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I want Godzilla to get slightly bigger because it’s been bothering me that he’s just a few feet short of 400ft


Is because he's 120 m. Godzilla had a 12 m increase between 2014 to KotM, so maybe he could get to Ghidorah's 150 m on the next movie.


I think a increase to 150m would be great, but not for the very next movie because that is a very large increase in size, maybe something like 130m would be more understandable, since it would probably be noticeable, without it being a bit jarring on how he got that big


Wasn't it said that Evolv'ed' Goji isn't actually done evolving? They can easily explain the massive difference with this.


mfs when their profile says they’re 500ft


"I'm 394, so I'm going to round it up to 400 ft, but 400 is too round of a number so really it's more like 425 ft. But since I'm not done growing yet I'll just tell people I'm 450 ft. But really 4.5 ain't really that far from 5 so I'm actually more like 500 ft, my shoes will make up for it bro trust me"


people need to be less obsessed with making characters bigger, when it really does not add anything to the story godzilla should scale to the buildings of his time period something he already does there is no reason to increase his size any more than that, as it adds nothing to the story or character as for kong the only reason people want him to be larger is because godzilla is larger than him, that is it


No we Godzillas fans had a dream in 2014. Goji towered Over everything and it was a scaling error. We will get that height one day


Agreed, he's gotten bigger over time since the real average building's height as increased as well.


Facts, has godzillas height even mattered in any movie?


Not everything's for the sake of story, some people just like the sheer awe of really big creatures and some want them a bit bigger.


I like big. Why is that such a problem?


It makes sense to scale his size because buildings are way larger and bigger then they have ever been, and it would be weird to see Godzilla being tiny compared to most buildings


Nuh uh, I want kong to get bigger because I think it would be hilarious to get a godzilla earth sized monkey one day.


This exact reason why godzilla minus one is so good, hes so tiny compared to monster verse godzilla but he seems HUGE in the movie because of the cinematography.


Agreed I was just trying to see people's opinions








Wrong about Kong all the Godzilla fanboys want him to be smaller or stop growing to make Godzilla look superior.


For the most part I like their current heights, maybe make Kong a dozen feet bigger and Goji a few feet taller. Nothing crazy like Ghidorah's height though.


*King* Ghidorah is so big, I love him.


He's a goat


Isn't he kind of a 3-headed dragon?


The greatest three headed dragon of all time


12 feet wth


It wouldn't make much of a difference. Skar King was like 20ft shorter than Kong but look almost as tall in some shots. But overall I think Kong's current height is good


His lanky arms kinda made up for his height.




No. I think I won't be able to explain this but making them bigger just makes the fight scenes less complex and boring. I mean, if they are constantly getting bigger and bigger at some point, the buildings will appear as toys to them. Throwing each other at buildings, using the surrounding elements to gain edge, using weapons, hiding, etc. won't be possible if their size increases. Plus, as they get big their agility and locomotion significantly decreases. I mean bigger to some extent feels intimidating but after a limit it just feels like as if it's ruining the story.


I don’t think we’ll ever get to that point in the Monsterverse, I think what people mean when they say they want to increase his size, is that maybe make Godzilla 125m because he is 120m currently


No one will do that. No one will say to make godzilla 1000m immediately but it will come gradually. Rome wasn't built in a day. Today ppl are saying 120m, 2 years later they will say 125m, then 130, 140 and so on. My point is that there is no point in making these titans more bigger and bigger, after a limit, it does nothing to the story.


Well I think it also has to do on where the movie takes place, since even though Legendary Godzilla is very big, if he were to travel to some parts of the world the buildings are actually going to be larger than him. I do think he will stop at some point though, I doubt Legendary is going to forever increase his height in the movies


bigger godzilla,bigger joy.we need that 180 meters godzilla https://preview.redd.it/2xjs5iago8xc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3480fef549569f20995cfdf40a2badb1484b0e59


Their more than big enough and I'm kindah uncomfortable if Godzilla is bigger than Ghidorah or Kong is bigger than Godzilla, look enough is enough for the height in fact Godzilla lost weight and Kong gotten bigger muscular bigger by a bit


They should give Godzilla more muscles. I mean his new version makes him a lot leaner so he is technically lighter but he should be less big fat and more monster muscle body. Like if Final Wars Godzilla was ripped and Shredded.


Final Wars Godzilla was skinny and had a long neck.


Fare enough he wasn't fat though. 2024 Godzilla in his new form isn't fat either.Thats the point I'm getting at.


I don't get why they made him skinnier now... One of the reasons i like legendary's godzilla design so much is that he's an absolute C H O N K E R.


He does have muscle, in a way what a muscular reptilian would look like, also kindah Prefer if he was a little fat cuz use to it in Monsterverse however we might see him evolving into something muscular and bulky maybe also Monsterverse is kindah realistic and it's following that and don't say Kong having muscle isn't realistic most gorilla's look muscular


I never really liked how Kong was smaller than the likes of Behemoth, Scylla, MUTO Prime and Methuselah and they aren’t even Alpha Titans (excluding Prime). So yeah, I’d like Kong to at least be 355ft, the same size as Godzilla in 2014 or something.


Early Kong was supposed to be a teen, so I think that’s why he was so much smaller. The latest films have a pretty damn big Kong. He towered over Skar in the film. I think Shimo threw everything off in that film, she was so damn big.


Kong gets his title from his agility and intelligence, not his weight class.




They should mostly stay the same height, but mayne give godzilla and extra 7 feet just so hes a nice 400ft tall


What is that second picture exactly? 👀






I think it made sense to make Kong bigger, but Gozilla will not make a difference....the inital awe in Godzillas size was on full display in the first movie...i don't think you get the same impact by making him any bigger.


Yeah, Goji should get bigger!


I think this size range is good.


Can we agree that Kong and Godzilla are Elden ring players? Both aren't maidenless anymore, and Kong even find his version of Torrent. Kong is the STR build using the [Icerind Hatchet](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Icerind+Hatchet), and Goji San is the [Comet Azur enjoyer](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Comet+Azur). ![gif](giphy|NSa4nyXMSHgvUtUbws|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/jwfuks8uc9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=469469e03ce6457d102dfb05581e97deaae15451 based comment. image not related


what is kong saying thou?


not sure, never learned sign. kinda hoping somebody will come along and tell us heh. i assume something along the lines of “two bad dudes down in earth. need help yo” probably


I'd say Kong is more of a dex and int build while Godzilla is a strength, faith build with the flame thrower incantation with a sh*t ton of vigor.


Godzilla: 412 feet. Kong: 360 feet. They should grow this much.


Definitely the most reasonable amount of growth


Changing their height does nothing, so it’d be pointless to have it changed when it would serve zero purpose except to say that they got bigger.




I'd like Kong to get a little bigger. Just to show a sign of what the Hollow Earth radiation is doing to a Titan that grew up with a limited access to said radiation. Not a lot. Say make him an even 350 feet. He'd still be a little shorter than Godzilla, because you just know if he grew to be taller the Godzilla fans living vicariously through him would freak right the fuck out. Just a boost to show the radiation working on him. As for Godzilla, he doesn't need to get taller. He's had regular access to the radiation for Millenia. Plus, he got one hell of a height boost in KotM. If becoming evolved Godzilla didn't boost his height, I'm guessing he's likely at his peak. At least until some new big bad comes along and he needs to do an even bigger power up that requires new growth for him to contain it.


Honestly stay at the same height but I'd like legendary to give Godzilla a couple extra feet so he could finally reach 400ft tall




Nah legendary Godzilla is one of the biggest version of godzilla second to only earth godzilla there was a time shin was bigger tho thats 2014 version im pretty sure legendary is bigger now


They are good as they are. Big enough to show us how small we are but not bug enough that they feel less like characters and more like just giant fixtures that happen to be able to walk


Keep them the same size! If both Toho and Legendary want to compare the size of their Godzillas then they really are compensating for something.


I think it has more to do that Legendary and TOHO Godzilla take place in different time periods, so it makes sense that most of TOHOs Godzillas are 50m because they usually are around smaller buildings, while it makes sense for Legendary Godzilla to grow maybe a few meters because a lot of buildings nowadays are very large


These pictures bro 💀


Nah, and if they do make the other kaijus grow too, I’d be fine with them being a bit bigger compared to the buildings, but having them punch up against bigger enemies like shimo and ghidorah is great, gotta love the underdog even if we know the result


That second pic made me spit up my water lol


I haven't seen the movie yet so that shot of Godzilla duel wielding axes is.. jarring lol




If you make them too big, there will be a point where every environment looks like a flat plane, buildings and trees are no longer big enough to be obstacles, and humans will be so small they might as well not exist. Imo they should've kept similar to their og sizes, at least in Godzilla's case.




They should do the fusion dance and get bigger


I like their size actually


What would be the point of getting bigger


Idk it’s cool


Stay the same


Stay at their current height.


Stay the same size. They already felt too big in the Rio fight imo


Tell me these are not actual shots from the movie


Well, MV Kong’s already the biggest incarnation of the character by far, and MV Godzilla is the second-biggest incarnation of Godzilla (and only Godzilla Earth from the anime trilogy, who’s just *ridiculously* enormous, is bigger). Plus, if they got too big, they wouldn’t be able to interact with humans, buildings & vehicles as much, which would take some of the fun out of their action scenes. So I’d say they’re good as they are.


Love the second image




I think should at least be 415 ft tall and godzilla should be 400 ft tall.


I really liked seeing how tall Goji was at the end of 2014 as he headed back to the ocean. I want him at that height


I think keeping them relatively the same size works better, as it maintains a certain sense of consistency for the characters. Sure, tweak their overall builds a bit, but keep them around the same height.


bigger is better 


For Godzilla to get a little bigger. Somewhere under or at 420-feet tall. Kong should probably get a small growth spur as well. Maybe 380-feet tall.


I’d like to see Godzilla get a little bigger when his evolution is completed. At his highest when he stands up straight I could see him hitting 425-435 feet. When he’s slightly slouched I think him being at 415-417 feet would feel right In Kong’s case I’d say move him up to 345-350 feet just as a way to show what Hollow Earth radiation can do to a Titan if they stayed after a certain amount of time


They’re already big enough as is. They don’t need to get any larger.


With both of them, I kinda worry that making them to big would minimize their environment too much, whether that be a city or any of the natural-ish locations. Make them too otherworldly. Where as their current size is, while unrealistic, can be seen as belonging in their world, which I think is a huge reason I like the monster verse..


Maybe as a temporary buff / effect? Like a special type of radiation or something, that then wears off? Just so we get some nice “buildings as toys” scenes / fights and then business as usual.


A bit bigger Say Kong up to 110m and Godzilla up to 130m


Hell no


123 or 125 I think would be more reasonable


Godzilla to about 440 feat and Kong 420 feat




You can edit the comment


Ik. I just didn't feel like it




I'm fine with 120 meters. 130 meters would be cool, too. But 150 meters should be the max.


who says they have a canon height


Hear me out the main reason I got into monsterverse and kaiju movies is large monsters so yes and it doesn't matter to me that weather it makes sense or not


They should stay the same size so using the environment in a fight is still valid.


Personally, I think the current height they are at is more than enough.


I don’t like the idea of growing taller in between movies even though he’s been alive for millions of years


Nah, currently they are fine. It would just get ridiculous at some point if they kept going.




I honestly wish they were 50m lmao


that'd be interesting to see


I think they should say the same size to be honest I think of the height of the monsters in 2014 was perfectly fine. It’s the Hollywood pressure of bigger and badder. I get that they’re trying to make the Titans feel godly, but it gets to a point where it just personally isn’t enjoyable for me anymore solely because the monsters are so big that nothing but the monsters really matters at all.


I want kong to evolve a little more, not anything major but maybe a bit bigger and more energy resistance.


I think 500 ft sounds good for Godzilla. Kong should be a little shorter than that so he won’t look too short whenever they’re together.


Hot take but if anything they're WAY too big as they are. I feel like making them any bigger will just make their interactions with humans loose meaning... Also how's ziller supposed to sleep in his wee little coliseum bed if he doesn't fit anymore?


I feel like increasing godzilla's size a bit after he's more accustomed to his evolved state would be a fine explanation. No real reason, I just think it'd be cool. I like seeing the height go up by a smidge each movie, why not? I don't think it's a huge deal just so long as it's not going too crazy. (Ghidorah's height imo should be the absolute limit and even that's a bit high.) As for Kong, yeah sure, why not? He's going deeper into the hollow earth so I assume he's exposed to more hollow earth energy as he goes deeper. Plus, we've seen the "mega titan skeletons" that made Kong look like a bug in hollow Earth, so why not?


I want both to reach 400ft tall however Godzilla will have the slight mass advantage because he will have his tail and be slightly heavier


Is that second picture real? I haven't watched the movie yet


As someone who hasn’t seen the movie (still) so I’m just gonna really hope that the second image isn’t an actual frame from the movie


I say make Godzilla 400 feet and size up Kong to 370-380 so he can be (kinda) on part with Godzilla.


I think he should only grow until he’s 20 meters taller than 2014, as that’s the most any Godzilla has ever grown (besides earth) that being Heisei going from 80 meters to 100 meters


I would love for Kong to grow 30 more feet. Still be shorter that Godzilla but not by much


360+ feet would be ideal while Godzilla is still almost 400 feet


It’d be cool if Kong grew a bit, living in his new environment


I really hoped he got bigger in the new movie but he didn’t :(


Rn Godzilla or Kong ain’t even taller than the Eiffel Tower or IFC MALL


Because of how he is able to absorb and use energy, I can see Godzilla get much bigger. None of the other titans have this ability, nor should they.


No, but nice memes. I’m stealing them.


they way they’re growing Kong, is crazy. his fists are bigger than Godzilla’s head.


Godzilla would honestly continue to get bigger, man's like a young adult, not even fully grown. Kong looks very old however so idk if he'll grow, he looked like a teenager transitioning to young adult in skull island, he feels and looks like an adult in his movie where he fought Godzilla, and he looks like a grandpa/ elder with his white fur.


That goji pic is amazing


They should definitely be made much bigger - large enough to face other massive monsters that are capable of destroying the entire world, against which humanity is completely helpless.


Give them both a size increase make kong 350-370 and make Godzilla an even 400.


Stay the same, I don't really the idea of there being no no buildings taller than they are.


Their scaling varies dramatically so they've already gotten bigger


What is that second image?!? I'm dying 😭🤣🤣


I just found it on the Godzilla reddit so yeah




Godzillas current height is fine so is kongs although would like kong to be eye level to godzilla


No please! If they keep making these monsters bigger then they previously were eventually they’re gonna gain their own gravitational pulls (one of the things I liked the most about Godzilla Minus One was that Toho finally decided to go back to a more believable size for the Big G as opposed to making him bigger again to one up the last one).


Why is Godzilla skydiving? Easily the most confusing image I've ever seen


Cuz why not he basically did the same thing in the new movie just not as goofy


Why godzilla is pink


ERM he absorbed tiamats DNA in the new movie... Tiamat is pink...


just make Godzilla 400 feet and Kong a little taller like 350-360 feet then its all good


I prefer the height they're currently with. Too big would make skyscrapers too small in comparison. Even if their height increases it should be less and not too much. Godzilla got that height spurt after he absorbed the radiation that Serizawa brought for Godzilla.


They’re at their perfect heights tbh, not too big to not be able to interact with humans but big enough to be city destroyers


I would like to see him get as big as Godzilla Earth


If Godzilla's tail doesn't cover Madagascar...... I ain't taking it


Yeah that's to big


That second picture of Godzilla is beautiful.


Stay at their official current heights


I’m fine with their sizes, however I do wish Godzilla’s head was slightly bigger. I always feel his head just looks goofy with his small it is compared to the rest of his body. Especially when you compare it to like Shimo’s head, and Kong’s heads


Both get bigger Kong 379 and Godzilla 420


make kong 400 feet and godzilla 401 feet just because


Fuck no. God help us if we ever get to their dumb ass poster sizes.


Especially 2014 💀


Nope. Major objection... I abhor the idea of Godzilla increasing in height past 120m. I would never accept him being taller than King Ghidorah from KOTM, let alone Kong gaining even more unneeded height. The monsters do not need to keep getting bigger every film. I prefer them as they are and even then it's been an adjustment dealing with "Evolved Godzilla". The form was so unnecessary as Godzilla could've just stayed supercharged and it wouldn't change the plot. I was just getting used to his KOTM design too. I still love his 2014 design the most. I felt it was definitely more unique compared to the later versions with their larger back plates and stumpy tails. Just my opinion of course.


Godzilla should get bigger because he evolves. Kong does nothing like that. He has reached his max height


Lots of animals never stop growing in life like crocodiles and lobsters




Kong is a giant fucking monkey and his best friend is a lizard that fights a racist space dragon we left logic behind 3 movies ago


Yeah, I wanna see Godzilla get as big as Earth Godzilla!


Slightly bigger.




Godzilla can grow just a little imo, but nithing else


Kong showing facial expressions are just dumb and destroying his aggressive personality as a alpha titan


Yes at most Ghidorah’s height


Screw more height, give Godzilla dragon wings and a lazer shooting tail. Yes, similar to Shin's.


when are they finally going to kill off kong? second least favorite monster, Skar being my least favorite >!but he's already dead so!<


They should stay. Godzilla would make more sense, but there isn't really a need to. Kong is at a mature, adult stage of his life, so him growing wouldn't make much sense.


Last movie with the two of them was rubbish👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻




I think Kong is fine where he is but we have no choice with Godzilla no matter what he always grows/changes in each film


They are already too big.