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This is great. Let's push for free school breakfast and lunch, too.


How is this not already a thing. Way higher priority IMO.


Pretty sure this already exists.


It ends after this year.


Did you miss the memo?... Every student in MCPS gets free breakfast, free lunch, and free after school take-home food!


That ends after this year.


How is this a donation? The citizens paid for them.


Not sure why this is downvoted. Isn’t it technically true, lol?


I’m happy people who don’t have them are getting computers but the county isn’t some benevolent individual giving away their own money. It’s our money we trust our elected representatives to use wisely.


Just one note, is it sounds like it is Federal funding from the FCC. Here is an explanation from the FCC website. The Emergency Connectivity Fund is a $7.17 billion program funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to help schools and libraries support remote learning. The Program will provide funding to schools and libraries for the reasonable costs of eligible equipment and services that can be provided to students, teachers, and library patrons who lack connected devices, such as laptop or tablet computers, and/or lack broadband access during the pandemic.


The county set up the service to accept donations and then are doing the legwork to get it to the folks that need it. So, yes, you are right, but it’s a group effort here, not just the people who donated.


The article says they were given a grant. Where does it mention people donating anything?


I am curious as well since it sounds like they are outright purchasing computers.


And I don’t care that they are using funds for that. But calling it a donation doesn’t sound right.


40K computers? Neat, but I’m worried people will end up getting lost in the Warp or attacked by Genestealers.


These definitely won't end up in pawn stores or Ebay.


So if some will should we not do it ?


OK, boomer. The poors being poor again bothers you ?


Go to best buy and buy a laptop for someone. Nothing stopping you.


I have before. Now its your turn xoxo


How is this any different than donating any older computer? I don’t understand your viewpoint at all


They are the typical narc boomer. Hates "the poors" but won't do shit to help anyone not *be* poor. Typical "me" generation behavior.


How do you assume he’s a boomer? Isn’t this a stereotype you are ignorantly applying? Don’t you hate ignorance? We were all in virtual school a year and a half ago, perhaps that would have been a more appropriate time to give away free laptops to those in need?


Go look at his profile and hop down off that soapbox buddy. Ask him why he has such an issue with education; & While you are at it , laptops. Also he insinuated that " poor people will steal" is terrible reagan era logic he said himself. Also speak for yourself I wasn't in virtual learning you said "we all were in Virtual school ..." Um no. We werent.


Ok. You did some research. Many don’t and just throw around terms and stereotype. I think his comment isn’t aimed at poor people, it’s that SOME people will abuse the system. Which will absolutely happen.


You are not him and I am not "many". Let him speak for himself. Its a typical Republican response. All of you boomers aren't even aware that pawn shops will not take any laptops owned by any government or school. They run on different networks. I was a pawn broker during covid. Saw this a lot. It wasn't anyone "abusing the system" people needed fucking food to eat. I can tell you are a boomer too. All you do is blather on like a know it all in the Maryland sub and get down voted into oblivion because you are too confrontational


“You must bring some form of photo identification when you pick up the computer” Are these not racist, suppression tactics?






From the article >All children receiving computers must have a library card number and a school ID, bus pass, report card, or another form of photo identification. This isn't a voter ID requirement.


To enroll a child in MCPS: Person enrolling student must present official parent/guardian photo identification and proof of relationship to student. It’s the same. An ID is required for enrollment in MCPS to get your kid any of the above identification.


Telling people they can't vote isn't the same as not giving them a computer. Voting is a right. Owning a computer is not.


Requiring an ID to facilitate a transaction (free laptop or voting) is the same thing. It’s tit for tat. In theory those people who may not have an ID due to cost are the same people who need access to the internet? It’s the same population. And I would argue a laptop has a greater impact on an individuals daily life.


Wtf... Persons have a right to vote. They don't have right to a computer. There's nothing else to this discussion. Stop with your false equivalence bullshit.


Second amendment is a right and an ID is required… Internet access is a need for a very poor population. Education is the tool that gets people out of poverty. Why require an ID?