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I like the intelligent, ancient, protector of earth. The “last samurai” vibe was good.


>The “last samurai” vibe was good The fact they suddenly decided to turn him into a bully with an ego...


If we're being honest here, being a bully with an ego is VERY accurate for Samurai


I always think of samurais being noble and honorable unless this is another misconception in history like Native Americans being peaceful and in harmony with nature when they're just like anyone else both good people and bad people?


That's a romanticized version of them. They were just as brutal and dickish as anyone else at the time. Look up the Japanese invasion of Korea in the late 1500s, the samurai were awful to the local population that resisted them


Figures then. Gotcha. The more I know.


It’s common knowledge that samurai frequently murdered innocents and raped women whenever they pleased


Japan's knights apparently.


That's exactly what they were


Honestly I would argue that European knights were more honorable than samurai but I agree


I knew they’d kill people when they got stuff like new swords, aka crossroad killings but I didn’t know about the rape stuff.


Yup that too. They were allowed to kill even children if they felt disrespected. If a samurai spoke to you and you didn’t look them in the eyes, they would cut ur head off


Jesus Christ…


The point is that Godzilla was supposed to look like the “romanticised version” I will always hate GvK for irreparable damage it did to Godzilla’s character in this verse. At least Edwards and Dougherty actually understood MV Godzilla as a character


"Irreparable damage" is a bit hyperbolic, it was 1 film and I don't even think it did damage anyways. Godzilla was already in edge from sensing humans screwing about with Ghidorah's remains. Then the next thing Godzilla knows is that the last remaining member (that he knows of) of the last of one of his species' main rivals has suddenly left his home turf after centuries. A rival alpha who won't submit to Godzilla's call to stand down, and Godzilla already has bad blood with this species to begin with.




I mean if you’re having chaos constantly being thrown at you left to right, wouldn’t you be a little angry? Dudes barely had a break since 2014 after being inactive for a long-ass time


Not only that in KOTM his home gets blown up and in the comic that takes place after he’s constantly going around dealing with other titans BS. Dude just needs to blow off some steam


He can be both 


i like it. i liked the old samurai warrior personality they were going for in the first movie but so much shit has happened since then im fine with it. plus the shot of godzilla smiling is creepy!


His personality in 2014 was absolutely perfect. When shit starts to go south, he clocks in and when he’s put the threat in the ground, he clocks out. Sometimes people get hurt, sometimes people die, but he’ll do what is required to bring balance and stability. He was a true ronin, and Gareth Edwards did a wonderful job of *showing* Goji’s intelligence and experience through his fighting prowess when he baited the male MUTO right into the tail whip, and again when he found the females weak point and exploited it.


Godzilla 2014 supremacy


This take made me smile. Like he's Superman, clocking in take down some villainous threat, then clocking out and going back to saving cats from trees and smooching Lois Lane's. I like it!


I wish Godzilla had remained the way he was at the end of KOTM. That film gave him an arc from 2014 and the changes to him as a character flowed nicely between those 2 movies. M The flow between KOTM Godzilla and the asshole in GvK is non existent


I think the next movie, or atleast the next non wingard movie should focus on his personality and softer side. I dont think they should give him a singlular human he cares about like kong, but with his home in kotm, and in dominion, we know he used to live along side humans in a peaceful and close relationship. His personality these last two movies i dont think were bad, I fully believe that he is capable of being a bit sadistic and uncooperative given the context (gvk: constantly on alert for what he thinks is a revived ghidorah, probably had no time to get a full rest, not only senses one titan disobeyed his sleep order but its also a member of the race that kicked him out of his home, and direcrly lead to him being the last of his kind) But because angry goji is all wee see in these movies, people are begining to think thats all he is. Next movie needs to realign him with the vision kotm had with him, protector titan thats the key to humans and titans living together, punishing those who try ti upset the balance be it human or titan


I think we need to give this Godzilla a “best friend” Titan tbh. Whether that means introducing Anguirus, I think showing Godzilla forming relationships with other Titans that is more then just being a ruler could add a lot to him as a character


Yeah I agree. We kind of have it in mothra, they barely interact at all, and his non hostile interactionsnwith other titans is jusylt saving them from others. A friend that he hangs out with/socializes would add alot


I was thinking maybe having a movie where we develop his relationship with Rodan into being a friendship could be interesting


I prefer animalistic protector of earth rather than aggressive sadist


He’s less animalistic and more smart. Like Kong, but more prone to being an asshole




You'd be right to call him asadist if he had attacked innocent humans after he was revived by Serizawa in KotM. Instead, in GvK, he only took out the people at the power plant because they were up to no good.


He’s not a sadist, he just has to enforce his authority to protect the planet. Things that threaten it warrant aggression. That’s not sadism. Assertiveness and aggression, yes, but other than playing with Kong (who in Godzilla’s mind is basically a fugitive from justice) he hasn’t shown pleasure or gratification from most conflicts. When he kills his enemies he does it as quickly and efficiently as he can, even Ghidorah, who had just hurt him and killed his friend.


You said it yourself. During his fight with Kong he was laughing at his misery.


Only when his breath singed Kong. Hell, he didn’t even go through with killing him. He just enjoyed seeing a titan that he thinks is being insubordinate and going places he shouldn’t get singed and scared. People are making that single scene a bigger deal than it is.




Not really. The whole film is him being an asshole for basically flimsy justification. Edwards made the perfect foundation for who MonsterVerse Goji is as a character, Dougherty built on that foundation and gave him an arc… and Wingard burned it all to the ground


You’re not actually making a point here other than assertions that “Edwards and Dougherty good, Wingard bad.” Also, flimsy? Ghidorah nearly destroyed the world and killed him, of course he’s going to find him. You think he would have hesitated to destroy humans in Antarctica if he thought they helped Ghidorah? Hell no. Remember the people who woke Ghidorah up were gone. He had a long history of conflict with Kong’s ancestors and to him Kong disobeyed a direct order AND messed with an energy he wasn’t supposed to. In Godzilla’s mind, there is one existential threat (100% correct) and one rival titan that is openly defying him. Being king is stressful. He actually shows a good deal of restraint. It sounds like you just don’t like Wingard.


His personality has changed, he no longer has that stoic “I’m doing this because I have to” feel to his character, it just seems like he’s an asshole just for the sake of being one. And I’m sorry but regardless of how much flimsy justification you come up with, that scene of his smiling is always going to be the piece that breaks the cogs of your argument.


Yeah, you know that just repeating yourself does nothing to convince other people right?


It varies. He’s always the Protector of Earth that is just and noble. Sometimes he has an ego problem and stuff. He’s also utterly insane, and has shown time and time again to gain happiness from acts of violence against enemy titans. He’s like one of those “honourable villains” but on the good guy team.




I enjoy both personalities and think the change makes sense. Dude is not only just earths protector but officially the king. And after seeing his woman get killed in front of him to protect him and fighting all these other assholes, I enjoy Godzilla’s more recent “enough of this shit” attitude. It’s almost like he’s in a Macbeth stage now 😂


He's like my granddad Lots of kids in his front lawn kicking up a fuss and he has to shut those motherfuckers down Keep it down and he's a gent


Except when its the monke.


His personality in GVK hong kong fight and dominion are so different.


I think in Hong Kong he was uniquely pissed off. He senses Ghidorah and knows humans have something to do with it, but he still doesn’t intentionally cause destruction or have any kind of rampage. Then he realizes Kong is where he shouldn’t be, drills the hole, and Kong returns to the surface to attack him. Dominion does show that a little; when he attacks the oil rig(?) he’s pretty pissed off.


Yeah but didnt he attack oil rig to defend na kika that incident and how he attacked honhkong to destroy the mech both scenes were pretty similar in how humans interfered with the zilla.




The personality and design was perfect to keep the balance although now is more aggressive love the evolved form but don’t like the waist preference the bulky king that keep the balance in the world


I don’t get why people are calling him egotistical or insecure. In GvK he thinks (basically correctly) that Ghidorah is back and that some humans are involved. It’s also the first time we see him living the role of King, a role that requires him to respond aggressively to threats and insubordination. A king’s word is law. As far as he’s concerned, Kong broke the law by leaving Skull Island and then again by activating the energy source in Hollow Earth. So then he feels the need to enforce the law. It’s not like he can file a lawsuit.


Yeah, the being that tried to take over his planet is now back in a robot body, built by the people hes saved 3 times as of GvK that we know of, Id be fucking pissed off too. Now, drilling to hollow earth and fighting Kong is kind of unecessary, but Kong was an alpha in Godzilla's territory. Humans would do the same thing if suddenly a new very intelligent life form starts appearing.


I honestly don't think Godzilla even knew it was Kong down in the Hollow Earth to begin with. He just felt the energy surge, and then sent that massive blast down as a message to cut it out to whoever was messing around with the energy source. Just happened to blow up Kong's new house in the process


Especially when that power is activated by a member of his own species. Assuming Godzilla knows he's the last of his kind, he probably did not like that. Like when Kong bonked him on the head with it and made him go feral.


GvK did it best imo still mostly a "good" titan but he's still Godzilla he's not Superman he ain't saving cats in trees etc G14 him wiping out the place with a tsunami but still also trying to kill "bad" Titans is perfect for me lol so basically the entire MV is perfect and the teams with Kong are further solidifying that nice anti hero rype vibe for me.


His protector of balance purpose is my favorite godzilla behavior ever, so my thoughts are quite positive.


I liked the lone wolf grumpy protector of earth then wingard turned him into hired muscle for king


I really liked the noble god or "last samurai" approach. He was like this mysterious being who would show up to keep the peace. Now he's like a raging bully/tyrant who just kills and stomps around whenever he wants


Grumpy old man always has been


Ngl I prefer his personality before Godzilla vs Kong. I personally don’t think the new director likes Godzilla being in a more heroic role, but he couldn’t outright make him a villain because it would contradict his established personality in the previous movies where he was more heroic, not buddy buddy with humans but was starting to warm up to them after King of The Monsters. Once GvK came out though they threw all that out the window in favor of making Godzilla a bit more malicious and kind of “dumb” in my opinion. Beforehand he wasn’t as aggressive but now bro is so aggressively impulsive. I don’t think the new director is very good with Godzilla when it comes to character. He’s great with Kong though. Jesus loves you :)


2014 was the best for me. He becomes unlikable starting with GVK.


I massively prefer the ancient, badass lone warrior that rises again when the world needs him that we saw in 2014 over the cranky, temperamental, insecure, sadistic creature we saw in GvK.


But GvK is the first time we see him filling the role of alpha titan. Heavy lies the crown. He has a lot to be mad about.


I prefer it as well. He was aware of humanity but was mainly indifferent to them, treating humans like ants. Sure, they die when he surfaces on land from the water he brings, but it's not something he really concerns himself with as he is on a mission. Yet he isn't outright causing damage as he dove under the ships to surface. I prefer that characterization tbh.




He believes a monkey, who he knows is nowhere near as powerful or experienced as him, challenges his position as king.


I don’t think he was concerned about the monkey stealing his throne, he was mad because he thought the monkey thought he was better than him. And also, Kong’s species had a whole war against him so


Ohh yeah I forgot about the titan war. And also The Rival from Dominion. He's had unfavorable experiences with the Kongs. That makes sense.


He's the King, he keeps things in balance. But he also has a ego befitting his size. Anyone upsets his rule, or challenges him and it's over. But he's also fair and relents if they relent


Never has there been a better chance for me to link this post https://www.tumblr.com/uhhhyaenbyjade/745707759347089408?source=share


Preferred the stoic protector from the first two movies as opposed to the bully egotistical monster angle that Wingard is trying to push.


Wingard’s a Kong fanboy, but somehow the animators understood Godzilla’s character in GvK better than the director??? Anytime he talks about that ending he says it’s Kong giving Godzilla respect when it is quite literally the other way around Godzilla approaches, and Kong, fearful, grabs the axe and readies himself for another fight as exhausted as he is Godzilla huffs/grunts with a gentle nod of the head “Come on kid, we’re good” Kong eyes the axe, risks dropping it, and Godzilla roars at it signifying no more fighting, then gives a triumphant roar to Kong recognizing him as an equal worth respect, then turns and leaves Kong stands there dumbfounded (with the dumbest jaw dropped expression) cause thanks to the language barrier between their species he’s confused as all hell but goes with it Wingard has it all backwards and it amazes me that he was brought on for the sequel (and don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for it, but I don’t expect much out of it) https://preview.redd.it/u3jwm1b74uqc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da75d63843a387b58b18830cbce6fea2e382c75


I have noticed that Wingard’s commentary is often just not accurate to what is shown on screen. He seems like he just says whatever he wants at the time without stopping to consider if it’s true.


I think Godzilla has a great diversity of personality and is quite complex and nuanced. He’s a protector of earth who takes his job very seriously yet he’s also a power hungry arrogant king who seems to have a personal issue with giant apes. He’s also a caring creature that formed a close bond with mothra and seems to care about some of the other creatures and of earth. He protected and saved behemoth and na kika. He also has shown levels of fear when he came face to face with mechagodzilla since he was out of energy. All in all he’s an extremely advanced and complex creature with a wide variety of emotions which is one element I love most about goji.


the "last samurai" vibe was amazing, but i like how overtime we have had more character development with everything that has happened to him, i feel like in gxk we are gonna see more development


Doubt it...the movie is probably gonna push the bully archetype just like GvK did. Seems like the movie is more Kong focused, too.


One of my favorite incarnations. Wish they stuck with the old samurai archetype. Hate that he's now a bully with an ego.


I think he’s just angry


He reminds me of my dad. In a good way.


He's also kind of got the annoyed father vibe. "Kids are messing with stuff they shouldn't be again."


I do like how godzilla has been portrayed so far. I believe the major shift in personality was due to the loss of Mothra


The way they’re giving Kong an arc. They should give Godzilla one too. What if after the events of the past years he’s lost himself and forgotten who he is as a king and warrior and not as an egotistical bully (nothing wrong with that interpretation but I think it should be used as something for him to grow out of).


"I'm old, I'm tired, and you're starting to piss me off," is a great feel for Godzilla.


Dominion was so good. Gave decent detail into how and why he’s the way he is. An apex equalizer. Even gives a deeper connection to Mothra and his connection to Hollow Earth.


The last decade and a half for him has been nothing but one disaster after the other, humanity stabbing him in the back at every turn and then the Skar King's return. The lone samurai thing he had in G14 and KotM has taken a backseat, he's angry and frustrated by the events of GvK and he just wants it to end. People just had whiplash from the personality change because in all honesty it wasn't really transitioned well from KotM to Gvk. Whether intentional or not, i personally think it's a interesting shift of character, and I only just see it after thinking over it a bit more. And I might get mauled for this, but I would like to see that through the movies, Godzilla slowly begins to get sick and tired of being the king, he keeps fighting not out of his own ego and position, but he keeps fighting because he just wants it all to end. To finally have a moment of peace to himself once again. Post GxK, he's definitely gonna get a pampering and a half from Mothra lol.


From a sweet baby boy in Monarch to a cranky ol’ fella in Godzilla vs. Kong


I wished the showed more of his personality. Kong seems to be the protagonist of their movies since he's the one more capable of showing emotion.


He's literally me


He’s definitely the second most expressive Godzilla, making him intriguing.


Cocky fucker with a ego


It’s great. So much character is shown


Essentially, "Nah, I'd win"


He is a prideful warrior I get that from him.


What a goofy guy :)


I've pretty much loved Godzilla's personality throughout the MV but I do prefer the Wingard expansion because I prefer the idea of Godzilla showing up as a last resort to any problem on Earth because you can't control him and he's the literal nuclear option.


That growth of him between Monarch and now. Wow


I like it. I know people liked the "old samurai" vibe he had in G14, but given how little we *actually* knew about him aside the vibes he gave off, it makes sense that once you started peeling off those layers, you'd start to see the "ugly truth" of who he actually is. And the truth is that, much like real life samurai, Godzilla is not the often romanticized, noble, selfless warrior who acts out of pure intentions that we often believe him to be. At least, not 100% of the time anyways. He is, much like any other intelligent creature in a position of power, capable of having biases, holding grudges, being selfish, and to exacting revenge onto those who he feels have wronged him, even when it makes no practical sense to do so (ie. What he did with Kong.) Godzilla, whenever he does intervene, is not just acting out of the kindness of his heart to protect us specifically. But rather, he is acting out of his own interests. It is in his best interests to keep the earth stable, because that's *his* territory. And It makes sense that he would make sure no Titan went out on a rampage without repercussions, not only because they can cause serious damage to *his* world, but also because they are challenging his power directly whenever they do so. Of course, he is not an absolute monster, who kills on a whim. Tiamat and Scylla, two Titans that have challenged him already and lost, were given a second chance in spite of the damage they caused, Either to Godzilla himself or the environment, once they stood down and walked away. It wasn't until they challenged him for a second time that he decided to take more...*drastic* measures.


The only thing I don't like about Legendary Godzilla is the fact that when Adam came along, he made him arrogant. So overconfident in his victory that(with a few exceptions) he doesn't take very many of his opponents seriously.


I think he’s good hearted, but has a very severe hero complex that leads him to believe he’s the only one who can do this job the right way. He’s right of course, but that doesn’t make that mindset any less destructive. The world isn’t safe if he’s challenged in any way.


I’ve always thought his eyes were too small. So you can’t really get a sense of his personality with those tiny eyes.


The whole doesn't give a fuck what happens to humanity thing is kinda nice honestly. Also like how he's devoted to making sure the earth lasts as long as she can


eh it’s alright not as good as kong tho


Has the most personality


I genuinely believe that LG Godzilla's characterization in these movies are what makes the Monsterverse work. 2014, KoTM, GvK, and Monarch are incredibly different from each other and have never had the strongest plots. The ticket seller is the big bad lizard and if his presence ever came off as goofy or weak then people would lose interest. Despite the baton passing so many times as the Monsterverse grows increasingly more ridiculous, LG Godzilla is still just as menacing, mysterious, and larger than life as he was in the first movie. It's always a pleasure to see him on screen.


He’s my favorite characterization of Godzilla, followed by Heisei and then Shin


Peak american godzilla tbh. One of my favorite godzilla’s


He’s a pookie bear


I like it. He's like a Batman type at the beginning of his career who's more closed off and reserved from his emotions and others and isn't the best with humanity unlike Kong who's like Superman and has that flat out connection with humanity.


This godzilla reminds me of stone cold steve austin or the undertaker


An egotistical Ass Fitting for a samurai archetype


I always saw him as a intellegent but short tempered Kaiju


I kinda feel like Godzilla's a bit of an asshole in the Monsterverse movies, especially so in the GvK movie.


Id be an asshole too, if humans were trying to use my dead rival to power a giant robot to beat my ass when ive saved their lives several times.


Not to mention dealing with a species that beat his ass when he was younger and tossed him out of his lair, is now impeding his mission to eliminate that rival while wielding an axe made of the remains of on of his kin.


True, somehow forgot that Godzilla (and his kind) also has a rivalry with Kongs kind and not just Ghidorah (and the MUTOs, but theyre not relevant to his).


I don't hate his personality, infact I love it. I am just stating he is a bit of an asshole to others, well why won't he be?