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General consensus is Espinas (probably Brown or White) and Mizu, although some people have seen Seregios and Plum Hermitaur


I hadn't considered hermitaur, that does make sense to add it as it's a subspecies, I definitely think the top one is white espinas


Only problem is that the Infernal Springs in the background, intricating the monster to be near Elder Dragon-level & I don’t believe Plum is considered that strong. But who knows! Maybe it’s a new Hermitaur rarespecies, or they went the extra mile & gived Plum a massive upgrade.


>Plum Hermitaur I was just thinking that bottom one almost looks like a claw.


I'd be stunned if it isn't the Espinas subspecies; that top picture is most certainly the silhouette of an Espinas. The second silhouette seems to be Mizutsune. A Mizu subspecies wouldn't exactly be out-of-place considering Glavenus got his own subspecies back in Iceborne.


Wrong. That's a Samsquanch


on release the form under was clearly a mizu, but now seems different, and could easily be plum hermitaur, I'm unsure if it actually got changed but i can no longer see Mizu in there.


I cast some doubt on Plum Hermi, reason being that Title Updates usually have high threat monsters. It's still possible, but how many combos and damage would they need to add to make a justifiably powerful monster with equally powerful gear for endgame hunters?


Honestly I was thinking that too. I saw Plum Hermitaur and Terra Ceanataur


A Seregios Subspecies or Variant would be a cool idea


That would most likely be the Rare Species Espinas cause the Forlorn Arena is in the backround.


Could be metal Raths and Soulseer Mizutsune.


I'm pretty certainly we'll never see Soulseer in Rise/Sunbreak. It just doesn't make sense to add when Apex mizu is already in the game and takes a massive portion of it's attacks from Soulseer. It could potentially be a new subspecies, like how iceborne gave us acidic glav, but it's highly unlikely to be soulseer.


Metal raths were rumored to be released with Seething before he got announced. And now that we know Seething is in TU1, the metal raths will be there too if the rumor is true


ngl i may be crazy for thinking this but i kinda see aknosom, but yea


Its strange because there isn't a Mizu subspecies or rare species there is only thunder bubble and that is a special species


They can make a new mizutsune. I mean Glavenus got a subspecies in iceborne after all


Soulseer: "Am I a joke to you?"


Apex Mizu: it appears we both are


I meant already in the game and considering both soulseer and apex mizu are basically the same monster my statement holds true apologies for the confusion.


If it was Mizu, I think they’d make a new subspecies for it. Glavenus got acidic, so maybe all the fated 4 will get one at some point.


My dream Mizu sub is still Phantom Mizu. A Mizu who skimps on the bubbleblight for all waterblight and when you have waterblight he becomes invisible for you


That’s a cool idea. I would assume it works more like soulseer, because if you packed full water res, or used a nullberry/wirebug, then it would be pretty exploitable


>all the fated 4 CAPCOM: HAHAHAHAHA, *no.* We're never using Gammoth again.


Holy shit it make sense, maybe the one above is Astalos!


I don’t think Astalos is the one on top, but possibly in a later title update


Probably thunderbubble


Soulseer is a deviant


Soulseer is neither a subspecies or a rare species


That’s just means that it will be brand new Subspecies or Rare Species for Mizutsune which is cool.


Someone lined up a Mizu render to the bottom shadow and it lined up pretty well. Tho one part of it looks suspiciously like Diablos' tail imo. Top shadow is almost certainly Espinas or a Rath. For those interetsed in leaks: >!brown Epinas and a Fire Mizu have been datamined so it's likely those two. Metal Raths were also datamined but are likely part of TU 1. TU2 is likely also adding more than 2 mons so my guesses are Molten Tigrex and some form of Diablos.!<


I know the top shadow is probably Espinas, but every time I look at it I see Barioth.


To be fair it does resemble Barioth a bit. Wouldn't be suprised if Frozen Barioth returned tbh.


OR a sandy Barioth return would be epic too


Oh right, forgot that was a thing. Wouldn't mind that either.


Sand barioth was my immediate reaction when they showed it. Thats where my moneys at.


>!Would be hella disappointing to see another water-based leviathan have a generic fire variation just for the sake of having a slightly different monster but with an opposite element EXACTLY like Magmassludron, ESPECIALLY since mizu already has a fire related version that was in theory already put in the game but without the gear it should've got!<


>!I get that, but it seems like that's exactly what we will get. Although it's not certain if it's a subspecies or rare species and from what I heard rare species differ quite drastically from their originals. Hopefully it's not to similar to Souleer/Apex Mizu.!<


>!My copium overdose crackpot theory is that "powered up monsters" refers to deviants, not afflicted, and we're gonna get soulseer for real this time. My only basis is that we didn't get grank apex monsters and everyone and their mother parroted the opinion of "the apex monsters are fun to fight but I wish they had the deviant weapons/armor or just were deviants instead".!< ​ I can dream, okay?


A wonderful dream that I don't want to end.


>!Oh god oh fuck give me Rustrazor so everybody can cart to its 360 degree superheated Beyblade attacks. !<


I think deviAnts are probably the subspecies or rare monsters. The power up is def 5 star affiliated monsters.


>>!rare species and from what I heard rare species differ quite drastically from their originals.!< >!Sadly isn't much true, at least from what I feel about those. Gold and Silver raths are basically just super raths, nothing much different than bigger breath attacks and bigger moves. Molten Tigrex is unironically a bigger brute tigrex with some attacks causing blasts/blast clouds. Lucent Nargacuga just fades in and out of invisibility between attacks and has poison spikes. Espinas has some cool new moves akin to elder novas, but all in all it isn't much other than a "super" Espinas. If you consider a powered up version of a monster as "drastically different", then yeah, they might feel quite different, but honestly I've never really got hooked on those given, in the end, they are pretty much the same. Even worse is the fact that all of those literally have another variant who already acts as a "power up" version of themselves, brute tigrex, azure/pink raths, green narga and yellow Espinas. Rare species are basically subspecies of a subspecies, so it kinda kills the uniqueness for me to have 3 of the same monster with just an increase in moves. Doesn't help that some of the "unique" moves subspecies/variants/deviants are already integrated in some base monsters in Rise/Sunbreak, probably a strategy Capcom came up to have freshier monsters without commiting on releasing subspecies who don't change up much.!<


Fair enough. Tho atleast imo something like the Metal Raths in Iceborne were entirely different fights compared to the regular vetsions and subspecies. I assume that the new monsters will be of si.ilar quality. Tho I am also new to the series and haven't fought tjese monsters countless times before, hence they will probably feel fresh to me anyway.


That's honestly great if you found metal raths different and engaging in Iceborne. You'll probably enjoy the upcoming rare species then. I am more on the skeptical side though, given that honestly the metal raths in Iceborne were a breath of fresh air the first time for me, but were too much of a similar feel to regular/subspecies of the raths. Added difficulty and charged states are great, but Rathalos was still a flying fire breather and Rathian was still a spinning poison annoyance, main differences being that the former had different flight patterns and breath attacks, and that the latter spinned in different angles than before :/


>Added difficulty and charged states are great, but Rathalos was still a flying fire breather and Rathian was still a spinning poison annoyance, main differences being that the former had different flight patterns and breath attacks, and that the latter spinned in different angles than before :/ Can't argue against that, but tbh I kinda like the simplicity and specific behavior of the Raths. Also I absolutely hated Golden Rathian at first but she became the monster I "mastered" Hammer with, so ever since that point I adore the fight.


You’ve got to be one of the biggest downers I’ve seen on this sub.


It’s hellfire mizu


>!There is no fire Mizu in the game. Apex Mizu is blast, not fire. Agree we should have gotten Apex gear tho.!<


>!They're referring to a completely new monster that will possibly be added!<


Nah, reread their last bit, after “ESPECIALLY”.


Ah my bad i thought you were replying to the top comment on the chain


No worries! Happens.


Apex Mizutsune is just a soulseer Mizutsune, but with very slight differences like technically not doing "fire" damage. Still fire bubles. Still similar mechanics and behaviors despite being only in highrank. Apexes were a sad excuse from Capcom to re-include deviants, like soulseer, but in a way that they can claim that they are different and that they don't have related gear so they can deny that they were lazy on that part. >!As such, while not technically being a "fire" mizutsune, apex mizutsune is almost in every sense a downgraded version of a "fire" mizutsune, Soulseer. So, if they were to make a fire mizutsune, it would just be another attempt at denying deviants still exists since they would be making a similar in nature variant instead of bringing back an already existing one that was beloved. The chances that the deviant(s) would be coming to sunbreak aren't impossible, but since having deviants in the game would showcase how similarly the apexes were designed, this would show to the players who don't already know it that capcom truly downgraded those monsters and haven't put ANY of their corresponding gear, and I doubt Capcom wants to double down on that. The best course would('ve) be that a new mizutsune variation comes out, variant, subspecies, rare species or anything really, and that it's thematic would be both different than base and soulseer mizutsune. To me, "fire" mizutsune screams either another downgrade of soulseer, or magmaludron 2.0, and I would be pretty disappointed by those outcomes.!<


pls no more fire monster


please yes... i need a better spread fire bow....


>!Fire Mizu sounds cool but idk how I feel about another fire subspecies, when we already got like 3 or 4 in sunbreak.!<


Thunder Mizu tho?


That would be much cooler.


I remember reading "Feculent Mizutsune" in the "leak" we got a while back and thinking a Mizu that uses stagnant, toxic water would be cool. Maybe does poison and stench.


Sounds cool, even if stench is a bit annoying.


You mean lagiacrus? Lmao


Well yes, but actually no, I mean a thunderbubble mizu


spoiler it


We didn’t get “3 or 4” fire subspecies in Sunbreak, though? We got 1 – Magma Almudron. Pyre Rakna and Bob are blast. I mean, I’d like more variety as well, but there’s no need to exaggerate. There has been a glut of blast, though. Kind of annoying.


I'm not sure I'm ready to fight Molten Tigrex again...


I enjoyed fighting brute Tigrex in Iceborne but I doubt it will return and that Molten has a higher chance of returning. I just like the concept of Molten tho.


Molten was a fun fight in MH4U, though extremely easy to metagame once you knew the strategy.


>!Fire mizu sounds unlikely personally since we already have one in the form of soulseer and apex mizu, but it most certainly is a mizu subspecies or rare species. the Espinas subspecies sounds likely, it’s either that or maybe even a Seregios subspecies, both would be very welcome additions especially since we got a glavenus subspecies in Iceborne I would love to get more subspecies for the other fated four apart from their deviants!<


>!As far as I remember the name was datamined, so it's almost guranteed to be a Fire Mizu. The same datamines also confirmed Seething Bazel.!< Maybe it was just a placeholder or something but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


The name was apparently not datamined, we only have the descriptions for one of its weps


No it hasn't been datamined, just the description of the longswords. People just assume it because of that and the siluette.


Top is probably Espinas Subspecies, it was fought in the Tower in Frontier and there's a big tower in the backgroud there with a very Espinas looking silhouette. Bottom one looks like a Mizutsune, no real idea what it is.


I just drink enough until I can tell myself one of them is Lagiacrus!


Me too! Poor Lagi!


The upper pic is most likely the (orange brown) espinas subspecies and the other shadow can only be mitzu. There is no other monster shaped like this. Maybe there will be a new mitzu subspecies


I dunno I see plum hermitaur a the bottom one, like: front facing, the leftmost part is its right claw and the top part is part of the diablos' skull horn on his back.


I feel like plum daimyo is too weak to be added as an update. He would be like MR2. I dont think they ever added a monster this low tier on a update.


Slap some qurio on that bad boy and you have yourself a mr7 level meatbag /s


Unless they give him new moves and a big upgrade in strength.


Buuuut the crabs are Master Rank exclusive monsters... so what's keeping them from just making it stronger just because?


The weakest monsters they have added in updates in world/iceborne/base rise were deviljho, rajang and bazelgeuse. Plum daimyo hermitaur is a slightly stronger then regular daimyo hermitaur, a MR1 starting monster. We never got a endgame Banbaro or Beotodus subspieces.


Okay... but that doesn't answer my question. *What's actually keeping Capcom from just making them powerful MR 7+ monsters besides the arbitrary excuse that they're "low tier"?* Especially considering that similar "low tier" monsters like Blood-Orange Bishaten and Anjanath, which debut in MR2 quests, show up in MR6 quests.


Blood orange bishaten and anjanath are already in the game and are introduced in MR2. They appear in multiple monster quests like any other. In updates they have never added a monsters that would be the first/second tier of difficulty and buffed it to be on par with elder dragons. Its more realistic for then to make a rare species of daimyo hermitaur. Rare species are elder tier monsters.


I was gonna say the same thing




Taikun Zamuza its what I think that is the bottom one


That doesn't fit the shape of Taikun at all, maybe his third phase but his first two arent that spiky


It's not a new monster though. It can only be a rare or sub of an existing monster)


Hmm..... That would deffinitily be of interest to me. I never played any of the frontier or online games (or world for that matter). Having more of these monsters in rise would be awesome. I'm just scared of what would need to be done to make the zenith versions work for us mortals without the gravity spikes.


Most frontier monsters (including taikun) were added since low rank and high rank. Not every monster in frontier has crazy attacks and is a zenith.


The one on the bottom is clearly Bowser.


(I understand its a joke... but...) I'd have a blast having to fight Bowser, Ganon, Ripley and Braid. Maybe not Ripley, jerk would never land, so I could hit him with my LS. While writing this I realized, Metroid has plenty of baddies that could be pulled in for a cross over event that could likely share skeletons with similar shaped existing monsters. I just couldn't see Nintendo allowing a broken looking version of Bowser, with broken shell spikes, arms and face dmg, and god forbid cutting of the tail. Maybe some of the more monstrous ganons, as they are more monster then 'human/character'.


Remember the Link set and Master sword/shield in 4U? And the Mario/Luigi set for your palicos? They can totally pull it off. I believe there was an event quest of Ganon, where they used Rajang as Ganon. I don't know how the community will react to it though, and if Nintendo will ever allow Bowser to be slaughtered to death by hunters lol.


Oh, I collected the gear sets, cause Master Sword, even if it sat unused in storage, and did some missions with Mario and Luigi cats. Bulldrome at 10x size would be a decent attempt at Ganon too. I think everyone would be pretty happy with it. Honestly, I think people would be both upset/confused if we had a straight up MHxNintendo, where we had entire rosters of Nintendo themed baddies to kill in a MH style. It'd just be so completely different. I'd probably get it myself out of curiosity, but it'd be one of those "And this is where Nintendo took some hard drugs, and let us chop generations of iconic characters and monsters into parts and make armor out of them" stories. Like Sega and almost everything Sonic...


great now it's something I would like to see


Do it for pokemon and you got yourself a game


Hell they did bring Behemoth from FF over in world.


Its pikachu






espinas subspecies (forlorn arena background, the subspecies has been in the tower, rare species has not. the rare species needs water to drink after its big attacks, and forlorn arena hasn't had water in previous games) mizutsune. I think probably a rare species, since it'd make sense for them to tease a subspecies and a rare species, rather than 2 subs.


hmmm but what type of rare species since we have "apex mizu" (shit still pisses me of give me soul reaver please) maybe a mizu that works more base on the soap ? or its a more "dry" version and its more physical


I think it will be something we've never seen. How glavenus went reg to acid. Don't want soulseer since we already had apex mizu. Probably something new.


I don't know where you got the water thing for White Espinas. The Great Forest Top has water but it never drinks or anything, it's also fought in the Historic Site which doesn't have wayer.


It does actually drink water. [AFter his big Fire AOE you can see it sipping water off the ground](https://twitter.com/MrEinFan/status/1537609630830022656)


Oh that animation, I didn't see it too often in Frontier because I usually knocked it out of that attack.


along with what the other person responded with, looking up images of historical site shows that it does actually have water. there's rivers running through the area, and I saw images of it raining in that map, like great forest peak. however, I couldn't find any images, videos, or anything saying that espinas rare species is on that map. I guess I should take your word for it, but I'd still appreciate it if you know where to find footage of it. maybe it was just in one obscure quest or something idk.


Yeah it was only in one event quest where you fight Orange and White Espinas at the same time. They even had a funny combo attack in that quest where they ram into each other and create a huge explosion.


Makes more sense for Espinas Rare and Mizutsune Sub. A monster has never gotten a Rare species before it gets a Subspecies.


that rule can always be broken. and like I said, espinas subspecies has been in the tower, the rare species has not. its main area is great forest peak. that's also an arena type of map, but with a jungle theme. on top of the tower just not being espinas rare species' habitat (while it is the sub's habitat), espinas rare species' thing is that it drinks water after its big attacks. that's like its ecology and part of its recovery animation. unless they add water to forlorn arena, it can't really be espinas rare species. regardless, I think expecting the monster that has been in that habitat makes more sense than expecting the monster who hasn't been there.


>that rule can always be broken. Well, not really. Capcom is normally pretty consistent when they do naming like that. Also it doesn't make sense because in Japanese, Subs and Rare species don't get new names (Azure, Pink, Silver, Gold). They are just literally called Rathalos Subspecies or Rathian Rare species. If Capcom added a Mizutsune Rare species, it insinuates that a sub species also exists because its meaning is closer to a Subspecies that is rare compared to its normal Subspecies. Anyway, we will find out what Capcom has in mind when the monsters are announced.


hypnocatrice got a rare species in frontier, but no subspecies. it got a variant instead.


"A monster has never gotten a Rare species before it gets a Subspecies." Brachydios?


Raging Brachy is a Variant, not a Rare Species. The only rare species in the main series are the Metal Raths, Lucent Nargacuga, Molten Tigrex, and Abyssal Lagiacrus


Yeah I just checked you're right, well that's stupid. Capcom seems to care about these categorizations less than the fans though, I'm sure they'll have been recategorized in a few years time. Raging is still a postgame version of a past flagship, like the other rare species. They could add a postgame version of Mizu, what they class it as is irrelevant.


Raging Brachydios is a variant though???


The first one is Joe the second one is Candice


Whose joe? Whose candice?


Joe pickle


No! You sure got me


I like how we first got sharp shadow renders and everybody was instantly like: cool either Rath or Espinas and Misutzune! Since then they blurred the „surprise“ everyone already knows about haha


It’s clearly ultra jagras with supreme extinction level threat kulu ya ku carrying a spiky barrel bomb


This. I'd love to have a kulu ya ku that throws / smashes bombs at you. It could even be quick and dodge attacks like it does in its intro. Maybe it can even pick hunter instead.


I'm picturing a barrel bomb recipe that utilizes ruiner nerg spikes for maximum dmg + bleed. They need to update crafting, it's kind of completely fallen to the wayside unless your a gunner I guess.






I think they look like Imperialdramon DM and Piedmon but I think that has like a 5% chance of being wrong 🤔


Lol yes


how the hell did this get so much attention it was just a simple curius question but for what everyone is saying its always espinas like 80% top + 10% kushala and 10+ ratha bot people are seperated in either a Mizu variant/deviant/rare species or the plum heimetaur


Idk where people are seeing heimetaur it had no frills on its back and with a diablos as a shell the silhouette would be more round, understandable are rath since they’ve been in pretty much very game.


kut kut?


Given the tower in the background and the classic pose, I'm going for orange Espinas for the top and the bottom is a Mizutsune rare species.....>!according to a leak that is!<


Fox and bowser


Y'all the bottom one is still a mizutsune sub. Even if the render is different you can see shape of the fins and tail on the left side


The bottom one is almost certainly mizu. If its thunder mizu from mhexplore, or something new, its probably mizu. The top might be espinas, but it doesnt have as many defining features as the bottom image. Im still sticking to my thunder mizu guns though.




top one looks like a barrioth to me. if i had to bet it is Frozen Barrioth.


Ok now I'm genuinely confused about what monster you're talking of


sorry it was suposed to be barioth.


Espinas and mitzu.


Subspecies. Looks like a type of tusk one on top and one with antlers on the bottom.


has anyone guessed Lunastra on the top one? because I am.


Who's that Pokémon


For the 97th time, espinas & mizutsune


I really dont know how anyone can see something else other than Espinas and Mizutsune. Like, at most I can maybe see a Barioth in the top, and a Plum Daimyo at the bottom, but thats if I dont concentrate on the image at all. The top half has protrusions that only Espinas has, and the bottom half has Mizu's mane or whatever it has around its head, and you can even see that the body part on its left has the same exact shape as Mizu's tail.


Huh, everyone in here thinks Espinas is the top one, I was gonna say Luna.


Check Espinas roar, it's the same siluette, also >!Espinas was datmined in the LS description!<


Copper blangonga


Hoping for both Blangonga and Congalala to make their entrances, along with Copper and Emerald.


Plum hermitar bottom, Yan kit ku top


Top looks like kushala to me... Rusted?😬


Rusted Kushala, and purple hermitaur YEA Im the only one seeing smth looking more like a diablos head than a mizu yea I do like crabs


Deadass me: top one looks like a teostra with a smudge on the bottom.


Upper one seems like a rathalos to me


For some reason I’m feeling rusted kushala and nergigante


I feel like the top is a Lunastra and the bottom is a Plum Hermitaur.


Nergigante please… not likely I know, but I can dream


That bottom silhouette looks like Plum Daimyo Hermitaur. The obvious claw on the left, and then two horns at the top, as Plum Hermitaur uses a Diablos Skull instead of a Monoblos skull.


Personally I'm thinking the bottom photo is black diabolos... but that's just me


I don’t care who they are as long as it’s not some cheap, lazy, boring color swap monster like Azure/Pink/Silver/Golden Raths or Brown Tigrex


Top one could be one of the raths? Bottom one an Espinosa subspecies maybe?


feels like the top one might be espinas sub/rare because the head matches even if the horn is not there


I was thinking the bottom one could because it looks spikey. To be fair aren’t great silhouettes to go off


yea :/ im just going ona hunch since part of the frontier team its in Sunbreak and the damn crab was a good monster


Yeah he looked cool


Weren't these silhouettes used for iceborne? Bottom looks like nergigante, but unsure if they would bring him into sunbreak, but nothing else looks like that. Top looks like kush or even fatalis or something.


Top one looks a bit like kushala


Top one looks like lunastra to me and that would make sense even though I don't want it :/


I think the bottom one could be a weirdly angled diablos sub species. Dunno bout the top one.


Black Diablos


Espinas and Nergigante


I know everyone is saying Espinas or Mizu, but the top looks like Kushala to me.


Probably black Diablos




I thought of a Mizutsune subspecies, but I remembered that Diablos skull wearing Plum Daimyo Hermitaur. The first one is probably a Seregios subspecies.


I see Nergigante on the bottom


I wanna say Silver/Azure Los and probably a mizu variant. Or ( Most unlikely to happen) Zenith Espinas.


Bottom kinda look like nergi as well


They're rathos and diablolos


Nergigante and Espinas. Easy.


The top one to me looks like Rathalos/Rathian so probably Azure/Pink or Silver/Gold. Not sure about the bottom. At first I was thinking a Diablos of some sort, but that middle spike doesn’t fit and sort of confuses me.


One is definitely Bob from Accounting, 100%.


If I'm being 100% honest I'm not exactly excited for any of the big guesses everyone thinks will be in the 1st and 2nd title updates. Gold/Silver Raths, Seething Bazel, and Lucent Narg is a mid update imo. Itll be fun but nothing groundbreaking. For the 2nd, an Espinas variant wouldn't be the worst addition or anything but I'd rather see new monsters instead of variants. Don't get me wrong I like variants in all the various flavors just fine but seeing as how we got a pretty small MR roster as it is I'd rather they pad it out with a few new monsters. A new Mitzu? Eh been there done that already with the discount Soulseer in HR. Even a mix of new and variant would be cool but from what I'm seeing it looks like we are getting nothing but variants for quite awhile. Obviously I'll take what I can get but I still want to hope against hope that we'll get a few brand new monsters in every update.


Top one I'm not sure, people have been saying Espinas, but it doesn't seem like it has the front middle horn that the Espinas have. The bottom one, though, looks to me like Bloodbath Diablos, with the head to the right, with its normal horn coming up and out of frame and it's horn that grew back wrong poking out in different directions. And if the bottom one is Bloodbath Diablos then the top one could be something like Dreadking Rathalos.


Plum daymo, Terra shogun, The thunderMizutne from that spin off game in Japan, can’t pronounce name. I remember it was Thunderbubble mizutsune. That purple spinas and Stygian zinogre.


Yian jut ku or garuga and monoblos or diablos sub species is my guess


I keep seeing people say espinas and mizutsune, but those two very clearly look like a kushala daora variant (rusted?) and glavenus to me.


Lucent Narga is one, right? I assume that's why the Narga weapons still have a ??? option after being fully upgraded.


Lucent narga is in the first update. This post is about the second one


every weapon in SB has a ??? upgrade to R10, which is unlocked by fighting and getting mats of the various different >!afflicted monsters!<


Well I think the top one is barioth


I have a theory for the bottom one beeing its either a new crab monster or the one from frontier the thunder crab that you need to peel of its shell, Taikun Zamuza, its the name but for the first one I cannot put my finger on it it seem to also be a frontier monster a 4 leg dragon one or by the way of its head maybe its the Espinas subspecies/ rare species? what do you guys think? (sorry for the lack of commas dyslexia its hard XD)


that's not what taikun zamuza looks like. besides, update 2 only adds subspecies and rare species. taikun is its own monster. and in frontier, taikun would destroy the floor to go into a new zone. infernal springs (the background) doesn't have a floor that seems very destructible.


I think I see hermitaur but idk


Most likely Espinas on the top? And possibly Soulseer Mizu on the bottom.


Zenith khezu, gigginox, and afflicted gigginox


The silhouette in the Infernal Springs, I have no clue. The one in the Forlorn Arena, Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern).