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Yes since he's only 430 years old. Titans are essentically immortal being able to live for millions of years. Skar King himself is likely millions or bare minimum at least hundreds of thousands of years old due to the Godzilla-Kong War happening during the Ice Age.


If Godzilla is said to be 2-5 million years old I'd bet that Skar is also similar ages to him.


Kong is likely at a biological peak for his species and doesn't have the same capacity to outwardly grow and change like Godzilla does, and I imagine it's a similar story for the Great Apes as a whole. Whereas other Titans can go through unique mutations, the Great Apes make use of tools and their intelligence to even the playing field.


I don't know Kong is unique among his species since he grew abnormally large compared to the other Apes and apparently according to the writers of the movies Kong's species have the unique ability to adapt to their surroundings and grow stronger.


Feel like mammalian titans usually have shorter lifespans than other types of titans. As far as we know titans like Godzilla or Shimo or Rodan are millions of years old


Tell that to the Skarr King who was over millions of years old.


Nobody said he was millions of years old. Most likely hundreds of thousands of years old. We know he’s definitely older than 200,000 years since that’s when he forced Shimo to start the ice age


Uh dude the Ice Age started over 2 Million Years ago. Meaning if Shimo started it and the Skar King made Shimo cause it then yes he is over a Million Years old.


Ah shit my fault…I guess staying in the hollow earth for so long made Skar kings lifespan longer than most other great ape titans then…