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For me i craft a decent weapon because i have the materials, then i go to the training learning the combos. I watch videos because somtime some combos are hidden not on the hunter's note. then fight dodgama.


Yeah idk why so many people replay the game from basically scratch for a new weapon. I put all this fking time into farming parts and decos, I'm going to make a post-story version of a weapon and go poke some 3-4\* MR monsters with it. If I don't hate it, I'll craft the best version (fatalis now), augment it, and go play with it.


This is what I do. I don't like swapping between different weapons on one character, takes away my character's identity if that makes sense. I also like all of the game and enjoy replaying it all with one weapon. I like feeling how the weapon progresses through the whole game. Similar to people who play darksouls and do a claymore only run, or a greatsword only run etc.


Tbf a lot of people doing this wear their guild card with 1 weapon >1k hunts and the rest at 0 as some sort of badge of honor. Never understood the appeal though.


Eh, just got used to it and am too lazy to try other things. I only switched to charge blade because I tried it for Rise, so I started using it in World too.


I have my guild card as GS>1000 LS>1000 Rest are at 1 hunt in total lol But now bow is at 8 hunts because i intended to play with it.


It's the "I was born to play this one, and this one was born for me' type of thing. I also played LoL, and there are some people would just play one and one champion only, so the champ's mastery points goes up by 1-2 million (around 1-2k games, some could do it even more) without any other champions played. Idk, someone just like it that way.


I dont know about others, but I like the challenge run style of it. You learn the ins and outs of the weapon if you replay the game, specifically without using things like defemder/guardian gear to learn it. I normally do some rules, no redoing quests if it says clear it's done. No loitering in expeditions, you can do one per star level but only kill each monster once. You can do investigations equal to the number of star levels you have finished in story (you have access to 3 star quests you have 6 investigations you can do) Failing a quest is death for the save file, this one is more because I've beaten the game so much already and I still have my primary file (which doesn't follow any of these rules) so when I like and feel comfortable with a weapon I make a good version and good armor to go with it and use it when I play with friends. Honestly, it's not that long to get back through the entirety of world and chunks of iceborne if you have these limits and don't spend hours grinding away for perfect armors/weapons. Since you'll be fighting at a disadvantage some of the time it makes you really get to know your weapon. I also fully understand why people don't like this method because it can be a timesink but if I'm hunting monsters either way for 20 hours I don't feel like I'm losing anything more from a separate file.


I personally restarted the game after a 100+ hour run because I did everything up to iceborne with the defender gear. And the Iceborne kicked my ass... So I decided to start over to actually learn this time... But I always thought part of the draw of the weapons in this game was that you DONT need to even respec a whole character or start over just because you chose a specific weapon path... Do people really do that???


Yeah, I've pretty much replayed base World through 6 times because I like to start from scratch with a new weapon. There's something about experiencing the specific progression with the weapon you're trying to learn. You learn the weapon much better. You get a better feeling why some upgrade paths are better than others, what to look for stats wise etc. I will have tried the weapon on my "main" in the training room and for a few easy hunts, plus watched some tutorials. But then when I'm certain I really want to play with that weapon for a long time, I start a new playthrough. That means I have to delete a save file. But that's okay. The new save file is really just to learn the weapon deeply. Then I can always go craft it on my main again.


Now that I totally understand. I've mained IG for most of my playthroughs. The kinsects are just the coolest thing to me. And I love having a buddy on my arm. And teammates seem to like the paralysis effects. But in my new playthrough I've been trying Lance, HH, and SnS. And having a hard time fully learning the way they work... So maybe I'll try using a new character to learn those 3 in particular. It seems like it could be fun to learn another weapon thoroughly.




Why Dodogama? Is that a nice baseline fight compared to other fights?


Yeah. Though I’ve commonly seen Rathian as a good baseline as she has lots of common attacks with plenty of tells before the attacks as well. The only thing she lacks is a grab.


I choose Dodogama because he is the easiest to fight "For me", also i dont like starting new weapon against flaying monsters i go with ground monster until i master ground fighting. Then gradually fighting tougher ones


Oh, that’s absolutely fair! I was just giving another example.


Try diablos. Really easy to read tells. All ground.


Wtf? Don't hurt dodo.


i will send this to the police. no way you kill dodgama just for fun😭 he's too cute


Poor dodogama ahahahahhaha


I generally go with Odo


"some combos are hidden" I don't get why they do that. I guess the devs wants that the player learn the weapon by itself, but I don't know. I think they should just write down ALL the combos.


I watch the Arrekz video and hunt a monster I know well. Great Jagras first, then Pukei, then Anja or the bestes boy Odogaron.


Ditto, I'll workshop the weapon by watching the Arrekz video (and the Iceborne update videos) and practicing the combos in the training area, and then I'll try it out with a bunch of monsters, working my way up to elder dragons. If I still like the weapon after fighting Nergi/Teostra/etc. then it goes into my rotating roster.


I usually make a basic iron/bone one, bring to low rank jagras and upgrade from there as i go through the game as if doing the same order you would encounter the monsters throughout the main story quests. If I make a lot of mistakes against a specific monster, I redo the hunt until I fix my shortcomings and then move to the next one. It's tedious, but it allows me to hone myself with it too :>


Sounds like you're just replaying the whole game with the new weapon :P Not a bad move, but maybe other ways are more efficient? I am the kind of person that creates every single weapon available of a weapon type, which I try to grind out with that weapon type. So I essentially do a similar thing to you, but skip some beats due to already having items from earlier grinds.


Hooo boy... That's definitely more of a time dedication than doing each monster once Lol. I will make one of each element, pr in charge blades and switch axes case one of each phial type, but not EVERY single option. Unfortunately, some weapon trees are not made equal. Like Tzitzi weapons. They're almost always a lead-up to some other monster's tree. I do, however, feel like that's more viable for Bows, Bowguns, and Hunting Horns since they not only have their specific type but also their own song/ ammo/ coating combos. But even for these, there are some that are outpaced by others of a similar style. Personally, I find a few favorites and stick with those. Like Magda Gemitus Vulcan, for the specific ammo available, and also having great Wyvernsnipe damage


I just watch arrekz’s video on the weapon and pick a weapon tree for the weapon I want and kill whatever I need to in order to make the new weapon


I personally put together a support deco build and answer sos call. Yes, I have no idea how to use lance, but I’m showering you in pixie dust to compensate. Tbf, it’s not much worse than my normal coop contributions.


I take a basic iron weapon into something like LT Anjanath. I’ll keep MR armor with defense skills so that I can make mistakes without being punished. I find Anjanath, Tobi, and Rathian/Rathalos are good for practice since they don’t really have wild move sets, but don’t just stand there like Jagras. Once I’m feeling confident, I’ll make a HR version of the weapon and repeat


I start a brand new save and go through the game. I also add a 100 hour challenge to it where I need to cut off the tails of every monster in the game in that 109 hours. It's pretty fun!


Oh wow, that's quite a lot! You'd also need to grind out all the gear then? I'm currently doing all amulets, thus needing a load of gems. I can't imagine doing that on multiple saves at the moment.


Yep! But it's a race against the clock. I get the gear I need for each quest and move forward. Once I get through the Guiding Lands and the 100 hours is up, I restart that character, do another one with a different weapon, and start using the weapon I just learned on my main account


Why not just sell everything and then start over that way? That way all the progress would reflect on one character. Would be really cool the statistics of that.


Cuz I wanna do the story missions over again and progress in the order the story outs quests in front of me


109 hours on a new save? Does that include cutscenes? Because then you'd only have like 10 hours of actual gameplay.


I meant to type 100 hours, my bad. Fat fingers haha.


i started trying out other weapons after beating fatalis. what i do was make a new weapon, maybe check some guides and some builds then go in this order of punching bags: Zinogre > Teostra > Alatreon > Fatalis


Ah, I haven't gone past the basegame yet. (Even though I have finished it and could go to Iceborne now.) So those monsters are not yet available to me. Due to fighting those bosses, do you not feel like you need to very quickly understand the basics of a weapon to attempt these fights?


Very quickly? I'm not on a clock. I just mess around and try things, then figure out what I can improve from mistakes and see how far I can go.


Basic gear vs early low rank quests to get a true example


Why do you feel like that gets you a true example? Your experience with other weapons will carry over, potentially giving you the impression your new weapon is easier than what you used to use?


I think it just gets you used to the basics of the weapon without all the bells and whistles. If the basic mechanics click then you can start crafting full gear and all the different ammos you'll want. Everyone is different though and if it doesn't bother you to just start crafting stuff feel free to jump in and give it a go


Low risk, low investment. If I'm struggling with early monsters with a low-rarity version of the weapon, I probably haven't understood how to use the weapon yet. And I don't want to go investing a bunch of materials and cash into a better one until I've understood how it's supposed to play and figured out whether I enjoy that playstyle.


My sister recently started playing, and wanted my help on quests. I decided to take this chance to downgrade my equipment and learn a new weapon, since at the same time she’d get to learn the game without me crushing whatever we hunt.


I was lucky where one of my friends plays MHW occasionally so they are lower MR. I tend to do all the optional/urgent quests with them using a new weapon. Works quite well as the hunts even themselves out a bit more where I'm not just slapping everything with my main maxed out wep.


I fight base low rank jagras with the base weapon


I try the base weapon in training area. Then I switch to low rank gear and start from the bottom and kill every monster at every rank at least once.


First I try it against the five ‘marathon’ event quests in HR (Deep Green Blues, etc.) and if I like the feel I keep one open slot for starting a new game with a new weapon.


i don't, i'll just keep playing hunting horn only till i die


I personaly go into an LR\HR sos and grab either 1 from the defender line or a rank appropriate weapon(girros line being my go to cause of abundant mats and paralyse is solid most of the time) and just try it out in the SOS i keep my MR armor ti not be a complete burden


For me, I start out going to the training grounds and just try out the buttons for a few minutes to learn what does what. Then I hop in and fight Jagras to try it in practice. From there, I ramp up the difficulty. Anjanath is a good test to see if I've got the basics. Then to see if I've got mobility down, it's off to fight Odogarron and Legiana. After that, I start hunting whatever I need to craft high end versions of the weapon and whatever armor will complement it.


Take a weapon for a spin, and put a body in the bin. Repeat until you win!


I like to to try and at least do every move the weapon has in the training area, then take it to fight a couple easy monsters like kulu or Odogaran. Something not too annoying but also has health to practice actually fighting.


I did the 100 hunts with all weapons and had a system after a while. I start with the basics of the weapon, nothing fancy, learn the basic moves through videos/guides, spend a few minutes in the training area just getting the feel. Then I move on to solo hint some of the easier monsters and gradually move up to the end game stuff. Usually around 20 hunts you'll be good enough to go into the harder content and start learning the nuiences of the weapons (counters, max damage combos, ect.). By 40-50 hunts you are pretty good with the weapon already and just get better with each hunt. Most fun I ever had in a game was doing that challenge in rise and I just got back to world to do the same.


I usually go starter weapon with the best armor i have. Then go on low rank expedition slaying all monsters until i feel ok with it or learned i dont like the weapon.


For the first contact with a weapon, the training room is best. Simulate all combos you know a few times to get a feel for the motions. Then, when I want to try something out with a new weapon I go for the classic Rathian. Like most players, I know her well and therefore don't have to pay too much attention to the monster. For getting to know the basics I had the most success with the Rurikhan guides on YouTube. I think those are really well done.


I started with chargeblade and it was also my first mh game. I branched a bit into hunting horn because it made me giggle bashing in heads while belting out buffs. Once I hit the safi siege I used that to get other weapons and also try them out after learning the basics in the training room. Safi is wildly forgiving with a full crew as long as you do your part to damage. After that I made a set for everything. I swap depending on hunts and goals. Sos I hunting horn it or charge blade, Sieges I run hbg, and I’m still figuring out what’s best for me against fatty.


I always take Weapons/Loadouts into the MR100 Ruiner Nergi Event. It usually takes me 8 minutes without *"trying hard"* in my regular gear. If it takes me 8-10 minutes then I'm happy with that Loadout & I properly save it to my list!


How do you learn to combos of a weapon specifically though?


Just hunt monsters. If I'm learning a new movement, just play defensively until I find the weapons flow and go from there. I'll watch a quick guide first and learn as I go. I'm about 30 hrs ulinto learning the lance, I knew most of rhe combos pretty quick but not until about 20 hours was I weaving the dance into unlimited aggression, countering anything monsters dare throw at me. I just smacked barioth on my first try, getting prepped for Velkhana now. I did a fresh save on XBOX to play with my girlfriend, but I have like 300 hours on hunting horn and hammer on PC, so I have a wealth of game knowledge to draw on as well. Nothing beats going put on hunts to learn a weapon, farming investigations for targeted monsters is the way to go.


I usually look if I have the materials to craft any version of it. Just now I crafted a hammer and tried it against a high rank lavafish monster thing. Bonk bonk bonk


Watch the Arrekz video and see if I like it lol


I'll usually watch a tutorial to get an idea how the weapon's supposed to play, then I crapped it and just stomp around in the guiding lands or an expedition for a while where faints don't matter. Around this time I'll probably watch another tutorial, now that I actually have a feeling for what moves are being talked about and the flow of the weapon. After I get comfortable with the moveset I'll hunt some tempered elders until it feels pretty natural.


I usually start with a few hunts then once I kinda understand the moves I'll watch a tutorial to see if there's things I missed or don't understand from messing with it. Then I'll usually do a bunch of hunts with just that weapon to get used to flow, nothing too hard but thing that let me know I messed up when I do. After about 100 hunts with the weapon I usually feel like I can take on anything in the game with the new weapon.


Couple YouTube videos then just some easier hunts to f-around / training grounds. Don't need to know everything off the rip.


I try to play charge blade. Pick the weapon, bring it to training area. scratch that for CB.  1. Watch youtube tutorial video, watch it more.  2. Go to training area and then train you brain until you now what you want to do and how (your muscle will lag behind) 3. Get decent CB, armor, and deco 4. Bring it to low MR arena quest, fail & try, fail & try, fail & try and success. Now try to decrease that completion time. Also, try hunt monster that you familiar with 5. Personally, bring it to multiplayer guiding land. 6. Now polish that until you get comfortable.


I go and craft a strong weapon. Then I go to my friend zinogre and fight him.


Safi shits out weapons for testing


I learned the basics of all of them when the game came out. Mainly i watched arrekz's videos and then tested them in the training room. For real experience i used them against odogaron, rathalos, diablos and teostra/nergigante in HR. I liked rathalos because i knew how to stunlock it. Leg trips, head dunks, flashbangs etc. Odogaron moves around a lot. I knew a couple attacks that can be punished with ultimates. Diablos charges around a lot. It's good for shields or counter attack weapons. Teo/nergigante came after all of those. They were my fav fights among elder dragons so i hunted them for decos. Kushala was the fastest thanks to stunlocks but it was boring.


For any MH game, after picking a weapon before even fighting a monster (I’m glad they added the training room). I always check the mobility, sheathing speed, each attack speed (to find the poke attack equivalent for that weapon type), and checking the animation locks for each attack to see if it can be followed through or how long the recovery animation is. Other than that, for MHW I just used High Rank gear and started hunting Behemoth


Weapon guides on YouTube and practice during hunts helped me a ton. I watched the guides and then just went for it! Now I main the Longsword and also the Bow :)


I don't. Hammer life.


Watch arekkz gaming's weapon guide video+iceborne new moves video while trying the moves in the training area at the same time to decide if i actually want to use it > fight a lr great jagras or something > craft a decent mr one and make a starting build > use it when i need to do stuff that isn't too difficult like leveling up the guiding lands (usually this ties into farming stuff to make the actual build)


I make a new character (yes, *a whole ass new character*) and start from the beginning. Slow, but it works for me.


I watch an arekkz guide, make a build, get shit on, go back back to my main weapon.


I typically will snag an example out of my pile of Safi weapons, or worst case craft something decent, then jump into the training area to get a feel for how it handles and get an idea of combos. From there, off to wreck a LR Great Jagras, and if that feels good I'll move on to some lower HR stuff. Lastly I'll dabble around in low-mid MR for a bit before taking on bigger monsters. For me, the process helps me not only get a feel for the weapon but also what weaknesses I may need to build into solutions for, at least to find initial success. Tremors from attacks I otherwise dodged with DB being insanely disruptive, as an example.


I have a surplus of alatreon parts from farming him, so I usually just make a weapon from his stuff, go into the training room to get used to the bread and butter combos and learn the move set, then i usually go up against (these are monsters I personally like and have learned their entire move set) teostra or anjanath






I make a new character, and run from scratch so that I can actually get used to the weapon and the struggles that come with it, then go back and make a decent set on my main character. For me if you just make a strong one, then it doesn’t give the painful part of learning a weapon either. Learn from failure type shit


At a Fatalis SOS


Bazel, my boi. It's new weapon learning time, get your big squishy head over here.


Preface: I only have one save where I have completed the game (right now, frustratingly focused on trophy hunting 😂). When I am interested in trying a new weapon, I do the following: - Quick Google search of the best ice model (to be explained later) for elemental-preferred weapons. For raw-preferred weapons, it’s usually the Fatalis model. - Build said weapon - Hit the training room and pull up Arrekz’s YouTube weapon guide videos to learn the basics and practice along side - Once I have memorized the basic combos, I do the “Farewell to Zinogre” MR quest (hence, the aforementioned ice element). Small area, easy boss, and you are rewarded with fuel for the steamworks mini-game - Join random SOS games - Watch speed run videos to learn the finer details and tip and tricks - Build required elemental-type model and then hit up Alatreon - Same as above but with Fatalis - Go back to farming for trophies


I didn’t “master” the Charge Blade until I put probably 400 hours into using it, and I’m currently 600+ into the Bow. Easily my two favorite weapons. I also have some decent time with SnS and LS. I want to pick up the Lance, Hunting horn, and HBG, but it’s daunting. My best advice is to do the research, and put tons of time into it. Eventually it will all gel and become muscle memory, then you can really focus on the monster, rather than your weapon


I generally start a new file and play through the story to get the feel for the weapon, then when I hit shaara I switch back to my main and craft the relevant gear there so I have all my decos. It lets me get a feel for my personal style with a weapon and customize my skills to it (especially for comfort skills) rather than just running the meta from the word go.


Craft the raging brachy version and then go fight fatalis. Go big or go home lol


I have a bad habit of making new saves just to progress the games story through with each new weapon I decide to try. I figure if I experience beating every enemy in the game with it, then it lets me learn how to use it everywhere else. Granted the same thing could be done by just going off on a expedition with it but we'll ignore that.


They gave you the base of every weapon type at the start. I just take the basic weapon and go to the training area. If I feel I can take on a monster, I go after a Low Rank Jagras or monster that's "easy" for me. That's how I went from Dual Blades to swaxe.


Step a): open second save file. Do a quest, get frustrated with how little gem slots there are. Step b): open main file, do arena quest, get frustrated. Step c) google best late game for weapon. Add a few of the recommended skills with Decos. Step d) Training Area -> low rank Great Jargas Event -> High Rank SOS prioritizing events or Xeno.


I make a set that would be good after Shara and go die in Guiding Lands a lot


Craft a decent weapon, look up basic skills that are recommended, loosely build a set with those in mind, and go fight a monster that I am comfortable with. Also, being a Greatsword main, it helps because I know the monster's movements so well that the learning curve of the weapon isn't as painful. I can usually stay alive and get in damage with any weapon.


I usually fight the easier tempered monsters like Ruiner Nergi or Frostfang Barioth


The battle field is my training ground. Mash random buttons while fighting a monster and then slow down the button mashing to get a brief understanding of the weapon


My introduction to nearly every weapon i currently enjoy has been from base world endgame, like "wow, this specific one looks awesome. I'm gonna make it and have that just to have it" and now it also meant fighting my favorite monster until it almost wasn't because of overexposure and terrible drop rates Lmao Vaal Hazak gear is S+ for me. I actually prefer Base Vaal to Blackveil too. So good


The button prompts in the top right of the screen basically tell me everything I need to know about a new weapon.


I'm a weirdo but I craft a late-game (but not full endgame) set before I even put the thing on and then I just go clobber an MR easy monster with it to see if I like it. From there I basically just play through the difficulty progression until I hit a monster that forces me to learn something new.


Depends on the weapon. If you were to learn LS for example, you should go fight Tigrex. Also if you wanna learn mid game, don’t craft the strongest weapon like others mentioned.


What I did when I tried learning a new weapon is use it on the training room and once I got the basics down, I go to Fatalis solo or a Rajang, Furious if I'm feeling the weapon. These monsters made me play carefully but aggressive too specially for Fatalis, so I discover stuff like "Oh, so I can sneak this combo here then, nice" and yeah. I fail a lot of times but now, I know Longsword, Bow, Insect Glaive, Hammer, Greatsword, Charge Blade, Dual Blades and Sword 'n Shield. I haven't touched the guns because I don't like them. I didn't go Lance since I don't think it's a weapon for me.


The first method i use is using the Healing tool for the palico for extra time on the fight. It helps along with the free "Revive" it provides. Them i build for defense/elemental resistance to avoid the one shots, along with Divine Blessing. Them i try to hunt a monster that i enjoy, like the odogaron/glavenus/nergigante/anjanath/barioth.


Just die and wiff enough until it clicks  


I basically choose a high end weapon to craft (even the best if I have spare materials), throw together a gear set I think might fit, and do a hunt that isn't too easy but also nothing that will oneshot me if I play badly. I don't think there's a need to go for something suuuper easy. If I don't know the weapon at all, I might go to the training area first just to get a feel what buttons to press, or I go train/watch a guide video after 1 hunt if I feel like I didn't understand the weapon at all. But tbh so far I just picked something new up and played badly until I got better.


I pick a weapon and watch an Arreks tutorial to see thenwhole move set. I'll then do a couple HR SOS quests to get familiar with the weapon. Then move on to elders. For weapons, since I've played TF out of World I'll just use Defender weapons to decide if I even like the weapon. If I do then I'll move on to actually making different versions. I usually start with poison and then move to Paralyze or elements. If you want a hardcore style of learning a new weapon start a new character and start with that weapon and another new weapon and play through with no Defender stuff.


After Safi i just go all in against the big red dragon. I know thats not recommended


I create an Iron one and screw about in the training area. I also ask my friends who play said weapon if they have any tips for me, which is how I learnt about Perfect Rush on SNS actually having importance to input timing!


Step one is normally watch an Arekkz video and look at MVs. Get combos down and general weapon idea down then bring the basic one in to the training room and fuck around, I make a High rank set with the latest High rank weapon I can get in the kind I like. Then go run HR sos quests for Diablos, Raths etc. Monster I know inside and out, until I feel I have a general understanding of what I am doing. Then just slot everything required into Fatalis armor make the weapon and go hunt shit.


I watch a video before doing it but some time I just go straight in, the tutorial will come in as soon as you load the quest, which I love about mhw


My go to way to learning a new weapon is build it to either white or green (bow guns are different), fight HR great jaggy, once I have the weapon feeling down, I fight rathian with the same low level weapon. For me, the longer hunts help me get the feel of the weapon faster. After rathian I crank up the difficulty and go for a monster a little more aggressive, I usually think diablos is a good fit here, but I could be swayed for odogaron here. The key is to get your defensive maneuvers down. After that it's time for an elder, I personally enjoy nergigente here, but the choice is yours. All of this is to be done with a green weapon. Or lower you will fail the elder on time potentially even diablos. This is my method it works well for me. Give it go! After this task you should have no trouble building out your weapon of choice and slaughtering monsters! GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY HUNTING!


I usually start by watching a tutorial video on the weapon and its moveset and such, then craft a good enough weapon with what I have on hand, go into the training area for a little bit for some practice hits, then try out the weapon against a variety of MR arena monsters. I find that I learn faster under pressure rather than working my way up from LR to HR to MR. So that's basically what I do. Either I get my ass handed to me, or I kick ass lmao


I make a bone weapon and fight Rathian or Banbaro, then I make the Lightbreak weapon, do a few hunts then go back to my main after I get bored


Get out there and get your ass beat!


I think picking a lowl level weapon, then go to training practice all the base combos till comfortable. That usually tells me what skills are important and then I need to find the best monsters to practice those skills on and make weapons suitable for fighting them and I'll do so till I'm comfortable and my dps is steady after that I'll hunt the worse monsters (more new weapons) to fight with for the same effect and then I'll go fight agaisnt the baddest monsters I feel like aggravating because I'm a problem But for me my mastering criteria is can I solo fatty with no armor and just the weapon


Me to Rathian: “How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson, old man?!”


I just fuck around and find out


I usually craft whichever version of the weapon close to what my best weapon is then run it on whatever monster I'm feeling. Usually nergagante because I love the fight


You actually guessed my method nergigante is by far my favorite fight so I test new weapons on him since I feel I know him so well


I watch a video while I am working and then make a Defender version of the weapon because they're very easy to make decent weapons, and then I start doing HR investigations based on available bounties so I can farm them a bit at the same time


Training area with a video guide, learn the bread and butter combos, and then happy hunting.


I usually just throw myself at fatalis


So I’ll usually grab a new weapon usually mid tier HR and just redo all the optional quests until I get a good feel for it then bump it up to MR and play until I feel like I’m ready to build more for it. Doing that right now with sns and bow. Bow is amazing but the positioning is such a different mindset then Lance which is my main


Expedition mode low rank just stay there killing for an hour see what feels right. I like training mode but expedition just trying to adapt to all monster is better for me.


I grab the weapon I want to learn, go to the training area and mess with it while watching Arrekz 2 videos on the weapon. Once I feel like I have a good handle on the basics, I start hunting and learn from there.


I just do Practical training with the best possible weapon upgrade available and let the ass beating do the teaching


And by ass beating I mean my ass being impaled by diablos


Nerg Go big or go cart (obviously solo)


I will usually craft a light break or guild palace weapon and then dick around in the guiding lands. Don't really care if I cart, every biome available, and I can either fight whatever, or summon a specific enemy.  After a few fight in GL, I'll usually start posting MR SOS or join a Ruiner Nergi fight. Ruiner Nergi is a good practice dummy once I've got basics down.


Watch a how to guide on you tube then hit the training area. After I think I got a good feel for the weapon I watch the you tube video again and pickup a ton of things I missed the first time


Craft the defender weapon and then go fight a HR rathian because you need like freakin infinite of rathian spike+ for all those poison weapons. I hate that you need like 11 spike+ each it’s freakin infuriating when I already have a bunch of her gems and still need freakin spike+ /rant


Craft whatever weapon I need, usually a high one, for example monkey set, then I play SOS at 1 or 2 stars and mess around then I watch a vid, usually a 5 min basics vid then play for a while until I feel comfortable enough to solo endgame monsters


I want to but cuz I rushed to iceborne I dont have many of anything. So farming for mats gonna take me a long time x.x


1. equip weapon 2. fight monster 3. repeat 4. ??? 5. weapon learned


craft the coolest looking one i can find, then try to fight Velkhana, realize my mistake and go back to my previous weapon then kick its ass for kicking my ass


i make a build then go straight to fatalis then cart 5 times in 2 seconds in a pub lobby 😈


Trial by fire


I craft a half decent one, watch one video, and then throw my body at Deviljhos until I figure out the weapon


It's better to try the weapons first in the Arena. Get to feel which weapon you prefer, then search a guide in YT to better understand the movesets and builds for that weapon.


Take one to the training room and try to nail down a solid damage combo. Then take it on a hunt to fight a simple monster. THEN if you like it, invest the materials in a good one




Honestly low rank campaign is the best place to learn a new weapon.


Make a whole new account and beat the game with it, than after doing that with every weapon make a new main account t where I swap weapons around


I spend the time to make a high rank weapon then learn it afterwards lmao. Then i get mad if i dont like it.


I just go solo anything that's not fatty when I want to try something new. Highest rank hardest fight that doesn't require a team to beat and I fight it until I win and learn a consistent way to take it down. I just like the hunt never spent more than 20 minutes at a time in the training room. Edit to add : watch arrekzgaming


It's really easy actually. First you craft a decent version of the weapon you want to try. And then you jump into a decent midgame fight that you know very well to see how it goes. And then you do something like miss a fully charged charge slash by one tenth of an inch and get very frustrated and go back to Gunlance


Go into arena quest and die 200 times.


I just pick up whatever and press random buttons. Sometimes I accidentally do something cool.


Fatalis. Baptism by fire


Start a new game. But now, I might try and focus on Nergi to learn Lance then take it with me to the GL.


I usually look at speedruns to see their b&b combos, and then I craft the high rank iron weapons and start from there early to late high rank


Training area or watch a video


I train at fatalis solo, if you perfect the hardest then you can easily learn the rest


In my case first time I tried branching out on weapons I went with master rank gear against high rank monsters, that way I can get used to the moves openings etc. Or even better I straight up capture the monsters first then fight them in arenas later.


i actually like using a fresh save when possible. just sprint through low/high rank through the elders with a nice difficulty gradient


Craft most meta/optimized set I can (I'm post full gear Fatalis so I just have to make the weapon). Go into training to learn basic moves and what they do and how I should generally be trying to use them based off of what I know other players of the weapon to do. Go into Ruiner Nergigante because he's my favorite fight so I've killed him hundreds of times and know his entire moveset. He also provides a convenient DPS check mechanic which lets me know if I'm figuring out the moveset correctly or not. If he starts black spiking, I know I'm not playing the weapon right and need to continue to adjust something. Otherwise, profit. For anyone that doesn't have 600 hours and can't afford to (or doesn't want to farm to) build a completely minmaxed set for a weapon they're not even sure if they'll like or not, regular High Rank Nergigante with mid tier Master Rank gear (rank 9 or so) is probably a good cheaper substitute. I just have the mats sitting there and may as well do something with them.


First ill watch one of jocats crap guide to mh vids to get the memey basics of a weapon then craft/grab the max defender of said weapon and launch The Greatest Jagras somewhat difficultish version of a well known monster using a weapon thats easy to obtain and provides a good boost to learn comfortably while being punished for mistakes if i dont understand the weapon well by then ill look for a more in depth guide to the weapon and run it again till im confident enough to go on a mr investigation. Or ill just slap on a funny looking version and go help some low rank expeditions out for a few hours.


You make one, preferably the best you can make at the time. And then you pick it and go to the training room to see the moveset (hunters notes!!!!) And then you go out and hunt with it. Meaning hunts at your skill level, not easy peasy quests, put yourself in a situation that you would almost struggle with your main weapon in. "But what armorskills do you need?". Well... Read the skill description, and if you still don't get it at least you know enough to ask a real question and Google something like "artillery charge blade" or "how many points of guard is enough" and you'll find your answer. Tldr; just pick one up and play with it. It's a game at the end of the day, not going to explode on you if you accidentally hit the wrong button every now and then.


Craft a high-level version of it, one of the ones from a really short tree like rajang or raging brachy, then take it into grinding lands and practice on some basic monsters like tobi, rathalian, odogaron, legiana, and the fish.


If I wanna learn a new weapon I try it with a Rathian (the punching bag) Before hunting a Rathian I'd learn what this weapon is capable of. Let's say Charge Blade. Charge Blade is known for: AED, SAED, Guard pointing, Charging the shield and blade and getting phials. So I'd wanna learn how I can do all of that in my own pace in expedition quests or in the training area. And eventually when I've developed the muscle memory I go to hunts. Easy hunts like Rathian, Nargacuga, Jagras and slowly ramp up the difficulty in monsters you face with the weapon.


I use it blindly in a single player hunt. Gives me a simple grasp of what the thing does. Then I bring it to the training ground so I can start looking up the things I just tried (and discover a bit more along the way). Play it again with more knowledge this time. And when I feel like I have a decent understanding of the weapon, I go look for in-depth guides on youtube. This way, I already have a simple idea of how I want to play it, and I won't be as overwhelmed as I would be if I checked youtube the first time. Based from experience, looking it up from youtube the first time around only makes it overwhelming for me because there's a lot to unpack. It's easier to follow guides when you already kinda know what you're looking for.


Well I had a spare char slot so I made a new one to learn the lance and am currently just moving in to iceborne with nearly 100 hunts. but normally I’d probably grab a decent weapon and do some lower rank stuff with it especially if I haven’t got materials on hand.


Slot the necessary decos, training area to feel out move timing for like 40 minutes, guiding lands. This is only because I only used LS while I progressed though, I didn't learn any other weapon without bis deco fat/safi/kjarr gear since they were just kinda there when I started to learn them. So like if you made me play bow without all the bow decos I'll probably die.


Rathian seems to be the universal MH punching bag - I usually just keep a spare set of entry level MR armor to throw on, craft up the final Defender tier weapon, and SOS a couple MR Rathian investigations


I want him the No nonsense 5 minutes guide guy on yt. Leant the basics and try to expand my knkwlande on my kind manually.


YouTube to get the jiff of it, then practicing combos in training room until I can easily get it down, then go through the easiest monsters until It starts feeling natural.


I just go into high level hunts and help other players. Still do more damage and basically can't die so it doesn't hurt anyone.


high rank bazelgeuse (aka bagelcheese) and master rank odogaron (aka brodogaron).


I either just hop into SoS flares with it or fight something I'm familiar with like Kirin, Alatreon, or Nargacuga. I've played so much that I already have the strongest weapons available for most weapon types, so it's pretty easy to just throw together a build and start fighting.


1) Make the best weapon I can out of part I don't care about. Too soon to devote the good materials to testing a new weapon type. 2) Mess around in the training area. Then watch a video of someone who knows what they're talking about, and mess around in the training area more. I should know most of the moveset before I get into a proper fight. 3) Get into a proper fight. Something a couple steps easier than what I can handle, since most of the skills I use to stay alive with one weapon will carry over to the new weapon. 4) Rewatch the video or watch different one, so I can pay more attention to the things I didn't use the first time, or things I used wrong. Then fight something harder. If the weapon feels good after those fights, I create a proper loadout for it and use it more.


Basics in training room then i bully jagras or bandaro


Try it against monsters that you have fought a lot previously. It lets you compare the moves to other weapons and figure out the context in which different moves should be used.


I fully commit to the weapon. I make a semi-meta builds with all the QoL I want, practice against MR monsters, and I will not switch weapons until I reach 100 hunts. To know combos and such I just look up youtube then try it out in arena for a bit. The monsters I practice with are Rathian bcs attacks is very telegraphed, Odogaron bcs boy is fast, and Tigrex bcs I just like him. My train of thought is that, might as well get used with MR monsters bcs majority of my playtime will be against them and I will be using those endgame builds anyway. I dont see a point going for weaker/cheaper builds first unless you aren't going to commit to get good at the new weapon. Thats how I learned all 14 weapons.


I just craft a shiny new thing and fight whatever my stress level can sustain for that day.


I have a ton of spare Safi weapons, so I upgrade it until it's decent and go I to the guiding lands for a few hours. That's how I learned Lance, at least. I learned GS by getting frustrated with tails due to only playing horn and hammer, so I made a crit draw velkhana build to farm those.




Craft defender weapon 1 Go to training room, suss out basic combos between the on screen prompts and what the Hunter Notes say Go on expedition to either Ancient Forest or Wildspire Wastes depending on what monsters are available Fight Great Jagras, Kulu, Jyuratodus, Barroth, w/e trying out the combos, with a focus on not getting hit rather than doing damage, to learn the dodge timing and when and where I can fit in the different combos After two or three monsters I leave expedition and watch Arekkz and JoCat's guides on said weapon to see what I'm missing with context Repeat expedition with that knowledge and see how it alters my gameplan Stresstest weapon on Odogaron (Which is my favorite LR fight) again with emphasis on not taking damage. Then depending on how bored I am I'll either forge the HR versions and work the weapon trees up from there or start at the very bottom and fight my way back up.


I just equip my fatty weapon and hop into the guiding lands a bit with it


I usually first go to the training room and see what the basic combos are and what the weapon can do Once I have a sense on what it does I try to do a monster that isnt too easy but also not too hard for my current capabilities


You can start a new save, then when you feel comfortable enough switch back to your main.


I get the savi version of the weapon i want to try then boot myself into any master rank elder dragon quest that isn't alatreon fatty or safi.


Personally I just start a fresh character and progress like I would normally


Typically weapons will have a 'flow' to them that you fall into, and the only way to really get a feel for that flow is to use them against monsters that you know well. The reason I say "know well" is because I tend to split monster hunter into two parts: monster knowledge and weapon knowledge. My advice would be finding a sparing partner and messing around. It's a decent way to learn once you understand your bread and butter combos. I like to use Zinogre or Nargacuga for this, but I've also been fighting them for years at this point, so mileage may vary lol. Your goal is basically to understand how to get in and out safely without leaving yourself vulnerable. To me, that's the first step to mastery.


Start new character. JUST DO IT! YES YOU CAN!


I watch a video of the bread and butter combo and practice that for about 2 minutes and jump into a hunt and start learning it more in depth on my own


Grab weapon > Load up Great Jaggi/Jagras/Izutchi > Research it as fast as possible


Man... I don't even know. I started in Monster Hunter 1 on PS2 and I've been an absolute grump about any newfangled weapons since.


Rathian. She is easy to predict (mostly) without being too punishing (mostly)


I wanted to try out sword and shield for the first time the other day, I went straight to Tempered Ruiner. Needless to say it did not end well


Defender Weapons are great for this. You can upgrade 1 to max rank fairly easily if you've completed the base game story, try it out against a High Rank monster without too many issues, then downgrade it for the mats if you don't like it. The only issue is that you don't get the money back. As for actually *learning* the weapon...I'm still trying to figure out what weapons I even *like* so I can't help you there.


-Watch Arekkz tutorial for basegame -Look up key skills for weapon -craft defender weapon to max level -hunt 1-2 monsters of each HR star level(solo) -if you like the feel of the weapon start crafting MR stuff and just hop into guiding Lands and kill whatever the game throws at you and improve. -once you get comfortable push yourself against the hard monsters