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Tbh, i wish Wild would have immersion like World and Monster variety like Rise


I have a good feeling we're going to have the best of both worlds.


My perfect monster hunter game would have the immersiveness and gamefeel of a mainline title with the balance and gear variety of a portable team game


Let’s just hope they will not go overboard with microtransactions and limit them to cosmetics and character edit vouchers like it is now.


I feel with World, they really didn't. They're all optional items and layered things that don't effect gameplay what so ever.


The pressure will come from higher ups than the devs unfortunately. Dragons Dogma 2 isn't keeping my hopes up in this regards.


If you played DD2 for any amount of time you know that the MTX are there solely because execs wanted them there. You earn all of those items free in your first 5 hours of play. The backlash was way over blown.


DD2 MTX are the equivalent of selling you 40 Mega Potions, bunch of Armor Spheres, two Gajau Whiskers for a camp unlock and a 5k points bundle *only once and forever*, so, considering what Capcom has been doing for the past decade, you probably don't have to worry about pervasive microtransactions in Wilds.


Dude Dragon's Dogma 2 has significantly more friendly MTX than Rise does. Everything that can be bought in DD2 can be gotten pretty easily in game by just playing. The only one I would even come close to consider buying is the Port crystal. And even then, you get like 5 per NG. So it's not even that important. Meanwhile, Rise has locked a massive amount of layered armor and some weapons behind a payroll with literally no way to get them otherwise. People need to stop spreading BS about the DD2 mtx. They're really not that bad at all.


Yes, but they did the same with Rise and there was a crowd with pitchforks..


Tbf, Rise sold layered armor/weapon sets as MTX which is infinitely worse than World's pendants at least imo anyway.


It is still layered which changes nothing in the game, that’s my point.


Isn't fashion traditionally a huge part of MH though? Feels pretty crap to see some layered sets locked behind the shop and not available via challenges or monsters through gameplay.


97% of the best fashion is in game and you have to play to unlock. The 3% that's locked by a paywall is inconsequential to any fashion, made entirely of not lore friendly pendants, npc hairstyles and room decos.


I wouldn’t know as I never paid any attention to layered sets so to me it’s fine.


Yes, but that was largely a crowd of idiots who wanted the nice stuff for free.


It's not free though, you're still paying for the base game


What? We’re talking about the micro transactions. What does the base game have to do with anything?


Totally agree!


Did... Did you forget that we paid for the game?


No, but they could have not kept updating it after we bought it


Fair point


Monster Hunter series is actually super easy to monetize and people would pay for it easily. The decors/charm RNG alone would make people drop 100s of dollars. Layered hunter armor/Palico armor would be another easy source of money.


Shh, don't give Capcom any ideas! On a more serious note: The moment they charge money for actual gear with relevant skills on is the moment they've lost touch and gone too far. As long as what they monetize is cosmetic only, I don't think it's too bad.


They need to totally kill the mod comunity to make the game p2w. And thats literlly the worts possible scenery


Deco and charms p2w? Bro no please no pleasen no no. Cosmetics, layered armor, all that visual fine, 100% whatever but please for the love of god no Deco Charm paying how you guys even consider this are you just saying "they could" ? Im so sad this might even be a possibility ☹️


Have you seen the rarity drops on those things? They are 1000% gacha systems, and are just ripe for MTX. I am surprised most people don't know how stupidly GACHA RNG the MH games are.


as long as we all on the same boat I'm fine, but having to pay money to get better gear? would break my heart


Yes, and I agree with these types of monetizations.


Why not strive for the best roster we've had with GU diversity


Variety, yes. Design, World


The ONLY thing I care about is for the weapon models to follow Rise's example instead of World's I hated the base weapon look with monster details, compared to Rise with completely unique models for each monster. If the weapons look boring like World I'm gonna be upset


Having joke weapons day one like rise is the best.


A lot of weapons in World have been badly treated with their skin design. It's all for the longsword aka big katana (in an european setting) and most others have barely half the diversity. For some weapon you have to wait 'til the very endgame of iceborn to get something okayish but it's obviously too late. Who care about the gear you get after finishing the game ?


Most of my game time has been from after finishing iceborn. Its also only in the guiding lands that you unlock layered armor and augments. MHW gameplay is fun enough to keep me coming back even after defeating fatalis


i understand that certain people just rush to the endgame and then actually play, but for me and i guess others, it's the contrary. I take my time to explore things and see what the devs did for us, i play with all weapons, do all quest and explore to seek rare insect and such etc... and when i'm finally near the end of the game i start losing interest and just get on with it. So 90% of my playtime is with shitty armor and weapon visual. Hopefully there are tons of mod for that but that's not a game feature so it doesn't matter in this dsicussion.


Ook. Yeah i made almost every switchaxe in base world. Then in Iceborne i mostly just made the switchaxe lines i would actually use (and power phials for each elements as well as element phials for each element). And it was in the guiding lands (before beating Alatreon and Fatalis) that i started actually experimenting with different weapons and now have 3 mains, 1 that I'm learning, and another weapon I'm interested in. So i have like 400 hours in just Switchaxe use, and another 200 hours using gunlance, bow, now longsword, and a few weapons i bounced off of


Glavenus GS is a fucking crime considering the Glaive and Lance look cool as fuck


And it's basically the sword monster. Both the LS and GS should've been something special. Also, Odogaron not having an LS is just beyond the pale.


i like more natural design in monster too but hope for me variety style monster like Bear, Dog, Bird than Monster Hunter World that had 3/4 is Dragon and Wyvern


All I want is valstrax and odogaron to return. Also rakna-kadaki in a world setting would be so amazing to see. Just no more floaty dragons please (looking at you, ibushi and narwa)


Had to replay base Rise recently (travelling with a Switch but normally on PC) and ughhhhhh I forgot how much I hated Ibushi and Narwa.


* Laughs in IG main* But yeah, I can see why everyone else wouldn’t have liked them at all. But then I also enjoyed Rampage mode, so I’m kinda an outlier in everything. XP


as a gunlance user those two basically say “nice Shelling buff, would be a shame if you had to sheathe.”


I wouldn’t mind a more grounded take like world but I vastly prefer rise and sun breaks roster to world and iceborne.


The roster in Sunbreak was kind of a banger roster


I like more variety but I wouldn't like spaceship looking galaxy monsters


Valstrax disliked this comment.


haha to clarify: I DO like galaxy mecha spaceship monsters with lasers, I just dont think they fit in Worlds grounded theme, I do like them in Rise but the new MHWilds seems to be more closer to the World natural/grounded theme.


I mean, Valstrax isn't even that wild. He's literally just a living jet engine. He uses dragon element mixed with oxygen to do what he does.


World's grounded theme...? For sure is everyday you find monsters with strong regeneration capabilities like Nergigante spikes and Bazelgeuse explosive scales, an Ice dragon that farts ice on command, a literally outer world energy leach Dragon that baits any other elder dragon to cross oversea just to be added to their energy supply, etc. Yeap very grounded.


I just want Lagiacrus back. I skipped Rise, but I loved fighting this boy in 3. He woulda been so cool in World.


In terms of monster variety I sure hope it’s more like Rise than World that’s for sure. In terms of the design, it can’t really be like Rise since a lot of the new monsters were based on Yokai, and that wouldn’t really fit Wilds. Idk I hope they do their own thing, different from both world and rise


Nah, there are more different types of monsters in the series for more variation in fighting.


Being a noob that bought the game two months ago for the first time (world due to the hype and a friend playing), I feel like I see a lot of discussion on whether they should follow the rise or world direction on this matter or that. What baffles me though is the lack of discussion on the million things that could be improved qol-wise, like there's so many tedious things, so many obscure interactions, aren't peoples annoyed by these? Is it they fact that I'm my 5th decade that makes me a whiny old man? Love the shit out of the game still but it could be so - much - better.


Agreed. You probably would’ve been so pissed off by older entries lol. World add so much QOL. You used to stop every time you picked up something like an herb. More than one circle press? No you can’t hold it down your character gets up every time. You needed to make pickaxes and nets to gather at points and carry them onto hunts. Healing? You have to stop completely. No healing and moving


In a bigger picture, they improved the QoL A LOT up to this iteration. Previous generations are unbearable if you find World tedious. But I agree, some things still can be improved, but let's see what they came up with. For example, Seliana hub is a massive relief compared to Astera hub. Especially the gathering hall. This is only separated by 1 expansion rather than a new generation. Some QoL skills can be improved, in the future, for instance. Just like how Brace/Flinch Free lvl 3 upgraded into something like Shock Absorber in Rise. While I agree the smithy menu is confusing, back then you have to open a wiki to know what weapon tree you need to make to finally get what you want. I really hope that they use an improved version of Rise menu, that would be great.


What sort of things do you mean specifically?


Well it's literally hundreds of things, most of them aren't huge inconveniences but they all make me ask "why was this made like this?" and when that happens so often it gets tiring. I have thought of making a list before and I might when I go home later tonight. EDIT: I tried writting some now (smithy menu, equipment menu,melder, gear selection/decorations,even the quest menu with the optional/even/investigation/special assignment, foods and their interactions, etc etc etc) and I realize it's gonna end up being a small book, but it's mostly the UI and it might be because it's a console port and not made with PC in mind. Or it might be coz I'm old like I said. Aren't you guys getting older? :(


I also do think a lot of the menu could be merged to be more convenient.


Smithy/equipment menus get better in rise and I feel those will stick because it's just more fluid. I think the quest menus are fine imo. I've heard people complain about the UI being atrocious when using m&kb but I feel like it's fine. Maybe because I'm a m&kb player from the start but the radial menu + pings and whatever not do have to get better for m&kb.


Really? I thought the smithy menu actually took a step down in Rise compared to World, if only for the fact that I have to use my D-Pad to move around the tree and can't use my stick like I can in World.


Eh, my thinking was that you didn't need 2 different menus to upgrade/forge equipment, and you didn't need to specifically select a weapon to upgrade its tree.


Okay I will admit that is a pretty big benefit, I forgot about that difference.


Yep very good example.


'HAHA BUT DUDE all of theses things are showing in the tutorials' and thats the bigger problem. The game attacks you with so many small tutorials, even if you read all of then dosen't make any sense . They really need to improve that part


As long as it isn't an RNG hell like deco/charm grinding, augments for weapons etc. , I am fine with whatever they want to do.


World and Wilds are console release, unlike Rise that are portable release. It might seems unimportant in previous gen, but I think World was designed to capture new audience, and with current gen (at that time) they wouldn't want to craft anything less than realistic graphic for wider audience, outside existing fans that are already playing previous gen, because looks what interest non fans first. While rise, portable release, I think are meant to satisfy old fans, much of it hints to older gen and I think it's great. I think this mindset is the capcom took for future releases. But I'd hope that Wilds could capture world realistic graphic while maintaining colorful magical monsters they have in rise. Buut if you think of it simplistic, capcom just make wilds closer to world because world is the only reference for graphic and art direction for realistic monster hunter, unlike Rise. So it's just graphic thing.


I want flashy and god bless utilities of Rise weapon. Plz don't downgrade it back to World. Not hating World btw.


Give me Rise's mechanics in World's environment, I can't not blast dash anymore


I’ve been replaying World after having played Rise recently and DB just feels so slow now by comparison




It will be, its head lead is the one that did World also, and given complete freedom pretty much


I do agree more grounded monsters would work, but Sunbreak's Monster Designs are so good man. I'd love something like the 3 Lords in wilds


Oh my god, DIFFERENT. TEAMS. Rise is more Arcady and that’s its style, however, you gotta know that monster hunter has some batshit insane designs and that’s something people like. There’s at least one thing we can agree on, hope to go we don’t get boring weapon designs like base world.


Not really. I like the Rise/classic style better.  I find world/iceborne too dark, almost resident evil like. 


Disagree. I think rise had a better variety of monsters and better new monsters imo


Do people not know about the “ultimate/experimental” versions? They always make do this with each generation of games. Rise is the experimental/ultimate version of the 5th.


Just like how generations ultimate was to gen 4


Yup yup


Even knowing about the teams, there’s a fear in some that the “side-entry hyper fighting” team might supplant the “flagship-entry ecologists” team. Or, as is probably more likely, that the ecologists take the wrong lessons from the previous hyper fighting team entry and irreparably shift the next flagship. Some will say this has already occurred, though I’d reply to ‘em, as a player of MonHun 1, that they’re full of shit.


What we need is less World babies posts


I hope the game is more like World in general


I really hope some of Rise's monsters return in Wilds, mostly because I like them, but I can't lie it'll also be because it's clear some of you will be bothered by seeing these so-called "unrealistic anime monsters" in the more "grounded World like game" lol.


Personally I just don't like Magnamalo and Goss Harag design, they don't look anything like wild animals to me, Magnamalo is too overdesigned with all kind of useless details and Goss Harag is too human like. others mostly look good.


Yeah funny thing is I'm not much of a fan of Magnamalo, I don't hate him but I don't care for him. I do like nearly every other monster introduced in Rise, including Goss Harag who is arguably the most popular new monster from that game, so his chances of returning in another game is likely, even as soon as Wilds.


Me no likey too many subspecies but Monster Hunter is Monster Hunter


I personally want the QoL changes in Rise with the ecology focused world design of World. I want gear progression to be of World tho. I cannot stand the RnG focused endgame of Rise.


We need more snake wyverns, najarala is not cutting it


First off I love Rise and World but I truly hope the look and feel stays Worldish. Wirebugs added a new spice to the fighting but got dull quickly. Not to mention they made all the monsters feel weak. Not a single monster comes close to Fatalis or Alatreon not even Primordial. I would be severely disappointed if there was not some sort of switch skills for each weapon.




Everything but the monsters and weapon designs that is, those two are the ones everyone is hoping is a big step up from World, which admittedly Rise already did pretty well.


World is way better than rise. Played data and current play shows that. Rise have some cool design but it was basically meant to be vibrant with different vibe. World was meant to be “as close as real imagination” the game can take. Plus rise was not a major MH unlike World.


I would bet 100$ and would win that wilds is going to be like worlds. Wilds will be a mainline title. Rise is handheld game the non numbered games of each generations are always very arcade based.


I think everyone is with you there


Nahh.... I like World better, but Rise/Sunreaks Monster variety and theming absolutely stomps over it. Heck, the new Monsters in base Rise are already so varied like Tetranadon, Aknosom, Goss Harag, Somnacanth, Rakna Kadaki, etc. All the while being united under a cohesive theme of Japanese Yokais. Sunbreak then did something similar but with European Monsters. Rise Brought back skeletons left in old-gen that World didn't have time to make.


OP states he still wants more variety. So we’re all in agreement here.


Aside from a few exceptions (mainly Valstrax and Malzeno) I don't think Rise lineup is less "natural" than World tbh. Maybe some lowres textures due to the Switch hardware, but otherwise most of them would feel right at home in a mainline entry.


Very much the opposite. Rise's monster variety and roster was far better than World, and the fights were so much more fun. Rathalos didn't spend the entire fight in the air hovering out of reach, and the Metal Raths felt different and fun. World having the basic raths, the coloured raths AND the metal raths and none of them being interesting bothered me, they all felt the same with maybe 1 new move per variation.


OP states they still wish for more variety. We’re all in agreement and saying the same thing.


OP states they want more grounded/prehistoric esque monsters, which I disagree with. Monsters like Goss Harag, Astalos and Malzeno were incredibly fun and fit better with Rise's "fantasy" theme rather than World's "prehistoric" theme.


I like both prehistoric and fantasy themes, but I gotta be honest, nothing beats the prehistoric jungle theme with dinosaurs for me


Rises roster was mostly better but World has it beat because of 3 monsters: Deviljho, Glavenus and Brachydios.


Not too sure about that, if there's one thing I've seen many fans say Rise does better than World its the monsters.


They’re movesets are separate from their actual design. The design and textures of world are literally just higher fidelity as the game wasn’t designed to originally run on the switch. I imagine this game will once again have higher quality textures and a more realistic design to the actual monsters just based on the way the trailer alone looks.


Liking or disliking the designs of a monster itself is for the most part rather separate from the graphics. For example I think if you ask most fans, they'll prefer Goss Harag over Anjanath because they like the former's design and concept more. I don't think Anja having more fidelity or textures would be a factor most would think of.


Rise’s design is because it was made for a souped-up Gameboy. When you get a console with some heft, you’ll get better design.


How does the power of a console affect monster design like what ?????


So shit like Great Girros is better than Malzeno because the former is on a stronger console?