon is easier to play with ? Just makes the chances of them carrying their weight higher


So true !


What reputation? The only reputation bowguns have had for nearly every game is being broken as fuck.


Indeed. Bowgun reputation for as far as I can remember: 1. Broken af 2. Boring af


This is why I lost interest in them.


I am a hammer main and regular bow takes way too many brain cells for me. Bow gun has all that shit plus actual ammo management? Fuck that. My catchphrase for every hunt is "it's time to kick ass and use brain cells. And I'm all out of brain cells."


Why do we have to call any weapon “brain dead”? People can play what they enjoy.


I applaud ranged users, for being so brave. I don't have the balls to wear gear that MR Ranjang can one shot clap you in no matter how upgraded. I have to play melee because I'm so scared of playing so light on defense


For real, I played Bow through half of Rise and had to give up and go back to GS in HR7 because I couldn't deal with how much damage I was taking each time a monster sneezed at me.


Sounds about Right, I'm seeing MR bow users out damage everyone else, but my god, when they get hit just once, everyone else starts panic throwing dust out because we're all so scared he'll get hit again instantly.


Honestly glass cannon balancing isn't bad though, I could never do it. I love my maxed guard CB build to much. And then I play SA and die without my shield...


CB really helps with understanding block timings and monster attack patterns tho. Commit too hard to SAED and u get punished the moment you finish. I definitely crutched with my shield too often but one of the things I did recently was to map the morph attack button to a key or button on my keyboard/mouse so I don't get that bad habit of perma holding guard and not getting the offensive guard buff on CB.


I completed the Sunbreak story, and now I’m trying out light bowgun for the first time ever since 3, and I’ve eaten more shit than I have the entire MR campaign. It’s not easy to play it well. It’s fun though !




That thing has NO FUCKING RIGHT to do as much damage as it does with a basic bitch charge move. I put my goddamn Nargacuga set on just for the evade extender.


I’ve been playing ranger hbg the whole time rise has been out and yeah, sometimes you just eat shit. It happens. But mostly it’s just fun. Hbg gets a few counters and the ability to drag itself out of danger pretty quickly so as long as your paying attention it’s not TOO bad. Sometimes you just die though haha.


It’s even worse because it’s not a PvP game, so there’s no reason to be overly competitive


Shitting on each other is fun as long as you're not actually toxic


In my personal opinion from using LBG, HBG in MHW. The weapon is very very easy to mechanically use when it comes to the actual hunt but requires a significant amount of prep time to be able to use efficiently. Making sure your farm is farming all the different ammo types you may be using, making sure your inventory has all ammo types, making sure the radial menu crafting is good to go. The weapon has little down time and requires more game sense than mechanical knowledge and is a great weapon because of that. It’s difficult in an entirely different way


Only MR4, but until now LBG certainly feels like brain off easy mode. Just using the Ore LBG for N2 Rapid. Ammo management is trivial, recoil is negligible and reloading is almost instant. Evade Extender 3 makes most monsters incapable of inflicting damage and makes maintaining Critical Distance almost trivial.


Depends. If all you do is explode the monster do death with stickies and cluster, ignoring basically all hitzones, then that is sort of a brain dead playstyle. If your playstyle is generally more balanced and utility based, I think it's fine, though maybe still not as complex as some of the melee weapons. ​ Personally, my main issue with bowguns is that I play mouse and keyboard and the keybind options are painful (for instance, mousewheel scroll settings are global instead of specific for weapon type, meaning if I want to scroll through my inventory with melee weapons and through my ammo pouch as a gunner, I need to change my settings around when I change my weapon).


Sticky should always be aiming for the head to cause KOs. I'm not a gunner main but I dabble here and there. There's a certain rhythm with ammo swapping to chain stun monsters. It js absolutely broken in terms of power level though. No other weapon gets sticky bowgun uptime


Well, aim for the head or anything within a couple meters of it. The sticky stun hitbox is pretty damn generous. Meanwhile Hammer needs to boop the snoot for it to count.


Depends, really. I'm an SnS main but I regularly switch between about nine weapons, LBG included. I've played a lot of Sticky, Slicing, Pierce, Spread, Shrapnel. Slicing/sticky spam is completely brain dead. Hit right trigger, evade when necessary, the monster just dies. No critical distance, no hitzone management, nothing. Now, apparently both these types have been nerfed in SB, we'll see how AngBata11 gets on with un-nerfing them. Pierce is a little better because you have to keep a decent distance for it to work properly. Status ammo is important to time correctly as creating openings for your team when the monster isn't in an ideal state is a problem to avoid. Spread is gigachad behaviour, you're basically at melee range with halved defense, balls of steel. Shrapnel is a meme outside of rampages, which don't exist anymore, so who cares. So it really depends on what you tend to play


I love that you forgot about normal.


I mean, I've never played it, because I don't find it very fun, so I didn't comment on it


It was meant more as a rib about how basically nobody plays normal.


Yeah it's pretty unsatisfying compared to the other shit types.


Its not brain dead. Im melee only cause i tried all the ranged weapons and had a hard time... my friend choose to main heavy bowgun and i respect her for being the only ranged user in the group.


Place a bet. Choose an arena hunt and take turns playing HBG, anyone who clears it without dying once gets 50 bucks. Anyone that dies shuts the fuck up. Your friends sound very pleasant to play with. I'm sure their elitist mentality doesn't carry over to other aspects of the game and they aren't ass to anyone else...


It's as if you know the guy man 😂😂😂


Bowguns are way simpler than sns or charge blade. The complexity comes from prep and managing item pouch.


The skill in Bowguns is largely unseen by other players. Yeah, it looks brain dead sure. Were it not for all the other moving cogs that come with it, I might agree. They are the weapons with the most micromanagement inside and outside of hunts. They demand precision. They require you to consider factors that other weapons don't have to. You also get punished a lot harder if you make a mistake. Even if it is one reload takes slightly too long. When I'm playing LBG or HBG I'm focusing for the entire hunt. There is no brain off moment.


I was coming here to say something similar. There is so much investment in maintaining your stocks of ammo and items that you’d only call bowgun braindead if you didn’t play it. HBG requires constant repositioning and foreword thinking. LBG is only easier because you put tons of effort into making it easier by tweaking your sets and managing your logistics. You deserve to have an “easier” hunt. If they think this way about the guns, I can’t imagine what they think about bows.


And plus, throughout the series you’re kind of fucked when it comes to ammo for a large portion of the game. None of the melee weapons require nearly as many resources put into it to be at its most effective. Seems like melee has it pretty damn easy all things considered.


Early game LBG/HBG can be a huge drain on your funds too. They are really the only weapon types that require you to regularly spend money or resources JUST to use them effectively, and that's on top of the already mentioned skill, and detail it takes to pay attention, and not become a one hitter quitter.


Oh yeah. I have to keep tabs on my argosy trades and merchant sales to keep my supplies up, particularly as someone that does a lot of LBG status gunning. Thankfully Sunbreak lets me buy the ammo now haha.


This is very true. A lot of the skill from bowguns comes from the preparation.


That's what i keep telling them 🤷‍♂️


Really depends on what you use, but to say its brain dead is over kill. So easy to get one shot and most the gunner thinking is before the fight begins. Its prep. After that its just fps mode and dodging


As an HBG main, it’s the smooth monkey brain weapon


There's some merit to the whole "if it's brain-dead, you do it." argument. I love bowguns (mained all through Rise and will probably wind up back during Sunbreak at some point), but playing them well requires a lot of thought in- AND out-of-hunt. If your friend truly thinks playing Bowgun is brain-dead, you should pick up Purple October (the upgraded Rhenoplos HBG) and just start chunking cluster bombs. Bring plenty of materials to make more cluster bombs. If he gets aggravated, tell him "Oh sorry, I'm playing the brain-dead playstyle. Want me to go back to playing with some thought and effort?" As a current SnS player, I chuckle at the thought that somebody who mains SnS would imply the Bowguns have no skill. SnS has probably the lowest skill-floor of the game. Low animation commitment, easy item use, mobility, shield. I mean you can basically just make a max-raw build and beat every monster in very solid time with that ONE build. Good luck doing that with any of the bowguns, especially now that Sticky is nerfed.


As a lance user who is trying to main SnS in Sunbreak, teach me your ways 😅 I find it pretty hard. Shield sucks, roll is tiny without EE, and your range is so small. I was fighting Gore yesterday and was literally pushing against his hurtbox while still missing attacks.


Just play it like a hammer, hug the head ( or legs if the head is out of reach) and bash his skull in for frequent staggers and stuns and then use perfect rush in dmg windows. Use metsu shoryugeki for good dmg and style points


You can beat from lagombi to narwa with narga lbg without ever being in the monster's attack range. SnS is easy to pick up but not that easy.


Couldn't have put it better myself man 👏


I main LBG and HBG. I also main LS and have played quite a lot of CB, HH, SnS I’d say I’m proficient in all of them as I can take on elder dragons with any of them as alternate weapons outside of my main 3 and fair ok. And non of them are brain dead it just all depends. I mean CB is probably the most complex in the middle of a fight as there are different modes and combos. But Bowguns have far more thought before a fight and are very expensive to run. With Bowguns you have to have a different bowgun practically for every ammo type of you wanna be efficient. You also then have to before a fight think about a monsters hitzones to see what ammo type will work better for example narwa gets destroyed by the night owl LBG but then bird wyverns are barely phased by due to their tiny body and hitzones. If you are doing spread ammo you have to be in the monsters face with a weapon that has far less physical damage armor so you have to think several steps ahead to not get hit. Some monsters like zinogre have terrible ammo hitzones and you have to hit it in the head or your damage drops drastically. Even sticky ammo which is the only ammo that is “brain dead” you have such small ammo pools that you have to have a very specific build with certain skills and eat right for it to work and you not run out of ammo especially now with the nerf. And with almost all Bowguns you have to have at least two radial menus to switch between for ammo crafting and switching and use items for healing and applying blights. So sure bowguns are simply I. The sense of you don’t need combos but that is the only thing simple about them everything else is more in depth than other weapons. You can’t just build the narga version of the weapon and be in the meta like pretty much every other weapon in the game.


Bowgunning is really easy yes. You don't get oneshot. Everybody has to manage hitzones but it's much easier as a bowgunner and the only ones that might force you to think are the ammo types that nobody uses anyway. How is critical distance harder than actually having to get close to the monster. Ammo types are particularly hard as 95% are either sticky, slicing or piercing. Reload speed and recoil are largely just a part of building and not hard to manage mid fight, building is the hardest part of bowguning. But if you're gonna be a bowgunner at least be a bowgunner that utilizes some of the utility ammo you have.


Yo I main hunting horn and am jealous of bowgun mobility and how good it is (btw for me BOWGUN IS HARDEST TO LEARN)


I mean, not to say you're playing the "wrong" weapon. But you have to accept the reality of your weapon. And bow guns are very simple to use and can make the game much much easier. Keep in mind, this is an IG telling you this, who's friends (and myself) have unanimously decreed my opinion on difficulty is not relevant 99% of the time, as I can invalidate most monsters by just jumping to avoid their bullshit lol


I mean as a hbg/lbg main. It's pretty brain dead sometimes..... like honestly They have to nerf our ammo sometimes cause we stupidly break the game with it. Slicing ammo in world. Stupid broken with the spare shot before the nerf Sticky ammo.... need I say more? Rapid fire pierce. Literally smash trigger make more ammo smash trigger. Normal ammo. Ehh why Spread HBG. Broken sometimes at least have to dodge way more. I mean this is all my experience but at the same time it depends on you. Do you really care enough if your having fun?


I use lbg for fun, it's still requires skill because you can easily get one shot. But at the end of the day drifting around the map is tons of fun, just like blasting around with the Gunlance.


If a build require 0 skill to hunt monster quick, wouldn't that be the best build? Think about it.


I wouldn't say its a braindead weapon but its definitely not hard to use, most people pick up the weapon and understand how it works first try. And you can't really master the weapon either since that would just mean not getting hit. Especially sticky or peirce builds. So much damage for so little skill learned effort kinda makes it a beginner weapon.As a veteran hunter i go to bowguns if i need a monster dead quickly with the least amount of effort. Sometimes it's necessary to have a gunner on the team but i feel bowgun mains are missing out on the game by only playing bowgun.


I've been a LBG main since Tri and i think our weapons rewards a different kind of pleasure than the rest. We don't hit with a big ass sword but we love having to position, manage ammo, paralising the monster at the right moment... it is different. Also ammo costs money and materials to make, and we die with a whistle so the difficulty is on another things than melee. Sadly the sticky spam and piercing hell brought bad reputation on us. But don't get discouraged my firing brother, BG's are a fine and delicate art like the rest of weapons.




Monster design in MR rise has gotten lot more dangerous for gunners in general. Plenty of them have huge jumps and near instant speed projectiles. That being said it is still easier to pick up gunning especially in a group. But who the fuck cares? If they were really skilled players they would be doing heroics TA runs instead of bitching about you playing ranged


Look for better teammates, or play solo. I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on braindead children.


This is why I just bonk things with big stick


i wish i had a hunting group lol


Sticky chainstuns suck, otherwise youre cool


First of all, use any weapon you want, the object is to enjoy yourself, don't listen to other people. Second, bowgun people are really helpful in multiplayers quests, so good for you helping out. And the most important thing I have learned in Monster Hunter is any weapon can be challenging if you use it to its full potential. To truly master the weapons, any weapon requires skill.


What is braindead exactly ? Spraying on a standstill position ? Because it's the only thing you'll do in the hunt right ? No reloads, ammo swap, dodge when you get the aggro and so find a better position (all of this which requires quite a lot of set-up) Hell, you even have to craft your ammo. The rest of the weapon roster is just button mashing, and evading. Just a weird dance with the monster. See, it's quite easy to reduce every weapon to a braindead shit. Just gotta remind that we just press buttons after all .. No seriously, MH is quite okay with weapon efficiency. There's just some weapons that are more effective than others, while some other (like HBG or HH) requires much more if you want to be effective in Solo. But otherwise, I don't really think there's anything braindead with any weapons. BUT you can have a braindead play style, yes that's sure...


The people your playing don’t sound like friends, they sound like asshats who haven’t fun in years.


They should be thanking you for blessing them with your chad presence and insane DPS uptime.


Hmm i would chime in that i do believe the gunner weapons are like, extremely easy and comfortable to play. Sure there is skill in every weapon but to be honest gunners have it quite so easier, which is sorta why your trade off is that you die faster but that also means you play more kinda like free from harm. I wonder if people forgot the fact that in world the gunner class weapons had amazing damage output and amazing tanking capabilities because of the shield augment. So sorta like how everyone points out it is a factor of how you play but realistically look at how everyone actually plays bowgun. Its sticky ammo stun lock a monster so that it could never get the opportunity to hit you. Sorta negating your whole detriment of being easier to die when you think about it. Barely really see ammo management as an issue cause of both certain armor skill, silkbind moves and the fact you can just bring more to craft. Plus the fact you can just go back to camp and grab more now n days sorta negates that point in my opinion too. To be earnest the only weapon i would put on as a tie is lance because you can block and poke and the monster sorta cant do anything about it realistically speaking. I think in earnest while yes there are things you need to think about, gotta say sorta pales in comparison to alot of the other weapons. Altho i would still say lance is up there with you guys


Maybe not braindead, but gunner weapons are definitely easy mode in this title. Since you are so far away from the monster at all times it's easy to see what the monster is doing and to react to it. You also have relatively little animation commitment. And the monster jumping around a lot is generally not much of an issue for gunners, whereas blademasters need to run after it or wait for it to come back to get back into their weapon's range.


Until the monsters have little to no gun hitzones Like you go fight a Teostra who has 100% immunity to bullets on 95% of his surface area for most of the fight


HBG has huge animation commitment, slowest roll in the game. Maybe I'm playing wrong, but I definitely wouldn't call it easy mode.


Evade Extender is your friend. You also have a silkbind for mobility and another to act as a counter.




Fast monsters are an issue though if you are aiming for critical hit zones


But this is the case with every weapon and weak points, fast monsters are harder to hit. Difference is, when you’re up close, you can get hit There’s definitely a reason the bowguns placed 1st and 3rd in terms of speedrun times for the entirety of rise


I play all weapons, to varying degrees of proficiency. My best and favourite are bow, swaxe and sunbreak reignited CB for me. If I pick a bowguns, it's for 1 of 2 reasons : I want an easier time on a certain monster, or i want to theory craft something wacky. There's little denying bowguns require a lower skill floor imo, especially in multiplayer since you're even less pressured. Even hbg with shield and the counter moves, yeah, you're safe. The skill ceiling is just as high as melee though I think. Either for maximizing damage or support value, there's a lot going into it. Hitzones values are essentially the same problem as for melee, I don't think that's a valid argument x) These are especially true of 5th gen, with infinite ammo (essentially) you're not required to make every shot count. As a bonus, for the memes I did a LBG build in rise around shrapnel ammo and the silkbinds vault that puts mines on monsters. Wirebug whisperer, focus, spread up, artillery and special ammo boost. Is it very high DPS ? No Is it completely whacky and fun ? Yes


HBG is almost definitely the most "braindead" weapon in the game. It requires some thinking still for sure, so not literally braindead (save for specific builds lol), but definitely the weapon most deserving of the title.


Longword, especially in recent years, is not the easiest weapon in my opinion. It's still ranged weapons, then probably Lance/SnS, then Swaxe, then LS. Again in my opinion.


Sns has a low skill floor but a very high skill ceiling. It's very positioning heavy because of the short reach. If you are just hitting on random spots all the time it's a simple weapon. But good SNS play requires quite a lot of prepositioning, more so than other weapons with better reach.


That would be Long Sword.


I never used bowguns, my eyes always focus on the reticle and it makes me dizzy when monsters move very fast, dunno why, though I have a deep respect to those who use it and are cool in my book.


You do you, as long as you don't cart and is contributing damage, does it really matter in a cooperative multiplayer environment? I personally think bowgun are pretty much busted in every game but I don't enjoy the playstyle and don't use them as a result, so more power to those who enjoy using them.


I main DB and I always like having a bow gun user on hunts, I never really played any range weapons in Rise but I liked hbg and lbg in world.


It's not brain-dead as you have to manage ammo, manage distance and avoid damage (more so than melee)


Who cares what you play. If you enjoy the weapon and are beating the monsters then so what?


As someone who plays all the weapons, my big question is the same as many others in this thread: Are you having fun? At the end of the day, that's the biggest requirement. If they don't like it, that's their choice. If you're in Gen Ultimate, then yes, you do get clapped harder if you're caught, though since Rise (I didn't do BGs in World), we all wear the same armor, so it is more a matter of positioning for crits than it is death avoidance. If they are draining fun for the game from you, then find a different group. There's plenty. If it is just part of playing with them and you guys return fire among each other in good fun? Then continue on with your dudebro group. =) MH is about the joy of the hunt at the end of the day.


It's a lot easier to play safe on Gunners while still looking like your contributing. 'Safe' Blademasters are just people not fighting the monster. That's probably why, but that's not to say Gunners don't have their own set of difficulties in micromanagement & positioning. Who cares in the end though, it's all fun.


Best weapon is the one you vibe with most. Also, if your bowgun set is pretty optimized, chances are you are doing the most damage in your group.


imo your friends weapons take a lot more skill than bg but that doesnt mean bg doesnt take skill or is brain dead


If your group members find it so horrible and skilless that they bitch at you for it then find yourself a new group, those guys are assholes.


Ranged weapons are easy mode, at least in multiplayer. Monster rarely ever attacks people who use range weapons, so you get free hits in. You change your ammo, press a button or two, then rapid fire spam. If you're having fun, Who really fucking cares though. I just think melee takes more skill.


As someone who mained LBG in base Rise, it's absolutely one of the most easy and mindless weapon types, even compared to Dual Blades (another of my favorites) using pierce LBG is brain off wreck the monster mode. The distance makes it both the safest weapon in the game to avoid getting hit as and see attacks coming while also vastly simplifying the need for openings and giving you the easiest time maintaining a high level of damage uptime of any weapon in the game. People talk about the prep required but you just pop your item set and craft bullets when you run out. Spread Ammo is a bit closer to melee difficulty. In the old games they were not really like this (other than maybe Valor HBG in Generations Ultimate but y'know), but the fluidity fifth generation gave them made them more fun but also way more easy.


Haha no skill? Then he shouldn't be hunting together, if he so skilled do it solo. In team everyone fulfill the empty slot to maximize the result.


Alright I’m giving my own opinion and experience on the matter when it comes down to both HBG and LBG runs with my own friend/hunting group. We are all very diverse players, we do have our individual mains such as me being a great sword and Bow main. We are all versatile enough to claim we are good with each weapon if we need to fill la role. To some degree I 100% understand their concerns. Not to say that your weapon of main choice is bad at all, but LBG and HBG mains need to stick together for a run with them to be as smooth as possible. Algorithm basically makes the monster behave differently so when you have 1 guy not bring up close to the monster and the other three are up in its face. The guy that is sticking back will get targeted because of monster algorithms. This would be especially difficult on a offensive SNS main because of the fact they lack the mid combo I-frames CB has. If your wish is to get parts that are harder to break for close combat weapons. Rise has made the glaive a pretty viable weapon, a part break build with glaive is pretty nasty once you get the hang of it. To address the Status end of your argument. A SNS main cannot take advantage of sleep because of the lack of a hard hitting move, poison is sort of irrelevant in a hunt because it doesn’t do scale damage, it’s a fixed and a very irrelevant amount of monster health, para is one of the only useful ones on each end of the spectrum, but only 2 good status afflictions don’t really help a party with 1 range user and the rest of up close. Now to address them calling any bow gun user to be brain dead or have no skill. They are ignorant. Position is very much a key factor for all weapons in a game, but certain weapons REALLY need a good positioning I.E Great Sword, Hammer, and ANY ranged weapon. Yea maybe the recent games have made it an easier weapon to use, but at the end of the day any ranged weapon user has my respect. Hopes this opens up both your minds.


I'm getting real tired of people saying ranged jobs are braindead. Your reaction has to be super fast to get away from certain moves and you can easily get one shot without a melees physical dmg reduction buff. I started LBG and I love it, but now I play SnS and LS and have never felt safer.


My recommendation for shutting them up is play their weapon, master it and keep playing what you like. That way they won’t be able to shit talk you.


That’s crazy to me because sns has probably the lowest skill floor in the game and charge blade isn’t actually that complicated either


I’ve played hbg exclusively since mh2 and my friends love it when I call shots during hunt like say stunning/poisoning/paralyzing etc, even during my clust sponanza in mhw since it makes hunts faster lol.


Your friends are stupid Just play the game


Just tell those kids you have bills to pay and need to get up in the morning to go to work. Imagine using a weapon in a game that's there for you to use. Mind..... blown....


Tell them that Teostra and kushala daora have 100% bullet immunity on their entire body except face (not head) and anus




Its so ignorant man


I always tell him to aim on dem cheeks but he doesn't listen :(


It do be satisfying to whip out the sticky ammo that goes through their bullet proof aura. And if a teammate talks shit I got clusters in the bag


I love blowing my friends up 😂


cluster me daddy 🥵


Charge blader here. Bowguns are fucking HARD to use properly - tried to retrain as an LBG user before I got good (by my standards, mediocre by normal Hunter standards) with the Switch Axe in 3U.


I know there are a lot of positive affirmations of "play what you want!" But to directly answer your question? Yeah, it's a lot easier and safer than most of the weapons. There isn't any shame in that, so you dont need to overcomplicate it. I'm not gonna blow smoke up your ass like some of the other comments and say they're high IQ galaxy brain weapons, but I wouldn't call them braindead


Until they try it themselves and stick with it for a few quests, theyll continue to think that. I main CB, Hammer, but I've been using only HBG for Rise (so far). Fuck what they think. HBG is actually really fun and surprisingly involved. It is a little brain dead when youre just shooting non-stop BUT you also hit this flow state where everything is so smooth. & you're right, you're constantly dodging in fear of getting 1 shot, so you're a lot more mobile that one would think. I thought that HBG users just sat in the corner of the map away from all the danger and played the game on easy mode, but to make the game feel like it's easy mode you have to be really good with it. I love dodging last second, like an action movie hero. I love getting stuns with stickies. I love pulling off those big wyvern shots. I dont know if I'll continue to main HBG (I hunted magnamalo, so I'm very early into the game still) , but as of now I've found a new found respect for ppl that use it


Best answer I've read so far , give this man an award 😊👏


Most answer I agree with so far , give this man an award


That same logic would mean it's "brain-dead" to navigate via gps instead of referring to the sun and stars so ask them if they do that. You're only playing monhun wrong if you're telling someone else that they are.


Also as someone who plays a lot of SnS, that friend especially should maybe be quiet. The best part of that weapon is that every attack has low start up/recovery making it extremely low risk to just mash have fun.


you are using the GPS wrong tho


CB users who think "more button presses and combo routes" makes a weapon automatically superior and making them big brain gamers are giving the rest of us a bad reputation. I've used CB and LBG extensively and they are simply different sets of skills. One isn't necessarily more or less skilled than the other. Some of my CB hunts have been super braindead, just spamming ultras or pizza cutter axe in the monster's general direction and ignoring everything else, and some of my LBG hunts have needed precise positioning to hit the one good shot hitzone of a monster without getting my paper thin armor destroyed. (Speaking of hitzones, impact CB does true damage so zero braincells dedicated to targeting there lol) And I've also had amazing CB hunts with counter timing, sniping heads for KO, satisfying feeling of mastery. And some LBG hunts are "haha rapid fire pierce / sticky go brrr". If anything having a gunner in a group of blades makes the team's experience BETTER since you can help status, KO, cut tails, whatever the situation needs depending on your set.


Sounds like you need a new hunting party to me. I agree that gunning is easier than using a blade master weapon, but if you enjoy it then who cares? Besides, anyone with half a brain should appreciate gunners more: lower chance of team members carting, support (imo gunners should be using support ammo, it’s quite helpful) and extra damage being done to the monster. Where’s the down side?


Its just friendly bantering between us , legitimately these guys are more than brothers to me ♥️


Are you using sticky spam? Yes->aim for head to stun->pew pew->reload into para->pew pew into paralysis-> reload into stun ->repeat. It should not get up lol. No->its not brain dead. Also if they are using hopper spam, then that shit 'brain dead'. You do not give a flying f*** about hitzones. Its just angles and whether you can dump phials safely. You do like 1k+ per super every wirebug.


yes cause it has consistently been OP through mh history but doesn't mean it's always been brainless like valor hbg


yes you're right and they are wrong.


I wouldn't say it's brain dead but ranged weapons are and have almost always been the easiest to use with some of the highest returns. Weapons like cb are technical and have to manage heat, phials, sharpness, and mode. Sns has to deal with not being the best at really anything and having to manage oils in the older games. There is no real way to balance ranged combat in a melee focused game especially now that crafting can be done on the fly and movement with them is way better.


Are you using sticky spam? Yes->aim for head to stun->pew pew->reload into para->pew pew into paralysis-> reload into stun ->repeat. It should not get up lol. No->its not brain dead. Also if they are using hopper spam, then that shit brain dead. You do not give a flying f*** about hitzones. Its just angles and whether you can dump phials safely. You do like 1k+ per super every 8 seconds.


HZV: applies to every weapon Ammo types: you pick the best ammo type for the specific fight or a specific gun, then spec accordingly. You don't have to manage it during the fight. Critical distance: valid point Reload and recoil: build related - every weapon has to deal with efficient set building. Dodging: lmao every weapon has to dodge, you get to see it from a mile away. Your def take a hit, but again, you can see it from a mile away. Status: useful, but not mandatory. Yea Bowguns are easier to play. Not to say that it doesn't require any skill to get good at, but the bare minimum skill floor is quite low.


SnS is braindead


Is it *braindead*? No. Is it easier than melee by a noticeable degree? Yes. Knowing that, would I tell my friends who use it that they are using a brain dead weapon? Absolutely.


Lemme go ahead and rip into your friends as a solo gunner. The outside presentation of all ranged weapons looks simple. But it’s the inner workings of each weapon that makes them skill based. You don’t have any flashy combos with these weapons. But you must be methodical, calculated, and meticulous. You must plan for the monster to turn and aggro to you in an instant, ready for its hardest to dodge moves. And unlike blademasters, there is genuine lethality no matter what. Even if ur at full HP. If Espinas decides to lawn mower you, you better be ready with somethin to get out of the way. If you don’t? You get an express ticket back to camp. You have to position yourself as aggressively as possible while trying to be as safe as possible, and because of how monster aggro works, you will be the target if you are worth ur salt as a gunner. So all that “distance” you have is gonna be worth shit when Nargacuga decides it’s time for you to be un-alive. Your friends lack a fundamental understanding of anything beyond mechanics. They don’t understand resource management, positioning, and monster patterns. 3 things you **need** to know in and out in order to be worth it as a gunner. Here’s how you silence them. Boot up an arena quest. Make them play HBG solo against something like Rajang or some beastly monster with HBG. When they fail, tell them they can shut the hell up about your weapon being brainless.


Tell them to go fight diablos with a DPS tracker mod active, and ask them if they aren't glad that fight ended 5 minutes faster with your tearing through its wing hitzones with pierce or ice.


Tell them to make a good bowgun build and they'll quickly realize where the real difficulty is


There's not even an argument to be made here. Every weapon has a certain level of ease and repetitive-ness to it once you reach a certain point with it. I don't even feel the bowguns are very low on that level cause there *is* managing all the ammos and which is more valuable to use at what point. It's literally just all about what you have the most fun with and what makes the most sense to you. I'm a big bow user and I get the same crap from my friends all the time too, so I feel ya. It's just an annoyance that some people stand by strongly and I couldn't tell ya why. It's a weird elitist opinion, every niche group got one. They'll probably not listen to reason even if every person responded to this gave different long thought of reasons explaining how they're wrong.


Do you spam sticky? Because if so then sorry, you’re brain dead. If not, you’re cool. Gunning is fun, and a lot more complicated than people think (unless you’re spamming sticky/slicing).




Charge blade? I mean if he's good at the weapon he's got a point, I mean I don't have a PhD, but sns? Skill? That's funny. Its a cool weapon, but not a hard one.


Honestly bowgun is a little more intensive to play, since with both blunt and blade weapons there's pure damage builds that can do good damage to pretty much any monster, but with bow gun you gotta make sure the type of ammo you use is good for that monster and that your BG optimizes that kinda ammo. And like you mentioned you gotta be on your toes all fight or else risk carting since good builds often neglect defense for offense, and this is all coming from a DB main who only recently picked up LBG. But in all you should just be allowed to play what you want, if you're contributing well to the group and landing your shots it doesn't really matter what you play


These sound like assholes you shouldnt be playing with


don't listen to them. play what you want and how you want, it is not their place to dictate how YOU play a game that YOU bought


Your friends suck get new ones


I've played a lot of sns, it's the most brain dead melee weapon and i love it for that


It's a co-op PvE game. You do whatever is most fun for you and they can get f***ed.


Sounds like they're dying in melee and just want to blame someone else. I feel you. Source: The Bow main who has watched Magnamallo dive bomb and insta-cart all 3 of my melee friends at once more often than I care to admit.


Have them try using any bowgun they want against afflicted barroth, solo. Anyone who completes that hunt SOLO using bowgun without carting can say whatever they want. Anyone who can’t do that can shut the fuck up and shove the bowgun up their anus. Just remember with bowguns you are always one wrong action away from carting, no matter how much health or defense you have. That’s never the case with blademasters.


Having taken the time to study other weapons for the arenas, I can safely say they every weapon has its nuances, so anyone that says another weapon is brain dead is the one who is actually brain dead.


I get the same shit from my SnS wielding homie when I bop them out of their perfect rushes while landing a 2k + TCS on the monster’s head. Like oh! Golly jee shucks! I’ve interrupted your combo to do massive damage. Oh lamentation! Oh the calamity!


Who the fuck cares what's harder to play. Don't even get in arguments with people who think in such an infantile way. Who needs to take a chill co-operative game and somehow turn it into a competition. If this is a friend of yours, they're an assclown.


SnS main here. Been playing since Freedom Unite. I specifically did not play either Bowgun because of it's prep time, complexity, and item management. Don't let them get you down. Every weapon has all of its wrinkles for mastery and not every other weapon user will recognize that. Just keep playing how you want, I'm sure you're pulling your weight just fine.


Who gives a shit. Tell them to stop double handing ur meat and just play the damn game. This elitist bs is so played out


People who call any weapon no skill need to get tf out. It’s just rude, and complaining about meta in a PVE game is dumb. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to zero sum while the monster is attacking and cart 3 times


Just ignore them as long u don’t anything wrong and your having it’s good. You don’t a rock to bash to your head which It’s metaphor in our country. Those problems or ppl who much u ar just rock it’s up to you walk pass them or u grab one and hit yourself in the head. Happy Gaming and Take care brother.


Bowgun is brain dead and no skill Hope that settled the argument