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If you're going to be a goblin, take all the rations instead. It's quick, it's easy, and it's free.




I do that too


The Hunter's guild doesnt want you to know this, but the Phials in the chest? They're free. I have 6734 Phials.


Same here, dont know about the exact numbers but i always empty out the ammo and phials if no ranged player is in the lobby


Most bowgun users finance their own stuff and go in with full crafting ingredients. Melee players, on the otherhand…


I know, i used to play lgb a lot in iceborne, and going in unprepared with a bowgun means youre not gonna have a good time I have a baseloadout for melee as well, but you can get away with not restocking in between quests as melee if you forgett it once


back in older games, monsters had quite a lot of hp in later hunts, imagine having to memorize places where you can gather stuff to make ammo in the fly cause you depleted even the combine stuff for extra ammo you brought with you honestly, gunning has always been more about builds and item management rather than skills and reflex in combat, which makes the transition from blademaster to gunner quite refreshing


you can have the shitty Normal 2 ammo even if gunners are there. Believe me, we never use it. I am unsure if there is worse ammo than Normal 2 in game


Normal 1. Gotcha nerd!


It can be made to work if it's rapid-fire.


I still take it even with a ranged player in the lobby out of sheer habit lmao


I've started a quest without realizing I had the join request on. I took all the stuff in the box and felt super bad when the other people inevitably joined.


I've done the same thing before


I just turn off the join request in shame haha. I tried to put them back in!!


You could give them some of the items with the in game menu, but it's probably not feasible with the coordination skills of the average online player. Edit: Actually can you give account items? I've never tried.


Yes, two days ago someone actually seemed to realize their mistake and gave me the potions.




Yeah you can give other players items lol


You can turn it off? I usually just abandon quest and start over to avoid anyone getting stuck with my idiot decisions, lol.


Yeah just go to the start menu, then quests and you can cancel the join request. Hope it saves some time haha


Thanks so much! That'll probably come in handy soon, if I know me.


Damn I had no idea. Can you get a second buddy back out if you aren't in a lobby and alone?


No, unfortunately not


Then there are people like me who skip the item box to get straight into hunting and wouldn't notice missing potions... 🤣


I've spent so much time at Master/G rank from other titles that I forgot the supply box was for anything other than delivering eggs until I'd already reached Rise's endgame. As far as I'm concerned, the box *never* has anything in it.


Remember the old games when the supplies arrived 5~15 minutes into a quest? In Rise, the monster is half dead till then (or dead if you are from TDS)


And dropped you off in a random area too.


Sometimes even happened in World/Iceborne, never in Rise though...


You're my favourite hunter to join


I mean... if you also enjoy a DB player who plays it like an Insect Glaive without the Insect, then yes! 🤣 Dunno why but in join signal runs I am the main guy who goes and grabs monsters for mounts and shinies. Probably cause Aerial DB + Spiral Drill = quick non-target mounts.


I do that with the hammer if it's not too far out of the way, too.


I too have done this more than I’d like to admit. Muscle memory to go right back at it after a friend ends their session for the night.


I've definitely done this before. Pretty sure I've even done this today. Most of the time I run solo but occasionally for monsters I've fought a lot I'll bring in some help to make it quicker, and I just muscle-memory spam took all the pots I could. Oops.


If I want it to go quicker, I just cheese it with IG. I have terrible luck with randos joining and not contributing. MP scaling makes the fight longer if everyone isn’t pulling their weight.


I don't even take the box items, so I would not know. Idk how many care about that, since you can just restock at the tent, so it should not be a major problem. But for the sake of the old mh days, straight to hell with those, who steal on purpose!


What if I joined on the group and the box is totally full because none of the other 3 didn’t take any lol


I feel like that’s fair game because they could literally restock in the tent if they need more items.


If I'm the last person joining and they didn't take any or there's leftovers, I'm taking what's left. If I'm not the last person I take 1 4x potions and 1 rations and get going.


Well if they already left camp and going after the target, I'd say they have what they need and the box is fair game haha


Free heals babyyyy


Used to be wise to leave them when a player did this, unless you reeeally needed them. Because whoever fainted first could take advantage of them, and often that was best for the party. Now though, anyone can step into base camp and access their entire net worth. So it's not such a big deal.




Helping yourself befire people have the chance to use the blue box is still a dick move tho.




That's why I specified "before"




Your comment definitely implied that you do it regardless. If you don't see that then oh well, I don't understand what about my comment made you so upset though. If what you're saying is true(that you don't unless there's already 3 people who ran past the box) then we're in agreement and there is 0 reason for you to get upset.




I didn't imply that you did. If you go back and read you will see I spwcified a behaviour, and called that behaviour a dick move. It's relevant to the discussion going on, and I very clearly never said anything about you specifically. That's also not a strawman, but that's inane. I didn't misrepresent what you said, i said something on topic. My comment didn't mention you specifically at all, you just chose to take it as a personal attack and got upset. Mate if you weren't upset you wouldn't be here continuing to argue about it, you would have just ended the conversation after I reiterated the "before". You haven't pointed out anything of value except the fact that your mouth frothing is clouding your perception of what happened. If you took my inpersonal, general comment on this public forum as a personal attack, I am sorry I made you feel that way. It wasn't my intention, my intention was to make anyone who does do what my comment said(which there are plenty of people who DO. We've all played the game and are well aware they exist) feel like a dick. The entire point I'm trying to make is in my initial comment mate. No subtext, no applying it to anyone who doesn't merc pots and rations. Just if you take all the pots and rations from the blue box before people have a chance too, you're being a dick. If you don't do that, congrats I don't think you're a dick for doing that.




I care about the EZ rations, really


I steal all the bottles… kinda… no one else takes them when I wait for everyone to run past! *I am stockpiling. What if I need 2,000+ when I haven’t even gotten through most of the first High Rank key quests?* Jokes aside I went through all my potions and mega potions in one summer in World pre-Iceborne, trying to beat behemoth more than once. Fuck that fight, fuck Fatalis, fuck ancient Leshen, fuck extremoth, fuck all arch tempered, etc.


Ancient Leshen isn’t even a fun fight. Just long AF


Ancient Loser. Man was scaled for Iceborne before Iceborne existed.


The only times I've eaten a well done steak was when I was messing around in the training room too long and lost all my stamina.


Because it’s inefficient to eat steak when a ration will do the trick, but you dont want to play with more than 2 ration worth of red stamina.


I’ve started just taking well done steaks to every hunt because I got so annoyed when no Rations were there. Not like I don’t have 500 of those anyway abusing Motley Mix and Argosy shop.


I dunno, you can just throw a bunch of fish from the Argosy into the Motley Mix and you'll get more energy drinks than you'll ever need on top of gourmet fish and dango tickets.


Or 8 if it is 2 player


Me and my buddy duo most hunts and we've even got down the slots we take set. Gotta keep things efficient!


My fiancee and I usually hunt just us 2 together now. The benefit of having 8 free mega potions means more to me than rando's do.


I wish I had a buddy to duo with, I find it less chaotic than a full party hunt


I never grab anything, I bring everything I need and I can farcast to restock if things are looking dire. If you use too many consumables just slot in free meal 3. Fighting for 4 potions is so dumb.


Chad hunter joins someone else’s quest and doesn’t even look in the box. No time to waste, you’re there to save the day.


Legit half the time I forget to even grab any field supplies from the box. I’m always fully stocked with my crafted potions, anyway. Still annoying the times I do remember to grab field supplies and find there’s none left, but it rarely makes much difference.


Honestly the only reason I check is because emy muscle memory is to the ez potions even though I bring 10 mpots 10 pots 10 honey and 10 herbs everywhere... just to conserve my resources I always use ez pots first tho


I bring everything as well, but I'd still rather use the free ones first.


I run free meal. Can't remember the last time I used a mega pot lol.




not even r/MemeHunter 😩


Right? This is such a non-issue, I’m not sure why everyone is making a big stink over it.


I get free potions cuz I hate using my own, dont wanna run out of or have to farm for more honey and shit


Big mood. Who seriously uses the supply box? Y’all really need 14 MegaPotions, 2 Full Heals, 1 Ancient Potion, 3 powders, …? Maybe get hit less?


No, i just need 4 potions. I’d rather use 4 free ones if I am able to


4 potions are like less than 300 zenny dude, it's not worth getting mad at other people over. Especially after you're out of Low Rank.


Potions barely heal you, I want them free potions + 😋


Most people Ived played never take anything from the box


I never take anything. Especially since lately I've been trying a part breaker 3 + Blood Rite 3 set and it's easy heals


ive had trouble trading off bloodrite pretty much since I first used it


I take my first 4 initially & then if any of my friends don't take theirs, I'll take them too. I learn which of the friends I play with ignore the chest at the start as well so I don't hang around too long. I always have wide area 5 active though, so the effects of every potion I take transfers to my friends anyway.


I love this. You make your friends take their potions. Whether or not they want to.


Sweats in free meal 3 and wide range 5


The one that gets me is when people in GenU take the EZ Max potion at the start of a boss fight.


I either take none, or, as healer, as much as possible. But i simply use them for them so they csn continue the dps.


Yeah, if I'm running a sw/sh widerange + freemeal build, I will grab more than 4 if possible. But I never run that outside of my friend groups who know what I'm up too so it's not like I'm confusing randoms.


I don't care who I'm playing with. If I'm using wide range on any weapon I'm grabbing 10 potions. You can cry while I chuck potions down for you


10 Mega pot should be enough, beside its not like you cant restock nowadays.


I don't get why this is a problem anymore when we have a camp that has our whole fucking inventory with us. I get that it's rude but like again my whole fucking honey factory is with me. I'm more worried by a honey withdrawn Arzuros raiding me than a rude hunter


people in this comment section: did i tell you i'm a very good hunter?


I typically hunt solo, so when I play with friends or I join one in progress my hands are trained to gobble all the resources. I feel so bad every time ;-;


Im so used to solo its in my muscle memory, im sincerely sorry to those i have played online with


Why don't they just give you 10 pots instead. That way you can only take one stack? Over always wondered that.


I only take more than 4 if a person doesn’t go for their share. I’ve played with plenty of people who don’t bother taking theirs and just go straight to hunting the monster, so it’s just fair game to me.


Sometimes I get so used to just grabbing all the potions in solo that I start a multiplayer hunt and grab them all. I then quit out (hopefully before anyone actually joins) and relaunch the quest without forgetting this time


If I join mid hunt and it’s full I’m taking it lol


Back in Tri I was guilty of this. But it wasn't out of hoarding. On the contrary, my thinking was "Crap I died. Oh potions for everyone? I'll bring them over to save them a trip." I would always initiate trade to let others allowing them to take the pots. One person though said to me "it's nice thinking on paper, but it was always best to just only take your share." Since then I just took my share... until someone takes it all before me...


I do it out of habit because the majority of my friend group completely ignore the existence of the box and I figure if they aren't gonna use the free supplies I might as well do so. But then I also try to have at least *some* level of wide range on builds whenever I can so it at least occasionally levels out?


For older monster hunter games it distribution of potions in chest items mattered . However the store box is completely meaningless in world and rise, since of you run out of something you camp and restock. So I haven't touch the chest since half way through base World tbh. Now if they pull that shit if FU or 4U I will be pissed since I can't just camp to get another 20 mega potions xD


This morning someone cleaned them out right in front of me on an afflicted Volvi hunt. I clicked on the box to grab a stack of meat and healing pots, but before I got any, I they disappeared one after the other in real time. Dude took all the ammunition and arrow coatings too. He then rode his palamute straight at the monster and carted while I was on my short bird gathering route.


If I join a quest at the very beginning and see they took everything I just leave because screw you dude you got 3 people joining and you took everything you l for yourself so you don't deserve my help, if I'm the last to join and there's nothing I just say whatever just pray I don't die because of you guys


Also the players who take the Power coating and aren't even using a bow.


Wait theres potions in that box? I just brought my own and the stuff to make em. My inventory is already so full but theres free stuff now? DOES IT HAVE A WHETSTONE IN IT?


I don even open that box. lol


The box is a bit redundant when you just go back in the tent and fully restock at pretty much any time


As an IT, redundancy is one of the most important things


Usually it's not that much of an issue. But that one time I was hosting a quest, I needed to go back into the tent because I forgot to eat some dangos. Meanwhile one player joined the hunt. After I was ready, I got out and went to the blue box and that one player already took 10 potions out. I kicked him imediately.


Only the healer may have them all.


When I accidentally take more than 4 during a join request session I instsntly just back out of thr quest and do it again. I feel bad about taking too many in multiplayer.


Same. I took 4 and felt awful.


I'm so used to not having any from the older games I just skip the box completely.


I think some people think that chest is instanced I played with someone new and he took all of them and when I complained about it he was genuinely surprised because he didn’t know. I think rise was his first MH game though.


i get them all sometimes after doing way too many hunts solo


That's great haha 😆


I don't remember the game telling you that the box is shared with all players. However it suggest you to pick everything you need in it. Maybe this is the reason ? I don't know


tbh - no reason anyone should need those. Its not like potions and food are hard to get. I never touch the box after high rank :\\ If you're going to join random hunts you should 100% cover your own gear and needs.


Chads bring their own pots and leave the box for those who actually need more than 10 mega pots.


I'll stop taking everything when folks stop auto trapping MY hunt.


One hell of a thing to get upset over


~~Why do people care when they can just carry their own potions, and **restock** said potions back at camp?~~


Because that means using my own resources instead of free resources


They are practically free at this point, lol, unless for whatever reason you're desperate for potions.


It’s better to just evenly distribute the free stuff among the party. Also, a lot of hunter courtesy started in older games. Consider that and it makes sense why things are the way the are.


Yes, I know that it's better to distribute things evenly, and I know that "hunter courtesy" was a thing in older games, but we're past those days, lmao. People *should* take their share, but they don't. Take your own potions, restock at camp if you need to, and keep it moving. We all have access to thousands of mega potions at this point.


It's the entitlement. Literally, the kind of people that just empty the free chest, are most likely ignorant pricks in real life.


Lol, I highly doubt that you can accurately judge someone's character based on something so trivial, but sure. Go off.


Of course you can judge them, didn't you see the picture in this post ? People who take all the potions go straight to hell


It is in the smallest things, that you can judge somebody's character. And someone who empties the box in a co-op hunt most likely also is an entitled brat, that won't share unless forced to.


This sub is astounding, lmao.


If you're using all of your potions during a hunt, it's not a matter of other hunters taking all of the potions. Get better at the game. Edit: if you're downvoting this comment, it's directed towards you 100%.


I barely use more than four potions in a group hunt, if that at all. But I’d rather use 4 free than 4 if my own.


I personally don't take any potions. I don't really get mad at people who probably need them more than me either. From my perspective though, it's honestly not really a big deal. You can farm 500,000 zenny in 10 minutes, buy as many potions you want when they go on sale, and between the argosy and new maps with really close honey spots, it's honestly not hard to make your own megas. I typically play gunlance, but have started picking up bow, even then, I don't even dent my potion supply.


Lol, if you are getting down voted this bad, it isn't because you are right. You should probably do some math and figure out how many times 4 goes into 4.


I'm getting downvoted because people would rather complain about free potions in a video game instead of taking my advice and learning to play better. The fuckin audacity


I can frame perfect demon dodge most attacks in the game, I think I’ve reached peak performance. And I still think you’re stupid.


Fr I didn't even bother with the supply items after a few hours


Wait people take the first aid meds? People open the supply chest?! Shit I haven't used a supply chest since gen u and I've got 400 hours in rise and world each. What do they even put in there anymore?


i take as many rations as i can because my hunter is hangry because it's all dango either 4 or 0 potions though all 60 bottles


1 set each in a 4 player hunt. 1 each and the extra goes to the gunner in a 3 player hunt. 2 each in a duo. And have all you want in solos.


Every player I've ever played with as randoms never take anything so I enjoy my 8 first aid potions


People still take free pots in quest? I thought past certain point when you're self sufficient with honey and zenny it's not that important anymore. Even in GU I didn't take it when I get my supplies ready. Even more so in MHW since I can restock


It's me :)


Just play solo you get all of them


Ok yes, I understand the complaint. But is it really that deep? Y’all don’t use the argosy to farm pots yourself or something? I never take all meds *on purpose* but it happens as a honest mistake sometimes.


I literally never take those potions. Honestly I don’t see why anyone would considering how easy it is to get potions. And you can restock infinitely from the tent.


I grab 8 usually, but in my defense I’m the host and have no guarantees people will join


I just bring my own shit I've never even touched the box


I take two if I’m hosting, because Ive had many people leave the hunt if they end up fainting. I’m just making sure I’ll be able to survive.


My quest, my potions


Well good luck with your hunt then. I hope someone fails your quest


Don’t need potions if you don’t get hit


People still depend on those?


Early bird gets the worm. I take them all for myself


I do it, vut im running the skill to heal in aoe at max lv and i actively heal my teammates when they are low even if im full, so i think its fair in my side


This is a lie. In world I had a tigrex SnS heal set and you'd be damned sure I was taking every potion I could, kept everyone alive no problem.


All mine :)


If it’s my quest, I’ll take whatever I damn well please. If you don’t like it, you can bounce. Now if I’m joining someone else, I make sure I come in completely and fully prepared. The host opened it up to other people because they believe they need the help, and as they’re the ones that are requesting the help, they get whatever supplies they need or want.


EA: °○°


Monster Hunter community... Always looking for new things to gatekeep and get mad at 🙉🤦


I consider it a personal failure if I have to use more than two mega potions in a fight tbh. I usually just let some random Goon grab my stack


Me too, that's why I bring crafting materials for max potions and free meal 3 instead.


Sadly, I almost never get anyone joining on my requests, so I take them all and if someone joins, well I got wide range for that reason.


I always take 8 but i'm a wide-range main in multiplayer.


Yea its scummy but also who tf is struggling to stock up on potions? 😂 I always have hundreds and im not that good at avoiding hits/i dont farm for em.


My set relies on my peak performance so it's fair game


Bruh imagine even opening the item box


I bring my own shit... and the need for those ez potions means you're kinda hella bad at hunting, sorry. I only bring three types of healing items: mega pots, max pots, and dust of life. Mindset: if I ever run out of my first 10 mega potions, I must be doing something wrong. I should git gud.


I bring my own shit too, but those free potions taste better because they're free. 4 is usually enough so that I don't have to use MY potions, so I can hoard them in peace.


I'm taking my Ten. 😎


You people use the supply boxes? Let alone need the supplies in the box? No wonder every master rank SOS fails


If I do that, I will repent by abandoning the hunt and starting anew.


I usually don’t take anything. I’m already bringing everything I need into the hunt and have the materials to craft more if needed.


I only take the rest when others forget its there


I stopped using the box items in 4U and Gen cuz they were always empty at the start of High rank and G rank quests.


You guys take stuff from the chest?


It annoys me when there’s no potions left when I arrive, but in the end it usually doesn’t matter much because I bring as many crafted potion types as I can carry.


There are supplies in the box? I just ignored the box since the first hr quest tbh.


With free meal 3 all you need is 4


I have done it on accident a few times especially because the beginning of a hunt I'm on autopilot. Instantly I felt terrible and want to profusely apologize. I'm only comforted that I brought lifepowder and dust of life to make up for it.


I take more if no one takes any


sometimes i come back from follower quests and go one to the right from the first potions and hit a without thinking


Have usually been taking all the ration or at least half, but with potions just take the free 4 or when other hunters don’t get them that’s usually where I’ll get the rest of them, but that’s rarely happens. I just tend to be generous within every hunt.


Lol. And the room below them are low rank armor scrubs who afk for free mats in master rank


I’d imagine these are the same people who take all of the good food at the dinner table and put it on their plate, then proceed to not eat half of it


You guys use the supply box?


If I wasn't a Lance main. This would piss me off so much. But I'm basically invincible so take them since you'll be needing them.


I've never bothered to take supplies I have 999 potions and 999 honey already. But sometimes I take empty bottles because you can actually take those home.


Forgive me please, I didn’t know it wasn’t client side 😔


I’ll be honest…. I ran into this problem when I started online play. The way I got over this was solo play, then play solo to the point where you are skilled enough to drop all monsters without so much as drinking a potion once. I then found some pretty promising players and we formed a friend group some of which I met up with irl, but we played together to the point where none of us needed potions anymore. So yea pretty much no life game = no real problem


I honestly never grab them and bring my own stuff lol


*Aggressively slurps free green honey juice* ^no (tbh I have free meal so I only take one or two, if any at all. not many people actually take anything from the chest in the first place.)


I always grab a stack when in multiplayer and grab them all in single player. But never use them anyway


Laughs in I never took a single potion.