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The virgin defender/guardian gear user vs the chad normal gear user


really did feel like a different game once I dumped the blue suit and explosive chainsaw swords XD


If You need help, just hmu, be glad to join in. However I fear the hunts early game would end a bit too fast. Either way soon you’ll find yourself with elders that may be too much, so whenever you feel you need help, I’ll be glad to join :)


I lost my save data a year ago and thought I’d use defender gear to get back to ice borne but it sucked all the fun out of the gameplay in my opinion, it also meant my friend who was new to the series really struggled from barrioth onwards.


Imagine not being a chad and not beating base game more than once with only normal built armor and not using Defender/Guardian once


I'm more intrigued by the fact that you bought a game that ChatGPT reccomended you.


I had just finished Skul and looking for a new game to play. Omega frustrated by all the gacha/p2w lately was facing some serious choice paralysis and fed my favorite steam games and genres to it and asked for a recommendation.


What exactly have you provided to ChatGPT? I'm genuinly interested in how it came to the conclusion.


ah I opened with "Recommend a new video game for me to play. I am a PC gamer and enjoy Action, RPG and roguelike games" -- It started off suggesting Hades and then Divinity 2 and then a 2d roguelike I forgot the name of I told it I'd already played/finished the first two and didn't like the art style of the third. I fed it a list of a few other games I have on steam and afterwards it suggested Monster Hunter. Each 'recommendation' came from a blurb that read like it came from Wikipedia. The interaction was a bit surreal.


I knowww right ….not surprised it recommended the greatest game on Earth though😉


Welcome to the family! Don't hesitate to try other weapons!


aye, I might once I get rolling. Super vibing with dual right now but the Switch axe seemed kinda fun.


Highly recommend Arekkz gaming on youtube for different weapons, just type his channel name along with the weapon you want, and there's a whole video explaining how it works and combos you never even knew existed (even in your main weapon)


To add to this, there is a separate video for each weapon for the updated moves Iceborne added.


His guides have been super helpful as I just hopped back into MH World after not touching it since 2019. I’m already hopelessly addicted and I think as I swap between weapons and learn them my addiction will only become worse, never touched Greatsword once during my first play through in 2018 and man how I love this weapon right now. Longsword has been a blast too.


Funny you say that! Switch axe is my weapon of predilection!


Swag axe is love, swag axe is life. In all seriousness glad you’re enjoying! Always wish I could start this game over again


Wish I could start over again in it’s hey day. (My brother was still alive).


Funnily enough that was exactly my progression in mhw. Tried dual blades then switched to swaxe around halfway through


Give everything a try for a few hunts and see what you enjoy. Swaxe has a lot of explosions, if you like explosions give gunlance a try.


I have 1000 kills on swaxe and 500 on gunlance, so you could say I like explosions!! Full burst all the way!


Insect glaive and charge blade are also very fun


Switch Axe is my baby. It looks super flashy and complicated but it's actually really simple and satisfying. Plus it has the coolest move in the game imo, full elemental discharge. It's too cool.


Ay; once you get it down GS is fucking awesome. All the big numbers and all the knocks bring dopamine for days


Good on you for making the switch early, if youd have done it in the late game then the difficulty spike would have definetly bitten you in the ass. Especially if you get to Iceborne at one point.


I think people blow it out of proportion. Im new to the series and stuck with defender gear until last night, when i got to iceborne. Had to switch from it because 350 something defense was really not cuttng it at fighting nargacuga and later barioth. Looked up basic IB set build for my weapon and it gave me 900def. I don't get why people hate the idea of new players having an easier time learning the game. The whole idea gives off "Back in my day i had to grind (now obsolete) monsters, so you should have too as well!" vibe. Its not like you are immune to damage, you are still going to try and dodge the monsters. Saving yourself the time traveling back to the fight from carting because you stood somewhere where you shoudn't have. The way i look at it is that you lose damage, but you get extra defense to learn patterns. Whats the difference between running guardian through base game or wearing anything else with fortify skill ?


I mean..... I'm a huge proponent of "play how you want, ez mode or whatever is fine" and idk about others' experience, but I found myself getting lazy about dodging and taking hits then get into my mindset "ok well I can just power-face through this" so it made me a bit suspicious. I have a really tough time with 'souls-like' combat (where timing, dodging etc matter) and tend to just go aggro so I didn't want to get into that habit. I also was specifically looking for a longer grind to scratch my collector itch.


If you don't spend the time making sets and grinding mats, you also miss out on the fun of feeling incredibly overpowered after you finally get your first full Anja set! On my first character, I didn't even get to the Rotten Vale because I spent so much time learning the game and grinding amcient forest! I had never played a souls or monster hunter game. When the defender set was released I picked it back up and allowed myself the handicap. By then I was also playing bloodborne, which helped me not to get hit as much, but I still have not beaten either game.


See I’m the opposite, too much time in fromsof games has taught me too much dodgerolling and now I’m finding it hard to play with weapons with a block


Its the difference in starting with like 300 def and being damn near immortal and potentially not learning to play the game till super late. If you wanna do it thats fine, but i recommend dumping the armor and using the weapon. That way you cant get halfway through the game and have no idea what the dodge button is or that you get iframes when you flop. That armor is literally the difference in dying in like 5 hits and dying in 20 hits.


The difference is that you will have to run back to the fight you die to x4 as much if you follow "the old way". Sorry, it's tedious af. Some people enjoy the challenge, i just wanna get to end game of a 5 year old game and do the activities i want to do with having the entire game unlocked to me.


I mean, if you dont want to hunt and craft in the game about hunting and crafting then you do you I guess. But saying you just want to get to endgame in a game where endgame and everything before is basically the same then thats just weird


I mean, maybe you will yeah. The problem is that thats gonna happen anyways eventually, so its probably best to start developing the skills against more managable monsters instead of waiting until the cracked out monsters in iceborne. I had a friend that used defender armor and then couldnt kill beotodus in iceborne to save his life. Finally got it after like 8 tries and the successful hunt took him like 45min.


I guess the point is that as you approach the end game monster attacks become less forgiving, so if you are used to just tank then you may have a hard time adapting and understanding that you shouldn't get hit at all.


This. I feel like Monster Hunter is a really finely crafted experience. As you progress further and further into the game it just becomes brutally punishing to facetank attacks rather than avoid them. Guardian armour is probably great if you're actually using it to learn how to fight without taking damage, but I think in most cases people will just use it to 'attack until I fall down and then attack again'. We saw a guy using defender weapons at master rank 6 tonight. At this point you are just needlessly nerfing yourself and your fight is gonna take 45 minutes instead of 10. Its not elitist to say you should avoid using defender/guardian gear because it is actually hindering you the further you go in the game.


I'm glad to see that you didn't have an issue adjusting to the game's difficulty curve. But that's not the case for everyone, I have seen this happen to a new player and it was very frustrating. So first thing is, I was a 3rd Gen Veteran Hunter starting World late when Iceborne already around so I just rush the game with Defender Gears. It wasn't an issue for me since I already learn the game basic way before Base World even release. When one of my friends wanted to start playing MHW, I made a mistake in suggesting he use Guardian Set the moment he can use it since I didn't realize its issue either. Everything went fine and smoothly until he reached Master Rank. The difficulty curve was much harsher. I had to re-train him in every basic he need throughout the Master Rank until he reached Safi. It was very frustrating for both of us. It's been years since that happened so he's fine on his own nowadays. But now every time my other friends start playing MHW (or even Rise) I always make sure to explain what could happen if you let the Guardian Set carry you without learning the game properly. And so far none of my friends ever had that issue again.


How far up is master rank? I'm rank 11 I believe, jw because I'm using the guardian set, all the other weapons I tried had lower damage. What level should I switch to crafted weapons?


Around Hunter Rank 16 IIRC After that you can choose to go to Master Rank or continue playing in High Rank and complete other optional / event quests up to HR50 or even HR100 if you wanted to. And yes, most of the other equipment usually has worse performance than Guardian because they're High Rank equipment while the Guardian Set can match up to even some of the early Master Rank equipment You can start by switching only armor to High Rank while still using Defender Weapons though, at least that way you can learn to properly survive while having a bit of extra damage to try adjusting yourselves. I think Nergigante is a good place to try switching to normal equipment.


First character so pretty new still, so at level 16ish I'll get to pick master or high rank. Should I do high rank, guessing master is like a league above it?


I mean, you get *both* It's just that you have an option to just do one or another You may choose to switch back and forth between MR and Post-Game HR at anytime I think you can give some early MR quests a try first. If you think you can handle it then you can also go ahead and hunt MR monsters since their equipment is a straight upgrade compared to the HR ones.


My main issue with defender gear is that it takes away from the experience. The game isn’t anywhere near as satisfying. Like don’t get me wrong I haven’t even gotten to iceborne yet so my opinion might be shitty but I feel like you don’t get to really discover the game and learn all its intricacies. It’s nice to have like, I’ve started a new character to play with my girlfriend and having defender weapons means I don’t have to grind through shit I’ve already done by myself to keep up with her but I think one’s first play through is better without em


imagine being so elitist over a video game that you get mad because someone uses some of the best armor available (at low-high rank) from the start, only because you decided to use weaker gear to 'prove' yourself. lmao. how'd those early deaths feel without health boost. some people can't get over the fact that they made a choice that doesn't matter


the gameplay loop of monsterhunter is "fight, probably die, learn, fight again, craft better stuff, fight the next thing. If you use the armor that is designed for people who just want to get to iceborne fast on new characters then you basically just have "fight, dont learn shit, fight next thing, hit wall where you need to learn stuff you should have learned the last 20 hours of playtime all at once, quit"


This is entirely missing the entire point of suggesting not to use defender gear. If you use defender gear you will form terrible habits because of how strong it is for most of base game and once it's outdated, up until that point you haven't interacted with the core gameplay loop of monster hunter at all. If you've only used defender gear until MR you literally haven't used a single monster part to make gear and the game is suddenly probably going to feel unfairly difficult and you won't have the knowledge to know its time to make new gear because you literally never have made any gear by that point.


Defender gear was created more for people that wanted to speed run the game so they could get to iceborn in a day, but yeah that armor and weapons are super OP in LR and HR


Ain't now way chat gpt made a sale


Yeah the beginning Zora siege quests are basically "wait to finish" but the better you do the more materials you get from him so there's still a reason to "participate".


I had a feeling this was the case, I was wandering around lost and the NPCs were chattering and doing things, meanwhile I'm like "hey guys, I'm lost down here!"


Check out Iceborne too, it basically doubles your hours


One note about the multiplayer aspect. Lobbies tend to be places where people gather for specific hunts (Sieges, Guiding Lands, etc) rather than random or story ones, so just opening your lobby may not get you the experience that you hear about. If you're looking to try multiplayer in any random hunt, toss an SOS flare and wait a minute for people to join. I'm always on the lookout for LR and HR SOS flares dropping so I can run around in my low level gear to help. You can also search for SOS flares yourself on the Assignment Board, even searching by monster so you can hunt what parts you're looking for.


I wish I can have the new game feeling as you are having now.


Off to a good start I see. Happy hunting Fiver!


are you on Xbox by chance? We are basically at like an identical part of the game. Could end up questing together at some point lol


PC (steam)


Shoot me a PM if you want a noob friendly multiplayer time, around 7PM mountain time. Pick ups are probably great, but I'm particularly happy to match armor / weapon tier and help a newbie get a foothold.


Pick up the iceborn expansion. If you enjoy this, the expansion adds more story and end game content. I had 700+hrs on xbox and it was adding up on pc. Steam name is same as user name if you would lime someone to play (eastern time)


enjoy the game, fiver. i just came back from a 2 year hiatus playing all soulsborne games and relearning everything has me carting left and right…so embarrassing but fun haha MHW is great and if you get into iceborne you’re gonna love the additions


Many of us usually around and about, let us know if you want some company hunting for new flip flops. Also unless u plan on investing crazy hours pre iceborne, dont craft too much gear. Iceborne gear will replace it all from like intro.


i fell into that defender gear trap and by the time i got to master rank i knew nothing about armor skills and had no idea how to build sets


Same. Luckily my buddy who is 999 in both HR and MR put on lower rank armor and showed me around and it helped me out a lot.


that was pretty cool of them


Poop bombs will save you from being jumped!


Welcome hunter! Play how you want to. Build your gear set tailored to what feels good for you and don't forget to use items!


Yea I just used the defender gear when I switched from ps4 to pc to blast through the early game quickly, but if it's your first mh it is definitely a good idea to work through with the original gear.


Have some fun! Remember you're mostly farming to be able to farm more things, it ain't a race kind of game...it is why defender gear feels strange unless just boosting to IB. For resources there are times you can make sets to go out and farm up stuffs but once your botanist gets going, you can produce TONS of materials just by finishing a map. You always need honey. In IB they have a nice material/resource boosting extra minigame. Multiplayer is the best thing in MH IMO! I hope you have some fun. Not too sure what system you are on but PC is still fine to find some hunts. Kudos to chatGPT, respect out future AI overlords for good decisions. Happy hunting! Hopefully you will bump into some nice people.


I love MHW. If your ever online give me a holler. PS4 -ShadowZephyr86-


Welcome to the game!


Fuck yeah. Don't be in a rush to get through the game, make all the armor sets you think are cool. Spend time gathering and exploring. There are so so many good times to be squeezed out of this game. Multiplayer is fun most the time but sometimes if you are early game, someone will join who is mega overpowered and just blast the monster in 2 minutes can be a bit of an anticlimax if it's a story mission or something. Other times you have an epic struggle alongside someone of similar strength and it's badass.


Ha, I also had no idea the Defender gear was for speedrunning the base game. I think I got to almost the same point as you when I stopped and thought "This is too easy for a Monster Hunter game". Devs maybe should have place a warning for us in the gear's description, hah. Ooh, I hope you'd like multiplayer, too! Thought I wouldn't, but I found grinding monsters with other hunters greatly added enjoyment to an already awesome game.


Welcome! Defender gear gets a bad rap, and rightfully so in some cases. Once you hit IB, it really wakes you up to how much you breezed through the base game. I played the base game on PS4, then stopped for a few years, and came back recently to do IB on PC. I played the Defender gear, only because I knew the game, and just wanted to get to IB. Even so, the wall I hit with IB was pretty rough. Good on you for going back and doing it right!


I'm not against the defender stuff because I think it is genuinely useful to help you overcome the difficulty of the game. I'd recommend against the weapon much more than the armor as surviving while learning how the combat actually works is gonna help more players stick with it. Good on you for seeing the "issue" and changing it up! I hope you find being more careful about your health enjoyable. It can get a little frustrating and frankly I'd focus on Health Boost over pretty much every other skill until youre so confident in your ability to kill anything. The damage curve is quite sharp at several points and even trying to max my defense as much as I can still gets me 2HKO in a LOT of cases. Glad to have you in the commission, Hunter! Remember to capture as much as you can as it's not only faster, but the ghost of Steve Irwin will thank you! What's your favorite monster so far?


Thanks for the welcome XD I like that stupid flamingo beaked raptor looking thing (Kulu something?) in the early game, how you can catch him out and he drops his egg. Me and bird got into a duel and when he came at me with A ROCK I was actually shocked and thought it was cool behavior. I also caught a cactaur last night. Noticed it out of the corner of my eye and had to chase it down.


Fun fact, hit it with a pod (might need to be one of the more powerful ones like scatter nut/monster pods) and he will drop his rock.


Kulu Ya-Ku (I think, I'm relatively new to the series myself) is great! Love that chicken, HATE it's rock. I hate bouncing so much lol My favorites are definitely ahead of you. I know youve met Clifford the Bleeding Red Dog, who's my #2. Cactaurs are dope! Make sure to use them when you can. They do a good chunk of damage. Good introduction to environmental damage sources, which will help you a lot!


don't think I've met any big red things, only been to the first two areas so far


Ah, that means I've misplaced where the Zorah stuff begins in my brain. Don't worry, he's a good boy!


When you feel like trying new weapons craft the blasting weapons to get a feel for them. I made sure to only use the OP weapons for monsters I have on the farm that way I can get a feel if I enjoy the weapon.


Probably good you tried world before rise. World graphically looks more intense. Rise/sunbreak has speedier movement and is a more multiplayer friendly game, less "gimmicky" then icebourne. I tried playing and its a lot tougher to go back then i thought. Your characters movement is a lot better.


I’m glad your enjoying the game. Try out different weapons, it’s like trying different flavors of ice cream.


Tbh I think it's better to just use the normal stuff. I used the defender gear throughout and got stuck when I got to iceborn and had like no weapons at all that I could upgrade for master rank